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A Scientific Proposal to Disentangle the Driving Question: “How to lessen the

spread of contagious diseases on the premises of Filipino-Turkish Tolerance


A Proposal

Presented to


Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School

Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for General Biology 2

(Project-Based Learning)


Hamja, Wee A.

Sabdani, Alfrenzkhan A.

Habib, Mohammad Rayyan L.

Balambao, John Adolph S.

Hamja, Renaiza A.

Amil, Ghada O.


Background of the Study

As the pandemic impinges the world, governments all around the world have

implemented public health measures to counteract the risk of disease spreading. These initiatives

include the tightening of tourism, social isolation, forbidding public gatherings, closing schools

and businesses, implementing work from home systems, curfews, and lockdowns. These

measures have a detrimental global impact on commerce, education, tourism, and especially

health. Authorities have imposed a lockdown or curfew in a number of nations to stop the spread

of COVID-19. The pandemic has forced many institutions and colleges around the world to

convert to online classes instead of continuing classroom teaching.

After a long run of COVID-19, people are adapting again to the normal phase — now

termed as the “new normal”. In September 2021, the Philippine Government allowed a pilot run

of limited in-person schooling in low-risk areas wherein some schools had reopened on a small

scale. Maintaining students’ health while the students are in school is crucial; students’ health

affects learning. Public health and safety measures shall be strictly implemented and followed to

keep every child and every teacher safe. The Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School is one of the

schools that has reopened its gate once again to serve quality but safe education for all.
As the students and teachers interact together, there is a huge possibility that contagious

diseases will be profused and will circulate in school. Individuals in school play a vital role in the

school community in spreading contagious illnesses. The more interactions that the students and

teachers will have with each other, the more likely to increase the risk of getting infected by

different kinds of viruses in school, which easily causes the outbreak of infectious diseases,

especially respiratory such as coughs and colds.

The escalation of the number of absences of the teachers and students was highly noticed.

Moreover, upper respiratory diseases are the leading source of morbidity among students with

substantial direct and indirect costs to the environment, but their influence on Elementary, Junior

High, and Senior High students, and even the faculty and staff are getting recognized. This study

aims to determine the cause of the ascending number of absences of the students in school,

discover the different contagious diseases dispersing in the community and as well as reduce the

impact of contagious viruses on the students, and staff’s well-being.

Statement of the problem

The Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School is experiencing an expansive spread of various diseases

in the school. This study aims to understand the impacts of being infected by a disease on both
the physical health and mental health of the students, and staff of Filipino-Turkish Tolerance

School. The following question/s will be addressed:

1. What are the contagious diseases transmitting around the premises of Filipino-

Turkish Tolerance School.

2. How to lessen the spread of contagious diseases in Filipino-Turkish Tolerance


Significance of the study

The findings of this study may provide the following benefits to the students and staff of the

Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School:

First, it is to provide empirical and reliable information regarding the different contagious

diseases that are spreading around the four corners of the Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School.

They will gain a thorough understanding of the subject as a result.

Second, this primer would provide knowledge concerning the impacts of the contagious diseases

dispersing around the premises of the Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School.

Lastly, it will give the students an idea of the things that they can do to end the spread of

infectious diseases in school.

Scope and Delimitation

The research sample is bounded within the premises of one (1) selected private school in

Zamboanga City, namely Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School.



Contagious diseases are illnesses produced from bacterias and viruses that are dispersed or

transmitted through human interaction, contact with contaminated objects, insect bites,

consuming contaminated goods made from blood or other body fluids , or even through the

atmosphere. Contagious or infectious diseases are caused by pathogens. Pathogenic microbes

are microorganisms which include “bacteria, fungi, protozoa, worms, viruses, and even

infectious proteins called prions” (Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al., 2002) — that results in a

human’s absorption of diseases. Evidently, pathogens have mechanisms to enter and evade the

host's (person’s)immune system and cause immediate destruction. Most bacteria are not

pathogenic — those that are, contain particular virulence genes — infected genes — that

facilitate interactions with the host and elicit specific responses from the host cells, thereby

facilitating the pathogen's replication and spread.

Infectious diseases can be viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infections. However, viral

infection is the most common and prominent type of contagious diseases that can be observed in

school. Some of the common contagious diseases include:

Cough and Colds - A cough is when your body responds

by coughing when something irritates your airways or throat.  However, a cold is a virus-

acute disease from the upper respiratory tract that causes the swelling of the mucus 

membranes in the nose, throat, and eyes.

Fever - A fever is a sudden increase in body temperature responding to a sickness or

illness. It is usually caused by an infection.

Itchy Throat - An itchy throat is a condition that makes it difficult to talk and swallow due

to the physical irritation felt in the throat.

Sore Throat - A sore throat is a condition with the inclusion of itchiness, pain and

irritation to the throat that gets worse when swallowing food.

Nasal Congestion - A nasal congestion is a condition where it affects the nose. It happens

when the nasal, adjacent tissues and blood vessels get swollen with the excess fluid causing a

"stuffy nose" or "runny nose".

