Sales Monitoring and Analytical Apps

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Sales Monitoring and Analytics

Sales monitoring and analytics provides monitoring and analytical features across all core sales business processes, from
quotations and contracts, to sales orders, including their ful llment, up to invoices. It provides you with valuable insights and
decision proposals in the form of insight to action, with seamless integration into transactional processes, sales documents, and
collaboration tools, such as SAP CoPilot.

You can also manage sales plans for sales performance monitoring.

In the monitoring apps, you can check whether the delivery of a sales order is on track regarding its ful llment, and resolve
issues that impede sales orders from being ful lled.

In the analytical apps, you can use Key Performance Indicators and exible drill downs to gain insights into your current sales
situation, ranging from conversion rates of quotations and contracts, to incoming sales orders and back orders, to delivery
performance and sales volume.

You can use sales plans to enter target values and amounts for sales dimensions, such as sales employee and product category,
and analyze them in comparison to the actual data.

Note that the term “product” refers to the “materials” that you nd in other solution capabilities and in other lines of business.

Related Information
FAQ for Sales Monitoring and Analytics

Analytical Key Figures

The documentation below lists the analytical key gures available, grouped by the relevant business objects. The
documentation provides de nitions for the key gures, along with the global eld name, calculation, and corresponding apps
and CDS views. The key gures are listed in alphabetical order.

The image map below allows you to nd the key gures by business object. Choose an area to see more information.

This image is interactive. Hover over each area for a description. Click highlighted areas for more information.

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Please note that image maps are not interactive in PDF output.

Key Figures Based on Sales Quotations

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can collapse the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and
the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned
under Filter. The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.

Sales Quotations: Net value of sales quotations in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Sales Quotations/Net SalesQuotationNetAmtInDspCrcy Only sales quotations F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible
Amount of Sales that meet all of the Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Quotation Items in following criteria are (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Display Currency considered:
Valid on the (Sales Quotation Item - Cube)
current date
Total net value (Sales Quotation Conversion Rate - Cube)
is greater than
zero C_SlsQtanConversionRateQ (Sales
Quotation Conversion Rate - Query)
Not fully
referenced by
sales orders

Overall status is
not completed

Converted Quotations: Net value of sales quotation items that have been referenced by sales orders in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Converted CnvrtdSalesQtanNetAmtInDspCrcy Only sales F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Quotations/Converted quotations that Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Sales Quoation Net meet all of the (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Amount in Display following criteria are
Currency considered: I_SalesQuotationItemCube_2
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)
Valid on the
current date
(Sales Quotation Conversion Rate - Cube)
Total net
value is C_SlsQtanConversionRateQ (Sales
greater than Quotation Conversion Rate - Query)

Not fully
by sales

status is not

Conversion Rate: Percentage of the net value of order items that have been converted from a quotation item, based on the total net value of
quotation items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Conversion SalesQuotationConversionRate Converted F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Rate/Sales Quotation Quotations divided Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Conversion Rate by Sales Quotations (Sales Quotation Item - Query)

F1904: Quotation Conversion Rates -

(Sales Quotation Conversion Rate - Query)

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Quotation Item Qty: Quantity of sales quotation items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Quotation Item SalesQuotationQuantity Cumulative order quantity F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible
Qty/Quantity of Sales in the sales quotation items Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Quotation Items (Sales Quotation Item - Query)

(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

Open Quotations: Net value of open quotation items in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Open Quotations/Net SlsQuotationOpenNetAmtInDC Sales quotation items F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible
Value of Open Sales that are not referenced Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Quotations in Display fully or rejected (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

No. of Open Items: Number of open quotation items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

No. of Open NmbrOfOpenSlsQuotationItems Sales quotation items F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible
Items/Number of Open that are not referenced Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Sales Quotation Items fully or rejected (Sales Quotation Item - Query)

(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

Expired Quotations: Net value of expired quotations in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Expired SlsQuotationExpiredNetAmtInDC Sales quotations F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Quotations/Net Value whose validity ends Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
of Expired Sales today or has ended (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Quotations in Display before today
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

(Sales Quotation Conversion Rate - Cube)

No. of Expired Items: Number of items in expired quotations

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

No. of Expired NmbrOfExpiredSlsQuotationItems Sales quotations F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Items/Number of whose validity ends Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Items in Expired Sales today or has ended (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Quotations before today
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

Expiring Quotations: Net value of expiring quotations in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Expiring SlsQuotationExpiringNetAmtInDC Sales quotations F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Quotations/Net Value whose validity ends Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
of Expiring Sales in seven days or less (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Quotations in Display from today
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

No. of Expiring Items: Number of items in expiring quotations

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

No. of Expiring NmbrOfExprgSlsQuotationItems Sales quotations F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Items/Number of Items whose validity ends in Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
in Expiring Sales seven days or less (Sales Quotation Item - Query)
Quotations from today
(Sales Quotation Item - Cube)

Rejected Quotations: Net value of rejected quotation items in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Rejected Quotations/Net Value of SlsQtanRejectedNetAmountInDC F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Rejected Quotation Items in Display Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
Currency (Sales Quotation Item - Query)

I_SalesQuotationItemCube_2 (Sales
Quotation Item - Cube)

No. of Rejected Items: Number of rejected quotation items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

No. of Rejected Items/Number of Rejected NmbrOfRejectedSlsQtanItems F4093: Sales Quotations - Flexible

Sales Quotation Items Analysis/C_SalesQuotationItemQry
(Sales Quotation Item - Query)

I_SalesQuotationItemCube_2 (Sales
Quotation Item - Cube)

Predicted Ord. Value: Predicted order value in display currency. The net value predicted to be converted from quotations to sales

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

Predicted Ord. PrdtvSlsQtanCnvrsnAmtInDspCrcy Only sales The prediction is based F1904: Quotation Conver
Value/Predicted quotations that on an active version of Valid/Not
Order Value in meet all of the the default model in the Completed/C_SlsQtan
Display following criteria prede ned scenario for (Sales Quotation Convers
Currency are considered: quotation conversion rate
Valid on Quotation Conversion Ra
For more information
the current
about how to make
predictions, see
Total net Quotation Conversion
value is Rates - Valid/Not
greater Completed.
than zero

Not fully
by sales

status is

Predicted Conversion Rate: Predicted quotation conversion rate

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

Predicted PrdtvSlsQtanCnvrsnRate Only sales The prediction is based F1904: Quotation Conversion Rates -
Conversion quotations that on an active version of Valid/Not
Rate/Predicted meet all of the the default model in the Completed/C_SlsQtanConversio
Sales following criteria prede ned predictive (Sales Quotation Conversion Rate - Q
Quotation are considered: scenario for quotation
Conversion conversion rate I_SlsQtanConversionRateCube
Rate Valid on (SLSQTANPREDICTION). Quotation Conversion Rate - Cube)
the current
For more information
about how to make
Total net predictions, see
value is Quotation Conversion
greater Rates - Valid/Not
than zero Completed.

Not fully
by sales

status is

Key Figures Based on Sales Orders

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can expand the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and

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the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned
under Filter. The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.

Average Delay of Committed Delivery (Days): Average delay of all committed deliveries of all sales order items on aggregated level with regard to
the committed delivery date versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Avg. Delay of Committed AvgDelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /
Delivery (Days)/Avg. the committed delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Delay of Deliv. date and the latest
(view not released)
Compared to the Cmtd delivery date, depending
Deliv. Date (Days) on the delivery status,
either from planned or
actual dates

Average Delay of Delivery (Days): Average of all delays of all sales order items on aggregated level with regard to the requested delivery date
versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Average Delay of AvgDelivToReqdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /

Delivery (Days)/Average the requested delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Delivery Performance as date and the latest
Days of Delivery delivery date, (view not released)
depending on the
delivery status, either
from planned or actual

Average Delay of Goods Issue (Days): Average of all delays of all goods issues on aggregated level

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Average Delay of GI AvgGIToPlndGIDelayInDays The difference between the F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Average Goods Issue earliest planned goods issue C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Performance as Days of date and the latest actual
(view not released)
Delay goods issue date, depending
on delivery status, either
from planned or actual dates

Confirmed (No. Of): Sales order items that have been confirmed as requested for the full quantity on the requested delivery date, without any
restrictions or delays

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Con rmed (No. NmbrOfSlsDocItemsConfdAsReqd/SlsDocItemsConfdAsReqdRatio F2458: Sales Order Items -

Of)/Number of Backorders /
con rmed sales C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
order items as (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
requested Query)

(Con rmation of Sales Orders -

Confirmed Demand: Demand of sales order items that have been confirmed for the full quantity on the requested date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Con rmed SlsDocItmSchdLnConfdAmt,SlsDocItmSchdLnConfdAmtInDC Demand of F2458: Sales Orders - Demand

Demand/Overall sales order Ful llment/
con rmed sales items that C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
order schedule have been (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
lines: amount in con rmed Query)
display for the full
currency quantity on
(Con rmation of Sales Orders -

•All order
items that
have been
con rmed
without any
in quantity
or time

•Parts of
items that
are on time

•Parts of
con rmed
items that
are on time

Confirmed Demand Quantity: Demand of sales order items that have been confirmed for the full quantity on the requested date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Con rmed Demand SlsDocItmSchdLnConfdQty Demand of sales order items F2458: Sales Orders - Demand
Quantity/Overall con rmed that have been con rmed for Ful llment/
sales order schedule lines: the full quantity on the C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
quantity requested date, consisting of: (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
•All order items that have been
con rmed as requested, I_SlsOrdConfAnalyticsCube
without any restrictions in (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
quantity or time Cube)

•Parts of delayed order items

that are on time as requested

•Parts of partially con rmed

order items that are on time as

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Confirmed Ratio: Sales order items that have been confirmed as requested for the full quantity on the requested delivery date, without any restric
delays, compared to the total number of sales order items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Con rmed NmbrOfSlsDocItemsConfdAsReqd/SlsDocItemsConfdAsReqdRatio Number of F2458: Sales Order Items

Ratio/Ratio sales order Con rmed as Requested/
of Con rmed items that C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQ
Sales Order have been (Con rmation of Sales Ord
Items as con rmed Query)
Requested as
(Con rmation of Sales Ord
for the full
quantity on
date / Total
number of
sales order

Delay of Committed Delivery (Days): Delay of a sales order item with regard to the committed delivery date versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delay of Committed DelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between the F2783: Delivery Performance /
Delivery (Days)/Delay of committed delivery date C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Delivery Compared to and the latest delivery
Committed Deliv. Date date, depending on the (view not released)
(Days) delivery status, either from
planned or actual dates

Delayed (No. Of): Sales order items that have been fully confirmed as requested, but at least one part is later than the requested date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Delayed (No. Of)/Number of delayed sales NmbrOfSlsDocItemsConfdDlyd F2458: Sales Order Items - Backorders/
order items as requested C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query)

(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Cube)

Delayed Demand: Demand of sales order items that have been confirmed later than the requested date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Delayed Demand/Overall SlsDocItmSchdLnDlydAmt Demand of sales order F2458: Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment/
con rmed sales order items that have been C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry(Con rmation
schedule lines: amount in con rmed later than the of Sales Orders - Query)
display currency requested date,
consisting of:
(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Cube)
•Parts of delayed order
items as requested

•Parts of partially
con rmed order items
that are delayed as

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Delayed Demand Quantity: Demand of sales order items that have been confirmed later than the requested date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Delayed Demand SlsDocItmSchdLnDlydQty Demand of sales order F2458: Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment/
Quantity/Overall delayed items that have been C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry(Con rmation
sales order schedule lines: con rmed later than the of Sales Orders - Query)
qty requested date,
consisting of:
(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Cube)
•Parts of delayed order
items as requested

•Parts of partially
con rmed order items
that are delayed as

Delayed Ratio: Ratio of the number of sales document items that have been confirmed for the full quantity, though not on the requested date,
compared to the number of sales document items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delayed Ratio/Ratio of SlsDocItemsConfdDlydRatio Number of sales document F2458:Sales Order Items -

Delayed Sales Order Items items that have been Con rmed as Requested /
as Requested con rmed for the full C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
quantity, though not on the (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
requested date / Total Query)
number of sales document
(Con rmation of Sales Orders -

Delivered as Committed Items: Number of sales order items delivered as committed on time in terms of the committed delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Committed NrOfDlvrdAsCmtdSlsDocItems Latest actual delivery date F2783: Delivery Performance /
Items/Number of Sales <= committed delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Order Items Delivered as date
(view not released)

Delivered as Committed Ratio: Ratio of sales order items delivered as committed on time in terms of the committed delivery date with regard to
the total number of sales order items committed for delivery

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Committed SlsDocItemsDlvrdAsCmtdRatio Number of sales order F2783: Delivery Performance /

Items/Number of Sales items delivered as C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Order Items Delivered as committed / Total number
(view not released)
Committed of sales order items
committed for delivery

Delivered as Committed Value: Proportional net value in display currency of the partial quantity of sales order items delivered as committed on

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Committed DlvrdAsCmtdSlsDocItmNetAmtInDC Latest actual delivery F2783: Delivery Performance /

Value/Items Delivered date <= committed C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
as Committed Value in delivery date
(view not released)
Display Currency

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Delivered as Requested Items: Number of sales order items delivered as requested on time in terms of the requested delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Requested DlvrdAsCmtdSlsDocItmNetAmtInDC Latest actual delivery F2783: Delivery Performance /

Items/Number of Sales date <= committed C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Order Items Delivered as delivery date
(view not released)

Delivered as Requested Ratio: Ratio of sales order items delivered as requested on time in terms of the requested delivery date compared to the
total number of sales order items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Requested SlsDocItemsDlvrdAsReqdRatio Number of sales order F2783: Delivery Performance /

Ratio/Ratio of Sales Order items delivered as C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Items Delivered as requested / Total number
(view not released)
Requested of incoming sales order

Delivered as Requested Value: Proportional net value in display currency of the partial quantity of sales order items delivered as requested on

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Delivered as Requested DlvrdAsReqdSlsDocItmNetAmtInDC Latest actual delivery F2783: Delivery Performance /

Value/Items Delivered date <= requested C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
as Requested Value in delivery date
(view not released)
Display Currency

Delivery Delay (Days): Delay of a sales order item with regard to the requested delivery date versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name/Data Element Calculation App/CDS View

Delivery Delay DelivToReqdDelivDelayInDays The difference between the F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Delay of Delivery requested delivery date C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Compared to Requested and the latest delivery
(view not released)
Deliv. Date (Days) date, depending on the
delivery status, either from
planned or actual dates

Goods Issue Delay (Days): Delay of a sales order item with regard to the goods issue date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Goods Issue Delay GIToPlndGIDelayInDays The difference between the F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Delay of Goods Issue earliest planned goods issue C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Compared to the Planned GI date and the latest actual
(view not released)
Date (Days) goods issue date, depending
on delivery status, either from
planned or actual dates

Incoming Orders: Incoming sales order items that are billing or delivery relevant in the period of income

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Incoming IncomingSalesOrdersNetAmountIncomingSalesOrdersNetAmtInDC F1249: Incoming Sales Orders -

Orders/Net Flexible Analysis
Value of
F2783: Delivery Performance /
(view not released)

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Incoming Orders Quantity: Incoming sales order items that are billing or delivery relevant in the period of income

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Incoming Orders Qty/Net Value of IncomingSalesOrdersQuantity F1249: Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible
Incoming Orders Analysis

F2783: Delivery Performance /


(view not released)

Items Committed for Delivery: Number of sales order items committed for delivery

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Items Committed for Delivery/Number of NrOfDelivCmtdSlsDocItems F2783: Delivery Performance /

Sales Order Items Committed for Delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry

(view not released)

Maximum Goods Issue Delay (Days): Maximum of all delays of all goods issues on aggregated level

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Max. Goods Issue Delay MaxGIToPlndGIDelayInDays The difference between the F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Max. Delay of GI earliest planned goods issue C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Compared to the Planned GI date and the latest actual
(view not released)
Date (Days) goods issue date, depending
on delivery status, either
from planned or actual dates

Maximal Delay of Committed Delivery (Days): Maximum delay of all committed deliveries of sales order items on aggregated level with regard to
the committed delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Maximal Delay of MaxDelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /

Committed Delivery the committed delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
(Days)/Max. Delay of date and the latest
(view not released)
Deliv. Compared to the delivery date, depending
Cmtd Deliv. Date (Days) on the delivery status,
either from planned or
actual dates

Maximum Delivery Delay (Days): Maximum of all delays of all sales order items on aggregated level with regard to the requested delivery date
versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Maximum Delivery Delay MaxDelivToReqdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Max. Delay of the requested delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Deliv. Compared to the date and the latest
(view not released)
Reqd Deliv. Date (Days) delivery date, depending
on the delivery status,
either from planned or
actual dates

Open Billing Requests: Sales documents which are relevant for invoicing but which have not been invoiced in the context of debit memos, (Open
Orders for Order-Related Billing), for example, debit memo requests), plus sales orders with billing plans, in which a customer invoice has not
yet been created in the period of the planned billing dates (Open Orders for Billing Plans)

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View Comment

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View Comment

Open Billing OpenSlsOrdsForInvcsNetAmtInDC F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sum of Open Billing
Requests/Open Sales Sales Requests and Open
Orders for Invoices Net Orders for Billing Plans
Amount in Display Crcy
(Sales Volume and Open Sales -
 Note
The Open Billing
C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1(Sales Requests key gure
Volume and Open Sales - Cube) can be used for partial
billing when a billing
plan is used. However,
when using partial
billing without a billing
plan, the net amount of
the corresponding
sales order items is
considered as open
(that is, the billing-
relevant billing status
is open) as long as it is
possible to bill the

Note that the same

applies for 3rd party
processes, in which
suppliers do not bill in
one go.

Open Credit Memo Requests: Returns or credit memo requests for order-related invoicing which have not yet been invoiced

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View Comment

Open Credit Memo OpnRetsForOrdReltdInvcsNetAmt, F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sum of open orders for
Requests/Open Return OpnRetsForOrdReltdInvcsNetAmtDC Sales order-related invoices
For Order Related and open orders for
Invoices Net Amount invoice plans
(Sales Volume and Open Sales -

Volume and Open Sales - Cube)

Open Credit Memo Requests Quantity: Returns or credit memo requests for order-related invoicing which have not yet been invoiced

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Open Credit Memo Requests Qty/Open OpnRetsForOrdReltdInvcsQty F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales
Return For Order Related Invoices
C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Query

C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1(Sales Volume
and Open Sales - Cube)

Open Orders: Confirmed sales orders for which a delivery document has not yet been created in the period of the planned billing date (goods
issue date). In this case, the net amount of the confirmed schedule lines is shown.

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View Comment

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Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View Comment

Open Orders/Open Sum of Open F2270: Sales Volume - Check In the case of
Sales Orders for Billing Requests Open Sales uncon rmed or
Deliveries Net Amt OpnSlsOrdsForDelivAmtInDspCrcy and Open Orders partially uncon rmed
in Displ. Crcy for Billing Plans sales orders, the net
Sales Volume and Open
amount of the not yet
Sales - Query
con rmed requested
I_SalesAnalyticsCube_1 schedule line is
shown, and the billing
(Sales Volume and Open date de nes the
Sales - Cube) analysis period, for
example, month, in
which the schedule
line is displayed.

 Note
The Open Billing
Requests key
gure can be used
for partial billing
when a billing plan
is used. However,
when using partial
billing without a
billing plan, the
net amount of the
sales order items
is considered as
open (that is, the
billing status is
open) as long as it
is possible to bill
the item.

Note that the

same applies for
3rd party
processes, in
which suppliers
do not bill in one

Overall Open Orders: Orders that have been confirmed for delivery, but for which a delivery document has not yet been created (Open Orders),
orders which are relevant for invoicing but have not been fully invoiced (Open Billing Requests), or orders which include a billing plan, but in
which a customer invoice has not yet been created in the period of the planned billing dates (Open Orders for Billing Plans)

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Overall Open Orders/Open OpenSalesOrdersNetAmountInDC Sum of Open Orders, Open F2270: Sales Volume - Check
Sales Orders Net Amount Billing Requests, and Open Open Sales
Orders for Billing Plans
Sales Volume and Open Sales -


(Sales Volume and Open Sales -


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 15

Partially Confirmed (No. Of): Sales order items that have been partially confirmed as requested, regardless of whether they are delayed or not

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Partially Con rmed (No. Of)/Number of /NmbrOfSlsDocItemsConfdPrtly F2458: Sales Order Items - Backorders /
partially con rmed sales order items as C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
requested (Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query)

(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Cube)

Shipped as Planned Items: Number of sales order items shipped as planned

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Shipped as Planned NmbrOfShippedAsPlndSlsDocItems Latest actual goods F2783: Delivery Performance /

Items/Number of Sales movement date <= C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Order Items Shipped as earliest planned goods
Planned issue date (view not released)

Shipped as Planned Ratio: Ratio of sales order items shipped as planned, compared to the total number of sales order items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Shipped as Planned SlsDocItemsShippedAsPlndRatio Number of sales order F2783: Delivery Performance /

Ratio/Ratio of Sales items shipped as C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Order Items Shipped as planned / Total number of
(view not released)
Planned incoming sales order

Shipped as Planned Value: Net value in display currency of sales order items shipped as planned

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Shipped as Planned ShpdAsPlndSlsDocItmNetAmtInDC Latest actual goods F2783: Delivery Performance /

Value/Net value in movement date <= C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
display currency of sales earliest planned goods
(view not released)
order items shipped as issue date

Total Delay of Committed Delivery (Days): Sum of all delays of all committed deliveries of sales order items on aggregated level with regard to the
committed delivery date versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Total Delay of TotDelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /

Committed Delivery the committed delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
(Days)/Tot. Delay of date and the latest
(view not released)
Deliv. Compared to the delivery date, depending
Cmtd Deliv. Date (Days) on the delivery status,
either from planned or
actual dates

Total Delay of Delivery (Days): Sum of all delays of all committed deliveries of sales order items on aggregated level with regard to the committed
delivery date versus the delivery date

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 16

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Total Delay of TotDelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /

Committed Delivery the committed delivery C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
(Days)/Tot. Delay of date and the latest
(view not released)
Deliv. Compared to the delivery date, depending
Cmtd Deliv. Date (Days) on the delivery status,
either from planned or
actual dates

Total Goods Issue Delay (Days): Sum of all delays of all goods issues on aggregated level

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Total Goods Issue Delay TotDelivToCmtdDelivDelayInDays The difference between F2783: Delivery Performance /
(Days)/Tot. Delay of GI the earliest planned C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry
Compared to the goods issue date and
(view not released)
Planned GI Date (Days) the latest actual goods
issue date, depending
on delivery status, either
from planned or actual

Unconfirmed Demand: Demand of sales order items for which no availability has been confirmed at all, consisting of parts of partially confirmed
sales order items that are not confirmed as requested and all sales order items that are not confirmed as requested

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Uncon rmed SlsDocItmSchdLnUnconfdAmt Demand of sales order items F2458: Sales Orders - Demand
Demand/Overall for which no availability has Ful llment/
uncon rmed sales order been con rmed at all, C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
schedule lines: amount consisting of: (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
•Parts of partially con rmed
sales order items that are I_SlsOrdConfAnalyticsCube
not con rmed as requested (Con rmation of Sales Orders -
•All sales order items that
are not con rmed as

Unconfirmed Demand Quantity: Demand of sales order items for which no availability has been confirmed at all, consisting of parts of partially
confirmed sales order items that are not confirmed as requested and all sales order items that are not confirmed as requested

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Uncon rmed Demand Quantity/Overall SlsDocItmSchdLnUnconfdQty F2458: Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment/
uncon rmed sales order schedule lines: C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry
quantity (Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query)

(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Cube)

Key Figures Based on Sales Contracts

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can collapse the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and
the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned
under Filter. The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 17

Contract Fulfillment Rate: Percentage of the target value that has been released in sales contracts

Label Filter Calculation App/CDS View

Contract Ful llment Rate Only sales contracts that meet Released Value divided by F1905: Sales Contract Ful llment Rates
all of the following criteria are Target Value - Currently
considered: Valid/C_SalesContractItmFlfmtQ
(Sales Contract Ful llment Rate -
Valid on the current
C_SalesContractItemQry (Sales
Total net value is
Contract Item - Query)
greater than zero

Not fully referenced

by sales orders

Overall status is not


Released Value: Target value that has been released in sales contracts in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter CDS View

Released SalesContractReleasedAmtInDC Only sales contracts that C_SalesContractItmFlfmtQ

Value/Released Value meet all of the following (Sales Contract Ful llment Rate -
in Sales Contracts in criteria are considered: Query)
Display Currency
Valid on the I_SalesContractItemFlfmtCube
current date (Sales Contract Ful llment Rate - Cube
Total net value is
greater than zero C_SalesContractItemQry (Sales
Contract Item - Query)
Not fully
referenced by I_SalesContractItemCube (Sales
sales orders Contract Item - Cube)

Overall status is
not completed

Target Quantity: Target quantity of sales contract items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name CDS View

Target Quantity/Target Quantity of Sales SalesContractTargetQuantity C_SalesContractItemQry (Sales

Contract Items Contract Item - Query)

I_SalesContractItemCube (Sales
Contract Item - Cube)

Target Value: Target value of sales contracts in display currency

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 18

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name CDS View

Target Value/Target Value of Sales SalesContractTargetAmountInDC C_SalesContractItmFlfmtQ (Sales

Contracts in Display Currency Contract Ful llment Rate - Query)

(Sales Contract Ful llment Rate - Cube )

C_SalesContractItemQry (Sales
Contract Item - Query)

I_SalesContractItemCube (Sales
Contract Item - Cube)

Key Figures Based on Delivery Documents

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can expand the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and
the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned
under Filter. The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.

Deliveries Shipped But Not Invoiced: Delivery in which a goods issue is posted but not fully invoiced

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Deliveries Shipped But Not ShpdNotInvcdDelivsNetAmount, F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales /
Invoiced/Value of Deliveries Shipped But
ShpdNotInvcdDelivsNetAmtInDC C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 (Sales
Not Invoiced (Display Curr.)
Volume and Open Sales - Query

I_SalesAnalyticsCube_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Cube)

Deliveries Shipped But Not Invoiced Qty: Delivery in which a goods issue is posted but not fully invoiced

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Deliveries Shipped But Not Invoiced ShpdNotInvcdDelivsQuantity F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales /
Qty/Quantity of Deliveries Shipped But
C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 (Sales
Not Invoiced
Volume and Open Sales - Query

I_SalesAnalyticsCube_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Cube)

Open Deliveries: Delivery which is not fully invoiced

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Open Deliveries/Net OpnOutbDelivsForInvcNetAmt, F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open

Amount of Open Deliveries Sales /
for Invoices
C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Query

(Sales Volume and Open Sales -

Open Deliveries Qty: Delivery which is not fully invoiced

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 19

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Open Deliveries/Quantity of Open OpnOutbDelivsForInvcQty F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales /
Deliveries for Invoices
C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Query

I_SalesAnalyticsCube_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Cube)

Key Figures Based on Billing Documents

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can expand the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and
the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned
under Filter.The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.

Cancellations: The total amount of invoices that have been canceled during a specified period

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Cancellations/Canceled CancldSlsVolumeNetAmt, Customer F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible

Sales Volume Net Amount CancldSlsVolumeNetAmtInDspCrcy invoices that have Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry
in Display Currency been canceled (no (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query)
documents) F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos/
(Sales Volume - Query)

(Sales Volume - Cube)

Credit Memos: The total amount of credit memos during a specified period. This is based on credit memos that have not been canceled.

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Credit Memos/Net CustomerCreditMemoNetAmount, Credit memos only; no F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible
Value of Credit Memos CustCrdtMemoNetAmtInDspCrcy canceled credit Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry
memos (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query)

F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos

F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin/

(Sales Volume - Query)

Volume - Cube)

Credit Memo Profit Margin: The difference between credit memos and costs

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 20

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Credit Memo Pro t CustCrdtMemoPrftMargNetAmt, Credit Memos minus F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible
Margin/Net Amount CustCrdtMemoPrftMargNetAmtInDC Cost Amount Sales Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry
of Customer Credit Volume - Query (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query)
Memo Pro t Margin
Display Currency F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos

F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t

(Sales Volume - Query)

I_BillingDocumentItemCube (Sales
Volume - Cube)

Credit Memos Quantity: The total amount of credit memos during a specified period. This is based on credit memos that have not been canceled.

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View

Credit Memos CustomerCreditMemosQuantity Only credits (no - F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales
Qty/Quantity of Credit /MC_GUMENGE debits) and no
F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos
Memos canceled credit
memos F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t
(Sales Volume - Query)
I_BillingDocumentItemCube (Sales
Volume - Cube)

Net Profit Margin: The total profit margin of invoiced sales minus the total profit margin of credit memos achieved during a specified period

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Net Pro t NetSlsProfitMargNetAmtInDC/NET_PRF_MARG_NET_AMT_IDC Pro t F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible

Margin/Net Margin Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvo
Pro t Margin minus (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis -
Net Value in Credit
Display Memo F2270: Sales Volume - Check Ope
Currency Pro t
F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Mem
F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Marg

(Sales Volume - Query)
(Sales Volume - Cube)
(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Qu

Net Sales Cost: Costs of sales volume minus costs of credit memos

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View Example

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View Example

Net Sales NetSalesCostAmountInDC Costs of sales F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible See Net Sales
Cost/Net Sales volume minus Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry Volume
Cost Amount in costs of credit (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query)
Display Currency memos
F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos

F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

(Sales Volume and Open Sales
- Query)

(Sales Volume - Cube)

(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query)

Net Sales Volume: The total invoiced sales minus credit memos

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

Net Sales NetSalesVolumeNetAmount, Only Sales F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible

Volume/Net SalesVolumeNetAmountInDisplayCurrency debits Volume Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry
Sales Volume (no minus (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query)
in Display credits) Credit
Currency and no Memos F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales
F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Memos
F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

(Sales Volume - Query)
(Sales Volume - Cube)
(Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query)

Profit Margin: The difference between sales volume and costs

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter Calculation App/CDS View

Pro t Margin SalesProfitMarginNetAmount, Only Sales F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible

/Net Amount SalesProfitMarginNetAmountInDisplayCurrency debits Volume Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvo
of Pro t (no minus Cost (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis -
Margin credits) Amount
and no F2270: Sales Volume - Check Op
F2271: Sales Volume - Credit Me
F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Marg

(Sales Volume -
(Sales Volume - Cube)

Profit Margin Ratio: Profit margin divided by sales volume

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Pro t Margin Ratio SalesProfitMargin Pro t Margin divided by F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open
Sales Volume Sales

F2271: Sales Volume - Credit


F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

(Sales Volume - Query)

(Sales Volume - Cube)

Sales Volume: The total invoiced sales achieved during a specified period. This is based on invoice items or debit memo items that have not been

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View Example

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View Example

Sales SalesVolumeNetAmountInDisplayCurrency Only F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible A customer

Volume/Net invoice Analysis/ buys drinks
Value of items or C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry for 25 EUR.
Invoiced debit (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - When
Sales memo Query) he/she
items (no returns the
F2235: Sales Volume - Detailed
credits) empty
that have bottles, he
not been gets a 5
(Analytics - Sales Volume Detailed
canceled, EUR
and no deposit
canceled (view not released) back. The
invoices sales
F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open volume for
Sales these
drinks is 25
F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin
/ C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1 because the
initial cost
(Sales Volume and Open Sales -
of the
drinks is a
C_SalesVolumeAnalyticsQry_1 debit, and
(Sales Volume and Open the deposit
Sales - Query) is a credit.
Only debits
I_SalesAnalyticsCube_1 (Sales
Volume and Open Sales - Cube considered,
not credits.

Sales Volume Quantity: The total invoiced sales achieved during a specified period. This is based on invoice items or debit memo items (debits)
that have not been canceled.

