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The answers are coloured red

Read the passages below and answer the questions that follow:

Every discernible observer could foresee the crisis which engulfed the Edo
House last week. Only a few days before, reports were rife about the AC
reaching out to some PDP legislators to cross-carpet. The intention being to
gain a majority and then assume the speakership with the least constraint.
Zakawanu Garuba, the then speaker, retorted with a fiat, threatening to
declare vacant the seat of any defector. This in spite of the constitutional
support for such action, as evidenced, for example, by the crisis that has torn
the PDP apart in Edo State. The party has two factional chairmen in the state,
even though one is more vociferous. The desperate attempt by Garuba to
cling to the Speaker’s chair is condemnable. He was not being recalled from
the legislature; and so, he still has his seat as a floor member. As speaker, he
was only first among equals. The Speakership is not his birthright. With the
defection of one PDP lawmaker to the AC, the legislature reconvened hours
after the bloodbath and elected a pro tem Speaker, while impeaching and
suspending Garuba and a few others. They are to be probed.
(Adapted from The Guardian, Thursday,March 4, 2011, p.14)

1. Why did AC woo PDP members?

A. they are few in number

B. they want speakership without stress

This sentence confirms this in the passage.
“The intention being to gain a majority and then assume the speakership
with the least constraint.” ‘Least constraint’ means with little stress.

C. PDP members are faithful

D. The House is tough

2. The legislators impeached
A. Garuba
This sentence confirms the answer
“The legislature reconvened hours after the bloodbath and elected a pro tem
Speaker, while impeaching and suspending Garuba and a few others.”
“Gaurba and few others”. The passage didn’t tell us if the few others were
law makers. So, never use your idea to answer any comprehension.

B. PDP lawmakers

C. Garuba and some PDP lawmakers

D. Garuba and some lawmakers

3. According to the passage, the constitution supports

A. The speaker

B. Defecting

C. Edo State

D. Factional chairmen
This sentence confirms the answer
“This in spite of the constitutional support for such action,”
The action is Garuba’s authority as a chairman not the defecting
This also adds the sentence
‘The party has two factional chairmen in the state’

4. The lawmakers reconvened

A. After the defection of a PDP member

B. after the bloodbath

This sentence confirms the answer
“The legislature reconvened hours after the bloodbath”

C. after suspending the Speaker

D. after electing a protem Speaker

5. At the end, what happened to Garuba
A. He was vindicated

B. He was indicted
This sentence confirms the answer
“They are to be probed.”
Garuba and the few others

C. He was honoured

D. He was humiliated

6. To cross-carpet, as used in the passage, means to

A. change party
This sentence should give us clue
“Only a few days before, reports were rife about the AC reaching out to some
PDP legislators to cross-carpet.”
The main thing that can make a party to meet a different party is to make the
members of that party change party.

B. renew membership of a party

C. change one’s carpet

D. buy new carpet

7. The crisis in the Edo State House of Assembly could be predicted by

A. The lawmakers

B. Edo State indigenes

C. The protem Speaker

D. All conscious observers

This sentence confirms the answer
“Every discernible observer could foresee the crisis which engulfed the Edo
House last week.”
‘Foresee’ in the sentence gives us clue. It also means ‘predict’
Nigeria has a troubled power sector which is however undergoing reforms
that, hopefully, should usher in era of private sector dominance in terms of
ownership and management of generation and distribution. In this transitory
phase, it is crucial to lay a foundation for local sourcing of vital inputs and
make it the norm for the industry. That is the only way to prevent a
replication of the trend in the oil and gas sub-sector, where capital flight is as
much as $ 16 billion per annum, as revealed by the Petroleum Technology
Development Fund. The PHCN could legitimately insist on quality and
standards in its procurement of equipment and materials, but what is playing
out is an institutional orientation, evinced in several pursuits of the PHCN
that are contemptuous of Nigeria’s aspiration for local content development.
In 1998, the defunct National Electric Power Authority defied a directive by
the then Minister of Power and steel, Alhaji Bashir Dalhatu, to source its
costable components from Nigerian foundries, some of which are of high
standards. Actuated by a realization of idle capacity in the foundries and the
need to conserve foreign exchange, the Minister applied appropriate
pressure on the management of NEPA but found his efforts frustrated. The
acute shortage or inefficiency in the metering programme originated from
the fact that the only local manufacturer then, the Federal Government
owned electricity Meter Company in Zaria, Kaduna State, established in 1976,
but sold to Dantata Investments Limited in December 2002, is not
(Adapted from The Punch,Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Pg. 18)

