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Assignment 5

1. With a quality system design focus explain what QFD (Quality Function
Deployment) is? How is your company doing this? Design a simple quality-
focused example proving, that you understood the basic concepts well. Don't
forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to
illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Quality function deployment is a process and set of tools used to effectively define
customer requirements and convert them into detailed engineering specifications and plans to
produce the products that fulfill those requirements. QFD is used to translate customer
requirements (or VOC) into measureable design targets and drive them from the assembly level
down through the sub-assembly, component and production process levels. QFD methodology
provides a defined set of matrices utilized to facilitate this progression. My company is doing
this by incorporating customer feedback and requirements into the product development process,
my company will create house of quality to improve process/product development. The reason
why my company is using QFD is because it makes shorter development time and lower cost.
methodology prevents valuable project time and resources from being wasted on development of
non-value added features or functions.

QFD is broken down into four phases: Product Planning, Product Development, Process
Planning, and Production Planning. For example, six attributes selected: speed, quiet operation,
crisp and accurate sound, cost, size, and reliability. The team now establishes weightings that
represent the relative importance of each attribute from the customers' perspective. The complete
set of weightings adds up to 100%. The second step is to establish the critical design parameters
that drive system performance. In the example these are: number of teeth, lubricant, tooth
thickness, and manufacturing precision. The third step is to fill in the body of the central matrix.
Each cell represents a potential link between a design parameter and a customer attribute. This
"relationship matrix" indicates both the direction and strength of the relationship. The fourth step
focuses on customer perceptions of the company's existing product as compared to its
competitors. This may give insight into market problems and opportunities. The fifth and last
piece of analysis is the interaction or relationship between design parameters. In the cells of the
"roof" matrix is indicated the strength and direction of the interrelationships among design
parameters. This can be validated by verifying and validating the customer requirements with the
actual customers or their representatives. 
Figure 1: Represents the house of quality. The quality house is aimed at product development
that has been inspired by customer wishes. In order to actually meet those wishes, it’s important
to first carefully listen to the customers. This figure is design by Hina Desai.

2. Explain the WHATs in a QFD matrix. How is your company doing this?

Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to
include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this
challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

In quality function deployment matrix, the WHAT’s includes determination of type of

market segment to be analyzed, determination of the target customers, and determination of the
requirements of the customers. All WHATs in the QFD matrix are determined through marketing
or conducting market research. The team rates each of customer requirements (WHATs) on scale
of 1 to 5 based on their level of importance to the customer. Usually, 1 denotes lowest level and
5 denotes highest level of importance to customer. In terms of competitor comparison, the main
focus is on comparing competitor’s product in regard to fulfilling WHATs. QFD is located on
the left side of the house, this room lists the customer requirements gathered from the research.
The WHAT List includes the aspects that our clients and customers expect from our product. At
this point put as many things as you can, in order to not forget any aspect. Later, discard
the WHAT points less relevant.

For example, for a digital camera we could write those WHAT points: a good battery, a
high-quality lens, flashlight, has to be able to record, a big internal memory, a compact design,
Bluetooth capability, a large LED display, etc. Now, the first thing to do is to order the WHAT
points by its importance. In order to do it, you can create a quest or survey of potential users
/clients/customers, which rate the importance of each aspect from 1 to 5 (1 = not important, 5 =
very important). The next columns to fill are those about what is the current status of our product
for each WHAT and how are the other companies, filling them with values between 1 and 5 for
each WHAT, (1 = very bad situation and 5 = very good situation). For example, if our product
does not have Flash, you will receive a 1 in that box, and if you have very good flash will be a
5. This is the best solution in order to fulfill customer requirements. This can be confirmed and
validated by getting re-evaluating and getting feedback from customer.

Figure 2: Customer satisfaction score survey is an example to obtain customer feedback. This
will have determine the WHATs. This figure is design by Hina Desai.

