Solar Dehydratorg 1

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Preserving freshness with solar

Building a solar-powered dehydrator for food preservation

What is a solar dehydrator?

A solar powered dehydrator is a device that uses
The energy from the sun to remove moisture from fruits
Vegetables, and other foods there by preserving them for
Long periods of time. Solar powered dehydrators are
A sustainable and eco friendly way to preserve food
As they do not require any electricity or fossil fuels to
They can be used in areas with limited access to electricity

Solar dehydrator as a replacement

To conventional preservation techniques. Fgr.1

Approximately one-third of all food produced worldwide is wasted

Each year, which is growing a global problem. In addition to having
Detrimental effects on the environment, this has important economic
And social impact as well, including increasing food insecurity and
Restricted access to nutrient dense foods. One way to address this
Issue is by utilizing solar powered dehydrators to preserve and increase
Shelf life of fruits, vegetables, and meat food has a longer shelf life and
And is wasted less when dehydrated using solar energy (refer to fgr.1) which is renewable they
are sustainable replacement for conventional food preservation techniques that rely on electricity
or fossil fuels
Because they use solar power which is also economical and environmentally friendly

How does solar dehydrator work?

Solar dryers are used to eliminate the moisture content from
Crops, vegetables, and fruits. The solar dryer consists of a box
Made of easily available and cheap material like plywood and
Brick. The top surface is covered by two layered of plastic sheets
And the inside surface is colored black to absorb incoming solar
Radiation. Since the box is insulated, the temperature rises the
Air is ventilated through holes as the insides get’s warm this process
Removes moisture from fruits and vegetables (Refer to fgr.2)

Adviser: Ms jayrel r. Fabrero
Leader: Matt cyrus s. conde
Matt gabrielle c. Trajeco
John ivan b. Fernandez
John dexter h. Pantilanan
Alven m. Dimacuha
Jasmine joy e. Semilla
Lendie e. Fofue

I. Introduction
So in todays world, preserving food has become more important than
ever, with increased awareness of food waste and environmental
sustainability, but one effective method of food preservation is
dehydration. So we group 1 have explored the design and construction
of a solar powered machine that can be used to dry fruits and vegetables
and other foods , by harnessing the power of the sun we hope that our
research can create an eco friendly solution to food preservation

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