CST Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology

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Adventist University of the Philippines


(Enhanced Curriculum 2014)

First Semester Units
ELEC 111 Basic Electricity & Electronics Lec. 3
ELEC 111 Basic Electricity & Electronics Lab. 3
MATH 111 College Algebra 3
ENCA 111 Communication Arts I 3
DRAW 111 Engineering Drawing I 2
FILI 111 Kom. sa Akademikong Filipino 3
RELB 111 The Gospel 3
PHED 111 Physical Education I 2
VOED 118 Driving 2
MFET 111 Majors’ Forum (1) (1)
SCSS 111 Students’ Convocation (1) (1)
Total Units 29

Second Semester Units

ELEC 122 Theory on Amplifier Lect. 3
ELEC 122L Theory on Amplifier Lab. 3
MATH 115 College Trigonometry 3
ENCA 122 Communication Arts II 3
DRAW 122 Engineering Drawing II 2
FILI 122 Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 3
FAHU 220 Introduction to Humanities 3
PHED 122 Physical Education II 2
MFET 112 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 112 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 27

First Semester Units
ELEC 131 Digital Circuits & Design Lec. 3
ELEC 131L Digital Circuits & Design Lab. 3
PSYC 111 General Psychology 3
PHYS 111 Earth Science 3
BIOL 111 Biological Science 3
RELB 122 The Destiny of Man 3
PHED 213 Physical Education III 2
ACAD 211 Computer Aided Design I 3
EDVO 111 Home Skills 2
ELEC 195 Practicum I 2
MFET 211 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 211 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 29

Second Semester Units

ELEC 132 Theory on Video & TV w/ Shop Management Lecture 3
ELEC 132L Theory on Video & TV w/ Shop Management Laboratory 3
HIST 111 Philippine History 3
ACAD 212 Computer Aided Design II 3
ELEC 196 Practicum II 2
PHED 224 Physical Education IV 2
ENPL 211 Philippine Literature 3
FILI 132 Masining na Pagpapahayag 3
RELB 213 Daniel and Revelation 3
MFET 212 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 212 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 27

First Semester Units
ELEC 151 Video Camera & Elect. Protec. & Alarm System Lecture 3
ELEC 151L Video Camera & Elect. Protec. & Alarm System Laboratory 3
PHYS 211 General Physics I Lecture 3
PHYS 211L General Physics I Laboratory 2
ENRS 213 Reading and Speech 3
SOSC 215 Society and Culture w/ Family Planning 3
SOSC 124 Basic Economics w/ Taxation & Agrar. Reform 3
MATH 213 Differential and Integral Calculus I 3
MFET 311 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 311 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 25

Second Semester Units

ELEC 181 Instrumentation Lec. 3
ELEC 181L Instrumentation Lab. 3
MATH 121 Introduction to Statistics 3
PHYS 222 General Physics II Lecture 3
PHYS 222L General Physics II Laboratory 2
PHIL 100 General Philosophy 3
SOSC 113 Politics & Gov. w/ Phil. Const. 3
MATH 224 Differential and Integral Calculus II 3
MFET 312 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 312 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 25
First Semester Units
ELEC 152 Electronic Communications and Transmission Lecture 3
ELEC 152L Electronic Communications and Transmission Laboratory 3
BIOL 121 Anatomy and Physiology 3
SOSC 212 Life and Works of Rizal 3
ENWL 220 World Literature 3
ELEC 172 Industrial Research 3
BIOL 140 Environmental Science & Management 3
RELB 224 Adventist Heritage 3
MFET 411 Majors’ Forum (1)
SCSS 411 Students’ Convocation (1)
Total Units 26

Second Semester Units

ELEC 182 Electronics Product Design 3 3
ELEC 195 Practicum in Industry (300 hours) 2 2
MFET 412 Majors’ Forum (1) (1)
SCSS 412 Students’ Convocation (1) (1)
Total Units 7

