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Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 000 (2023) 113

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Expert Review
Infective Endocarditis—Update for the Perioperative
Ankit Jain, MBBS, FASE, FASA*, Sudhakar Subramani, MDy,
Brian Gebhardt, MD, MPHz, Joshua Hauser, MDx,
Caryl Bailey, MD*, Harish Ramakrishna, MD, FACC, FESCx

Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Medical College of Georgia & Augusta
University, Augusta, GA
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical
Center, MA
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Infective endocarditis is a common pathology routinely encountered by perioperative physicians. There has been a need for a comprehensive
review of this important topic. In this expert review, the authors discuss in detail the incidence, etiology, definition, microbiology, and trends of
infective endocarditis. The authors discuss the clinical and imaging criteria for diagnosing infective endocarditis and the perioperative considera-
tions for the same. Other imaging modalities to evaluate infective endocarditis also are discussed. Furthermore, the authors describe in detail the
clinical risk scores that are used for determining clinical prognostic criteria and how they are tied to the current societal guidelines. Knowledge
about native and prosthetic valve endocarditis, with emphasis on the timing of surgical intervention-focused surgical approaches and analysis of
current outcomes, are critical to managing such patients, especially high-risk patients like those with heart failure, patients with intravenous drug
abuse, and with internal pacemakers and defibrillators in situ. And lastly, with the advancement of percutaneous transcatheter valves becoming a
norm for the management of various valvular pathologies, the authors discuss an in-depth review of transcatheter valve endocarditis with a focus
on its incidence, the timing of surgical interventions, outcome data, and management of high-risk patients.
Ó 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Key Words: Infection; Endocarditis; Cardiac imaging; Valve disease; Echocardiography; Prognosis; Prosthetic valves

THE DIAGNOSIS OF infective endocarditis requires meet- Multiple factors may contribute to the mortality of this dis-
ing a rigorous set of criteria. It can be defined as an infection ease, such as the protean manifestation of clinical signs and
of a native or prosthetic heart valve, the endocardial surface, symptoms, which is impacted by the offending microorganism,
or an indwelling cardiac device.1 The overall incidence ranges the patient’s premorbid status, prior history of cardiac disease
from 3-to-7 per 100,000 person-years.2 The improvement in or cardiac surgery, and the presence of nonnative devices. Due
diagnostic and therapeutic modalities over the years has not to the clinical variability in presentation and the elevated mor-
translated into a reduction in the mortality of this disease, with tality and morbidity risks, a team-based collaborative approach
quoted mortality of about 24%-to-30%.3 There is a preponder- is useful in the management of these patients. A multispecialty
ance of male patients with infective endocarditis (IE). heart valve team comprising, at its core, infectious disease,
cardiology, and cardiac surgery, is recommended in referral
centers. Nishimura et al. also stated the need for a neurologist
Address correspondence to Harish Ramakrishna, MD, FACC, FESC, and cardiac anesthesiologist to be involved in the care in the
FASE, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine (MB 2- appropriate settings (eg, neurologic complications such as
752), Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55901. stroke) and because approximately half of the patients with
E-mail address: (H. Ramakrishna).
1053-0770/Ó 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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2 A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113

infective endocarditis will require surgical intervention at Table 2

some point.4 Major and Minor Criteria in the Modified Duke Criteria for the Diagnosis of IE
Infective endocarditis is a disease in evolution. With the Major criteria
increase in intravenous drug abuse and increasing contact with
healthcare providers, Staphylococcus aureus is now the lead- Blood culture positive for IE
ing cause of IE in the industrialized world. These trends also Typical microorganisms consistent with IE from 2 separate blood
are associated with a growing number of invasive procedures Viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, HACEK group
and increasing use of implantable cardiac devices, with (Haemophilus spp, Actinobacillusactinomycetemcomitans,
increasing incidence in older age groups and decreasing pro- Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella spp, and Kingella kingae), S. aureus;
portions of rheumatic heart diseases.1,2 Skin commensals or community-acquired enterococci, in the absence of a primary focus; or
including coagulase-negative staphylococci (eg, S. epidermi- Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood
culture results, defined as follows:
dis, S. lugdunensis, and S. capitis) colonize the indwelling At least 2 positive culture results of blood samples drawn 12 h apart; or
lines and devices, and are the most frequently identified patho- All of 3 or most of 4 separate culture samples of blood (with first and
gen in early prosthetic valve endocarditis. Viridans group last samples drawn at least 1 h apart)
streptococcus continues to be a frequent culprit in developing Single positive blood culture result for Coxiella burnetii or antiphase I
nations.5 IgG antibody titer >1:800
Evidence of endocardial involvement
With the continued evolution of the disease and higher inci- Echocardiogram positive for IE defined as follows:
dence of mortality, the goal here is to highlight the most up-to- Oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures, in the
date information to understand the clinical diagnosis, imaging path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the absence of an
criteria, and updates in the guidelines, and discuss the different alternative anatomic explanation
manifestations of IE in native, prosthetic, and transcatheter Abscess; or
New partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve
valves. New valvular regurgitation (worsening or changing of preexisting
murmur not sufficient)
Minor criteria
Predisposition, predisposing heart condition, or injection drug use
Diagnosis and Imaging Criteria
Fever, temperature >38˚C (100.4˚F)
Vascular phenomena, major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts,
The Modified Duke Criteria are the well-validated and cur- mycotic aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhage, conjunctival hemorrhages,
rent standard for diagnosing IE in a wide group of patients and Janeway lesions
including children, older people, native as well as prosthetic Immunological phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth’s
spots, and rheumatoid factor
valve endocarditis, injection versus noninjection drug users,
Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does not meet a major
and a variety of clinical settings.6 The Modified Duke Criteria criterion as noted above* or serological evidence of active infection with
include clinical, imaging, and bacteriologic criteria and are the organism consistent with IE
cornerstone of diagnosing IE, along with various cardiac imag-
* Excludes single positive cultures for coagulase-negative staphylococci and
ing like transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), transesopha- organisms that do not cause IE.IE indicates infective endocarditis; IgG,
geal echocardiography (TEE), computed tomography (CT), immunoglobulin G; and spp, species.
Permission to reprint taken from “Otto CM, Nishimura RA, Bonow RO, et al.
Table 1 2020 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Management of Patients With Valvular
Diagnosis of IE According to the Proposed Modified Duke Criteria Heart Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circula-
Definite IE tion. 2021;143(5):e72-e227. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000923”.
Pathological criteria
Microorganisms demonstrated by culture or histological examination of a
vegetation, a vegetation that has embolized, or an intracardiac abscess and positron emission tomography (PET)-CT imaging (See
specimen; or Tables 1 and 2).
Pathological lesions: Vegetation or intracardiac abscess confirmed by
histological examination showing active endocarditis
Clinical criteria
2 major criteria; or Imaging IE
1 major criterion and 3 minor criteria; or
5 minor criteria Imaging IE is critical for diagnosis and directly impacts
Possible IE patient outcomes. Although cost, access to care, and ability to
1 major criterion and 1 minor criterion; or
read and interpret the imaging may vary regionally and locally,
3 minor criteria
Rejected those considerations are not discussed in this review. Rather,
Firm alternative diagnosis explaining evidence of IE; or the individual imaging modalities are described generally.
Resolution of IE syndrome with antibiotic therapy for <4 d; or There are broad aims and goals when evaluating different
No pathological evidence of IE at surgery or autopsy, with antibiotic imaging modalities, and include but are not limited to (1)
therapy for <4 d; or
establishing or confirming a diagnosis of IE, (2) evaluating the
Does not meet criteria for possible IE as listed above
IE indicates infective endocarditis. extent of the disease, (3) the ability to distinguish IE from
other pathology, (4) utility in guiding specific interventions