3. Explain the HOWs in a QFD matrix . How is your company doing this? 

Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to
include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this
challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

“Hows” in QFD matrix represents the technical requirements required in the product to
meet the requirements of the customers. QFD matrix estimates how the requirements of the
customers are achieved through technical changes in the product. The team rates each of
customer requirements (WHATs) on scale of 1 to 5 based on their level of importance to the
customer. Here, 1 denotes lowest level and 5 denotes highest level of importance to customer.
Listing the design features of the product, this section is placed just above the base, making it the
attic of the house of the matrix.

For example, for a digital camera we could write those HOW points: for a good battery –
battery capacity and amount of shots per charge (photos/charge); a high- quality lens – quality 1-
10; for flashlight – flash light included (0 is no, 1 is yes) and luminosity (lux) etc. The following
is to calculate the absolute and relative weight of each HOW. For each HOW is calculated:
absolute Weight = Sum (Value of each relationship between WHAT and HOW * Relative
Weight associated with the WHAT). From here we will get the order of importance of each of
the technical aspects. Finally, we will fill what are the technical aspects of our product and the
technical aspects of the other companies’ product, and we will set what are the characteristics
that will be implemented in our product taking into account the relevance of each feature weight,
and also, taking into account the situation of the other companies in each of the characteristics. I
believe this is the method out there in order to incorporate technical specifications as the
customer would desire. This can be validated by understanding and taking into consideration
voice of customer. Also, by taking surveys and taking customer feedback regarding the product
would give a deeper insight to ensure customer requirements or expectations are met.
Figure 3: The highlighted section represents technical requirements which is the translation of
the voice into actionable, measure requirements. This figure is design by Hina Desai.

4. Explain the 1, or 3, or 9 interrelationship values in a QFD matrix with actual

examples. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't
forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to
illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Relations between the client and design requirements are not always 1:1, there are
complex relationships and varying levels of strength. A single design requirement may have an
influence on several of the client’s requirements. There’s a relationship between “What” and
“How”; defined by three strength levels: weak relation, medium relation and strong relation. An
empty column indicates no relationship between the client and design requirements. This may
reveal that the translation from “What” into “How” was not properly conducted. After the matrix
is completed, it must be evaluated whether there are technical “hows” with no relationship to the
customer needs. These may need to be eliminated.

The correlation matrix is a triangular table. “How” is integrated by establishing the

correlation between all of the elements. The matrix describes the strength of the relationships
between the design requirements. The aim is to identify which requirements support each other
and which ones do not. Positive correlations mean that the service development efficiency can be
increased without competing or duplicate effort. Deciding which features are absolutely
necessary to the service is aided by negative correlations; by increasing one feature, there is a
decrease in another and vice versa. If there are no negative correlations, there could be a mistake
in a previous step.

The correlation between technical requirements is shown in the "roof" of the House of
Quality.  Relationships between requirements are shown as follows: solid circle -- strong positive
correlation between requirements, e.g., decrease in product weight for portability may correlate
to a reduction in shipping costs. open circle -- weak positive correlation between requirements,
e.g., increase in reliability may correlate to an increase in durability. asterisk -- strong negative
correlation between requirements, e.g. increase in service level may have a strong correlation to
an increase in cost. x - weak negative correlation between requirements, e.g., increase in
functionality may correlate to a decrease in reliability. Blank -- no correlation between
requirements. Reinforcement of quality improvement will occur if other requirements have a
positive correlation with the requirement being improved upon. 