English 9 Units
Communication Arts I 3
Communication Arts II 3
Reading and Speech 3
Literature 6 Units
Philippine Literature 3
World Literature 3
Filipino 9 Units
Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 3
Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik 3
Masining na Pagpapahayag 3
Mathematics and Physics 25 Units
College Algebra 3
College Trigonometry 3
Differential and Integral Calculus I 3
Differential and Integral Calculus II 3
Introduction to Statistics 3 3 0 3
General Physics I 5
General Physics II 5
Natural Sciences 15 Units
Anatomy and Physiology 3
Earth Science 3
Biological Science 3
General Psychology 3
Environmental Science & Management 3
Social Sciences 9 Units
Politics and Governance W/ Phil. Constitution 3
Society and Culture with Family Planning 3
Basic Economics w/ Tax. & Agrarian Reform 3
Physical Education 8 Units
PE I 2
CWTS 6 Units
Humanities 6 Units
Introduction to Humanities 3
General Philosophy 3
Mandated Courses 6 Units
Life and Works of Rizal 3
Philippine History 3


Bible Courses 12 Units
The Gospel 3
The Destiny of Man 3
Daniel and Revelation 3
Adventist Heritage 3
Vocational Education 4 Units
Home Skills 2
Vocational Elective: Driving or Keyboarding 2
Work Education (2) Units
Work Education I (1)
Work Education II (1)
Majors’ Forum (every semester) (8) Units
MFEN 111 (1)
MFEN 112 (1)
MFEN 211 (1)
MFEN 212 (1)
MFEN 311 (1)
MFEN 312 (1)
MFEN 411 (1)
MFEN 412 (1)
Students’ Convocation (8) Units
SCSS 111 (1)
SCSS 112 (1)
SCSS 211 (1)
SCSS 212 (1)
SCSS 311 (1)
SCSS 312 (1)
SCSS 411 (1)
SCSS 412 (1)
Core and Required Courses 54 Units
Basic Electricity and Electronics 6
Theory on Amplifiers 6
Digital Circuits & Design 6
Theory on Video & TV w/ Shop Management 6
Video Cam. & Elect. Protec. & Alarm System 6
Instrumentation 6
Electronic Communications and Transmission 6
Electronics Product Design 3
Practicum I 2
Practicum II 2
Industrial Research 3
Practicum in Industry (300 hours) 2
Engineering Drawing I 2
Engineering Drawing II 2
Computer Aided Design I 3
Computer Aided Design II 3

ELEC 311 ELECTRIC CIRCUITS I (3 Units) – This course aims to equip students with the fundamental
concepts of circuit laws, theorems and techniques used in electrical circuit analysis and transient
analysis. The course topics covered includes, circuit elements, electrical energy and power, network
reduction techniques, Kirchhoff’s laws, cells and batteries, circuit analysis methods such as Mesh,
Nodal, and Network theorems such as Superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s equivalent circuits. It
also studies transient analysis of the series RL and series RC circuits and introductory concepts of

Pre-requisite: PHYS 222

ELEC 311L ELECTRIC CIRCUITS I LAB (2 Units) - This course allows the students to verify the laws and
theorems discussed in ELCE 311 through experimentation and project construction. The course
topics include experimental determination of the characteristics of the different circuit
configurations, electrical power, Ohm’s laws, Kirchhoff’s laws, Superposition, Thevenin’s equivalent
circuit and maximum power transfer.
Pre-requisite: PHYS 222L

ELEC 321 ELECTRIC CIRCUITS II (3 units) – This course studies the principles of electric circuit analysis
dealing with the frequency domain, complex algebra and phasors, simple AC circuits, impedance
and admittance, mesh and node analysis for AC circuits, AC network theorems, resonance and filters,
Power in AC Circuits, three-phase circuits, transformers, two-port network parameters and transfer

Pre- requisite: ELEC 311

ELEC 321L ELECTRIC CIRCUITS II LAB (2 units) – This course allows the students to verify the laws and
theorems discussed in ELEC 321 through experimentation and project construction. The course topics
include experimental determination of the characteristics of AC circuits, resonant circuits and filters.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 311L

ECEE 231 ENGINEERING WORKSHOP (2 units) - This course is an introduction to engineering workshop
and practices and basic machine shop techniques. It aims to develop correct workshop attitude,
whereby students learn the correct, safe and efficient use of basic machine shop tools and equipment.
It also covers practical and realistic approach for developing skills in planning, designing and
construction of electronic equipment.

Pre-requisite: None

ECEE 311 – ELETRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (3 units) – This course studies the construction,
operation and characteristics of basic electronic devices such as vacuum tube, PN junction diode, Light
Emitting Diode, Zener diode, Bipolar Junction Transistor and Field Effect Transistor. Diode circuit
applications such as clipper, clamper, voltage multiplier and switching diode circuits will be part of the
lecture. Operation and design of a DC regulated power supply will be taught. The course also presents
analysis and design of BJT and FET amplifier as well as switching transistor circuit.

