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ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6
จานวน 25 ข้อ
Part 1 Pictures ( No. 1 – 5 )
Directions : Look at each picture and choose the best answers to the questions.
Each picture is followed by two questions. Both answers must be
correct in order for you to gain one mark. If either of your answers is
wrong, you will not gain any mark.
จงดูภาพต่อไปนี้ และเลือกคาตอบที่ดีที่สุดสาหรับคาถามแต่ละคาถาม ในแต่ละ
ข้อจะมีคาถาม สองคาถามที่สัมพันธ์กนั นักเรี ยนจะต้องเลือกคาตอบสาหรับ
คาถามทั้งสองข้อให้ถูกต้องจึงจะได้ หนึ่ง คะแนน ถ้าตอบคาถามข้อหนึ่งข้อใด

1. Look at the signs below.

1. 2.

3. 4.

A . You cannot park the car when you see the sign
1. one 2. two
3. three 4. four

B. Where can you see the sign from A ?

1. in the office 2. at the hospital
3. on the street 4. at the canteen
2. Look at the pictures below.

1 2. 3. 4.

A. What do the men do?

1. They are a policeman, a farmer, a teacher and a soldier.
2. They are a teacher ,a soldier, a policeman and a gardener.
3. They are a carpenter, a soldier, a policeman and a teacher.
4. They are a soldier, a policeman ,a farmer and a pilot.
B. Where does the soldier work?
1. in the field 2. at school
3. at the garage 4. at the border
3. Look at the pictures below.

1 2 3 4
A. What’s the matter with the man in number three?
1. He has a cold. 2. He has a toothache.
3. He has a headache. 4. He has a stomachache.
B. What should he do?
1. He should see a dentist. 2. He should see a scientist .
3. He should see a medical doctor. 4. He should see a pharmacist .
4. Look at the picture below.

A. What is the weather like today?

1. It’s stormy. 2. It’s snowy.
3. It’s windy. 4. It’s rainy.
B. You should wear………………………………………………………………….
1. a raincoat and gloves. 2. a shirt and jeans.
3. a pullover and pajamas. 4. a sweater and furred pants.
5. Look at the picture below.
an orange, an apple , a rose apple

a rose apple

an apple

an orange

A. Which sentence is true?

1. An apple is smaller than a rose apple.
2. An orange is smaller than an apple.
3. A rose apple is bigger than an orange.
4. A rose apple is smaller than an orange and an apple.
B. Which sentence is true?
1. A rose apple is the biggest of the three.
2. An apple is the smallest of the three.
3. An orange is the biggest of the three.
4. An orange is the smallest of the three.
Part 2 Dialogues ( Nos. 6-10)

Directions : Read each situation and the dialogue carefully. Then choose :
1. the appropriate expression for the first missing part (item a) and
2. the response / reaction to the expression for the second missing part (item
B) Both answers in items A and B must be correct in order for you to gain
ONE mark.
If either of your answers is wrong, you will not gain any mark.

จงอ่านบทสนทนาต่อไปนี้ แล้วเลือกคาตอบทีเ่ หมาะสมสาหรับข้อความทีข่ าดไป

ในส่วนของ A และส่วนของ B ในแต่ละข้อจะมีคาถาม สอง คาถามทีส่ มั พันธ์กนั
นักเรียนจะต้องเลือกคาตอบสาหรับ คาถามทัง้ สองข้อให้ถูกต้องจึงจะได้ หนึ่ ง
คะแนน ถ้าตอบคาถามข้อหนึ่งข้อใดผิดจะไม่ได้คะแนนเลย
6. Situation : A woman is carrying a heavy box.
A man : _______A_________
A woman : _______B_________
A man : You’re welcome.
A. 1. Can you help me, please ? 2. Can I help you?
3. Is a box heavy ? 4. Can I lent you a hand?
B. 1. Yes, of course. 2. Never mind.
3. You’re very kind. 4. I‘m full.
7. Situation : John wants to go to the museum.
John : _______A_____ Could you tell me where the museum is?
Policeman : _____B______ then you can see the museum.
A. 1. Sorry. 2. Excuse me.
3. Hey! Watch out. 4. Oh,dear !
B. 1. Sorry, I’m a stranger here. 2. You can follow me.
3. Go ahead and turn left at the corner 4. You can ask someone on the way
8. Situation : At clinic
Doctor : What’s wrong with you ?
Sam : __________A___________
Doctor : _________B___________
Sam : Thank you very much.
A. 1. I’m sick. 2. I’d like to sleep.
3. I’ve a bad cold. 4. I’ll see the doctor.
B. 1. You should exercise. 2. I’ll give you some food.
3. You should play sports. 4. I’ll give you some medicines.
9. Situation : Ken and Weena are talking to each other.
Ken : I’m going home now.
Weena : __________A____________
Ken : __________B____________ . And you?
Weena : Opposite our school.
A. 1. Is your house very big? 2. Where is it?
3. What is the address? 4. How far is it?
B. 1. On Rama Road. 2. It’s very nice.
3. I like a big house. 4. You live very far.

