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OF POWER Power and Consequence

Content Standards: Power and consequence are often closely related.

 The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics The basic principle is that a person with power has the
and political science, governance, Political ideologies, ability to create consequences for the target person, who
power, States, nations, and Globalization. takes these consequences into account when they are
deciding whether to comply with a request or refuse it.

A very common attribute of power is that the
A DEFINITION OF POWER wielder of power has the ability to coerce the target into
compliance through the threat of some kind of punishment.
POWER The basic transaction is hence 'Do as I say or else I will
Is the ability to influence people and events? harm you in some way'. The person is then faced with the
Closely related to power is politics. Politics relates to the choice of obedience or suffering the consequences that the
ways people gain and use power in organizations. Political powerful person can create.
activities in an organizations are inevitable and managers
should manage them carefully. Power and politics are Punishment
present in all organizations. Can take many forms. In a business setting it can
be as direct as being sacked or less obvious in the way that
WHAT IS POWER AND ITS NATURE? the target person may be given work that is less desirable
Abstract. Power is an inescapable feature of than that they might get if they complied with the request.
human social life and structure. This paper addresses the
nature of power. The standard theory is that power is the Prevention
capacity for influence and that influence is based on the Some people do not have the power to directly
control of resources valued or desired by others. punish, though they may have the ability to withhold
something or prevent the target person getting what they
WHAT ARE THE NATURE OF POWER want. The transaction here is 'Do as I say or else you will
Coercion, authority and influence are the three not get what you want'.
main forms of power. Each of these three forms
of power emanates from different sources. Prevention
In business situations could be loss of cooperation
What are the dimensions and types of power? or stopping the person from getting promoted. It is also
The three dimensions of power. This theory seen in 'gateway' roles, for example a personal assistant
claims that power is exercised in three ways: decision- who has the power to allow others to speak with their
making power, non-decision-making power, and manager or turning the target person away.
ideological power. Decision-making power is the most
public of the three dimensions. Analysis of this "face" Power loss
focuses on policy preferences revealed through political There is also consequence for the person wielding
action. the power. Sometimes use power of power leads to
gaining more power as the dominated person becomes
cowed and hence easier to persuade in future. Sometimes
LET’S SCRUTINIZE the use of power has no effect on the balance of power in
the future. And sometimes there is negative consequences
Five Types of Power for the person using the power, in that in using power it is
spent, like money, and may not be easy to regain.
Power derived from knowledge or skill. An example of losing power when it is used is
Referent: where you have helped a person in the past and they feel
Power derived from a sense of identification obliged to comply when you ask something of them in
others feel toward you. return. When they agree to your request, they then feel the
Reward: obligation has been discharged and hence you have less
Power derived from an ability to reward others. power over them.
Power derived from fear of punishment by others. Understand what ability you have when
Legitimate: attempting to wield power, particularly in terms of how
Power derived from a perceived inherent right to you can punish or prevent the other person from getting
influence. what they want. When we forget this, we may not have in
practice the full power we could have. When we can
create consequences and the other person does not, then
there may need to be a learning cycle for them.

Also understand how your power is increased or

decreased when you use it. This may depend on your
attitude and that of the other person, and is not always
Attempts to influence others using discretionary
behaviors to promote personal objectives. Discretionary
behaviors neither explicitly prescribed nor prohibited.
Politics may be good or bad for organization.




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