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Filter App/CDS View Comment

Sales Volume SalesVolumeQuantity Only invoice F1250: Sales Volume - Flexible Invoice items and
Qty/Sales Volume items or debit Analysis/C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry debit items of
Quantity memo items (Sales Volume Flexible Analysis - Query) customer invoice,
(no credits) that debit memo and
have not been F2235: Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis/ credit memo
canceled, and C_SalesVolumeAnalysisQuery(Analytics (mixed
no canceled - Sales Volume Detailed Analysis) documents).
invoices Invoice items and
(view not released)
debit items are
F2270: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales always presented
always as
F2271: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin positive, although
they can be part
/C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1(Sales Volume
of credit memos.
and Open Sales - Query
I_BillingDocumentItemCube (Sales
Volume - Cube)

Key Figures Based on Customer Returns

The title of each table shows the name of the key gure and its de nition. You can collapse the table to display further
information, such as the key gure label and tooltip (in some cases, the label differs from the full name of the key gure), and
the corresponding global eld names. If speci c business objects are included in or excluded from the lter, this is mentioned

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25
under Filter. The apps and CDS views in which the key gures occur are also listed below. The calculation is provided for
calculated key gures. An example or comment is available in more complex cases.

Customer Returns: Net value of incoming customer return items that are relevant for delivery or billing in the period of income

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Customer Returns/Net Amount of IncomingCustReturnsNetAmtInDC F3889: Customer Returns - Flexible

Customer Return Items in Display Analysis/C_CustomerReturnItemQry_2
Currency (Customer Return Item - Query)

F4092: Customer Returns - Return

(Customer Return Rate - Query)

(Customer Return Item - Cube)

(Customer Return Rate - Cube)

No. of Return Items: Number of customer return items that are relevant for delivery or billing

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

No. of Return Items/Number of Items in NumberOfIncomingCustRetItems F3889: Customer Returns - Flexible

Customer Returns Analysis/C_CustomerReturnItemQry_2
(Customer Return Item - Query)

F4092: Customer Returns - Return

(Customer Return Rate - Query)

(Customer Return Item - Cube)

(Customer Return Rate - Cube)

Ref. Doc.Net Amount: Net value of sales order items that are referenced by customer returns

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name App/CDS View

Ref. Doc.Net Amount/Net Value of ReferenceSlsDocItmNetAmtInDC F4092: Customer Returns - Return

Reference Items in Display Currency Rate/C_CustomerReturnRateQry
(Customer Return Rate - Query)

(Customer Return Rate - Cube)

Reference Item Quantity: Quantity of sales order items that are referenced by customer returns

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Reference Item IncomingCustReturnsQuantity Cumulative order F3889: Customer Returns - Flexible

Quantity/Customer quantity in the sales Analysis/C_CustomerReturnItemQry_2
Return Item Quantity order items (Customer Return Item - Query)

F4092: Customer Returns - Return

(Customer Return Rate - Query)

(Customer Return Item - Cube)

(Customer Return Rate - Cube)

Return Item Quantity: Quantity of customer return items that are relevant for delivery or billing

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Return Item IncomingCustReturnsQuantity Cumulative order F3889: Customer Returns - Flexible

Quantity/Customer quantity in the Analysis/C_CustomerReturnItemQry_2
Return Item Quantity customer return (Customer Return Item - Query)
F4092: Customer Returns - Return
(Customer Return Rate - Query)

(Customer Return Item - Cube)

(Customer Return Rate - Cube)

Return Rate (Quantity-Based): The percentage of the quantity of customer return items based on the quantity of incoming sales order items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Return Rate (Quantity- CustomerReturnQtyReturnRate Return Item Quantity F4092: Customer Returns - Return
Based)/Return Rate divided by Incoming Rate/C_CustomerReturnRateQry
(Quantity-Based) Orders Qty (Customer Return Rate - Query)

 Note
For details about
Incoming Orders Qty,
see the key gure in
Key Figures Based on
Sales Orders.

Return Rate (Value-Based): The percentage of the net value of customer return items based on the net value of incoming sales order items

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27

Label/Tooltip Global Field Name Calculation App/CDS View

Return Rate (Value- CustomerReturnAmountReturnRate Customer Returns F4092: Customer Returns - Return
Based)/Return Rate divided by Incoming Rate/C_CustomerReturnRateQry
(Value-Based) Orders (Customer Return Rate - Query)

 Note
For details about
Incoming Orders,
see the key gure in
Key Figures Based
on Sales Orders.

My Sales Overview

With this app, you can display and create sales data using actionable cards that are grouped together in a dashboard format.

Key Features
Cards included in the My Sales Overview app provide information on sales data, including: open sales quotations and
sales orders, blocked credit memo requests, and customer returns.

Cards are displayed in the My Sales Overview app based on the roles assigned to your user.

You can select which cards to display under Manage Cards in your user settings.

 Tip
Limit the number of displayed cards to the ones you are actively using to improve overall app performance.

You can lter the data displayed in the cards in one of the following ways:

In your user settings of the Fiori launchpad, specify default values for sold-to party, sales organization, distribution
channel, and division.

 Note
The default value speci ed for display currency in your user settings only applies to aggregated amounts.
Nonaggregated amounts remain in their original currency.

Specify lter values in the lter bar of the My Sales Overview app.

My Sales Overview Cards

Card Role Description

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28

Card Role Description


Displays a list of sales orders that are still
open and require processing, starting with
the most recently changed or created sales

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales

Orders application by clicking on the card

Allows you to display details of a sales

order by clicking on it.

Customer Returns
SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP: Displays a list of customer returns, starting
Allows you to display the card, with the most recently changed or created
including returns, but you cannot customer returns.
navigate to the Manage Customer
Allows you to lter the displayed customer
Returns app.
returns by status. The default is Active
Allows you to navigate to the Manage
Allows you to navigate to the Manage
Customer Returns app.
Customer Returns application by clicking
on the card header.

Allows you to display details of a customer

return by clicking on it.

Blocked Credit Memo Requests SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP

Displays a list of credit memo requests that
are blocked for checking, starting with the
most recently changed or created requests.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Credit

Memo Requests application by clicking on
the card header.

Allows you to display details of a credit

memo request by clicking on it.


Displays a list of sales quotations that are
incomplete, starting with the most recently
changed or created quotations.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales

Quotations application by clicking on the
card header.

Allows you to display details of an open

quotation by clicking on it.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29

Card Role Description

Quick Actions Provides shortcuts for creating sales

documents, including:
Allows you to display the card with
links to create sales orders, sales Sales orders
quotations, sales scheduling
Sales quotations
agreements, and credit memo
requests. Sales scheduling agreements

SAP_BR_RETURNS_REFUND_CLERK: Credit memo requests

Allows you to display the links to
create customer returns. Customer returns


Allows you to select the length of the
analysis period. By default, the last four
months are considered as the current

Displays a monthly comparison of incoming

sales orders between the Current Period
and the Previous Period, that is, the same
period one year ago.

The card header displays revenue

from incoming sales orders of the
current period compared to the
Target amount, that is, the same
period one year ago.

The deviation between the two

amounts is shown as a percentage.

The graph displays the monthly

breakdown of revenue from
incoming sales orders in the current
period compared to the incoming
sales orders of the same period one
year ago.

Months for which there are no

incoming sales orders are not

Allows you to navigate to the Incoming

Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis
application by clicking on the graph.

 Remember
For the current month in the current period,
revenue from incoming sales orders is only
considered from the 1st of the month to the
current date. For the same month in the previous
period, the revenue from the 1st to the last day
of the month is considered.

For example, if today's date is June 15th, and

you have selected to display 4 months' worth of
data, the current period displays incoming sales
orders from March 1st to June 15th, and the
previous period displays incoming sales orders
from March 1st to June 30th of the previous
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30

Card Role Description

 Tip
The user's currency is derived from the
company code to which they belong.

Since the amounts displayed on this card are

aggregated, you can change the display currency
in the lter bar or under default values in your
user settings of the Fiori launchpad.

Currency conversion rates used to convert

amounts to the display currency are maintained
in Customizing under General Settings
Currencies Enter Exchange Rates .

 Tip
In instances where the company code is empty,
you can get the currency from the client table
T000 and the eld <MWAER>.

Sales Quotation Pipeline SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP

Displays sales quotations grouped by their
expiry timelines.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales

Quotations application by clicking on the
card header.

Allows you to display quotations by clicking

on their group.

Sales Order Ful lment - Monitor SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP

Provides an overview of sales order
ful llment issues.

Allows you to navigate to the Sales Order

Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues
application by clicking on the card header.

Allows you to display sales orders with

ful llment issues by selecting a speci c

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage Credit Memo Requests
Manage Sales Quotations
Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis
Exchange Rates
Create Customer Returns
Customer - 360° View
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues

Customers Overview
With this app, you can get an overview of the sales data of one or more customers.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

View various sales measures of customers represented by cards. The data is displayed in an easy-to-consume manner
using charts and lists.

Filter results by various criteria, such as sold-to party, sales organization, sales group, and so on.

 Note
The lters that you apply and the corresponding results that you get are automatically saved for your current login
session. So, if you navigate to the launchpad or other apps and come back to the Customers Overview app in the
same session, the lters and the results from earlier continue to be displayed. To get the latest set of results, choose
Go again. Once you log off, the saved lters and results are cleared.

Specify a preferred currency for displaying the results. You must select the display currency and at least one sold-to
party (customer) in order to see the corresponding sales data.

Navigate to the related apps to drill down into the data.

The app displays the following cards:

Card Description

Frequency of Sales Orders

Displays the average number of sales orders per month for
the last 6 months.

Displays the number of sales orders per month for the last
6 months in a chart.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by:

Clicking on the card header to see detailed

information for the last 6 months.

Clicking on the data point of a month in the chart to

see details for that speci c month.

Incoming Sales Orders

Displays the average net value of sales orders per month
for the last 6 months.

Displays the net value of sales orders per month for the
last 6 months in a chart.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by:

Clicking on the card header to see detailed

information for the last 6 months.

Clicking on the data point of a month in the chart to

see details for that speci c month.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32

Card Description

Open Sales Orders

Displays the list of sales orders that are not completed.
This status is based on the Overall Status lter in the
Manage Sales Orders app. The sales orders displayed are
ordered by the requested delivery date.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by:

Clicking on the card header to see details of all the

open sales orders.

Clicking on a speci c sales order to see only its

detailed information.

Rejected Sales Orders

Displays the total number of sales orders that are either
partially rejected or fully rejected (Everything Rejected).
This status is based on the Rejection Status lter in the
Manage Sales Orders app. The data displayed in this card
is for the sales orders from the last 6 months.

Displays the number of partially rejected sales orders.

Partially rejected sales orders are those where only some of
its items are rejected.

Displays the number of fully rejected sales orders. Fully

rejected sales orders are those where all of its items are

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Orders app by:

Clicking on the card header to see details of both

the partially rejected and fully rejected sales

Clicking on a speci c rejection status to see the

corresponding sales orders.

Customer Returns
Displays the total number of items returned by customers
for various reasons. The data displayed in this card is for
the items returned in the last 6 months.

Displays the number of items returned by customers for

each reason. The reasons are ordered in the descending
order of the number of items tagged against it.

Allows you to navigate to the Customer Returns - Return

Rate app by:

Clicking on the card header to see details of all the

reasons for return.

Clicking on a speci c reason for return to see its


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33

Card Description

Delivery Performance
Displays the delivery performance of sales orders over the
last 6 quarters.

Displays the quarterly data in a chart for the following key


Delivered as Requested: Includes sales order items

that have been delivered by the customer's
requested delivery date.

Delivered as Committed: Includes sales order

items that have been delivered by the committed
delivery date.

Sales Volume / Pro t Margin

Displays the sales volume against pro t margin for the last
6 quarters in a chart.

Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

app by:

Clicking on the card header to see details for the

last 6 quarters in a chart.

Clicking on a speci c data point to see details for

the selected quarter.

Sales Volume by Sales Area

Displays the net sales volume from all sales areas, which
are assigned to the selected sold-to party, for the current
year. A sales area is a combination of sales organization,
distribution channel, and division.

Displays the sales volume in each sales area, assigned to

the selected sold-to party, for the current year in a chart.

Allows you to navigate to the Sales Volume - Check Open

Sales app by:

Clicking on the card header to see details for all the

sales areas.

Clicking on a speci c sales area in the chart to see

its details.

Open Quotations
Displays the list of sales quotations that are not
completed. This status is based on the Overall Status lter
in the Manage Sales Quotations app. The sales quotations
displayed are ordered by their validity end date.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Quotations

app by clicking on the card header to see details of all the
open sales quotations.

Allows you to navigate to the fact sheet of a speci c sales

quotation by clicking on it.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34

Card Description

Rejected Quotations
Displays the total number of sales quotations that are
either partially rejected or fully rejected (Everything
Rejected). This status is based on the Rejection Status
lter in the Manage Sales Quotations app. The data
displayed in this card is for the sales quotations from the
last 6 months.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Quotations

app by clicking on the left area of the card to see details of
both the partially rejected and fully rejected sales

Allows you to get a basic overview of partially rejected and

fully rejected sales quotations by clicking on the right area
of the card. This action opens a scrollable collection of
cards representing both the partially rejected and fully
rejected sales quotations. You can see additional details of
any sales quotation by clicking on the corresponding card
header in this collection.

Sales Contract Ful llment

Displays the list of sales contracts that are not ful lled (or
not completed). This status is based on the Overall Status
lter in the Manage Sales Contracts app. You can order the
sales contracts displayed either by their validity end date
or ful llment.

Allows you to navigate to the Manage Sales Contracts app

by clicking on the card header to see the list of all the
unful lled sales contracts.

Allows you to navigate to the fact sheet of a speci c sales

contract by clicking on it.

Quick Actions Provides shortcuts to perform the following actions:

Create a sales order using either the Create Sales

Documents app or the Manage Sales Orders app.

Create a sales quotation using the Create Quotations app.

Create a customer return using the Manage Customer

Returns app.

Track sales orders using the Track Sales Orders app.

Customer Contact
Displays the contact information of one or more customers.

Allows you to navigate to the Customer - 360° View app by

clicking on a speci c customer for more details.

Supported Device Types




This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35

Related Information
Manage Sales Orders
Customer Returns - Return Rate
Sales Volume - Pro t Margin
Sales Volume - Check Open Sales
Manage Sales Quotations
Manage Sales Contracts

Sales Management Overview

With this app, you as a sales manager can get a graphical overview of your various sales data on cards. You can further analyze
the data by navigating to related analytical apps from the cards. Using this app, you can gain comprehensive insights into your
current sales situation and respond quickly.

Key Features
Each sales topic is represented by a card. On the cards, you can view relevant sales KPIs

Sales data is visualized in charts and lists

You can lter results by various criteria, such as sold-to party and sales organization

You can specify a preferred currency for displaying the results

You can navigate to related apps to drill down into the data

 Note
Data migration starts automatically. You need to wait until it is nished before you can use the Pro t Margin card. You can
check the migration status by using transaction SDM_MON.

The app provides the following cards:

Card Description

Incoming Sales Orders

Indicates the total net value or the number of sales order
items that are relevant for billing or delivery

Displays the last four months and lets you compare them
to the same period in the previous year

You can navigate to the Incoming Sales Orders – Flexible

Analysis app for more details

Customer Returns
Indicates the total net value of customer return items that
are relevant for billing or delivery

Displays the last four months and lets you compare them
to the same period in the previous year

Navigate to the Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis app

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 36

Card Description

Incomplete Sales Documents

Displays the total number of incomplete sales documents

Displays the number of incomplete sales documents by

document category as a percentage

You can navigate to the List Incomplete Sales Documents

app to view the document and complete the data

Backorder Items
Displays the total number of backorder items

Displays the four plants with the most backorder items

You can navigate to the Sales Volume – Backorders app

for more details

Pro t Margin
Indicates the difference between sales volume and costs

Displays the sales volumes for the last four months and
lets you compare them to their pro t margins

You can navigate to the Sales Volume – Pro t Margin app

for more details

Blocked Sales Orders

Displays the total net value and the number of blocked
sales orders by issue type

You can navigate to the Sales Order Ful llment – Analyze

Issues app for more details

Overdue Sales Orders

Displays the total net value and the number of overdue
sales orders by issue type

You can navigate to the Sales Order Ful llment – Analyze

Issues app for more details

Supported Devices


Manage Sales Plans

With this app, you as a sales manager can create, change, release, and display your sales plans. In a sales plan, you set sales
targets on various dimensions for a planned period.

You can then compare the actual sales values to the sales targets by using the Sales Performance - Plan/Actual app.

Key Features
Searching for Sales Plans

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 37
You can search for your sales plans using a free text search or lter criteria (such as sales plan name, currency, release status,
and many more).

You can sort and group your sales plans in the search results. For example, you can group the versions with the same sales plan

Creating Sales Plans

Sales Plan Types

You can create the following types of sales plans:

Value Plan: Sales plan with value-based sales targets

Sales targets in a value plan can represent the following:

Incoming sales orders: The total net value of sales order items that are relevant for delivery or billing.

Sales volume: The total invoiced sales that were achieved during a speci ed period. This is based on invoice items
or debit memo items (debits) that have not been canceled.

Quantity Plan: Sales plan with quantity-based sales targets

Sales targets in a quantity plan can represent the following:

Incoming sales orders quantity: Quantity of sales order items that are relevant for delivery or billing.

Sales volume quantity: Quantity of invoice items or debit memo items (debits) that have not been canceled.

Sales Plan Attributes

Sales plan name and description

Version name and description

You can create multiple versions of the same sales plan. For example, depending on your needs, you could create a
standard version and an optimistic version. To do this, you copy an existing sales plan to a new version and adjust the
copied version as required.

Planned from date and planned to date

Sales plan is planned by month, quarter, or year

Speci es that your sales targets are allocated to months, quarters, or years within the planned period.

What your sales plan is planned for

Speci es what your sales targets represent.

Currency for displaying value-based sales targets


You can add dimensions to de ne the granularity of your sales plan. For example, you can set sales targets for speci c
products sold to speci c customers.

Sharing Sales Plan with Team

To share your sales plan with other users, you can assign it to a team. This lets every member in the team access your sales plan
and use your plan data for analysis. If your sales plan has not been assigned to any team, the sales plan is only visible to you.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 38

 Note
You can only assign a team that you are a member of.

Key users can set up teams by using the Manage Teams and Responsibilities app. Choose the Sales and Billing team type for
the teams so that they can be assigned to sales plans. Specify the access level for each team member by selecting the following

Sales Plan Viewer: The team member can only display and copy sales plans.

Sales Plan Editor: The team member can display, copy, edit, release, but not delete sales plans.

Key User Options for Con guring Teams and Responsibilities

As a key user, you can de ne your own functions and team types in Customizing for Responsibility Management under Cross-
Application Components General Application Functions .

When de ning your own functions, assign them to function pro le SALES and use the following function classi cations to
classify your functions that belong to team category SALES.

SALESPLANBASIC (Basic Sales Planning): With this classi cation, your functions can display and copy sales

SALESPLANADV (Advanced Sales Planning): With this classi cation, your functions can display, copy, edit, release,
but not delete sales plans.

When de ning your own team types, assign them to team category SALES.

For more information about how to set up teams, see Manage Teams and Responsibilities.

Uploading Plan Data to Sales Plan

Based on the attributes that you have de ned for your sales plan, the system automatically generates a plan layout for you.
Download this plan layout to an XLSX (Microsoft Excel) le and enter your plan data locally.

 Note
In the downloaded XLSX le, the system automatically lls the master data of your dimensions, except for dimensions
Product, Product Group, and Sales Employee. For these dimensions, you have to enter their master data manually. For those
dimensions whose master data can be automatically lled, if the combinations of their master data are too many for the
system to download, you also have to enter their master data manually. You need to have the business catalog Master Data
- Customer Display assigned to your business user to download master data of customers and customer groups.

In the downloaded XLSX le, do not remove the existing columns or change the header of the columns, otherwise your le
cannot be uploaded.

After entering your plan data, upload the le to your sales plan.

Releasing Sales Plans

When you release your sales plans, you can no longer edit them. However, you can always reopen them to enable editing. For
each sales plan, only one version can be released.

Sales Plan Statuses

A sales plan can have the following release statues:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 39

Status Description

Not Released Indicates that the sales plan is saved but not released. When a
sales plan has this status, it can be copied or released.

For a saved plan, you can only change its currency, version, and
plan data. If you do not save your sales plan, the system
automatically saves it as a draft version.

 Note
Draft versions are deleted automatically after 28 days.

Released Indicates that the sales plan is released and is therefore read only.

When a sales plan has this status, it can be copied or reopened for

Supported Devices


Related Information
Sales Performance – Plan/Actual

App Extensibility: Manage Sales Plans

As a key user, you can extend the Manage Sales Plans app with custom dimensions according to your business needs.

 Note
The custom dimensions should represent the business aspects that are relevant for planning.

You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

Sales: Sales Document

Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales: Billing Document

Sales: Billing Document Item

You can then enable usage of the custom elds for the data source SD_SALESPLAN 0001 in the UIs and Reports section and
publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions for planning
in the Manage Sales Plans app.

 Note
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 40
Make sure that you enable usage of the custom elds for both the Manage Sales Plans app and the Sales Performance –
Plan/Actual app at the same time. This allows the business users to compare the plan and actual data for the same custom

If you delete or disable usage of the custom dimensions for which the business users have already created plan data, the
plan data that relates to these dimensions becomes invalid and therefore cannot be used for comparisons with the actual
data. Therefore, if you really need to disable usage of the custom dimensions, which we do not recommend, do it
simultaneously for both the Manage Sales Plans app and the Sales Performance – Plan/Actual app to avoid inconsistencies
in dimensions between the two apps.

For how to extend the Sales Performance – Plan/Actual app, see App Extensibility: Sales Performance – Plan/Actual.

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Sales Performance – Plan/Actual

With this app, you can compare planned and actual sales data on different dimensions, such as sales organization, customer,
and product. By doing so, you can analyze to what extent your sales targets are being achieved and thus gain insights into your
current sales performance.

You use this app after you have created at least one sales plan in the Manage Sales Plans app.

Key Features
Select a Sales Plan Version to Compare

You can select value plans to compare the planned and actual sales values. Sales plans that meet at least one of the following
criteria can be selected.

Created by you

Shared with your team

For more information about sharing sales plans with team, see Manage Sales Plans.

 Note
Draft versions cannot be selected.

After a value plan is selected, the plan and actual data are compared as follows:

Planned and actual values represent either incoming sales orders or sales volume, depending on what you have planned
in the selected sales plan version

Planned and actual values are compared by month, quarter, or year within the planned period, depending on how you
have de ned this in the selected sales plan version

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 41
You need to enter an exchange rate type and a display currency before you can start the comparison. You can set default
values for these two elds in your user settings from the SAP Fiori Launchpad. For example, you set Exchange Rate Type to
M (average rate) and Display Currency to EUR.

Compare Plan and Actual Data

You can display a hybrid view that visualizes the differences on a chart while displaying the details in a table.

In addition, you can compare the planned sales volume to the actual net sales volume (sales volume minus credit memos). To do
so, add the column of net sales volume to the comparison table from the table view settings.

You can drill down to further compare the plan and actual data. The drill-downs available to you are the dimensions that you
have de ned for the sales plan version.

Navigate to Related Apps

You can select relevant data (for example, speci c customers) from the chart and then navigate to related apps to show
quotation conversion rates, contract ful llment rates, and check open sales.

Sales Performance – Plan/Actual (Quantity-Based)

With this tile, you can select quantity plans to compare the planned and actual quantities. After a quantity plan is selected, the
plan and actual data are compared as follows:

Planned and actual quantities represent either incoming sales orders quantity or sales volume quantity, depending on
what you have planned in the selected quantity plan

Planned and actual quantities are compared by month, quarter, or year within the planned period, depending on how you
have de ned this in the selected quantity plan

 Note
Alternatively, you can compare the quantities by choosing the pre-shipped Quantity-Based view in the Sales Performance –
Plan/Actual tile.

This app uses the C_SalesPerformance CDS view.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app is built by using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 42

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage Sales Plans
Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis
Sales Volume - Flexible Analysis
Quotation Conversion Rates - Valid/Not Completed
Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

App Extensibility: Sales Performance – Plan/Actual

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Performance – Plan/Actual app with custom dimensions according to your business

You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

Sales: Sales Document

Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales: Billing Document

Sales: Billing Document Item

You can then enable usage of the custom elds for the data source SD_SALESPERF 0001 in the UIs and Reports section and
publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions for
comparing the plan and actual data in the Sales Performance – Plan/Actual app.

 Note
To compare to the plan data for the custom dimensions, you must have enabled the same custom elds for the Manage
Sales Plans app. For how to extend the Manage Sales Plans app, see App Extensibility: Manage Sales Plans.

To compare to the actual data for the custom dimensions, you must have enabled the same custom elds for sales orders
and/or billing documents.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 43

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Quotation Conversion Rates - Valid/Not Completed

This analytical app displays quotation conversion rate which indicates the percentage of net values converted from quotations
into sales orders. As an internal sales representative or a sales manager, you can use quotation conversion rate to track to
what extent your quotations are being converted to sales orders before expiring. By leveraging machine learning capabilities,
you can gain predictive insights into quotation conversion by comparing actual and predicted results.

Key Features
Calculation Rule

The quotation conversion rate measures the percentage of the net value of order items that have been converted from a
quotation item, based on the total net value of quotation items.

 Note
This is calculated at item level and only the quotation items that meet the following criteria are considered:

Net value >0

Valid on the current date

Not fully referenced (header of the quotation)

Overall status is not completed (header of the quotation)

View Quotation Conversion Rates

The tile displays the overall conversion rate of your quotations. In the app, you can drill down into quotation conversion
rates by different dimensions, such as sales organization, customer, product, and employee responsible.

View Top 10 Quotations by Net Value

You can analyze to what extent your 10 quotations with the highest net values are being converted into sales orders
within the validity period.

View Bottom 10 Quotations by Conversion Rate

You can quickly identify 10 least converted quotations, especially those that are close to expiring.

Predict Quotation Conversion Rates

You can compare the actual and predicted conversion rates dynamically while drilling down by different dimensions.

To see the predicted conversion rate, you need to show the mini chart (hidden by default) that displays the predicted

You can compare the net value of the converted quotations with the prediction by different dimensions.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 44

 Note
To display predicted values, you must enable prediction in the Intelligent Scenario Management app:

1. Search for the prede ned scenario for quotation conversion rate (SLSQTANPREDICTION).

2. In this scenario, create versions by training the default model with different sets of data.

3. Activate a model version with satisfactory prediction quality.

If prediction is not enabled or the training is not successful (for example, due to lack of data input), the app displays the
predicted results as 0%.

 Recommendation
When training the model, consider the following:

Use the data that corresponds to your business cases

Training the model with data that is no longer relevant for your current business (for example, data that is too old or
from exceptional cases) could impact the quality of your model. To improve, you can set lters to exclude irrelevant
data from your training data sets.

For example, if the conversion rate of your sales quotations is normally no more than 100%, you can exclude the data
of quotations whose conversion rate is higher than 100% from your training data sets. You do this by setting the high
value of the training lter for quotation conversion rate (SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATE) to 1.

Train the model with a sufficient amount of data

A successful training requires a sufficient amount of data which is, according to your business cases, reasonably
distributed among your key business dimensions, such as customer and product. This helps the model learn the key
aspects of your business and thus positively affects the model’s predictive capabilities. Insufficient data may result in
a failed training. Therefore, we recommend that you conduct the training only after your systems (especially newly
installed systems) contain a sufficient volume of business data. We recommend that you provide at least 2000 data
records every time that you train the model.

Train and activate the model at least once a month

The amount of time required for each training depends on the volume of training data. Therefore, we recommend
that you train the model during non-working hours (for example, at night).

List Quotations with Details

You can list quotations with details such as customer, net value, actual and predicted conversion rates, percentage of elapsed
time over validity period, and remaining days before expiry.

 Note
For the remaining days before expiry, the app displays a maximum of 1000 days.

View Net Values in Display Currency

You can display the net values in your preferred currency. For the currency conversion, exchange rate type M (average rate) is
entered by default. You can maintain exchange rates from your transactional currencies to your display currency using the
Currency Exchange Rates app.

Navigate to Related Apps

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 45
You can navigate to quotation related apps, for example Manage Sales Quotations, to take follow-up actions.

Key User Options

As a key user, you can help the business users to de ne their own KPIs, reports, and apps. To do so, you can copy the
predelivered group for quotation conversion rate (.K.1454047719864) as well as the prede ned KPIs within the group in the
Manage KPIs and Reports app.

 Note
Based on the copied KPIs, you can de ne new KPIs and create reports and apps. To copy the prede ned KPIs, you must
assign the Sales - Sales Analytics business catalog or the Sales Manager role to your user.

The app uses C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ CDS view as the data source.

For more information about how to de ne your own KPIs, reports, and apps, see Manage KPIs and Reports.

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports
Maintain Exchange Rates
Intelligent Scenario Management

App Implementation: Quotation Conversion Rates

Additional Implementation Task

You must manually enter the C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ_CDS oData service in your PFCG role. For more information, see
Creating Authorization Roles for Catalogs.

More Information
For more information about implementing this app, see the SAP Fiori apps reference library at
https:// x/externalViewer/.

Con guration Settings: Quotation Conversion Rates

This document contains con guration information for the Quotation Conversion Rates app.

SAP Jam Integration

For information on how to con gure SAP Jam, see .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 46

SAP Smart Business Modeler

Before you can use this app, you need to con gure it using the SAP Smart Business Modeler. For more information, see SAP
Smart Business Modeler Apps.

 Note
You can edit the following details related to an SAP-delivered evaluation:

Parameters values

Filter values


Semantic object and action

You can also revert the changes you make to SAP-delivered evaluations. When you upgrade to the next version of SAP Smart
Business Modeler apps, the changes made to the SAP-delivered evaluation in the existing version will be merged with the
new version.

KPI: Quotation Conversion Rates

KPI ID: .K.1454047719864

KPI Description:
Displays percentage of net value of orders that have been converted from a quotation, based
on the total net value of the quotation.

Goal Type: Maximizing

Data Source

Parameter Value


OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ_CDS


Value Measure SalesQuotationConversionRate

Semantic Object/Action <Empty>

The following templates for evaluations, drill-downs, and tiles are provided.

Evaluation: Quotation Conversion Rate

Evaluation ID: .E.1454048205686

Evaluation Description:
Displays percentage of net value of orders that have been converted from a quotation, based
on the total net value of the quotation.

Data Source

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 47

Parameter Value


OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ_CDS


Value Measure SalesQuotationConversionRate

Semantic Object/Action <Empty>

Scaling Factor Percent

Targets, Thresholds, and Trend

Parameter Value

Goal Type Maximizing

Value Type Fixed Value

Critical Not applicable

Warning Not applicable

Target Not applicable

Trend Not applicable

Input Parameters and Filters

Input Parameters

Input Parameter Operator Example Value Explanation

P_DisplayCurrency Equal to USD Choose a currency in which the

currency amounts should be
displayed. Ensure that
exchange rates for this currency
exist in your system.

An entry in this eld is required.

USD is entered as the default

P_ExchangeRateType Equal to M Choose an exchange rate type

that is used to convert the
currency into the display

An entry in this eld is required.

You can view the available

exchange rate types in
customizing in the system
under ABAP Platform
General Settings
Currencies Check Exchange
Rate Types .

