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New words:
artisan (n) thợ làm nghề thủ công multicultural (adj) đa văn hóa
attraction (n) điểm hấp dẫn variety (n) sự phong phú, đa dạng
authenticity (n) thật grow up (ph.v)lớn lên, trưởng thành
cast (v) đúc (đồng…) packed (adj) chật ních người
craft (n) nghề thủ công urban (adj) (thuộc) đô thị, thành thị
craftsman (n) thợ làm đồ thủ công Oceania (n) châu Đại Dương
cross (v) đan chéo medium-sized (adj) cỡ vừa, cỡ trung
drumhead (n) mặt trống forbidden (adj) bị cấm
embroider (v) thêu easy-going (adj) thoải mái, dễ tính
frame (n) khung downtown (adj) (thuộc) trung tâm
handicraft (n) sản phẩm thủ công thành phố, khu thương mại
lacquerware (n) đồ sơn mài skyscraper (n) nhà cao chọc trời
layer (n) lợp (lá ...) stuck (adj) mắc kẹt, không di chuyển
mould (v) đổ khuôn, tạo khuôn được
preserve (v) bảo vệ, bảo tồn wander (v) đi lang thang
remind (v) gợi nhớ affordable (adj) (giá cả) phải chăng
sculpture (n) điêu khắc, đồ điêu khắc conduct (v) thực hiện
team-building (adj) xây dựng đội ngũ determine (v) xác định
thread (n) sợi factor (n) yếu tố
treat (v) xử lí (chất thải ...) conflict (n) xung đột
weave (v) đan (rổ, rá...), dệt (vải...) indicator (n) chỉ số
workshop (n) công xưởng, xưởng asset (n) tài sản
populous (adj) đông dân cư urban sprawl (n.phr) sự đô thị hóa
rural (n) nông thôn index (n) chỉ số
unemployed (adj) thất nghiệp metro (n) tàu điện ngầm
fabulous (adj) tuyệt vời, tuyệt diệu dweller (n) cư dân
reliable (adj) đáng tin cậy for the time being hiện thời, trong lúc
metropolitan (adj) (thuộc về) đô thị, thủ này
phủ cosmopolitan (adj) thuộc về thành phố
jet lag (n.phr) sự mệt mỏi do lệch múi giờ
Một vài cụm phrasal verbs có động từ và giới từ luôn đứng cạnh nhau:
Pass away (chết) Wait for (đợi) Use up (sử dụng hết, cạn kiệt)
belong to (thuộc về) Take after (giống ai như đúc) Stay up (đi ngủ muộn)
attend to (chú ý) break up (chia tay, giải tán) believe in (tin cẩn,tin có)
Save up (để danh) Look after (chăm sóc) Look for (trông đợi, tìm kiếm)
Shut up (ngậm miệng lại) Clear up (dọn dẹp ) Set out/off (khởi hành, bắt đầu)

Show off (khoe khoang, agree on sth (đồng ý với điều gì) agree with (đồng ý với ai, hợp
khoác lác) với, tốt cho)
Take over (giành quyền Run into (tình cờ gặp, đâm Watch out/ over (coi chừng,
kiểm soát) xô,lâm vào) cẩn thận)

Một vài cụm phrasal verbs có động từ và giới từ có thể đứng tách rời và bị ngăn
cách bởi tân ngữ:

Pay sb back (trả nợ) Take sth off (cởi cái gì đó) Put sth on (mặc cái gì đó vào)
Tell sb off (la rầy ai đó) Pick sb up (đón ai đó) See sb off (tạm biệt)
Drop sb off (thả ai xuống Make sth up (bịa chuyện) Keep sb together (gắn bó)
Pull sth out (lấy cái gì ra) Put sth away (cất đi) Put sth down (ghi chép lại)
ask sb in/out (cho ai vào/ra) cut sth into (cắt vật gì Get sb down(làm ai thất vọng)
Turn sth/sb down (từ chối Put something/ somebody Take sb/sth back to (đem trả lại)
cái gì/ai đó) out (đưa ai/cái gì ra ngoài)
Exercise 1: Can you guess the meaning of the following Phrasal verbs:
1. Pass down a. stop doing something
2. Live on b. have a friendly relationship with someone
3. Deal with c. transfer from one generation to the next
4. Turn down d. reject or refuse something
5. Face up with e. return
6. Get on with f. take action to solve a problem
7. Come back g. have enough money to live
8. Set up h. to start doing a job or being responsible
9. Take over for something
10. Look around k. to formally establish a new company,
11. Turn up organization, ...
12. Set off i. to visit a place and look at the things in it
13. Bring out l. to start on a trip
14. Look through n. to arrive or appear somewhere, usually
15. Keep up with unexpectedly
16. Run out of m. have no more of
17. Go over n. stay equal with
18. Dress up o. read something
19. Cheer someone up p. publish or launch something
20. Pull something down q. test, examine
r. put on smart clothes
s. make someone feel happier
t. to destroy a building

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer:

Question 1: The company is going to close ............... one of its stores due to
reduced sales.
A. on B. to C. down
Question 2: He was thinking of passing .................... the workshop to his eldest
A. with B. to C. down
Question 3: You had to face up .................... the fact that she would never come
A. to B. at C. with
Question 4: I just wondered why she turned .................... his offer of help.
A. on B. down C. back
Question 5: He is going to set .................... a travel company next year.
A. down B. with C. up
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the
word in capitals.
1.Don’t leave the lights on when you leave the classroom. (OFF)
2.Mai spent her childhood in a small town in the south. (UP)
3.Kathy checked the restaurant on her mobile phone. (LOOKED)
4.My grandmother has recovered from her operation. (GOT)
5.We are really expecting to see you again with pleasure. (LOOK)
Exercise 4: Circle the correct answer:
1. My mother told me to (put/get) on warm clothes before I went out.
2. Jim really (got/put) me down when he forgot my birthday.
3. I couldn’t believe she (turned/got) down my invitation for the second time.
4. My mother often lets me (look/take) after my younger brother.
5. “Why did she (break/stay) up with you?” “She said I didn’t care much about her”.
6. We’ve been (saving/looking) up to travel to New York this summer.
7. Have you (take/put) out clean towels for the guests?
8.(Take/Dress) off your rain coat before you come in.
9.I remember (paying/looking) Jim back but he kept asking me for his money.
10.My grandmother (died/passed) away before I was born.
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositions:
1. We will set __________for Tokyo in the next few hours.
2. Everyone says that Jim takes __________his father but I think he is more like his
3. Who will take__________ your position when you are on parental leave?
4. There are four of us so Peter cuts the cake _______four pieces.
5. I am going to buy a new bike, so I put my old one __________.
6. Remember to put the trash __________before the garbage truck comes.
7. You must take _________your hat before you come into a temple.
8. I hate the way my manager shuts me _________when she disagrees with me.
9. What are you looking_________? My car keys.
10.Watch_______for the dog. Everyone says that it is a fierce dog.

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