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A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113 3

and therapy, and (5) the ability to diagnose IE on nonnative Other Imaging Modalities to Evaluate IE
cardiac valves and structures.
Multislice/Multidetector CT
Preoperative Echocardiography Imaging
A CT is less frequently used but can provide useful informa-
tion, especially when ultrasound diagnosis is inconclusive.
Both TTE and TEE are well-established diagnostic tools.
Both the ACC/AHA and the European Society of Cardiology
Echocardiography is highly sensitive and specific when
(ESC) provide recommendations for CT imaging in certain
attempting to detect vegetation. A TTE has a sensitivity
clinical scenarios. The sensitivity is slightly less than echocar-
between 50% and 90% and a specificity >90% for the detec-
diography in detecting native valve endocarditis, but may be
tion of vegetation in native valve endocarditis. Although TTE
superior in the presence of non-native valves, significant cal-
has a sensitivity of only 36%-to-69% in detecting prosthetic
cium deposits, and when abscesses, especially periannular
valve endocarditis,6 multiple studies specifically commented
ones, are present.17-20 However, CT has less sensitivity than
on the ability to evaluate associated pathology (ie, leaks,
TEE when evaluating leaflet perforation. Jain et al. provided
dynamic obstruction, and fistulae).7-9 A TEE and 3-dimen-
data from a meta-analysis and suggested concomitant use of
sional TEE, especially, allow highly detailed imaging and help
TTE/TEE and CT may provide more accurate information
describe anatomic locations relative to other structures.
together than each study separately.21
Unfortunately, both TTE and TEE are highly operator-
dependent with significant interoperator variability. A TTE is
especially impacted by patient habitus and the ability to obtain MRI and PET CT
satisfactory windows. Sensitivity decreases when evaluating
very small lesions, abscesses, and lesions in the presence of Echocardiography and Multidetector Computed Tomogra-
prosthetic valves. phy (MDCT) are the main diagnostic tools for IE. An MRI,
A TTE is typically the first imaging modality considered cardiac MRI, and nuclear imaging (PET) also are described in
and employed when IE is suspected. According to the Modi- the literature but have not been evaluated to the same degree.
fied Duke Criteria, echocardiographic evidence is a major cri- A PET-CT potentially can provide early diagnosis of an infec-
terion for the diagnosis of IE and is defined as an “oscillating tive process and may hold some benefit in evaluating for sour-
intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures, in the path ces of infections in tissue pockets, drive lines, and catheters,
of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the absence of but it is prone to false-positive errors in the setting of recent
an alternative anatomic explanation; or abscess; or new partial prosthetic valve surgery and other patient-specific scenarios.
dehiscence of prosthetic valve.”10 In the same criteria, TEE is False-negative results may be related to organism type, bio-
recommended for prosthetic valves possibly infected by clini- films, and low inflammatory activity after antibiotic treat-
cal criteria, or IE complicated by paravalvular abscesses or ment.22-24
other significant pathology. An MRI evaluation can be evaluated separately in terms of
cerebral utility and cardiac utility. As this review focuses on
Perioperative Considerations IE and not necessarily the extracardiac sequelae of the disease,
the discussion is limited to noting its use in diagnosing throm-
The question of perioperative versus intraoperative use of boembolic events related to IE. Cerebral MRI evaluation may
TEE is not specifically defined by the 2014 American College provide significant detail and information about cardiac struc-
of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) tures, but its role in IE is limited. It has not been demonstrated
guidelines, and TEE for open valve surgery is only a Class II to be superior to TEE, CT, or a combination of those tests in
indication. However, the guidelines do note that intraoperative diagnosing IE.23
TEE for valve surgery in the setting of IE is a Class I indica-
tion (evidence level B). Obtaining TTE or TEE imaging is also Clinical Risk Scores
a class I indication for known IE with significant clinical
changes or in patients at high risk of complications (also evi- Risk stratification is important in IE to determine surgical
dence level B.)11 Furthermore, the use of TEE to evaluate decision-making, as well as to counsel the patient’s family to
prosthetic valves in the setting of persistent fever, negative assess the quality of care. Most of the current clinical risk
bacteremia, and/or new murmur is a Class II indication.11 It scores are based on predictive scoring systems, which inher-
then can be inferred reasonably that these indications encom- ently are based on patients having cardiac surgery for reasons
pass the perioperative period, and, collectively, the evidence is other than endocarditis. Many such clinical risk scores are
strong that TEE should be used during the perioperative used. The Society of Thoracic Surgery (STS) risk score for
period. A retrospective cohort study of nearly 220,000 open IE,25 the De Feo score (for native valve IE),26 the PALSUSE
valve procedures (in which 85% used intraoperative TEE) score (prosthetic valve, age 70, large intracardiac destruc-
demonstrated a significant 30-day mortality benefit.16 tion, Staphylococcus spp, urgent surgery, sex [female], Euro-
Although the data set does not specifically indicate if the SCORE 10),27 the ANCLA score (anemia, New York Heart
patients had endocarditis, it is likely safe to assume at least the Association functional class IV, critical state, large intracar-
same clinical benefit of intraoperative TEE. diac destruction, surgery of the thoracic aorta),28 the Risk-

