Visvesvaraya Technology University, Belgaum: Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore

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Submitted by
USN: 4MH21BA031

Submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


(Subject code: 20MBAIN307)



Dr. Raju H. K Mr. Salman
Professor Assistant Manager
Department of Management Science Mysore
MIT Mysore


(Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt. of Karnataka)

Department of Post Graduate Studies in Management Sciences

(Batch 2021-23)
I, Divya Shree V.R bearing USN4MH21BA031, hereby declare that this Organization study
conducted at BIG BASKET COMPANY LTD. MYSORE “is a record of independent
work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. RAJU H.K Professor, Department of
Management Science, Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore.
I also declared that this organization study is towards the partial fulfilment of the university
regulations for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration by Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belgaum.
I have undergone an organization study for a period of four weeks. I further declare that
this project is based on the original study undertaken by me and has not been Submitted for
the award of any degree/diploma from any other University/Institution.

The enclosed document is then outcome of a student academic assignment and dose-not
represent the opinions/views of the university or the institution or the department or any
other individuals referenced or acknowledged within the document. The data and
information studied and presented in this report have been accessed in good faith from
secondary sources/web sources/ public domain, including the organizations website, solely
&exclusively for academic purposes, without any consent/permission, express or implied,
from the organization concerned. The author makes no representation of any kind regarding
the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any data or
information herein contained.

Place: Mysore Divya Shree V.R

Date:02-03-2023 (4MH21BA031)

I, Divya Shree V.R (USN: 4MH21BA031) hereby express my sincere and heartfelt BIG
BASKET COMPANY LTD. MYSORE to carry out this study of successfully.

I express my sincere gratitude to my internal guide Dr. RAJU H.K, Professor, Department
of Management Science, Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore for his support and
guidance in carrying out this internship work successfully.

I thank Dr. B. G. NARESH KUMAR, Principal, MITM and Dr. MURALI.S, Professor
and HOD, Department of MBA, MITM for their timely suggestions, constant motivation
and support to complete this organization study.

Finally, I thank the all-Management Sciences Department faculty members, Staff, My

Friends, My Parents and all my well-wishers for helping and encouraging me in one or the
other way during the period of my internship work.

Place: Mysore DIVYASHREE V.R

Date:02-03-2023 (4MH21BA031)

Chapter TITLE Page No.

 Vision
 Mission
 Quality POLICY
 Work Flow Model
 Product or Service Profile
 Ownership Pattern
 Achievements or Awards
 Future growth and Prospects


 Structure
 System
 Style
 Staff
 Skills
 Strategy
 Shared of customers


 Competition in the industry
 Potential of new entrants into industry
 Power of suppliers
 Power of customers



The significant point of this task was to show the effect of advance mention the offers of a
business association taking big basket as a case. Advancement alludes to the whole
arrangement of exercises, which impart the item, brand or administration to the client. The
thought is to make individuals mindful; I draw in and initiate to purchase the item, in
inclination over others. There are a few kinds of advancements. Over the line advancements
incorporate advancement, public statement, buyer advancements (plans, limits, challenges).
while beneath the line incorporate exchange limits. Complimentary gifts motivating force
outings, grants, etc. Deals advancement is a piece of the general advancement exertion. Great
advancement requires equipped work force including various masters to empower it to
flourish in the ever powerful and focused business condition. In this day and age of rivalry,
firms are products and enterprises through an assortment of immediate and backhanded
channels mass advancement, advertisers are investigating new of correspondence. For
example, test, amusement and viral promoting.


Big Basket graced the stage together for the first time to share their story as second-time
entrepreneurs and creators of one of the largest online grocery stores.

It was a rare treat, indeed, to see the otherwise media-shy founders of Big Basket come
together to address a packed audience of budding entrepreneurs about their journey.

For the veterans in the on-demand grocery and ecommerce market, this is their second foray
into entrepreneurship. In 1999, Hari Menon, V. S. Sudhakar, Abhinay Choudhari and Vipul
Parekh had co-founded Fab mart, which pivoted from an online market to a physical grocery
business a decade ago.

In 2011, the four co-founded online grocery platform Big Basket that has successfully busted
the myth that 'ecommerce will not work in FMCG'. The company has grown slowly and
steadily, with negligible discounts and a strong business model. Today, the company operates
in 25 cities, including smaller cities like Surat, Mysore, and Coimbatore. According to Hari,
there is no intention to expand further right now; he expects the company will grow gross
monthly sales from Rs 200 crore a month currently to Rs 500 crore a month by March 2019
from these 25 was a no-brainer for investors. But the founders believe that funding is
also one of the most important lessons they’ve learnt. Sudhakar says, “The level of funding is
important for growth. I have learnt that when money is there in the market, go ahead and
raise it. Use money wisely but if you are in a growth-oriented business, take as much as you

Big Basket wants customers to believe that it cares. If a customer calls the customer service
to address an issue, the team ensures that a human being answers on the other side in 10
seconds or “one of us will take the call if needed,” says Sudhakar.

Hari Menon and Hari T.N. launching their book, cutting the Gordian knot: India's Quest for
Prosperity, with Your Story Founder and CEO Shradha Sharma

Two startups may look the same but where they spend the money is important to understand.
“Capital doesn’t give you excuse to get away without having a model,” says Vipul. But
today, the world of grocery is becoming hotter, and with Amazon acquiring Whole Foods
and More, businesses are looking at the grocery space. Both Amazon and Alibaba have

acquired grocery startups. Even in the US, grocery is the largest market. It needs points of
delivery and the selection varies by geography because of which you need to build
fulfillment closer to customers.

E – C0MMERCE: E -Commerce simply defined as Commercial transaction conducted

electronically on the internet. The buying and selling of product and services by businesses
and consumers through an electronic medium, without using any paper documents. E-
commerce is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any
transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered e-
commerce. E-commerce is subdivided into three categories: business to business or B2B
(Cisco), business to consumer or B2C (Amazon), and consumer to consumer or C2C (eBay)
also called electronic commerce.