Figure 4: The Relationship Matrix – the body of the house helps to record how those Technical
Features are related to, and will satisfy, those Wants and Needs. This figure is design by Hina

5. Explain how you calculate the technical priorities in the design target matrix
with actual examples. Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have
created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you have
created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

To determine the relative importance, or priorities, of each of the stated Technical

Requirements (HOWs) in meeting the Customer Needs (WANTs), the QFD team simply
multiplies each of the interrelationship ratings of the technical requirements (0, 1, 3, or 9) from
the Interrelationship matrix, times the corresponding customer need’s Overall Weighting value in
the Planning matrix; and then sums the columns. % Total Priority = (technical requirement
priority) / [(technical priorities) x 100] is the formula. To calculate the technical priorities in the
design target matrix one must multiply each of the interrelationship ratings of the technical
requirement from the interrelationship matrix, times the corresponding customer needs value in
the matrix, and then sums the columns. The rest of the % of Total Priority values are calculated,
and placed in a row just below the Technical Priorities. Except for small errors for rounding, the
row’s sum should equal 100.

Starting with the technical requirement for a new and responsive set of Authoring/Editing
Guidelines , we find that its relationship to the customer need for a Comprehensible Text was
indicated in the Interrelationship matrix as a 9. Looking across the row to the Overall Weighting
column of the Planning matrix we find a value of 6.6. Multiplying them gives us a value of 59.4.
There are three more Interrelationship values for the Authors/Editors Guide technical
requirement, so a total of four multiplications must be done and then summed.
For the Comprehensible Text need 9 * 6.6 = 59.4
For the Accuracy need , 9 * 9 = 81.0
For the Plausible Examples need, 9 * 5 = 45.0
For the Consistent Writing Style need, 3 * 2 = 6.0
Authors/Editors Guide Technical Priority = 191.4

The value of 191.4 is entered in the Technical Priorities row of the Technical Targets
matrix under the column for the Authors/Editors Guide. The technical priorities row is
completed by repeating the process for each of the other Technical Requirements.
The meaning of the resulting technical priorities numbers like 191.4 and 42.3 are
translated into a percentage scale. This is done by dividing the individual technical
priority values by the sum of all the priority values, and multiplying by 100.

Figure 5: This figure is QFD. This shows the results and how to see which one is priority
according to technical specification and customer requirements. This figure is design by Hina

6. Define statistical process control and lean six-sigma with actual mathematical

examples for modern quality management. Design a simple quality-focused
example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration /
image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).
Statistical process control (SPC) is a way to use data to improve and control systems and
processes. It improves quality by reducing defects. SPC can be used in conjunction with other
problem-solving methods like Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to help uncover additional insights
and helps answer operational questions that other data approaches may not perfectly target, such
as “by how much does the product vary?”. Statistics means its statistics is a science that deals
with the collection, summarization, analysis, and drawing of information from the data. Process:
It converts input resources into the desired output (goods or services) with a combination of
people, materials, methods, and machines as well as measurements. Control: System, policies,
and procedures in place so the overall output meets the requirement. For example, Raw rubber
material undergoes steam and pressure treatment to become the tires we use on our cars.
However, as air escapes during this processing, it passes through vents in the tire. If the vents get
too big, they can cause the tire to seal poorly, and air will escape. Using capability analysis,
initially, the distribution of data indicated the company was not capable of meeting customer
specifications, with numerous outliers and other issues. This analysis showed there was a process

Lean Six Sigma is a fact-based, data-driven philosophy of improvement that values

defect prevention over defect detection. It drives customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by
reducing variation, waste, and cycle time, while promoting the use of work standardization and
flow, thereby creating a competitive advantage. It applies anywhere variation and waste exist,
and every employee should be involved. Lean Six Sigma uses a 5-step method to improve
processes and solve problems called DMAIC: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.
Lean six sigma can be applied in manufacturing when reducing quality defects whether it’s scrap
or rework.