8. Why is there shortage of meter?

A. Non-performance of PHCN
B. Non-performance of NEPA

C. Non-performance of the Federal Government-owned electricity Meter

This sentence confirms the answer
“The acute shortage or inefficiency in the metering programme originated
from the fact that the only local manufacturer then, the Federal Government
owned electricity Meter Company in Zaria, Kaduna State, established in

D. Non-performance of Dantata Investment Ltd.

9. According to the passage, the solution to the problem in the power sector
lies in _________________
A. Sourcing for materials locally
This confirms the answer
“It is crucial to lay a foundation for local sourcing of vital inputs and make it
the norm for the industry. That is the only way to prevent…”

B. Getting costable components

C. Obeying the minister
D. Getting $ 16 billion per annum

10. From the passage it is clear that

A. There is money in the country

B. There is shortage of electricity meter

This sentence confirms the answer.
“The acute shortage or inefficiency in the metering programme”

C. NEPA is better than PHCN

D. NEPA was formed in 1998

11. Which of these is not true of the power sector?

A. There is only one local manufacturer of electricity meter
This confirms option a
“The only local manufacturer then, the Federal Government owned electricity
Meter Company”
B. The power sector is undergoing reforms
This confirms option b
“Nigeria has a troubled power sector which is however undergoing reforms”

C. The problem of the power sector cannot be solved

There is no confirmation. The problem of the power sector can be solved,
that is why it is undergoing reforms.

D. there was procurement of equipment and materials

This is a confirmation for option d
“The PHCN could legitimately insist on quality and standards in its
procurement of equipment and materials”
12. Which of these is undergoing reforms?
C. Nigeria
D. the power sector
This sentence confirms the answer.
“Nigeria has a troubled “power sector” which is however undergoing

13. A suitable title for this passage is

A. Nigeria and her problems
B. NEPA versus PHCN
C. Electricity meter

D. Problems in the power sector

To know this, we have to know the subject matter in the passage (what the
passage is talking about)
Which is the power sector in Nigeria, the first sentence in the passage even
confirmed it .
It is not just NEPA or PHCN or Electricity meter.

Choose the option that best completes the gap:

14. University students ……………..behave well. (A) can (B) should (C) may (D)
Main Meaning of “should”: modal verb indicating that something is the right
thing for somebody to do. “Must” indicates that something is

15. Gloria ………….. have finished the project two days ago. (A) must (B) may
(C) can (D) supposed to “Must” here indicates belief.

16. You are Goodluck, .....? (A) are you? (B) aren’t you? (C) are’nt you? (D)
don’t you? If a statement is positive, the question tag will be negative
and vice versa

17. He ……………. not come now (A) needs (B) needed (C) need (D) will need
“Need” is as an auxiliary verb here. For this statement “he needs to
come now”. “Needs” is a lexical verb here.
18. Janet know that we are all here. (A) suppose (B) supposes (C) is
supposed (D) should suppose.
subject + primary auxiliary + supposed NOT subject + modal auxiliary +
supposed + to. Primary auxiliary verbs are be verbs – is, was, were,
etc. modal auxiliary verbs are can, should, will, would, etc.
He is/was supposed to…, they are/were supposed are the correct

19. Let it be ..... that there was no king in Ayegun. (A)know (B) knew (C)
known (D) knows

20. We shall see you soon, .....? (A) shall we? (B) shan’t we? (C) shouldn’t we
(D) should we If a statement is positive, the question tag will be
negative and vice versa

21. Neither of the presidential candidates ....... suitable. (A) are (B) is (C) is
been (D) are been suitable. Here neither is used like none, so the next
verb that follows is singular.