Pre-requisite: PHYS 222

ECEE 311L – ELETRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS LAB (2 units) – The experiments in this course supports
the fundamental concepts introduced in ECEE 311. It familiarizes students with the basic electronic
components, devices and equipment. It introduces the students to the basic electronic circuits such as
rectifiers, regulator, amplifier, switching diode and transistor circuits.

Pre-requisite: PHYS 222L

ECEE 312 ECE COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (3 units) - This course studies computer-aided applications in
circuit, Communication, electronics using available software such as Matlab, Electronic Workbench,
Electronic CAD, Pspice etc.

Pre- requisite: PHYS 222

ECEE 313 VECTOR ANALYSIS (3-Units) – This studies vector and tensor algebra, geometry of curves and
surfaces, vector functions of several variables, potential theory, and basic concepts of differential
geometry. The student will be able to identify applicable method of solution in solving problems
involving vectors, vector-valued functions and their processes including differentiation, integration,
gradient, divergence, and curl.

Pre-requisite: MATH 224

ECEE 321 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITANAL YSIS AND DESIGN (3 units) - This covers the analysis and design of
various small signal amplifier circuits such as cascaded amplifiers, cascode amplifiers and feedback
amplifiers for both BJT and FET. Analysis of amplifiers covers the dc analysis, ac analysis and frequency
response. Other topics to be discussed are large signal amplifier, RF amplifiers and Oscillator circuits.

Pre-requisite: ECEE 311

ECEE 321L ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN LAB (2 units) – The experiments in this course
supports the fundamental concepts introduced in ECEE 321. It includes different responses and
behavior of transistor circuits. The course includes analysis and design of amplifiers (class A, B, AB, C
and D amplifiers, JFET and BJT amplifier circuits). It also includes AC small signal analysis of transistor
circuits, RF amplifier, oscillators, multi-stage amplifier and feedback amplifier.

Pre-requisite: ECEE 311L

ECEE 322 LOGIC CIRCUITS AND SWITCHING THEORY (3 units) – In this course students will learn
principles of digital logic systems and distinguish between analog and digital representations. They will
be able to analyze a given combinational or sequential circuit using K-map and Boolean algebra as a tool
to simplify and design logic circuits. Students will also construct and analyze the operation of a latches
and lip-lops and their application in counters, registers, memory, input and output systems that form
the building blocks of computers.

Pre-requisite: ECEE 311

ECEE 322L LOGIC CIRCUITS AND SWITCHING THEORY LAB (2 units) – The experiments in this course
supports the fundamental concepts introduced in ECEE 322. The laboratory experiments expose
the student to the basic principles of digital logic and logic circuit design. It covers both
combinational and sequential logic circuits.

Pre-requisite: ECEE 311L

ECEE 323 ELECTROMAGNETICS (3 units) – This course allows the students to study electromagnetics
which will lead to the study of its application to transmission lines, radiowave propagation, and
antennas in the succeeding courses. This course covers Coulomb’s and Gauss’s Laws, Energy and
Potential, Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance, Steady Magnetic Field, Maxwell’s equations and
Plane Wave concepts.

Pre-requisite: ECEE 313

ECEE 324 NUMERICAL METHODS (3-Units) - This course will cover numerical methods and other
mathematical topics using computer-based solution techniques. Topics to be discussed include
approximation and errors, numerical solutions of linear and non-linear systems of equations,
numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential
equations, curve fitting, regression analysis and probability. Students will be able to synthesize
algorithms in specifying the methods of solutions for different engineering applications, and can
evaluate proposed solutions and come up with critical judgment to determine the validity of these

Pre-requisite: MATH 222

ECEE 411 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (2 units) – This course studies industrial organization and
management concepts, theories, principles, functions and practices such as 5-S and JIT. It also studies
human behavior. Introduction to decision- making tools such as PERT-CPM and case studies are also
ECEE 412 SIGNALS, SPECTRA AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (3 units) - This course discusses various
signal-processing techniques with emphasis on their application to speech and image processing.
Topics include Z-transform, convolution,
FIR filters, HR filters, random signal analysis, correlation functions, discrete fourier transform
(DFT), fast fourier transform (FFT), spectral analysis, signal encoding and compression, signal recovery
and extraction, noise reduction, and image enhancements.