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4 A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113

Endocarditis Score (RISK-E, for active left-sided IE),29 the echocardiography for follow-up of uncomplicated IE cases;
score for heart valve or prosthesis IE (EndoSCORE),30 and the however, the ESC makes this recommendation to detect silent

Association pour l’Etude et la Prevention de l’Endocadite complications and monitor vegetation size.
Infectieuse (AEPEI) score I (the original model) and II (the The ESC recommends the use of advanced imaging tests
alternate model).31 such as CT in patients with high clinical suspicion but not
When Gatti et al. compared these scores to each other, 5 meeting the criteria for diagnosis according to the Duke cri-
scores (ANCLA score, STS risk score for IE, PALSUSE teria. The European guidelines also specifically recommend
score, and Association pour l’Etude et la Prevention de TEE when there is a concern for prosthetic valve endocardi-
l’Endocadite Infectieuse score I and II) showed satisfactory tis.
performance in predicting in-hospital mortality for surgery Both societies acknowledge the use of cardiac CT; however,
for IE. In their analysis comparing individual scores against although the ESC considers the data to be strong enough to
each other, the accuracy of prediction was best for the recommend its use as a diagnostic modality, the AHA/ACC
ANCLA score.32 Individual scores also can be more predic- contends that more studies are needed to define the full useful-
tive when individual biomarkers are added like preoperative ness of nuclear imaging in this patient population.4,6,35 The
serum albumin.33 Fernandez-Felix et al. recently had devel- ESC goes further by recommending modified diagnostic crite-
oped prognostic meta-models after a systematic review and ria based on the lesions on cardiac CT as a major criterion in
aggregation of the existing prediction models for mortality the diagnosis. They also recommend that abnormal uptake
after cardiac surgery in patients with IE. In their assessment, activity at the implantation site in cases of suspected prosthetic
the meta-models outperformed the existing predictive mod- valve endocarditis should be a major diagnostic criterion in a
els in predicting the individual risk of mortality in patients valve that has been implanted for >3 months.35
with IE.34
Native Valve Endocarditis
Current Society Guidelines—ESC and STS/AHA Update
Timing of Surgical Intervention and Outcomes
As new evidence emerges, society guidelines are updated to
mirror the best available evidence. It is beyond the scope of Although guidelines and recommendations are useful to
this paper to discuss the guidelines in detail. Aside from the determine surgical intervention in IE, the timing of surgery is
Modified Duke Criteria, there are several specialty-specific made purely based on individual case presentation in the
clinical practice guidelines that provide recommendations for majority of situations. The ACC and AHA guidelines recom-
the use of echocardiography to aid in the diagnosis and man- mend early surgical intervention during initial hospitalization
agement of IE. The 2014 AHA/ACC guidelines noted that and before completion of a full therapeutic course of antibiot-
“TEE is recommended in all patients with known or suspected ics in the setting of destructive cardiac lesions, inadequate
IE when TTE is nondiagnostic, when complications have response to the antibiotic treatments, infection with a highly
developed or are clinically suspected, or when intracardiac resistant organism, IE leading to new heart failure symptoms,
device leads are present” as a Class I recommendation (Level and if the size of the vegetations on the left-sided valves
of Evidence: B).11-13 Multiple guidelines were reviewed and >10 mm in length with or without clinical evidence of embolic
compared with each other and it was noted that the different events. The ESC gives a more specific timing of surgery with
clinical practice guidelines tended to agree, but were not unan- patients with IE, and stratifies timing into emergent (<24
imous, that TEE is recommended for prosthetic valves, com- hours), urgent (within days), and elective (after 1-2 weeks after
plicated IE, and IE in the presence of cardiac implantable antibiotic treatment).36 Overall, early (<7 days) versus
electronic device devices (CIED) and leads.14 There is signifi- delayed (>7 days) surgical intervention decision is based on
cant discordance between the clinical practice guidelines on the presence of complications like congestive heart failure,
the need for follow-up TEE in uncomplicated native valve IE. and the development of resistance to antibiotics treatment for
It also should be considered that despite being the most com- at least 5-to-7 days, as seen with signs of persistent sepsis and/
monly used imaging modalities, TTE and TEE are both limited or relapsing IE, having large mobile vegetations, invasion
in their ability to detect all cases of IE.8 It has been estimated beyond valve leaflets, and presence of recurrent systemic
that echocardiography alone can result in normal or nondiag- emboli.37 The importance of an early, multispecialty team
nostic results in up to 30% of prosthetic valve endocarditis.15 approach to surgical decision-making in patients with IE is
The ESC does not give specific recommendations regarding emphasized.38
TEE for suspected intracardiac complications in patients with
a positive TTE; however, the AHA/ACC does recommend Outcome Data Comparing Early Versus Delayed Surgical
this. Whereas the ESC specifically recommends that TEE Intervention
should be done in patients with TTE evidence of IE and good
imaging quality, the AHA does not. The ESC specifically rec- Liang et al. in their metanalysis (n = 8141 from 16 studies)
ommends echocardiography for all patients with S. aureus observed that compared with delay (>2 weeks) in surgery,
bacteremia; however, the AHA does not. Furthermore, the early (<2 weeks) surgery lowered the incidence of in-hospital
AHA does not specifically recommend repeat mortality (odds ratio [OR] 0.57, 95% CI 0.42, 0.77;