22. Ten miles ____ a great distance. (A) is (B) are (C) is been
amount or unit of measurement takes a singular verb.

23. If I were the president, I ..... ask for the money (A) will (B) should (C)
would (D) can
This is parallelism; if the verb in the first clause is past, the verb will be
past too e.g. if I were you I would go, if he were present, he would tell
the truth.

24. I will see you after I ..... spoken with your supervisor. (A) might have (B)
have (C) will have (D) would have
25. “You ..... now see the director”, the secretary told the visitors (A) can (B)
may (C) should (D) would
“May” mainly indicates permission while can indicates possibility

26. She isn’t Gloria ..... ? (A) is she? (B) isn’t she? (C) aren’t she? (D) doesn’t
If a statement is positive, the question tag will be negative and vice versa

27. We have a bus, .....? (A) didn’t we? (B) haven’t we? (C) doesn’t we? (D)
hasn’t we?
If a statement is positive, the question tag will be negative and vice versa
28. I knew David .... let us down. (A) may (B) will (C) might (D) can
This is parallelism; if the verb in the first clause is past, the verb will be
past too. Consider this: It can also be I know David may/will let us down
OR I knew David could/would/might let us down

29. You ……….. me last week. (A) ought to see (B) ought to had seen (C) ought
to have seen (D) had to have seen
“ought to” also means should

30. Twenty dollars ___ enough for my lunch. (A) are (B) is (c ) are just
amount or unit of measurement takes a singular verb.
31. The pests ____ our farm every year. (A) invade (B) invades (c ) has
This is concord; subject - verb agreement; a plural subject takes a plural
verb and a singular subject takes a singular verb. A subject is the doer of
an action.

32. If I were the Governor, I ..... ask for the project (A) will (B) should (C)
would (D) can
This is parallelism; if the verb in the first clause is past, the verb will be
past too e.g. if I were you I would go, if he were present, he would tell
the truth.

33. When ……... the Cleric ..... today? (A) does/arrives (B) does/arrived (C)
does/arrive (D) do arrive
when the do verb is used in a statement such as above, the following will be
in its infinitive form.

34. We shall see you soon, .....? (A) shall we? (B) shan’t we? (C) shouldn’t we
(D) should we
If a statement is positive, the question tag will be negative and vice versa
35. You missed the match, .....? (A) don’t you? (B) didn’t you? (C) hadn’t you?
(D) doesn’t you?
In the statement above, there is no visible auxiliary verb like will, can,
should etc, so we use “do” verb, and then consider the tense of the verb
“missed” which is past so we use “did” and then follow the rule “If a
statement is positive, the question tag will be negative and vice versa”
The sentence can be rephrased like this “you did miss the
match”, and the question tag will be “didn’t you?”
36. Walk the dog right now, .....? (A) walkn’t you? (B) will you? (C)shall you?
(D)would you?
This is a command, the conventional rule can’t be applied here. Will you is
usually the question tag here.
Just like exclaiming, the sentence can be rephrased like this
Will you walk the dog right now?

37. I am a student, ..........? (A) I’m I? (B) aren’t I? (C) isn’t I? (D) wouldn’t I?
“Am” takes “aren’t” as its question tag

Pick out the odd/wrong expression in each of the following :

38. (A) I heard his supposed apology (B) I heard his unconvincing apology (C) I
heard his suppose apology (D) I heard he was supposed apology
option D is obviously wrong here but as a reminder “supposed” is also an
subject + primary auxiliary + supposed NOT subject + modal auxiliary +
supposed + to. Primary auxiliary verbs are be verbs – is, was, were,
etc. modal auxiliary verbs are can, should, will, would, etc. he
is/was supposed to…, they are/were supposed is the correct statement.