Drill-Down: Sales Organization

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 48
View ID: .V.1454048835728

View Title: Sales Organization

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sales Organization

Measure Quotation Conversion Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Customer

View ID: .V.1454049056662

View Title: Customer

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sold-To Party

Measure Quotation Conversion Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Material

View Title: Material

View ID: .V.1476085578482

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Material

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 49

Parameter Value

Measure Quotation Conversion Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Employee Responsible

View ID: .V.1455852269189

View Title: Employee Responsible

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Employee Responsible

Measure Quotation Conversion Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Top 10 Quotations by Net Value

View ID: .V.1454049184217

View Title: Top 10 Quotations by Net Value

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sales Quotation

Elapsed Time over Quotation Period %

Quotation Conversion Rate

Net Value

Visualization Type:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 50

Limit Data Records: 10

Drill-Down: Bottom 10 Quotations by Conversion Rate

View ID: .V.1454049322066

View Title: Bottom 10 Quotations by Conversion Rate

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sales Quotation

Elapsed Time over Quotation Period %

Quotation Conversion Rate

Net Value

Visualization Type:


Limit Data Records: 10


Title: Quotation Conversion Rates

Subtitle: Valid and Not Completed

Parameter Value

Tile Format Numeric Tile

Navigation Generic Drill-Down

Semantic Object SalesQuotation

Action analyzeSBKPIDetailsS4HANA

For more information about enabling app for access in the SAP Fiori launchpad, see Maintaining Business Catalogs and
Business Groups.

App Extensibility: Quotation Conversion Rates - Valid / Not

As a key user, you can extend the Quotation Conversion Rates - Valid / Not Completed app with custom dimensions according
to your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 51
You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can enable usage of the custom elds for the data source C_SLSQTANCONVERSIONRATEQ (Analytics - Quotation
Conversion Rate) in the UIs and Reports section and publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions in the
settings of the chart and the table views in the Quotation Conversion Rates - Valid / Not Completed app.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Quotations - Flexible Analysis

With this app, you can analyze sales quotations based on exible combinations of dimensions. For example, you can get a
monthly rolling trend of your quotations and see to what extent they are being referenced by sales orders. You can quickly
identify the critical quotations that are close to expiring, have expired, or are rejected.

Key Features
You can use this app to do the following:

Analyze the following quotation-related KPIs in multi-dimensional reports:

Measure Description

Sales Quotations Net value of sales quotations in display currency

Converted Quotations Net value of sales quotation items that have been referenced
by sales orders in display currency

Conversion Rate Quotation conversion rate:

Percentage of the net value of order items that have been

converted from a quotation item, based on the total net value of
quotation items.

Quotation Item Qty Quantity of sales quotation items

Open Quotations Net value of open quotation items in display currency:

Quotation items that are not referenced fully or rejected

No. of Open Items Number of open quotation items

Expired Quotations Net value of expired quotations in display currency:

Quotations of which the validity ends today or has ended

before today

No. of Expired Items Number of items in expired quotations

Expiring Quotations Net value of expiring quotations in display currency:

Quotations of which the validity ends in seven days or less

from today

No. of Expiring Items Number of items in expiring quotations

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 52

Measure Description

Rejected Quotations Net value of rejected quotation items in display currency

No. of Rejected Items Number of rejected quotation items

 Note
To convert the transaction currency used in the quotation to the display currency, you must enter an exchange rate
type. The app proposes the type M (standard translation at average rate) as a default type.

For more information about how to analyze your data, see Multidimensional Reports (Web Dynpro Apps).

Navigate to quotation-related apps for further analysis

 Note
This app offers a Web Dynpro version and a Design Studio version. Starting with SAP S/4HANA 2021, the Design Studio
version of this app is deprecated. SAP may make the deprecated Design Studio version unusable, usually no earlier than one
year after the deprecation. Please switch to the Web Dynpro version of this app now.

This app uses the C_SalesQuotationItemQry CDS view. To learn more about this view, see Sales Quotation Item - Query.

Working with Analytical Reports (English Only)

Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by this app.

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 53

App Extensibility: Sales Quotations - Flexible Analysis

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Quotations - Flexible Analysis app with custom dimensions according to your business

You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the business contexts Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can then enable usage of the custom elds for the data source C_SALESQUOTATIONITEMQRY in the UIs and Reports
section and publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions for analyzing
sales quotations in the Sales Quotations - Flexible Analysis app.

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Sales Contract Ful llment Rates - Currently Valid

This analytical app displays sales contract ful llment rate, which indicates the percentage of the target value that has been
released in a sales contract. As an internal sales representative or a sales manager, you can use sales contract ful llment rate
to analyze how well the contracts in your responsible sales area are being ful lled. You can quickly identify contracts that need
to be renewed soon, as well as contracts that are not being ful lled as expected.

Key Features
Calculation rule: Sales contract ful llment rate measures the percentage of the released value, based on the target
value of a sales contract.

 Note
Only sales contracts that meet the following criteria are considered.

Valid on the current date

Total net value>0

The contract has at least one item

Subsequent documents created for the release orders, such as credit memos and debit memos, are not included in
the calculation of the released value.

View sales contract ful llment rates

The tile displays the overall ful llment rate of your sales contracts. In the app, you can drill down to analyze sales
contract ful llment rates by different dimensions, such as sales organization, customer, product, and employee

View top 10 contracts by target value

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 54
You can analyze to what extent your top 10 contracts with the highest target values are being ful lled. In the bubble
chart, you can quickly identify contracts that have a high ful llment rate in their early contract period, as well as those
contracts with a low ful llment rate in their late contract period.

List contracts with details

You can list sales contracts with details such as document number, sales organization, target value, ful llment rate, and
percentage of elapsed time over contract validity period.

View contract target values in display currency

You can display the target values in your preferred currency. For the currency conversion, exchange rate type M (average
rate) is entered as a default. You can maintain exchange rates from your transactional currencies to your display
currency using the Currency Exchange Rates app.

Navigate to contract related apps with necessary authorizations.

Key User Options

As a key user, you can help the business users to de ne their own KPIs, reports, and apps. To do so, you can copy the
predelivered group for contract ful llment rate (.K.1448335419257) as well as the prede ned KPI within the group in the
Manage KPIs and Reports app.

 Note
Based on the copied KPI, you can de ne new KPIs and create reports and apps. To copy the prede ned KPI, you must assign
the Sales - Sales Analytics business catalog or the Sales Manager role to your user.

The app uses C_SALESCONTRACTITMFLFMTQ CDS view as the data source.

For more information about how to de ne your own KPIs, reports, and apps, see Manage KPIs and Reports.

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports
Maintain Exchange Rates

App Implementation: Sales Contract Ful llment Rates

Additional Implementation Task

You must manually enter the C_SALESCONTRACTITMFLFMTQ_CDS oData service in your PFCG role. For more information, see
Creating Authorization Roles for Catalogs.

More Information

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 55
For more information about implementing this app, see the SAP Fiori apps reference library at
https:// x/externalViewer/.

Con guration Settings: Sales Contract Ful llment Rates

This document contains con guration information for the Sales Contract Ful llment Rates app.

SAP Jam Integration

For information on how to con gure SAP Jam, see .

SAP Smart Business Modeler

Before you can use this app, you need to con gure it using the SAP Smart Business Modeler. For more information, see SAP
Smart Business Modeler Apps.

 Note
You can edit the following details related to an SAP-delivered evaluation:

Parameters values

Filter values


Semantic object and action

You can also revert the changes you make to SAP-delivered evaluations. When you upgrade to the next version of SAP Smart
Business Modeler apps, the changes made to the SAP-delivered evaluation in the existing version will be merged with the
new version.

KPI: Sales Contract Ful llment Rates

KPI ID: .K.1448335419257

KPI Description:
Displays the percentage of the release order values based on the target value of a sales

Goal Type: Maximizing

Data Source

Parameter Value


OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/C_SALESCONTRACTITMFLFMTQ_CDS


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 56

Parameter Value

Value Measure SalesContractFulfillmentRate

Semantic Object/Action <Empty>

The following templates for evaluations, drill-downs, and tiles are provided.

Evaluation: Sales Contract Ful llment Rate

Evaluation ID: .E.1448335534743

Evaluation Description:
Displays the percentage of the release order values based on the target value of a sales

Data Source

Parameter Value


OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/C_SALESCONTRACTITMFLFMTQ_CDS


Value Measure SalesContractFulfillmentRate

Semantic Object/Action <empty>

Scaling Factor Percent

Targets, Thresholds, and Trend

This table shows some example values.

Parameter Value

Goal Type Maximizing

Value Type Fixed Value

Critical Not applicable

Warning Not applicable

Target Not applicable

Trend Not applicable

Input Parameters and Filters

The following tables show the input parameters, lters, and some precon gured example values. Use your own values where
required, according to the data in your backend system.

Input Parameters

Input Parameter Operator Example Value Explanation

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 57

Input Parameter Operator Example Value Explanation

P_DisplayCurrency Equal to USD Choose a currency in which the

currency amounts should be
displayed. Ensure that
exchange rates for this currency
exist in your system.

An entry in this eld is required.

USD is entered as the default

P_ExchangeRateType Equal to M Choose an exchange rate type

that is used to convert the
currency into the display

An entry in this eld is required.

You can view the available

exchange rate types in
customizing in the system
under ABAP Platform
General Settings
Currencies Check Exchange
Rate Types .

Drill-Down: Sales Organization

View ID: .V.1448432626293

View Title: Sales Organization

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sales Organization

Measure Sales Contract Fulfillment Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Customer

View ID: .V.1448439311626

View Title: Customer

Measures and Dimensions:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 58

Parameter Value

Dimension Sold-To Party

Measure Sales Contract Fulfillment Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Employee Responsible

View ID: .V.1456474042814

View Title: Employee Responsible

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Employee Responsible

Measure Sales Contract Fulfillment Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Material

View ID: .V.1448439521493

View Title: Material

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Material

Measure Contract Fulfillment Rate

Visualization Type:


Single Axis
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 59
Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Top 10 Contract by Target Value

View ID: .V.1448594121477

View Title: Top 10 Contracts by Target Value

Measures and Dimensions:

Parameter Value

Dimension Sales Contract

Elapsed Time over Contract Period %

Contract Fulfillment Rate

Target Value

Visualization Type:


Default Colors

Limit Data Records: 10


Title: Sales Contract Fulfillment Rates

Subtitle: Currently Valid

Parameter Value

Tile Format Numeric Tile

Navigation Generic Drill-Down

Semantic Object SalesContract

Action analyzeSBKPIDetailsS4HANA

For more information about enabling app for access in the SAP Fiori launchpad, see Maintain Business Catalogs and Business

App Extensibility: Sales Contract Ful llment Rates - Currently

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Contract Ful llment Rates - Currently Valid app with custom dimensions according to
your business needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 60

You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can enable usage of the custom elds for the data source C_SALESCONTRACTITMFLFMTQ (Analytics - Sales Contract
Ful llment Rate) in the UIs and Reports section and publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions in the
settings of the chart and the table views in the Sales Contract Ful llment Rates - Currently Valid app.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Scheduling Agreements - Product Demand

App ID: F4508

With this app, you as an internal sales representative can monitor product demand from sales scheduling agreements. For
example, you can view customer demand for one given product or product demand from one particular customer based on a
time frame, and look into further details on different dimensions. Such an overview offers valuable insights into how product
demand uctuates over time and may unfold in the future.

Key Features
You can use this app to do the following:

De ne analysis parameters.

You must specify a release type for sales scheduling agreements, a date range for scheduled delivery, and a time scale
for how product demand will be analyzed. For example, you can view weekly product demand in the coming month based
on sales scheduling agreements released in forecast delivery schedules. To focus on demand for one particular product
or from one particular customer, you can additionally specify the product or sold-to party.

 Note
Sales scheduling agreements can be released in forecast delivery schedules, just-in-time (JIT) delivery schedules, and
planning delivery schedules. The delivery schedules contain information about requested order quantities and dates.

 Note
If containing products in different units of measure, analysis results will only be displayed in the table.

Display product demand in chart view, table view, or hybrid view.

In chart view, you can view overall product demand over time. You can sort and drill down further by dimensions, such as
sales organization, product, and sold-to party, and set additional lter criteria.

In table view, you can view product demand details. To quickly nd out demand details about a product or customer, you
can group demand by product or customer.

In hybrid view, you can view overall product demand in the chart while checking details in the table. For example, if you
select a bar in the chart that shows product demand by sales organization, the table then lists demand details of the
selected sales organization.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 61

 Note
The product demand displayed in the chart or table is an aggregation of requested order quantities at schedule line

Compare product demand of the newest release and that of the previous release

You can view the product demand of the newest and previous scheduling agreement releases and make a comparison
between them. The following table lists the related key gures:

Key Figure Description

Order quantity of Aggregated order quantities at schedule line level over a user-de ned time frame, based on the newest
newest release scheduling agreement releases (or newest delivery schedules).

Order quantity of Aggregated order quantities at schedule line level over a user-de ned time frame, based on the second-to-
previous release last scheduling agreement releases (or second-to-last delivery schedules).

 Note
A scheduling agreement release is also referred to as a delivery schedule.

Navigate to related apps

From the chart view, you can navigate to the Manage Sales Scheduling Agreements app.

From a document number in the table view, you can navigate to related apps. For example, you can open the Display
Sales Scheduling Agreements app to check quantity differences between delivery schedules of the selected sales
scheduling agreement.

 Note
The lter criteria that you have set apply automatically in the target app.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app was built using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 62

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage Sales Scheduling Agreements

App Extensibility: Sales Scheduling Agreements - Product

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Scheduling Agreements - Product Demand app according to your business needs.

You can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can enable usage of the custom elds for the data source Sales Scheduling Agreements - Product Demand
(SD_SADEMAND) under UIs and Reports and publish the elds.

Business users can then use these custom elds as additional dimensions in the Sales Scheduling Agreements - Product
Demand app.

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis

You can use this app to gain an understanding of the monthly rolling trend of incoming sales orders.

The app provides the following key gures:

Key Figure Description

Net Value Net value of sales order items

Incoming Orders Net value of sales order items that are billing or delivery relevant

Incoming Orders Qty Quantity of sales order items that are billing or delivery relevant

Incoming Items (No.) Number of sales order items that are billing or delivery relevant

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 63

Key Figure Description

Cumul.Con rmed Qty Sales order item quantity that has been con rmed for shipping

Key Features
You can view the monthly rolling trend for sales as a graphic or a table.

You can analyze the net values of aggregated sales order items with the display currency.

You can drill down to view detailed information for selected sales organizations, products, product groups, sold-to
parties, sales document types, and so on.

Example: You can select the sales document type for a drilldown so that you can compare the incoming sales orders in
the available scenarios.

You can lter the items according to various criteria, such as year, month, sales organization, product group, and sold-to

You can change the displayed ID or description.

You can save your selection as a variant.

The app uses the C_SalesOrderItemQry CDS view. To know more about this view, see Sales Order Item - Query.

App Extensibility: Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis

You can extend the Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

Key users can enable usage of custom elds for the data source Analytics - Incoming Sales Order in the UIs and Reports
section and publish the custom elds in the Custom Fields app.

Business users can use the enabled custom elds as dimensions in the Incoming Sales Orders - Flexible Analysis app.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

List Incomplete Sales Documents

With this app, you can search for incomplete sales documents according to your lter criteria and display them in a list. From
the list, you can navigate to related features to display and complete the missing data of the selected sales document.

You can also use precon gured tiles to search for incomplete sales inquiries, sales contracts, sales quotations, sales orders
without charge, debit memo requests, and credit memo requests speci cally. These tiles automatically direct you to the List

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 64
Incomplete Sales Documents app, in which the SD document category is pre-de ned depending on the tile you selected.

Key Features
Search for incomplete sales documents using a free text search

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:



Item Proposal




Order Without Charge

Credit Memo Request

Debit Memo Request

Search for incomplete sales documents based on one or more lter criteria

 Note
We strongly recommend limiting your search results by making use of various lters to avoid performance issues.

Create a variant for the current lter selection and save it for later reference

 Note
SAP delivers a standard lter variant.

Restore the default lter variant

Sort incomplete sales documents in the results list

 Note
SAP delivers a default sort order.

Restore the default sort order

Hide or show columns in the list

 Note
SAP delivers a default column selection.

Restore the default column selection

Group incomplete sales documents in the results list

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 65
Navigate to an incomplete sales document’s incompletion log, either to display or to change data, by selecting a row in
the list

Navigate to the sales document object page to display all the relevant details for the sales document

Supported Device Types



App Extensibility: List Incomplete Sales Documents

You can extend the List Incomplete Sales Documents app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Incomplete Sales Documents in the UIs and Reports section of
the custom eld maintenance and publish the custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Incomplete Sales Documents (Worklist) Sales: Sales Document

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Manage Duplicate Sales Documents

App ID: F2305

With this app, you can search for duplicate sales documents, for example, sales orders, quotations and returns, and reject the
ones not required, to avoid duplicate sales documents being processed multiple times. By rejecting duplicates, you avoid high
costs, for example, due to unnecessary returns, or by causing a product to be out of stock unnecessarily.

You search according to various criteria, such as creation period, sales document, sales document category, sales organization,
sold-to party, created by, and overall status.

The system detects duplicates according to the following criteria:

SD document category

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 66





Order Without Charge

Credit Memo Request

Debit Memo Request

Sales document type

Sales organization

Distribution channel


Sold-to party

Net value (of the sales document)

Transaction currency

Creation date

Customer reference

After checking the duplicates, you can reject the ones that are not relevant. The system then refreshes the list of duplicates,
and the rejected duplicates are no longer displayed.

However, some sales documents might have differing entries and therefore not be duplicates at all. In order to be sure, you can
compare sales documents to check possible different entries to analyze which ones you want to reject. The following entries
might differ between sales documents:

Created by

Requested delivery date

Rejection status

Overall status (for example, if one item has already been delivered)


You can also branch to the sales document object page to see further details.

Key Features
The app starts with a tile, which shows the number of groups of duplicate sales documents that have been created in the
current month. All sales documents with the above identical criteria are grouped together.

In the app itself, the total number of duplicate sales documents is displayed, and the duplicate sales documents are grouped in
the list.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 67

 Note
We recommend that you do not change the criteria by which the duplicates are grouped. If you do, you can restore this
setting by selecting None under Group, Duplicate For under Columns, or Restore .

You can navigate to the sales document object page to display all the relevant details for the sales document.

The following screen areas are available and can all be personalized and saved as variants:

A lter bar, in which you can toggle between a visual lter and compact lter

The visual lter renders lterable micro charts, for example, duplicates by sales document category or sales

The compact lter allows you to lter by creation period and overall status.

Charts which allow you to visualize your results, such as a bar chart, in which you can display the number of duplicates for
a speci c creation period

Here, you can drill down on further dimensions, such as sales office and group.

A table with a list of duplicates grouped by sales document, in which you can hide and show further elds, and from which
you can reject duplicates

 Note
In order to avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your business users restrict the lter on creation
period and sales order data, such as sales organization and sold-to party, in order to keep the results small.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app is built by using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 68


App Extensibility: Manage Duplicate Sales Documents

You can extend the Manage Duplicate Sales Documents app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Manage Duplicate Sales Documents in the UIs and Reports
section of the custom eld maintenance and publish the custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Manage Duplicate Sales Documents (Worklist) Sales: Sales Document

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues

This app allows you to analyze and resolve issues that impede sales orders from being ful lled. With it, you can analyze sales
orders in critical stages, collaborate with contacts, and efficiently address issues to ensure that sales orders in critical stages
are ful lled as quickly as possible. The app highlights impediments, provides supporting information, and allows you to navigate
to Track Sales Order Details to display further details and resolve the issues.

Key Features
This app replaces the Sales Order Ful llment app, and uses an analytical list page application.

The functionality remains the same as the Sales Order Ful llment app, but the presentation of the app has been refreshed and
the personalization options have been enhanced. For example, you can view a combination of transactional and analytical data
using chart and table visualization.

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:


Order Without Charge

Debit Memo Request

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 69
The app starts with a tile with the top 3 issue types.

Examples of issues are missing documents, missing or uncon rmed information, and various types of blocks.

You can use this app to:

Search for sales documents with issues according to speci c criteria (such as sales document, issue, and issue
category), and display your results in charts or a table,

In the lter bar, you can toggle between the compact lter and visual lter in the search area.

Compact Filter

In the compact lter, you can typically lter on issue, sales organization, sold-to party, requested delivery date, or
potential issues.

 Note
You can save your required search criteria from the lter bar, for example, a speci c issue, the method of display (a
speci c chart or table view), and the elds you want to see, for future use.

You do this by saving your view with your own title. You can also save this view as a tile for your home page.

Here are some lter options in the compact lter:

Sold-to party one-time account and ship-to party one-time account

You can lter on sold-to party one-time account and ship-to party one-time account, and display their address in the
customer details in the Track Sales Order Details app.

Product compliance

You can lter on a speci c status related to product compliance, for example, to display sales documents that are
blocked due to product compliance reasons. The following statuses are available:

Product marketability status

Dangerous goods status

Safety data sheet status

 Note

You can also lter on these statuses as dimensions in the chart and in the column in the result table.

In the sales order details, that is, in the Track Sales Order Details app, you can display these statuses on header and
item level for delivery blocks and delivery issues in sales orders, and on header and item level for shipping blocks in

International Trade and SAP Global Trade Services

You can lter on the Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders and Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery and speci c statuses
related to international trade or SAP GTS, to display sales orders that are blocked due to trade compliance reasons.
International trade helps companies better manage international trade operations, ensure ongoing trade compliance,
and optimize the cross-border supply chain.

Depending on the settings you have made, the sales order checks for international trade regulations, and sets the
relevant status for embargo, screening, and legal control. If a sales order item is pending or blocked, subsequent
processes, such as the creation of the delivery, can be blocked.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 70
For further information about SAP GTS, see SAP Global Trade Services, edition for SAP HANA → Select the required
release → Product Assistance → Compliance Management.

The following statuses are available for international trade and SAP GTS:

Embargo status

Legal control status

Screening status

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can display the blocked actions on item level for both Trade Compliance Issue in
Sales Orders and Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery.

Approval Status

In certain cases, it can make sense to make sure that a sales document is rst approved before it can be processed
further. When an approval request is triggered, the system automatically blocks the sales document for further

You can lter on a speci c approval status or statuses.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can display the approval status and approval request reason in the sales
document details and sales document issue details.

For information on how to set up approval work ows, see Setup Example: Approval Work ows in Your System

Purchasing Con rmation Status for Supply Issue in Sales Orders

You can search for a speci c purchasing con rmation status in order to display a supply issue in sales orders.

You can display further details in the Track Sales Order Details app.

Visual Filter

The visual lter renders lterable micro charts with a key performance indicator (KPI) on the top 3 dimensions, for
example, the total number of issues by issue category.

The selections you make in the compact lter for sales group, sales office, sales organization, distribution channel,
division, and sold-to party in uence what is displayed in the visual lters. For example, if you select a speci c sold-to
party in the compact lter, the visual lters show results for this sold-to party only.

The selections you make in the visual lters also in uence each other. For example, if you select a sold-to party in one
visual lter, the second visual lter is reloaded and ltered on this sold-to party, and vice versa.

 Note
Due to technical reasons, the visual lter to display total issues by category is not in uenced by the selections made
in the lters.

Analyze issues in charts and a list

The charts (such as a donut, or bar charts) help you visualize your results. For example, a donut chart displays your lter
results with the total issues for each issue type.

The next action in days (the days shown in the issue list for the next item in days) show the number of days calculated
from today until the next process step is due. The next action in days are calculated depending on various criteria. For
information on how this is calculated, see Calculation of Due Days.

The list shows you the sales order issues in a table in which you can hide and show further elds. For example, you can
display high-level information on the sales orders by showing sales orders with total issues and total issue items, and

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 71
also on a lower level by ltering on follow-up documents (for example, manufacturing order, outbound delivery, billing

The app allows you to analyze and resolve the following issue types in the following issue categories:

In Order:

Incomplete Data in Sales Orders

You can display the type of incompletion, for example, general, delivery, invoicing.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display the incomplete items and their statuses

Change incomplete data to resolve the issue

Delivery Block in Sales Orders

A delivery can be blocked for political reasons, or due to missing credit limit, or a delivery block on an item, You
can contact an expert to clarify the delivery block reason.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display header information and the blocked items

Remove the delivery block on an item

Reject sales order items

Credit Block in Sales Orders

A credit block can exist for a sales order, for example, if a credit check status or payment card status is not

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Re-check the credit for the blocked sales order

Display the credit decision for the blocked sales order, such as the customer's credit limit and credit

Display speci c elds for information on the status reason, for example, credit check status, payment card
status, nancial document status, or export credit insurance status

Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders

Sales orders can be blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Reject sales order items

Display blocked actions

For example, the creation of an outbound delivery might be blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

Uncon rmed Quantities in Sales Orders

In Track Sales Order Details, you can:

Check availability or monitor product availability for the uncon rmed items

Check if the requested quantity is available in the plant and if it is, con rm it.

Supply Issue in Sales Orders

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 72
This issue occurs if a purchase requisition has not yet been transformed into a purchase order in third-party
processing (that is, the purchase order is missing for the sales order).

When you save a sales order that contains one or more third-party items, the system automatically creates a
purchase requisition in Purchasing. Usually, this is done by a background job. Less commonly, it is done manually,
(that is, by the purchaser).

In Track Sales Order Details, you can:

Create the purchase order from the purchase requisition (provided you have the necessary authorization)

For more information, see Authorizations

Contact the responsible purchaser displayed in the contact details of this app to request the creation of a
purchase order

Delivery Issue in Sales Orders

Delivery issues prevent the delivery of ordered products. You can contact an expert , for example, from
warehouse management, to nd out why the delivery has not yet been created.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display speci c items in the sales order

Create a delivery for selected items

You can check sales orders for which the con rmed delivery date is overdue or due soon, and create the
delivery for items belonging to these sales orders.

Billing Block in Sales Orders

Sales orders can be blocked, for example, due to missing calculations or payment terms that have changed. You
can contact an expert , for example, from nancial accounting, to clarify the reason for the billing block.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display header information and the blocked items

Remove the billing block on header and/or item level

Check and edit the payment terms on header/item level

Reject a sales order or multiple sales order items

In Delivery:

Incomplete Data in Delivery

You can display the type of incompletion, for example, general, delivery, invoicing.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display the incomplete items and their statuses

Shipping Block in Delivery

The delivery of a sales order can be blocked, for example, due to missing export papers, or due to product
marketability reasons. If, for example, export papers are missing, you can contact a warehouse clerk or purchaser
at the customer site, for example, to clarify the shipping block reason.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display delivery and shipping details

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 73
Remove the shipping block

Credit Block in Delivery

A credit block can exist for a delivery, for example, if a credit check status or payment card status is not approved.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Re-check the credit for the blocked delivery

Display the credit decision for the blocked delivery, such as the customer's credit limit and credit exposure

Display speci c elds for information on the status reason, for example, credit check status, payment card
status, nancial document status, or export credit insurance status

Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery

Deliveries can be blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display blocked actions

For example, the creation of an outbound delivery might be blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

Shipping Issue in Delivery

You can analyze deliveries with an incorrect or missing post goods issue status. The post goods issue status
indicates that the goods in the delivery have been shipped.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display shipping and delivery information for outbound deliveries that have not been shipped

Trigger the shipping process by posting the goods issue once the problem has been identi ed

Invoicing Issue in Delivery

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Review delivery, invoice, and customer information linked to a delivery for which no invoice is created

Create an invoice to allow the delivery process to continue to the next step

In Invoice:

No Journal Entry Created

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Review information for an invoice for which no journal entry has been created.

For example, the invoice may not have been transferred to Accounting.

Create a journal entry to allow the invoicing process to continue to the next step.

In Supply:

Purchasing Issue in Supply

You can check the purchase order status to see why an issue has occurred, for example, if the purchase order is
not completely delivered or invoiced. You can contact an expert to clarify the details.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 74
Display the status of overdue items, such as items pending for goods receipt, and display purchasing

Display items with the delivery schedule and purchasing item details, and additional information such as
delivery quantities, delivery, and invoice status

Navigate to the purchase order

Manufacturing Issue in Supply

You can check the manufacturing order status to see why an issue has occurred, for example, if the production
end date or release date is overdue. You can contact an expert to clarify the details.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can:

Display manufacturing details, such as production start and end dates, sales order and customer details

Carry out the following mass actions directly from the list of sales documents with issues:

Reject all items

Remove all delivery blocks

Remove all billing blocks

Export the list to a spreadsheet for further processing

Navigate to other apps for further information

You can navigate to the Track Sales Order Details app to display further details and carry out actions to resolve these
issues. Here, the sales order and its subsequent documents and issues are displayed in a tree, with the business details
for each document. Depending on the issue type, you can display further information, for example, shipping, delivery, and
customer details for an invoicing issue in delivery.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app is built by using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

Open this video in a new window

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 75

Working with Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues (English Only)
Watch the video to see an example of how to work with this app.

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Track Sales Order Details
Sales Order Ful llment (Obsolete)
Product Marketability Check in Sales Processes
Product Marketability Check in Delivery Processes
Dangerous Goods Check in Sales Processes
Dangerous Goods Check in Delivery Processes
Safety Data Sheet Check in Sales Processes
Safety Data Sheet Check in Delivery Processes
International Trade

App Extensibility: Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve

You can extend the Sales Order Ful llment – Analyze and Resolve Issues app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 76
Key users can enable usage of their custom elds for the data source Sales Order Ful llment Issues in the UIs and Reports
section of the custom eld maintenance in the Custom Fields app and publish their custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Sales Documents with Issues Sales: Sales Document

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Calculation of Due Days

The due days (the days shown in the issue list for the next item in days) show the number of days calculated from today until
the next process step is due, in order to ful ll a sales order. This next process step depends on the issue category (whether the
issue you want to resolve occurs in the sales order, in supply, in the delivery, or in the invoice), and on the issue type (such as
delivery block, billing block, or invoice issue). Depending on this, the system uses different dates to calculate the due days (such
as the product availability date, the shipping date, the picking date, or the billing date).


For a sales order with a delivery block, the next step would be the creation of the delivery document. For the calculation
of the due days, the system uses the next product availability date from the schedule lines of the sales order.

For a sales order for which the delivery has already taken place, but the payment terms are still missing, the next step
would be billing. For the calculation of the due days, the system uses the billing date of the delivery that has not yet been

The following table shows you which dates are used to calculate the due days for each issue category and issue:

Issue Category Issue Date Used for Calculation

In sales order Billing block in sales orders

If sales order is open or not yet
delivered, the next planned
Credit block in sales orders shipping date in the sales order
schedule line

If sales order is delivered, the

Incomplete data in sales orders
billing date in the delivery

Delivery block in sales orders Product availability date from the delivery
schedule line

Supply issue in sales orders If sales order schedule line is con rmed,
the delivery creation date; otherwise, the
Delivery issue in sales orders delivery creation date from the requested
schedule line
Trade compliance issue in sales orders

Uncon rmed quantities in sales orders

In supply Purchasing issue in supply Delivery date of the purchase order item

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 77

Issue Category Issue Date Used for Calculation

Manufacturing issue in supply Scheduled and con rmed start and nish
dates for production

In delivery Credit block in delivery Depending on the transportation planning

status and overall picking status, the
Incomplete data in delivery system uses the picking date,
transportation planning date, or planned
Shipping block in delivery
goods issue date
Shipping issue in delivery

Trade compliance issue in delivery

In invoice No journal entry created

If delivery is not yet invoiced, the
delivery billing date
Invoicing issue in delivery
If delivery is invoiced, the invoice
billing date

In order to carry out speci c actions, for example, change data in a billing document, you need to assign speci c business

The Internal Sales Representative business role allows you to display and change all objects related to sales orders. However, if
you want to display or change objects from external applications, such as Billing or Materials Management, you need speci c
business catalogs.

The table below provides an overview of which business catalogs are required for which actions:

Action Required Business Catalog

Display and change billing document Sales - Billing Document

Display and change outbound delivery Logistics Execution - Outbound Deliveries

Display and change purchase order Materials Management - Purchase Orders

Display production order Production - Order Display

Release for delivery (for uncon rmed quantities in sales order) ATP - Requirement Processing

 Note
A key user can restrict the authorizations for their users by allowing all actions, no actions, or speci c actions, for example,
by restricting the activity, that is, change or display authorization for a billing type (for example, credit memo, invoice), or a
sales organization.

Process Flow

Which Process Flow Status is Displayed When?

