Wordlist Chinese

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level 1 WORD LIST

UNIT one
Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
airport 机场 noun [count] /ˈerˌpɔrt/ a place where There is an airport in
airplanes arrive and my city.
animal 动物 noun [count] /ˈænɪm(ə)l/ a living creature: lions, I really like animals.
tigers, etc.
arrival 到达 noun /əˈraɪv(ə)l/ the time when The date of arrival was
[noncount] someone or June 17th.
something arrives
at a place from
somewhere else
art 艺术 noun /ɑrt/ the activity or Laura is very good
[noncount] study of creating at art.
paintings, drawings,
and other objects
that are beautiful or
August 八月 noun [count or /ɔˈɡʌst/ the eighth month of We’ll be on vacation
noncount] the year, between July in August.
and September
birthday 生日 noun [count] /ˈbɜrθˌdeɪ/ the day each year with It’s her seventeenth
the same date as the birthday tomorrow.
day when you were
business 生意 noun /ˈbɪznəs/ the work of buying We studied a company
[noncount] or selling products or called Apple™ in our
services: the music/ business class.
fashion business, etc.
can 能 modal verb /kæn/, /kən/ to have the ability to A: Can you swim?
do something B: No, I can’t.
cardholder 持卡人 noun [count] /ˈkɑrdˌhoʊldər/ someone who owns Are you the
a credit card or debit cardholder?
card for buying things
college 学院 noun [count] /ˈkɑlɪdʒ/ an educational I’m studying business
institution where in college.
students study for
degrees, and where
academic research is
credit card 信用卡 noun [count] /ˈkredɪt kɑrd/ a small plastic card Here’s my credit card.
that you use to buy
things now, and pay
for them later
dance 跳舞 noun /dæns/ the activity of dancing She teaches drama
[noncount] in order to entertain and dance.
date 日期 noun [count] /deɪt/ a particular day, A: What’s today’s
month, or year, or its date?
name or number B: The 25th.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
date of birth 出生日 noun [count] /ˌdeɪt əv bɜrθ/ the day, month, and My date of birth is July
year when you were 3rd, 1992.
day 天 noun [count] /deɪ/ one of the seven The last day of April is
periods of time that a the 30th.
week is divided into. It
is equal to 24 hours.
departure 离开 noun [singular] /dɪˈpɑrtʃər/ an occasion when My departure date is
someone leaves a July 7th.
double room 双人间 nount [count] /ˌdʌb(ə)lˈrum/ a room that is large Do you have any
enough for two double rooms
people to sleep in. available?
For example, one in a
ecology 生态学 noun /ɪˈkɑlədʒi/ the study of the I want to study
[noncount] environment and ecology in college.
the way living things
affect each other
economics 经济学 noun /ˌikəˈnɑmɪks, the study of the He studied economics
[noncount] ˌekəˈnɑmɪks/ way that goods and at college, and now
services are produced he works for a large
and sold, and the company.
way that money is
education 教育 noun /ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ the activity of Everyone needs to get
[noncount] educating people in an education.
schools, colleges, and
eighteenth 第十八 number /ˌeɪˈtinθ/ in the place or See you on August
position counted as eighteenth.
number 18
eighth 第八 number /eɪtθ/ in the place or My birthday is on
position counted as January eighth.
number 8
eleventh 第十一 number /ɪˈlev(ə)nθ/ in the place or My birthday is on
position counted as February eleventh.
number 11
email address 电子邮件地址 noun [count] /ˈimeɪlˌəˈdres/ the letters, numbers, Can you give me your
and symbols a person email address?
has to enter in their
computer to send you
an email
engineering 工程 noun /ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ/ the activity of Engineering is a very
[noncount] designing things such difficult subject.
as roads, railroads, or
English 英语 noun /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ the study of the main It’s very important to
[noncount] language spoken learn English if you
in counties such as want to live in the U.S.
the U.S., the U.K.,
Canada, and Australia
expiration date 失效日期 noun [count] /ˌekspɪˈreɪʃ(ə) the date on which What is the expiration
nˌdeɪt/ something can no date on your credit
longer be used card?
February 二月 noun [count or /ˈfebruˌeri/ the second month The first examination
noncount] of the year, between is on February 3rd.
January and March