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A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113 5

Fig 1. In-hospital mortality in patients with IE, comparing early surgery versus nonearly surgery, including subgroup analysis for different operation time periods.
IE: infective endocarditis; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. (Adapted from Liang et al. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2016 Mar;22(3):336-45.) Permis-
sion granted to reprint.

Fig 2. Long-term mortality in patients with IE, comparing early surgery versus nonearly surgery, including subgroup analysis for different operation time periods.
IE: infective endocarditis; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. (Adapted from Liang et al. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2016 Mar;22(3):336-45.) Permis-
sion granted to reprint.

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6 A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113

p = 0.000), and long-term mortality (OR 0.57, 95% CI 0.43, Management in High-Risk Patient Populations
0.77; p = 0.001). In addition, operating within 2 weeks had a
IE in Substance-Abuse Individuals
more favorable effect on long-term mortality (OR 0.63, 95%
CI 0.41, 0.97; p = 0.192, I2 = 39.4%) than nonearly surgery.
In recent years, the number of IE cases associated with intra-
However, they were unable to determine the optimal timing
venous drug use has increased. Clinical guidelines suggest
for surgical intervention (Figs. 1 and 2).39 Another meta-analy-
deferring surgery for IE in people who inject drugs because of
sis from studies over 2 decades (n=21 studies) observed a
concern for worse outcomes in comparison to noninjectors.
lower risk of all-cause mortality between early surgery and
Goodman et al. showed a lower survival rate in both immedi-
medical therapy. However, there was no significant difference
ate and long-term periods after surgery in the drug-injector
in all-cause mortality between surgery within 7 days and
group compared with the noninjectors. Survival at 30-days, 1-,
between 8 and 20 days, (OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.39-0.96,
5-, and 10 years was 94.3%, 81.0%, 62.1%, and 56.6% in the
p = 0.034) 0.64 (95% CI 0.48-0.86, p = 0.003). There were no
drug injector group, respectively, and 96.4%, 85.0%, 70.3%
significant differences in in-hospital mortality, embolization,
and 63.4% in the noninjector group. The drug injector group
heart failure, and recurrence of endocarditis between
had a 47% greater hazard of death (HR 1.47, 95% CI 1.05-
unmatched cohorts.40 Kousa et al., in their analysis of the
2.05) and more than twice the hazard of reoperation (HR 2.37,
United States inpatient database from a total of 13,056
95% CI 1.25-4.50) than the noninjector group (Fig 3).45 Straw
patients, found no difference in the in-hospital mortality
et al., from their prospectively collected data from 2006 to
between early surgery (<7 days) versus late surgery (>7 days)
2016, showed a lower survival rate with drug injectors who
(5% v 5.4%). However, early surgery was associated with sig-
developed IE compared with other infections. Mortality was
nificantly shorter length of stay (12.4 v 25.9 days) and lower
even higher in patients who required surgery than in those who
hospital costs, reduced by 28.3%.41 Overall, early surgery has
did not (HR 1.8, 95% CI 0.95-3.3). They concluded that
potential benefits, but optimal timing remains unclear.
although early survival was good, long-term survival was poor
due to ongoing infection risk in the drug injector group. Sur-
Time of Surgical Intervention in IE Complicated By
gery does not confer long-term survival advantage, and more
Neurologic Injury
efforts are needed to reduce reinfection risks in the drug injec-
tor group.46
Surgical timing in IE with preexisting neurologic events
remains unclear. Tam et al., in their meta-analysis (n = 1,330),
observed that early surgery (7 or 14 days) in ischemic or hem- IE in End-Stage Renal Disorders
orrhagic stroke was associated with elevated perioperative
mortality versus late surgery (Relative Risk (RR) 1.74; 95% End-stage renal disorder patients requiring chronic dialysis
CI 1.34-2.25; p < 0.0001), and greater neurologic exacerbation are considered at high risk for the development of IE. From a
(RR 2.09; 95% CI 1.32-3.32; p = 0.002). However, in their nationwide database over 3 decades (n = 9,392), Ludvigsen
subgroup analysis, similar perioperative mortality and neuro- and the group analyzed incidences and outcomes in dialysis
logic exacerbation were noted for ischemic stroke for the patients complicated by IE. They noted an increased risk of IE
period between 7 and 14 days, and for hemorrhagic stroke, (HR 1.57; 95% CI 1.09-2.27) in patients without aortic valve
early surgery (<21 days) showed higher mortality (RR 1.77 v fistula after adjusting for age, sex, valvular disease, diabetes,
0.63) and neurologic exacerbation (RR 2.02 v RR 0.44) com- and period of the first hemodialysis. They also observed fewer
pared with surgery after 28 days, and, overall, no difference in incidences of IE in the elderly population (age 70 years,
their long-term mortality. They concluded that delaying sur- HR = 0.59; 95% CI 0.37-0.93). The 90-day all-cause mortality
gery by 7-to-14 days for ischemic, and >21 days for hemor- in IE was slightly higher in the dialysis group than in cohorts
rhagic stroke eventually will decrease perioperative without dialysis, 27% and 23%, respectively.47 Data from the
mortality.42 Zhang et al., in their data from a single center Danish national registry (n = 10,612) noted higher incidences
(n = 183) showed 50% of patients had early surgery within of IE in hemodialysis compared with peritoneal dialysis or
7 days (despite having ischemic infarction in more than two- renal transplantation patients (1,092/100,000 person-years,
thirds of enrolled patients). Their overall rates of neurologic 212/100,000 person-years, and 85/100,000 person-years,
complications were similar for early and late surgery groups respectively). Moreover, incidences were higher in patients
(10.9% v 11%) and no mention of early or late mortality. 43 In with central venous catheters compared with aortic valve (AV)
terms of mid and late outcomes, Yokoyama in their meta-anal- fistulae. Overall reported mortality was 22% in hospital and
ysis of 624 patients demonstrated similar all-cause mortality 51% at 1 year. Aortic valve disease, previous IE, and the first 6
between the early and late surgery groups (HR 0.90, 95% CI months of renal replacement therapy were some of the contrib-
0.49-1.64; p = 0.10). Similar observation was noted for the uting factors to developing IE.48 From pooled data meta-analy-
neurologic recurrence rates between both groups (HR 1.86, sis, Sadeghi et al. revealed overall in-hospital mortality of
95% CI 0.76-4.52; p = 0.43;). Their observation was predomi- 29.5% (95% CI 26.7%-46.6%) and long-term mortality of
nantly from observational studies and significantly lacked data 45.6% (95% CI 41.9%-49.3%) in hemodialysis patients suffer-
from randomized controlled trials in this specific group of ing from IE.49 Data from the North American registry showed
IE.44 higher in-hospital and 6-month mortality in hemodialysis