Pre-requisite: MATH 321

ECEE 412L SIGNALS, SPECTRA AND SIGNAL PROCESSING LAB (2 units) - This laboratory course will
enhance the students’ understanding of linear system and signal processing with the use of
computers in the form of laboratory exercises and computer-based project. It includes Matlab
programming, discrete-time signal and system generation, operation and visualization, time to
frequency and frequency to time conversion, time-frequency representation, and design of filters.

Pre-requisite: MATH 321

ECEE 413 ECE LAWS, CONTRACTS AND ETHICS (2 units) - This course discusses several laws affecting
the ECE Profession including the law on Obligations and Contracts as provided in the Civil Code of the
Philippines. This course also covers professional ethics, general ethics, and the other moral and ethical
standards that the professional must adhere to when discharging his duties.

Pre-requisite: None

ELEC 411 ENERGY CONVERSION (3units) – This course covers the principles of balanced and unbalanced
three-phase circuits, magnetic circuits, transformers, energy transforming machines, and DC and AC
electro-mechanical energy converting machines. In this course the students would be exposed to the
different operational characteristics of electrical machines and their application. They would be
able to understand the constructions and operations of various types of electro-mechanical converting
machines and they would be able to describe how electrical machines behave under different operating
conditions and applications.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 321

ELEC 411L ENERGY CONVERSION LAB (2 units) – This course supports ELEC 411 through
experimentation and project construction. The course topics include experimental determination
of the characteristics of three-phase circuits, magnetism and magnetic fields, transformers, DC
generators, and DC motors.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 321L

ECEE 421 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (3 Units) – This course covers construction, characteristic and
operation of the different types of thyristors and power switches that may be classified according to
control, direction or latching capability. These industrial break-over devices may be utilized for
power control or may be combined with other systems to provide a much better functional circuitry.
The course also integrates different electronic systems learned from the previous electronic subjects
for the discussion on topics dealing with measurements, instrumentation, transducers, control
elements and data acquisition systems. It includes basic control devices such as mechanical or
electromechanical switches and its integration to come up with a ladder diagram for industrial
automation or control.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322

ECEE 421L INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS LAB (2 Units) – This course allows the student to experiment on
circuits involving the different types of thyristors and other power switches. It includes some basic
transducers and sensor with the appropriate signal conditioning circuits for proper data acquisition.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322L

ECEE 422 SEMINARS AND FIELDTRIPS (2 units) - This course is a combination

of seminars and lectures on current developments in the ield of electronics and
communications. It involves exposure to various companies and plants dealing with
electronics and communications facilities. Pre-requisite: None

ECEE 425 PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT REVIEW I (2 units) – This course will focus in the review of
mathematics and general engineering sciences in preparation for Electronics Engineering Professional
Board Exam.

Pre-requisite: MATH 324

ECEE 426 SAFETY MANAGEMENT (2 units) – This course is designed to equip students with the concept
of management system that contributes to the protection of workers from hazards and to the
elimination of work-related injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents and deaths in a work place. The
course also covers the protection of co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers,
nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace

Pre- requisite: None

ECEE 431 MICROPROCESSORS AND SYSTEMS (3 units) - This course is designed to equip the students
with the fundamental concepts of the microprocessor system and their applications. It also serves as an
introduction to computer organization and architecture. It focuses on practical exercises with
emphasis on microprocessor programming, interfacing, and controllers.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322, GEAS 222

ECEE 431L MICROPROCESSORS AND SYSTEMS LAB (2 units) - This course supports ECEE 431 through
microprocessor programming and microprocessor based experiments and projects.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322L, GEAS 222

ECEE 513 FEEDBACK AND CONTROL SYSTEMS (3 Units) – This course introduces the students to the
theory and practice of control system engineering, emphasizing on classical control theory and covering
fundamentals of modern control theory. The teaching approach will be both qualitative and
quantitative. Various control systems will be discussed – emphasizing how the different system
variables interact and how they affect system performance, qualitatively.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322, ECEE 421

ECEE 513L FEEDBACK AND CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB (2 Units) – This course introduces the students to
the application of the theories and practice of control system engineering, emphasizing on classical
control theory and covering fundamentals of modern control theory. The course approach is laboratory
based and will be through numerical simulations using Matlab.