Electronic commerce, commonly known as E-commerce or e-commerce, is trading in

products or services using computer network, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce
draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain
management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data
interchange (EDI), inventory management systems,

and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the
World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction’s life cycle, although it may also
use other technologies such as e-mail.

E-commerce businesses usually employ some or all the following practices:

 Provide Email or “virtual storefronts” on websites with online catalogs, sometimes

gathered into a “virtual mall”.
 Buy or sell on websites or online marketplace.
 Gather and use demographic data through web contacts and social media.
 Use electronic data interchange, the business-to-business exchanged of data.
 Reach prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with
 Use business-to-business buying and selling.
 Provide secure business transactions.

E-commerce has grown in importance as companies have adopted pure-click and

brick-and-click channel system. We can distinguish pure-click and brick-and-click
channel system adopted by companies.

 Pure-click or pure-play companies are those that have launched a website without
any previous existence as a firm.
 Bricks-and-clicks companies are those existing companies that have added an
online site for e-commerce.
 Click-to-brick online retailers that later open physical locations to supplement their
online efforts.



Web based shopping is a type of electronic trade which enables buyers to straightforwardly
purchase merchandise or administrations from a dealer over the internet utilizing an internet
browser. Customers discover a result of enthusiasm by visiting the site of the retailer
legitimately or via looking among elective seller utilizing a shopping internet searcher, which
shows a similar item’s accessibility and evaluating at various e-retailers. Starting at 2016,
client can shop web based utilizing a scope of PCs and gadgets, including work station, tablet
PCs cell phone.

An online shop brings out the physical relationship of purchasing items or administrations at
a customary “block and- mortar” retailer or strip mall; the procedure is called business-to-
shopper (B2C) internet shopping. At the point when an online store is set up to empower
organizations to purchase from another organization, the procedure is called business-to-
business (B2B) we based shopping. A run of the mill online store empowers the client to
peruse the association’s scope of items and administrations, see photographs or pictures of
the items, alongside data about the item details, highlights and costs.

Online stores regularly empower customers to utilize “seek” highlights to discover explicit
models, brands or things. Online clients must approach the internet and a legitimate strategy
for instalment so as to finish an exchange, for example, PayPal. For physical items (e.g., soft
cover books or garments), the e-posterior ships the items to the client; for advanced items,
for example, computerized sound documents of melodies or programming, the e-rear
regularly send the record or the client over the internet. The biggest of these we based
retailing organizations are Alibaba,, and eBay


One of the soonest types of exchange directed online was IBM's online exchange
handling (OLTP) created during the 1960s and it permitted the preparing of monetary
exchanges progressively.

The mechanized ticket reservation framework created for American Airlines called Semi-
Automatic Business Research Environment (sober) was one of its applications. Here,

workstations situated in various travel offices were connected to an extensive IBM
centralized server PC, which handled exchanges all the while and composed them with the
goal that all movement operators approached similar data in the meantime.

The rise of web-based shopping as we probably are aware today created with the
development of the Internet. At first, this stage just worked as a publicizing instrument for
organizations, giving data about its items. It immediately proceeded onward from this
straight forward utility to genuine web-based shopping exchange because of the
improvement of intelligent Webpages and secure transmissions. In particular, the
development of the web as a protected shopping channel has created since 1994, with the
main offers of Sting collections “Ten Summoner's Tales'. Wine, chocolates, and blooms
before long pursued and were among the spear heading retail classifications which powered
the development of web-based shopping. Scientists found that having items that are fitting
for online business was a key marker of Internet achievement. Considerable lot of these items
did well as they are conventional items which customers did not have to contact and feels as
to purchase. Yet in addition critically, in the good 'old days, there were not many customers
on the web and they were from a limited portion: well-off, male, 30+.Webbasedshopping
hostage long path since these early days and - in the UK-represents huge percent’s
(contingent upon item classification aerates can differ).


As the incomes from online deals kept on developing fundamentally scientists recognized
diverse kinds of online customers, Rohm and Stamina than distinguished four
classifications and named them "comfort customers, assortment searchers, adjusted
purchasers, and store-arranged customers". They concentrated on shopping inspirations and
found that the items. Accessible and the apparent comfort of the purchasing on the
noteworthy spurring factors. This was distinctive for disconnected customers, who were
increasingly persuaded by efficient and recreational thought processes.


English business person Michael Aldrich of web-based shopping in 1979.His frame work
associated an altered household TV to a continuous exchange handling PC by means of a
residential phone line. He trusted that videotext, the adjusted residential TV Innovation with
a straight forward menu-driven human– PC interface, was 'another, generally relevant,
participative correspondence medium -the first since the creation of the phone.' This

empowered 'shut' corporate data frameworks to be opened to 'outside' reporters for exchange
handling as well as for e-informing and data recovery and spread, later known as e-business.
His meaning of the new mass correspondences medium as 'participative' [interactive, many-
to-many] was on a very basic level unique in relation to the conventional meanings of mass
correspondence and broad communications and an antecedent to the interpersonal
interaction on the Internet 25yearsafterthefact.In March1980he propelled Red fin’s Office
Revolution, which permitted purchasers, clients, specialists, merchants, providers and
administration organizations to be associated on-line to the corporate frameworks and
enable business exchanges to be finished electronically progressively. Amid the 1980s he
planned, made, sold, introduced, kept up and bolstered numerous web-based shopping
frameworks, utilizing videotext innovation. These frame works which additionally given
voice reaction and imprint handling pre date the internet and the world wide web, the
IBMPC, and Microsoft MS-DOS, and were introduced principally in the UK by huge

The primary Worldwide-Web server and program, made by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990,
opened for business use in i1991.iFrom that point, ensuing mechanical developments rose in
1994: web-based banking, the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut, Netscape's SSL
v2 encryption standard for secure information exchange, and Internship’s first web-based
shopping framework. The principal secure retail exchange over the Web was either by Net
Market or Internet Shopping Network1994. Following, Amazon com
Propelled its web-based shopping web-page in1995 and eBay was additionally presented in
1995.Alibaba'sdestinations Taboo and T-mall were propelled in 2003 and 2008,
individually. Retailers are progressively offering merchandise and ventures before
accessibility through “prevail” for testing, constructing, and overseeing request.
Measurements V demonstrate that in 2012, Asia-Pacific expanded their universal deals over
30% giving them over $433 billion in income. That is a $69 billion contrast between the
U.S. income of $364. 66billion.It is assessed that Asia-Pacific will increment by another
30% in the year 2013putting them ahead by more than 33% of all worldwide internet
business deals. The biggest

Internet shopping day on the planet is Singles Day, with deals just in Alibaba's locales at
US$9.3billion of every2014.