39. (A) I suppose you know the way (B) I am supposed you know the way (C) I
suppose he knows the way (D) They suppose he knows the way
subject + primary auxiliary + supposed NOT subject + modal auxiliary +
supposed + to. Primary auxiliary verbs are be verbs – is, was, were,
etc. modal auxiliary verbs are can, should, will, would, etc. he
is/was supposed to…, they are/were supposed is the correct statement.

40. (A) I travel next week (B) I will travel next week (C) I suppose to travel
next week (D) I should travel next week
subject + primary auxiliary + supposed NOT subject + modal auxiliary +
supposed + to. Primary auxiliary verbs are be verbs – is, was, were,
etc. modal auxiliary verbs are can, should, will, would, etc. he
is/was supposed to…, they are/were supposed is the correct statement
But for option A present tense can also be used to express

41. (A) Having discovered the error, he apologized (B) Having discovered the
error, the apology was tendered (C) Having known the error, he apologised
(D) Having found out the error, he tendered an apology
This is participial. Let’s ask this question who discovered the error here, it
is “he ” the subject, so the second clause will start with the subject –
thing, person being talked about in the first clause. Consider this walking
down the street, the car hit the boy is wrong because “the car” wasn’t the
one walking, it was the boy so the correct statement is walking down the
street, the boy was hit by the car so. In the question the apology didn’t
discover the error so option B is wrong

42. (A) The job has been done (B) The job has been being done
(C) They have done the job (D) They can have done the job

43. (A) She must finish the project in two days (B) She must finish the project
two days ago (C) She must have finished the project two days ago (D) She
ought to have finished the project two days ago

44. (A) If I went in there, I would beat the security officer (B) If I go in there, I
would beat the security officer (C) If I go in there, I will beat the security
officer (D) If I go in there, I can beat the security officer
This is parallelism; if the verb in the first clause is past, the verb will be
past too e.g. if I were you I would go, if he were present, he would tell
the truth, and if it is present the verb in the second clause will be present
just like option C and D go/will and go/can.

Choose the option that most appropriately expresses the idea in

the underlined expression.
45. My friend’s parent’s are magnanimous (A) rich and popular (B) sociable
and lovable (C) kind and generous (D) wicked and stingy

46. My friend has an overbearing attitude toward me (A) patient

(B) impatient (C) opinionated and domineering
(D) considerate and respectful

47. There are a number of makeshift buildings in town (A) modern buildings
(B) old fashion buildings (C) temporary buildings (D) permanent buildings

48. Post UME is a hurdle to cross. (A) a necessary and simple exam to pass
(B) an unnecessary and difficult exam to pass
(C) an unnecessary but simple exam to pass (D) a necessary and challenging
exam to pass
49. His contribution to the project is invaluable (A) extremely useful
(B) of no value (C) of little value (D) can not be valued

50. That was a down-to-earth approach (A) poor (B) ordinary (C) practical (D)

51. Concerning my admission, I have to cross my fingers (A) wait and hope for
the best (B) wait in frustration (C) wait confidently (D) take some risk

52. My father is indifferent to my choice of University (A) supports

(B) opposes (C) not decided (D) not concerned

53. We need an ad hoc arrangement towards the project (A) intelligent

(B) advanced (C) permanent (D) temporary

54. The student’s reply to the lecturer betrayed his rudeness (A) covered
(B) showed (C) reduced (D) increased

55. His conduct in the last elections was above board (A) arrogant (B) honest
(C) above average (D) excellent

56. That was a dispassionate decision (A) bias (B) personal (C) unaffected
(D) ineffective

57. On the matter of worship, some sit on the fence (A) go to the extreme
(B) are decisive (C) are fanatics (D) are undecided

Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the word

58. In this matter, we must be prepared to tolerate human frailty.
(A) inquisitiveness (B) weakness (C) profligacy (D) innovation.

