00.moderniststudio - Service Design Project Brief

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Project Brief

You've been contracted by Penguin Tele.com to overhaul the way a customer experiences the
company. The project is a response to declining customer feedback scores. Your champion
stakeholders are mid-level executives in the sales and marketing department, but they’ve
explicitly instructed you to explore the entire customer journey, not just their marketing
collateral. The project is fairly open-ended, because they’ve never taken on a project of this
scale or this style. They are looking for you to help them develop a process for performing this
type of work in the future.

Your team has developed a three-step approach to the project. First, the team is going to
conduct research with customers to see how they think about and experience the brand. Next,
the team is going to tear down the existing product journey, creating visual artifacts that
represent the various touchpoints the brand has with the consumer. Finally, the team is going
to build out new artifacts to represent a solution or idealized state, artifacts that fix problems
and focus on a better future service experience.

The first step has already been completed by the research team. Frankly, you aren’t impressed
– they’ve captured some artifacts, but they haven’t done a very thorough job. But, it’s all you
have to work with, and you’ll need to make the most of it. The team spoke with customer
service reps and technicians, and explored the content on the website, some of the product
pages, and the mobile app.

Your team has signed up to produce the following deliverables, which we’ll build throughout
the workshop:

1. An audit of the touchpoints, exploded into discrete elements. This will take the form of
a content chart.
2. A set of service slices that represent the ecosystem of interactions and information in
the service, broken into component parts.
3. A customer journey map that visualizes and describes the existing interactions a
customer has with the service.
4. A customer journey map that represents an idealized set of interactions a customer
should have with the service.
5. Prototypes of revised touchpoints, illustrating the customer journey map changes as
they would manifest to consumers.

Project Brief 1

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