Literary Elements

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Create samples of the
different literary
elements based on one’s
There are 6 main elements of a fiction article. These
elements serve as the backbone of every story.
1. CHARACTERS. This mainly involves the voices of those
who are primarily concerned in the story. Characters are the
light of every action and scenes of a story. It is necessary to
understand that characters are representations of man for
they portray feelings, behaviors, experiences, and
2. CHARATERIZATION. This gives the reader details
about the characters involved, which include physical
appearance, way of thinking, feeling, actions, and
reactions to events.
Some examples
Tony is the shy type.
Ben has a Hispanic appearance.
Coco is the handsome one
3. SETTING. The situations, actions, and circumstances of a
story that has transpiredin a certain time and place. It is a
basic element that provides the total environment of the story
in consideration of the time and space for the movements and
actions of the characters.
Some literary texts do not need to convey the place just to
have the readers‘ awareness towards the setting. Some
settings will be in a descriptive way.
―Summer!‖ Kate shouted while looking at the endless
salty water with the cold breeze blowing through her hair.
She always love this; the sand on her feet, and the
sound of the waves. It could calm any man who is anger.
Kate is happy. Kate is satisfied.
(There is no utterance of beach from the statement but
from the description of Kate, you can see that she is in the
4. POINT OF VIEW. It is the angle of considering things. The perspective of
the writer in narrating the story. It answers the question ―who is narrating the
1. First person point of view- The story is told by the protagonist or one of the
characters who interacts closely with the protagonist. It uses the pronounsI,
me, we.
2. Second person point of view- The author tells the story. It uses the
pronouns you, yours, and your.
3. Third Person point of view- The narrator is not part of the story but
describes the events that happen. It uses the pronouns he, she, him, and her.
5. PLOT. It is the structure of the story; the planned
flow or series of event from beginning, middle, and end
of the story. Remember Freytag‘s Pyramid
6. SYMBOLS. Writers may include images that bear certain
meanings that go beyond the literal. Certain symbols may
convey both positive and negative connotations depending
on how they are used, presented, and perceived.
7. THEME. Can be a statement of generalization about life.
The highlights noteworthy realizations concerning the
nature and complexities of human life cultivated from the
experiences, actions, and decisions.
B. Figures of Speech
Figures of speech constitute a rhetorical or literary
device that departs from the literal meaning of an
idea. They may be employed to make the idea more
Among the figures of speech are:
1. Simile- comparison of ideas using like or as.
Example: You are like a kitten lost in a city.
(comparing you to a kitten with the use of like)
2. Metaphor- comparing two things without the use of like/as.
Example: You‘re the apple of my eye.
(comparing you to an apple)
3. Personification- using human attributes in describing
nonhuman or inanimate objects.
Example: The moon smiled at the stars.
(“smile” the moon do not have a face to smile)
4. Parallelism- use of the same grammatical structure.
Example: Peace can only be achieve through dedication,
peace can only be achieved through diligence, peace can
only be achieved through fidelity of the rule of law.
(the use of “peace can only be achieved” in one sentence)
5. Apostrophe- addressing a person who is either dead or
absent when the utterance is made.
Example: Mabini, Bonifacio, Rizal, let your guiding spirits
influence our
leaders in this time of great crisis!
(Calling Mabini, Bonifacio, and Rizal who are dead to guide
6. Metonymy- Substitution of a word/phrase for an idea to which
it is closely related.
Example: Let me give you a hand.
(Hand refers to help)
7. Allusion- comparison that involves making references to a
famous fictional or historical figure, event or idea.
Example: He was a real Romeo with the ladies.
(“Romeo” A character in Romeo and Juliet of
Shakespeare‟s play. Romeo is a true romantic hero.)
8. Onomatopoeia- word that imitates a real sound.
Example: Rika turned when she heard a loud splash.
(splash is a sound of water)
9. Hyperbole- use of exaggeration to emphasize an idea.
Example: Her smile was a miles wide.
(She is very happy)
10.Synecdoche- the part to represent the whole
Example: ―Do you have wheels?
(Wheels refers to a vehicle)

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