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Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi di
berbagai negara di dunia. Negara-negara yang menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagai “bahasa
ibu” atau bahasa pertamanya adalah negara-negara yang menguasai perdagangan
internasional, komunikasi, hukum, dan ekonomi seperti Inggris, Amerika, Australia. Negara-
negara lain seperti Belanda, Prancis, Jerman, Italia walaupun bahasa pertamanya bukan
bahasa Inggris, mereka menempatkan bahasa Inggris dalam kurikulum pendidikan. Melihat
fenomena tersebut, peneliti mengadakan workshop diskusi tentang posisi bahasa Inggris di
Indonesia dan melatih guru membuat lembar kerja siswa. Hal ini bertujuan agar pengelolaan
pengajaran bahasa Inggris lebih terorganisir dan terprogram. Tujuannya agar guru memahami
posisi bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua.
English is an international language that is used as a means of communication in various
countries in the world. Countries that place English as their "mother tongue" or first language
are those that control international trade, communication, law, and the economy such as
England, America, Australia. Other countries such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy
even though their first language is not English, they place English in the education
curriculum. Seeing this phenomenon, the researchers held a discussion workshop about the
position of English in Indonesia and trained teachers to make student worksheets. It aims to
make the management of teaching English more organized and programmed. The aim is for
the teacher to understand the position of English as a second language.

Each country has its own language of instruction. In Indonesia, Indonesian as the state
language serves as a tool official introduction in educational institutions. That is, the language
of instruction Education in Indonesia is Indonesian. The problem is along with the
development of science and technology, there is a tendency to need another language, outside
Indonesian. Given the language in Indonesia There are three, namely: Indonesian, local
languages, and foreign languages. Often these three languages intersect with each other.
Especially between Indonesian and foreign languages, especially English. Language and
education are two things that are closely related. language is main educational tool. On the
other hand, education contributes its shares invaluable for developing and fostering language.
Both of them is an important thing that mutually develops and enhances each other in every
aspect of people's lives. We need to deliver education in a language appropriate to the
environment or place delivery of education, namely the language of instruction in the world
of education.
In Indonesia, English is a foreign language learned in school and can be used in
communication. Language English can also be called a second language, because it is a
language foreigners who enter Indonesia to study in schools and institutions other. A Threat
of English as the Language of Education for Position and Function of the Indonesian
Language When viewed from the use of Indonesian as the language of instruction education,
which is the language of instruction of education starting from Kindergarten to College
throughout Indonesia, the language of instruction for education should be adapted to national
background. Someone who has good English skills is more counted in the world of work,
because now Indonesia is starting to enter the global market which certainly requires a lot of
workers who can speak English well. Apart from the Indonesian people who are still low in
mastering English, in fact now English has succeeded in entering and being accepted by
Indonesian people. It is often found on social media that the use of English is more prominent
when compared to the use of Indonesian itself. Awareness about the influence of English in
this global era is also shown by the many international standard schools in Indonesia. The
school is divided into various levels starting from Early Childhood Education (PAUD),
Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School (SMA), and Higher
Education. With this, of course, it can be used as capital for the development of English in

English is an international language which is very important for us, the Indonesian people, to
master it. In the era of globalization, developed countries in the world, England, America,
Germany, Australia use English as the language of trade and communication between
countries. If you don't speak English, you will be a lagging country. So it is necessary to
prepare a good curriculum and prepare Student Worksheets to improve students' ability to
master English.

Aini, M. R., & Nohantiya, P. (2020). Peningkatan kemampuan bahasa inggris sebagai
bahasa kedua bagi siswa desa jatinom 1 2. JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 4(3), 2–7.

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