The advertising around the computerized condition, client's purchasing conduct may not be
affected and constrained by the brand and firm, when they setline purchasing choice that
may concern the collaborations with internet searcher, suggestions, online audits and other
data. With the rapidly isolated of the advanced gadgets condition, individuals are bound to
utilize their cell phones, PCs, tablets and other computerized gadget accumulated. At the
end of the day, the computerized condition growingly affects buyer's psyche and purchasing
V conduct. In a web-based shopping condition, intelligent choice may have an impact on
help client basic leadership.
In this way, hazard and trust would likewise are two critical variables influencing people's'
conduct in computerized conditions. Client considers to switch between e-channels, since
they are essentially impact by the correlation with disconnected shopping, including
development of security, money related and execution chances at the end of the day, a client
shopping on the web that they may get more hazard than individuals shopping in stores.
There are three variables may impact individuals to do the purchasing choice, initially,
individuals can't look at whether the item fulfil their necessities and needs before they get it.
Also, client may worry at after-deal administrations. At last, client may apprehensive that
they can't completely comprehend the language utilized in e-deals. In view of those
components’ client see hazard may as an essentially reason impact the internet buying
Online retailers have placed much accentuation on client trust perspective, trust is another
way driving client's conduct in advanced condition, which can rely upon client's mentality
and desire. In reality, the organization's item’s structure or thoughts cannot live up to client's
desires. Client's Bu intension dependent on discerning desires, and furthermore impacts on
enthusiastic trust.


In today’s world number of ecommerce companies is increasing day to day. Most of the
ecommerce system allow the user to rate the product and also provide flexibility to view or
submit reviews. Grocery products are also sold online by few ecommerce giants,
recommendations are provided to the end user based on collaborative filtering, content based
or based on text review sentiments but there is on consideration of user likeness with respect
to a particular food. In this paper the product classification is performed using both sentiment
score computation based on combination of support vector machine and artificial natural
network along with frequency computation on specific nutrition feature namely salt, sugar,
protein, energy and fat once the customer registers into application a nutrition questioner is
asked for customer and data analysis is performed based on user answers in order to classify
the end user into a particular likeness category. There is a relationship established between the
user and the products, the products are recommended based on high positive score, low
negative score and high frequency under the user likeness category







Groceries are one of the basic needs in everyone’s life. People can stay without good clothes,
with technological problems but cannot spend a day without proper food and hence the
grocery market has always been either steady or growing.

Until a decade back the need for daily grocery was fulfilled by local kinara store (mom &
pop store) or hyper-local market/supermarket. However, with advent of technology and
urbanization, several start-ups are opening online grocery stores to serve consumer’s demand
of grocery and at the same time providing them advantage of home delivery and relaxation
from standing in long billing queues. Currently, most of the online grocery stores are located
in Metro and Tier-I cities, but with increasing incomes and urbanization, they are slowly
expanding to TierII cities as well.

The need for online grocery has emerged because of change in working conditions over the
last decade with both partners working for long hours. Also, with urbanization and soaring

land prices, it has become difficult to find large amount of land within cities like Mumbai,
Delhi to open large stores. Hence, the new hyper-local markets are being opened in outer
areas resulting in the increased distances that one has to travel to get to hyper-local store.
This coupled with long billing queues leave little time for people to shop on stores. Apart
from this, the ubiquitous presence of Internet has made it possible for the grocery stores to
go online and has resulted in growth of e-tailing.

Although, from outside the industry for online grocery looks very attractive, however not
many start-ups in this domain were able to survive leaving few players in the market. This
report covers three major aspects of this industry including attractiveness of this industry,
challenges and opportunities for the current online players and how offline retail giants like
More, Reliance fresh can build their brand in online grocery space.


Big Basket Company producing goods/grocery/retail items and also the company has a
100% export – oriented unit services instant grocery items, fruits & vegetables, chilled&
frozen items, in Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi. which is the largest such facility
outside the United States. In this system, when consumer places an order using the firm’s
mobile or desktop application, the local store fulfils the order and delivers it to consumer’s
home using the delivery services of startup.

Area of operation: Big Basket Company is a business its brands have a presence in over 20
countries. With significant interests in grocery items, fruits & frozen items, Big Basket is
the world’s largest goods/service company.


VISIONSTATEMENT: -Vision – Big Basket allows you to walk away from the drudgery
of grocery shopping and welcome an easy relaxed way of browsing and shopping for
groceries. Discover new products and shop for all your food and grocery needs from the
comfort of your home or office

MISSION STATEMENT: -Big basket (Innovation Retail Concepts Private Limited)

largest online food and grocery store. With over 18000 products and over 1000 brands in
our catalogue you will find everything you are looking for. Right from fresh fruits and

vegetables, Rice and Dals, Spices and Seasonings to Packaged products, Beverages,
Personal care products, Meats – we have it all.

The Big Basket Com. Follow quality policies such as


The big basket company follow quality policy such as

 The products are approved under the food safety and standards Authority
of India.
 Our quality policy is designed in such a way to meet with 100% customer
 We offer innovative and industry driven IT solutions by following strict
adherence to quality policy across all our processes, internal
communication, and outcomes.
 By pay extra attention long-term excellence in every project that we work.
 We perform regular quality assessment across the organization by reputed
external auditors.


There are many different types of e-commerce websites, however the two most
common ones are:

 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) - typically designed for selling goods and

services to consumers.

