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To : Chris Keller
June 12, 1947

P. 212-1947

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your letter. I am glad you are doing well and settling into civilian life. I would be happy to

come and visit you in the coming weeks, but I am apprehensive about the trip. I know, these past

months have been hard on everyone. However, the most important thing right now is to stay strong. As

you know, your family and I have had some difficulties, particularly with your father. My presence in your

home might cause tension and conflict, and I don't want to make things more difficult for you or your

family. Additionally, I am concerned about how I will be received by the people in the neighborhood.

Especially with my last name being Deever it is already hard to gain the trust of some of the neighbors.

As an outsider, I worry that those who know about my relationship with your brother Larry might not

accept or welcome me. I don't want to be a source of gossip or controversy, and I don't want to bring

any trouble to your doorstep. Despite these concerns, I care for you deeply and am willing I hope we can

make the visit pleasant for everyone involved. Everything that has happened, I feel like things are

moving too fast and we should talk after the potluck. We should meet each-other . Your mother does

put a lot of pressure on me, so the likelihood for all of us to be together will be a challenge. I am looking

forward meeting you and thank you for checking up on me and sending me a letter. You and your

brother share a lot of similar qualities. I know, I threw a lot of things at you in this letter. But, I hope you

get and understand the message. Good to hear from you and see you at the potluck!


Ann Deever.

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