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Training and Development Assignment No.

Design 1 month training program based on the data collected in assignment no: 1 and the plan of action to evaluate the same. Assignment No. 3

Design a training program for employees to enhance work life balance, emotional intelligence and team work and leadership qualities among the employees of any organization.

SHRM ASSIGNMENTS Assignment No. 2 Get in touch with a person associated with a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and write a note on the various employee retention strategies used by their organization. Assignment No. 3 What do you understand by team work? How does it help in achieving organizational goals? What are the problems faced by virtual team leaders and how do they handle them?

Organizational Behaviour Assignment No. 2 Prepare a list of 20 questions covering the areas of emotions, perception, motivation and time/stress management. Answer the questions and do a self analysis of the data. The analyzed data should be presented in tabular & graph format. Assignment No. 3 Prepare a list of 20 questions covering the areas of team work, leadership, ethics and conflict. Answer the questions and do a self analysis of the data. The analyzed data should be presented in tabular & graph format. Direct Taxation Assignment No. 2 Pl. Draft 10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on each of the following topic

a) Basic concepts incl. residential status b) Income from Salary c) Income from House Property d) Income from Capital Gains Pl. note the following 1. Total MCQs 10 * 4 Topics = 40 MCQs 2. Out of 10 MCQs 2 MCQ can be either Yes / No type or True / False Type, other 8 MCQs for each topic must contain minimum 4 options. 3. MCQ may even contain practical problem. After framing MCQs correct answer must be given in bold letters along with the reasoning. Examples of MCQs Q. No. Option Question Answer (Correct Answer = 1, Wrong answer =0) 0 0 0 1 0

1 A B C D E

Residential status of Individual may be Resident & Ordinarily Resident Resident & Not Ordinarily Resident Non Resident in India Any one of A, B or C None of A, B and C Explanation An Individual may be either R&OR or NOR or NRI depending upon the physical presence of the Individual in the relevant previous year and the preceding 10 previous years. In India, Women assesses (excluding Sr. Citizens) gets more tax concession than Men Assesses True False Explanation Minimum Exemption Limit for Men (below 65 years) is Rs. 150,000 for A.Y. 2009-10 while for Women it is Rs. 1,80,000 If Fair Market Value of House Property is Rs. 50,000 while Standard Rent is Rs. 45,000 and


1 0


Actual Rent is Rs. 35,000, then income from house property will be Rs. 35,000 Rs. 45,000 Rs. 50,000 Rs. 29,400 if vacancy for 2 months None of the above Explanation GAV is higher of FR or AR when there is no vacancy, while it is AR if owing to vacancy AR is less than FR. From GAV 30% deduction for repairs is allowed to calculate Income From House Property. Options 1,2,3 are not correct as they merely provide figures as it is for FMV, SR and AR. If there is vacancy then income from house property will be Rs. 24,500 and not Rs. 29,400, hence option D is also incorrect. In this case, therefore option E is correct. Income from House Property = GAV Rs. 45,000 30% = Rs. 31,500

0 0 0 0 1

Assignment No. 3 Pl. download excel software preparation utility of ITR 2 from Prepare ITR 2 Return using hypothetical figures. Validate the form and produce printed copies of ITR 2 & xml file generated after completion of ITR 2.

Security Analysis & Portfolio Management *Assignment 2:* Write a detailed note on the entire IPO process in the equity market.

*Assignment 3:* Write a detailed explanatory note on Bond Market in India.

Banking Assignment No.02 NBFC Role & regulatory set up in India Assignment No.03 Narasimham committee recommendation


Assignment 02 Mutual funds Prepare a detailed essay on History of mutual funds in India. Mention important amendments and regulations on mutual funds, and their impact on the mutual fund industry. What has been the growth of mutual fund industry post Liberalisation? How do anticipate the road ahead for this industry?

Derivatives & Risk Management Assignment No.02 Q 1. Explain briefly with examples: (a) In-the-money options (b) At-the-money options (c ) Out-of-the-money options Q 2. You bought a one-month call option at a premium pf Rs. 6 with an exercise price of Rs. 40.What is the position if the current market price ( CMP ) is (a) Rs 45 (b) Rs 40 or (c) Rs 35. Will the position change if you had been a put buyer? What is the corresponding position for the call seller and the put seller? Q 3. How is Break-Even price determined in option contracts? Illustrate with suitable examples for both buyer and seller for call and put options. Assignment No. 03 Q 1. An investor buys a put option with an exercise price of Rs. 200 for Rs. 15. What is the maximum loss that he could incur? What is the maximum profit which could accrue to him? Also determine break-even price? What is the position for the put writer? Q2. How are bull and bear spreads created?

Q 3. For each of the following cases, name the strategy adopted and calculate the profit/loss of different price ranges of the stock. Also compute the break-even price. . Type of option Exercise price Exercise price Premium on Premium on of option of option sold option bought option sold bought Call 60 70 9 4 call 80 75 2 6 put 70 65 9 5 put 50 60 4 11

Treasury Management Assignment no.02 Financial Risk management tools Assignment No.03 Funds management Vs Treasury Management

Strategic Business Management Assignment No.02 Carry out environmental analysis for telecom sector in India?

