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The Future Value of Money

Andrzej Manka defines money as a multidimensional nature in our lives that help us to
improve, stimulate growth and accelerate positive changes. He also shares a phrase from Peter
Ducker that the best way to predict the future is to create it. In political aspects, Manka states that
money or centralized currencies are very susceptible to abuse of power, resulting in the rise of a
strong tendency which is decentralized money that ventures to centralization. And that is both
part of the point of view in the future of money. Three schools of money exist around money and
these are the Old School, Modern School,s and Postmodern School. The First School of money is
the Old School. The thinking is that money is akin to a treasure that can hide next to a tree in
your garden. Money is just like as tangible goods. The Secondary school of money is the Modern
school which implies the belief in the power of electronic devices, credit cards, and online
transactions. Treating the money with mathematical and computer simulation than with physical
reality. And the third school of money is the postmodern school also called as postmoney school
which states money is the first in all concepts, ideas, and ways of communication.

I learned that schools of money come from the thinking and perception and an option for
us to choose the way we think of money or what is money in our lives. Financial reality indeed
depends on our perspective, the attitude we apply, and the mindset we have developed. The
future value of money has lots of concepts but the most important thing to remember is that we
are the ones who will create what our future will be like. The concepts that Mr. Manka stated and
shared are just guides for how we create the value of money in the future, how we manifest
financially, and how to face financial reality. We are the ones who must be responsible for what
we will do and doing right now and the ones who we will be in the future. Money can’t hide the
fact that because of it, we become ambitious and purposeful, and it links to our emotions. In
terms of social structure, it is also a way of our communication. For example, I can’t buy the
clothes I want or even go for my studies in College because my money isn’t enough but because
of lack of money, I decided to work and strive to earn money so that I can buy what I want and
finish my studies. So, you see in this example, I work hard just to earn and get what I wanted.
Money makes each one of us move to get and accomplish things we wanted in the future. If we
don’t work and earn on our own, the future we dreamed to have will not attainable because we
need money to get there, we need money to buy and have something to be accomplished.
Money is indeed part of our daily living because without it we can’t survive in our day to day
basis especially if it helps us acquire our necessities and ambitions in life. We must create and
work to accomplish, dream and work for it. Do not dream and just dream and dream again
because we cannot progress and take a step if we just stay in our phantasms. Strive to
accomplish, strive and be purposeful, strive to understand the value of money, and strive for the
future we wanted. Manifest changes and values.

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