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A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113 7

Fig 3. Time-to-reoperation survival of PWID and non-PWID after cardiac surgery for infective endocarditis. Panel A denotes the three included studies. Panel B
denotes the aggregate survival curves by arm (PWID vs. non-PWID). Abbreviations: non-PWID, people who do not inject drugs; PWID, people who inject drugs.
(Adapted from Goodman-Meza D BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Nov 8;19(1):918) Permission granted to reprint.

versus nondialysis IE patients (30.4% v 17% and 39.8% v with the 153,242 adult IE cases without congenital heart dis-
20.7%, respectively; p < 0.001). Acute onset of cardiac fail- ease (7.1% v 16.1%, p < 0.001).52 Although the presence of
ure, persistent bacteremia, Central Nervous System (CNS) adult congenital heart disease per se does not increase overall
emboli, and Charlson score are some of the risk factors for morality with IE, acquired comorbidities emerged as the main
higher 6-month mortality in the dialysis group.50 predictors of adverse outcomes.

IE in Adult Congenital Heart Disorders IE in the CIED Population

Patients with adult congenital heart disease in general have The number of electronic intracardiac devices such as pace-
an increased risk of developing IE. A single-center database makers, defibrillators, and nonelectronic devices (percutaneous
by Tutarel et al. showed the mean age at the presentation of IE occluders) implanted worldwide has been increasing progres-
was 32.3 § 22.7 years, of whom only a third had a complex sively over the past few decades. In general, patients who
lesion. One-fourth of patients developed recurrent episodes of receive CIEDs share certain common characteristics, such as
IE, and a third of patients received surgical interventions dur- underlying heart disease, advanced age, kidney disease, and
ing the same admission. Twenty percent of patients died in multiple associated pathologies, which have led to a change in
their 6-to-7 years’ follow-up, of whom 7% of mortality was the spectrum of presentation of endocarditis. The CIED-asso-
due to IE. Age and development of abscess (OR 7.23; 95% CI ciated IEs pose diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to
1.81-28.94, p < 0.01) were the significant factors for IE- the complexity of the patients, the type of microorganisms
related morality in congenital disorders.51 A national database involved, and often the time required for either the percutane-
from Germany showed that the incidence of IE was 0.8% ous or surgical techniques in the removal of infected material.
(2,512 out of 309,245, congenital heart disorder). Their All of these circumstances require a multidisciplinary
observed morality in IE was 6%, and 41.5% required surgical approach. Male sex, diabetes, renal impairment, chronic
intervention. However, the overall IE-associated mortality was obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, and the use of immuno-
lower in patients with adult congenital heart disease compared suppressors are some of the contributing factors to CIED-

