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: Do you hate math? Are you one of those kids who wished that math shouldn't have exist?


it's 2023, change your mindset, join me, and you will never regret.

: In general, we all hate math, but why? Imagine a math problem asking us to find the value of X

then asks us to conclude and answer the question Y? It's math's problem not ours but why are we

being asked to solve it for hours? Why does it have to be X and Y, when it can just be U and I?

So many questions yet to be solve, but in math, our lives is where it revolves.

: Math may be a hard subject, but neither one of us knows that math is always used in daily life.

Math is used anywhere and anytime we want. In our society we have men and women who

unites, if we bring it to math, the men represents the domain and the women represents the range.

Domain and range is a relation, a one is to one function.

: To sum it all up, math is something a person shouldn't be afraid of. Math has problems and so

do we. Math problems are hard to solve and so our problems. Though, there are life problems

that can't be solve, and so does math, but putting efforts and trying your best to be as stable is

what math and life is testing. Sometimes you fail but it doesn't define who you are, and failing is

a part of a learning process. Failing means there's still room for improvements and that is what

each and one us should focus on. Just like in a part of a song "Cause it's better to try and work

too hard, than to always be stuck at the start".

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