The process ow displays the last open status and, if no status is open, the last completed status.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 78
If transportation planning, picking and packing are completed for a delivery, and shipping is planned, although not completed,
the system shows the last successful step, in this case, that the items are fully picked, alongside the date for which shipping is

Example 1

If transportation planning is completed for a delivery, but picking is still open, the system shows that the items are not yet
picked, as shown in the following example:

Example 2

If all statuses are completed, the last completed status is displayed, for example, the date on which the items were shipped, as
shown in the example below:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 79

Example 3

Sales Order Ful llment (Obsolete)

This app allows you to resolve issues that impede sales orders from being ful lled. The cockpit offers you a list of all sales orders
that cannot be completed for one or more reasons. The cockpit highlights impediments, and provides supporting information
and speci c options to resolve issues. The app allows you to keep track of sales orders in critical stages, collaborate with
internal and external contacts, and efficiently address issues to ensure that sales orders in critical stages are ful lled as quickly
as possible.

 Note
The Sales Order Ful llment app is now obsolete and has therefore been deleted from the Sales - Sales Order Processing
business catalog. If you have not already done so, please switch to the Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues
app immediately.

 Note
The standard app shows all possible sales order ful llment issues that exist in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales
organizations or other characteristics. The issues are displayed in the main issue list.

In order to avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see.

Example 1: You only analyze issues in a professional service scenario. Therefore, you can de ne the sales order type SO01 as
a lter for your own tile.

Example 2: You only analyze issues for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a speci c sales
organization, sales order or issue type.

 Note
The Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app offers renewed functionality to the Sales Order Ful llment app.
For more information, see Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 80
The following tiles are available for this app:

Sales Order Ful llment - Resolve Issues

This tile provides you with the functions referred to above.

Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze Issues

This tile allows you to display issues graphically by using charts, and to access them in an analytical manner. For example,
you could compare the number of issues for your sales organization.

 Note
If you are working with the sales manager role, you may not be able to resolve sales order issues. You can solve this by
adding the relevant business catalogs from the internal sales rep role to the sales manager role.

Note that if you have different currencies for your sales organizations, you need to lter on a speci c sales organization
rst, to see the results in one currency.

Sales Order Ful llment - Issues in Next 7 Days

This provides you with your weekly workload, pre-con gured to show all overdue issues and all issues due in the next 7

With this tile, you can distinguish between actual issues and potential issues.

You work with potential issues to view and work on a preview of upcoming overdue situations, in order to avoid overdue
situations in the future.

Actual issues include blocks, for example, credit blocks, and status blocks, for example, credit status.

Potential issues are unspeci c issues that usually rely on a due or overdue situation that may become effective in the
future. Potential issues include delivery, purchasing, manufacturing, shipping, and invoicing issues, for example, a delivery
issue for a sales order that will be transferred to an outbound delivery in the coming days.

The potential issues are displayed in black and not as minus values, as they are only potential.

If you do not want to see potential issues, your key user (using the Analytics Specialist role) has to deactivate this in the
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Workspace for the Sales Order Ful llment KPI. They do so by adapting the
corresponding evaluation, and setting a lter on IsPotentialFutureIssue under Input Parameters and Filters.

You can also use the following tiles to display and resolve speci c issues. The tiles show the number of issues (Resolve
Incomplete Data, Resolve Credit Block) or the top 3 reasons (Resolve Delivery Block, Resolve Billing Block), for example, delivery
block or billing block reasons.

You can personalize these tiles as required. Note that your personalization changes only affect the corresponding tile, and not
the other Sales Order Ful llment tiles:

Resolve Incomplete Data

This tile provides a list of all incomplete sales orders or deliveries, separated according to sales order or item. It displays
the type of incompletion, for example, general, delivery, invoicing, and, if you have carried out an action, the result of the
last action, for example, sales order rejected and why.

If you choose Resolve Incomplete Data , you navigate to the incompletion log to edit the log directly.

Note that you branch to a separate screen, meaning the resolving of incomplete data is not logged on the current
screen. However, if you refresh, the issue disappears from your list.

Resolve Delivery Block

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 81
This tile provides a list of all sales orders blocked for delivery, with the delivery block reason, for example, missing credit
limit, delivery block on item, and, if you have carried out an action, the result of the last action, for example, sales order
rejected and why, or delivery block removed.

Resolve Credit Block

This tile provides a list of all sales orders and deliveries with a credit block, if you have carried out an action, with the
result of the last action, for example, sales order rejected and why, or credit block removed.

From here, you can re-check or display the credit decision for blocked sales orders, such as the customer’s credit limit
and credit exposure, and, if the credit exposure has not exceeded the credit limit, release the sales order here directly.

You can also branch from here to the account master data, to display detailed credit account information, such as
payment history.

In the case of a credit block in a sales order or delivery, speci c elds provide information from the sales order or delivery
for the status reason, for example, credit check or payment card status.

The following elds are displayed under Customer Details:

Payment Terms

Next Credit Check On

One of the following elds is displayed under Credit Status, depending on which is relevant and con gured:

Financial Document Status

Export Credit Insurance Status

Payment Card Status

Credit Check Status

 Note
Alternative tiles are available for Resolve Delivery Block and Resolve Billing Block if you only work with object status,
and not with blocks.

You can add these alternative tiles to your home page by selecting them in the tile catalog.

Resolve Billing Block

This tile provides a list of all sales orders blocked for billing, with the billing block reason, for example, blocked due to
payment terms, and, if you have carried out an action, the result of the last action, for example, sales order rejected and
why, or delivery block removed.

You use the cockpit to keep track of, resolve and collaborate the following issue types:

Billing blocks

Incomplete data

Delivery blocks in sales orders and other delivery issues

Credit blocks in sales orders and delivery

Uncon rmed quantities

Issues in supply, in purchase orders and manufacturing orders

Shipping blocks in deliveries and other shipping issues

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 82
Invoice issues and accounting issues for invoices

Key Features
With this app, you can address problems arising during the sales order ful llment process. The application allows you, as an
internal sales representative, to manage, keep track of, and collaborate on solutions to resolve issues. Examples of issues are
missing documents, missing or uncon rmed information, and various types of blocks.

The due days (the days shown in the column Next Action in Days) show the number of days calculated from today until the next
process step is due, that is needed to ful ll a sales order. This next process step depends on the issue category, that is, whether
the issue you want to resolve occurs in the sales order, in the delivery or in the invoice, and it depends on the issue type, such as
delivery block, billing block or invoice issue. Depending on that, the system uses different dates to calculate the due days shown
in the issue list, such as the product availability date, the shipping date, the picking date, or the billing date.


For a sales order with a delivery block the next step would be the creation of the delivery document. For the calculation of
due days the system uses the next product availability date from the schedule lines of the sales order.

For a sales order for which the delivery already has taken place, but the payment terms are still missing, the next step
would be billing only. For the due days calculation the system uses the billing date of the delivery that has not yet been

Issue Category Speci c Issue Date Used for Calculation

In sales order Logistics, such as delivery Product availability date from the delivery schedule line

Business, such as billing block

If sales order is open or not yet delivered, the next planned
shipping date in the sales order schedule line

If sales order is delivered, the billing date in the delivery


In supply Purchasing Delivery date of the purchase order item

Manufacturing (production or Scheduled and con rmed start and nish dates for production
process order)

In delivery Picking Picking date

Shipping Shipping date

In invoice
If delivery is not yet invoiced, the delivery billing date

If delivery is invoiced, the invoice billing date

You can use the application to search for speci c sales orders. You can also lter the list of issues according to the stage at
which it occurs. The stages are as follows:

In order

In supply

In delivery

In invoice

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 83
You can navigate directly from the Sales Order column in the main issue list to the sales order object page, and also to all
related apps, for example, to change the sales order.

 Note
From the main issue list, you can either navigate to the issue details screen and solve the issues one after another, or
navigate to the process ow and resolve the issues from there one after another in the context of the business objects, such
as sales order, delivery, and invoice.

The process ow provides you with a quick overview of the complete process, and shows you the issues in the context of the
business objects close-by. For example, you can see at a glance whether sales orders have been partially delivered and not
invoiced, and the reason behind this. You can resolve the issues straight away, from within the process ow and can see the
status of the process stage, for example, all issues in sales orders, moving graphically from red to green if you have resolved
all issues.

For more information, see Process Flow.

If your decision is not dependent on further insights, you do not need to branch to the details screen, but you can solve the
issues immediately in the initial screen, for example, by removing a billing block.

This app provides you with an overview of the current order ful llment situation, enabling you to keep track of, manage and
collaborate on sales order processing so that agreements between customer and company can be easily ful lled in time and

The following list explains all possible activities of this app.

Note that all possible actions are displayed. If they are not relevant for a speci c issue, they are grayed out.

Choose the activities relevant for your business:

Resolve Billing Block in Sales Orders: You can address billing blocks that prevent sales orders from proceeding. Sales
orders can be blocked by, for example, missing calculations or payment terms that have changed. You can remove the
billing block, or contact an expert from nancial accounting, for example, to clarify the billing block reason. You can also
do the following:

Display header information and the list of blocked items

Display details for each blocked item

Add and display attachments to provide missing or additional information

Remove the billing block on header level and/or item level

Check and edit the payment terms on header and/or item level

Reject a sales order and multiple sales order items

Resolve Incomplete Data in Sales Orders: You can provide missing data for sales orders. You can do this by, for example,
contacting an expert to provide the missing information. You can also do the following:

Display header with completeness indicators, and information on delivery and shipping

Display items with completeness indicators and item details, and additional information such as delivery
quantities and shipping plan

Add and display attachments to provide and display missing or additional information

Edit the incompletion log to resolve incomplete data

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 84
Reject a sales order and reject multiple sales order items

Resolve Credit Block in Sales Orders: You can address credit blocks in sales orders that prevent them from proceeding.
You can also do the following:

Re-check the credit limit to see if the sales order can be ful lled

Display the credit decision for blocked sales orders, such as the customer’s credit limit and credit exposure and, if
the credit exposure has not exceeded the credit limit, release the credit here directly.

You can also branch from here to the account master data, to display detailed credit account history information
such as payment history.

Add and display attachments to provide and display missing or additional information

Reject the sales order

Change the sales order

Resolve Delivery Block in Sales Orders: You can address delivery blocks that prevent sales orders from proceeding. The
delivery can be blocked for political reasons, for example. You can remove the delivery block, or contact an expert to
clarify the delivery block reason. You can also do the following:

Display header information and the list of blocked items

Display details for each blocked item

Add and display attachments to provide and display missing or additional information

Remove the delivery block on header level and/or item level

Reject a sales order and reject multiple sales order items

Resolve Delivery Issue for Sales Orders: You can address issues that prevent the delivery of ordered products. You can
check sales orders where the con rmed delivery date is overdue or close to due, and create the delivery for items that
belong to those sales orders. You can create the delivery for the sales orders listed, or contact an expert from
warehouse management, for example, to nd out why the delivery has not been created yet. You can also do the

Display information about shipping and delivery, and related customer details

Add and display attachments to provide and display missing or additional information

Navigate to speci c items in the sales order

Create a delivery for selected items of a sales order from the item detail screen

Create an alternative delivery for multiple items of a sales order

You can choose several sales order items and create a delivery for them. The delivery is created for the latest
delivery date of all items selected. With Select All you can also mark all items and create a delivery for all sales
order items. The status of the sales order header in the overall view of sales orders is updated to Issue Solved, if
the delivery could be created successfully for all items.

Reject a sales order and reject multiple sales order items

Resolve Uncon rmed Quantities in Sales Orders: You can con rm quantities of products to allow further processing of
sales orders. You can check if the ordered quantity is available in the delivering plant and if it is, con rm the ordered
quantities. You can also do the following:

Display information about shipping and delivery, and related customer details

Add and display attachments to provide and display missing or additional information

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 85
Navigate to speci c items in the sales order

Monitor product availability

Release uncon rmed issues for delivery

Reject a sales order and reject multiple sales order items

Keep Track of Purchasing Issue in Supply: You can keep track of issues with purchase orders. You can contact an expert to
provide missing information. You can also do the following:

Display header with status of overdue items, such as items pending for goods receipt, and information on

Display items with delivery schedule and purchasing item details, and additional information such as delivery
quantities and delivery and invoice status

You can navigate to the back-end system and display the purchase order

Keep Track of Manufacturing Issue in Supply: You can keep track of issues with production and process orders. You can
contact an expert to provide missing information. You can also do the following:

Display header with manufacturing details, such as production start and nish dates, sales order and customer

You can navigate to the back-end system and display the production order or process order

Resolve Incomplete Deliveries: You can provide missing data for deliveries. You can do this by, for example, contacting an
expert to provide the missing information. You can also do the following:

Display header with completeness indicators, and information on delivery and shipping

Display items with completeness indicators and item details, and additional information such as delivery

Resolve Credit Block in Deliveries: You can address credit blocks in sales orders that prevent them from proceeding. You
can also do the following:

Re-check the credit limit for the delivery to see if the delivery can be released for shipping

Display the credit decision for blocked sales orders, such as the customer's credit limit and credit exposure, and, if
the credit exposure has not exceeded the credit limit, release the credit here directly

You can also branch from here to the account master data, to display detailed credit account information, such as
payment history.

Change the outbound delivery

Resolve Shipping Issue in Delivery: You can address deliveries with an incorrect or missing post goods issue status. The
post goods issue status indicates that the goods in the delivery have been shipped. You can do the following:

Display shipping and delivery information for outbound deliveries that have not been shipped

Trigger the shipping process once the problem is identi ed

Resolve Shipping Block in Delivery: You can address shipping blocks that prevent a delivery from shipping. The delivery of
the sales order can be blocked because export papers are missing, for example. You can remove the shipping block, or
contact a warehouse clerk or a purchaser at customer site, for example, to clarify the shipping block reason. You can also
display delivery and shipping details.

Resolve Invoicing Issue for Delivery: You can review delivery, invoice, and customer information linked to a delivery for
which no invoice was created. You can manually trigger the invoice creation process that allows the delivery process to
continue to the next step.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 86
Resolve Accounting Issue for Invoice: You can review information for an invoice for which no accounting information was
created. For example, the customer invoice may not have been transferred to accounting. Once you have identi ed the
reason, you can manually trigger the creation of the journal entry that allows the invoicing process to continue to the
next step.

Supported Device Types



Related Information
For more information on which business catalogs are required for which actions, see Authorizations.

App Implementation: Sales Order Ful llment

System Landscape Requirements

For information about the system requirements, see SAP Fiori Overview.

 Note
The app offers the possibility to upload les. For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you install an appropriate
virus scanner in your SAP Fiori system landscape and de ne sufficiently restrictive scan pro les to prevent the upload of
malicious content.

For more information on virus scanning and scan pro les for apps, see section Virus Scanning in the SAP S/4HANA Security
Guide .

Tile Type for Launching App

The <Sales Order Ful llment> analytical app is launched using a KPI tile.

This KPI requires an evaluation that speci es one or more input parameters. For more information see Con guration Settings:
Sales Order Ful llment.

Implementation Tasks
The following sections list tasks that have to be performed to implement the Sales Order Ful llment app. The tables contain the
app-speci c data required for these tasks.

Front-End Server : Activate OData Services

Component Technical Name





This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 87

Component Technical Name


For more information about activating OData services, see Activating OData Services.

Front-End Server : Activate SAP UI5 Application

Component Technical Name

SAP UI5 Application /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/soful l_mons1

Generic Drill-Down Application /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/resources/sap/suite/ui/smartbusiness/drilldown/

For more information about how to activate the ICF service, see Activate ICF Services of SAPUI5 Application.

Front-End Server : Enable App for Access in SAP Fiori Launchpad

The SAP Fiori launchpad is the entry point to apps. In the launchpad, the user can see and access those apps that have been
assigned by an administrator to the catalog designed for this user's role.

The administrator makes these assignments in the launchpad designer. For more information, see User Management and

SAP delivers technical catalogs for groups of apps as repositories to create your own catalogs in the launchpad designer. Along
with these catalogs, more technical content is delivered for each SAP Fiori app. You can nd the delivered technical content for
each SAP Fiori app in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.

Front-End and Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorizations to Users

To grant speci c users access to OData services, you have to assign roles (including OData service authorization for the app) to
your users. You have to make the assignment on the front-end server:

OData Service (Version Number) Front-End Server: Authorization Role

LORD_ODATA_ORDER_SRV (1) Use the predelivered SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP role or

create a new one.
sd_sofm_credit_block_srv (1)

sd_sofm_delivery_srv_01 (1)

sd_sofm_invoice_srv (1)

sd_sofm_srv (1)

You must assign OData service authorizations for the KPI to your users.

 Caution
Several authorization default values are connected to the OData service. To ensure that all these default values are
assigned to a user, you have to follow the instructions given under the documentation links provided.

Make the assignment on the back-end server and on the front-end server:

On the back-end server, a dedicated authorization role (PFCG role) for the OData service is delivered as an example. You
can copy this role and adjust it to your needs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 88
For more information, see Back-End Server: Assign OData Service Authorization to Users.

On the front-end server, you must assign the OData service authorization to a new or existing role, such as a business
role that has been adjusted according to your needs.

For more information, see Add Start Authorizations for OData Services to Role on Front-End and Front-End Server:
Assign Roles to Users.

More Information

For more information about implementing this app, see the SAP Fiori apps reference library at
https:// x/externalViewer/.

Con guration Settings: Sales Order Ful llment

This document contains con guration information for the Sales Order Ful llment app.

SAP Jam Integration

For information on how to con gure SAP Jam, see .

SAP Smart Business Modeler

Before you can use this app, you need to con gure it using the SAP Smart Business Modeler. For more information, see SAP
Smart Business Modeler Apps.

 Note
You can edit the following details related to an SAP-delivered evaluation:

Parameters values

Filter values


Semantic object and action

You can also revert the changes you make to SAP-delivered evaluations. When you upgrade to the next version of SAP Smart
Business Modeler apps, the changes made to the SAP-delivered evaluation in the existing version will be merged with the
new version.

KPI: Sales Order Ful llment Issues


KPI Description: Displays number of issues that are due across sales orders in ful llment (in order, in delivery, in invoice)

Goal Type: Minimizing

Data Source

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 89

Parameter Entry

OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/SD_SOFM_SRV

Entity Set SalesOrderFulfillmentIssueQuerySet

Value Measure NmbrOfAllIssues

Semantic Object/Action SalesOrderFul llmentIssue/analyzeKPIDetails for the custom


SalesOrderFul llmentIssue/analyzeSBKPIDetailsS4HANA for the

generic drilldown


You need to create your own evaluation as follows:

Evaluation ID: Your own Evaluation ID

Data Source

Parameter Value

OData Service /sap/opu/odata/sap/SD_SOFM_SRV

Entity Set SalesOrderFulfillmentIssueQuerySet

Scaling Factor Auto

Targets, Thresholds, and Trend

This table shows some example values.

Parameter Value Example Value

Goal Type Minimizing -

Value Type Fixed Value -

Critical 50

Warning 10

Target 0

Input Parameters and Filters

The following tables show the input parameters, lters, and some precon gured example values. Use your own values where
required, according to the data in your backend system.

Input Parameter Type Operator Example Value Explanation

Sales Organization Filter Equal to 0001 Enter the sales

organization that you use
in your SAP S/4HANA

Issue Filter Equal to SO01 SO01 means incomplete

Data in sales orders

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 90

You can create two different kinds of tiles:

A tile with direct navigation to a custom drill-down app

Use this tile to display issues directly. For example, you could display all issues of a sales organization or delivery blocked
issues only.

A tile for generic drill-down

Use this tile for the generic drill down to display issues graphically by using charts and access them in an analytical way.
For example, you could compare the net value of issues for different sales organizations. From the generic drill-down tile
you can access the custom drill-down app with the selection criteria already chosen via Open In.

 Example
Example for the Creation of a New Tile

Predicted Delivery Delay

This app allows you to identify potential delays for open sales orders regarding the predicted delay of the planned delivery to
the customer. The app enables you to take action early on to avoid a possible delay, for example, by instantly recognizing issues
and triggering the appropriate actions.

It does this by focusing on the Predicted Delay of Delivery Creation and Predicted Delivery Processing Delay.

If you previously created your own use cases in the Predictive Scenarios (Deprecated) app, you now need to migrate these to
Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM) to see them in the Intelligent Scenarios app.

For information about how to proceed, see Prerequisites for Working With PAi.

Key Features
The app starts with a tile, which shows the predicted number of sales order items for open orders that will be on time, delayed,
and early.

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:


Order Without Charge

You can use the app to:

Display the planned delivery creation date, the requested delivery date, the predicted delay of delivery creation, the
predicted delay of delivery processing, and the overall predicted delivery delay for sales document items

Note that the planned delivery creation date is only calculated for the con rmed schedule lines.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 91
The system can predict the delivery creation delay and delivery processing delay based on what it has learned from the
training of the predictive model.

 Note
To display the predicted values, you must:

Enable prediction by using an active version of the default model in the prede ned predictive scenario for
predicted delivery creation delay (PRDTDELIVCRTNDELAY) and predicted delivery processing delay

Both these scenarios are located in the ODATA_SD_PREDICTED_DELIVERY catalog in the Predictive
Scenarios (Deprecated) and Intelligent Scenarios app.

Create a model version by training the model with different sets of data using the Predictive Models
(Deprecated) or Intelligent Scenario Management app.

 Note
The accuracy of predictions depends on the distribution and quality of your training data.

If training is successful and you are satis ed with the results, apply the version that you want by setting it as
the active version.

If you have not activated the model version, or if there is no apply data (that is, the new data that will be run
through the model), the app displays the overall status and predicted value as not predicted.

 Note
For performance and business reasons, and to ensure you receive good quality data to train the model of your
training data, it is important that you focus on a time frame that makes sense from a business point of view, and
which does not receive too many records at once. We recommend that you only set lters for the areas/ elds for
which you are responsible.

You can save these settings under My Views, both in the compact lter and in the results list. For example, you can
set up a view for the next 7 days. You can then save your view as a tile via the Share button at the top right of the

Another example for your own view could be a speci c plant, method of display (a speci c chart or table view), and
further elds you want to see.

For the training of the Predicted Delay of Delivery Creation, it uses the planned delivery creation date to focus on the
creation of deliveries as follow-ups to open sales orders. It does this by using past data to compare the planned delivery
creation date (from the con rmed schedule line of sales order items that have already been delivered) with the actual
delivery creation date of the corresponding delivery.

For the training of the Predicted Delivery Processing Delay, the system uses past data to compare the planned goods
issue date of all deliveries for which goods issue is completed with the actual goods movement date of the follow-up
deliveries. This calculation is carried out for every delivery for the corresponding sales order item. The system then takes
the maximum delivery processing delay of the above deliveries (that is, the delivery with the highest delay) as the
Predicted Delivery Processing Delay.

The following table shows an example of how the system calculates the Predicted Delivery Processing Delay. It shows
two deliveries with one delivery item. Each delivery has a different planned goods issue date and actual goods movement
date. The system takes the highest delay of 8 days as the Predicted Delivery Processing Delay.

Example of How The Predicted Delivery Processing Delay is Calculated

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 92

Sales Order Sales Order Delivery Delivery Item Planned Goods Actual Goods Delivery
Item Issue Date Movement Processing
Date Delay in Days

05 10 01 10 20.01.2017 27.01.2017 7

05 10 02 10 21.01.2017 29.01.2017 8

The app also displays the Overall Predicted Delivery Delay Status for the Predicted Delivery Creation Delay and
Predicted Delivery Processing Delay.

The following overall statuses are available and are determined in this sequence:


For example, if one of the predictions is late and the other is early, the overall status is late.


If one of the predictions is early and the other is on time, the overall status is early.

On Time

If one of the predictions is on time and the other is not predicted, the overall status is on time.

Not Predicted

If both predictions are not predicted, that is, no training has taken place for either of the predictive attributes, the
overall status is also not predicted.

The table below shows some examples of how each overall status can be determined. Note that it does not show every
possible case.

Examples of How Each Overall Status Can Be Determined

Sales Order Predicted Delay of Delivery Predicted Delivery Overall Predicted Delivery
Creation in Days Processing Delay in Days Delay Status

01 1 (Late) -1 (Early) Late

02 -1 (Early) 0 (On Time) Early

03 0 Not Predicted On Time

04 Not Predicted Not Predicted Not Predicted

The following graphic shows the overall process of how the delivery delay is predicted, including where the Predicted
Delay of Delivery Creation and the Predicted Delivery Processing Delay occur in the overall process:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 93

Toggle between compact lter and visual lters

Compact Filter

You can use the compact lter to lter on sales document, sold-to party, sales organization, product, and plant.

You can search for sales document and sold-to party with the fuzzy search

You can add more lters, such as distribution channel, route, plant, or MRP area

The selections you make in the compact lter for sales group, sales office, sales organization, distribution channel, plant,
division, and sold-to party in uence what is displayed in the visual lters. For example, if you select a speci c sold-to
party in the compact lter, the visual lters show results for this sold-to party only.

 Note
The standard app shows the predicted delay for all open sales document items that exist in your system, regardless
of scenarios, sales organizations, or other characteristics.

In order to avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that you restrict your lter to the speci c open sales
document items for which you want to see the predicted delays.

SAP recommends that you lter on documents with a planned delivery creation date and/or requested delivery date
in the future, in order to be able to react to possible delays in advance. You do this by setting the date to the future,
for example, 1 -2 weeks from now, in the corresponding elds in the compact lter.

In the compact lter, you can set a speci c date range as a time period, for example, for the requested delivery date.
If, for example, you set the date range to the next 7 days for the requested delivery date, you see which sales orders
your customer expects to receive in the next 7 days, that is, the coming week, that might contain issues, that is, sales
orders with a predicted delay. In addition, you can sort the requested delivery date in the result list to ascending to
see the sales documents that are most likely to have future issues rst, and take action on these if necessary.

Visual Filters

You can use the visual lters to display the number of items by sold-to party and the number of items by plant.

The selections you make in the visual lters also in uence each other. For example, if you select a sold-to party or plant in
one visual lter, the second visual lter is reloaded and ltered on this sold-to party, and vice versa.

Note that for technical reasons, the visual lter Issues Total by Issue Category is not in uenced by the selections made in
the lters.

Display a combination of transactional and analytical data using chart and table visualization
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 94
The chart is color-coded to show how critical a delay is. The table shows sales document items with the predicted
delivery creation delay and total predicted delivery delay status, along with sales document, sales document item, sold-
to party, product, requested quantity, and delivery creation date. The total predicted delivery delay status is color-coded
to re ect how critical a delay is.

You can hide and show further elds in the table, for example, blocks, incompletion status, and con rmation status.

Display further details

You can navigate to the object page for sold-to party, the product master data, and the sales document for the relevant

You can share the analytical list page via email or as a tile for quick and easy collaboration.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app is built by using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

Open this video in a new window

Predicted Delivery Delay (English Only)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 95

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Predictive Models App

App Extensibility: Predicted Delivery Delay

You can extend the Predicted Delivery Delay app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

Key users can enable usage of their custom elds for the data source Predicted Delivery Delay in the UIs and Reports section
of the custom eld maintenance in the Custom Fields app and publish their custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Open Sales Document Items Sales: Sales Document Item

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

In order to carry out speci c actions, for example, change data in a billing document, you need to assign speci c business

The Internal Sales Representative business role allows you to display and change all objects related to sales orders. However, if
you want to display or change objects from external applications, such as Billing or Materials Management, you need speci c
business catalogs.

The table below provides an overview of which business catalogs are required for which actions:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 96

Action Required Business Catalog

Display and change billing document Sales - Billing Document

Display and change outbound delivery Logistics Execution - Outbound Deliveries

Display and change purchase order Materials Management - Purchase Orders

Display production order Production - Order Display

Release for delivery (for uncon rmed quantities in sales order) ATP - Requirement Processing

 Note
A key user can restrict the authorizations for their users by allowing all actions, no actions, or speci c actions, for example,
by restricting the activity, that is, change or display authorization for a billing type (for example, credit memo, invoice), or a
sales organization.

Track Sales Orders

With this app, you can check whether a sales order's ful llment is on track. You can immediately recognize whether the sales
order contains issues, and whether it is complete, or still in process. For example, you can see whether it has been shipped,
invoiced, or whether the corresponding journal entry in accounting has been cleared. If, for example, a customer or manager
asks for information about one or more orders belonging to a speci c customer, you can use this app to provide this information

You can also navigate to the Track Sales Order Details app to visualize the sales order ful llment status of a speci c sales order
and its subsequent documents in more detail.

Key Features
You can use this app to do the following:

Search for the required sales order by entering search criteria, such as sales document number (sales order, sales order
without charge, debit memo request), sold-to party, requested delivery date, document date, customer reference.

If you have set default values in the settings (for example, search settings), these are copied to your search criteria.

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:


Order Without Charge

Debit Memo Request

 Note
To avoid performance issues and to keep the results small, we strongly recommend that you restrict the lters on
sales order data such as sales order number, customer reference, sold-to party, and requested delivery date or
document date.

Here are some examples of further search criteria:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 97
Product Compliance

You can search for a speci c status (that is, product marketability status, dangerous goods status, and safety data sheet
status) related to product compliance, to display sales orders that are blocked due to product compliance reasons.

International Trade and SAP Global Trade Services

You can search for a speci c status (that is, legal control status, embargo status, and screening status) related to
international trade or SAP GTS to display sales orders that are blocked for delivery due to trade compliance reasons.
International Trade helps companies better manage trade operations, ensure ongoing trade compliance, and optimize
the cross-border supply chain.

Depending on the Customizing settings you have made, the sales order checks for international trade regulations, and
sets the relevant status for legal control, embargo, and screening. If a sales order item is pending, (that is, decision
pending or blocked), subsequent processes, such as the creation of the delivery, can be blocked.

Sold-To Party One-Time Account

You can search for a sold-to party one-time account, and display their address in the customer details in the Track Sales
Order Details app.

Purchasing Con rmation Status for Supply Issue in Sales Orders

You can search for a speci c purchasing con rmation status to display a supply issue in sales orders.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can display the approval status and approval request reason on header and
item level, and navigate to the purchase requisition from the schedule line details.

Gain an overview of the entire order-to-cash process, including the sales document data, issues (if any occur), and the
overall ful llment status for the process phases.

 Note
You can display further details (for example, the process ow, individual statuses, such as shipping and invoicing
status, subsequent documents, issues, and items) by navigating from the results list to the Track Sales Order Details

The following process phases are available in the results list of the Track Sales Orders app:

Order Processing

The overall sales order status combined with possible issues.

Supply Processing

The overall supply status regarding purchasing or manufacturing, combined with possible issues.


The overall transportation status combined with possible issues.

Delivery Processing

The overall shipping status combined with possible issues.

 Note
A sales order can contain more than one delivery. If one delivery is completed, and another is not yet
processed, the overall status is displayed as partially processed in the process ow.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 98
The overall invoice status combined with possible issues.

In Transit

The overall proof of delivery status without any issues.


The overall clearing status without any issues.

Carry out the following mass actions from the list:

Reject all items

Set delivery block

Remove delivery block

Set billing block

Remove billing block

Export to spreadsheet for further processing

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Track Sales Order Details
International Trade Compliance

In order to carry out speci c actions, for example, change data in a billing document, you need to assign speci c business

The Internal Sales Representative business role allows you to display and change all objects related to sales orders. However, if
you want to display or change objects from external applications, such as Billing or Materials Management, you need speci c
business catalogs.

The table below provides an overview of which business catalogs are required for which actions:

Action Required Business Catalog

Display and change billing document Sales - Billing Document

Display and change outbound delivery Logistics Execution - Outbound Deliveries

Display and change purchase order Materials Management - Purchase Orders

Display production order Production - Order Display

Release for delivery (for uncon rmed quantities in sales order) ATP - Requirement Processing

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 99
A key user can restrict the authorizations for their users by allowing all actions, no actions, or speci c actions, for example,
by restricting the activity, that is, change or display authorization for a billing type (for example, credit memo, invoice), or a
sales organization.

App Extensibility: Track Sales Orders

You can extend the Track Sales Orders app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document.

