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Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Chapter 1 1


Background of the Study

Adolescent growth and experience are greatly influenced by participation in peer

groups. The importance of peer groups in human development is likely to be felt

throughout one's life. Their impact begins at a young age and grows during the adolescent

years. Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 frequently experience internal pressure

to do things that they believe their peers are doing. Teens interact with the individuals

with whom they often engage. Teenagers gain interpersonal interaction skills in

school. They learn to share, take turns, and negotiate with their classmates.

Peer pressure occurs when someone chooses to do something they would not

normally do in order to feel liked and respected among peers. It's not always or even

mostly about doing something against their will. Peers are people with whom you socialize

or who are similar to you in age, interests, or some other way. All teenagers are social

creatures who want to fit in, make friends, avoid loneliness, and gain approval from others.

The fear of not having those things is enough to drive some people to extreme or

inappropriate behavior. Students frequently succumb to peer pressure because they do

not want to be rejected by their peers. Youth are also less likely to be certain of

themselves or what they want, making them more vulnerable to peer pressure that

pushes them to push boundaries. Furthermore, because students face many new

situations in high school they may find themselves in a position where they lack the
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knowledge or tools to get themselves out of a bad situation. People who are unsure of 2

themselves, new to the group, or unfamiliar with peer pressure are more likely to

succumb. It is also demonstrated that there are two main characteristics that appear to

distinguish teenagers from adults in their decision making. Teenagers, in particular, are

drawn to the immediate rewards of a potential choice and are less attentive to the potential

risks during early adolescence. Second, teenagers in general are still learning to control

their impulses, think ahead, and resist peer pressure. These abilities emerge gradually

as a teen's ability to control his or her behavior improves throughout adolescence.

Intellectual level, personality, motivation, talents, interests, study habits, self-

esteem, and the teacher-student connection all have a role in academic performance.

Academic performance is the ability to study and remember facts and being able to

communicate one’s knowledge verbally or written on paper. According to Ward, Stocker

and Murray-Ward (2006) academic performance refers to the outcome of education; the

extent to which the student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. In

the context of this study, academic achievement refers to the extent to which students

have achieved mastery of the objectives of the subjects they are exposed to in school.

There should be an interrelated relationship between peer group and academic

performance. It was believed that a student's academic performance correlates with the

group he or she belongs to. Conversely, positive peer influence on academic

performance depends on a person's self-identity, self-esteem and self-reliance. Academic

activities are aimed at ensuring that students master educational goals. In schools, the

amount to which these objectives have been accomplished is heavily influenced by the
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interaction of peer groups, which may or may not reflect in students' academic 3


Finally, the goal of this study was to see if there was a relationship between peer

pressure and academic performance among students in the General Academic Strand

(GAS). Since GAS students are experiencing peer pressure in online learning because

students are unsure and are still figuring out what is best for one ‘s future and finding the

courses in school. Being unsure and being a graduating understudy can be difficult when

a teenager who have dreams but figuring out what is best for oneself is the main concern.

The benefits of determining this include encouraging GAS students to be motivated in

everything, especially when classmates achieve success in school and in everyday life.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: How does peer pressure affect the academic

performances of General Academic Strand students?

Specifically, this will opt to answer the following questions:

1. What is the perceived level of peer pressure as assessed by the student-

respondents in terms of:

1.1. Social belonginess; and

1.2. Curiosity?

2. What is the academic performance of the student-respondents?

3. Is there a significant difference between peer pressure and academic performance

of the General Academic Strand students?

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Hypothesis 4

There is no significant relationship between peer pressure and academic

performance of General Academic Strand (GAS) students.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focused on the study regarding peer pressure and its relationship to

the academic performance of General Academic Strand Students. The research

focused on the Grade 11 & 12 General Academic Strand students in Escuela de Sophia

during the 1st semester of the school year 2021-2022.

The study will only be limited to twenty-five (25) participants to each Grade 11 &

Grade 12 GAS students. Any other strand or grade level from the school does not fall

upon this study.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to determine how peer pressure affect academic

performance of GAS students. The following may benefit from this study:

Students. The research will be beneficial to the students to be able to recognize the

significance of peer pressure and its relationship to the academic performance of the

students. As a result, students will be encouraged to communicate with one another and

to pursue academic goals.

Parents. The findings of the study will assist the parents on determining the impact of

peers on their children. As a consequence, parents will serve as students' guides and

consider the importance of students dealing with peer pressure and academic success.
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Teachers. The research will be beneficial to the teachers to be able to understand the 5

essence of peer pressure and its relationship to students’ academic performance.

Teachers can assess the effectiveness or how peer pressure works with students.

School administrators. The findings of this study will understand that the administrator

provides school curriculum, policies, and programs valuable in meeting not only the

intellectual but also the emotional, social, and spiritual needs of children and adolescents,

their level of participation in school activities and peer choice were significantly related to

academic performance. School administrators need school initiatives that enable

students with poor academic performance to interact with students who are academically

oriented, such as tutorial courses with academically advantaged classmates and friends.

The school can use cooperative learning practices so that academically gifted kids can

assist slow learners or those with learning disabilities.

Researchers. The research will be beneficial to the researchers to build knowledge for

researchers. Researchers can produce information about peer pressure and its

relationship to the academic performance of students and can help other students to

value peer pressure and academic performance.