 Business-to-Business (B2B) - used to build strategic relationships with other
businesses, and to ease the supply and procurement processes that characterize trade
among those organizations.
Sites can also have multiple roles, and a single EPiServer Commerce site can provide
several functions. EPiServer Commerce is a flexible platform allowing for seamless
integration with external systems such as financial, CRM, inventory, warehouse and
customer service systems.

Depending on how you choose to work with editorial contents and your online store
administration, you will define your user roles and groups, and give them access rights
to the different parts. Example of user roles in Epic Server Commerce is content
editors, marketers, business owners, and store and system administrators.

Step-by-Step Process

A typical "shopping workflow" involves a number of interactions between a "shopper" on

the website, EPiServer Commerce, and any integrated external system... Depending on
how the system is set up, the shopping workflow can be fully automated so that it requires
little manual attention. However, a purchase order can always be monitored, accessed and
handled manually from the Order Management part of Commerce Manager if needed.
In the following we will describe an example of a shopping workflow and the actions and
tasks involved. This example is mainly based on a standard installation of Epic Server
Commerce, which is a B2C type of e-commerce site.
Shopping Process

Product and Service Profile

 Fruits and Vegetables

 Bread Dairy and Eggs
 Grocery and Staples
 Meats
 Beverages
 Home and Kitchen products with over 20000 products,1500 Brands


The United States deportments of Agriculture’s 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans,
released in January 2005, recommends various numbers of servings of fruits and vegetables

depending on an individual’s calorie needs – ranging from 4 to 13 servings, or 2 to 6.5 cups,
per day, yet research indicates that over 90 percent of Americans do not meet their
recommended amount. To meet these recommendations, most need to more than double the
number of fruits and vegetables they currently eat. Closing the consumption gap requires a
national call to action. Fruits & Veggies—More Matters provides a national call to action
designed to encourage Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables for their better health.
product design for better health foundation launched a consumer website in March 2007
aimed at educating Gen X moms about the Fruits & Veggies—More Matters campaign and
the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables. The Fruits & Veggies—More Matters
website offers nutrition information, selection and storage advice, recipes, shopping and meal
planning advice, tips for increasing produce consumption, and an abundance of other useful
information about fruits and vegetables. Over 300 short informational videos demonstrate
how to check different fruits and vegetables for ripeness, outline proper storage methods,
present healthy and quick recipes, and offer other fun and useful tidbits about fruits and

The Fruits & Veggies—More Matters campaign stresses that it’s easy to eat more fruits and
vegetables because all forms (fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100 percent juice) are
nutritious. The Fruits & Veggies—More Matters logo can be found on select packages of
fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100 percent fruit and vegetable juice products in stores.

Meat is animal plash that is eaten as food.
Humans have hunted and killed animals for meat since
prehistoric times. The advent of such as chickens,
sheep, rabbits, pigs and cattle. This eventually led to
their use in meat production on an industrial scale
with the aid of

Meat is mainly composed of water, protein, and fat. It is edible raw, but is normally eaten
after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of ways. Unprocessed meat
will spoil or rot within hours or days as a result of infection with and decomposition by
bacteria fungi.


A soft drink (see & terminology other names) is a drink that usually contains carbonated
water (although some vitamin waters and lemonades not carbonated), a sweetener, and a
natural or artificial flavored. The sweetener may be a sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit
juice, a sugar substitute (in the case of diet drinks), or some combination of these. Soft drinks
may also contain caffeine, colorings, preservative, and/or other ingredients. Soft drinks are
called "soft" in contrast with "hard" alcoholic drinks. Small amounts of alcohol may be
present in a soft drink, but the alcohol content must be less than 0.5% of the total volume of
the drink in many countries and localities if the drink is to be considered non-alcohol. Fruit
punch, tea (even kombucha), and other such non-alcoholic drinks are technically soft drinks
by this definition, but are not generally referred to as such. Unsweetened sparkling water may
be consumed as an alternative to soft drinks.


 Asparagus
 Baby carrots
 Bell peppers
 Broccoli
 Fruits of choice
 Garlic
 Lemon
 Onion
 Potatoes
 Salad fixings
 Shallots Spinach
 Tomatoes
 Lunch meats and cheeses
 Boboli pizza crust
 Dinner roll dough
 English muffins Extra rolls for deli type sandwiches
 Loaf of whole grain bread
 Pita bread
 Tortillas


 Bone-in chicken breasts

 Boneless chicken breasts
 Boneless pork chops
 Ground beef
 Ground turkey meat
 Sausage or bacon

 Black or refried beans
 Cannellini beans
 Cereal
 Chicken broth
 Cooking wine
 Crackers
 Crushed canned tomatoes
 Mac and cheese
 Mixed nuts
 Oatmeal
 Olives
 Pesto
 Rice
 Salad dressing
 Soup
 Spaghetti or your favorite’s dried pasta
 Taco kit
 Tomato pastes
 Tomato sauce
 Tuna

 Cheese
 Eggs
 Hummus

 Juice
 Milk
 Whipped cream
 Yogurt

 French bread pizza
 Frozen veggies
 Frozen yogurt


A group of investors, 64.3% from TATA Enterprises and 36% equally dividend with

Mirae Asset-Naver Asia Growth Fund and Alibaba were joined by the UK government’s
development finance institution, CDC Group, in the funding round, Big basket said.

Alibaba became the biggest shareholder in big basket last year, after it led a $300 million
funding round in the company, stepping up its competition with Amazon. Big basket
Chief Executive Hari Menon had then said it expected to break even between 2020 and


The awards are a step in the right direction for India's largest online supermarket with the
company growing year-on-year

Big basket, India's largest online supermarket with a presence in over 25 cities in India, has
become the proud recipient of 2 distinguished awards

Retail and eCommerce app of the year' at Your Story’s AWS Mobility Awards 2017 and the
Owler 2017 Top Rated CEO Award for Hari Menon. The awards serve as encouragement
for the company that is making its presence felt strongly by the day and is moving in the
right direction

AWS Mobility Awards have been designed to recognize the best and most innovative
work in mobility and IoT in India. Being conferred with the 'Retail and eCommerce app of
the year' title is a strong endorsement of the great work that big basket has done so far. On
the other hand, the launch of the inaugural Owler Top Rated CEO Awards provides a true
market view of the best-loved leaders across 50 cities and 25 industries worldwide. As one
of the awardees, Hari Menon is among the top 0.60 of executives on Owler, putting the
company at the pinnacle of business leadership.