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Track Sales Orders in the UIs and Reports section of the custom
eld maintenance and publish the custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Sales Documents (Worklist) Sales: Sales Document

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Skill: Track Sales Orders

Find sales documents in the process phase in which they currently occur. Display further data related to the sales document, for
example, customer reference or sold-to party.

With this skill, you can easily nd sales documents and the process phase in which they currently occur, for example, order
processing, delivery processing, or invoicing.

You can, for example, use voice recognition or simply enter a written text to ask SAP CoPilot to show you a list of sales
documents and their corresponding process phase.

In addition, you can ask SAP CoPilot to show you sales documents for a speci c sold-to party or customer reference.

Required Data Input

Use the following search parameters in your queries as required:

Sales order

Sold-to party

Customer reference
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 100

Examples of Commands
Display sales orders and their corresponding process status (with or without sold-to party or customer reference):

Show me sales order process status with customer reference REF1234.

Show me sales order process status for sold-to party ABC with Customer Reference REF1234.

Show me sales order process status for sold-to party ABC.

"Show me sales order process status 1234.

Available Languages

Track Sales Order Details

With this app, you can visualize the sales order ful llment status of a speci c sales order (with our without issues) with the help
of a process ow and a tree structure.

The process ow displays the ful llment of the sales order in the corresponding process phases (for example, order processing,
delivery processing, and so on). If issues occur, these are highlighted in the relevant process phases of the process ow. You can
also see the most important statuses (for example, shipping status), and further information (for example, net value and
requested delivery date) at a glance.

The tree structure contains the sales order, its subsequent documents, and issues (if these occur). You can view more details
for each sales document or issue by selecting the required node in the tree structure.

Key Features
You can navigate to Track Sales Order Details from any smart link containing a sales order number, and from the following apps:

Track Sales Orders

Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues

Predicted Delivery Delay

You can use this app to do the following:

Display the overall delivery and invoicing statuses for a sales order, the sales document ful llment status of subsequent
documents of the sales order, and, for example, manufacturing and purchase process ful llment statuses.

A tree structure on the left shows all the relevant documents for the corresponding sales document. The top node of the
tree shows the entire ful llment process, with the relevant documents underneath.

 Note
The following SD document categories are supported for this app:


Order Without Charge

Debit Memo Request

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 101
On the right, you can display further details for the sales documents in the context of their ful llment, including the
process ow for the top node. You can also display the item processing details for the documents, that is, the shipping
and invoicing status of all relevant deliveries and invoices. If issues exist for the sales documents, the status details are
displayed on the right.

You can navigate to the schedule lines to see more details for all item issues. You can display the schedule line details for
the top node of the tree (that is, for the entire ful llment process), for the sales document nodes (for example, sales
order, purchase order), and for the corresponding issue nodes. From here, you can click on the arrow to open a third
column to display header and schedule line information (such as requested and con rmed delivery quantities). You can
do this for the following issues:

Incomplete Data in Sales Orders

Delivery Block in Sales Orders

Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders

Uncon rmed Quantities in Sales Orders

Supply Issue in Sales Orders

Delivery Issue in Sales Orders

Billing Block in Sales Orders

Purchasing Issue in Supply

Check the color-coded status of sales orders and determine how critical the issues are at header and item level. The app
displays overdue issues as errors and future issues as warnings.

In the Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues and Track Sales Orders apps, you can lter on speci c
statuses related to product compliance and international trade, or SAP Global Trade Services (SAP GTS), for example, to
display sales documents that are blocked due to product compliance or trade compliance reasons.

Product Compliance

The following statuses are available for product compliance:

Product marketability status

Dangerous goods status

Safety data sheet status

In Track Sales Order Details, you can display the above product compliance statuses on header and item level for
delivery blocks and delivery issues in sales orders, on header and item level for shipping blocks in deliveries, and on
header level for shipping issues in deliveries.

You can display product compliance information for these three statuses by navigating from the product for delivery
blocks in sales orders.

International Trade and SAP GTS

The following statuses are available for International Trade and SAP GTS:

Embargo status

Legal control status

Screening status

In Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues, you can also lter on the Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders
and Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 102
In Track Sales Order Details, the Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders is displayed in the tree under the sales order
node, and the Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery is displayed under the delivery node. You can display the above trade
compliance statuses under Delivery and Shipping for the Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders and under Delivery
Dates and Status for the Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery, and under Items for both trade compliance issues. These
are color-coded according to how critical they are, for example, whether action for the issue is overdue, or due next.

Sold-to party one-time account and ship-to party one-time account

In the Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app, you can lter on sold-to party one-time account and
ship-to party one-time account.

In the Track Sales Order Details app, you can display the name and address at header level in the customer details for all
business partners, including for sold-to party one-time account and ship-to party one-time account.

 Note
If you have activated the business function Multiple Address Handling for Business Partners in Sales and Distribution,
the subsidiary address will be displayed. For more information, see Multiple Address Handling for Business Partners in
Sales and Distribution.

Display information on internal and external contacts in the sales order, delivery, invoice, purchase order, and production
order details, and use their contact details to collaborate with them.

Internal contacts are contact persons and employees responsible, and external contacts are contact persons for sold-to
party and ship-to party. For a production order, an internal contact is the MRP controller, and for the purchase order, an
internal contact is the purchasing group.

Display and maintain notes and attachments in the sales order details.

If you are working with the Predicted Delivery Delay app and with delivery issues in sales orders, and want to display the
predicted delay of delivery creation, you need to add this column in personalization for Items with Delivery Issue.

Display the object pages for all business objects via smart links, and carry out the following actions from Track Sales
Order Details:

Actions at sales order and sales order item level, regardless of issue:

Reject sales orders

Reject sales order items

Carry out the following actions - in some cases, by navigating to another app - depending on the issue type in the sales

Change incomplete data (for incomplete data)

Remove delivery block (for delivery block) - mass change possible at item level

Reject sales order items (for delivery block)

Display product compliance information (for delivery block)

Recheck credit (for credit block)

Display credit decision (for credit block)

Reauthorize payment card (for credit block)

Check availability and monitor product availability (for uncon rmed quantities)

Release for delivery (for uncon rmed quantities)

Create delivery (for delivery issue)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 103
Remove billing block (for billing block) - mass change possible at item level

Edit payment terms (for billing block)

Carry out the following actions depending on the issue type in the delivery:

Change incomplete data (for incomplete data)

Remove shipping block (for shipping block)

Post goods issue (for shipping issue)

Create invoice (for invoicing issue)

Recheck credit (for credit block)

Display credit decision (for credit block)

 Note
Whenever an issue disappears from the left tree navigation, for example, when you resolve a billing block, the
cursor is repositioned to the top node of the tree.

Carry out the following action for no journal entry created in invoice

Create journal entry

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Track Sales Orders
Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues
Predicted Delivery Delay
International Trade

App Extensibility: Track Sales Order Details

You can extend the Track Sales Order Details app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales: Billing Document Item

Shipping: Delivery Item

Purchasing Document Item

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Sales Order Ful llment: Track Sales Order Details and Resolve
Issues in the UIs and Reports section of the custom eld maintenance and publish the custom elds.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 104
Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Sales Document View (in Navigation Tree) Business Context

Items Sales Order/Standard Order Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales Order Without Charge

Debit Memo Request

Items with Billing Block Billing Block in Sales Orders

Items with Delivery Block Delivery Block in Sales Orders

Items with Delivery Issue Delivery Issue in Sales Orders

Items with Shipping Block Shipping Block in Delivery

Incomplete Items Incomplete Data in Sales Orders

Uncon rmed Items Uncon rmed Quantities in Sales Orders

Items Billing Document Sales: Billing Document Item

Items Delivery Document Shipping: Delivery Item

Incomplete Items Incomplete Data in Delivery

Items with Trade Compliance Issue Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders

Items with Trade Compliance Issue Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery

Items Purchasing Document Purchasing Document Item

Items with Purchasing Issue Purchasing Issue in Supply

For more information about how to adapt an SAP Fiori UI at runtime, see Making UI Changes (Object Pages).

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Pricing Elements - Flexible Analysis

With this app, you can analyze pricing elements, that is, condition types in billing documents (for example, to check current
discount conditions and pricing strategies). You can analyze condition types with quantity and amount over sales organizations
and other dimensions, by a freely de nable number of days counting back from the current date (for example, for the past 10
days up to the current date). The app enables you to see which pricing elements, that is, condition types in uence your sales
volume by either lowering or increasing it, and which elements, for example, discounts or price, affect your net price.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Analyze condition types with quantity and amount over sales organizations and other dimensions in multi-dimensional

The app provides the following measures:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 105
Condition Amount

The value, resulting from pricing, for a particular condition, total, or subtotal in a document. This value is used as a
total for the condition in the pricing procedure.

Normalized Condition Amount

The same as Condition Amount, but the amount of credit memos is multiplied by minus 1, for example, -1* 300 = -

Condition Base Quantity

The base quantity that the system uses to calculate pricing for the condition.

 Note
You need to enter the number of evaluation days (that is, the number of days counting back from the current date),
an exchange rate type, and a display currency before you start your analysis.

The app proposes the type M (standard translation at average rate) as default exchange rate type.

SAP recommends that you use the following optional lters in order to narrow down your results:

Condition type

Condition class

Sales organization

Distribution channel


Sales office

In the results area, you can drill down on the required dimensions, for example, sales organization, quarter/year/month
of billing, product, and many more.

For more information on how to analyze your data, see Multidimensional Reports (Web Dynpro Apps).

Navigate to sales volume-related and billing-related apps for further analysis

Working with Analytical Reports (English Only)

Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by this app.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 106

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Analyze Con rmations of Sales Orders

As a sales manager, you can use the following three tiles for their respective purposes:

Sales Order Items - Con rmed as Requested

With this tile, you can use planned gures to ensure customer satisfaction by checking whether your sales orders have been
con rmed for delivery on the date requested by your customer, without any restrictions or delays. The app shows you whether
the percentage of con rmed sales orders has increased or decreased.

Sales Order Items - Backorders

With this tile, you can identify backlogs or bottlenecks regarding quantities and delivery dates that customers have. This allows
you to see where you can increase future sales volume and customer satisfaction by, for example, collaborating with your team
to transfer order con rmations from a C customer to an A customer.

Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment

With this tile, you can identify bottlenecks that hinder you in ful lling requirements of your customer, by not delivering their
goods by or before the requested delivery date. The app provides you with a basis for collaborating with your demand planner
to, for example, solve issues regarding the availability of speci c products.

Sales Order Items - Con rmed as Requested

With this app, you as a sales manager can analyze your availability situation by checking whether your sales order items have
been con rmed for delivery on the date requested by your customer, and by checking whether the percentage of con rmed
sales order items has increased or decreased.

The app uses the following key gures:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Con rmed Ratio The ratio of sales order items that have Percentage
been con rmed as requested for the full
quantity on the requested date, without any
restrictions or delays, compared to the
number of sales document items

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 107

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Delayed Ratio Ratio of the number of sales document Percentage

items that have been con rmed for the full
quantity, though not on the requested date,
compared to total the number of sales
document items

Key Features
The app tile shows the percentage of con rmed sales order items for the last 3 weeks.

You can use the app to do the following:

Filter according to various criteria, such as week or year, sold-to party, product, plant, delivery status, sales document
type, and so on

 Note
The standard app shows the sales order items that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales
organizations or other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see as lters.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Order Items and Con rmed
key gure.

Example: You only analyze sales order items for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a
speci c sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app.

Display and analyze the key gures as a graphic or a table on a weekly basis

Drill down to view detailed information for selected sales organizations, products, sold-to parties, bill-to parties, and so

Navigate to the product and sales order object pages

For example, you select the relevant sales document for the product, and display the sales document schedule lines to
see detailed information on the order con rmations.

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen

Navigate to the associated Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app to resolve issues, such as
uncon rmed quantities, and delivery and credit blocks

This app uses the Analytics - Con rmation of Sales Orders (C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry) CDS view.

For more information, see Con rmation of Sales Orders - Query.

Supported Device Types



This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 108

Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Sales Order Items - Con rmed as Requested

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Order Items - Con rmed as Requested app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

Query Element Business Context

C_SLSORDCONFANLYTSQRY Sales: Sales Document Item

For more information about how to adapt an SAP Fiori UI at runtime, see Making UI Changes (Object Pages).

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Order Items - Backorders

With this app, you as a sales manager can identify backlogs or bottlenecks regarding your customer's requested quantity and
delivery date, for example, in the form of backorders.

Backorders are orders that cannot be con rmed due to a lack of product availability, for example, if order items are not
con rmed, or partially con rmed, for the requested delivery date.

The app shows you where the number of backorders has increased or decreased, and whether business is going well with the
right customers. It allows you to see where you can increase future sales volume and customer satisfaction. For example, after
identifying backlogs or bottlenecks, and seeing that an A customer is being neglected, you can collaborate with your team to
transfer order con rmations from a C customer to an A customer.

The app uses the following key gures that categorize the customer's requests in relation to quantity and delivery date:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Con rmed (No. Of) Sales order items that have been con rmed Number of
as requested for the full quantity on the
requested delivery date, without any
restrictions or delays

Delayed (No. Of) Sales order items that have been fully Number of
con rmed as requested, but at least one
part is later than the requested date

Partially Con rmed (No. Of) Sales order items that have been partially Number of
con rmed as requested, regardless of
whether they are delayed or not

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 109

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Uncon rmed (No. Of) Sales order items for which no availability Number of
has been con rmed as requested at all

Key Features
The app tile displays the total number of backorders, with a top N list of the number of:

Delayed sales order items

Partially con rmed sales order items

Uncon rmed sales order items

You can use the app to do the folllowing:

Filter according to various criteria, such as week or year, sold-to party, product, plant, delivery status, sales document
type, and so on.

You can also lter on a con rmation status, for example, partially con rmed, to see only this status in the bar chart.

 Note
The standard app shows the sales order items that exist in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales
organizations or other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see as lters.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Order Items and Uncon rmed
key gure.

Example: You only analyze sales order items for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a
speci c sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app

Display and analyze the key gures as graphics or a table on a weekly basis

Drill down to view detailed information for speci c sales organizations, products, sold-to parties, bill-to parties, and so on

For example, you lter on product, and discover a particular product has a high number of uncon rmed quantities.

Navigate to the product and sales order object pages

For example, you select the relevant sales document for the product, and display the sales document schedule lines to
see detailed information on the order con rmations.

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen.

Navigate to the associated Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app to resolve issues, such as
uncon rmed quantities, and delivery and credit blocks

This app uses the Analytics - Con rmation of Sales Orders (C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry) CDS view.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 110

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports
Sales Order Items - Con rmed as Requested
Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment

App Extensibility: Sales Order Items - Backorders

As a key user, you can extend the Sales Order Items - Backorders app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

Query Element Business Context

C_SLSORDCONFANLYTSQRY Sales: Sales Document Item

For more information about how to adapt an SAP Fiori UI at runtime, see Making UI Changes (Object Pages).

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment

With this app, you as a sales manager can identify bottlenecks that hinder you in ful lling your customer's requirements, by not
delivering their goods by the requested delivery date. The app provides you with a basis for collaborating with your demand
planner, for example, to solve issues with the availability of speci c products.

The key gures used in this app are derived from the key gures used in the Sales Order Items - Con rmed and Sales Order
Items - Backorders apps, with a speci c view on your demand ful llment situation:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 111

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Con rmed Demand Demand of sales order items that have Quantity, Value
been con rmed for the full quantity on the
requested date, consisting of:

All order items that have been

con rmed as requested, without
any restrictions in quantity or time

Parts of delayed order items that

are on time as requested

Parts of partially con rmed order

items that are on time as requested

Delayed Demand Demand of sales order items that have Quantity, Value
been con rmed later than the requested
date, consisting of:

Parts of delayed order items as


Parts of partially con rmed order

items that are delayed as requested

Uncon rmed Demand Demand of sales order items for which no Quantity, Value
availability has been con rmed at all,
consisting of:
Parts of partially con rmed sales
order items that are not con rmed
as requested

All sales order items that are not

con rmed as requested

Key Features
The tile provides the monetary value of:

Con rmed sales order items

Delayed sales order items

Uncon rmed sales order items

You can use the app to do the following:

Filter according to various criteria, such as week or year, sold-to party, product, plant, delivery status, sales document
type, and so on.

 Note
The standard app shows the sales orders that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales organizations or
other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see as lters.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Orders and Check Sales
Volume key gure.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 112
Example: You only analyze sales orders for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a speci c
sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app.

Display and analyze the key gures as graphics or a table on a weekly basis

Drill down to view detailed information on speci c sales organizations, products, sold-to parties, bill-to parties, and so on.

For example, you drill down by product, and discover a particular product has a high number of uncon rmed quantities.
You can then navigate to Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues to collaborate with your demand planner
to solve issues with the availability of speci c products.

You can also use Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues to resolve issues, such as uncon rmed quantities,
and delivery and credit blocks.

Navigate to the product and sales order object pages

For example, you select the relevant sales document for the product, and display the sales document schedule lines to
see detailed information on the order con rmations.

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen.

This app uses the Analytics - Con rmation of Sales Orders (C_SlsOrdConfAnlytsQry) CDS view.

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment

You can extend the Sales Orders - Demand Ful llment app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can add elds to the following query using the Custom Fields app:

Query Element Business Context

C_SLSORDCONFANLYTSQRY Sales: Sales Document Item

For more information about how to adapt an SAP Fiori UI at runtime, see Making UI Changes (Object Pages).

Related Information
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 113
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Delivery Performance
With this app, you can monitor the current delivery performance of sales orders to keep track of customer satisfaction and

The app provides you with insights into delivery performance, and, in the case of a deterioration, enables you to navigate to the
relevant sales document and master data object pages for detailed information. You can also collaborate with your plant
manager, or communicate with your customer to discuss or clarify a situation.

The app compares the customer's requested delivery date of sales order items with the actual delivery date of the
corresponding outbound deliveries, that is, the latest outbound delivery, in the case of partial deliveries.

The app provides the following key gures:

Key Figures

Key Figure Description Label Measure Calculation Representation


Delivered as Sales order items Delivered as Number of sales Latest actual Number of
Requested that have been Requested Items order items delivery date <=
delivered by the delivered as requested delivery
 Note customer's requested on time in date
requested delivery terms of the
Delivery that is
date requested delivery
complete in
combination with
Delivered as Proportional net See above Net Value
sales order
Requested Value value in display
items is not
currency of the
counted as
partial quantity of
delivered as
sales order items
requested. If you
delivered as
have under-
requested on time
delivered sales
order items, that Delivered as Ratio of sales order Number of sales Ratio
is, items that Requested Ratio items delivered as order items
have not been requested on time in delivered as
delivered in full terms of the requested / Total
quantity, you can requested delivery number of incoming
use the measure date compared to sales order items
Actual Delivered the total number of
Quantity to sales order items
compare the (see Incoming
aggregated Orders below)
quantities with Delivery Delay Delay of a sales The difference Days
the originally (Days) order item with between the
requested regard to the requested delivery
quantity. requested delivery date and the latest
date versus the delivery date,
delivery date depending on the
delivery status,
either from planned
or actual dates

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 114

Key Figure Description Label Measure Calculation Representation


Maximal Delivery Maximum of all See above Days

Delay (Days) delays of all sales
order items on
aggregated level
with regard to the
requested delivery
date versus the
delivery date

Total Delivery Delay Sum of all delays of See above Days

(Days) all sales order items
on aggregated level
with regard to the
requested delivery
date versus the
delivery date

Average Delay of Average of all See above Days

Delivery (Days) delays of all sales
order items on
aggregated level
with regard to the
requested delivery
date versus the
delivery date

Delivered as Sales order items Delivered as Number of sales Latest actual Number of
Committed that have been Committed Items order items delivery date <=
delivered in full delivered as committed delivery
 Note quantity by the committed on time date
committed delivery in terms of the
The committed
date committed delivery
delivery date
whether or not
Delivered as Proportional net See above Net Value
the order is
Committed Value value in display
considered as
currency of the
ful lled on time.
partial quantity of
It is the point in
sales order items
time at which
delivered as
goods should
committed on time
arrive at the
customer's site Delivered as Ratio of sales order Number of sales Ratio
and corresponds Committed Ratio items delivered as order items
to the latest committed on time delivered as
con rmed in terms of the committed / Total
delivery date of committed delivery number of sales
all con rmed date with regard to order items
schedule lines of the total number of committed for
a sales sales order items delivery
document item. committed for
When compared delivery (see
with the original Committed Sales
con rmed Order Items below)
delivery date,
the committed
delivery date
helps you check

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 115

Key Figure Description Label Measure Calculation Representation


your delivery
Delay of Committed Delay of a sales The difference Days
Delivery (Days) order item with between the
The committed regard to the committed delivery
delivery date committed delivery date and the latest
and quantity are date versus the delivery date,
calculated delivery date depending on the
according to the delivery status,
rst con rmed either from planned
quantities - that or actual dates
is, when the
Maximal Delay of Maximum delay of See above Days
con rmed
Committed Delivery all committed
schedule line is
(Days) deliveries of sales
rst created,
order items on
regardless of
aggregated level
whether it is
with regard to the
delayed or only
committed delivery
con rmed (for
example, given
Total Delay of Sum of all delays of See above Days
by the result of
Committed Delivery all committed
an ATP check).
(Days) deliveries of sales
The delivery order items on
performance- aggregated level
relevant elds, with regard to the
that is, the committed delivery
committed date versus the
delivery date delivery date
and quantity are
only updated if
one of the
following criteria
have been met:

• The product
(that is, material)
is changed

• The cumulative
order quantity is

• The delivery
date for the
schedule line is

• The delivery
time is changed

Only newly
created and
updated sales
order items can
use the
Delivered as
Committed key
gure because
the elds for the
new measures

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 116

Key Figure Description Label Measure Calculation Representation


Average Delay of Average delay of all See above Days
Delivery Date
Committed Delivery committed
and Committed
(Days) deliveries of all
sales order items on
Quantity have to
aggregated level
be lled by the
with regard to the
committed delivery
date versus the
delivery date

Shipped as Planned Actual goods Shipped as Planned Number of sales Latest actual goods Number of
movement date Items order items shipped movement date <=
versus planned as planned earliest planned
goods issue date goods issue date

Shipped as Planned Net value in display See above Net Value

Value currency of sales
order items shipped
as planned

Shipped as Planned Ratio of sales order Number of sales Ratio

Ratio items shipped as order items shipped
planned, compared as planned / Total
to the total number number of incoming
of sales order items sales order items

Goods Issue Delay Delay of a sales The difference Days

(Days) order item with between the earliest
regard to the goods planned goods
issue date issue date and the
latest actual goods
issue date,
depending on
delivery status,
either from planned
or actual dates

Max. Goods Issue Maximum of all See above Days

Delay (Days) delays of all goods
issues on
aggregated level

Total Goods Issue Sum of all delays of See above Days

Delay (Days) all goods issues on
aggregated level

Average Delay of Average of all See above Days

Goods Issue (GI) delays of all goods
(Days) issues on
aggregated level

Incoming Orders An order placed by Incoming Orders Net value of sales n/a Net value
a customer, which is order items in
relevant for billing or display currency

Committed Sales See above Items Committed Number of sales n/a Number of
Order Items for Delivery order items
committed for

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 117

 Note
In addition to the above key gures, the original eld Net Value is also displayed from the sales order or sales order item.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Filter according to various criteria, such as sold-to party, product, plant, week of requested delivery, item delivery
ful llment status

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Maintain Exchange Rates app

 Note
The standard app shows all sales orders that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales organizations or
other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see as lters.

Example: You only analyze sales orders for a speci c sales organization and time period. Therefore, you use the lter
to set a speci c sales organization and the requested delivery date.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Delivery Performance and key
gure Delivered as Requested.

 Note
You typically analyze the actual data, that is, the latest delivery date of the shipped outbound delivery. For this reason,
the lter is set to completely shipped sales orders (D ) in Item Delivery Ful llment Status. However, you can also
analyze the planned dates, that is, the latest delivery date of an outbound delivery that has not yet been shipped, or
even a sales order, that is, the latest open con rmed delivery date of a schedule line.

You can lter on the following statuses:

In Order (A)

Partially in Delivery (B)

Completely in Delivery (C)

Completely Shipped (D )

Use a lter bar to toggle between visual lters and compact lters

The selections you make in the compact lter for sales group, sales office, sales organization, distribution channel,
division, sold-to party, customer classi cation, product (that is, material), item delivery ful llment status, week of
requested delivery, and week of committed delivery in uence what is displayed in the visual lters. For example, if you
select a speci c sold-to party in the compact lter, the visual lters show results for this sold-to party only.

The selections you make in the visual lters also in uence each other. For example, if you select a sold-to party in one
visual lter, the other visual lters are reloaded and ltered on this sold-to party, and vice versa.

Display the ratio in percentage of sales orders delivered as requested and delivered as committed for the last 3 weeks
on the app tiles, giving you an instant insight into the current delivery situation
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 118
An app tile is available for each key gure, that is, for Delivered as Requested and Delivered as Committed.To work with
the key gure Delivered as Committed, you can alternatively use the Delivered as Committed variant within the app. You
nd the variant under My Views in all 3 areas of the screen, that is, in the lter bar, chart, and list. You can also use the
visual lter Delivered as Committed Ratio by Week of Committed Delivery.

Display the sales order items delivered as requested and delivered as committed, represented by the number of and net
value, and ratio to the total number of sales order items in the app itself

The ratio shows you how close your company is to an ideal situation of 100% sales order items delivered as requested
and delivered as committed, with 0 being the lowest ratio and 1 the highest, that is, the ideal case. The average delay of
delivery with regard to the requested delivery date and the committed delivery date shows you how long deliveries are
delayed by on average. The maximal delivery delay with regard to the requested delivery date and the committed
delivery date shows the sales order items with the greatest delivery delay.

Display the average delay of delivery in days, and the total maximal delay of delivery, in relation to the requested delivery
date and committed delivery date

Visualize your results in various charts, such as donut charts, bar charts, and many more

Here, you can drill down on further dimensions, such as customer, product category, or plant, and on the above key

The following dimensions are particularly important for this app:

Item Delivery Ful llment Status

The processing status of sales order item delivery ful llment

Requested Delivery Date

The earliest requested delivery date in the case of partial deliveries

Planned Goods Issue Date

The earliest planned goods issue date in the case of partial deliveries

Personalize the above screen areas and save them as variants

Analyze the delivery performance from an organizational view, a product (that is, material) view, or a customer view

Hide and show further elds in the table, and navigate to the relevant sales documents and master data object pages
from the table

Here, you can focus on speci c dimensions, for example, sales orders with the greatest delay

Collaborate with your plant manager via SAP CoPilot and communicate with your customer via phone

This app uses the Analytics - Delivery Performance (C_SlsOrdDelivPerfAnlytsQry) CDS view.

Working with Analytical List Page Apps (English Only)

This app is built by using Analytical List Page (ALP). Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by ALP.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 119

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Delivery Performance

You can extend the Delivery Performance - Delivered as Requested app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

Key users can enable usage of their custom elds for the data source Analytics - Delivery Performance in the UIs and Reports
section of the custom eld maintenance in the Custom Fields app and publish their custom elds.

Business users can display elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element Business Context

Delivered as Requested Sales: Sales Document Item

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis

With this app, you can analyze the monthly rolling trend of your customer returns based on exible combinations of dimensions.

Key Features
Analyze the following customer-return-related key performance indicators (KPIs) in multi-dimensional reports:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 120

KPI Description

Customer Returns Net amount of customer return items that are relevant for
billing or delivery

Return Item Quantity Quantity of customer return items that are relevant for delivery
or billing

No. of Return Items Number of customer return items that are relevant for delivery
or billing

For more information about how to analyze your data, see Multidimensional Reports (Web Dynpro Apps).

Select a speci c customer return and navigate to the customer return object page to view details

 Note
This app offers a Web Dynpro version and a Design Studio version. Starting with SAP S/4HANA 2021, the Design Studio
version of this app is deprecated. SAP may make the deprecated Design Studio version unusable, usually no earlier than one
year after the deprecation. Please switch to the Web Dynpro version of this app now.

This app uses the C_CustomerReturnItemQry_2 CDS view. To learn more about this view, see Customer Return Item -

Working with Analytical Reports (English Only)

Watch the video to learn more about the general functions offered by this app.

Open this video in a new window

Supported Device Type


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 121

App Extensibility: Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis

You can extend the Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app with custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document

Key users can then enable usage of the custom elds for the data source Customer Returns – Flexible Analysis in the UIs and
Reports section and publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions in the
Customer Returns - Flexible Analysis app.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Customer Returns - Return Rate

With this app, you can analyze the return rate of your incoming sales orders according to various dimensions.

Key Features
You can use this app to do the following:

Analyze the following customer-return-related key performance indicators (KPIs):

KPI Description

Return Rate (Value-Based) The percentage of the net value of customer return items based
on the net value of incoming sales order items

Return Rate (Quantity-Based) The percentage of the quantity of customer return items based
on the quantity of incoming sales order items

Customer Returns Net amount of customer return items that are relevant for
billing or delivery

Return Item Quantity Quantity of customer return items that are relevant for delivery
or billing

No. of Return Items Number of customer return items that are relevant for delivery
or billing

Incoming Orders Net amount of sales order items that are relevant for billing or

Incoming Orders Qty Quantity of sales order items that are relevant for billing or

Ref. Doc.Net Amount Net amount of sales order items that are referenced by
customer returns

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 122

KPI Description

Reference Item Quantity Quantity of sales order items that are referenced by customer

 Note
As a default setting, some of the mentioned KPIs are not visible in your table or chart view. You can add the hidden
KPIs manually from the view settings as needed.

Display the monthly rolling trend of the return rate. For further investigation, drill down by a range of dimensions such as
sales organization, sold-to party, and return reason

Drill down to a list of customer return items with more details

Key User Options

As a key user, you can help the business users to de ne their own KPIs, reports, and apps. To do so, you can copy the
predelivered group for customer return analysis (.K.1556178154978) as well as the prede ned KPI within the group in the
Manage KPIs and Reports app.

 Note
Based on the copied KPI, you can de ne new KPIs and create reports and apps. To copy the prede ned KPI, you must assign
the Sales - Customer Returns Analytics business catalog or assign either the Sales Manager or Returns and Refund Clerk
role to your user.

The app uses the C_CustomerReturnRateQry CDS view as the data source.

For more information about how to de ne your own KPIs, reports, and apps, see Manage KPIs and Reports.

Supported Device Types



App Extensibility: Customer Returns - Return Rate

As a key user, you can extend the Customer Returns - Return Rate app with custom dimensions according to your business

You can create custom elds in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Sales Document Item.

You can enable usage of the custom elds for the data source C_CUSTOMERRETURNRATEQRY (Analytics - Customer Return
Rate) in the UIs and Reports section and publish the elds.

After the elds are published, business users can nd the enabled custom elds as additional available dimensions in the
settings of the chart and the table views in the Customer Returns - Return Rate app.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 123

Related Information
Key User Extensibility
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App

Sales Volume - Flexible Analysis

You can use this app to gain an understanding of the monthly sales volume.

The app provides the following key gures:

Key Figures Description

Net Value The total net value of items in billing documents

Sales Volume The total invoiced sales achieved during a speci ed period. This is
based on invoice items or debit memo items (debits) that have not
been canceled.

Sales Volume Qty The total quantity of invoice items or debit memo items (debits)
that have not been canceled

Cancellations Canceled sales volume. Cancellation documents are not

considered at all.

Pro t Margin The difference between sales volume and costs

Credit Memos Net value of items in credit memos. This is based on credit memos
that have not been canceled.

Credit Memo Pro t Margin The difference between credit memos and costs

Net Sales Volume Sales volume minus credit memos

Net Pro t Margin Pro t margin minus credit memo pro t margin

Net Sales Cost Costs of sales volume minus costs of credit memos

Key Features
You can view the key gures as a graphic or a table on a monthly basis.

You can drill down to view detailed information for selected sales organizations, sold-to parties, bill-to parties, and so on.