Future Researchers. The study will encourage the future researchers to covers

information involving peer pressure and its relationship to the academic performance of

students. Thus, the results of this study can serve as a resource for future researchers

especially as it is a highly discussed topic.

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Definition of Terms

This section presents the definition of the key variables used in this study. The

keywords are defined to guide the readers in understanding the key concepts involved in

this study.

Academic performance - is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement

using classroom performance and results from standardized tests. (Ballotpedia, 2019).

Cognitive - It is a general mental capability involving reasoning, problem-solving,

planning, abstract thinking, complex idea processing, and learning from experience is

defined as cognitive ability (Fredson, 1997).

Peer group – a group that similar status, such as people who are the same age, who

have the same abilities, or who share a social status. (Chen, 2012).

Peer pressure - is the influence wielded by people within the same social group. It is also

describing the effect this influence has on a person to conform in order to be accepted by

the group. Often, peers are thought of as friends, but peers can be (Morin, 2020).

Social-belonginess - refers to the state in which an individual, by assuming a role, is

characterized by inclusion in the social collectivity. (Weber, 2008).

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter discusses the related literature and studies after the thorough and

in-depth research done by the researchers. Those that were included in this chapter helps

familiarize information and are defined for better comprehension of the study.

Peer Pressure

“Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing

it”. Students nowadays spend more time with their friends. According to Starlet (2010),

the changing ways of life of our peers often force us to change our ways of looking at life

and leading it. In today’s generation most of the students are highly influenced by their

peer groups and it has an impact with their performance in class. Peer pressure is when

a peer group or an individual exerts influence on others to encourage them to modify their

views, values, or behaviors in order to comply with group norms (Treynor, 2009). Groups

in which individuals are formally members but whose membership is not precisely defined

are among the social groups affected. Peer pressure is a rare occurrence among teens,

but with the increasing struggle for resources and personal advancement, it is becoming

more prevalent.

According to Steinberg (2005), peer group influence begins at a young age and

grows throughout the adolescent years. Thus, understanding the prospects and

challenges of peer groups is critical for the productivity of educational processes and the

organizational design of peer contexts, with peer norms for behavior receiving the highest
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priority (Brown and Larson, 2009). This stage of affiliation motivation appears to be highly 8

conserved among peers.

As an adolescent, you've almost certainly been influenced by your peers in a

variety of ways, from the clothes you wear to the music you listen to. (Steinberg, et al.,

2008) Peer influence isn't always a negative thing. Teens may spend more time with their

friends than with their parents and siblings when school and other activities take them

away from home. Peers naturally play a larger part in your life as you become more

autonomous. However, peer pressure can be difficult to resist at times, especially in

emotionally charged situations, and you may feel pushed to do something you don't want

to do.

Peer pressure isn't always a terrible thing; in fact, peer groups can have a

powerful influence on people's conduct. The socialization effect of peer groups

(Brechwald and Prinstein, 2011) has received a lot of attention recently. Peers might act

as prestigious role models in a beneficial way (Wentzel et al., 2004). For some teens, a

peer group can provide protection, educational opportunities, and encouragement,

among other things. The influence of negative and positive peer pressure on a person is

the difference between the two. While most forms of influence are uncomfortable for the

individual on the receiving end, the results of the influence are almost always favorable.

A person will feel better, healthier, or happier as a result of positive peer pressure.

Negative peer pressure, on the other side, causes people to feel unhappy, sick, or


As a result, previous peer pressure may reemerge in the present. People will go

to tremendous lengths, even as teenagers, to be accepted and appreciated in both their

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academic and personal life. After all, everyone wants to hear good things about 9

themselves and feel good about themselves, and others have noticed and admired you

(Bibb and Darley, 2010). The goal of this study was to find out which students enjoy

peer pressure, what causes peer pressure, and how peer pressure among specific peers

affects academic performance.

Academic Performance

Academic performance encompasses achievement in all academic disciplines.

According to Steinberg (2005), academic performance includes students' ability and

performance; it is multidimensional; and it is intricately linked to human growth and

cognitive, emotional, and social physical development. As a result, students' performance

is defined by their performance on coursework-related tests as well as their success on

other forms of examinations (Kyoshaba, 2009).

Academic performance is critical for an institution in order to achieve positive

outcomes that will contribute to future job performance (Kuncel et al., 2005). According

to (Hijazi & Naqvi, 2006), age, gender, or place of residence have little impact on

academic performance. It facilitates communication between both parties, such as

students and professors or lecturers. Someone gave a lecture in front of the class, which

is referred to as teaching (Caroline, 2016). Meanwhile someone who receives the

knowledge is called the learning process (Leki et al., 2006). Through this, it can build a

better and improve students' attitudes also in thinking and writing (Bonwell & Eison, 1991).

According to (Chickering & Gamson, 1999), educators and students who maintain contact

with one another, even through an online platform, inspires students to be more

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Various studies on the elements that influence students' academic performance 10

or achievement in schools, colleges, and universities have been conducted. Student

effort, previous or prior educational performance, self-motivation, the social-economic

status of the students' parents, the students' age, number of hours of study per day,

admission points, different entry qualifications, tuition trends, and the students' area of

residence (rural or urban) are some of the factors identified and reported to have affected

the academic performance of students in these different settings (Farooq et al, 2013).