Figure 6: DMAIC is the problem-solving approach that drives Lean Six Sigma. It's a five-phase
method—Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control—for improving existing process
problems with unknown causes. This figure is design by Hina Desai.
7. Explain control charts for variables, with a simple mathematical example.
Design a simple quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to
include a technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this
challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Control charts for variables monitor characteristics that can be measured and have a
continuous scale, such as height, weight, volume, or width. When an item is inspected, the
variable being monitored is measured and recorded. For example, if we were producing candles,
height might be an important variable, so we could take samples of candles and measure their
heights. Two of the most commonly used control charts for variables monitor both the central
tendency of the data (the mean) and the variability of the data (either the standard deviation or
the range). Note that each chart monitors a different type of information. When observed values
go outside the control limits, the process is assumed not to be in control. Production is stopped,
and employees attempt to identify the cause of the problem and correct it.

A control chart used to monitor changes in the mean value of a process. A mean control
chart is often referred to as an x-bar chart. It is used to monitor changes in the mean of a process.
To construct a mean chart, we first need to construct the center line of the chart. To do this we
take multiple samples and compute their means. Usually these samples are small, with about four
or five observations. Each sample has its own mean. Control charts for variable data are used in
pairs. The top chart monitors the average, or the centering of the distribution of data from the
process. The bottom chart monitors the range, or the width of the distribution. If your data were
shots in target practice, the average is where the shots are clustering, and the range is how tightly
they are clustered. Control charts for attribute data are used singly. Control chart is used when
controlling ongoing processes by finding and correcting problems as they occur, When
predicting the expected range of outcomes from a process, and When determining whether a
process is stable (in statistical control).
Figure 7: This figure shows the upper and lower control limits. This is a sample control chart.
This figure is design by Hina Desai.

8. Explain control charts for attributes, with a simple mathematical

example. How is your company doing this? Design a simple quality-focused
example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration /
image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Attribute data on a control chart is simply the count of products or characteristics of a

product that do not conform to some established criteria. The chart becomes a line graph
showing the variation in the quality of the process over a period of time. Control limits are drawn
on the control chart to aid in analyzing the variation of the process. When the control chart shows
variation due to common causes, the process is said to be in a state of statistical control. If the
data on the chart shows abnormal points or patterns, then the process has changed due to
assignable causes. Attribute data is a count of nonconforming units (defective parts), or the
number of nonconformities on a unit (number of defects per part). Attribute data does not require
actual measurements such as length, width, or torque. It is only necessary to count the number of
defects or defective units. Many characteristics of quality can only be measured in this way, such
as the presence or absence of a required screw, or the number of bad solder connections on a
printed circuit board. Other attribute data may be the result of data that is measurable but
recorded as pass or fail, such as that from a GO/NO-GO gage.

Consider a process that produces jellybeans.  There are many ways in which a jellybean
can be defective.  It can be the wrong color, mal-formed, or crushed, among others.  If it is more
important to track the production of defective jellybeans rather than some variable (e.g. jelly
bean length or weight), then an attribute control chart is needed.  An attribute control chart
allows us to lump all the ways a jellybean can be defective together.  That is, we plot the number
of defective jellybeans regardless of the reason why they are defective.  Of course, when you
investigate a possible out-of-control signal, you would need to determine why the jellybeans are
defective to find the assignable (root) cause and eliminate it.

Figure 8: The figure above represents the different types of attributes and how it is different from
variable control charts. This figure is design by Hina Desai.

9. Discuss and explain various continual quality improvement methods and tools.
How is your company doing this? Design a simple quality-focused example, that
you have created. Don't forget to include a technical illustration / image, that you
have created to illustrate this challenge / solution (1 point of 10).

Kanban helps you harness the power of visual information by using sticky notes on a
whiteboard to create a “picture” of your work. Seeing how your workflows within your team’s
process lets you not only communicate status but also give and receive context for the work. A3
is a structured approach to problem solving used by Lean and Agile organizations. The term A3
describes a type of oversized paper which is used to plan projects. The purpose of an A3 is to:
Document the learning, decisions, and planning involved with solving a problem, facilitate
communication with people in other departments, and provide structure to problem solving.
PDCA is another way to identify and test hypothesis. Gemba walks are informal, casual
opportunities for leaders to get a sense of what’s happening in the organization. The 5 Whys is a
thinking tool for identifying the root causes of problems. Using the 5 Whys, teams practicing
continuous improvement are able to: move past blame, think beyond the specific context of a
problem, and identify proper solution to resolve issue. Value stream mapping is a lean
manufacturing technique to analyze, design, and manage the flow of materials and information
required to bring a product to a customer.