You can lter the items according to various criteria, such as year/month, sales organization, sold-to party, and bill-to

You can change the displayed ID or description.

You can save your selection as a variant.

 Recommendation
For your analytical needs, we recommend that you use Sales Volume, rather than Net Value, to analyze your achieved sales.
Net Value sums up the original values of items in all types of billing documents (including cancellation documents), without
considering analytical relevance.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 124
For example, you cancel a billing document with a net value of EUR 1000. Correspondingly, the system creates a cancellation
document with the same net value. Net Value would add up the net values of both documents to EUR 2000, whereas Sales
Volume would produce an aggregate result of zero.

The app uses the C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry CDS view. For more information about this view, see Sales Volume Flexible
Analysis - Query.

App Extensibility: Sales Volume - Flexible Analysis

You can extend the Sales Volume - Flexible Analysis app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Billing Document Item.

Key users can enable usage of custom elds for the data source Analytics - Sales Volume Flexible Analysis in the UIs and
Reports section and publish the custom elds in the Custom Fields app.

Business users can use the enabled custom elds as dimensions in the Sales Volume - Flexible Analysis app.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

With this app, you as a sales manager can drill down into your sales volume from different perspectives. Sales volume refers to
the total invoiced sales achieved during a speci ed period. This is based on invoice items or debit memo items (debits) that
have not been canceled. You can customize a step-by-step analysis path that will help you identify the root cause behind sales
volume uctuations.

Key Features
View and drill down into sales volumes according to different dimensions such as time, sales organization, customer,
material, and many more

Analyze monthly, quarterly, or yearly trend of your sales volume

Drill down even further into the list of billing document items

Navigate to billing document details

Navigate to related apps for sales volume, for example Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

 Note
Data migration starts automatically. You need to wait until it is nished before you can use this app properly. You can check
the migration status by using transaction SDM_MON.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 125
This app uses the following CDS views:


C_SalesVolumebyYearQuery (for the tile)

This app was built using Analysis Path Framework (APF). For more information about how to use an APF-based app, see
Analytical Apps Based on Analysis Path Framework (APF).

Supported Device Types



App Extensibility: Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis

You can extend the Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Billing Document Item.

Key users can enable usage of custom elds for the data source Analytics - Sales Volume Detailed Analysis in the UIs and
Reports section and publish the custom elds in the Custom Fields app.

Key users can apply the enabled custom elds in the Sales Volume - Detailed Analysis app. This app is built by using Analysis
Path Framework (APF). For more information about how to enhance APF applications with custom elds, see Enhancing an
Application Using the APF Con guration Modeler.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

With this app, you as a sales manager can check your sales volume in comparison with previous months, with the additional
insight of open orders and open deliveries for the current month.

This enables you to see at a glance how the current month's sales volume relates to the previous month, and shows you where
you can still increase your sales volume in the current period, for example, open orders, open billing requests, open deliveries.

The app uses the following key gures:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Sales Volume The total invoiced sales achieved during a Net Amount, Quantity
speci ed period. This is based on invoice
items or debit memo items (debits) that
have not been canceled.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 126

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Credit Memos The total amount of credit memos during a Net Amount, Quantity
speci ed period. This is based on credit
memo items (credits) that have not been

Pro t Margin The difference between sales volume and Percentage, Net Amount

Credit Memo Pro t Margin The difference between credit memos and Net Amount

Net Sales Volume Sales volume minus credit memos Net Amount

Net Pro t Margin Pro t margin minus credit memo pro t Net Amount

Net Sales Cost Costs of sales volume minus costs of credit Net Amount

 Note
The determination of the cost depends
on the sales process. One central
attribute is Cost in document currency
in the Billing Document Item
(I_BillingDocumentItem) query.

The following are some examples of

possible sales processes:

1. Sell-from-Stock

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation in the product master
or, in the case of billing, the goods issue.

2. Third-Party

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation in the product master
or, in the case of billing, the invoice

3. Intercompany

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition record of an
intercompany price.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 127

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Open Orders Con rmed sales orders for which a delivery Net Amount
document has not yet been created in the
period of the planned billing date (goods
issue date). In this case, the net amount of
the con rmed schedule lines is shown.

In the case of uncon rmed or partially

uncon rmed sales orders, the net amount of
the not yet con rmed requested schedule
line is shown, and the billing date de nes
the analysis period, for example, month, in
which the schedule line is displayed.

 Note
Scheduling agreements with release are
not considered in the calculation of open

Open Billing Requests Sales documents which are relevant for Net Amount
invoicing, but which have not yet been
invoiced in the context of debit memos, for
example, debit memo requests or sales
orders with billing plans

Open Credit Memo Requests Returns or credit memo requests for order- Net Amount, Quantity
related invoicing which have not yet been

Overall Open Orders Orders that have been con rmed for Net Amount
delivery, but for which a delivery document
has not yet been created (Open Orders),
orders which are relevant for invoicing but
have not been fully invoiced (Open Billing
Requests), or orders which include a billing
plan, but in which a customer invoice has
not yet been created in the period of the
planned billing dates (Open Orders for
Billing Plans)

Open Deliveries Deliveries in which a delivery quantity is not Net Amount, Quantity
fully invoiced

Deliveries Shipped But Not Invoiced Deliveries in which a goods issue is posted, Net Amount, Quantity
but not fully invoiced

 Note
The key gures are calculated based on items that are part of business objects, for example, invoice items in invoices, or
credit memo items in credit memos. However, this can also be mixed, for example, credit memo items can be part of
invoices, but still contribute to the Credit Memo key gure.

Key Features
You can use the app to do the following:

Filter according to various criteria, such as sales organization, month of billing or year of billing, sold-to party, product,
sales document, and so on

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 128

 Note
The standard app shows the sales volume that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales organizations or
other characteristics.

In order to avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users'
needs, by specifying the characteristics they want to see.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Volume and the Check Sales
Volume key gure.

Example: You only analyze sales volume for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a speci c
sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app.

An alternative application Sales Volume- Check Open Sales by Org is available to check your open sales by sales organization.

Display and analyze the key gures as a chart or a table

Drill down to view detailed information for selected sales organizations, products, sales documents, customer group,
sold-to parties, and so on.

 Note
To avoid receiving too many documents at once, we recommend that you do not drill-down directly by sales
documents, delivery documents, or billing documents. To narrow the results list down, we recommend you rst drill-
down and lter by, for example, product, and then drill-down by documents for the selected product. An additional
advantage of this two-step drill-down is that further Open In options are provided, such as to display billing document,
sales order, or sales order object page.

Navigate to the object pages (for example, for customer, various sales documents, and product) for further information

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen

Navigate to the Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app

Here, you can either resolve the blocks or issues yourself, collaborate by email (for example, with the shipping manager,
to clarify why open deliveries could not be invoiced).

 Note
You access this app using the Sales Manager business user. However, you also need the Internal Sales Representative
business user's authorizations in order to branch to the Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and Resolve Issues app to
analyze and resolve issues directly.

Note also that authorization for sales document types and billing types is available as default alongside the
organizational authorization, such as sales organization, distribution channel and so on. This authorization is set to
unrestricted as default.

This app uses the Analytics - Sales Volume and Open Sales (C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1) CDS view.

For more information, see Sales Volume and Open Sales - Query.

Supported Device Types

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 129


Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Sales Volume - Check Open Sales

You can extend the Sales Volume - Check Open Sales app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales: Billing Document Item

Shipping: Delivery Item

Key users can create and design their own queries from prede ned SAP queries in the Custom Analytical Queries app.

The analytical queries can be viewed in the View Browser - Browse Views app.

You can add elds to the following queries using the Custom Fields app:

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Analytics - Sales Volume and Open Sales in the UIs and Reports
section of the custom eld maintenance and publish your custom elds.

 Note
You can only extend the app to be used with dimensions, not with measures.

Query Element Business Context

Analytics - Sales Volume and Open Sales Sales: Sales Document Item

Sales: Billing Document Item

Shipping: Delivery Item

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility
Custom Analytical Queries
View Browser

Sales Volume - Credit Memos

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 130
With this app, you as a sales manager can gain insights into the number of credit memos resulting from returns and complaints,
and cancellations, that is, invoices that have been canceled due to internal errors in your company. From here, you can
investigate the reasons for returns and complaints.

The app uses the following key gures:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Sales Volume The total invoiced sales achieved during a Net Amount
speci ed period.

This is based on invoice items or debit

memo items (debits) that have not been

Credit Memos The total amount of credit memos during a Net Amount, Quantity
speci ed period. This is based on credit
memo items (credits) that have not been

Cancellations The total amount of invoices that have been Net Amount
canceled during a speci ed period. This is
based on customer invoices that have been
canceled. Cancellation documents are not
considered at all.

Pro t Margin The difference between sales volume and Percentage, Net Amount

Credit Memo Pro t Margin The difference between credit memos and Net Amount

Net Sales Volume Sales volume minus credit memos Net Amount

Net Pro t Margin Pro t margin minus credit memo pro t Net Amount

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 131

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Net Sales Cost The difference between sales volume and Net Amount

 Note
The determination of the cost depends
on the sales process. One central
attribute is Cost in document currency
in the Billing Document Item
(I_BillingDocumentItem) query.

The following are some examples of

possible sales processes:

1. Sell-from-Stock

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation segment in the
product master or, in the case of billing,
the goods issue.

2. Third-Party

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation segment in the
product master or, in the case of billing,
the invoice receipt.

3. Intercompany

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition record of an
intercompany price.

 Note
The key gures are calculated based on items that are part of business objects, for example, invoice items in customer
invoices, or credit memo items in credit memos. However, this can also be mixed, for example, credit memo items can be
part of invoices, but still contribute to the Credit Memo key gure.

Key Features
The tile provides the following top N display:

Sales volume

Credit memos


You can use this app to:

Filter according to various criteria, such as month or year of billing, sold-to party, product, plant, and so on

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 132
The standard app shows the sales volume that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales organizations or
other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Volume and the Credit Memo
key gure.

Example: You only analyze sales volume for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a speci c
sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
Authorization for sales document types and billing types is available as default alongside the organizational
authorization, such as sales organization, distribution channel, and so on. This authorization is set to unrestricted as

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app.

Display and analyze the key gures as a chart or a table

Drill down on further dimensions, for example, sales office, sales document, product, sold-to party, and many more

 Note
In order to avoid receiving too many documents at once, we recommend that you do not drill down directly by billing
documents. To narrow the results list down, we recommend you rst drill down and lter by, for example, product, and
then drill-down by documents for the selected product. An additional advantage of this two-step drill-down is that
further options are provided, such as to display the billing document object page or the sales order object page.

 Note
You can also create your own tiles and drill-downs.

Navigate to billing documents to review prices and costs

Navigate to the product and sales order object pages to display further information

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen

Navigate to the product and customer to display further information

This app uses the Analytics - Sales Volume (C_SalesVolumeAnalyticsQry) CDS view.

For more information, see Sales Volume - Query.

Supported Device Types



Related Information

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 133
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Sales Volume - Credit Memo

You can extend the Sales Volume - Credit Memo app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Billing Document Item.

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Analytics - Sales Volume in the UIs and Reports section of the
custom eld maintenance and publish your custom elds.

The input of custom elds can be done in apps associated with billing documents (for example, the Create Billing Document

Business users can use elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users. They can use your custom elds to analyze sales volume within the
app by enabling them under Drill Down.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

With this app, you as a sales manager can check your sales volume against your pro t margin for your sales organizations. The
tile of the app displays the pro t margin for the top 3 sales organizations in percentage, but you can also use other selection

The app enables you to see at a glance whether your pro t margin is low for a particular sales organization or, for example, for a
particular product. The pro t margin is an indicator of your company's pricing strategies and how well you control costs.

You can collaborate with your team by email, or with other sales managers, to gain further insights, for example, regarding
prices or discounts, and to take the necessary action to increase your sales volume, and, as a result, your pro t margin.

The app uses the following key gures:

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Sales Volume The total invoiced sales achieved during a Net Amount
speci ed period. This is based on invoice
items or debit memo items (debits) that
have not been canceled.

Credit Memos The total amount of credit memos during a Net Amount, Quantity
speci ed period. This is based on credit
memo items (credits) that have not been

Pro t Margin The difference between sales volume and Percentage, Net Amount

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 134

Key Figure Description Representation Term

Credit Memo Pro t Margin The difference between credit memos and Net Amount

Net Sales Volume Sales volume minus credit memos Net Amount

Net Pro t Margin Pro t margin minus credit memo pro t Net Amount

Net Sales Cost Costs of sales volume minus costs of credit Net Amount

 Note
The determination of the cost depends
on the sales process. One central
attribute is Cost in document currency
in the Billing Document Item
(I_BillingDocumentItem) query.

The following are some examples of

possible sales processes:

1. Sell-from-Stock

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation in the product master
or, in the case of billing, the goods issue.

2. Third-Party

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition, which is lled from the
material valuation in the product master
or, in the case of billing, the invoice

3. Intercompany

In this case, the cost is usually taken

from a condition record of an
intercompany price.

 Note
The key gures are calculated based on items that are part of business objects, for example, invoice items in customer
invoices, or credit memo items in credit memos. However, this can also be mixed, for example, credit memo items can be
part of invoices, but still contribute to the Credit Memo key gure.

The tile provides the top 3 sales organizations in percentage.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

Filter according to various criteria, such as month or year of billing, sold-to party, product, plant, and so on

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 135
The standard app shows the sales volume that exists in your system, regardless of scenarios or sales organizations or
other characteristics.

To avoid performance issues, SAP urgently recommends that your key user con gures this app for the users' needs,
by specifying the characteristics they want to see.

You specify the required lters in the Manage KPIs and Reports app for the group Sales Volume and the Pro t Margin
key gure.

Example: You only analyze sales volume for a speci c sales organization. Therefore, you use the lter to set a speci c
sales organization or other characteristic.

 Note
Authorization for sales document types and billing types is available as default alongside the organizational
authorization, such as sales organization, distribution channel, and so on. This authorization is set to unrestricted as

 Note
You need to maintain the exchange rates from your transactional currencies for your reporting currency. You do this
with the Currency Exchange Rates app.

Display and analyze the key gures as a chart or a table

Drill down on further dimensions, for example, sales office, sales document, sold-to party, product, and many more

 Note
In order to avoid receiving too many documents at once, we recommend that you do not drill down directly by billing
documents. To narrow the results list down, we recommend you rst drill-down and lter by, for example, product, and
then drill-down by documents for the selected product. An additional advantage of this two-step drill-down is that
further options are provided, such as to display the billing document object page or the sales order object page

For example, you drill-down by product, and discover a particular product has a negative pro t margin. You select the
relevant billing document for the product, and display the billing document conditions to see the reason for the
product’s low pro t margin. You then discuss the problem with your sales employees and agree on a solution to
improve its pro t margin.

A further example is that you can compare the sales volume for the current month with the pro t margin for the last
month, by selecting by month.

 Note
You can also create your own tiles and drill-downs.

Navigate to billing documents to review prices and costs

Navigate to the product and customer object pages to display further information

Navigate to related apps via the mini tiles at the top of the screen

This app uses the Analytics - Sales Volume (C_SalesVolumeAnalyticsQry) CDS view.

For more information, see Sales Volume - Query.

Supported Device Types

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 136


Related Information
Manage KPIs and Reports

App Extensibility: Sales Volume - Pro t Margin

You can extend the Sales Volume - Pro t Margin app according to your business needs.

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the business context Sales: Billing Document Item.

You can enable usage of your custom elds for the data source Analytics - Sales Volume in the UIs and Reports section of the
custom eld maintenance and publish your custom elds.

The input of custom elds can be done in apps associated with billing documents (for example, the Create Billing Document

Business users can use elds that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The elds that you enable for this app are
included in the personalization options for business users. They can use your custom elds to analyze sales volume within the
app by enabling them under Drill Down.

Related Information
Custom Fields App and Custom Logic App
Key User Extensibility

Order-to-Cash Performance
This app helps you, as a manager or owner of your company’s order-to-cash process, to get a comprehensive overview of the
performance and conformity of all the sales order processes in your company. It provides key gures with respect to the
duration of certain process steps in the order-to-cash process as well as to the number of occurrences of important events that
have been triggered during process execution. With the help of these key gures you can easily determine the health status of
your sales process and nd potential areas of improvement at a glance.

Here are some activities you can perform with the help of the app:

Track delivery blocks or billing blocks

Detect changes made to critical elds of a sales order

Monitor lead times (for example, order to delivery or goods issue to billing)

Key Features
For the app, the following tiles are available in the Fiori launchpad:

Order-to-Cash Performance - Overview

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 137
The overview page enables process managers and process owners to get a quick overview of issues, and the current and
past performance of the order-to-cash process without having to open many different reports and transactions. All
relevant information is shown on a single page, which is visualized using cards for multiple types of content. On clicking a
card all relevant data is displayed. You can use the interval drop-down to view data for a different time range.

Order-to-Cash Performance - Last 28 Days

This view shows all process performance KPIs aggregated over the last 28 days. It uses the SAP Smart Business generic

As an end user, you can also set lters for attributes, such as the KPI de nition or the sales organization, and save this as
a tile in your personal launchpad.

 Note
For more information about how to con gure a generic drill-down app, see Manage KPIs and Reports Manage KPIs
and Reports.

Order-to-Cash Performance - Time Series

This view displays the history of performance KPIs (time series for the last 365 days). It is an analytical drill-down app
that is based on Analysis Path Framework (APF).

 Note
For more information about how to use this app, see Analytical Apps Based on Analysis Path Framework (APF).

 Note
If you do not want to analyze all KPIs or change the selection period, your key user can con gure your tile to meet your

The app only supports sales orders of types OR and CBFD, as de ned in Customizing.

You can navigate between the pre-con gured views by choosing Open In... in each view.

In the app (individual views of the app), you can:

Navigate to other business applications (by default to the sales order object page). Key users can adapt the navigation
options as required.

Share KPIs and process views.

Furthermore, you can display the following process-oriented views:

Business process activities:

The Process Activities app provides a graphical overview of the chain of connected process activities (process steps) and
corresponding business objects, viewed from a business perspective. It focuses on a speci c sales order or sales order
item, and it displays activities and process performance KPIs, such as totals and lead times.

Choose a sales order or a sales order item. The navigation to the view is provided either in the context menu or in the
Open in… menu. This view is available from any sales order (if the navigation has been con gured accordingly).

Aggregated business process activities:

The Aggregated Process Activities app provides a graphical overview of the chain of connected process activities
(process steps) viewed from a business perspective. It focuses on a speci c process de nition, for example, order to

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 138
cash, and displays process activities and execution paths with totals and average lead times for different lter settings,
such as sales organization.

The aggregated process ow view is available on every drill-down level. You can access it using the Open In... menu in the

Key Figures
The key gures displayed in the app fall into two different categories:

Lead Time

These key gures indicate the average processing time needed for selected steps within the order-to-cash process. They
comprise key gures related to individual order items as well as to entire sales orders. The numbers displayed are
calculated as a moving average over the selection period and across all the sales organizations that exist in your

 Note
All lead times are given in hours.


These key gures indicate how often an event of a particular type has occurred in the past. The numbers displayed are
calculated as a total over the selection period and across all the sales organizations that exist in your company.

Key Figures for Lead Times

Key Figures on Sales Order Level

Key Figure Description

Order to Invoice Measures the average time between sales order creation and the
moment when all billing documents have been posted to

Order Readiness Measures the average time between sales order creation and the
moment when a sales order has reached the "ready" status (that is,
the delivery can be created because the document is complete,
and there is no delivery block in effect).

Order Ready to Fully Goods Issue Measures the average time between readiness of a sales order and
the moment when all deliveries related to a sales order have
reached the Goods Issue status.

Order Goods Issue to Billing Completed Measures the average time between Goods Issue for all deliveries
related to a sales order and the moment when all billing documents
have been posted.

Order Completion Measures the average time between sales order creation and the
moment when it is completed (that is, the log contains no
noti cations of incompleteness).

Order First Delivery to Fully Delivered For sales orders that consist of multiple partial deliveries:
Measures the average time between the rst partial delivery and
the last one. If there are no partial deliveries, this key gure
evaluates to zero.

Order Ready to Delivery Creation Measures the average time between the incoming sales order and
the rst delivery related to that order.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 139

Key Figure Description

Order Ready to Goods Issue For sales orders that consist of multiple partial deliveries:
Measures the average time between sales order readiness and
goods issue of the rst delivery.

Delivery Block Removal Measures the average time needed before a delivery block for a
sales order is removed so that the delivery can be created.
Deliveries may be blocked for an entire sales order as well as for
individual sales order items.

Billing Block Removal Measures the average time needed before a billing block for a
sales order is removed so that the invoice can be created. Billing
may be blocked for an entire sales order as well as for individual
sales order items.

Key Figures for Sales Order Items

Key Figure Description

Order Item to Invoice Measures the average time between order item creation and the
moment when all billing documents have been posted to

Order Item Readiness Measures the average time between order item creation and the
moment when a sales order has reached the "ready" status (that is,
no errors have been logged so far, and there is no delivery block in

Order Item Ready to Fully Goods Issue Measures the average time between readiness of an order item and
the moment when all deliveries related to a sales order have
reached the Goods Issue status.

Order Item Goods Issue to Billing Completed Measures the average time between Goods Issue for a sales order
item delivery and the moment when all billing documents have
been posted.

Order Item Completion Measures the average time between creation of a sales order item
and the moment when it is completed (that is, the log contains no
noti cations of incompleteness).

First Delivery to Item Fully Delivered For order items that consist of multiple partial deliveries: Measures
the average time between the rst partial delivery and the last one.
If there are no partial deliveries, this key gure evaluates to zero.

Order Item Ready to Delivery Creation Measures the average time between the incoming sales order and
the rst (partial) delivery.

Order Item Ready to Goods Issue For order items that consist of multiple partial deliveries: Measures
the average time between sales order readiness and goods issue of
the rst partial delivery.

These key gures indicate the average processing time needed for selected steps within the order-to-cash process. They
comprise key gures related to individual order items as well as to entire sales orders. The numbers displayed are calculated as
a oating average over the selection period and across all the sales organizations that exist in your company.

Key Figures for Totals

These key gures indicate how often a particular type of event has occurred in the past. The numbers presented are calculated
as the total over the selection period and across all the sales organizations that exist in your company.

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Key Figure Description

Orders Created Indicates how many sales orders have been created within the reporting

Order Items Created Indicates how many sales order items have been created within the reporting
period (that is, the total from all sales orders).

Order Updates Indicates how often sales orders have been updated within the reporting

Order Item Updates Indicates how often sales order items have been updated within the
reporting period (that is, the total from all sales orders).

Incomplete Saves of Order Indicates how often sales orders have been saved in status incomplete
within the reporting period.

Incomplete Saves of Order Item Indicates how often sales order items have been saved in status incomplete
within the reporting period.

Orders Completely Rejected Indicates how many sales orders have been completely rejected within the
reporting period.

Order Items Rejected Indicates how many sales order items have been completely rejected within
the reporting period (that is, the total from all sales orders).

Applied Delivery Blocks Indicates how often a delivery block has been applied to sales orders within
the reporting period (for example, due to legal export restrictions).

Applied Delivery Blocks per Order Item Indicates how often a delivery block has been applied to sales order items
within the reporting period (for example, due to legal export restrictions).

Applied Billing Blocks Indicates how often a billing block has been applied to sales orders within
the reporting period (for example, due to incomplete billing documents).

Applied Billing Blocks per Order Item Indicates how often a billing block has been applied to sales order items
within the reporting period (for example, due to incomplete billing

Critical Field Changes in Order Indicates how often one of the sales order elds that is quali ed as critical
to order ful llment has been changed within the reporting period. These
elds are:

Payment terms

Payment method

Pricing date

Changes to Con rmed Delivery Date in Order Item Indicates how often within the reporting period the con rmed delivery date
of a sales order item has been changed.

Changes to Con rmed Delivery Date Indicates how often within the reporting period the con rmed delivery date
of a sales order has been changed.

Orders Delivered Indicates how many deliveries have been created for the monitored sales

Order Items Delivered Indicates how many order items have been delivered for the monitored sales

Delivery Items Deleted Indicates how many delivery items have been deleted for the monitored
sales orders.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 141

Key Figure Description

Pickings Indicates how many pickings have been created for the monitored delivery

Goods Issues per Order Item Indicates how many goods issues have been created for the monitored sales
order items.

Canceled Goods Issues per Order Item Indicates how many goods issues have been canceled for the monitored
sales order items.

Order Items Invoiced Indicates how many invoices have been created for the monitored sales
order items.

Business Attributes for Drill-Down

For all performance KPIs, you can, per default, drill down according to the following business attributes:

Sales organization

Distribution channel


Sales group

Sales office

Sold-to-party (customer)

Order type

Sales order

In addition, for KPIs on item level, the following attributes are available for drill-down:



Sales order item

 Note
All default settings (such as for the current time selection interval and the business attributes available for drill-down) can
be con gured by a key user (Analytics Specialist role).

Supported Device Types

This app is available for desktops.

Con guration Settings: Order-to-Cash Performance

To use the Order-to-Cash Performance app, you must make con guration settings in the back-end system. For a best practice
con guration, we recommend that you manually implement the scope item Sales Process Performance Monitoring (BKN)
offered by SAP Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA. You can nd it in the SAP Best Practices Explorer at under Sales.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 142
You can also de ne your own Customizing settings, either after implementing the scope item BKN or as an alternative, for
example, because you already have an existing con guration of Process Observer.

Using Scope Item BKN

If you use the scope item BKN (Sales Process Performance Monitoring), you are provided with the following precon gured

Process de nitions:

O2C_1 – Order to Cash

O2C_2 – Order Item to Cash

O2C_3 – Process Order

O2C_4 – Deliver Order Item

The key gures listed under Order-to-Cash Performance.

Logging for the sales document types OR and CBFD.

To check whether the scope item BKN has been activated correctly, proceed as follows:

1. Run transaction POC_MODEL_CHECK.

2. Choose Execute (F8).

3. Check that the result looks as follows:

Process Type Descriptions Consistency Key

Process De nitions Show active only

Deliver Order Item Active O2C_4

Order Item to Cash Active O2C_2

Order to Cash Active O2C_1

Process Order Active O2C_3

Scheduling Scheduled POCR_MAIN_QUEUE

Activation Active POC_ACTIVE

4. If Scheduling or Activation are red, see Customizing under Cross-Application Components Processes and Tools for
Enterprise Applications Process Observer Activation Activate Process Observer .

 Note
Since the background job SAP_POC_PROCESS_EVENT_QUEUES is started with a delay of up to one hour, the
Scheduling check might also turn green with a delay. To immediately start the job, you can use transaction

For more information about implementing SAP Best Practices content, see the Administration Guide for Implementation
available on SAP Help Portal at under Additional Information.

After you have implemented the scope item, you can de ne further settings in Customizing as described in the following
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 143

Making your Own Customizing Settings for Order-to-Cash Performance

You can adapt settings or de ne your own settings in Customizing for Process Observer under CrossApplication Components
Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications or you can reuse and adapt an existing con guration of Process Observer.

For more information about activating Process Observer and con guring a process de nition with KPIs, see under Product Assistance <language> Cross-Components
Process Observer (CA-EPT-POC) Process Monitoring and Analytics Process Monitoring Setup .

In addition to the general information provided there, the following con guration information is particularly relevant for using
the Order-to-Cash Performance app:

You can add the order types and delivery types that you want to monitor in the following Customizing activities:

Maintain Order Types for Performance Monitoring to de ne the sales document types for which events are

Maintain Delivery Types for Performance Monitoring to de ne the delivery types for which events are generated

To determine which delivered or custom process de nitions and KPIs are displayed in the SAP Smart Business generic
drill-down app (Last 28 days) or the APF-based app (Time Series), you may have to adapt the lter settings of the app to
the name of your process de nition and KPIs.

To do so, go to the KPI Workspace app of the SAP Smart Business Modeler, copy the evaluations
SAP.POC.O2C.PERF.O2C_1.1 (used for the SAP Smart Business generic drill-down app) and
SAP.POC.O2C.PERF.SERIES.O2C_1.1 (used for the APF-based app), and change the lter settings. For more
information, see Manage KPIs and Reports. You may then have to create your own tile for the copied evaluations.

You can create and use your own process de nition in the Order-to-Cash Performance app. To do so, you must assign a
task that contains the business object type 114 = Sales Order to the start step of your process de nition. Other
business object types as start objects do not work with the delivered consumption CDS view C_ProcMonKPIO2C and
the Order-to-Cash Performance app.

If you don’t use business object type 114 = Sales Order, you must create your own consumption view and con guration
for the SAP Smart Business generic drill-down app (Last 28 days) and the APF-based app (Time Series). You can use
CDS view C_ProcMonKPIO2C as a template for building this consumption view.

To adapt the overview page, you must rst copy it. You can then work with it as described in the SAPUI5 Demo Kit under
Overview Pages.

Package EA-APPL_POC_APPL_O2C contains several active BAdI implementations, which are used to create events
related to sales documents, delivery documents, and billing documents according to the con gured sales document type
and delivery type.

The events are generated as direct events using function module POC_RAISE_EVENT. The sales document type and
the delivery type are contained in the parameter list of the events.

When the BAdI implementation POC_SFS_BINDING is active, it also checks for the sales document type and the delivery
type of the create events and logs events for the customized types only.

Roles and Authorizations

Business role: Order-to-Cash Process Manager (SAP_BR_SALES_PROCESS_MANAGER).

For general information about business roles and authorizations, see the Administration Guide for Implementation available on
SAP Help Portal at under Additional Information.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 144
The Time Series view was built using Analysis Path Framework (APF). To use this view, the end user requires special
authorizations. For information about authorizations required for APF-based apps, see General Authorizations Required for SAP

More Information
For more information about implementing this app, see the SAP Fiori apps reference library at
https:// x/externalViewer/.

FAQ for Sales Monitoring and Analytics

Read on to nd answers to some frequently asked questions about Sales Monitoring and Analytics.

Is there a list of all issues within the sales order ful llment process?

Yes, you can nd an overview of all issues in the Key Features for the app description Sales Order Ful llment - Analyze and
Resolve Issues.

If you want to quickly check which actions are available for which issue, you can use the following table to set a lter on the
issues or actions that you want to see.

Issue Actions to Analyze and Resolve Issue

Incomplete Data in Sales Orders

Display the incomplete items and their statuses

Change incomplete data to resolve the issue

Delivery Block in Sales Orders

Display header information and the blocked items

Remove the delivery block on an item

Reject sales order items

Credit Block in Sales Orders

Re-check the credit for the blocked sales order

Display the credit decision for the blocked sales order,

such as the customer's credit limit and credit exposure

Display speci c elds for information on the status reason,

for example, credit check status, payment card status,
nancial document status, or export credit insurance status

Billing Block in Sales Orders

Display header information and the blocked items

Remove the billing block on header and/or item level

Check and edit the payment terms on header/item level

Reject a sales order or multiple sales order items

Delivery Issue in Sales Orders

Display speci c items in the sales order

Create a delivery for selected items

Check sales orders for which the con rmed delivery date is
overdue or due soon, and create the delivery for items
belonging to these sales orders

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 145

Issue Actions to Analyze and Resolve Issue

Uncon rmed Quantities in Sales Orders

Check availability or monitor product availability for the
uncon rmed items

Check whether the ordered quantity is available in the plant

Release for delivery (provided you have the corresponding


Trade Compliance Issue in Sales Orders

Reject sales order items

Display blocked actions

For example, the creation of an outbound delivery might be

blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

Shipping Block in Delivery

Display delivery and shipping details

Remove the shipping block

Incomplete Data in Delivery

Display the incomplete items and their statuses

Credit Block in Delivery

Re-check the credit for the blocked delivery

Display the credit decision for the blocked delivery, such

as the customer's credit limit and credit exposure

Display speci c elds for information on the status reason,

for example, credit check status, payment card status,
nancial document status, or export credit insurance status

Shipping Issue in Delivery

Display shipping and delivery information for outbound
deliveries that have not been shipped

Trigger the shipping process by posting the goods issue

once the problem has been identi ed

Trade Compliance Issue in Delivery

Display blocked actions

For example, the creation of an outbound delivery might be

blocked due to trade compliance reasons.