10. Situation : Peter wants to buy a ticket for a concert at the gate.
Peter : Do you still have any tickets?
Ticket seller : Just a moment. _______A_________
Peter : Oh, thanks. __________B__________
A. 1. I’m sorry. We don’t have it. 2. Let me give it to you.
3. Here’s the last one. 4. It won’t be long.
B. 1. See you later. 2. I will take it.
3. I don’t want to wait. 4. I can give you money.
Section 2 Reading ability (15 marks)
ส่วนที่ 2 ความสามารถในการอ่าน จานวน 15 ข้อ ข้อละ 1 คะแนน
Directions : In this section there are two parts : Vocabulary and reading
Read the sentence / passages carefully and choose the best answer. You will
gain ONE mark for each correct answer.
ส่วนที่ 2 นี้เป็นข้อสอบวัดความสามารถด้านการอ่าน ซึง่ แบ่งย่อยเป็ น 2 ส่วน
คือความสามารถด้านการใช้คาศัพท์ และความเข้าใจในการอ่าน ในส่วนนี้นกั เรียนจะได้
หนึ่ ง คะแนนเมือ่ ตอบถูก หนึ่ งข้อ
Part 1 : Vocabulary (Nos. 11-15) ความสามารถในการใช้คาศัพท์
A long time ago, a farmer took a big bag of seeds to sell at the market, Suddenly,
his cart’s wheel hit a big stone. Bump! One of the seeds fell __11__ of the bag, and onto
the hot, dry ground. “I’m scared,” said the seed. “ I need to be safe under the soil.” Just
then a buffalo walked on the seed and ____12___ it into the ground. “ I’m thirsty”, said
the seed. “ I need some water to help me grow.” Just then it started to rain. The next
morning the seed ___13___ a little green shoot. All day it sat in the sun and grew taller
and taller. The next day, it had its first leaf. This helped it catch sunlight and grow. That
evening a hungry bird ___14___ to eat it. But the seed had roots to help it stay in the
ground. Many years of sunshine and rain passed. The seed became a plant and
____15____the plant became a tree.
11. 1. in 2. out
3. on 4. down
12. 1. put 2. grew
3. pushed 4. pulled
13. 1. had 2. was
3. helped 4. started
14. 1. walked 2. landed
3. jumped 4. tried
15. 1. then 2. so
3. that 4. when
Part 2 : Reading Comprehension (Nos.16-25) ความเข้าใจในการอ่าน
Directions : Read the sentence and passages carefully and choose the correct
to each question. อ่านประโยค ข้อความต่อไปนี้ และเลือกคาตอบทีถ่ ูกต้อง ในส่วนนี้
จะได้ หนึ่ ง คะแนนเมือ่ ตอบถูก หนึ่ งข้อ

Sentence / ประโยค
I am very sorry to hear the recent news about the Tsunami that destroyed many
provinces in Japan.

16. What does the writer feel about the event ?

1. Boring. 2. Unhappy.
3. Tired. 4. Enjoyable.
17. What is “Tsunami” ?
1. Flood. 2. Earthquake.
3. Seaquake. 4. A Japanese food.

Passage 1
Today is a good day. It is Jim’s birthday. He is giving a birthday party at
home. His friends come to the party. They bring birthday presents for him. He is very
happy. Jim’s friends want to eat under the trees. They take the tables and some chairs
outside. They put them under the trees. The servant puts white tablecloth on the tables.
Jim’s mother cooks the food. Jim has got a CD player. He plays it loudly. All his friends
dance. They like to dancing and singing. They are all very happy. After lunch, they clean
up the tables. Jim’s house is near the river, so they’ll go boating and fishing in the river
before going back home.
18. When is Jim’s birthday?
1. Today. 2. Tomorrow.
3. Yesterday. 4. Good day.
19. What activity don’t Jim and his friends do in birthday party ?
1. Sing songs. 2. Eat some food.
3. Go fishing. 4. Go jogging.

20. Why is Jim very happy?

1. Because he has a CD player. 2. Because today is his birthday.
3. Because his mother cooks food. 4. Because his friends sing and
21. What will Jim’s friends do after lunch?
1. Watch television and sleep. 2. Dance and sing many songs.
3.Take the tables and chairs outside 4. Go boating and fishing in the

Passage 2
Tony is a good student. He gets up at 6 o’clock every morning. He washes
his face, brushes his teeth and takes a bath. He has his breakfast at 7 o’clock.
Then he puts on his school uniform and go to school by bicycle. He reaches school
at 7.45, so he still has enough time to revise his lessons. Normally, Tony is never late for
school. He always pays attention to all lessons. He works very hard and does his work
well. He also plays games and chats with his friends. When school is over, he goes
straight home. At home Tony does his homework. He helps his mother do the
housework. After taking a bathe has his dinner with his family. He is happy to talk about
his school days and goes to bed around 9:00 p.m.

22. How does Tony go to school?

1. By bus. 2. By car.
3. By bike. 4. By motorcycle.
23. What time does he arrive at school?
1. Fifteen minutes before eight. 2. Fifteen minutes after eight.
3. Seven – fifteen. 4. Nine o’ clock.
24. What does he help his mother?
1. Do homework. 2. Repair the bicycle.
3. Watch television and play games. 4. Mop the floor and clean the
25. What routine doesn’t he do ?
1. Chats with his friends. 2. Hangs out his friends.
3. Helps his mother. 4. Listens to the music.


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