Rashes - A rash is a condition that happens to the skin where it gets irritated or swollen

causing redness. It is painful and itchy to the body. Some may even lead to blasters or patches of

raw skin.

Dry Cough - A dry cough is a reflex activity that clears the airways of irritants and mucus.

A tingling sensation can be felt in the throat that may lead to a dry cough. A dry cough has two

types: productive and non productive. A productive cough is where the phlegm and mucus are

generated, removing it from the lungs. However, a non- productive cough, phlegm and mucus

are not produced.

There are many possible ways to prevent and/or cure these contagious diseases, as there is

a saying that “Every problem has a solution.”. Since the pandemic began in 2019, people all over

the world have been stupefied, petrified and disturbed by the outbreak of Coronavirus. The

government of each country declared “lockdown” to isolate the people to ensure safety and keep

away contact from each person to another while the virus is still roaming around to hunt for its

prey. Millions of cases and deaths have occurred to most human beings across the globe. The

Department of Health (DOH) provided health protocols for the people to follow to avoid the

spreading of the diseases that can lead to COVID-19. The organization also stated guidelines that

can help mitigate the chances of being infected by the said diseases.

The cure for COVID-19 has not been yet available, but scientists around the world are still

scrutinizing and researching to find and develop treatments for the virus. In connection to these

statements, this virus is one of the possible reasons why contagious diseases are currently

occurring in Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School. The phobia brought by the pandemic is

undeniably present in the school. The health protocols provided by the government have

progressively become the norm of the society.

Moreover, controlling infectious diseases has greatly improved over the past two centuries.

According to the study of (PHA, n.d), many communicable diseases have been significantly

reduced and irradiated thanks to simple measures like improved sanitation and food safety,
modern advancements in antimicrobials, and vaccination programs; however, it is essential to

remain vigilant due to the ongoing emergence of new diseases and organisms.

Surveillance and control of communicable diseases are crucial to preserving public health

because of the wide range of effects they can have. In the planning and evaluation of disease

prevention and control programs, as well as in the identification of outbreaks with common

sources, reporting cases of communicable diseases is essential. Every person will probably

contract a disease that can be spread to others at some point in their lives. Understanding the

causes of communicable diseases and how to stop its dissemination is essential.


The present research is aimed to investigate the various diseases scattered in the premises

of Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School and provide a better solution to reduce and mitigate the

cases. It is applied research in terms of its goal. In terms of data collection method, it is a

descriptive study. The researchers used a quantitative method to collect and gather information

of the different diseases occuring in the school grounds. Furthermore, it is a correlation study in

terms of data analysis method and analysis was conducted by means of interviewing the

respective licensed professional school nurse Mrs. Ferwina T. Jajurie.

Data Collected

Data from August to September:

What diseases are spreading in the school? (SORTED FROM THE STRONGEST TO


• Cough and Colds

• Fever (can be passed on through sweat, breathing, and body contact)

• Itchy Throat

• Sore Throat

• Nasal Congestion

• Dry Cough
Quantitative Data On The Cases Of Contagious Diseases In School

Students (Elementary and High School):

Cough and Colds, Fever:

High School – More or less 20 Students

Elementary – More or less 20 Students


Itchy Throat, Sore Throat, and Nasal Congestion:

More or less 30 cases of itchy throat, sore throat and nasal congestion.

Teachers (Elementary and High School):

Cough and Colds, Nasal Congestion:

10 affected teachers with cough and colds, and nasal congestion.

Itchy Throat

5 cases of itchy throat


5 cases of fever.

Cough and Colds, and 45


Itchy Throat, Sore 30

Throat and Nasal

Elementary and High School
Students Congestion

Cough and Colds and 10

Nasal Congestion

Elementary and High School

Teachers Itchy Throat 5

Fever 5
Total 95 cases

Figure 1.0 Number of Contagious Diseases recorded from August to September 2022 in Tabular


Data Analysis

Based on the data gathered, the disbursing of contagious diseases in the school mostly

affects the respiratory system — mostly viral infection — of individuals on the premises of

Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School.

The preceding table shows that there were a total of 95 individuals infected by the

contagious diseases that are spreading across the school community. Cough and Colds being the

strongest diseases spreading in the school affecting the students, garnering 45 cases. Followed by

the Itchy Throat, Sore Throat, and Nasal Congestion acquiring 30 cases for elementary and high

school students; garnering 75 contagious disease cases for the students in both elementary and

high school. Moreover, the teachers affected coughs and colds, and nasal congestion was 10, and

then 5 each for an itchy throat and fever with a total of 20 infected teachers.

Accordingly, there were 233 patients who entered the clinic in the school from August 08

to September 29, 2022. The conditions were varied; however, the most prominent reason for
entrance is Cough and Cold. Of the 233 patients throughout the whole school campus, 95

individuals possess contagious diseases which is 40.7% of all the patients. That is to say, along

with the reopening of the school, almost half of the individuals were debilitated; thus, not

implying that the community is deemed “safe” considering the cases not exceeding half of the

demographic population of the school.

Actions Taken by the School

● Frequent disinfection around the corners of the school especially the school clinic.