No Journal Entry Created

Review information for an invoice for which no journal entry
has been created

For example, the invoice may not have been transferred to


Create a journal entry to allow the invoicing process to

continue to the next step

Invoicing Issue in Delivery

Review delivery, invoice, and customer information linked
to a delivery for which no invoice is created

Create an invoice to allow the delivery process to continue

to the next step

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 146

Issue Actions to Analyze and Resolve Issue

Purchasing Issue in Supply

Display the status of overdue items, such as items pending
for goods receipt, and display purchasing information

Display items with the delivery schedule and purchasing

item details, and additional information such as delivery
quantities, delivery, and invoice status

Navigate to the purchase order

Manufacturing Issue in Supply

Display manufacturing details, such as production start
and end dates, sales order and customer details

Which dates are used to calculate the due days (that is, the next action in days) for each issue?

The due days calculation is explained in Calculation of Due Days.

How can I optimize the performance of the apps and key gures?

In order to avoid performance issues, you can restrict the lter on sales order data, for example, customer reference, sold-to
party, and sales organization, in order to keep the results small. For further information on restricting data in speci c apps, see
the performance notes in the app descriptions.

If you want to access your data more quickly, you can save your lter settings under My Views, both in the lters and in the
results list. You can then save your views as tiles via the Share button at the top right of the screen.

What are the compact lter and visual lter and how can I use them?

The compact lter consists of elds by which you can search, and allows you to add and remove elds via Adapt Filters, and to
add them to a new lter variant.

Some selections you make in the compact lter in uence what is displayed in the visual lter. For example, if you select a
speci c sold-to party in the compact lter, the visual lter shows the results for this sold-to party only.

The visual lter contains lterable micro charts by various criteria, depending on the app you are currently using.

You can select one or several attributes, for example, a speci c sales organization combined with a speci c sold-to party, to
quickly analyze your data.

The selections you make in the visual lter in uence what is displayed in the other charts. For example, if you select a sales
organization, the other charts are reloaded and ltered on this sales organization.

The visual lter and compact lter are available in apps which use the analytical list page, for example, Sales Order Ful llment -
Analyze and Resolve Issues, Delivery Performance, Predicted Delivery Delay, and Manage Duplicate Sales Documents.

For examples of lter settings, see the Product Assistance and in-app help for these apps.

Where can I nd information on key gures?

The key gures are documented within the app descriptions and the CDS view documentation. In addition, they are listed
according to the corresponding business object in Analytical Key Figures.

Compatibility Scope
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 147
The compatibility scope provides you with a limited use right to run certain classic SAP ERP solutions on SAP S/4HANA
installations. For more information about the compatibility scope and the compatibility packages offered for SAP S/4HANA, see
SAP Help Portal at <Choose an on-premise release> Additional Information <Choose to
view all> .

Related Information
SAP Note 2269324

Reports and Analyses (SD-IS-REP)

The SAP System offers you a wide range of information and analysis tools for sales and distribution. These provide you with a
quick overview of your current business situation.

 Example
You want to determine how many orders customer XY issued in the last quarter. To see this information, you can execute the
report “List orders”. This gives you a list of orders and also contains information on the items, order value etc. You can set
the scope of this list yourself.

Some reports are created using the Sales Information System .This is the only component, which enables you to collect,
aggregate and evaluate data from sales and distribution processing.

The sales information system is part of the Logistics Informatiom System .

The following evaluation functions are available:

Lists and evaluations

You can create lists of documents that meet certain criteria such as all the billing documents for a particular payer or all
orders for a certain time period.

The system is also able to inform you about credit holds (documents blocked for credit reasons) or orders that have not
yet been processed.

Work lists

You can create work lists for different areas, for example, for deliveries that have not yet been billed. You can go directly
from the list to process the documents.

Functional Analyses

This enables you to display the steps that the system uses to determine prices oraccounts.

Information on individual sales documents

You can display information about a sales document, such as the document ow or document status.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 148

Reports in SD

De nition
A report is a program that reads data from the database and evaluates it. The results are displayed in an overview list, which
you can display on screen or print out.

 Note

A report does not make any changes to the database.

You can carry out the following functions with a report:

Lists and evaluations

Work lists

For more information about the features of a report, see Reports and Analyses (SD).

A report consists of two parts:

Selection screen where you enter your selection criteria

List where the system outputs the result

Most lists are managed using a special tool, the ABAP List Viewer. This tool allows you to total or sort columns. You can also
decide the sequence in which the columns are displayed. For more information, see ABAP List Viewer.

Executing a Report (SD)

If you want to restrict a list according to certain selection criteria, you must enter the criteria before creating the list. For more
information, see Selection Criteria for Restricting Lists.

1. You can call up the reports in two ways:

From the application

For example, Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Information System Report Selection Orders List of Sales

From a central location in the system where all the reports are located:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 149
For example, Information Systems General Report Selection Sales and Distribution Sales Orders List of Sales

 Note

To view the documentation for a report, choose Help Extended Help on the selection screen.

1. Enter the required selection criteria.

For more information, see Selection Criteria for Restricting a List.

1. To execute the report, choose Enter.

As a result you receive a list. In the list you can

Display or change a document

For more information, see Selecting Sales Documents from a List.

Display or change a master record

For more information, see Selecting Master Records from a List.

Display details of a document, such as the document ow or status

For more information, see Document Flow.

Selection Criteria for Restricting Lists

Before you create a list, you can specify selection criteria to adapt it to correspond precisely to your information needs. For
example, the following selection criteria are available:

Partner and material data

Validity period

Document date

Open/all documents

Organizational data

Partner function

Further selection criteria

Partner and material data

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 150
You can rst specify the partner or material data. For example, if you wish to list sales documents, enter the sold-to party, the
material, or the customer order number. You must enter at least one of these criteria in some lists.

Validity period

If you specify the validity period, you will receive a list of documents that belong to that validity period. This might be an
obligatory criterion for some lists.

Document date

You can enter the document date to call up all the documents created within a time period that is of interest to you. The system
will start by proposing last month to you. You can overwrite the proposed data. There is a calendar available in input help.

Open/all documents

You can choose whether you wish to display all documents or only those which are open. Open documents are documents for
which no subsequent functions must be performed. An open order, for example, contains items which have not yet been

 Note

If, for example, an order has been partly delivered or invoiced, it depends on the completion rule whether the order should be
supplied later or invoiced again (which means a subsequent function must be implemented again).

Organizational data

If you call up a list for the rst time using organizational data as a selection criterion, the system rst displays a dialog box
where you enter the organizational data. You can also display this dialog box by choosing Settings Organizational data .You
can then check the proposed data and change it if necessary.

Partner function

If you only wish to list documents for a partner and a particular partner function, choose Settings Partner function .A dialog
box appears in which the partner function is proposed.You can change the default value.

Further selection criteria

You have additional selection criteria at your disposal to further limit the documents to be listed. Select the menu option Edit
Further sel.criteria . The system provides a dialog box containing additional criteria from which you can choose up to three.

Choosing Sales Documents in the List

You must create the list, from which you can then display or change a document.

 Note

The changes you make are not recorded in the existing list. To display these changes, you must call up the list again.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 151
1. Position the cursor on the line of the document you would like to edit.

2. Choose Environment Display Document .

3. You reach the document where you can make your changes.

4. Choose Back to return to the list.

Choosing Master Data in the List

You must create the list before you can choose and display a material, customer master or the partner address for a document.

 Note

In order to display a material master record, you must choose a display variant for the list that also contains the items for
the documents. You can do this by going to Settings Display variants Choose. For more information, see Display
variants in the CA - ABAP List Viewer documentation.

1. Position the cursor on the line of the document for which you would like the master data displayed.

2. Choose Environment Master data.

3. This is where you can branch to the customer or material master or display the partner address.

4. Choose Back to return to the list.

List Processing in SD

This provides you with different functions for processing and obtaining further information from the overview lists that were
issued by the system according to your selection criteria.

The majority of lists in SD are managed with a general tool, the ABAP List Viewer. If you are processing any lists apart from
those mentioned below, see the ABAP List Viewer for information on how to work with them.

 Note

However, the ABAP List Viewer does not currently manage the following SD lists:

-Credit management lists

-Lists of blocked orders to be released (release of customer expected price)

The rest of this documentation describes how to process these lists only.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 152
You can use the following functions to process the lists named above that are not managed by the ABAP List Viewer:

Finding in lists or restrict the list further with the search function

Totalizing in lists

Sorting in lists

Choose another display variant

Choosing individual documents directly from the list

Choosing master data

Choosing additional eld s to display more information in the list

Setting Defaults Before List Creation

It is possible for you to manipulate the list display even before creating the list. For this purpose, the system provides you with
various functions in the menu option Settings .

Display Variant
You may choose a display variant. The display variant determines the contents and the structure of the list. Various standard
display variants are provided for you to choose from in a dialog box, independent of the selection criteria which you entered.
Additional and special variants may be de ned in Customizing by your system administrator. Special variants make up a display
at schedule line level which may lead to longer run-times as they contain very detailed information.

List Starting Point

You may choose whether you reach the list totals screen rst or the list of individual documents. To do this, go to the List initial
screen and choose Settings List begins with . A dialog box appears. Choose between individual or totals displays.

Totals Variant
If you have chosen the totals screen for the list starting point, you will be asked to specify your totals variant. You can either use
the standard totals variant proposed by the system or you may choose your own summation elds.

To choose the standard totals variant:

1. Choose Settings Totals variant in the initial screen for list display.

2. A dialog box appears containing the totals variants that match the selection criteria you entered earlier.

3. Decide whether you want to sort the list in descending order. If you do not select the Descending eld with a check, the
list is automatically sorted in ascending order.

4. Choose a totals variant. Position the cursor on the variant of your choice and choose Enter .

A system message informs you that the summation elds have been saved.

To choose your own summation elds:

1. Choose Settings Totals variant in the initial screen for list display.

2. Choose the function Choose elds in the totals variant dialog box. Another dialog box with summation elds appears.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 153
3. Decide whether you want to sort the list in descending order. If you do not select the Descending eld with a check, the
list will be automatically sorted in ascending order.

4. Choose up to a maximum number of three summation elds in the order of your choice (enter 1, 2 and 3).

5. Choose Enter to con rm the summation elds. A system message informs you that the summation elds have been

By choosing Settings Display in the list initial screen, you can check which settings you have made. A dialog box appears
in which the totals variants, the list starting point, as well as the display variants which you have chosen are listed.

Sorting in Lists (SD)

You can use a sort function to process the lists that are not managed by the ABAP List Viewer. The sort key appears in the Sort
eld at the top right of the screen. Depending on where you place the cursor, you can use the sort function in several ways.

Cursor in the command line

1. Place the cursor in the command line.

2. Choose Edit Sort .

3. A dialog box appears.

4. Select a maximum of three sort elds by entering 1, 2, and 3 in the sequence you wish the system to observe the elds.
The sort elds available include, for example, various organizational data.

5. Indicate whether you wish to sort the list in descending order.

6. If you do not select the Descending eld, the system will automatically sort in ascending order.

7. Indicate whether you wish to sort with totals.

8. If you select the With totals eld, the system will display a subtotal with each group change. A group change occurs when
the sorting eld’s contents change between two display lines.

9. Choose Enter .

The list is sorted according to the criteria you have entered.

Cursor is in a column or on a eld in the header

1. Place the cursor in a selection column for a certain item or on a eld in the header line.

2. Choose Edit Sort .

The documents in the selected column are sorted in ascending order. If, for example, you place the cursor on the Doc. date
column, the documents are sorted by date in ascending order.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 154

Finding in Lists (SD)

In the lists that are not managed by the ABAP List Viewer, you can use the Find (or search) function to reduce the list to those
documents which you need. Depending on where you place the cursor, you can use the Find function in several ways:

 Note

This function is the same as Edit Set lter in the ABAP List Viewer.

Cursor in the command line

1. Place the cursor in the command line.

2. Choose Edit Find.

3. A dialog box appears in which you can specify search elds. Possible search elds include the user who created the
document, various organizational data, or the document date.

4. Select up to three search elds.

5. Choose Enter.

6. An additional dialog box appears in which you must de ne the selected search elds further. Choose Enter.

7. The system displays the documents that meet your search criteria.

Cursor is on a eld in the list header

1. Place the cursor in the header line in the list, such as the document date eld.

2. Choose Edit Find.

3. A dialog box appears in which you can limit the search criterion to a set of values. In addition, you can set a string or
initial indicator. If you set the string indicator, the speci ed value may only appear as a character in the selected eld.
When using an initial indicator, do not enter a set of values. The system displays all the documents for which the chosen
eld is blank.

4. Enter your selection criteria.

5. Choose Enter.

The system displays all the documents that meet your search criteria.

Cursor is on a eld in a column

1. To nd documents that match the criteria in a column, place the cursor on a eld in the column.

2. Choose Edit Find.

Only those entries in the list which meet the search criterion are displayed. If, for example, you place the cursor on item 10 in
the item column and then choose Edit Find , the system displays a list of all documents with item 10.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 155

Totalizing in Lists (SD)

You can total the values of all the documents listed . Depending on where you place the cursor, you can use the totalization
function in several ways.

Follow the procedures below for using this function for lists that are not managed by the ABAP List Viewer.

The cursor is in the command line

1. Place the cursor in the command line.

2. Choose Edit Sum up.

3. A dialog box appears containing the totals variants available for you to choose from. The same dialog box is displayed
when you choose Settings Totals variant in the initial screen for list display. See Setting Defaults Before List
Creation .

4. Select a standard totals variant or de ne your own.

The cursor is in a column or on a eld in the header

1. Place the cursor in a column or on a eld of the header.

2. Choose Edit Sum up .

The system totals the weight, volume, and number of items whose values in the selected column are identical. The summation
criteria are found in the upper right hand of the screen. All documents are summed up at the end of the list.

 Note

By placing the cursor on the Shipment date column and choosing Edit Sum up , the system will total all items with the
same delivery date in a list of deliveries.

Choosing Display Variants in Lists (SD)

You can also choose the display variant of a list which already exists. The display variant determines the contents and the
structure of the list.

1. Choose Settings Display variants..

2. A dialog box appears. Depending on which selection criteria you entered to create the list, the system will propose
various standard display variants here. Additional variants may be de ned in Customizing by your system administrator.

3. Choose one of the variants or choose Special variants.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 156
4. Special variants make up a display at schedule line level which may lead to longer run-times as they contain very detailed

5. After marking the required variant, choose Enter.

The system displays the list in the variant you have chosen .

Choosing Additional Fields in Lists (SD)

To display extra information in the lists that are not managed by the ABAP List Viewer, you have to activate an additional eld.

1. Position the cursor in the list where you want your additional eld to appear. Then choose Settings Additional eld on

2. A dialog box appears in which are listed a variety of additional elds for you to choose from.

You can de ne these elds in Customizing under Sales and Distribution Sales Lists De ne list layout of
expected customer price.

3. Position the cursor on the required additional eld and choose Choose .

4. The additional eld appears in your list.

5. To deactivate the eld, choose Settings Additional eld off .

Displaying List Levels (SD)

The various list displays which can be created using the summation, sort, and nd functions, are assigned to list levels and
stored in the system. You can return to any previous displays at any time.

When you choose Goto List level overview , the system displays all list levels previously determined for a list. Choose one
of the list levels. The relevant list compiled is displayed.

 Note

Please note that when you return to a previous list level, you will no longer be able to display succeeding list levels. If you
have created four list levels, for instance, and go from the fourth to the second list level, you will no longer be able to return
to the third or fourth level as these are deleted from the overview.

De nition

A summary of objects which meet certain criteria and require further processing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 157

You can use work lists to list all the documents that still need processing with a certain subsequent function. This can be purely
for information purposes. Or you can use it to process the documents more efficiently.


Once you have entered your selection criteria, the system displays a list that you can edit with the ABAP List Viewer .

 Note

Not all functions in the ABAP List viewer are available for some of the work lists.

From this list, you can start the subsequent functions for some or all of the documents at once.


You can call up worklists either using the appropriate application menu or using the central reporting tree.

List of Sales Documents (Optimized Version)

The following optimized lists are available:

List of Sales Orders (Optimized Version)

List of Sales Orders Within Time Period (Optimized Version)

List of Inquiries (Optimized Version)

List of Quotations (Optimized Version)

List of Contracts (Optimized Version)

List of Sales Orders (Optimized Version)

The optimized version of the List of Sales Orders (report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW; transaction code VA05) is based on the
technical changes for the determination of orders. In this version, it is also easier to enter selection criteria on the selection
screen as well as to process the result list (selection results).

The enhancement concept for the optimized report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW allows you to adjust the result list to meet
customer-speci c requirements and to increase the number of selection criteria.

 Note
For technical information about the enhancement concept, see SAP Note 1780163 (Report Optimization: Accessing
Other Tables).

Selection Criteria

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 158
You can use the enhancement spot ES_SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW to increase the the number of selection criteria available
for report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW. The following enhancement options (enhancement implementation points) are


Here, you can de ne customer-speci c parameters and selection criteria.


Here, you can transfer the entries made by the user to the internal structure for further processing.

 Note
Before you can use customer-speci c elds as selection criteria, implement the elds in question using business add-in

Result List

The optimized report uses a de ned number of database tables for the selection. If you want the selection of output elds in the
selection results to be enterprise-speci c, you can include additional tables in the selection. These can be standard tables or
customer-de ned tables (from namespace Z*, for example).

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can implement the following business add-ins (BAdIs) under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER)

You can add customer-speci c elds as columns for the result list.

You also get a method for processing the additional eld data. For example, you can execute calculations, such as an ABC
classi cation based on net value. The data for the result list is processed line by line.

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (Mass Access) (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER_MASS)

You can use this BAdI to calculate and manipulate data for all lines of the result list with mass processing.


You can prepare additional customer-speci c functions for processing the result list. The rst six functions are displayed
as pushbuttons in the menu bar. If you have de ned more than six functions, when you choose the sixth pushbutton a
dialog box appears containing the remaining functions. The system determines the total number of de ned functions in

You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution, Optimization of Lists (BF_LOG_SD_REPORT_OPT).

You have activated the optimized version of transaction VA05 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales
Lists Optimized Lists Activate Optimized Reports .

Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and
layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 100, for
example, include V05TZZMO).

If you want to make customer-speci c adjustments, you have to implement the appropriate BAdIs for the enhancement
concept under Sales Lists Optimized Lists .

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 159


The optimized version provides the following functions on the selection screen:

The number of selection criteria has been increased. All of the selection criteria are situated directly on the selection
screen and are grouped together to provide a better overview.

The search using placeholders and the restriction to a speci c value range simplify the task-oriented creation of the
result list.

You can search sales orders more precisely for a speci c partner function, which classi es the responsible people
(involved people in the company) and partners.

If you do not enter any further restrictions regarding the personnel number or the partner for a speci c partner
function, the system returns all sales orders with the selected partner function.

As long as the selected layout includes the columns for the partner functions, the system displays the data for the
respective partner function in the corresponding column in the display list.

If you do not enter a partner function, you will not nd any partner function data in the result list. This is also the
case if the system determines sales orders for which partner function data exists, and the selected layout
includes the columns for this partner data.


The optimized version provides the following new functions in the result list:

The selection results are displayed using the current version of the SAP List Viewer. This allows you to process the list
with more versatility and change the layout in different ways.

See also: Navigating in the List, Personalizing the List, Functions in the List.

Layout variants determine what data is displayed in the result list. This allows you to restrict the amount of data to an
appropriate volume. This makes sense, for example, if you want to download the list as a le, or if you want to print via
the print preview.

The following layout variants are provided in the standard system:

0SAP: Orders - Header

1SAP: Orders - Items (default setting)

3SAP: Orders - Schedule Lines

 Note
You select the layout variants on the selection screen before creating the list.

You can nd the Add and Change functions of the layout variants in the result list under Settings Layout . To
enable users to save layout variants, the authorization parameter SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN must be de ned in your
user pro le. The following values are de ned:

Value A: Users can save both user-speci c and standard layouts.

Value X: Users can only save standard layouts.

Value U: Users can only save user-speci c layouts.

To enable a high-performance selection, at the start of the report, the system only reads elds that are contained in
the selected layouts. If you change the layout in the result list or choose a different layout, the system reselects the

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 160


The Expected Customer Price eld is not displayed in the result lists. Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no
longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user
exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 100, for example, include V05TZZMO).

You can nd the List of Customer Orders in the SAP Menu under Logistics Sales and Distribution in all relevant areas
under Info System, for example:

Sales Info System Orders

List of Sales Orders Within Time Period (Optimized Version)

The optimized version of the List of Orders Within Time Period (report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_SDO1; transaction code SDO1) is
based on the technical changes for the determination of orders within a de ned period of time. This version also improves the
processing of the result list in the selection results.

The enhancement concept for the optimized report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_SDO1 allows you to adjust the result list to meet
customer-speci c requirements.

 Note
For technical information about the enhancement concept, see SAP Note 1780163 (Report Optimization: Accessing
Other Tables).

Result List

The optimized report uses a de ned number of database tables for the selection. If you want the selection of output elds in the
selection results to be enterprise-speci c, you can include additional tables in the selection. These can be standard tables or
customer-de ned tables (from namespace Z*, for example).

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can implement the following business add-ins (BAdIs) under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER)

You can add customer-speci c elds as columns for the result list.

You also get a method for processing the additional eld data. For example, you can execute calculations, such as an ABC
classi cation based on net value. The data for the result list is processed line by line.

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (Mass Access) (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER_MASS)

You can use this BAdI to calculate and manipulate data for all lines of the result list with mass processing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 161

You can prepare additional customer-speci c functions for processing the result list. The rst six functions are displayed
as pushbuttons in the menu bar. If you have de ned more than six functions, when you choose the sixth pushbutton a
dialog box appears containing the remaining functions. The system determines the total number of de ned functions in

You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution, Optimization of Lists (BF_LOG_SD_REPORT_OPT).

You have activated the optimized version of transaction SDO1 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales
Lists Optimized Lists Activate Optimized Reports .


The optimized version provides the following new functions in the result list:

The selection results are displayed using the current version of the SAP List Viewer. This allows you to process the list
with more versatility and change the layout in different ways. Above the list, the system displays the number of
determined sales orders.

See also: Navigating in the List, Personalizing the List, Functions in the List.

Layout variants determine what data is displayed in the result list. This allows you to restrict the amount of data to an
appropriate volume. This makes sense, for example, if you want to download the list as a le, or if you want to print via
the print preview.

The following layout variants are provided in the standard system:

0SAP: Orders - Header

1SAP: Orders - Items (default setting)

3SAP: Orders - Schedule Lines

 Note
You select the layout variants on the selection screen before creating the list.

You can nd the Add and Change functions of the layout variants in the result list under Settings Layout . To
enable users to save layout variants, the authorization parameter SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN must be de ned in your
user pro le. The following values are de ned:

Value A: Users can save both user-speci c and standard layouts.

Value X: Users can only save standard layouts.

Value U: Users can only save user-speci c layouts.

To enable a high-performance selection, at the start of the report, the system only reads elds that are contained in
the selected layouts. If you change the layout in the result list or choose a different layout, the system reselects the


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 162
The Expected Customer Price eld is not displayed in the result lists. Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no
longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user
exits for program SDORDE01).

You can access the List of Sales Orders in Time Period as follows in the SAP menu: Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales
Info System Orders .

List of Inquiries (Optimized Version)

The optimized version of the List of Inquiries (report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA15; transaction code VA15) is based on the
technical changes for the determination of inquiries. In this version, it is also easier to enter selection criteria on the selection
screen as well as to process the result list (selection results).

The enhancement concept for the optimized report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA15 allows you to adjust the result list to meet
customer-speci c requirements and to increase the number of selection criteria.

 Note
For technical information about the enhancement concept, see SAP Note 1780163 (Report Optimization: Accessing
Other Tables).

Selection Criteria

You can use the enhancement spot ES_SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA15 to increase the the number of selection criteria available
for report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA15. The following enhancement options (enhancement implementation points) are


Here, you can de ne customer-speci c parameters and selection criteria.


Here, you can transfer the entries made by the user to the internal structure for further processing.

 Note
Before you can use customer-speci c elds as selection criteria, implement the elds in question using business add-in

Result List

The optimized report uses a de ned number of database tables for the selection. If you want the selection of output elds in the
selection results to be enterprise-speci c, you can include additional tables in the selection. These can be standard tables or
customer-de ned tables (from namespace Z*, for example).

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 163
In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can implement the following business add-ins (BAdIs) under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER)

You can add customer-speci c elds as columns for the result list.

You also get a method for processing the additional eld data. For example, you can execute calculations, such as an ABC
classi cation based on net value. The data for the result list is processed line by line.

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (Mass Access) (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER_MASS)

You can use this BAdI to calculate and manipulate data for all lines of the result list with mass processing.


You can prepare additional customer-speci c functions for processing the result list. The rst six functions are displayed
as pushbuttons in the menu bar. If you have de ned more than six functions, when you choose the sixth pushbutton a
dialog box appears containing the remaining functions. The system determines the total number of de ned functions in

You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution, Optimization of Lists (BF_LOG_SD_REPORT_OPT).

You have activated the optimized version of transaction VA15 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales
Lists Optimized Lists Activate Optimized Reports .

Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and
layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 110, for
example, include V05TZZMO).

If you want to make customer-speci c adjustments, you have to implement the appropriate BAdIs under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .


The optimized version provides the following new functions on the selection screen:

The number of selection criteria has been increased. All of the selection criteria are situated directly on the selection
screen and are grouped together to provide a better overview.

The search using placeholders and the restriction to a speci c range simplify the task-oriented creation of the result list.

You can search for inquiries more precisely with regard to their validity. The system checks the validity data from the
item overview: Valid From and Valid To.

You can enter exact data for the Valid-From and Valid-To dates. The system only selects documents that
correspond with these entries.

You can also search for a validity period. The system selects quotations that are valid for at least one day of the
speci ed validity period. If you leave either of the validity period elds empty, the system searches without any
restrictions with regard to the validity period. For examples, see the system documentation for the input elds of
the validity area.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 164
You can search inquiries more precisely for a speci c partner function, which classi es the responsible people (involved
people in the company) and partners.

If you do not enter any further restrictions regarding the personnel number or the partner for a speci c partner
function, the system returns all inquiries with the selected partner function.

As long as the selected layout includes the columns for the partner functions, the system displays the data for the
respective partner function in the corresponding column in the display list.

If you do not enter a partner function, you will not nd any partner function data in the result list. This is also the
case if the system determines inquiries for which partner function data exists, and the selected layout includes
the columns for this partner data.


The optimized version provides the following new functions in the result list:

The selection results are displayed using the current version of the SAP List Viewer. This allows you to process the list
with more versatility and change the layout in different ways.

See also: Navigating in the List, Personalizing the List, Functions in the List.

Layout variants determine what data is displayed in the result list. This allows you to restrict the amount of data to an
appropriate volume. This makes sense, for example, if you want to download the list as a le, or if you want to print via
the print preview.

The following layout variants are provided in the standard system:

0SAP: Inquiry - Header

1SAP: Inquiry - Items (default setting)

 Note
You select the layout variants on the selection screen before creating the list.

You can nd the Add and Change functions of the layout variants in the result list under Settings Layout . To
enable users to save layout variants, the authorization parameter SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN must be de ned in your
user pro le. The following values are de ned:

Value A: Users can save both user-speci c and standard layouts.

Value X: Users can only save standard layouts.

Value U: Users can only save user-speci c layouts.

To enable a high-performance selection, at the start of the report, the system only reads elds that are contained in
the selected layouts. If you change the layout in the result list or choose a different layout, the system reselects the


The Expected Customer Price eld is not displayed in the result lists. Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no
longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user
exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 110, for example, include V05TZZMO).

You can access the List of inquiries as follows in the SAP menu: Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Info System
Inquiries .
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 165

List of Quotations (Optimized Version)

The optimized version of the List of Quotations (report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA25; transaction code VA25) is based on the
technical changes for the determination of quotations. In this version, it is also easier to enter selection criteria on the selection
screen as well as to process the result list in the selection results.

The enhancement concept for the optimized report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA25 allows you to adjust the result list to meet
customer-speci c requirements and to increase the number of selection criteria.

 Note
For technical information about the enhancement concept, see SAP Note 1780163 (Report Optimization: Accessing
Other Tables).

Selection Criteria

You can use the enhancement spot ES_SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA25 to increase the the number of selection criteria available
for report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA25. The following enhancement options (enhancement implementation points) are


Here, you can de ne customer-speci c parameters and selection criteria.


Here, you can transfer the entries made by the user to the internal structure for further processing.

 Note
Before you can use customer-speci c elds as selection criteria, implement the elds in question using business add-in

Result List

The optimized report uses a de ned number of database tables for the selection. If you want the selection of output elds in the
selection results to be enterprise-speci c, you can include additional tables in the selection. These can be standard tables or
customer-de ned tables (from namespace Z*, for example).

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can implement the following business add-ins (BAdIs) under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER)

You can add customer-speci c elds as columns for the result list.

You also get a method for processing the additional eld data. For example, you can execute calculations, such as an ABC
classi cation based on net value. The data for the result list is processed line by line.

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (Mass Access) (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER_MASS)

You can use this BAdI to calculate and manipulate data for all lines of the result list with mass processing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 166

You can prepare additional customer-speci c functions for processing the result list. The rst six functions are displayed
as pushbuttons in the menu bar. If you have de ned more than six functions, when you choose the sixth pushbutton a
dialog box appears containing the remaining functions. The system determines the total number of de ned functions in

You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution, Optimization of Lists (BF_LOG_SD_REPORT_OPT).

You have activated the optimized version of transaction VA25 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales
Lists Optimized Lists Activate Optimized Reports .

Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and
layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 120, for
example, include V05TZZMO).

If you want to make customer-speci c adjustments, you have to implement the appropriate BAdIs under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .


The optimized version provides the following new functions on the selection screen:

The number of selection criteria has been increased. All of the selection criteria are situated directly on the selection
screen and are grouped together to provide a better overview.

The search using placeholders and the restriction to a speci c range simplify the task-oriented creation of the result list.

You can search for quotations more precisely with regard to their validity. The system checks the validity data from the
item overview: Valid From and Valid To.

You can enter exact data for the Valid-From and Valid-To dates. The system only selects documents that
correspond with these entries.

You can also search for a validity period. The system selects quotations that are valid for at least one day of the
speci ed validity period. If you leave either of the validity period elds empty, the system searches without any
restrictions with regard to the validity period. For examples, see the system documentation for the input elds of
the validity area.

You can search quotations more precisely for a speci c partner function, which classi es the responsible people
(involved people in the company) and partners.

If you do not enter any further restrictions regarding the personnel number or the partner for a speci c partner
function, the system returns all quotations with the selected partner function.

As long as the selected layout includes the columns for the partner functions, the system displays the data for the
respective partner function in the corresponding column in the display list.

If you do not enter a partner function, you will not nd any partner function data in the result list. This is also the
case if the system determines quotations for which partner function data exists, and the selected layout includes
the columns for this partner data.


This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 167
The optimized version provides the following new functions in the result list:

The selection results are displayed using the current version of the SAP List Viewer. This allows you to process the list
with more versatility and change the layout in different ways.

See also: Navigating in the List, Personalizing the List, Functions in the List.

Layout variants determine what data is displayed in the result list. This allows you to restrict the amount of data to an
appropriate volume. This makes sense, for example, if you want to download the list as a le, or if you want to print via
the print preview.

The following layout variants are provided in the standard system:

0SAP: Quotations - Header

1SAP: Quotations - Items (default setting)

2SAP: Quotations - Schedule Lines

 Note
You select the layout variants on the selection screen before creating the list.