According to Bratti and Staffolani (2002), the most important indicator or determinant of

students' future academic achievement is the measurement of their former educational

results or performance. As this study focuses on the academic performance of students

admitted with various entry credentials, pressure is defined as the results of prior or

previous academic performance that are likely to affect the students' future academic


The Relationship of Peer Pressure and Academic Performance to Students

According to Olalekan (2016), the peer group has a significant influence on

students. This is evident from the role of the peer group in a child's life and learning;

evidence abounds that student feel more comfortable and relaxed among their peers. A

brilliant child who is surrounded by dull peers will lose interest in learning. A peer group

that is prone to study, on the other hand, would have a positive effect on a dull member's

learning and stimulate his/her interest in learning. Peer influence has a negative impact

on a student's academic performance. Students actively, on the other hand, have an

impact on their peers and can help them improve their overall academic performance.

Positive peer influence on academic performance, on the other hand, is dependent on a

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person's sense of self-identity, self-esteem, and self-reliance. Peer influence can also 11

inspire students' academic zeal and motivation to succeed (Lashbrook, 2000).

According to Goethe (2001), weak students perform better when they are placed

in groups with other weak students. It demonstrates that when students are with students

of their own kind, their academic performance improves. Sacerdote (2001) discovered

that when students have unusually academically strong peers, their grades improve.

Zimmerman's (2003) findings were somewhat contradictory to Goethe's findings, but it

once again demonstrated that a student's academic performance is dependent on a

variety of factors, stating that weak peers may reduce the performance of strong students.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework for Peer Pressure and Its Relationship to

Academic Performance of GAS Students.

The figure shows the concept of this research entitled “Peer Pressure and Its

Relationship to Academic Performance of GAS Students''. The independent variable of

this research is peer pressure which is the influence of the small groups on one another

with similar age, interests, and behavior. Besides, it determines the struggles, and

pressure of peer groups on students. It has a sublevel part which is the social

belonginess and curiosity that is determined by their level of peer pressure. The

dependent variable of this research is the factors that affect the academic performance
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of every GAS Student. Additionally, peer pressure has a significant relationship to the

academic performance of every GAS student since numerous students are surrounded

by their peers which has a positive effect on the student's overall academic

performance. The purpose of this research was to assess the association between peer

pressure and academic performance among GAS students. The benefit of determining

this is that it encourages GAS students to be motivated in all they do, especially when

their peers excel in school and in everyday life.

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter covers the research methodology including the research design,

the research setting, the instruments used and the research method that assisted the

researchers who carried out this study.

Research Design

The researchers utilized correlational research design in a quantitative approach

to determine the relationship between peer pressure and academic performance of

General academic Strand students in Escuela de Sophia. Because this research will

define the research questions based on trends in the field of research site, a quantitative

approach was used. A quantitative approach is used when researchers want to identify a

research problem based on trends in the field or when they need to explain why

something happens (Creswell, 2012). The degree of correlation between two variables is

expressed as a correlation coefficient. In this study, the correlation method is used to

investigate the relationship between the variables (Arikunto, 2007). In correlational

research designs, investigators use the correlation statistical test to describe and

measure the degree of association (or relationship) between two or more variables or sets

of scores. This viewpoint also implies that the researchers in this study do not attempt to

control or manipulate the variables as in an experiment; instead, they relate two or more

scores for each person using correlation statistics. This is where the researchers conduct

interviews to find a suitable candidate.

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Research Setting

This research took place at Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. SY 2021-

2022. Located at Narra Street, Rainbow Village 5, Bagumbong, Caloocan City. Initially,

the school served Preschool through High School and EDSCI was able to

accommodate the introduction of senior high education, starting with the General

Academic Strand and other senior high school strands. EDSCI is committed to creating

basic education graduates who will contribute to the progress and development of the

community and nation. The researchers chose this location because they focused on

the individuals who could be significant to their research, which are the General

Academic Strand students at the aforementioned school.

Respondents of the Study

The students from Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. SY 2021-2022 in 1st

Semester that took part of the study are from the Grade 11 & 12 General Academic

strand. The number of participants in this study will be limited to 25 students from each

senior high school GAS level, with a total of 50 GAS students participating.

Sampling Technique

The sample technique used in this study will be simple random sampling. This

strategy is thought to be the most representative of the population. Nonetheless, like with

other sampling methods, sampling error continues with this strategy. Random sampling

ensures that the findings that the researchers get from the sample are close to what to

get if researchers measured the complete population (Shadish et al., 2002). The most
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basic random sample ensures that every unit in the population has an equal chance of 15

being chosen.

In order to utilize the simple random approach effectively, a sample size of more

than a few hundred people is ideal (Lewis & Thornhill, 2012). It may be claimed that while

this strategy is simple in theory, it is difficult to implement in practice. This is because

working with a big sample size is difficult and obtaining a realistic sampling frame might

be difficult. The researchers took 50 students from grade 11 and in grade 12. It was

chosen at random and without any prior knowledge The advisers allowed the researchers

to select 50 random GAS students from 11-Moriones and 12-Sinulog.

Research Instrument

A standardized questionnaire was used to gather data. The researchers used a

standardized questionnaire that will consist of items that will be used in evaluating the

relevance of peer pressure to the academic performance of students. Researchers will

use a primary source of data through a survey. The author of the questionnaire was

authorized by the researchers to use it in the study. Those questions that the researchers

prepared will answer the statement of the problem in a study that the researcher’s

conducting, and the gathered data will support and validate the information of the study.