Pre-requisite: ELEC 322L, ECEE 421L

ECEE 425 PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT REVIEW II (2 units) – This course will focus in the review of electrical,
electronics and communications courses in preparation for Electronics Engineering Professional
Board Exam. Pre-requisite: COMM 421, ECEE 421

ECEE 521 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (6 units) – This course is for Industry exposure of students for
them to match school acquired competencies and knowledge to the realities and problems of industry.
This may include involvement in industry’s energy and manpower requirements, development and
research concerns, training, applications of principles, environmental concerns, ethical and behavioral
concerns, decision making, equipment and materials management.


COMM 331 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATIONS (3 units) – This is an introductory course on the

principles of communication systems with emphasis on signal modulation and transmission. Topics
include design of filters and noise reduction circuits, amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation
circuits, pulse modulation, time and frequency division multiplexing.

Pre-requisite: MATH 321, ELEC 321, ECEE321

COMM 331L PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATIONS LAB (2 units) - In this laboratory course, the
student obtains hands-on experience on the application of the theoretical concepts of analog
signals and analog communication systems introduced in the lecture course COMM 331. In studying
signals, the students will expand their knowledge in the use of the oscilloscope and will be
introduced to the use of the frequency analyzer (FFT-capable digital storage oscilloscopes),
spectrum analyzers,
and the arbitrary waveform generators. Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Angle Modulation
systems will be studied in detail.

Pre-requisite: MATH 321, ELEC 321L, ECEE321L

COMM 411 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS (3 units) - This subject provides an in-depth treatment on the
conversion of analog signals to digital signals, the use and the transmission of digital signals in
communication systems. This subject also includes topics in information theory, multiplexing
method, fiber optic communications and telephony.

Pre-requisite: COMM 331

COMM 411L DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB (2 units) - This Laboratory course will enhance the
students’ understanding of digital communication system with the use of Matlab through its signal
processing toolbox, communication instrument control toolbox. Exercises will be focused on source
coding, channel coding, modulation and demodulation, synchronization and Channel distortion.

Pre-requisite: COMM 331L

COMM 421 TRANSMISSION MEDIA AND ANTENNA (3 units) - This course includes a detailed study of
transmission line, its electrical model, the important parameters and characteristics that describe its
operation. The study includes the nature and behavior of radio waves as they propagate through free
space and other mediums. It also includes the basic principles of operation of antenna systems and its
accompanying properties.

Pre-requisite: COMM 411

COMM 421L TRANSMISSION MEDIA AND ANTENNA LAB (2 units) - In this laboratory course, the
students perform experiments on the application of the theoretical concepts of signal transmission on
different media, particularly air and metallic conductors, introduced in the lecture course COMM 411.
Experiments in this course involve the use of several antenna system trainers, transmission lines and
different antenna feeding techniques. The course requires the students to design an antenna system.

ECEE 432 ENGINEERING DESIGN (3 units) - This course discusses the operating performance and
interface standards for voice and data circuits. It also discusses private communications systems
planning and design, and communications plant design and construction including foundations and
structure. Topics also include analysis and design of electronic systems, the system specification,
construction and operation.

Pre- requisite: COMM 411L

ECEE 511L ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING DESIGN LAB (2 units) – This course intends to produce a project
consisting of a guided design and implementation of an engineering product. This project offers
students in small teams an opportunity to apply their knowledge in electronics, electrical machines,
computer hardware and software as well as project management, following a disciplined engineering
process, to achieve the final goal.

Pre-requisite: COMM 421L

ECEE 512L COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING DESIGN LAB (2 units) - In this course the students
engineer build or simulate a communication system. This process will include producing specifications,
detailed design, if possible prototype production and testing.

Pre-requisite: COMM 421L

COMM 511 DATA COMMUNICATIONS (3 units) – This course deals with the theory, technologies and
techniques of data communications. Topics include network design, internet protocol, and other
related topics. The course aims to give insights how networks are structured and for the students to
see the issues facing the design of data networks.

Pre-requisite: COMM 411

COMM 511L DATA COMMUNICATIONS LAB (2 units) – In this laboratory course, the student obtains
hands-on experience on the application of the theoretical concepts of data transmission systems
introduced in the lecture course Data Communications .This laboratory course involves experiments
on technologies and techniques in data communications. Topics include PC-PC communications,
wireless data transmission and other related topics. The course aims to give the students a hands-on
experience on how data are processed, transmitted and received.

