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Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in English Subject

In every English lesson class schedule, the writer has applied the four skills in each topic of
the lesson. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing are the four skills that should be
mastered by the students in order to reach an understanding of the topic, or at least two of
them. such as Reading and Simple writing to get the minimum competency.

In English subject to Junior High School. Literacy and Numeracy will always be implied.
Although the material given as a Video or voice recorder. As an example in Recount Text
Topic. Students will be given a Video or a content which has been chosen by the writer from
some trending Application most used by students. In this case the writer chooses Tiktok
Video from a Traveler creator about his experience or review visited a tourism object.

In the way to achieve Literation skills:

Through the Video, the writer will present a video about the traveler's experience of visiting a
place. Take the most interesting part from the video and ask the students to take a note.
Writer will choose the video which has been prepared with subtitles on each spoken text. This
idea will give an easy way for students not only to watch, but also to hear and read what the
topic is about. If there is no subtitle provided by the creator, the writer will provide it as a
transcript. With this treatment, students at least have applied reading and listening
competency. During the Video presentation, if the writer heard and found a new Vocabulary,
the writer will give a chance to a student who might already know what it is about, if none of
them, the writer will briefly explain what is it and ask the to write it down as a new founded
vocabulary or add as a footnote to the text provided. Those vocabulary can be used in which
they can learn or memorize it to enrich their vocabulary in English language.

In order to achievement the Numeration skills:

Students will be provided some questions with specific information related to Time or Cost
expenses mentioned in that video. In study Time, this will be connected to Duration or
mentioning the name of the day, date, month and also year in exact pronunciation of English
adverbs of time.
Example questions can be given to the students which related to the topic such as:
1. Mention the exact time the Video Creator visited the place?
2. When was the Visitor do his visiting in date, month and year?
3. How long does it take to get to that place?
4. List of the activities during his visit.
For the numeration related to Cost or expenses, the writer will give some question about how
much expenses that has been cost to him. Such as; Cost of living/stay or cost of expenses
during the trip. For example questions:
1. How much money has been cost to the traveler?
2. If in a day he spends Rp. 150.000. How much money does he have to own for 5 days'
Through those questions, students are able to count and mention the exact summary and
number of expenses in that video. By the practicing of those acts, the writer can assume that
Literacy and Numeracy competency had been accomplish.

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