The items in the sample questionnaire are separated into two groups: peer pressure and

GAS students' academic performance. There are two sublevels to peer pressure: one is

social belonging, where it will be determined if the students are obtaining knowledge of

social belonging, and the other is curiosity, where the student has the belief that it can be

done because of curiosity. The researchers also use Likert scale to assess a person's

attitude by determining how much they agree or disagree with a question or statement.
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Mean Score Verbal Interpretation

Range Interpretation

0.01 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

1.5 – 2.49 Disagree

2.5 – 3.49 Neutral

3.5 – 4.49 Agree

4.5 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought permission from the Grade 12 level coordinator of

Escuela De Sophia of Caloocan Inc., Sir Jayson B. Dechavez and the advisers of Grade

11-Moriones, Ms. Maru Batayola and 12-Sinulog, Sir Jamil Salem Isip for approval, which

was granted. The questionnaire was created using Google Forms for the researcher's

respondents, who are Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The researchers distributed the

questionnaire to the respondents, which are General Academic strand students at

Escuela De Sophia of Caloocan Inc., after receiving consent. Prior to the data collection,

the researchers decided to create a questionnaire in Google forms that is appropriate for

the respondents' setting. The questionnaire was evaluated by Mr. Kim Orale, a statistician

to validate the questionnaire. The respondents were given the study instrument through

the internet by the researchers.

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The researchers met and discussed the importance of the study, as well as how

to appropriately distribute the survey. To avoid hurried responses, the respondents were

given time to complete the forms. Finally, after the survey forms were completed, the

responses were processed using statistical methods, and the data was compiled,

analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following are the statistical treatments used in the study.

For SOP 1 and 2:


The mean or arithmetic mean of a data set, according to Bhandari (2020), is the

sum of all values divided by the total number of values. It's the most common measure of

central tendency, and it's also known as the "average." In research, you often collect data

from samples and perform inferential statistics to understand the population they came

from. The mean is a parameter that measures the central location of the distribution of a

random variable and is an important statistic that is widely reported in the scientific

literature (Salkind, 2010). The purpose of the mean this treatment will be used to solve

which assesses the level of sleep deprivation and cognitive performance of the student-

respondents. The mean is a statistic that indicates where a random variable's distribution

is most centered.
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𝒙 = 𝑵

Where: X̄ = sum of each value, N = number of values, and 𝛴 𝒙 = Sum of observations

For SOP 1 and 2:

Weighted Mean

According to Vipond (2015), the weighted mean is a type of mean that is

calculated by multiplying the weight (or probability) associated with a specific event or

outcome with its quantitative outcome and then summing the results. The key feature that

distinguishes the weighted mean from the arithmetic mean is that it is very useful when

calculating a theoretically expected outcome where each outcome has a different

probability of occurring. Also as stated by (Clark-Carter, 2010) The weighted mean

involves multiplying each data point in a set by a value that is determined by some

characteristic of whatever contributed to the data point. The purpose of the weighted

mean will be used in determine the level of impact of sleep deprivation on the cognitive

performance of the selected students and to calculate the probability outcome, to sum up

all the values.

Formula: 𝑤𝑚 = 𝑁

Where: fw = sum value, N = number of respondents

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


For SOP 3:

Standard deviation

The spread of statistical data is measured by the standard deviation. Distribution

measures the deviation of data from its mean or average position. The degree of

dispersion is computed by the method of estimating the deviation of data points (

Raveendran, 2021). And according to (Hargrave, 2021) The standard deviation is a

statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is calculated

as the square root of the variance. The standard deviation is calculated as the square

root of variance by determining each data point's deviation relative to the mean. The

purpose of standard deviation in the study is to determine how estimations for a group of

observations are spread out from the mean (average or expected value). Standard

deviation measures the spread of data distribution. It measures the typical distance

between each data point and the mean.


𝛴 𝒏 =𝟏 (𝑿𝒊 − 𝑿) 𝟐
σ =√

Where: σ = Standard Deviation, x = Terms Given in the Data, x̄ = Mean, n = Total number

of Terms
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Pearson R Coefficient Formula

To discover the relation between two variables of the study, the researchers

utilized Pearson's r to determine if the two variables were connected or not. The

calculation was done in Microsoft Office Excel. The researchers were able to manually

compute the data in order to determine whether the r value they obtained was correct.

The formula for Pearson r is as follows:


r = correlation between the dependent variable (y) and independent variable (x)

n = total number of respondents

x = independent variable

Furthermore, the researchers can assess whether the hypothesis is rejected or

accepted by using the critical value for Pearson r. A decision rule is used to interpret the

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The study presents tables containing data and information on the respondents in this

chapter. In addition, the researcher provides the analysis and interpretation in this section.

The computation's outcome could determine whether the hypothesis is accepted or

rejected. The data gathered by the researcher addressed the following objectives:

Table 1. Level of peer pressure as assessed by the students' respondents in terms

of social belonginess


Statements Weighted Verbal Interpretation


1. I belong to a peer group 4.02 Agree

2. I enjoy spending my time with my peer 3.84 Agree


3. I made friends easily 3.46 Neutral

4. I have friends that are supportive 4.3 Agree

5. If a group of people asked me to do 3.88 Agree

something, it would be hard to say no
Total: 3.78 Agree

The table 1 presents the level of peer pressure as assessed by the students'

respondents in terms of social belonginess. Respondents agree that they have supportive

friends, belong to a peer group, that if a group of people asked to do something, it would

be hard to say no, enjoying and spending time with their peer is enjoyable with a verbal
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

interpretation of 4.30, 4.02, 3.88, and 3.84 respectively. Respondents find it neutral to 22

make friends easily with a verbal interpretation of 3.46.

