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This deed of sale is made at Aurangabad this 14 th day

of February, 2018 between Shridhar S/o Vyanktesh Jadhav
resident of - Aurangabad hereinafter called the 'Vendor' of
One Part and Babulal S/0 Devilal Kale resident of
Aurangabad hereinafter called the"Purchases" of other
Whereas the Vendor is absolutely seized and
possessed of otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the
land and premises -being Plot No.7, situated at Gut No.
114, Satara Parisan, Devlali, Aurangabad within the
Registration District of Aurangabed and more particularly
described in the Schedule hereunder written.
And whereas the Vendor is in need of Rs.
60,00,000/- (Sixty lakhs Rupees) only for his business.
Andpurposes requested the
purchaser to lend him the sold sum, which the
purchases has agreed to do on the Vendor executing these
Now this deed witnesseth that in pursuance of the
agreement and in consideration of the sum of
Rs.60,00,000/- (sixty lakhs Rupees) only paid by the
purchaser to the Vendor (the receipt of which the vendor
hereby acknowledges) the Vendor hereby
transfers and delievers vacant possession of all that the
land and premises more particularly described in the
Schedule hereunder written , together with all the rights
and privilages appuraitement there to into the said
purchaser to hold the same for ever subject to the
condition that if and when the Vendor repays the said sum
of Rs. 60,00,00- (sixty lakhs Rupees) only with interest
thereon at the rate of 6%. per annum compoundable
annually, to the Purchaser on the 25th day of February,
2019 hereinafter referred to as the due date, the grant and
transfer of the said property as herein before provided
shall become void and in that event the purchaser shall
recover the said house and premises and this deed and in
case of default in payment of the said amount with interest
afore said on the said date the, transfer hereby made shall
become an absolute sale in favour of the Purchaser,
(1) The Vendor hereby Coverents with the Purchaser that
he is the absolute owner of the said house and premises
that the same is free from on the said date, the any
encumbrance, charge or lien whatsoever
(2) The purchaser shall keep the said house in tenentable
condition and the shall bear the expenses for repairs and
maintainance of the said house,the mortgager shall also
defray all taxes, assessments, land revenue and other
charges payable in respect of the said house and premises
to the State of Maharashtra Municipal Corporation of
Aurangabed or any public on local authority. All the
expenses incurred and payments made by the purchaser
will be added to the said money and shall be recoverable
with interest by the purchaser from the Vendor.
(3) The purchaser Covenants with the Vender that he shall
not let out the said house to any person or persons and
be shall keep the possession said house in his own.
(4) If the Vendos makes default in interest on the due date
as right to foreclose the Vendor's equity of redemption.
In Witness Where of the parties hereto have hereunto set
their hands the 14th day February 2018
The schedule above referred to
PLOT No -7 ,Situated Gut No -114 satara parisar, Devlali
, Aurangabad
Plot Bounded As:-
East :- Plot no -8
West. :- Plot no -9
South :- Road
North. :- Plot no -10

Signed and delivered by the within named

Shridhar S/o Vyanktesh Jadhav

Signed and delivered by the within named

Babulal S/0 Devilal Kale


1) .JaykumarS/o Dadarao Jadhav

2).Akash S/o Madhav Diwan.

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