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
fifteenth 第十五 number /ˌfɪfˈtinθ/ in the place or Are you coming to the
position counted as party on September
number 15 fifteenth?
fifth 第五 number /fɪfθ/ in the place or This is her fifth child.
position counted as
number 5
finance 金融 noun /ˈfaɪˌnæns, the study of how He got his degree in
[noncount] fɪˈnæns/ money is spent or finance.
first 第一 number /fɜrst/ in the place or I was first in line.
position counted as
number 1
form 表格 noun [count] /fɔrm/ an official document Please complete the
that has spaces registration form.
where you can put in
fourteenth 第十四 number /fɔrˈtinθ/ in the place or Our flight is on April
position counted as fourteenth.
number 14
fourth 第四 number /fɔrθ/ in the place or American
position counted as Independence Day is
number 4 the Fourth of July.
friend 朋友 noun [count] /frend/ someone who you This is my best friend,
know well and like, Alison.
who is not a member
of your family
geography 地理 noun /dʒiˈɑɡrəfi/ the study of Earth’s Geography was my
[noncount] physical features and favorite subject at
the people, plants, school.
and animals that live
in different regions of
the world
help 帮助 verb /help/ to give someone Her brother helps her
support or information with her homework.
so that they can do
something more easily
history 历史 noun /ˈhɪst(ə)ri/ the study of the We studied the
[noncount] events of the past Romans in history.
hotel 宾馆 noun [count] /hoʊˈtel/ a building where you He always stays in the
pay to stay in a room best hotels.
June 六月 noun [count or /dʒun/ the sixth month of the Our last class is on
noncount] year, between May June 5th.
and July
language 语言学院 noun [count] /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ place where people I studied Spanish at a
institute ˈɪnstɪˌtut/ go to study foreign language institute in
languages Mexico City.
library 图书馆 noun [count] /ˈlaɪˌbreri/ a place where books, I borrowed this book
documents, CDs, etc. from the library.
are available for you
to look at or borrow
literature 文学 noun /ˈlɪt(ə)rətʃər/ the study of stories, She is studying
[noncount] poems, and plays, German literature.
especially those that
are considered to
have value as art

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
location 位置 noun [count] /loʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ the place or position The location of the
where someone or restaurant is near the
something is, or river.
where something
management 管理 noun /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ the study of the I study management
[noncount] control and operation and German.
of a business or
mathematics 算术 noun /ˌmæθəˈmætɪks/ the study or use He is very good at
[noncount] of numbers and mathematics.
shapes to calculate,
represent, or describe
medicine 医学 noun /ˈmedɪsɪn/ the study and He wants to be
[noncount] practice of treating or a doctor so he is
preventing illnesses studying medicine at
and injuries university.
message 信息 noun [count] /ˈmesɪdʒ/ a piece of written or Would you like to
spoken information leave a message?
that you give or send
to someone
music 音乐 noun /ˈmjuzɪk/ the activity of writing, She is excellent at
[noncount] performing, or music. She plays the
studying music piano and the violin.
nineteenth 第十九 number /ˌnaɪnˈtinθ/ in the place or The wedding is on July
position counted as nineteenth.
number 19
ninth 第九 number /naɪnθ/ in the place or Her birthday is
position counted as December 9th.
number 9
non-smoking 禁止吸烟的 adjective /ˌnɑnˈsmoʊkɪŋ/ a non-smoking area is I would like a non-
one where you are not smoking room.
allowed to smoke
October 十月 noun [count or /ɑkˈtoʊbər/ the tenth month of We’re going to Boston
noncount] the year, between in October.
September and
other 其他的 determiner, /ˈʌðər/ used for referring to I want to meet people
pronoun a different person or from other counties.
thing from the one
already mentioned or
known about
party 活动,集会 noun [count] /ˈpɑrti/ a social event at We’re having a party
which people meet on Saturday night.
in order to celebrate
something or have fun
payment 支付 noun [count] /ˈpeɪmənt/ an amount of money How do I make a
that you pay or payment?
personal 私人的 adjective /ˈpɜrsən(ə)l/ private and not known I need your personal
or available to most details.
politics 政治 noun /ˈpɑlətɪks/ the study of the ideas I think politics is
[noncount] and activities that are boring.
involved in getting
power in an area, or
governing it

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
repeat 重复 verb /rɪˈpit/ to say or do Can you repeat that,
something again please?
registration 注册 noun /ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ the process of You need to complete
[noncount] recording names or an online registration.
information on an
official list
say 说 verb /seɪ/ to express something What did you say?
using words
school 学校 noun [count or /skul/ a place where children The kids will be at
noncount] go to be taught school until 3:00
science 科学 noun /ˈsaɪəns/ the study and Do you like science?
[noncount] knowledge of the
physical world and its
behavior, that is based
on experiments and
facts, and is organized
into a system
second 第二 number /ˈsekənd/ in the place or I came second in the
position counted as race.
number 2
security 找回密码问题 noun [count] /ˌsɪˈkjʊərəti question you have The security question
question ˌkwestʃ(ə)n/ to answer correctly was “What was the
in order to enter a name of your first
website, bank account pet?”
or place
send 发送 verb /send/ to arrange for a Press send to
message to be complete the online
delivered to a registration.
person by email,
or information to
be delivered via a
seventeenth 第十七 number /ˌsev(ə)nˈtinθ/ in the place or See you on October
position counted as seventeenth.
number 17
seventh 第七 number /ˈsev(ə)nθ/ in the place or I was the seventh
position counted as person to arrive.
number 7
similar 类似的 adjective /ˈsɪmɪlər/ things that are similar We have a similar
share some qualities, word in my language.
but are not exactly the
single room 单人间 noun [count] /ˌsɪŋɡ(ə)lˈrum/ a room that is large I’d like to book a
enough for one single room for two
person to sleep in. nights, please.
For example, one in a
sixth 第六 number /sɪksθ/ in the place or You are the sixth
position counted as person to call me
number 6 today!
slowly 慢 adverb /ˈsloʊli/ moving or happening Can you speak more
at a slow speed slowly, please?
smoking 吸烟的 adjective /ˈsmoʊkɪŋ/ a smoking area is one Do you have any
where you are allowed smoking rooms in your
to smoke hotel?