Only Indian company to make it to the top 3 at the summit that celebrated the best of
e-commerce across Europe and other emerging markets

• Big basket, India's largest online supermarket with a presence in over 25 Indian cities,
has added another feather to its cap. It has bagged the 2nd place at the Global E-commerce
Award ceremony that was hosted by Ecommerce Europe in Barcelona.

• The European E-commerce Awards ceremony took place during The Global E-
commerce Summit at the Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I in Barcelona,

Spain on Tuesday, 13 June 2017. The Global E – commerce Summit is the annual global
event where establish brands and retailers, entrepreneurs, ecommerce experts from emerging
markets and award-winning e-commerce players of the world gather! The summit in 2017
was the 9th edition.


Big Basket’s Future

Online supermarket player Big Basket announced that it has expanded its pan-India coverage
in the last one year, and is now delivering in 18 new Tier-2 and 3 cities. The company
records over 7 million customers orders per month and the demand has considerably gone up
in the post – Covid scenario.

Big basket has plans to expand its footprint to 70 cities in the current fiscal year from about
37 cities at present.

These new cities include Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Jamshedpur, Anand, Rajkot, Ambala,
Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Raipur, Bhilai, Allahabad, Kota, Kakinada, Nashik, Kolhapur,
Rajahmundry, Amravati and Tumkur

Online supermarket player Big Basket announced that it has expanded its pan-India coverage
in the last one year, and is now delivering in 18 new Tier-2 and 3 cities. The company records
over 7 million customers orders per month and the demand has considerably gone up in the
post-Covid scenario.




The McKenzie ‘s 7S model was named after a consulting company. Which has conducted
applied research in business and industry. It is a one of the analyses of the whole company.


Mr. Shivaraj
City Business Head

Dilip Yousuff Salman

Likith N Kiran Rao Abdul Subhan Dinesh V Mohammed Saqueeb Pradeep
Manager-HUB Asst Manger-HR
Manager-Projects Manager-DC Buyer-FMCG Buyer-F&V Trainer Store Incharge-BB Now

ARJUN P Mohammed Khazi Punith J Shankar Guru

Executive-HR B&M Executive Mandi Executive Shift Controller-BB Now

Mohammed Farhan Mohan S Jadar Srinivasa Shreyas

Florina A Akhilesh S

Inventory Controller Sr. Executive-IT Receiver QC-F&V

Shift Controller Shift Controller

Mahadeva swamy Shivu S Mahesha

Girisha S Shashi Kumara C Jagadeesh B
Order Pick Station Crate- QC Associate- Inventory Hub-Stockkeeper Crate- QC

Ravi Kumar N Kiran Raj R Jesudas A Vinod K Sharath N Ullas A

Operation Controller Operation Controller Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Data Entry Operator Executive-Admin


Organizational hierarchy

Big Basket com has a flatter organizational hierarchy that is supported by learning
and progressive organizations. With lesser managerial levels in between and more
access to the senior management and leadership, the employees feel more secure and
confident and also have higher access to information. Moreover, the flatter hierarchy
also allows quicker decision-making processes for Big Basket com and increases
organizational commitment in the employees.

Inter-Departmental coordination

Big Basket com has high coordination between different departments. The
company’s departments often form inter-department teams for projects and tasks that
require multiple expertise. All coordination between different departments is
effective and organized. Big Basket com has a systematic process for initiating and
monitoring coordination between departments to ensure smooth work operations and
processes –and goal attainment.

Internal team dynamics [department specific]

Big Basket com encourages teamwork and team-oriented tasks. Where jobs require
individual attention and scope, the company also assigns individual responsibilities
and job tasks. However, all employees at Big Basket com are expected to be team
players who can work well with and through other members, and who get along well
with other people. The teams at Big Basket com are supportive of all embers and
work in synch with synergy towards achieving the broader team objectives and goals
under the Big Basket com designed strategy and values.

Centralization vs. decentralization

Big Basket com has a hybrid structure between centralization and decentralization. Like many
progressive organizations, Big Basket com largely supports decentralized decision making.
Job roles at Big Basket com are designed to be carried out with responsibility, and employees
oftenset their goals with mutual coordination and understanding with the supervisors.

However, Big Basket com is also centralized in making sure that supervisors oversee, and
approve of the various efforts, and tactics that employees choose to ensure that they are
aligned with the organizational strategy ad values.


Big Basket com has a developed and intricate system for ensuring communication between
employees, and different managerial levels. The communication systems at Big Basket com
enhance the overall organizational structure. The systematic, defined, and organized
communication allows an easy flow of information and ensures that no organizational tasks
and goals are compromised because of a lack of communication, or misunderstandings.


System refers to all rules, regulation, and procedures, both formal and informal that


Step -1: Browse Big for products

Step -2: Add item to your shopping basket
Step -3: Choose a convenient delivery time


7:00 AM – 9:30 AM
10:00 AM – 7:30 PM
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Step -4: Select suitable payment option when you receive your order (Cash, Card,
Food Coupons)


 Pre- delivery
 During delivery
 Post delivery
 D – Date
 E – Entry
 O – Operating

Pre-delivery process – A Snapshot

 Meet co.& collect delivery note
 Meet DCO collect pouch, change money crate & seal cutter & writing pad device
 Pair the device &Eze tap
 Download order & view current delivery
 Go to T2 tables & check the crates, non- cartable items, chilled boxes etc.
 Load the crates into the delivery van.

During delivery – A Snapshot

 Unload crates from van

 Knock the door not more than twice
 Greet the customer & handover the delivery statement
 Cut the crate seal tag
 Handover the products & let the customer check the items as pert delivery

Post delivery – A Snapshot
 Unloads crate from van
 Unload C & F boxes & crates
 Arrange the crates
 Meet the stock (keeper& handover returned products)
 Meet the OC for a debrief meet the DEO handover cash & coupons
 Help in segregation.

