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Republic of the Philippines


Narciso Street, Surigao City 8400, Philippines
“For Nation’s
Greater Heights”


GE Rizal (Life & Works)
February 20, 2023

Selection (choose the precise answer) and underline the letter

1. It is an act to include in the curricula of all public schools, colleges, and universities courses on
the life, works and writings of the national hero;
A. RA 1425 B. MO 229 C. Miranda Law
2. The Rizal Law was made effective on;
A. June 12, 1956 B. August 16, 1956 C. August 12, 1956
3. Rizal Law was apply in;
A. Public schools & universities B. Private schools C. all of the above
4. Unification of the whole archipelago into centralized government was the legacy to the Filipinos
by the:
A. American B. British C. Spaniards
5. The mandated Rizal Law was signed into Republic Act by;
A. Claro M. Recto B. Jose P. Laurel C. Ventura de los Reyes
6. During Rizal’s time the heroes were seeking;
A. Reforms B. Independence C. changes
7. Rizal’s parents were belonged to;
A. Peninsulares B. Insulares C. Prinicipalia
8. It was a century of ferment caused by the blowing winds of history;
A. 18th C B. 19th C C. 20 th C
9. He was the most respected man in those times;
A. Prime Minister B. King C. holy Pope
10. In the 19 Century this European country emerged as the world’s leading imperialism power;
A. Spain B. England/Great Britain C. Germany
11. In the incapability/minor of the incoming king, the crown would choose among the nearest
relative to rule the empire called;
A. Regency B. substitute C. governor-general
12. He was the last hated symbol of the Spanish tyranny;
A. Cabeza de barangay B. guardia civil C. creoles
13. Spain introduced Christendom in the Philippines with the concept of;
A. Utilitarian concept B. Totalitarian concept C. Egalitarian concept
14. That was a government ran by the friars;
A. Democracy B. Monarchical C. Frailocracy
15. It was a veto power to the governor-general on the legislative power of the king;
A. Cumplase B. Encomienda C. Leyes delas Indias

Essay: 5 pts

16-20 Cite/elucidate the strategy on how Fr. Miguel Lopez de Legaspi Hispanized the Philippines.

21-25 Explain the significant of the Participation of the Filipinos to the World Trade.

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