For example, my company is doing value steam mapping to determine where the non-
value-added time is coming from. This is being done in current state and in future state. A3
project is being done in plating department as year over year scrap has increased. The project
focused on plating process such as chemistry consistency and controls, and chemical
replenishment. The Mayo Clinic is a non-profit hospital that conducted a study to gauge
patients’ wait time and to improve its quality of treatment. The hospital used Kaizen and PDCA
in tandem to refine specific treatments, patient records management, and waiting room times.
This resulted in a decrease in the median cycle time for candidacy testing from 7.3 to 3 hours and
a reduction of its total inventory stock by 31%.

Figure 9: The figure above shows the 5 why’s which then leads to root cause. This figure is
design by Hina Desai.

10. Explain the way integrated process modeling, customer requirements

analysis, risk analysis and statistical methods, like control charts could be used
for quality improvements. How is your company doing this?  Design a simple
quality-focused example, that you have created. Don't forget to include a
technical illustration / image, that you have created to illustrate this challenge /
solution (1 point of 10).

SPC uses a data-driven approach to improve quality by eliminating unusual variations in

the process being analyzed. Process modeling is the graphical representation of business
processes or workflows. Control chart helps you Understand the variations that are always
present in processes. Variations within your control limits indicate that the process is working.
Variations that spike outside of your control limits indicate problems that need to be
corrected.  It helps you See when something is going wrong or may go wrong. These problem
indicators let you know that corrective action needs to be taken. Also, helps to notice patterns
within plotted points. The patterns indicate possible causes, which can help you find possible
solutions. Also, predict future performance and generate new idea for improving quality based
on your analysis.

Customer requirements analysis is the process of identifying what requirements

customers may have for a product/service to understand what motivates them to make purchases.
By identifying the features and benefits that encourage customers to purchase a product/service,
organizations can make the needed changes to their marketing and product development
strategies. The goal is to gather insights into customers’ preferences, behavior, and pain points. It
allows you to recognize the diverse expectations your target audience may have and how well
you are delivering to those expectations. Often used in product development, marketing
campaigns, and branding, customer needs analysis ensures that the product or service provides
value and benefits to the customers. My company is doing this by taking survey, taking into
consideration customer feedback, and listening to the voice of customer. Consider the following
example. Jeffrey has his own shoe manufacturing business. The output his factory delivers, is
usually good and of great quality. But every now and then, one of Jeffrey’s shoes comes out of
the factory with a deformed heel. What can he do to ensure the quality of his shoes is always
high? Statistical Process Control is one way to ensure high quality in this case.

Figure 10: The figure above shows a 4-step approach to developing your utilities' voice of the
customer (VoC) program. Listen gathers the customer feedback from multiple sources across all
interactions. Act creates accountability and prioritize actions to enhance the customer experience
and drive business benefit. Analyze distills insights about the root causes of customer
dissatisfaction or advocacy. Report communicates customer insights to relevant staff members
organization wide to illustrate problem and opportunity areas. This figure is design by Hina

Executive Summary:

Nissan to electrify Qashqai, Juke and X-Trail in mass-market EV push

Nissan is preparing for a full-scale mass-market EV push, with electrified versions of the Nissan
Qashqai, Nissan Juke and Nissan X-Trail. The hybrid system helped the Sunderland-built
Qashqai grow its European sales to 105,956 last year, according to figures from trade body
Jato. a new generation lithiumion battery would arrive “within a couple of years” with “better
energy density and efficiency and a lower cost” It is expected that these cars will feature
batteries that extend their ranges well beyond the 311 miles offered by the 90kWh pack in the
Nissan Ariya, while also cutting charging times. The new cells will provide significant boosts to
range and charging rates, with the latter hitting 400kW. 