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8 A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113

related infections.53 The risk of IE was higher in nonfirst years. However, the choice of the mechanical or bioprosthetic
implants, with a greater number of electrodes and a prolonged valve in the mitral position for patients aged 50-to-69 years is
duration of the procedure. The CIED-IE has been associated uncharted territory in the current guidelines.4
with high mortality (24.5%-29% with follow-up periods of up From their single-center retrospective data, Hu et al. showed
to a year), and has high explant rates of 80-100%. Long-term that mechanical valve prostheses were associated with better sur-
mortality is 2 times higher than in CIED carriers without infec- vival and lower rates of reoperation compared with bioprostheses
tious complications. Abnormal renal function is the most con- within 15 years after MVR in IE patients aged 50-to-69 (Fig 4).56
sistently identified risk factor for mortality. In many cases, Chikwe et al. demonstrated no difference in survival for patients
failure to remove an infected device is associated with relapse aged between 50 and 69 years requiring MVR; however, mechani-
and mortality.54 With the advancement of technology, it is cal valves were associated with a significantly increased risk of
hoped that the use of subcutaneous devices, leadless devices, stroke (HR 1.62; 95% CI 1.10-2.39) and bleeding events (HR
and new antibiotic treatments will reduce the incidence of 1.50; 95% CI 1.05-2.16), and a significant reduction in reoperation
lead-related endocarditis. (HR 0.59; 95% CI 0.37-0.94).57 Kulik et al. found similar results
in MVR patients aged 50-to-65. Although there was no significant
Type of Surgical Interventions and Valve Involvement difference in late mortality, there was an increase in the require-
ment for reoperation for bioprosthetic valves (HR 7.1; 95% CI
Mitral Valve Endocarditis 1.8-27.8), and an increased risk of thromboembolism for mechani-
cal valves (HR 4.1; 95% CI 1.3-12.7).58 There have been reports
In mitral valve endocarditis, repair of the valve, as opposed of higher mortality with bioprostheses than mechanical MVR
to replacement, generally results in decreased in-hospital and among those 50-to-69 years of age (HR 1.16; 95% CI 1.04-
long-term mortality, reduced recurrence rates, fewer postoper- 1.30).59
ative repeat surgeries on the mitral valve, and fewer cerebro-
vascular events. Repair of the valve is feasible in 78% of
patients, especially with an experienced team, and reported Aortic Valve Endocarditis
mortality is between 3% and 21%.38,55 Mitral valve replace-
ment (MVR) is required when the damage is extensive, as well In contrast to mitral valve IE, the majority of aortic valve IE
as in patients with calcified or rheumatic disease of the mitral is treated via the replacement of the valve. The repair can be
valve. The type of prosthetic valve used for replacement is achieved in up to 33% in experienced valve repair centers.
determined by many factors such as age, comorbidities, and Moreover, there is limited evidence on whether repairing the
patient willingness to continue lifelong anticoagulation. In valve improves outcomes compared with replacement.35 In a
general, the current guidelines on MVR (AHA/ACC or the comparison of a homograft versus conventional prosthetic
ESC and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Sur- valve, no differences in perioperative mortality or stroke were
gery guidelines) recommend using a mechanical valve for noted despite a greater proportion of staphylococcal endocardi-
patients <50 years and bioprosthesis for those who are >70 tis, abscess, and root replacements, but less multivalve

Fig 4. Fifteenyear survival after mitral valve replacement for infective endocarditis patients aged 50-to-69 years according to prosthetic type: bioprostheses (red
line) or mechanical (blue line) (Adapted from Hu et al. Clin Cardiol. 2020;43(10):1093-1099) Permission granted to reprint.

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A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113 9