These findings are regarding the level of peer pressure as assessed by the

students’ respondents in terms of social belongingness. Concerning how peer groups act

and engage with one another. These findings will be relevant according to these sources.

Positive peer interactions and a strong feeling of community inside the school are linked

to a strong sense of belonging. According to Anderman and Leake (2007), a sense of

belonging is a basic human need, and the school and family are the venues in which

these relationships might occur for middle school students. "Positive peer impact in

school, teacher support, and general sense of belonging in school were found to be

connected with their academic expectancies for success," (as cited in Anderman and

Leake, 2007, p.167).

Table 2: Level of peer pressure as assessed by the students' respondents in terms

of curiosity


Statements Weighted Verbal Interpretation


6.I like to do something new 4.42 Agree

7. I want to explore my capabilities to do 4.58 Strongly Agree

some things

8. I want to explore my teenage years 4.28 Agree

9. I like to start a new activity 4.34 Agree

10.I want to experience relationship with 3.9 Agree


Total: 4.10 Agree

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

In the table 2 which is curiosity, Respondents agree that they like to do something 23

new, explore their teenage years, start a new activity, and want to experience relationship

with others with a verbal interpretation of 4.42, 4.28, 4.34, and 3.9 respectively.

Respondents find it strongly agree to explore their capabilities to do some things with a

verbal interpretation of 4.58.

These findings are regarding the level of peer pressure as assessed by the

students’ respondents in terms of social belongingness. Concerning how peer groups act

and engage with one another. Students agree to explore their adolescent years and that

they need their peers, which may help them share their own perspective and capacity as

individuals. These findings will be relevant according to these sources. Positive peer

interactions and a strong feeling of community inside the school are linked to a strong

sense of belonging. According to Anderman and Leake (2007), a sense of belonging is a

basic human need, and the school and family are the venues in which these relationships

might occur for middle school students. "Positive peer impact in school, teacher support,

and general sense of belonging in school were found to be connected with their academic

expectancies for success," (as cited in Anderman and Leake, 2007, p.167).

Peer groups are significant in the social environment, which plays an important

role in society, and in determining academic accomplishment, which has an impact on

development compared to each other (Chen, 2008). As people become older, their

adaptive behavior gets more sophisticated and wider. Schools that students attend

function as an institution among students, determining their learning ability based on the

school environment that provides students with a learning experience (Korir, 2014).
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Table 3: Level of academic performance of grade 11 & 12 GAS student 24


Statements Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation

1.My friends help me on what to do in my academic 3.64 Agree

performance in school

2. My friends inspire me to work hard in my studies 3.9 Agree

3. My friends assisted to improve my grades 3.58 Agree

4. I am not worried of my academic performance 3.32 Agree

because I have peer group that always there for me

5. My friends and I caught cheating to pass 1.78 Disagree

6. I feel connected to the school because of my friends. 3.56 Agree

7. Me and my friends compete for grades. 2.12 Disagree

8. It's difficult for me to say no when my classmates and 2.96 Neutral

friends want to replicate my assignment.

9. To pass the subject, my friend and I cheated on 1.76 Disagree

quizzes and activities.

10. I've skipped classes, when others have urged me to. 2.02 Disagree

Total: 2.86 Neutral

The table 3 presents the level of academic performance of GAS

students. Respondents agree that their friends help them what to do in academic

performance in school, their friends inspire them to work hard in studies, their friends

assisted to improve their grades, they are not worried to their academic performance

because they have a peer group that always there. they feel connected to the school

because of their friends with a verbal interpretation of 3.64, 3.9, 3.58, 3.32, and 3.56
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

respectively. Respondents find it neutral to It's difficult for me to say no when my 25

classmates and friends want to replicate my assignment with a verbal interpretation of

2.96. And lastly, respondents find it disagree that their friends caught cheating to pass,

their friends are competing in grades, to pass the subject, my friend and I cheated on

quizzes and activities and they skipped classes, when others have urged me to with a

verbal interpretation of 1.78, 2.12, 1.76, and 2.02. The total of the weighted mean is 2.86

which the verbal interpretation is neutral.

Students believe they are neutral when it comes to the idea that in order to

perform and complete particular school tasks and activities. The table demonstrates that

students' education does not require the presence of their peers to assist them in

completing their schoolworks. Overall, students seem unconcerned with their peers'

presence and assistance at school and in their schoolwork.

Table 3 shows that peer groups are important in the social context that plays a

vital role in the society and helps to determine the academic achievements that are

affected during development relatively with each other (Chen, 2008). Knowing how

the teenagers interact with their peers, how they interact with each other and how

presence of peer groups affects student’s academic achievement in school plays an

important role for various categories even in the whole educational system (Leka, 2015).