They operate in line with a comprehensive Code of Conduct, which applies to all
our employees including our Managing and Executive Directors. The Code is
accessible to everyone who works for our Company. Their corporate governance
system meets international standards and the best practice.

The system ensures we operate within accepted standards of propriety, fair play
and justice.

enables all our employees to voice any concerns they have, openly and without
fear or inhibition.

Provides a Code of Conduct covering every employee, including our Executive

Directors. They also operate in accordance with their BB Business Excellence
Model, Code for Prevention of Insider-Trading and Code of Corporate. BB Non-
Executive Directors are also covered by a condensed Code of Conduct.


The management of Big Basket follows the style as in other government organization are
fallows. Each employee is accountable to his superior and each leads his subordinates, Big
Basket management style follows an autocratic form of management style. All the major
decisions are made by the top management but as it is a decentralized form of
organization so sometimes it becomes democratic also. The BB management style is
autocratic in some difficult situation and the any major decision to take place of the
head office in that, Strategy implementation. Established a new plant Establish a new
production unit in the existing plant, these major decisions will take head offices in the
top-level management. And sometimes the company make the minor decision regarding

those minor problems employees ‘grievances like that so the company style sometime
autocratic and democratic also in the business.


Bengaluru India’s largest grocer Big Basket said it will hire 10,000 permanents on- ground
staff to work at warehouses, distribution centers and as delivery. Its rival Gofers also plans to
recruit 2,000 additional workers, as both the companies look to service a massive demand
surge caused by the nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus. Big Basket co- founder &
CEO Hari Menon told ET that labor shortage has emerged as the biggest worry for the
company. “We invested heavily on (infrastructure) last year and have enough capacity for the
next 18 months at least but workforce is a problem right now,” said Menon said. Soft Bank-
backed Gofers said it is hiring workers for its warehouses, while Flip kart and Amazon have
offered to double payments to temporary staff.

E-commerce companies have been facing a major manpower shortage, as migrant workers
have returned to their native places, amid the virus outbreak. “Many workers staying home or
going back to their villages and towns, we now require people...This is why we are hiring
delivery and warehouse personnel,”

Tanuja Tewari, Vice President-Human Resources at Big Basket. To

be sure, online retailers such as Big Basket, Grofers, Amazon and Flipkart have solved issues
around on-ground staff movement in at least the top 30 cities. They are, however, struggling
to find staff to pick and sort orders at their warehouses and hubs, as well as partners for last-
mile deliveries.

All these companies say they are now equipped to service higher demand since they
have sorted supply-side-constraints.
“Currently, 65% of our warehouse staff is operational and we are hiring an additional 2,000
people from industries that have been deeply impacted by the current crisis, such as textiles,
manufacturing and services,” said Rohit Sharma, Head of Supply Chain at Grofers.

A senior e-commerce executive told ET that movement passes for employees have sometimes
remained unclaimed simply because of staff shortage.

“I’ve got messages from some departments that there are 500 passes allocated to e-commerce
companies that have not been collected,” the executive said.

Some workers are not being allowed to enter homes due to the fear that the virus will spread,
an investor in the space told ET. “This has made a bulk of them either quit their jobs or sleep
inside stores, which are not sustainable outcomes.”
Big Basket is operating at 40% capacity due to staff shortage, while Grofers said it is running
with only 65% staff currently. They say more orders can be delivered if the issue is solved as
capacity expansion and procurement from vendors are Big Basket, according to Menon, is
servicing 90,000 orders a day compared to 160000 orders prior to the lockdown

A Flipkart spokesperson confirmed to ET that it was offering incentives to on-

groundworkers. Large-format offline retailers are also hiring more workers. Spencer's Retail
and Nature’s Basket, for instance, have been conducting virtual interviews to hire store and
delivery staff. Reliance Retail is relocating available workers in formats like fashion and
consumer electronics into food and groceries stores


The education or qualification skill is required to better working performance. In Big Basket
the candidates are recruited conducting the training program i.e. both on the job training and
off the job training which increases the knowledge and skills of employees. All production
plants and laboratories are enquired with the latest of the company equipment. There is
continuous improvement in technology and work processes to meet international standards.

A series of the analysis are conducted in the quality assurance each department at various
stages of production to ensure the quality products of international standards. Skills are
ability to work very well and a handle work each work require their own skills no
employee, employer and the workers has all skills but they are specialized at some skills so
it is the challenge of organization to utilize that effectively and efficiently. In that nestle
organization having different skills of workers and the staff members. In that,

Highly skilled (top level)

Skilled (middle level)

Semi-skilled (lower level)

UN skilled (contract and cleaning) The Big Basket technical training programmed
serves to impact the students with practical of engineering knowledge and skills


Big Basket company aims to be the most admired natural basket company in the
world. They are a business with rich traditions and big ambitions. Big Basket is
formulating appropriate in order to meet the challenges and to develop and strengthen
Factory movements on the following thrust namely:

 Hiring more tech developers

 Using data to predict customer requirements
 Growing information, reducing physical storage, Increasing the processing
 Own fleet of enabled vans
 Working on a hub-and-spoke model
 All the goods are bought and stocked in a warehouse
 5% fund if late
 Procurement, processing and marketing
 Quality assurance programmed
 Reasonable pricing Their strategy focuses on product innovation, achieving
success in new channels and more countries, along with greater efficiency. We
are focused on building unique competencies, differentiated offerings, appealing
brands, new grocery product information system helps them to improve
efficiency and share knowledge, today and in the future. They are building
capability for their current needs and future ambitions.


Shared values are what engender trust values are the identity by which a company is known
throughout its business areas. These values must be explicitly stated as both corporate
objectives and individual values. These are the company level beliefs, mind-sets and
assumptions that shape how an organizational behaves.