involvement in the homograft group. Long-term outcomes of in in-hospital mortality between early (<2 weeks) and non-
all-cause mortality (Incidence Rate Ratio (IRR) 0.82, 95% CI early(>2 weeks) surgery (OR 0.83, 95% CI 0.65, 1.06;
0.36-1.84, p = 0.63), recurrent endocarditis (IRR 1.04, 95% CI p = 0.413).38 Appropriate antimicrobial therapy should follow
0.49-2.19, p = 0.92), and reoperation (IRR 3.17, 95% CI 0.52- the same recommendations as native valve endocarditis,
19.44, p = 0.21) were similar between the 2 groups. However, although some patients might require prolonged therapy. It is
there was a significantly increased need for reoperation with unknown if prosthetic valve endocarditis rates differ between
homograft versus mechanical prosthetic valves.60 Kyto et al. mechanical valves and bioprosthetic valves, and, therefore, the
demonstrated lower midterm mortality with mechanical com- risk of endocarditis is not incorporated into the shared deci-
pared with bioprosthesis in aortic valve IE patients aged <70 sion-making process. However there appears to be an unrecog-
years.61 Pulmonary homograft is used commonly in younger nized higher risk of IE with bioprosthetic valves. These data,
patients to avoid anticoagulation. along with patient characteristics, provide important informa-
tion to help guide the risk:benefit ratio discussion in individual
Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis patients navigating the complexity of choice of the valve pros-
thesis in prosthetic valve IE.40
Overall, tricuspid valve IE makes up only around 5%-to-
10% of IE. It is most noted in drug-injector groups, especially Updates on Transcatheter Valve Endocarditis
if it also is associated with HIV or immunosuppression. S.
aureus accounts for 60%-to-90% of the infections, with methi- Background and Incidence
cillin-resistant S. aureus on the rise. The reported mortality
with tricuspid valve IE is as high as 7%.62 The majority of the With the number of transcatheter aortic valve replacements
patients with tricuspid valve IE are treated with antimicrobial (TAVR) increasing and the indication for use broadening, opti-
therapy, and surgical intervention is indicated only when the mizing outcomes becomes paramount. Infective endocarditis is
infection is difficult to eradicate or there is persistent bacter- a rare but severe complication that occurs in 0.3%-to-2.3% of
emia for >1 week despite adequate treatment. Surgery also is TAVR patients and carries 22.3%-to-36% 30-day and 66% 1-
indicated with vegetations >2 cm with recurrent pulmonary year mortality after diagnosis.64-72 This process can be further
emboli, with evidence of right heart failure with a poor subcategorized based on the time from implant to diagnosis,
response to diuretics. Most surgeries are valve replacements early (<2 months) intermediate (2-12 months), and later (>12
using a bioprosthetic valve. Repair of the valve is preferred in months).71 The median time from TAVR to IE hospitalization
some exceptional cases; however, evidence shows that there is may be around 6 months to a year (352 days) and have a cumu-
no benefit in outcomes compared with the other options like in lative incidence of 5.8% at 5 years.70,72,73 Incidence of IE in
other valves. TAVR appears to be similar or even the same as surgical aortic
valve replacement (SAVR); however, there are a few distinct
Pulmonary Valve Endocarditis differences in the epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis,
and treatment.69,70,74 Many recommendations for prevention
Isolated pulmonary valve endocarditis is extremely rare in a and treatment arise from data on IE in SAVR; however these
healthy heart (<2%).48 Early symptoms of IE initially can be variables limit a direct interpretation. Identifying TAVR-spe-
misdiagnosed as a viral illness, which can result in delayed cific risk factors may help guide preventative and therapeutic
intervention and an increased rate of complications. Intrave- options.
nous drug abuse, alcoholism, sepsis, immunosuppression, and
catheter-related infections are the most common predisposing Pathogenesis
factors, and up to a third of pulmonary valve endocarditis do
not have predisposing factors. Although medical therapy with Where TAVR and SAVR share similarities are that biopros-
prolonged antimicrobials is the primary treatment option in thetic material acts as a vector for bacterial adhesion. Mechan-
pulmonary valve endocarditis, surgical valve replacement indi- ical valves appear to hold less risk of IE as compared with
cates significant valvular regurgitation resulting in acute heart bioprosthetic; from here SAVR and TAVR begin to diverge.40
failure. The presence of multidrug-resistant organisms or The primary causative organism of IE in TAVR is different
fungi, persistent bacteremia or recurrent emboli despite appro- from that in SAVR. Enterococci are reported as the most com-
priate antibiotic therapy, IE complicated by heart block or mon organism in TAVR, in contrast to SAVR in which Staphy-
abscess formation, and severe regurgitation with mobile vege- lococcus and Streptococcus predominate. This may be
tations >10 mm also may indicate replacement.63 attributable to the surgical site, the groin, which is used in the
majority of TAVR procedures.72,73,75-78 Additionally, 47.9%
Prosthetic Valve IE of those Enterococci samples were drug-resistant.79 Conse-
quently, perioperative prophylactic antibiotic choices may
Overall, there is no major difference in consensus between influence outcomes; however, this has yet to be investigated.
native and prosthetic valve endocarditis. The timing of surgical Additional risk factors included younger age, male sex, lack
interventions remains unclear, similar to native valve endocar- of predilation, intubation during TAVR procedure, new pace-
ditis. A metanalysis from Harky et al. showed no differences maker, and greater than grade 2 residual Aortic insufficiency

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10 A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113

Table 3 of focused interventions on outcomes has not yet been investi-

Risk Factors Associated with Infective Endocarditis After TAVR gated.
Risk Factor for IE Unique to Both Unique to
TAVR SAVR Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Age (Younger) x
Male x
Prevention of IE after TAVR could focus on modifiable risk
Diabetes x factors. Performing the procedure in the OR, under sedation,
Chronic Renal Insufficiency x use of a self-expanding valve, taking care in avoiding crimping
Atrial Fibrillation x or damage to the valve during prep, screening for Enterococ-
Sternal wound infection x cus, and focusing on prophylactic treatment may impact out-
Aortic Regurgitation  Moderate x
Self-Expandable Valve y comes (Table 3).68,74 However, addressing these risk factors
Orotracheal Intubation x has not yet been reported but could hold a significant impact
Transfemoral Approach factor.
New Pacemaker Implantation x Diagnosis of IE generally is performed using the Modified
Residual Aortic Regurgitation x Duke Criteria, which carries nearly an 80% sensitivity.81 How-
Vascular Injury x
Bleeding Complications x
ever, in patients after a prosthetic valve has been implanted,
the algorithm loses much of its diagnostic power.82,83 Trans-
Adapted from Cahill et al, Jian W et al and Alexis SL et al.5,11,27 thoracic echocardiographic imaging is noninvasive and is
y Denotes a benefit. associated with 28%-to-69% sensitivity. When suspicion
remains for IE, TEE can be performed and increases the sensi-
(AI) after implantation. Factors associated with a possible ben- tivity to 86%-to-94%. Reexamination with echocardiography
efit were the use of a self-expandable valve, older age, and after 3-to-7 days is recommended when suspicion of IE is still
treatment in a hybrid operating room versus the catheterization present.84 In patients in whom TTE and TEE are inconclusive,
laboratory (Table 1).79 In cases of IE, in-hospital mortality and suspicion of IE remains, CT and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
was increased in patients with septic shock, persistent bacter- PET/CT are effective at discriminating root abscesses after a
emia, acute renal failure, and heart failure. The addition of S. prosthetic valve replacement, and may be helpful when other
aureus or Entercocci bacteremia impacted all-cause mortality studies are inconclusive.74 Blood cultures can aid in diagnosis
at 1-year.80 Some of these items are modifiable but the impact as well as narrowing treatment. Investigating for embolism

Figure 5. Unadjusted All-Cause Mortality According to Treatment. (A) Unadjusted all-cause mortality was comparable between IE-CS and IE-AB. (B) In a land-
mark analysis, unadjusted long-term mortality of patients surviving the initial IE treatment episode was also not different between IE-CS and IE-AB. HRs, and cor-
responding 95% CIs are for 2-year all-cause mortality. IE-AB = infective endocarditis treated with antibiotics only; IE-CS = infective endocarditis treated with
cardiac surgery [and antibiotics]). Mangner N, del Val D, Abdel-Wahab M, et al. Surgical Treatment of Patients With Infective Endocarditis After Transcatheter
Aortic Valve Implantation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022;79(8):772-785. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2021.11.056. Permission granted to reprint.

