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Policy & Procedure Manual
Title/Description: Purchase of Ultrasound Machines in KKH

Department: Effective Date:

Procedure No: Revision No.:
Revision Date:

All Divisions and Approved by:

Applies to:

Amendments: Content
 New document change Reviewed with no change on <DD/MM/YY>

1.1 The purpose of this Policy and Procedure deals with the purchase of ultrasound
machines in KKH.


2.1 The purchase of ultrasound (US) machines must first be approved by the
Governance Workgroup on the Purchase of Ultrasound (GWPUS) Machines in KK

2.2 The workgroup is made up of a wide range of healthcare professionals and is

consists of representatives from the following departments:
2. ADC
3. BME
5. MMD
6. Division of Surgery
7. Division of Medicine
8. SAS
9. Division of Nursing
10. Finance
11. Any other member(s) who may be of benefit to the workgroup.

The term of a member of the GWPUS is 2 years.

2.3 The terms of reference of the workgroup are as follows:

1. To review the purchase and replacement of US machines in KKH on an
annual and ad-hoc basis.
2. To make recommendations to the Finance department on the allocation of
funds for the purchase and replacement of US machines.
3. To maintain a database of all US machines in KKH
 The database should contain key information such as purchase
date, cost, department, location, transducer information and end of
life date. Machines that have been discarded or no longer in use
should be removed from the database
4. To implement and review policies for the purchase and replacement of US
machines in KKH.
5. To advise on technical specifications and evaluations of the US machines
put up for purchase or replacement.
6. To advise on standardization to single models where possible to take
advantage of cost savings through bulk purchase of machines.
7. To advise on financial implications when a department wishes to purchase
an US machine.

2.4 The department requiring a new additional piece of equipment will put up a
request to the GWPUS to justify the purchase. The requesting department
should prepare a justification and have supporting evidence for the service
development. The GWPUS will evaluate the request and ask for further
information from the department if necessary. When evaluating the request, the
following principles should be followed:

- The necessity for the new US machine based on patient workload, new or
expansion of existing service
- Suitability of the machine for the intended purpose eg image quality
- Consideration of other models that may also be suitable for the intended
- The number of existing machines in the requesting department and whether
the existing machines can accommodate the increase in workload
- Whether DDII or other departments can accommodate the increase in
- Storage of images including connectivity to PACS and/or IHIS
- Training of staff to ensure that they have the competence to use the
- Cost of the machine
- Manufacturer support

When an existing machine is to be replaced the GWPUS should consider the

age of the equipment, the equipment performance, the image quality of the
machine and whether existing equipment within KKH can be used to fulfil the

The GWPUS will either recommend or reject the purchase of the machine.

2.5 Finance will be informed of successful requests for budget approval. Once
approved, the department will then call for tender for the purchase of the

2.6 If a request if rejected, the GWPUS should give reasons for the rejection to the
department, who may then resubmit the request after improvements to the
original submission is made.

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