The company purpose and timetable allow the organization to take the creating shared
value a step further while adhering to their fundamental belief that company business will
successful in the long term by creating shared

value for the both shareholders and for society as a whole. Company positive impact on
society focuses on enabling healthier and happier lives for individuals and families on
helping the development of thriving and the resilient communities and finally on
stewarding the planet`s natural resources for future generation with particular care for

As the company move into a new period in their organization’s history company will
continue to evolve and strengthen their approach to creating the shared value as they so
business, ensuring that its thinking continues to inform all company behavior, policies, and
actions. Having had the opportunity to participate in developing the sustainable development
growth development while maintaining high training standards.


SMART (Skills for Market Training) is Big Basket Foundation’s flagship employability
programmed, with 100 centers providing skill development in cities. In addition, the
Foundation runs Big Basket SMART Academies in Healthcare and Logistics as its flagship
programmed in employability.

Over the years, SMART has successfully trained approximately one lakh young men and
women, with a placement rate of over 75%. Its robust processes, stringent monitoring system
and industry-led approach, has created a model for scaling up skill


Big Basket Foundation is committed to teacher empowerment, enrichment in learning

opportunities for children, effective school governance and enhancing parental involvement in
school education in the domain of education, shishaantar is the foundation’s training
programmer for teachers. The Foundation runs two premier in-service teacher capacity
building institutes called In-Service Teacher Education Institutes (ITEIs) in North Delhi and
East Delhi Municipal Corporations

The Foundation also works in approximately government schools through its ARISE (All
Round Improvement in School Education) programmer with the objective of holistic
development of children in these schools.

big basket businesses are to service and market the company ‘s products in such a way as
creating value that can be sustained over long term for shareholders, employees, employer,
consumers and the business partners.

Big Basket does not favor short term profit at the expenses of successful long term
business development.

It includes business principles, local legislation culture and religious practices. BB

continuous maintain its commitments to follow and respect all apply


Big basket Com Porter’s Five Forces

Big basket Com Porter five forces reflects the competitive environment of an
industry. It is a strategic tool that is used to avoid or minimize the risk of losing the
competitive edge that the organization has and to ensure the profitability of the
products in the long run. The company holds its vision closely as it allows them to
orientate its innovation in terms of choices regarding the investment and strategies.
Within the industry the businesses profitability is dependent upon the following
 Competitive rivalry
 Threats of new entrants
 Threats of substitute
 Bargaining power of suppliers
 Bargaining power of customers
Structure of porter’s five forces analysis
Big basket Com Competitive rivalry
The competition among the firms helps in identifying the curativeness of an industry where
companies are competing hard in order to maintain their power within the industry. The Big
basket Com competition is moreover on basis of diversity, the development within the sector
and the barriers related to entrance in the market. The competitive rivalry is the analysis of the
brands and the product, its strengths and weakness along with the strategies, competitors and
the share in the market.
 Huge crate contends with different startups in the online basic supply section.
 Contenders incorporate grofers, zop now, pepper tap, nature crate, aram shop, and so
forthdifferent city explicit online retail locations have likewise come up, which are
 Extreme challenge to big basket.

 Much greater internet business players, for example, amazon India and Snapdeal
haveadditionally begun selling basic needs on the web, which is making new test for
big basket.

 Diverse competitors
 Rate of growth
 Size of competitors

Threat of new big basket Com entrants
It is in the favor of the companies that exist in the market to create barriers for the new
entrants to prevent them from entering into the industry. The organizations could be the new
companies or the companies that are planning to diversify itself in the market. The barriers
can be both industrial and legal. Apart from this the size and the reputation of the companies
that are already operating in the market also play an important. Furthermore, the cost
related to the entry, access to raw materials, barriers related to culture and technical standards
also play a major role and can affect the decision of the new entrants in the market.
 Switching Costs
 High Initial Costs
 Company Identity
 Market Penetration
Threat of substitute products
The Big basket Com substitute products are an alternative that are available in the market at
comparatively better prices. Such products prevail due to the technological and innovative
advancement. Due to which the products being produced by the companies that are already
existing in the market and is using the same technology are than replaced by the other
company’s products that are comparatively better in terms of price and quality and are being
produced from sectors with significant profits. The substitute products are dangerous as the
companies are under constant threat of being replaced.
High threat of substitute leads to low profitability as it limits the industry profits by placing a
price ceiling due to the fear of being substituted by other product. Apart from this it also
affects the growth potentials of the industry as a whole but reducing the profitability margins.
 Cost of switching
 Quality of alternatives available
Bargaining power of supplier’s big basket Com
Powerful suppliers possess more power to capture significant value for themselves by
demanding high prices while limiting the quality and the quantity of the product or services
or by transferring the cost on the participant of the industry. Many conditions imposed by the
suppliers generally include the increase in price while compromising the quality and
 Size and number of suppliers
 Differentiation of inputs

A bargaining power of a supplier in the market is strong if:
 It is more concentrated than the industry it is selling to.

 It is not heavily relying on the industry for its profits

 If the participants in the industry have to incur high cost for switching suppliers or the
firms are located adjacent to the suppliers’ manufacturing facilities. 
 The product being offered by the suppliers are highly differentiated. And when there is
no close substitute available for the products being supplied by thesuppliers.
Big basket Com Bargaining power of customers
The buyers having strong bargaining power can highly influence the profitability of the
suppliers operating in the market by imposing condition that are not much favorable for the
suppliers in terms of price, quality or service. Therefore choosing clients often become
crucial for the organizations as to avoid the situation of being highly depended on the buyers.
The level of interest and concentration of buyers toward the product gives them more or less

Powerful buyers could flip the side of the powerful supplies by forcing the prices to move
downwards and by demanding high quality and services by creating a competition between
the participants in the industry on the basis of price and quantity. Big basket Com Customer
are deemed strong if they contain negotiating leverage specifically if the industry is sensitive to
price, the buyers can pressure suppliers for further reductions.

The customer is assumed to have strong buying power in case:

 If the number of buyers is limited or each of the buyer purchases large quantity

relative tothe size of the suppliers.

 The products in the industry are standardized or are undifferentiated.

 The cost of switching is comparatively low.

