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A. Read an excerpt from the related review of literature and studies. Answer the questions that follow.

Title: A Critical Exploration of Homeschooling in the Philippines, Grounded on the Experience of the

Homeschool students.

"Academic development of home schooled children surprisingly belongs to the top of the list of

concerns that educators and parents are interested in. After all the development of knowledge and

academic skill are the very core of the teaching and learning process" [Breitborde & Swiniarski, 2006).

A number of researchers have attempted to measure the effectiveness of homeschooling using

the scholastics development of the homeschooling children as the measure stick. Hill, (2006) revealed

that his study concluded that students who have been home schooled their entire academic life prior to

tertiary education have higher scholastic achievement test scores compared with those who have

attended other educational programs in regular academic institution. However, Hill (2010) discloses the

inherent impediment of his study which is the absence of an accurate number of the homeschooling

population. Furthermore, Hill (2010) admits that it is still impossible to say whether, on the whole and

on average, homeschooling-students are doing much better than their public and private school

counterparts. Hence, scholastic development of home schooled children must be appreciated not

from a norm-reference perspective where a group's performance is seen in light of another group's

performance. Rather, attempts to study the academic development of home schooled students must be

approached with a criterion-reference perspective.

1. What are the research blank spots (unexplored area) in the literature?

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