59. I detest his lackadaisical attitude. (A) carefree (B) lazy (C) supercilious
(D) disloyal.

60. Nobody will endure such profligate spending habits. (A) generous
(B) arrogant (C) wasteful (D) mindless.

61. Is he oblivious of the political situation in his community? (A) unconscious

(B) conscious (C) afraid (D) intolerant.
62. Many people look into the future with trepidation. (A) certainty
(B) uncertainty (C) fear (D) faith.

63. Can you marry such a lanky man? (A) tall and thin (B) sturdy
(C) fat and short (D) tall and short.

64. The election system we adopted was his brainchild. (A) undoing factor
(B)invention (C) power (D) fabrication

Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word underlined.

65. Peter always approaches issues optimistically. (A) realistically
(B) pessimistically (C) carelessly (D) unrealistically.

66. Why should Dixon be evasive in answering the question?

(A) indirect (B)direct (C) guessing (D) sure.

67. John and Ahmed’s ideas were speculative (A) stipulative (B) superlative
(C) factual (D) attractive.

68. Henry was admitted to the hospital with profuse bleeding.

A) much (B) little (C) internal (D) continuous

69. Many people regard him as prolific.

(A) diplomatic (B) productive (C) unproductive (D) unacademic.

70. Our success is paramount in his mind. (A) unimportant (B) important
(C) certain (D) uncertain.

71. In all, I consider the behaviour unpalatable.(A) unacceptable (B) offensive

(C)acceptable (D) inoffensive.

72. Her action will certainly exacerbate the situation. (A) ameliorate
(B) worsen (C) aggravate (D) clarify.

73. Is he really behaving oddly ? (A) abnormally (B) normally (C) evenly
(D) properly.

74. He always approaches issues optimistically.

(A) realistically (B) pessimistically (C) carelessly (D) unrealistically.
75. Her health deteriorated rapidly.
(A) worsened (B) improved (C) stagnated (D) declined.

Which of the following sentences is correct?

76. (A) One should mind his business. (B) One should mind one’s business (C)
One should mind her business. This is parallelism

77. (A) This case is between you and I. (B) This case is between you and me.
(C) This case is between the two both of us.
This is in the objective case. “Me” is an object pronoun.

78. (A) With them around, we have a great problem on our hands. (B) With
them around, we have a great problem on our hand. (C)With them around,
we have a great problem on hand.

79. (A) The dog wagged it’s tail. (B) The dog wagged its tail. (C) The dog
wagged its’ tail.
(It’s) means it is, “its” is possessive

80. (A) A ten year old boy is missing. (B) A ten-year-old boy is missing.
(C) A ten year-old boy is missing.
When group of nouns are used as adjective before a noun, hyphens are
used foe example; a coffee-table book;a well-timed attack

Let’s say hyphen is used to join specific number to a noun, with

a or the preceeding the number or noun. It is also used to join
several words which mean the same thing.

81. Choose the option that sounds the same with: two (A) tool (B) too (C)
tow (D) to two - [tu:] too - [tu:]

82. Choose the option that sounds the same with bear : (A) bare (B) beer (C)
bared (D) beard
83. Choose the option that sounds the same with the given word “Key”
(A) kiss (B) quay (C) keyed (D) kissed
key - /ki:/ quay - /ki:/ keyed - /ki:d/ but the option that has the same
sound as key is option B

Choose the word that is correctly spelled.