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
spell 拼写 verb /spel/ to write or say the Can you spell your last
letters of a word in name, please?
the correct order
sport 运动 noun [count] /spɔrt/ a physical activity Bob’s favorite sport is
in which players tennis.
or teams compete
against each other
student 学生 noun [count] /ˈstud(ə)nt/ someone who goes to Jennifer is a student at
a university, college, Yale University.
or school
study 学习 verb /ˈstʌdi/ to learn about a She’s studying history
subject by going to at college.
survey 调查 noun [count] /ˈsɜrˌveɪ/ a set of questions Do the online survey.
that you ask a large
number of people or
tenth 第十 number /tenθ/ in the place or My father died on
position counted as September tenth last
number 10 year.
text 课文 noun [count] /tekst/ the part of a book, Read the text and
magazine, or answer the questions.
computer document
that consists of
writing, and does not
include pictures or
thirteenth 第十三 number /ˌθɜrˈtinθ/ in the place or Let’s meet for a coffee
position counted as on the thirteenth.
number 13
thirtieth 第三十 number /ˈθɜrtiəθ/ in the place or January 30th is the
position counted as day my friend comes
number 30 home.
thirty-first 第三十一 number /ˈθɜrti ˈfɜrst/ in the place or New Year’s Eve is on
position counted as December thirty-first.
number 31
time 时间 noun [count/ /taɪm/ a particular moment What time does the
noncount] during a day, party start?
measured on a clock
today 今天 noun /təˈdeɪ/ this day Today is Wednesday.
travel 旅行 noun /ˈtræv(ə)l/ the activity of My hobby is travel. I
[noncount] traveling have visited more than
thirty counties.
twelfth 第十二 number /twelfθ/ in the place or I emailed you on the
position counted as twelfth.
number 12
twentieth 第二十 number /ˈtwentiəθ/ in the place or My date of birth is
position counted as February twentieth,
number 20 1984.
twenty-eighth 第二十八 number /ˌtwenti ˈeɪtθ/ in the place or The last day of
position counted as February this year is
number 28 the twenty-eighth.
twenty-fifth 第二十五 number /ˌtwenti ˈfɪfθ/ in the place or I leave on the
position counted as twenty-fifth.
number 25

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
twenty-first 第二十一 number /ˌtwentiˈ fɜrst/ in the place or My interview is on
position counted as April twenty-first.
number 21
twenty-fourth 第二十四 number /ˌtwenti ˈfɔrθ/ in the place or My cousin arrives on
position counted as March twenty-fourth.
number 24
twenty-ninth 第二十九 number /ˌtwentiˈ naɪnθ/ in the place or The last day of
position counted as February next year is
number 29 the twenty-ninth.
twenty-second 第二十二 number /ˌtwenti ˈsekənd/ in the place or Our anniversary is on
position counted as November twenty-
number 22 second.
twenty-seventh 第二十七 number /ˌtwenti ˈsev(ə)nθ/ in the place or I will call you on the
position counted as twenty-seventh.
number 27
twenty-sixth 第二十六 number /ˌtwentiˈ sɪksθ/ in the place or I finish school on the
position counted as twenty-sixth.
number 26
twenty-third 第二十三 number /ˌtwenti ˈθɜrd/ in the place or Call me on the twenty-
position counted as third at three o’clock.
number 23
U.K. 英国 noun [singular] /ˌju ˈkeɪ/ country in Europe I want to study in the
made up of England, U.K.
Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland
understand 理解 verb /ˌʌndərˈstænd/ to know what I don’t understand this
someone or word.
something means
useful 有用的 adjective /ˈjusf(ə)l/ helpful for doing or This is useful
achieving something information.
university 大学 noun [count] /ˌjunɪˈvɜrsəti/ an educational He studied at
institution where the University of
students study for Wisconsin.
degrees, and where
academic research is
webpage 网页 noun [count] /ˈwebˌpeɪdʒ/ a page or document I found the company’s
that you can read on a contact details on
website their webpage.
website 网址 noun [count] /ˈwebˌsaɪt/ a place on the internet This website has lots
where information of information about
is available about a the language institute.
particular subject,
company, school, etc.
what 什么 pronoun /wɑt/ used for asking which What’s your name?
thing, or which type of
thing, something is

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