You can nd the Add and Change functions of the layout variants in the result list under Settings Layout . To
enable users to save layout variants, the authorization parameter SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN must be de ned in your
user pro le. The following values are de ned:

Value A: Users can save both user-speci c and standard layouts.

Value X: Users can only save standard layouts.

Value U: Users can only save user-speci c layouts.

To enable a high-performance selection, at the start of the report, the system only reads elds that are contained in
the selected layouts. If you change the layout in the result list or choose a different layout, the system reselects the


The Expected Customer Price eld is not displayed in the result lists. Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no
longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user
exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 120, for example, include V05TZZMO).

You can access the List of Quotations as follows in the SAP menu: Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales Info System
Quotations .

List of Contracts (Optimized Version)

The optimized version of the List of Contracts (report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA45; transaction code VA45) is based on the
technical changes for the determination of contracts. In this version, it is also easier to enter selection criteria on the selection
screen as well as to process the result list in the selection results.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 168

The enhancement concept for the optimized report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA45 allows you to adjust the result list to meet
customer-speci c requirements and to increase the number of selection criteria.

 Note
For technical information about the enhancement concept, see SAP Note 1780163 (Report Optimization: Accessing
Other Tables).

Selection Criteria

You can use the enhancement spot ES_SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA45 to increase the the number of selection criteria available
for report SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VA45. The following enhancement options (enhancement implementation points) are


Here, you can de ne customer-speci c parameters and selection criteria.


Here, you can transfer the entries made by the user to the internal structure for further processing.

 Note
Before you can use customer-speci c elds as selection criteria, implement the elds in question using business add-in

Result List

The optimized report uses a de ned number of database tables for the selection. If you want the selection of output elds in the
selection results to be enterprise-speci c, you can include additional tables in the selection. These can be standard tables or
customer-de ned tables (from namespace Z*, for example).

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can implement the following business add-ins (BAdIs) under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER)

You can add customer-speci c elds as columns for the result list.

You also get a method for processing the additional eld data. For example, you can execute calculations, such as an ABC
classi cation based on net value. The data for the result list is processed line by line.

BAdI: Adjust Selection Results (Mass Access) (BADI_SDOC_WRAPPER_MASS)

You can use this BAdI to calculate and manipulate data for all lines of the result list with mass processing.


You can prepare additional customer-speci c functions for processing the result list. The rst six functions are displayed
as pushbuttons in the menu bar. If you have de ned more than six functions, when you choose the sixth pushbutton a
dialog box appears containing the remaining functions. The system determines the total number of de ned functions in

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 169

You have activated the business function Sales and Distribution, Optimization of Lists (BF_LOG_SD_REPORT_OPT).

You have activated the optimized version of transaction VA05 in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales
Lists Optimized Lists Activate Optimized Reports .

Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and
layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 140, for
example, include V05TZZMO).

If you want to make customer-speci c adjustments, you have to implement the appropriate BAdIs under Sales Lists
Optimized Lists .


The optimized version provides the following new functions on the selection screen:

The number of selection criteria has been increased. All of the selection criteria are situated directly on the selection
screen and are grouped together to provide a better overview.

The search using placeholders and the restriction to a speci c range simplify the task-oriented creation of the result list.

You can search for contracts more precisely with regard to their validity. The system checks the validity data from the
item overview: Contract start and contract end.

You can enter exact data for the Valid-From and Valid-To dates. The system only selects documents that
correspond with these entries.

You can also search for a validity period. The system selects contracts that are valid for at least one day of the
speci ed validity period. If you leave either of the validity period elds empty, the system searches without any
restrictions with regard to the validity period. For examples, see the system documentation for the input elds of
the validity area.

You can search contracts more precisely for a speci c partner function, which classi es the responsible people (involved
people in the company) and partners.

If you do not enter any further restrictions regarding the personnel number or the partner for a speci c partner
function, the system returns all contracts with the selected partner function.

As long as the selected layout includes the columns for the partner functions, the system displays the data for the
respective partner function in the corresponding column in the display list.

If you do not enter a partner function, you will not nd any partner function data in the result list. This is also the
case if the system determines contracts for which partner function data exists, and the selected layout includes
the columns for this partner data.


The optimized version provides the following new functions in the result list:

The selection results are displayed using the current version of the SAP List Viewer. This allows you to process the list
with more versatility and change the layout in different ways.

See also: Navigating in the List, Personalizing the List, Functions in the List.

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Layout variants determine what data is displayed in the result list. This allows you to restrict the amount of data to an
appropriate volume. This makes sense, for example, if you want to download the list as a le, or if you want to print via
the print preview.

The following layout variants are provided in the standard system:

0SAP: Contracts - Header

1SAP: Contracts - Items (default setting)

 Note
You select the layout variants on the selection screen before creating the list.

You can nd the Add and Change functions of the layout variants in the result list under Settings Layout . To
enable users to save layout variants, the authorization parameter SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN must be de ned in your
user pro le. The following values are de ned:

Value A: Users can save both user-speci c and standard layouts.

Value X: Users can only save standard layouts.

Value U: Users can only save user-speci c layouts.

To enable a high-performance selection, at the start of the report, the system only reads elds that are contained in
the selected layouts. If you change the layout in the result list or choose a different layout, the system reselects the


The Expected Customer Price eld is not displayed in the result lists. Once you have activated the optimized version, you can no
longer use your customer-speci c selection variants and layouts or your customer enhancements for the previous version (user
exits for program SAPMV75A, screen 140, for example, include V05TZZMO).

You can nd the List of Contracts in the SAP Menu under Logistics Sales and Distribution in all relevant areas under Info
System, for example:

Sales Info System Contracts

List of Sales Documents

The following lists are available:

List of sales and distribution documents

List of incomplete sales and distribution documents

List of blocked billing documents

List of uncon rmed sales and distribution documents

List of backlogged sales and distribution documents

List of Sales and Distribution Documents

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You use this function to list sales and distribution (SD) documents (such as sales orders or billing documents) within a certain
time period. You can also specify additional criteria, such as:

Business partner (for example, sold-to party, payer)

And/or material

Purchase order number

You can decide whether you want to list all SD documents or just open ones. You can also restrict your list to all those SD
documents you created yourself.

There are various reasons for setting up a list of SD documents, for example:

You want to obtain information about existing sales orders in response to a sales inquiry.

You want to display all quotations for a certain material or a business partner for analysis.

You want to display all sales orders where data is still incomplete.

The following indexes must be activated in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales and Distribution Sales

Partner indexes (for lists according to sold-to party, payer, and so on)

Item indexes (for lists according to material)

You can use an existing display variant or de ne your own to determine which columns should be displayed in the list. Before you
can save your own display variant, you must rst de ne a parameter in your user pro le by choosing System User pro le
Own data and entering the following in the Parameters tab page:

SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN in the Parameters column

A in the Value column

For more information, see Personalizing in the List.

The ABAP List Viewer functions are available for processing these lists. For more information on list processing, see SAP List
Viewer for SAP GUI (Classic).

You can change the following data for several SD documents at once:






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For example, if you want to reprice several SD documents, select the relevant SD documents and choose Edit Mass change
New pricing .

 Note
If you want to make a change that affects the items (for example, a new plant or a new material), you must choose a display
variant which lists the items in the SD document. To change the display variants, choose Settings Display variants .

You can call up the lists as follows:

By choosing Info system in each area: For example; Logistics Sales and distribution Billing Info system
Billing documents

Or by choosing General report selection , where all the reports are stored: For example; Information systems
General report selection Sales and Distribution Billing Billing documents

List of Incomplete Sales Documents


If required, you can display a list showing which sales documents are incomplete.


You can display all incomplete sales documents or only a certain type of incomplete sales document, such as incomplete orders.

You can choose the degree of incompletion in this list when you create it. For example, you can only display incomplete orders
for further delivery processing

You can use the list to complete the data. Select the sales documents from the list that you would like to change and choose
Goto Edit incompletion


To display all the incomplete documents, go to the Sales screen and choose Environment Document analysis Incomplete
documents .

To display certain types of incomplete sales documents, enter the type of sales document you would like to see in the SD
transaction eld.

Alternatively, you can choose the sales documents you wish to see from the Sales screen , using the following menu entries:

Order Incomplete orders

Inquiry Incomplete inquiries

Quotation Incomplete quotations

Outline agreement Scheduling agreement Incomplete sched. agr

Outline agreement Contract Incomplete contracts

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You can select the level of incompleteness in Incompletion : for example, to only show those orders which are not complete for
further delivery processing, select the eld Delivery.

List of Blocked Sales Documents

The following lists are available:

SD Documents Blocked for Delivery

SD Documents Blocked for Billing

Customer expected price

Work lists for credit management

List of blocked billing documents

Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery

This report provides a list of all the sales documents that have been blocked for delivery, with information about what has
caused the block. You can see, for example, whether the block was set at header or at item level, or whether it is due to the user
status or the credit status.


You can restrict the list to documents that have been blocked for a particular reason by entering the type of block in the
Delivery block header eld. Note that this only applies to the block in the document header.

For more information about the other selection criteria, see Selection Criteria for Restricting Lists.

List Format
The report is displayed in ABAP List Viewer format. For more information about the List Viewer, see ALV Grid Control.

To change an individual sales document from the list, choose the relevant sales document ID.

To call up the report from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose SAP Menu Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales
Information System Worklists Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery .

Sales Documents Blocked for Billing


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This report provides a list of all the sales documents that have been blocked for billing, with information about what has caused
the block. You can see, for example, whether the block was set at header or at item level, or whether it is due to the user status
or the credit status. It also informs you of the delivery status of the sales document.


You can restrict the list to documents that have been blocked for a particular reason by entering the type of block in the Billing
block header eld. Note that this only applies to the block in the document header.

For more information about the other selection criteria, see Selection Criteria for Restricting Lists.

List Format

The report is displayed in ABAP List Viewer format. For more information about the List Viewer, see ALV Grid Control.

To change an individual sales document from the list, choose the relevant sales document ID.

To delete a billing block on document header or document item level directly from the list, select the relevant document and
delete the billing block.

To call up the report from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose SAP Menu Logistics Sales and Distribution Sales
Information System Worklists Sales Documents Blocked for Billing .

Customer-Expected Price

To minimize process costs, you want to detect deviations between your own price and the one your customer expects as early
as possible. You can then react at an early point in time after sales document creation and apply counter measures, such as
correcting wrong price master data or by contacting your customer. As a result, you avoid expensive disputes at a later point in
time, for example, when the goods have been delivered and the invoice has already been sent to your customer.

With this function, your customers can use integration between systems to specify the expected net price and net value during
sales document creation. Alternatively, you can enter the expected price and the expected value directly in the price details
area of a sales document item by using one of the prede ned condition types with the following descriptions:

Customer-expected price

Customer-expected value

The system determines your own net price and net value. It also calculates the deviation between your own price and the one
your customer expects.

If you use the Customer-Expected Value condition type, you can control the system response to the deviation by de ning the
tolerance using a speci c condition type in the corresponding pricing procedure of the sales document. The system response
can be one of the following:

The system accepts deviations below a threshold value automatically and sales document processing continues.

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The system doesn’t accept deviations above a threshold value and blocks further processing of the sales document. This
result requires manual follow-up activities in the Manage Sales Documents with Customer-Expected Price app.

How to Set Up the Tolerance

You can de ne the threshold value by performing the following steps:

1. Use a condition type for the threshold value by adding the following setting:

Calculation type: Fixed amount

Condition function: Tolerance for expected value (DCEV)

2. To de ne threshold values, create condition records for this condition type.

 Note
If you don’t de ne a threshold value, the system uses the default value of 100 and converts it according to the
decimal numbers of the currency. For example, for two decimals, such as Euro or US Dollar, the system uses a
threshold value of 1.00.

3. Add this condition type to the pricing procedure of the sales document type for which the tolerance check shall be

 Note
You must enter this condition type above the Cust.-Expected Value condition type.

4. In the same pricing procedure, for this condition type, select the Expected value (8) routine in the Routine for Alternative
Calculation of Condition Amount eld. Alternatively, you can create your own routines and select one of these.

 Note
SAP delivers the standard access sequence Tolerance for Expected Value (DCEV).

Related Information
Manage Sales Documents with Customer-Expected Price

Work Lists for Credit Management


Credit personnel can create overview lists of the credit holds (blocked sales orders) and deliveries that they are authorized to
process. They can search for documents by entering the following selection criteria:

Credit control areas

Credit representative group

Next shipping date

Credit account

Risk category

Customer credit group

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Data in the Overview List

The overview list is the basis for the credit representative's work. The most important data is as follows:

Next shipping date

Credit account (customer number or name)

Document number

Credit value (document value)


Credit limit used (in percentage)

Terms of payment

Risk category

Total status of credit check

Credit status (blocking reasons)

Date on which the document was created

Credit representative who entered data

Document value class

Processing Blocked Sales and Distribution Documents

The credit representatives can sort the overview list according to various criteria and can specify exactly how the list is
displayed. They can then review the credit situation of any customer and, according to credit policy, decide how to continue
processing the sales and distribution documents.

The credit representative can do any of the following:

1. Grant the credit limit and release the document.

2. Do not grant the credit limit and cancel the document.

3. Forward the blocked document to another representative.

4. Recheck blocked documents.

5. Redetermine the priority criteria for blocked documents. This enables you to give priority to and release several
documents with a low document value until their credit limit is completely used up, instead doing so for a single
document with a high document value that has already exceeded its credit limit.

See also:

Creating Work Lists for Credit Management

List of Blocked Billing Documents


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You can use this function to display which billing documents are blocked for transfer to accounting.


Depending on the reason for the block you can restrict the list by marking one or more of the following elds:

Accounting block

Error in accounting interface

Pricing error

Foreign trade data


In the Billing screen , choose Billing document Blocked billing documents.

Using the list you can change the billing documents and then release them.

See also:

Working with billing documents which are blocked for accounting

List of Uncon rmed Sales Documents


You can display which sales documents are not yet con rmed.


When displaying or changing a sales document you can display all sales documents containing schedule lines, whose con rmed
quantities are less than the order quantity. You can restrict selection, for example, to only the uncon rmed sales documents for
your sales organization.


In the Sales screen choose Order Change or Display. In the input help for the Order eld choose Sales documents, not
fully con rmed.

List of Backordered Sales Documents

This list gives all of the sales documents, which are set for delivery and their values. The system determines the value from the
con rmed items quantities.

The system creates a list on the basis of the schedule lines for shipping and the uncon rmed schedule lines.

The following overviews are available:

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Monthly overview

Here the con rmed and backlogged sales document values are shown each month. The month is determined using the goods
issue date.

Customer view

The backlogged sales documents are shown for each customer.

Material view

The backlogged sales documents are shown for each material.

In the Sales screen choose Environment Document analysis Backorders

You can use the following parameters to determine the validity period, actuality and scope of the evaluation.

Data Selection

If you choose these parameters, all tables required for the list are read via the database.

If you do not choose this parameter, the last saved dataset is read.

Fast display/Document overview

For a shorter validity period you are recommended to choose these parameters. You gain an overview of the sales documents
which are backlogged. In this case an entry in the eld List variant does not have any effect.

To get a monthly overview of the order values for the backlogged sales documents, mark the eld Fast display/Document
overview. Do not enter anything in the eld List variant.

Depending on whether you want to have the backlogged sales orders sorted according to customer or according to material,
place the cursor on the line for a particular month and choose Goto Display customers or Display material.

Save Dataset.

You can use this parameter to check in the created list under your name.

See also:

For further information on backorder processing, see Backorder Processing .

Information on Individual Sales Documents

You can display information for a particular sales document that you are working on.


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The correct settings must be con gured in Customizing and this procedure is described in the relevant IMG documentation for
each function.

You can display the following information:

Document ow

Status overview

Incompletion logs

Displaying changes made in a sales document

Displaying FI overview for sales documents

You can display the information:

Directly from the overview list

When you display a document

When you change a document

Document Flow

The document ow shows how far the sales document has been processed and creates a business transaction out of
consecutive documents in the system.

For example, a document ow could contain a quotation, a sales order, delivery and an invoice. If you displayed the document
ow from the sales order, the quotation would be a preceding document and the delivery and invoice would be subsequent

The ALV Tree Control is used for the document ow. For more information about working with the ALV Control, see SAP List
Viewer (ALV).

The system always updates the preceding documents. However, if you also want it to update the subsequent documents in the
document ow, you must make the relevant settings in Customizing for copying control. Copying control and documents ow
are de ned for documents in the following:





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For more information see Customizing under Sales and Distribution Sales Copying Control for Sales Documents .

The document ow is updated by the system on two levels, as follows:

For the complete document

For the individual items in a document

All preceding and subsequent documents for the order are listed here. You can also display additional data, such as the
document date, quantity, and status of the respective document. You can use the layout function in the ALV Control here.

Displaying a Document Flow

Before you can display the document ow for a sales order, for example, you must proceed as follows:

When changing or displaying a document

Choose Order Display or Order Change in the Sales screen .

When working in the list

Choose Order Lists List of sales orders in the Sales screen .

1. Choose Environment Display document ow .

2. You reach the Document Flow screen for the entire document. All existing preceding and subsequent documents for the
order are listed here.

3. To display the document ow for individual items, choose Document ow View Items .

4. Go back to the previous screen for a display of the document ow list.

 Note

You can also branch directly from this Document Flow display to one of the documents listed. To do this, position the cursor
on the required document and choose Environment Display document .

Status Overview

The Status overview function enables you to view important status information about sales documents at header and item level
at one glance.

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Status overview is available for all sales documents in the Environment menu. To provide a clear overview of all the status
information regarding the header and items, the status overview has been designed as a multi-level hierarchy tree.

The rst information you see is the most important up-to-date status at header and item level. From here you can branch into
more detailed status information for the header and item as well as additional information about the document. You can obtain
more detailed information by expanding the nodes in the hierarchy.

The system takes all the relevant statuses for a business process and determines the most important status information at the
time for the initial screen dynamically. Examples of an important status could be the last status change to a document or the
most important status according to document type or an item category that has not yet been changed. The type of status
information that is important depends on the document type, item category and schedule line category.

The following table illustrates examples of which document statuses are important depending on document type and item

Document Type/Item Category Examples of Relevant Status

Quotation, contract Reference status

Returns Delivered, billed

Credit/Debit memo Blocked for billing, rejected, billed

Sales order (standard item) Con rmed, delivered, billed

Sales order (individual purchase order) Ordered, order con rmed, goods receipt posted, delivered

Sales order (third-party item) Ordered, order con rmed, invoice receipt

Free-of-charge item Delivery status

Make-to-order production Con rmed, billed

The system uses the document types together with item and/or schedule line categories to determine a chronological
sequence (order, delivery, billing) of the statuses that are relevant for display.

When you call up the status information, the system then displays the most important status. Parameters such as those for
delivery relevance, billing relevance, requirements type, purchase order type, and completion rule control whether status
information is relevant for display.

Displaying Status Overview

The status overview differs depending on which area you are in.


To display the status overview for a sales order, for example, proceed as follows:

1. In the Sales screen , choose Order Display or Change.

2. Enter the order number.

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3. Choose Environment Status overview .

From a list:

1. Choose Order Lists List of sales orders .

2. Enter your selection criteria and choose Enter .

3. Position the cursor on the required document and choose Environment Document status .


If you choose Environment Document status , the system displays a compressed status overview of the document

5. Position the cursor on the required document and choose Goto Back .

To see all the statuses of the header or an item, expand the required nodes.


1. In the Shipping screen , choose Delivery Display or Change.

2. Enter the number of the required delivery.

3. Choose Environment Document ow .

4. Position the cursor on the delivery and choose Goto Status overview .

5. Choose Back to return to the document ow list.

6. To display the item status, position the cursor on the delivery and choose Edit Details .

7. Select the item you want to see and choose Goto Status overview.

 Note

Use the same procedure to display the status overview of a list.


Use the same procedure to display the status overview of a billing document.

 Note

The system updates the header status only for the billing document.

Incompletion Logs
The incompletion log reminds you when data important for further processing is missing from the sales document. When you
enter a sales document, the system usually proposes much of the necessary data from customer and material master records,
and you can also enter additional data or change proposed data manually. The sales document then forms the basis for various
subsequent functions, such as delivery processing and billing. However, subsequent functions can often only be carried out if the
data in the original sales document is complete. To guarantee completeness, the system logs all missing data in an incompletion
log. The data needed to process subsequent functions is de ned by your system administrator for each sales document type.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 183
For example, when entering a quotation, you must enter a validity period. If you do not enter the validity period, this eld is
entered into the incompletion log and further processing may be blocked.

The completeness of data in a sales document determines its status. You can display an overview of status information in a
sales document for both header and items.

Calling Up the Incompletion Log

Displaying Incompletion Status

Saving a Document with Incomplete Data

Whether you can save a document with incomplete data depends on the sales document type. For example, the system might
allow you to save an incomplete quotation, whereas it might allow you to save an order only if the data is complete. Even if you
can save an incomplete document, the missing data or texts may affect further processing of the sales document. The following
functions may be blocked:




If, for example, the payment terms are missing, you can still deliver the sales order but you cannot invoice it. The incompletion
log may also indicate that the purchase order number is missing, but this may not necessarily affect further processing of the
document. The following graphic shows how you process incomplete data.

Calling Up the Incompletion Log

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If you try to save the sales document but your data is incomplete, the system automatically displays a dialog box informing you
that your data is incomplete.

To complete the document, proceed as follows:

1. Choose Edit and Enter .

2. The screen containing the incompletion list appears. The system displays the data still required to make the document

3. Select the lines that you want to edit and choose Completedata .

4. Enter the missing data and choose Edit next data .

5. This takes you to one of the following screens:

– If you select additional data from the incompletion log, you reach the next screen that has missing data.

– If you do not select additional data in the incompletion log, you reach the item entry screen. You have nished
processing incomplete data.

6. As soon as you have entered all missing data, choose Save .

You can now be sure that you have edited all the data that is required to continue processing the business transactions.

 Note

If the incompletion log contains missing data, you can also call it up manually by selecting Edit Incompletion log from
any of the overview screens in the sales document.

Displaying Incompletion Status

You can check whether all the necessary data has been entered for both the entire document or for individual items.

If you want to check the completeness of the entire document, choose Goto Header Status on one of the
overview screens. On the screen which follows, you can see whether the header and item data is complete.

If you want to check the completeness of the items, choose Goto Item Status on one of the overview screens.

On the status screens, you see which subsequent functions (for example, delivery) cannot be carried out because the document
is incomplete. However, the system does not display which speci c data is missing.

Displaying Changes Made in a Sales Document

If you create, change, or delete sales documents, the system logs these changes in change documents. It creates a change
document for each sales document number.

You can display the changes that were made to a sales document since it was last saved. The list contains the change document
number, the user, the time of change, the transaction, the table and eld names as well as previous and changed values. Details
about changes made to individual elds are displayed when you click on the relevant eld. In addition, you can access the
statistics as well as the technical information on which elds and tables are affected by the changes.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 185


You have two options to display the change document for a sales document:

On the initial screen in transactions for displaying or changing sales documents (for example, transaction VA02 or
VA03), enter a sales document number and choose Environment Changes .

On the overview screen, header screen, or items screen of a sales document, choose Environment Changes . This
works for both the display and the change mode.

You are being redirected to the Display Change Documents selection screen.

 Note
Depending on whether user parameter SD_SLS_CHDOC_CLASSIC is enabled for your system user, the program UI may
vary. Choose the appropriate section below that applies to the settings made to your user pro le.

You can check or change your user parameters in the System menu under User Pro le Own Data Parameters or
using transactions SU01, SU2, or SU3.

Display Change Documents Using the SAP List Viewer (ALV)

On the Display Change Documents selection screen, the sales document number is preselected by the system. You can enter
additional selection criteria such as sales document item number or schedule line number to further narrow down your search

Alternatively, you can carry out the selection by entering one or more table names. You can also specify eld names for which
document changes are saved to further narrow down your search results.

 Note
Note that if you use the input help to enter a eld name, it only refers to the rst selected table. However, you can manually
enter eld names from other tables in the multiple value selection.

SAP delivers display variants which you can use to control the sorting of change document items in the search results list. You
can sort by date of change or sales document item number (default setting). You can also de ne your own user-speci c variants
according to your preferences for column selections, lters, and sorting. You can then access these variants later or set them as

To display the changes made to the selected sales document, choose Program Execute .


The log that is being displayed contains the changes that have been made to the selected sales document that match your
selection criteria.

To display the user details of the system user who changed the sales document, you can simply click on the user name in the
column User.

With the SAP List Viewer (ALV), you can personalize and optimize the search results list according to your business needs. This
includes various list formatting options, lter settings, sort settings, display options, calculations, and the export of data.

Display Change Documents Using the SAP List Viewer (Classic)

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On the Display Change Documents selection screen, the sales document number is preselected by the system. You can enter
additional selection criteria such as sales document item number or schedule line number to further narrow down your search

You can further restrict the selection using the Change Object option and the associated elds in the Selection Details group

 Recommendation
As an advanced user, you can also choose to display changes directly for individual table elds by choosing Single Field

You can display additional information on the search results screen and also control the sorting of change document items in
the search results list according to date of change or document structure (default setting).

To display the changes made to the selected sales document, choose Program Execute .


The log lists the changes that have been made to the selected sales document that match your selection criteria.

You can display additional details for each document change by highlighting a screen element and pressing the Choose button
or moving your mouse cursor to a screen element and pressing the F2 key on your keyboard.

The highlighted screen element or the position of your mouse cursor determines the scope of additional data that is being

If you choose a screen element from the Item column or Schedule Line Number column, the system displays all changes
on document header and document item level as well as the respective schedule line, including the old and the new
values. You can press the Technical info button to switch to the details view of a document change and display technical
information such as table, table eld, transaction code and the exact time of the document change.

If you choose a screen element from another column, the system will immediately switch to the details view of the
respective document change.

If you want to see all changes made to a sales document, choose List All changes . To then access additional information
such as the name of the system user who carried out the changes and the date and time of the change, choose List
Additional infos Show . If you do not want to display this additional information, choose List Additional info Hide .

If you want to see statistics on the changes made to the document such as the change object and the type of change that was
carried out, choose Goto Statistics .

To obtain information on elds and tables which are affected by the document change, place the mouse cursor on a line and
choose Goto Technical info .

The SAP List Viewer for SAP GUI (Classic) offers you a range of options to personalize the search results list according to your
needs. You can choose from standard display layouts delivered by SAP, make use of list formatting options as well as lter and
sort settings.

Related Information
Working with the SAP List Viewer (ALV)
SAP List Viewer for SAP GUI (Classic)

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Displaying FI Overview for Billing Documents

Once the billing data has been sent to Financial Accounting, you can display all the accounting documents that result from the
billing document.

1. In the Billing screen , choose Billing document Change or Display.

2. Enter the billing document number and choose Overview Accounting .

3. A dialog box appears, presenting you with a list of the documents in Accounting with their document numbers.

4. To branch directly to one of these documents, position the cursor on the required document and choose Choose .

5. Choose Back to return to the dialog box with the list of accounting documents.

Functional Analyses

Pricing Analysis

With this function you can understand how the system has determined the pricing conditions in a business document. To use
this function, you can branch from the item pricing screen to the analysis screen for condition determination. You receive a list
of all conditions for an item and a short overview of the transaction in automatic pricing. This information allows you to check
how the system calculated the various pricing elements for an item.

The analysis screen is divided into the following parts:

In the left-hand side of the screen, an overview tree shows the four levels of pricing. These are as follows:

Pricing procedure

Condition types


Any condition records found

In the upper right-hand side of the screen, you receive more detailed information for the level of the overview tree that you have

At condition type level, you receive information on the number of accesses and why accesses have not been performed. If
a requirement for a condition type in the pricing procedure has not been met, you have the option to display routines by
selecting Additional information.

At the access level, you receive information on which elds work with an access. By selecting Technical view, you can see
the eld names for an access.

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At condition record level, you can branch into the relevant condition record.

In the lower right-hand side of the screen, you receive additional documentation for the access and condition levels.

Performing an Account Determination Analysis

You can use the account determination analysis to review the accounts that are relevant when documents are transferred to
Financial Accounting. The analysis also shows which keys, if any, the system used to nd the accounts and if any errors occurred
during account determination.

Account Determination Analysis Information

Account determination analysis provides the following information for each billing item:

The relevant accounts for each condition type

From which account assignment type the accounts were determined

Which accesses were carried out and their results

Which keys were used for the access

Beginning Account Determination Analysis

You can begin the account assignment analysis in a billing document on the following screens in either change or display mode:

Billing Item Overview

Header Detail

Item Detail

To begin the account assignment analysis on one of these screens, choose Environment Account determination analysis.

The system displays the condition types with account determination information that is relevant for each item.

To view detailed information about a condition type, place the cursor on the appropriate condition type and choose Goto
Details .

The system displays the individual accesses, including notes speci c to account assignment.

For each individual access, you can choose Goto Details to display the keys used to access the account determination

Performing a Split Analysis

Normally, the system tries to bill several sales documents with one billing document but it can also create several billing
documents, for example, when sales documents have different payers or terms of payment.

Whether and how sales documents are combined or split depends on copying control. Your system administrator is responsible
for these settings in Customizing.

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You can use split analysis to review why the system has split a billing document. It compares two billing documents and lists the
elds which have differing contents.

You can call up the Split analysis function with the following transactions:

Billing document Change or Display.

Billing document Billing due list

To display the split analysis for one of these screens, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the number of the rst billing document that you wish to compare.

2. Choose Environment Split analysis .

3. Enter the number of the second billing document which you wish to compare to the rst in the dialog box.

4. Enter the billing document number and choose Continue .

The system displays the Billing document split analysis log. It is made up of three parts. The rst shows the header partners and
header elds which are different in the two documents while the second and third columns show the respective values for these

This provides you with a clear overview of which elds have differing contents, the information available, and why there was an
invoice split.

Billing Analysis

In the introductory stage of the sales and distribution system there is an analysis of billing documents which allows you to
display the effects of the following changes:

Effects of changes in Customizing

Effects of changes in copying requirements

Effects of changes on data transport routines


1. When displaying a billing document choose Analysis.

2. The system determines all preceding document items for the current billing document and simulates billing for this
document at the current point in time.

3. Now choose Split analysis.

The system matches the current and the simulated documents. You can now check the effects of your changes in Customizing
for copying requirements and data transport routines.

Output Determination Analysis (SD)


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You can analyze how the system determined output in a sales and distribution document. For example, you can list the criteria
the system used to search for output information and whether the search was successful or not.

Output determination analysis provides you with the following information:

Whether the system proposed the output from a condition record or from the customer master record

Which output documents were found using output determination and which were not

Which accesses resulted in nding valid condition records, and the results

Which key combinations (combinations of elds) the system used in the accesses

1. Change the corresponding sales and distribution document, for example a sales document:

2. a)Sales Screen

b) Sales document Change

3. Extras Output Header orItem

4. Goto Determin. analysis

 Note
The determination analysis task only works if you change the sales and distribution document (it does not work in display

There is no output determination analysis available for the picking list.

Sales Information System

The Sales Information System is a exible tool which allows you to collect, consolidate, and utilize data from Sales and
Distribution processing. It can be used at different levels in the decision-making process as a control and planning instrument,
enabling you to recognize market developments and economic trends early on and to take appropriate measures.

The Sales Information System is a component of the Logistic Information System (LIS), which contains a range of other
information systems including those for Purchasing and the Shop Floor.

All of the LIS information systems have standard structures and user guidelines and use a large number of data analysis
functions that they access from the central system. Therefore, the information systems that belong to the LIS are described in
the documentation for LO - Logistics Information System , while any special functions are described in separate sections of the

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From the mass of data which exists in the SD System, you can use the aggregation function to lter out the most important
information to you, tailored to your needs. It is up to you to determine the depth of information you receive.

Not only can you collect and consolidate actual data from Sales and Distribution processing but you can also create your own
planning data. Comparing actual data and planning data can assist you considerably in your decision making.

You can nd more information about the functions in the Sales Information System in the documentation for the Logistics
Information System under Sales Information System .

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