84. (A) acomodation (B) accommodation (C) accomodation (D)
acommodation accommodation c2 m2

85. (A) embarrassment (B) embarassment (C) embarrasment (D)

embarasment embarrassment r2 s2 harass s

86. (A) horrific (B) horific (C) horiffic (D) horrific horrific r2

87. As soon as Joy arrived, she started looking for food. The underlined
expression is an -----------. (A) adverbial phrase of reason (B) adverbial clause
of reason (C) adverbial phrase of time (D) adverbial clause of time
A phrase has no finite verb but a clause has. Adverbial phrase or clause
mostly answers the question when for time, why for reason, how for
degree, etc.
“She started looking for food” When? “As soon as joy arrived”.
‘Arrived’ in the statement is a finite verb because it shows tense – present,
past …

88. My friend, a brilliant lecturer, won many prizes. The underlined

expression is a(n) ... ... (A) adjectival clause (B) relative clause (C) appositive
phrase (D) subject of ‘won’
Appositive phrase acts like an adjective but usually starts with an article
(a, an, the) and refers to a noun phrase or clause like the question above
“a brilliant teacher is referring to the noun phrase – ‘my friend”.
Let’s see the difference
My friend, a brilliant lecturer. ‘A brilliant lecturer’ here is qualifying (i.e
talking more about) the noun phrase ‘my friend’ which is the function of an
adjectival phrase or clause but it begins which “a”- an aticle.
My friend, who is a brilliant lecturer. The underlined there is an adjectival
clause because it qualifies the noun phrase ‘my friend’.
Adjectival phrase or clause mostly answers the question which
89. I passed very well because I studied hard. The underlined expression is a
(A) relative clause introducer (B) linking verb (C) adverb of reason (
D) subordinating conjunction
“Because” in the question above is a conjunction that is introducing a
subordinate clause. This is a complex sentence. The best answer is D not

90. Bello and I love each other. (A) preposition (B) reciprocal pronoun (C)
noun phrase (D) adjectival phrase
Reciprocal pronouns are each other, one another, themselves (not
theirselves), ourselves (not ourself) etc.

The conventional rule is that each other refers to two items and
one another refers to more than two; Kola and Bayo met each
other. All of the students are talking to one another
91. I prefer writing to acting. The underlined expressions is a(n) --------. (A)
verb (B) participle (C) gerund (D) object
Gerund is a noun formed from verb using ‘ing’ to show action. Swimming is
my hobby. ‘Swimming’ is a gerund but I like swimming, ‘swimming’ is a verb

92. Having finished my assignment, I started watching television. The

underlined expression is a(n) --------. (A) infinitive clause (B) gerund (C)
participial phrase (D) noun clause This is participial check question 41
for explanation.

93. If you leave early, you’ll meet Sola at home. The underlined expression is
a____________. (A) nominal clause (B) verbal clause (C) conditional clause
(D)adjectival clause
This statement is conditional. Statements starting with if, unless, in case
etc are conditional

94. Wounded by a lion, the hunter trudged home. The underlined expression
is a -----------.(A) nominal clause (B) verbal clause (C) participial clause (D)
adjectival clause
This is participial check question 41
95. I’m proud of you. The underlined expression functions as(A) prepositional
complement (B) adjectival complement (C) subject complement (D) verbal
Although the underlined word starts with a preposition ‘of’ and ends with a
pronoun, it is not a prepositional phrase. It is true prepositional phrase
functions as an adjective or an adverb.
Let’s consider this example. The people of Nigeria are patriotic. It
functions as an adjective here. It answers the question which people? They
are in the garden. ‘In the garden’ functions as an adverb here. It answers
the question where? Back to the question, ‘of you’ is not performing any
function of an adjective or an adverb. ‘Proud’ is an adjective and of you is
complementing it (completing it )

96. A noun phrase lacks one of the following: (A) noun (B) verb (C) adjective
(D) adverb
A phrase has no finite verb but a clause has.

97. Eve gave Adam an apple. An apple in the sentence functions as------------
(A) subject of the verb ‘gave’ (B) direct object of the verb (C) indirect object
of the verb (D) object complement
There are two objects here Adam and an apple. An apple is the direct
object because it directly affected by the action/verb – gave. This means
Eve gave the apple to Adam. Adam is the indirect object. It cannot be
object complement because object complement talks more about the object
and an apple in the question is not talking more about Adam.
Object is the receiver of an action. It is affected by an action.
Subject is the doer of an action.