Pre-requisite: COMM 411 L


DRAW 111 ENGINEERING DRAWING 1 (2 units) – This is an introductory course to engineering drawing
designed to teach students to render, translate and understand technical drawings. Topics include
orthographic projection, descriptive geometry, isometric drawing and sectioning, assembly drawing,
exploded views and fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design (CAD).
DRAW 121 COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING (2 units) - This course introduces and describes the concepts
of electronic/computer-aided drafting and the capabilities of AutoCAD. This also covers an introduction
to the AutoCAD environment, terminologies, and the general operating procedures and various
techniques in entering and executing basic AutoCAD commands.

Pre-requisite: DRAW 111

GEAS 211 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS AND PROGRAMMING (3 units) – This course focus on the
computer fundamentals and a study of C programming language; syntax, description, modularity
and parameters, functions, recursions, data types and structures, input-output operations, iteration,
function declaration, recursion, and file manipulation.

Pre-requisite: MATH 111, MATH 112

GEAS 222 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE (3 units) – This course deals with the fundamentals of assembly
language programming concepts and techniques. Topics include internal representation of data,
arithmetic operations, logic statements, and general assembly language commands. Introduce low
level language architecture including assemblers, linkage editors, and loaders.

Pre-requisite: GEAS 211

GEAS 233 ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE (3 units) – This course introduces the students to the effects of
engineering works on the environment, ecology, environmental economics, environmental laws and
policies, waste treatment, water and energy management, environmental engineering practices and
international policies on electromagnetic interference.

Pre-requisite: None

GEAS 231 ENGINEERING ECONOMY (3 units) – This course studies Principles of accounting, time value
of money, cash flow analysis, present and future worth analyses, depreciation and financial accounting,
effects of inflation, income taxes and marketing goals.

Pre-requisite: MATH 224

GEAS 232 STATIC OF RIGID BODIES (3 units) – This course allows the students to learn the topics in
statics and dynamics, operations with the free body concept, equilibrium of coplanar and non-coplanar
force systems, analysis of frames and trusses. It also includes topics in friction, moments of inertia,
motion of particles and rigid bodies, force, mass and acceleration, work and energy and impulse and

Pre-requisite: PHYS 222

GEAS 312 DYNAMICS OF RIGID BODIES – This course studies the displacement, velocity and
acceleration of particles of rigid bodies with combined translation and rotation. It will also study
reaction and inertia forces and mass and polar moments of inertia, the analysis by equations of
motion, force-acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum. Topic also includes conservative
and non-conservative forces and moments, free and forced vibrations, natural frequency, and
fundamentals of damping and vibration isolation.

Pre-requisite: GEAS 232

GEAS 333 MECHANICS OF DEFORMABLE BODIES (3 units) - This course focuses on the strength of solid
materials. It includes the topics on axial stress and strain; stresses for torsion and bending; combined
stresses; beam deflections; indeterminate beams; and elastic instability.

Pre-requisite: GEAS 312

GEAS 411 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (3 units) - This course discusses the physics of
materials with emphasis on the mechanical, acoustical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical and
thermal properties of various materials such as polymers, ceramics, glasses and semiconductors. In
particular, it covers the topics of structure of amorphous and crystalline solids, defects in solids, X-
ray diffraction theory, phase equilibrium, kinetics of crystallization, diffusion in solids, and materials
processing and design.

Pre-requisite: GEAS 333

GEAS 412 THERMODYNAMICS (3 units) - This course allows the students to learn the fundamental
concepts of energy and heat transfer. It includes a discussion on the Laws of Thermodynamics,
energy and property relationships, ideal gas laws, thermodynamics processes and cycle and
mechanism of heat transfer.

Pre-requisite: GEAS 333



 Wireless Communication
 Communications System Design
 Navigational Aids
 Broadcast Engineering
 Advanced Electromagnetism


 Advanced Electromagnetism
 Embedded System
 Introduction to Analog Integrated Circuits Design
 Introduction to Digital VLSI Design


 Introduction to Power Electronics

 Power Supply Application
 Semiconductor Devices for Power Electronics
 Motor Drives and Inverters


 Mechatronics
 Robotics
 Modelling and Simulation
 Digital Control System


 Computer Systems
 I/O Memory System
 Computer Systems Architecture
 Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis
 Computer Systems Organizations
 Structure of Program Language
 Operating Systems
 Artificial Intelligence

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