Students' interactions with their peers could help enhance their capability and increase

their academic performance in school as Table 3 states because they could seek help

from their peers that could serve as a motivation than working alone (Sotinis, 2013).
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Table 4: Relationship between Peer Pressure and Academic Performance of GAS

n= 50

The table 4 presents the relationship between peer pressure and academic

performance of General Academic Strand students in Escuela de Sophia Inc. Sy 2021-


A total of 50 responders were chosen at random from the Senior High School

GAS students. The overall score of peer pressure, or the score that respondents received

from the first portion of our survey questionnaire, is 4.102. The total mean of 2.864 for the

academic performance, which is the mean taken from the second portion of the survey

questionnaire. The inverse association of two variables with a result of -0.2586 is denoted

by the letter r, there is no significant relationship between peer pressure and academic

performance of GAS students.

The estimated 'r' value (-0.2586) is lower than the table value (0.165) at the 5%

level of significance, as shown in the preceding table 3. As a result, there is no discernible

link between peer pressure and academic performance. As a result, the null hypothesis
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

stated above is not rejected. When students engage in antisocial behavior, they have 27

strayed from the norm. The goal of this study was to see if there was a relationship

between peer pressure and academic performance among students in the General

Academic Strand (GAS) and it indicated that peer pressure has no significant relationship

to academic performance.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Following the data collection, this chapter established a summary of the

researchers' results. The researchers were successful in solving the first chapter's sub-

problems. As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that the two variables being

statistically measured had a link. They also gave suggestions to those who would benefit

from the study, as previously stated.

Summary of Findings

The following are the results and findings acquired:

1. Level of peer pressure as assessed by the students' respondents in terms of

social belonginess and curiosity

The level of social belonging to a peer group of the General Academic strand

(GAS) students based from the data gathered reveals are 4.02, spend time with a peer

group with the mean of 3.84, finding friends easily with the mean of 3.46, friends that

are supportive with the mean of 4.3, a group of people asked to do something with the

mean of3.88

The level of curiosity to a peer group of the General Academic Strand (GAS).

The data gathered from the student's reveals that students want to try something new

with a mean of 4.42, want to explore their capabilities to some things with a mean of

4.58, want to explore their teenage years with a mean of 4.28, like to start new activities

with a mean of 4.34, want to experience relationship with others with a mean of 3.9.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

2. The academic performance of grade 11 & 12 GAS student respondents and; 29

The level of academic performance of grade 11 & 12 General Academic Strand

(GAS) students based from the data gathered reveals that friends helping to academic

performance in school with the mean of 3.64, friends inspire to work hard in studies agree

with the mean of 3.9, friends assisting to improve grades of academic performance

agreed with the mean of 3.58, worried of academic performance because of having peer

group that always there agreed with the mean of 3.52, caught cheating to pass in

academic performances of General academic strand disagree with the mean of 1.78,

Connected to the school because of friend agreed with the mean of 3.56, your friends

compete for grades are disagreed with the mean of 2.12, difficulty to say no when

classmate or friends want to replicate assignment are neutral with the mean of 2.96, to

pass a subject cheating on quiz and activities disagreed with the mean of 1.76,

Skipping classes when others have urged with the interpretation of disagree & the mean

are 2.02 , total of 2.86 neutral

3. The relationship between peer pressure and academic performance of GAS


A total of 50 responders were chosen at random from the Senior High School

GAS students to complete the data gathering procedure. The overall score for peer

pressure, has a score of that respondents received from 4.10 from the first portion of our

survey questionnaire. The academic performance provides a total mean of 2.86 from

respondents, which was the mean taken from the second portion of the survey

questionnaire. Peer pressure has a standard deviation of 1.04 while academic

performance has a standard deviation of 6.55. The inverse association of two variables
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

with a result of -0.26 is denoted by the letter r, thus the Null hypothesis is not rejected 30

because the estimated 'r' value (-0.2586) is lower than the table value (0.165) at the 5%

level of significance, as shown in the preceding table 4. It means that there is no

significant relationship between peer pressure and academic performance of GAS



According to the findings, there are various elements that can influence children'

academic performance in school when it comes to peer pressure. This indicates that peer

pressure has no direct detrimental effect on students' attitudes toward their peers.

1. The weighted mean of senior high school students' perceptions of peer

pressure in terms of social belonging and curiosity. Students believe they

agree with the expression "accompanied by their peers'' when they are in

school. The students are more prone to socialize with their peers and seek

attention from them. Students agree that they should be a part of a certain

group at school with whom they may associate and discuss their school-

related thoughts and opinions. This suggests that students want to discover

new things, try new things, and get involved in new activities. Overall,

students think that they need their peers and that they are a part of a peer

group, which may help them express their unique perspectives and capacities

as individuals and agree to explore their adolescent years.

2. The weighted mean for academic performance demonstrates that

sometimes students' education needs the presence of their classmates to

assist them in completing schoolwork and to motivate them to work hard in

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

their studies. And students believe that the presence of their peers makes 31

them feel good, which helps them achieve their goals and perform

academically. Overall, students are satisfied with their peers' presence and

assistance at school and in their studies. As a result, it improved them as


3. It claims that there is no relationship between a student's peer pressure

and their academic performance in school, it has a no impact on their grades

and academic performance.


After gathering and analyzing the data, here are some recommendations that might help

the beneficiaries of this study:

1. The researchers suggest students will be encouraged to communicate with one

another and to work toward their academic objectives to be able to recognize the

significance of peer pressure and the relationship to the academic performance of

the students.

2. The researchers suggest teachers to communicate in their class and determine

the effectiveness of peer on students.

3. Parents of students are encouraged to offer assistance to their children by

providing support what they are doing or to guide them in their academics.

