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The Belief System your belief


Lesson 2.3

your belief
Force Field


Understanding your belief system

Muhammad Ali once said, “To be a great champion, you must believe you are the

best, if you’re not, pretend you are.

Your belief is based on your life experiences or how you interpreted your past

A belief would be the soul of your decision.
Empowering belief is those who provide you with positive dispositions, make you

a better person, give you freedom, and help you seek solutions.
A limiting belief tends to limit your potential and possibilities and causes scare.
Earl Nightingale quotes, “We become what we think about most of the time, and

that’s the strangest secret.”

Examples of empowering and limiting belief

Limiting belief Empowering belief

I may be a rookie for now, but someday

I’m not sure if I will succeed in this

I’ll be an expert.
A determined man cannot be paralyzed

I don’t deserve better by fear and despair.

I can’t make it. I failed many times, but failures won’t

It’s too late to “start over.” stop me from reaching my dreams.

Not this time. I’ll think of it in the
I can’t wait to see my parents come and

future. show them everything I can do!

Success is for those who are determined

to reach them.

Strengthening your belief
About chance: Chance does not exist. Opportunity is not part of the success or failure equation.

One succeeds because he does well enough. One fails because he has not done well enough.

You don’t believe in chances. It’s your exerted effort that makes you successful.

About failure: There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. Every time you and your team

faces failure, you don’t treat it as a failure; instead, it’s the feedback that you need to talk over

and analyze for improvement so that you will not commit the same.

About knowledge: It is not easy to understand everything and be able to use all the things that

you know. There is nothing to be scared of if you can accept that you do not know everything.

As an entrepreneur, all you have to do to fill in your lack of knowledge to something is to hire

someone who does.

About communication: How effective your communication is reflected in the response you get. If

someone does not understand you, it is you to blame, and you must change how you

communicate in a way that is better understood.

Force Field Analysis

When you're making difficult or challenging decisions, it pays to use an effective,

structured decision-making technique that will improve the quality of your

decisions and increase your chances of success. Force Field Analysis is one such

technique and, in this article and in the video, below, we'll explore what it is and

how you can use it.

Force Field Analysis was created by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s. Lewin originally used

it in his work as a social psychologist.

Force field analysis is a basic tool for root cause analysis that can help you take

action once the root cause has been identified.

Force Field Analysis

The tool is useful for

making decisions by
analyzing the forces for

and against a change,

and for communicating

the reasoning behind

your decision.
How to Use the Tool

Step 1: Describe
Step 2: Identify
Step 3: Identify
Step 4: Assign

Your Plan or
Forces For
Forces Against
Proposal for
Change Change


Using the Force Field Analysis diagram, do the following;
a. Make a detailed list of your beliefs.
b. Identify in one arrow (forces for change arrows) your "empowering beliefs" and in the
other shaft (force resisting change) your "limiting beliefs."
c. Assign scores in each list of beliefs (empowering beliefs to score 1-5 and limiting

beliefs score 1-5 also) from 1 to 5, where five is the most dominant and one is least

d. Based on the scores assigned what is the best way to:
1. Maintain your most dominant empowering belief
2. Enhance your least dominant empowering belief
3. Minimize or eliminate your most dominant limiting belief
4. Eliminate your least dominant limiting belief


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