● Dissemination of information from the FTTS Management to the parents – whoever child

feels sick and not normal shall take online classes instead of face-to-face interaction in


Moreover, right after the dissemination of information from the FTTS Management to the

parents of the students, the contagious diseases scattered around the school have fortunately


The isolation room of the school has only been used three times (3) as of September 2022.

It is only used for severe cases. After it has been consumed, instant disinfection is observed.

Fortunately, out of all the contagious diseases permeating and that have been recorded in the

school, there were no cases of any of the contagious diseases found in the school that resulted in

the retention of COVID-19.



Biotechnology has been prominent and convenient for daily living of humans in today’s

time. Every day, the technology continues to develop itself to promote pharmaceutical,

diagnostic, agricultural, environmental, and other products to benefit society. It is simple to see

how biotechnology can be used to treat patients. Knowledge of species' genetic makeup, the

genetic basis of heritable diseases, and the development of technology to manipulate and repair

mutant genes provide methods for disease treatment. It is also revolutionizing diseases caused by

genetic factors. New tests can detect changes in the DNA sequence of genes linked to disease

risk and predict whether a patient will develop the disease. One of the most significant advances

in medical biotechnology is the ability to fight diseases using one's own immune system.

Monoclonal antibodies were first studied by researchers in the 1970s, and they are now a

standard treatment for serious illnesses.

Use of Biotechnology: Respiratory Accessor and Parasite Eliminator

The proposed solution of the researchers is the utilization of a technology that will help

access the respiratory system of the students in FTTS and detect if there are parasites that are

harming or infecting them. If there are impairing microorganisms detected, this device will be

the best equipment for parasite elimination. This technology is called the Respiratory Accessor

and Parasite Eliminator.

This technology will be convenient to use since the patient(s) will no longer go through

computerized tomography (CT) scans or any other lung function tests from different places only

to check if they are infected with the virus or not. This device is easy to carry and handle that

will be available anytime and anywhere. The main function of this tool is to detect and eliminate

viruses. The structure of this technology is built with a screen that will allow operators to scan

through the respiratory system of a patient with the use of a laser band. The laser band consists

of electromagnetic pulses that directly scan the respiratory system. The band is connected to the

computer wherein the scanned respiratory system of the patient will be shown — it works like a

Bluetooth to the computer.

Afterwards, operators of the computer will have to check if there are parasites harming the

patient or none. If the laser band worn by the patient turns green (its screen), then that means that

the patient is healthy; if it turns red, then that indicates the detection of parasites. If the parasite is

detected, it will be shown on the computer what type of parasite it is, if it is a virus, bacteria or

other microorganisms that can potentially harm the respiratory system of the patient. When the

detection is done, operators of the computer will now be eliminating that parasite through the use

of electromagnetic radiation on the laser band. However, it depends if the patient desires to be

radiated. The patient also has other options — whether taking antibiotics or consulting with the

doctor. On top of that, one significant thing about this technology is that it can get the patient rid

of parasites automatically and instantly.



As the research findings assessed, it can be inferred that the contagious diseases circulating

around the school campus are mostly respiratory diseases. According to the Head Nurse's

statement, the emergence of the absences of the teachers and students are due to the contagious

diseases transmitting within the school grounds. The common diseases or illnesses that

proliferate at Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School include cough and colds, fever, itchy throat,

sore throat, and nasal congestion; however, the most prominent one being cough and colds as

evidenced by a total count of 45 cases from students in elementary and highschool and a total of

10 cases from the teacher's department.

Furthermore, this study explains how viruses and bacterias are produced, how they

function and how it might further lead to COVID-19 if not treated instantly. Solutions are also

provided in order to mitigate the cases or prevent diseases from happening.

In addition, this study provided a proposed biotechnology that has the potential to aid and

cure patients in the institution of Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School. With the help of the

Respiratory Accesor and Parasite Eliminator, health practitioners would be able to get into the

students' respiratory systems in FTTS and determine if there are parasites that are hurting or

infecting individuals. This biotechnology will be noteworthy and significant in the removal of

unhealthy organisms as well as curing and rehabilitating the contagious diseases..

Lastly, in the light of foregoing findings, the researchers recommends the following:

1. Health Protocols shall strictly be followed and observed.

2. Wearing masks and frequent use of alcohol.
3. Health Teachings and Awareness
The researchers, therefore, recommend strictly following health protocols to avoid disease
contamination such as wearing of masks, washing and frequent sanitizing hands and disinfecting
of the environment. Health teachings and awareness is as well paramount in our society today —
right and factual news dissemination is vital regarding the diseases dispatching not just around
the school grounds but anywhere possible as it would bring enlightenment and knowledge to
people .


1 Wee A. Hamja; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12 - Odyssey;

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);

2 Alfrenzkhan A. Sabdani; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12 -

Odyssey; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);

3 Mohammad Rayyan L. Habib; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12

- Odyssey; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);

4 John Adolph S. Balambao; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12 -

Odyssey; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);

5 Renaiza A. Hamja; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12 - Odyssey;

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);

6 Ghada O. Amil; Filipino-Turkish Tolerance School, College of Education, 12 - Odyssey;

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM);


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