Circular Motions

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Complete the activities in your book

Importance of circular motions

LI To collect and present data in our understanding of how circular motions work

Success Criteria:
● Follow an experimental procedure
● Collect and present data appropriately
● Analyse results to draw appropriate conclusions
● Apply this to unfamiliar situations


1. Explain why circular motions are important and give examples of where they occur in
everyday life.
2. Describe circular motions.
3. Watch the video Understanding Circular Motion and answer the following
a) define velocity and motion
b) What is acceleration?
c) Explain how the force works on the circular motion
d) Outline the centripetal force


First-hand investigation: Students measure the time for the tennis ball to complete 1
rotation at various lengths of rope and compare their findings. Students use ICT to record
and help make these measurements by videoing their experiment and analysing the video.


Hypothesis: Students develop their own hypothesis using the if….then…..because…. format.



Variables: Dependent variable

Independent variable

Numeracy: students are required to collect data in a table, average results and calculate
and compare time for 1 rotation

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