Limitations of Big basket Com Porter’s five forces

Though the model from a strategic point of view is an important tool but there is certain
limitation associated with the application of the porter five forces model. The framework
uses a classic perfect market and relatively a static structure of market i.e., it only
incorporates the aspects of the present day and only incorporate the events that took place
within the short-term period. Big basket Com Apart from the model only provide the
overview of the

environment and does not define the industry clearly. As it can be difficult to group the
companies having similar business lines and to call it an industry. Therefore, Porter
framework due to its limitation is too inert to be depending upon outside the short term to
medium, term objectives. It emphasizes more on external factors and ignore the specific
factors that are more specially related with the firm. The model doesn’t incorporate new
business model and the changing dynamics of the market and the impact of globalization.
Moreover, it does not consider non-market forces.



Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Big Basket:

Delivery Time: Big Basket delivers the groceries the next day. Many retailers have started
the facility of home delivery to nearby societies and customers in just few minutes to hours.
So, customers prefer this instead of waiting for 24 hours.

Exotic Range: It also offers exotic fruits, vegetables and imported groceries which are not
easily available in nearby retail outlets. This gives them an edge in catering to customers
who like buying such stuff.

Discounts: Big Basket offers huge discounts on various products. They also have the
product bundling technique to maximize sales and offering maximum discounts to the
customers. This makes them a lucrative option for customers to buy.

Target Customer: They have selected their target customers very carefully and have
established a footing in the metropolitan and some tier-I cities. They operate in Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Delhi, Mysore, Vadodara, Patna, Indore, Vijayawada,
etc. They are currently operational in about 25 cities.

Low Fixed Cost business model: Most of the items that Big Basket offers are perishable
hence they depend on the retail stores they are coordinating with for the products. This
means they have no inventory cost and makes their business model more profitable.

Weakness in the SWOT Analysis of Big Basket:

High Variable Cost: Cost of running many delivery guys, delivery trucks, storage for
perishable items, wastage during transportation makes the business run at a high variable
cost. They have to bleed more money and will take longer to break even.

Order cancelation: big basket Depends on stores they are tied with to deliver product the
non-availability of the product in stores leads to cancelation of orders

Opportunities in the SWOT Analysis of Big Basket:

Market: Indian retail market is valued at more than approx. $550 million and grocery alone
covers 60% of this share. Hence, it’s a huge market with many players to accommodate
andcustomers to cater.

Grocery Growth: India is the 6th largest grocery market in the world. E-commerce grocery
market is growing with a year-on-year growth rate of 19%.

Expansion: Many cities are still not covered by these startups and Big Basket can target
them and gain the first mover’s advantage. They can expand to tier-2 cities and increase
their market.

Cross selling and Value Packaging – Cross selling is a major advantage for big basket as it
can sell multiple products by product bundling.

Also Read SWOT analysis of Tim Hortons

Threats in the SWOT Analysis of Big Basket:

Competition: It has small presence in terms of cities covered hence, it is getting a

huge competition from other start-ups like Gofers, Pepper Tap, Nature’s Basket, Zopf
Now, Aram Shop, etc.

Bigger Players: Bigger players in terms of financial backing and presence are also entering
this lucrative industry. Players like Amazon, Flipkart and Google have also entered this
industry. This may prove fatal for smaller players like Big Basket to compete with them.

Smaller Players: Many other localized shops have picked up on this trend and have started
home delivery service to nearby customers thereby killing groups of targets across the region
and cities


Financial Statement has not been provided by the company (Confidential)

Organization study is a different study compare to what we learn in classroom. It gives me a
good opportunity to gain the theoretical knowledge about the company. It is a function of
learn about organization daily function and production system and it is an opportunity to
experience the employees’ daily routines and their day-to-day goals in their particular work
place. But I couldn’t visit the agency due to this covid-19. It will Helps to take good
decision and to achieve the organization objectives as soon as possible. Before entering the
organization, I was thought that how the products are manufactured and how it will reach
the customer, after entering that all the things are clear.

We have another way to learn about the organization and finished our organization study
with the help of internet and social media, and articles about the organization.

Big Basket company is a based on online shopping, it is produced by grocery items

(FMCG). It also had to ensure customer sickness. Big Basketing operates 25 warehouses
and 63 dark stores (storage facilities). The quality system of grocery items upgraded version
they take care of their customer health. It is show me how organization focused on customer

Big Basket provides the training to employees, that training was a very informative and
useful as it enabled the in terms have a corporate look over the online shopping, how to
attracted the customer in the company apart from out theoretical knowledge.

In organization study research about a particular organization is very sensitive. It is not easy
& not too hard to collect the information. All the information will be easily available in
internet. Background, History, Company profile, Vision, Mission, Quality Policy, Workflow
Model & of the Big Basket company is available in various websites.

While studying SWOT analysis of the company and the competitors of the company. I
realized that, the SWOT as a tool really benefits managers to take day-to-day decisions and
give strategic dimensions to it keeping in mind the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats of each of these companies.

The 7S framework gave a view into Strategy, Style, staff, System, Structure, Skill and
Shared values. I also realize the importance of the shared values as it determines the very
culture of the organization.

 I came to know the important management functions such as planning,
organization, staffing, directing and controlling which guide the
organizationin facing stiff competition from competitors.
 Get to know how centralized structure is doing through others and with others
work and things.
 Understood the way in which, the workflow model helps in organizing work
by determining authority and responsibility for staff.
 Were able to understand company is having sufficient number of employees/
workers with different skills, talents, abilities, attitude etc., and how they are
being utilized in optimum manner in achieving organization goals.
 Learnt the importance of leadership traits which guide in achieving personal as
well as organization goals.
 Came to know how individual should be dynamic in corporate sector which
guides in career planning and development.
 Manage to know how information technology and systems have reduced the
time of an activity and documentation also.
 To conclude, this study gave me practical insight to the working of an
undertaking and in supplementing my theoretical learning. I am better
position to understand, comprehend the problems faced by the organization
and to work under competitive environment. The internship has helped me to
acquire skill required to be in competitive in near future’s

 WWW. Big Basket. Com
 WWW.
 WWW. Live mint. Com


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