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A. Jain et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 00 (2023) 113 11

with additional imaging also can aid in diagnosis, risk stratifi- Although early surgery has led to favorable outcomes for IE in
cation, and treatment planning.84 the SAVR population, this may not translate to the same out-
Treatment of IE after a bioprosthetic valve can be accom- come in the TAVR population, and evidence is currently lack-
plished with 2 approaches, medical and/or surgical. Surgical ing. Thorough evaluation and risk stratification are needed for
management after SAVR has a lower risk of 30-day mortality appropriate treatment planning.
and a higher chance of survival to follow-up compared with
medical management.85 However, for IE after TAVR, there is
no difference for in-hospital or 1-year mortality between those Focused Surgical Approaches
who underwent cardiac surgery versus medical management
only (Fig 5).80 Surgical treatment has been used frequently in Althoughto date there are no data related to outcomes based
cases that involve vegetation >10 mm, heart failure, systemic on surgical approaches specifically for IE in TAVR, the follow-
embolization, persistent bacteremia, and periannular involve- ing is based on data for IE after SAVR. When the infection is
ment; however, less frequent in older patients or those with confined to the valve, replacement may suffice as treatment.87 If
neurologic complications.80 Approximately 77%-to-81% of the annulus is involved but the abscess, is small a patch can be
patients with IE after TAVR have an indication for surgery, used after debridement. If the abscess is large, root replacement
and only 11%-to-19% will undergo surgery. 73,80 Infective may be necessary. Concurrent replacement of the mitral valve
endocarditis after TAVR carried an in-hospital mortality rate also can be considered in patients in whom the abscess is
of 31.9%-to-47.2%, and those who underwent surgery did not large.84,86 There appears to be no significant difference in out-
have improved outcomes as compared with medical manage- comes between replacement with mechanical versus biopros-
ment only.73,80 Considering that most of the patients in these thetic valves, but there is some evidence of a favorable outcome
reports were poor surgical candidates, these findings may not with a Ross procedure.88 Reports of minimally invasive
accurately reflect outcomes in lower-risk patients; data are not approaches for mitral valve repair and replacement after IE
yet available. show a 1-year survival of 79.3%, with a low (1.8%) rate of con-
Medical management may often be the primary modality of version to sternotomy; however, to the authors’ knowledge there
treatment and also should be used in conjunction with surgical are no reports demonstrating this for the aortic valve after
interventions; starting with the emprical treatment of confirmed TAVR.89
IE and in the case of negative blood cultures but suspected IE.
Recommendations include combination therapy of agents like Conclusions
daptomycin and ceftriaxone or vancomycin and gentamicin.
Antibiotic therapy can be targeted with speciation and sensitiv- Infective endocarditis is associated with major morbidity
ity studies. In negative blood culture-IE, causative organisms and mortality even though significant advances have been
include Coxiella, Bartonella, fungi, and the HACEK (Hemophi- made in diagnosis and treatment. With the increasing use of
lus aphrophilus, Hemophilus paraphrophilus, Aggregatibacter prosthetic valves and devices within the heart, it is becoming
actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella more prevalent in older patients and with more chronic comor-
corrodens, Kingella kingae), so diagnostic studies and treatment bidities. Even though there are several predictive scoring mod-
should include these. With TAVR being performed in a higher els to predict the mortality and morbidity of patients
number of the intermediate-to-low-risk population, there may undergoing cardiac surgery for IE, a universal model is still
be a shift in treatment choices toward surgery; however, this has lacking that includes patient factors and is specific to IE. With
not yet been reported. the increasing use of TAVRs, there is now an increasing inci-
dence of IE in older patients, with increased mortality. The
Timing of Surgical Intervention outcomes of IE after TAVR are associated with high in-hospi-
tal and 1-year mortality—numbers that exceed those reported
The timing of intervention largely depends on the coexisting in SAVR. Intervention, such as a surgical explantation of the
disease and evidence of clinical deterioration. Surgical risk infective valve, is currently uncommon and does not appear to
assessment can be assessed with STSscore, EuroSCORE, or improve outcomes. This paradigm may shift, as TAVR is
JapanSCORE, and may help guide decision-making. Preopera- being performed with increased frequency in intermediate-
tive assessment should include the investigation of concurrent and low-risk populations, but more data are needed before con-
embolic events, cerebral vessels, coronary arteries, and solid clusions can be drawn. There are unique risk factors for IE
organs. There is a high rate of neurologic complications asso- after TAVR, some of which are modifiable and may improve
ciated with IE, and findings should be incorporated into the with intervention, including prophylaxis targeting the primary
surgical risk assessment. Based on data for IE after SAVR, causative organism. Though much has been reported, signifi-
early surgery (defined as within 24 hours of diagnosis) is rec- cant knowledge gaps exist and further research is required.
ommended when the possibility of progressive heart failure
and embolism are present without coexisting intracranial
involvement and/or severe comorbidities.84,86 Early surgery Conflict of Interest
also is recommended in patients who are refractory to antibi-
otic therapy or in the case of drug-resistant organisms.86 None.

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