4. The researchers recommend that school administrators to provide a programs

or seminar for students, particularly in senior high school, that encourages team
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

formation and interaction with peers from other peer groups, as well as individual

performance and equitable resource allocation in the service and encourages

objective thinking.

5. The researchers would like to recommend those future researchers to investigate

more the variables of peer pressure and its relationship academic performance to

GAS students.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.



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ap r.pdf
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Appendices 35

Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire

Name: ______________________

Grade & Section: _____________

Instruction: Put a check (✓) under the choices that suits best for your answers from the

questions/indicators below.

A. Level of peer pressure as assessed by the students' respondents in terms of:

I. Social belongingness

Legend: (1) - Strongly disagree (4) - Agree

(2) - Disagree (5) - Strongly agree

(3) - Neutral

Questions 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree Agree

1. I belong to a peer group

2. I enjoy spending my
time with my peer group

3. I made friends easily

4. I have friends that are


5. If a group of people
asked me to do
something, it would be
hard to say no
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

II. Curiosity

Questions 1 - Strongly 2- 3- 4- 5-
disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

6. I like to do something

7. I want to explore my
capabilities to do some

8. I want to explore my
teenage years

9. I like to start a new


10. I want to experience

relationship with others
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

B. The academic performance of student respondents: 37

Legend: (1) - Strongly disagree (4) - Agree

(2) - Disagree (5) - Strongly agree

(3) - Neutral

Questions 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree Agree

1. My friends help me on what to

do in my academic performance
in school

2. My friends inspire me to work

hard in my studies

3. My friends assistance in group

assisted to improve my grades

4. I am not worried of my
academic performance because I
have peer group that always
there for me

5. My friends and I caught

cheating to pass

6. I feel connected to the school

because of my friends

7. Me and my friends compete

for grades

8. It's difficult for me to say no

when my classmates and friends
want to replicate my assignment.

9. To pass the subject, my friend

and I cheated on quizzes and

10. I've skipped classes, when

others have urged me to.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Appendix B: Letter of Request (Grade 12 Level Coordinator)

January 12, 2022

Mr. Jason Dechavez

Grade 12 level Coordinator
Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.
B31 L1&2 Narra St. Rainbow Village 5
Phase 2, Bagumbong, Caloocan City

Dear Sir Jayson,

Greetings of Peace!

We, Grade 12 Sinulog Group 3, are currently conducting a correlational study entitled, “Peer
Pressure and its Relationship to Academic Performance of General Academic Strands Students”.
We believe that your abilities as the level coordinator can assist us in ensuring the validity of our
research. In the process of accomplishing the research, participants are imperative in order to
obtain data for analysis. Hence, we humbly seek your approval regarding the involvement of
Grade 11-Moriones and 12-Sinulog students as our respondents.

We appreciate your consideration of our request for your assistance and look forward to a
favorable response in the near future.

Respectfully yours,

Princess Sarah Intoy

Research Leader

Noted by:

Mrs. Robelene A. Sirilan

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Appendix C: Letter of Request to the Adviser 39

January 15, 2022

Maru Batayola
Grade 11 Moriones Adviser
Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.

Dear Madam,


I, Princess Sarah Intoy, on behalf of my group mates from Grade 12 section Sinulog,
namely: Jan Aarden Adriano, Mark Dainiel R. Ampig, Emmanuel Bandahala, Jesus Derek
Daluz, and Jazelle Mae Magalong are conducting a research entitled, “Peer Pressure and its
Relationship to Academic Performance of General Academic Strands Students”.

The purpose of our research is to see how peer pressure affects academic performance in
students from the General Academic Strand at Escuela de Sophia de Caloocan Inc. Regarding
our study, we respectfully request your permission to perform our data collection technique
through an online questionnaire survey, with half of our respondents coming from the General
Academic Strand in grades 11 and 12. The researchers promised that the information gathered
from the responders would be kept private and used strictly for scholarly purposes.

Respectfully yours,

Princess Sarah Intoy

Research Leader

Noted by:

Mrs. Robelene A. Sirilan

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Appendix D: Sample Computation 40

A. Social Belonginess

Statements SA F(5) A F(4) N F(3) D F(2) SD F(1) Mean Interpretation

1. I belong to a peer group 14 70 30 120 0 0 5 10 1 1 4.02 Agree

2. I enjoy spending my time with my

peer group 9 45 32 128 2 6 6 12 1 1 3.84 Agree

3. I made friends easily 8 40 26 104 3 9 7 14 6 6 3.46 Neutral

4. I have friends that are supportive 19 95 29 116 0 0 2 4 0 0 4.3 Agree

5. If a group of people asked me to do 20 100 18 72 0 0 10 20 2 2 3.88 Agree

something, it would be hard to say no

A. Curiosity

Statements SA F(5) A F(4) N F(3) D F(2) SD F(1) Mean Interpretation

1.I like to do something new 24 120 23 92 0 0 3 9 0 0 4.42 Agree

2. I want to explore my capabilities to do 31 155 17 68 0 0 3 6 0 0 4.58 Strongly

some things Agree

3. I want to explore my teenage years 29 145 12 48 5 15 2 4 2 2 4.28 Agree

4. I like to starting a new activity 27 135 17 68 2 6 4 8 0 0 4.34 Agree

5.I want to experience relationship with 17 85 19 76 7 21 6 12 1 1 3.9 Agree

Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.

