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Operations Management II

Joel Puebla

Industrial Engineering in English

Karime Montaño Islas


February 1st of 2023

Demand forecasting: The process of estimating and forecasting future customer
demand for a product or service through predictive analysis of historical data.

ABC analysis of inventories: The ABC analysis is an inventory categorization method

used as a basic prioritization mechanism to focus resources and effort on the items that
are most crucial to the company. This method is based on the empirical finding that a
small subset of products, or SKU, typically represents a significant portion of the

The ABC analysis was used to cut down on the number of administrative tasks related
to inventory management.

Inventory systems: A system of inventory is a collection of standards and procedures

that businesses use to determine the precise number of products they have on hand.

production capacity: This term describes the most goods that a factory is permitted to
make during its manufacturing processes. In this method, a company recognizes the
necessity of raising output to accommodate an increase in client demand that is either
present (actual) or expected (future).

linear programming: Maximizing a function while adhering to linear restrictions on real-

world variables is the aim of linear programming. The model of a problem is stated in
linear programming as a set of numerical variables and linear restrictions, controlled by
a linear objective function, and subject to variable limits.

transportation and allocation: The goal of the transportation method, a special

instance of linear programming, is to identify the transportation plan that minimizes the
overall cost of transportation.

The allocation model allots resources to activities one-to-one, with the requirement that
the matching matrix be square. Therefore, each resource needs to be assigned to a
certain activity or allocation in a unique way.
production line balancing: Entails grouping activities or processes that adhere to the
chosen cycle time in order to maintain continuity along each production line, giving each
station or work center a consistent or balanced process time.

Diezhandino, E. (2022, 4 julio). Importancia y beneficios de la predicción de demanda.

Keepler | Cloud Data Driven Partner.
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¿Qué es programación lineal? (s. f.). © Copyright IBM Corp. 2017.
Universidad Privada Telesup. (2019, 21 marzo). Balanceo de Línea y Control de

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