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If we mix sodium and water or any other liquid then we can transform drinks into semi-solid juice balls
that explode in your mouth.

General Objective

To create an easier and more comfortable way to drink and to transport the beverages they want more
easily when they need or want them.

Specific objectives

1. To show how the final result varies with different beverages.

2. See if the mixture makes a difference in the taste of the beverage.


Spherification is an avant-garde creative cooking technique by which we can gel a liquid to give it
the shape of liquid spheres.

The beauty of spherification lies in the fact that it allows us to encapsulate a liquid of a certain
flavor in a thin layer of gelatin, forming a sphere that hatches in the mouth when eaten, causing
an intense and surprising burst of the liquid's flavor.

Spherification, roughly speaking, consists of provoking the reaction of alginate with calcium,
which causes the liquid to gel externally, encapsulating it.


Measuring spoons, for dosing the inverse spheres.

2: Precision scale, essential for correct dosage.

3: Perforated spherification spoon, ideal for taking the spherifications from the bath to the water for
preserving or for plating.
4: Caviarera, utensil for dosing direct spherification.

5: Dispenser kit direct/reverse spherification.

6: pH Kit. It is only necessary in the Direct Spherification when we have a very acid liquid and when
throwing it on the bath it does not gel. In this case we will add Kit pH of 0.5g in 0.5g until the
reaction takes place correctly.

7: Alginate, which is dosed at 5g/liter of water or preparation.

8: Calcium chloride. It is dosed at 5g/l of water (used only for baths, as it adds flavor).

9: Gluconolactate. It is dosed at 20g/l preparation (does not provide flavor).

10: Xanthan. It is used in Reverse Spherification to give a little density to the liquid. It does not add
flavor and makes the elaboration of the spheres easier. Also add 0.5g by 0.5g, just enough so that
the liquid is a little dense and falls to the bottom of the bath.

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