Assignment No.03 Critically examine Mahindra taking over Satyam? Is it right strategic fit for Mahindra to acquire & merge with Satyam? Will Mahindra Satyam have competitive advantage in long run?

Sales & Distribution Assignment no 2 Decide a product of your choice and find out Sales related information like, 1. Product range 2. Pricing

3. Discount, rebates for consumers/ trade 4. Order taking process 5. Order form 6. Delivery system 7. Credit system 8. Planned Journey Cycle, Scheduling 9. Sales Target Policy Hint: Visit market, talk to salesmen, retailers.

Assignment no 3 Decide a product of your choice, and carry out Sales forecasting by using different methods and suggest most appropriate method of forecasting giving reasons. Hint: Use Industry magazines/ websites, Financial newspapers, Business magazines etc

Advertising & Media Planning

Assignment No.02 Take the same product of your choice as in Ass. No. 1 & collect all TV ads of its competitors. Analyze these ads comparatively & give your individual comments.

Assignment No. 03 Think of an identical product to that selected in earlier assignments. This product, however, should not be available in the market at the moment. Develop the abstract of it & prepare an advertisement campaign for it including the followinga. advertisement plan b. message strategy c. media mix decision Justify your decisions. Marketing Research Assignment No.02 Develop an elaborate Marketing Research Process for a product or service of your choice. Assignment No.03 Explore the relationship of Marketing Research with Marketing Management & Strategies. Give examples from Indian Market. Rural Marketing Assignment No. 2 Current trends in Rural Marketing in FMCG Sector

Project Management Assignment 2 Please undertake further literature search related to the questions listed below in Part 1 as well as Part 2 Part 1: Please explain with literature evidence the Part 1 for any one of the two: Question 1: Please describe Early Stages or Concept stage of systems life cycle. Question 2: How was Phase B Definition Phase implemented? i.e. User requirements, Systems objectives, system specifications, detailed project planning: Product quality, produce the correct items, produce correct way (process).

Question 3: How was Phase C - Execution Phase implemented? i.e. Design, development, procurement, construction, erection / installation, operation phases. Part 2: Please answer following for both projects: Question 1: How would you have prepared a project proposal for each of these two? e.g. Content / index of project proposal: List of objectives, reason for doing this project, resource requirements, project organization & operating structure, general factors in favor of & against the project. Question 2: Please prepare project network diagram (on fortnight basis) for both the projects, indicating all important activities, critical path / paths for the project. At least 75 activities must be listed for each project, suitably sequenced, indexed / numbered and then depicted in the network diagram. Please indicate earliest & latest start & finish dates as well as immediate predecessor activities details in the activity list. Even though both projects are completed, take zero date to completion date for network diagram preparation.

Assignment 3

Please undertake further literature search related to the questions listed below in Part 1 as well as Part 2. Part 1: Please explain with literature evidence the Part 1 for any one of the two: Question 1: How was feasibility study done? User needs, broad economic feasibility, cash flows, capital expenditure, estimated return on investment Question 2: What were important issues in financing of the project? Question 3: Which sources of finance were possible to be availed of / used by the organization? Question 4: How was the financing actually accomplished / done for the project?

Part 2: Please answer following for both projects: Question 1: How would you have made the risk assessment, risk management plan, including a) Risk categories & reasons thereof, b) Probability & impact matrix, c) Risk response plan for each of these two projects? Question 2: How the organizational behavior aspects (Organization structure, Integration of groups / teams / departments, Quality function deployment, Roles, Responsibilities, Authority, Influence & balance of power, conflicts & their resolution / elimination) resulted into a) Positive (Successes) & b) Negative (Failures) impact during project life cycle? Please explain for both projects.

Management Control System Assignment No.02 By giving examples, explain importance of MCS?

Mergers & Acquisitions (B)

Assignment no.02 Recently Jyoti Laboratories acquired Henkel India (Group Company of Henkel AG, Germany). This acquizition happened in FMCG sector. Students to analyse this acquizition critically in the context of Indian company buying part of International company, covering following area's 1) Brief analysis of FMCG sector in India 2) Why Jyoti Laboratories is interested in acquiring Henkel India? 3) Why Henkel India is on sale? 4) Do you think this is right move from Jyoti Laboratories? Explain.

International Marketing Assignment No.2 Describe the importance of the Legal Environment in any country for an MNC to make entry decisions. Discuss the relevance of: a) Piracy / Patents. b) Infringement or IPR. Give examples to substantiate your arguments.

Assignment No. 3 Assuming you are an importer of Textile Industry goods (Yarn, Fabric, Dyes, Pigments, Machinery etc.), prepare a set of documents for import of the same. a) Country of origin ---- your choice. b) Country of destination India. Performance Management Prepare a Performance Management System for IT Company. The details are given below: 1. The Company a) IT Company base in India b) Dealing in IT software Development and Software Maintenance c) Customer base: - India, US, UK, Japan d) Total Strength : Person 1500 Estimate By 2013 5000 By 2015 8000 By 2020 15000

Methodology of Performance Management and Appraisals. Formats Policy for performance

The Assignment may be printed, but should not be a copy paste.

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