98. I wonder if you know where he lives. This sentence is a(n) ...... (A)
thoughtful statement (B) polite command (C) indirect question (D) subtle
The word ‘wonder’ makes the statement thoughtful

99. An example of gradable adjectives is …

(A) each (B) beautiful (C) dead (D) live
Gradable adjectives have a comparative and superlative e.g. more beautiful
and most beautiful but there can’t be more dead and most dead. Just like
correct, superior etc. they are not gradable
100. A clause differs from a phrase because a clause contains ……….
(A) a larger number of words (B) a fewer number of words (C) a finite verb
(D) a non-finite verb
A phrase has no finite verb but a clause has.

Thanks for getting my personally-solved UI

practice question.

Please allow 5 minutes, let me show you;

Why a lot of UI aspirants fail UI post UTME (that is their
scores don’t meet the cut off mark of their aspired course)
and also why many will still fail this year.
Sincerely, for UI, if your score doesn’t meet the cut off mark for your
aspired course, this means “no admission for you to study the course.”
I wasn’t given any course too, the first time I wrote UI POST UTME because
I failed! My post UTME score was 3 marks below the cut off mark.
Now, you think “I was lazy or maybe I didn’t read well.”
See, I read 99% of my textbooks, I even went ahead to read A-level
textbooks which I bought, solved more than 85 A-level questions, I also
attended two tutorials, solved the entire UI practice questions UI released.
I just wanted to be safe because I didn’t know where UI could bring
questions from; I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.
Now, I am sure you are doing the same; attending tutorials, aiming not to
leave any stone unturned, reading and reading, without knowing the full
nature of the exam.
It was after writing the POST UTME for the first time that I knew the nature
of the exam and how UI sets questions and where UI sets questions from
In fact, let me tell you a secret, if you just know this only, you already have
the key to UI POST UTME,
So, what is the secret?
Maybe this is why UI doesn’t release her POST UTME past questions and
also restricts the Use of Calculator in the exam hall; all these to make the
exam seem difficult or make you score less.
The following year, I scored 306 and my POST UTME score was 4 marks
above the cut off mark for my aspired course, (I passed).
I didn’t have to go to any tutorial (don’t get me wrong, tutorials are
helpful), but since I already knew the nature of the exam and I was certain
of admission, I knew what and what to read, what part of JAMB series UI
sets questions from and how the questions are set.
So, I asked myself, “Why do I need tutorial again?”
I created a reading strategy that worked for me; it brought out the genius in
me. Everybody has that genius in them.
I didn’t even open the two A-level textbooks which I had bought the
previous year. UI even repeated some questions from the previous year.
So, knowing the nature of the UI POST UTME made me gain admission
So, how did I know it?
I knew it after writing UI POST UTME once, I knew how UI sets questions
and what UI set and where UI set questions from.
But, you don’t have to write it once too before knowing its nature.
You don’t have to waste one year, do you?
You don’t have to fail once, to know the nature of the exam.

The bitter truth is that, many will still fail (not gain
admission) this year.
Which is why I want to show very few UI SCIENCE aspirants who are
serious about gaining admission, the nature of UI POST UTME by giving
them the questions that were asked in (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 &
2018, no post UTME in 2016), give them all that worked for me; my reading
strategy, my recommended textbooks, timely info (you won’t have to listen
to rumours again, all information about the exam will be confirmed at the
admissions office)
You may not go to tutorials (your choice) but if you can follow my
instructions to the letter, you don’t need to attend one. You will be in my
inner circle whatsapp group where you will be monitored.
All this for almost FREE, and I am going to scare the lazy aspirants by
requesting a tiny investment on your part.
I want to show you the nature of UI POST UTME, so you too can get your
dream course without much stress.
And if that sounds like what you want,
Take this further,
What? You are still reading??????
Contact me now, 09011356353, (WHATSAPP or call)
Or if you don’t believe me, you can end it here and keep wondering what UI post UTME looks
like, maybe you too will know its nature after writing it once.

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