Hina: I’m really impress with the direction Nissan is going with their EV: Qashqai, luke and x-

Srikar: Yes, it all started with Juke being the first of Nissan new generation of EV. Since Nissan
is preparing for a full-scale mass market of EV, it will be beneficial for the environment and for

Hina: Exactly, the hybrid system helped Sunderland- built Qashqai grow its European sales to

Srikar: Any Nissan electric variants are expected as replacements for the current-generation
models and scheduled to arrive between 2025 and 2027. A Juke EV is due first, but Cartier
hinted that all three will be sold alongside an e-Power variant.

Hina: I’m impressed with the way technology has been enhancing so quickly. A new generation
of lithium ion battery will definitely play a significant role in making improvements.  

Srikar: Yes, the batteries are expected to extend their ranges beyond 311 miles by 90kWh pack.

Ford Mustang Mach-E to gain LFP battery to slash costs

The ford mustang mach- E lectric crossover will gain a new lithium-iron-phosphate
(LFP) battery. These LFP batteries will also feature on the Ford F-150. Ford claims LFP batteries
are more durable than their NCM counterparts and will use fewer in-demand, expensive
materials. The move will also reduce the US firm’s reliance on “critical materials”, including
nickel and cobalt. The CEO states “Ford’s electric vehicle line-up has generated huge demand.
We’re delivering on our commitments as we scale LFP and NCM batteries and thousands, and
soon millions, of customers will begin to reap the benefits of Ford EVs with cutting-edge,
durable battery technologies that are growing more affordable over time”.

Hina: Having these lithium-iron phosphate battery will be durable, will help charge faster and
will be cheaper.

Skikar: I hope they can get these batteries installed in all vehicles. Hopefully, it will bring down
the cost of all EV.

Hina: Yes, not only will it bring the price down but they are more likely to make sales as it will
be affordable for any class family.

Srikar: This is not only going to happen in US, but it will be sold in UK as well.

Hina: Yes, this makes a production target of 600,000 EV by the end of 2023 and 2 million by the
end of 2026.

Srikar: Ford’s own LFP batteries will later be produced from a brand-new, $3.5 billion (£2.87bn)
LFP battery plant in Michigan, US.

Hina: This is good as it will open more job opportunities in the US and it will be more
convenient in selling.

Costa Rica Reached Highest EV Market Share In The Americas In 2022

Costa Rica retained its leadership position within the Latin American region in 2022 with a
record market share of 7.3% for the all-electric light passenger vehicle segment (cars, sport
utility vehicles, and pickup trucks). When accounting for sales of plug-in hybrid cars (PHEV),
Costa Rica kept the lead within the Latin American region, but at the continental level, Canada
was ahead with a market share of 7.7% for the entire plug-in electric car segment (PEV). In the
case of Uruguay and Costa Rica, the market shares do not vary since sales of plug-in hybrid cars
in both countries are negligible er— the existing tax incentive schemes only benefit 100%
electric vehicles. At the end of 2022, there were around 5,300 cars and light commercial vehicles
on the road in Costa Rica. Despite the rapid growth and its leadership at a regional and
continental level, electric vehicles in use only represent 0.5% of the national stock of light
vehicles. There is still a long way to go for Costa Rica and Latin America, and more affordable
models are required.

Hina: Isn’t it surprising? Costa Rica being one of the smallest location has the highest EV market
share in the America during 2022.

Srikar: The BEV uptake in costa rica exceeded the market share in Canada and United States.

Hina: They are ahead in the market share by 7.7%

Srikar: There is still a long way to go for Costa Rica as more models need to be affordable.

Hina: Actual sales of light electric vehicles in Costa Rica in 2022 were much higher than
registrations reported by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (1,599 units). 

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