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Put the verbs in brackets into the will or going to form.

1. What are you doing with those tools? – I …………………………… (repair) the car.

2. Oh, no! We haven´t got any milk? – I ………………………… (get) some from the shop.

3. Did you phone Bob? – Oh, no. I completely forgot. I …………………………. (phone) him now.

4. I´ve decided to go away for the weekend. I ……………………………. (visit) some friends in Madrid.

5. I´m really hungry. – Are you? I ………………………… (make) you something to eat, then.

6. I´ve bought some wallpaper. I …………………………… (decorate) the living room at the weekend.

7. I´ve decided to sell my flat? – Where ………………………………. (you/live)?

8. I really must go now. – If you wait a moment I …………………………. (give) you a lift in my car.

9. Mary has made up her mind that she………………………………. (change) her job.

10. I ………………………………… (meet) some friends for coffee this afternoon.

11. Romeo is always late. I´m sure he …………………………… (not arrive) on time.

12. The phone is ringing. – I ……………………………. (answer) it.

13. Sophie …………………………… (start) her new job next week.

14. ……………………………. (they/ win) the tennis match tomorrow? What do you think?

15. Look at that driver! He …………………………. (have) an accident.

16. Do you want to meet my father? Come on, I …………………………. (introduce) you.

17. Have you got any plans for your holiday? – Yes, I ……………………………. (go) to France.

18. She has decided to learn Arabic. She ……………………………. (start) lessons next week.

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