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Overview of Cloud Computing

Charu Naithani
Information Technology and Systems
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
Over the Cloud
Any situation in which computing is done in a remote location rather than
on your desktop or portable computing device.
Simply put, cloud computing provides a variety of computing resources,
from servers and storage to enterprise applications. The cloud delivers a
hosting environment that is immediate, flexible, scalable, secure and
available – while saving corporation money, time and resources.

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Cloud Flavours
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on demand, network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort or service provider

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A software that makes one computer act like many
◦ Can allow firms to combine servers into a huge pool of computing resources that can
be allocated as needed

Enables Multi tenancy

Have you seen it?

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Traditional IT V/s Cloud
When we outsource traditional IT, why can’t we call it cloud?

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Infrastructure as a Service
Infrastructure cloud
◦ Vendors such as Amazon provide basic services to developer.
◦ Sun’s, IBM’s cloud lab, Amazon’s EC2

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Platform as a Service
Provide a development environment with a programming language to create
new applications
◦ Microsoft’s Azure,, google App Engine

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Software as a Service

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Desktop as a Service

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Deployment Models

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Every CEO needs to know about the Cloud

What are the benefits of the cloud?

What concerns do sceptics have?

How to start moving to the cloud?

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Cloud computing increases efficiency, helps improve cash flow and..

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Biggest Barriers to Fully Embracing Cloud

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Information Security …!!!

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Compliance and Data Protection
Industry certifications, data protection, and physical security

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Partly Cloudy!

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