Table 2: Level of academic performance of student respondents: 41

Statements SA F(5) A F(4) N F(3) D F(2) SD F(1) Mean Interpretation

1.My friends help me on what to do in my 9 45 26 104 5 15 8 16 2 2 3.64 Agree

academic performance in school

2. My friends inspire me to work hard in 15 75 23 92 4 12 8 16 0 0 3.9 Agree

my studies

3. My friends assistance in group 8 40 25 100 7 21 8 16 2 2 3.58 Agree

assisted to improve my grades

4. I am not worried of my academic 6 30 20 80 10 30 12 24 2 2 3.32 Agree

performance because I have peer group
that always there for me

5. My friends and I caught cheating to 2 10 4 16 2 6 15 30 27 27 1.78 Disagree


6. I feel connected to the school because 11 55 22 88 5 15 8 16 4 4 3.56 Agree

of my friends.

7. Me and my friends compete for 1 5 6 24 6 18 21 42 16 17 2.12 Disagree


8. It's difficult for me to say no when my

classmates and friends want to replicate 6 30 8 32 20 60 10 20 6 6 2.96 Neutral
my assignment.

9. To pass the subject, my friend and I 0 0 7 28 1 3 15 30 27 27 1.76 Disagree

cheated on quizzes and activities.

10. I've skipped classes, when others 0 0 7 28 6 18 18 36 19 19 2.02 Disagree

have urged me to.
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Princess Sarah Intoy

Blk 7 Lot 10 Phase 4, Recomville 2, Bagumbong,
Caloocan city, Philippines


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Bronze Seal Bearer (1st Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Silver Seal Award (2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Deparo High School (2016-2020)
• Treasurer - Campus Integrity Crusader (SY 2019-2020)
• Junior High School with honors
• Best in English (SY 2018-2019)
• Best in Filipino (SY 2017-2018)
• Honest Student Award (SY 2017-2018)
• Outstanding Student Award (SY 2016-2017)
• Bagumbong Elementary School (SY 2012-2016)
• Graduate with honors (SY 2015-2016)
• Top 1 Student


• Campus Integrity Crusaders (Treasurer)

• Experience good leadership
• Helping other students
• Empower youth to prevent corruption
• Instilling values of integrity and social responsibility
• Student Teachers on teachers day (2019-2020)
• Experience to be a teacher in a week
• Communication skills

• Participant, Leadership Conference, Deparo High School Fellowship. (2017)
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


• Sings pop and music and plays ukulele
• Play badminton
• Take care of pets
• Reading books and e-books

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: August 17, 2003
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Jan Aarden Adriano

Blk 60 Lt 37 Nv2B Bagumbong Caloocan City


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Bronze Seal Bearer (2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Bronze Seal Bearer (1st Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Antonio Luna Highschool (2015-2016)
• Graduated
• Antonio Luna Elementary school (2010-2016)
• Graduated

• Participant, College and Career Fair Virtual Orientation (2020)
• Career coaching (2019)
• Save the children (2018)


• K-Pop, Classics, R&B, Pop, Opm

• Basketball and E-Sports
• Watching K-Dramas, Movies and Animes

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: December 30, 2004
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Mark Daniel Ampig

16 Rivera compound Brgy 171 Bagumbong Caloocan


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Bagumbong High School (2016-2020)
• Graduated
• Bagumbong Elementary School (2010-2016)
• Graduated

• Fire Volunteer
• Experience helping other people
• BFP auxiliary
• Medic

• College and Career Fair Virtual Orientation
• Webinar about Empowering Student-Leaders During Remote Learning Setup

• Playing Basketball
• Bonding with friends

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: February 01, 2004
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.


Emmanuel Bandahala
Blk 6 Lot 2 Palm St. Hillcrest Townhomes,
Brgy. Kaligayahan, Quezon city


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Bronze Seal Bearer (1st Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Caloocan Business High School (2016-2020)
• Graduated
• Urduja Elementary School (SY 2012-2016)
• Graduate with honors (SY 2010-2016)

• Project K.A.L.I.N.I.S.A.N
• Volunteer (2018-2019)

• Participant, College and Career Fair Virtual Orientation

• Biking
• Watching movies
• Playing online games

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: April 03, 2004
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.



BLK 10 LT 34 Northcrest Village
(0956) 955 9069


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Bronze Seal Bearer
• Holy Infant Montessori Center (2015-2018)
• Elementary - Graduated with Honors

• College and Career Fair Virtual Orientation
• Webinar about Empowering Student-Leaders During Remote Learning Setup

• Learn different kinds of Language
• Playing Basketball
• Watching Movies
• Reading Books
• I love music

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: January 25, 2003
Escuela De Sophia Of Caloocan, Inc.



Jazelle Mae Magalong

Blk 17 Lot 5 NKH Bagumbong


• Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc. (2020-present)

• Senior High School General Academic Strand
• Silver Seal Bearer (2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022)
• Antonio Luna Highschool (2015-2016)
• Graduated
• Bagumbong Elementary school - Annex (2014-2016)
• Graduated

• Monthly Activities (EDSCI)
• Video editing (2021)
• Spectator - spectating ML players (2022)
• Video editor (Teacher’s Day)

• Reading books
• Video games
• Photography
• Music
• Writing

• Civil Status: Single
• Nationality: Filipino
• Language: Proficient in English and Filipino
• Date of Birth: December 09, 2004

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