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Chapter 12 강조, 도치 (2) 부정어 도치

Unit 31 강조 Exercise 1)
밑줄 친 부분을 문장 맨 앞으로 가져와서 강조하는 문장
(1) 동사 강조
으로 바꾸세요.
(2) It is ~ that 강조구문
1. Never have I imagined the beautiful scenery.
2. No sooner than did I turn off the radio the
Exercise 1) doorbell rang.
다음 주어진 단어를 강조하는 문장으로 바꾸세요. 3. Nowhere are my new shoes to be found.
1. It was she that picked a bunch of flowers in 4. Not only did Andrew get her number but he
the garden. also passed the exam.
2. She did pick a bunch of flowers in the garden.
3. It was a bunch of flowers that she picked in (3) So + 동사 + 주어
the garden.
(4) Neither /Nor + 동사 + 주어
4. It was in the garden that she picked a bunch
of flowers.
Exercise 1)
Exercise 1-1) 다음 문장에 동의하는 표현을 so /neither을 활용해서 쓰세요.

다음 주어진 단어를 강조하는 문장으로 바꾸세요. 1. Neither do I.

274 페이지
1. It was a detective that found a clue at the 2. Neither am I.
scene of the crime. 3. So will I.
2. A detective did find a clue at the scene of the crime. 4. Neither can I.
3. It was a clue that a detective found at the 5. So am I.
scene of the crime.
4. It was at the scene of the crime that a detective Exercise 1-1)
found a clue. 다음 문장에 동의하는 표현을 so /neither을 활용해서 쓰세요.
1. So am I.
2. Neither am I.

Unit 32 도치 3. So can I.
4. So do I.
(1) 장소부사 도치
5. Neither do I.

Exercise 1)
다음 주어진 단어들을 바르게 나열하여 문장을 완성하세요.
1. Here are some tips.
2. There comes the enemy.
3. Under the tree sat a man.
4. There are many books on the desk.
5. There are two pictures on the wall. 주니어 고릴라 영문법 정답과 해설 49

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