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3/90/23, 10:54 AM Electronic Document Acton Tracking System Con-/ DB DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DOCUMENT ACTION TRACKING SYSTEM ‘Doz. No, LB-Email-20-20250330 ‘SENDER: Arteigh Adorable GESO ll ‘SUBJECT: Issuance of Resurce Utilization Permit withib CBFMA Area ADDRESSEE: RED ENGR. RALPH C. PABLO DATE/TIME RECENED: March 90, 2023, 1:26 pm RUSH! Routing and Action Info FROM 10/FoR oncreD ‘ACTON REQURED / REMARK STATUS TAKEN ns ORED | cARDTS CARD MS | or appropiate action _For compliance EME ORsciG Seni. lreers/e——_-Forimleeriaon awed usesnes [fect mien Farin [-Forconmentecnmendton — For atonanee vero OOo a0 |For investigation —For consoldiation AB AP BOF K MP [rors —Fersctrowedgemert corers [-Ps ren aconyforRED Pls se esha is [eter remarks /inetructions: a/ufor TS OLPpD 2), ate action —For compliance OsMD BIB | For nfo. / record fie —Fpsimplementation GED |" For evaluation / review Arwdsseninaion be |Pe > [-Forconmenecnmendton “Fa atendaes ra / [-Fermesigten —Feracoowedgonent Admin Division |_As instructed / directed Pls, see me about this. oPMD Pes sa URGENTLY Pe asin Says, 1 Legal Division Loaner romarte . O Finance Division lovers: 4 's signature/initial: Saer DP (OE co buenas AO cechrrenrsaA% Al \) | 4% 25/65 for 2ufo» ML hau lachr, /g.4 olen, 289 “V9 -— =z a G V4 Scan , “4 oo brary oad Yu Roan Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources & FOREST MANAGEMENT BUREAU —= — Visayas Avenue, Diliman, 1100 Quezon City Tel, No. (632) 8925-2141 / (632) 8927-47 E-mail Address: Webs! usps www forestry:denr FOR The Regional Executive Directors DENR Regions I-13 and CAR, except NCR ATTENTION The Regional CBFM Coordinator FROM The OIC-Assistant Secretary for Field Operations ~ Western Mindanao and Director, in concurrent capacity SUBIECT ISSUANCE OF RESOURCE UTILIZATION PERMIT (RUP WITHIN COMMUNITY-BASED FOREST MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT (CBFMA) AREA 2023 ‘This pertains to the issuance of Resource Utilization Permit (RUP) within an area issued with Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA). Under Section 10 of DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 1996-29 “Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of Executive Order 263, Otherwise Known as the Community-Based Forest Management Strategy (CBFMS)", a management and utilization plan for each resource, e.g., timber, rattan resins, ‘covering a specific area of the CBFMA and time period shall be prepared. The DENR shall conduct resource inventory as a basis for the preparation of resource use plan and shall serve as the permit to utilize the resource. In the same DAO under Section 12. the community shall be granted an interim user's permit that shall terminate upon the acceptance of the resource use plans. However, the DAO No. 1996-29 which is the hasis of issuance of RUP and/or interim utilization permit was already repeated by DAO No. 2004-29 “Revised Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of Executive Order 263, Otherwise Known as the Community-Based Forest Management Strategy (CBFMS)” as specified in Section 41 therein. DATE i Further, under Section 26 of DAO No. 2004-29 stated that harvesting, processing and transport of forest and biodiversity products in CBFM areas shall be in accordance with existing rules and regulations. In addition, under Section 18, the Community Resource Management Framework (CRMF) as the community's strategic plan shall describe the community's long-term vision, aspirations, comments and strategies for the protection, rehabilitation, development and ion of forest resources. Hence, the RUP is no longer necessary, as all utili resources within CBFM area should be in accordance with existing rules and regulations and, the required permits, as shown in the attached Annex 1. Furthermore, please be reminded that before the CBFM-POs may secure any related-harvesting permit, the resource use/ harvesting plan should be integrated or part of their a Year Work Plan (FYWP). DENR-CAR OFFICE, DF THE REGIONAL EXECUTIVE ci bale Fn A Tuesonel | ToT Tl sed bry for Policy, Planning and International Affairs ELE A Saab ret Operators Sindenas "4 Pmronmen Harnessing forestry selence for sustainable development . List of Required Permits per Forest Resource/Product Legal Bases | DAO No. 2020-06 Private Land Timber Permit | DAO No. 2021 Timber Private Tree Plantation DAO No, 2020-18 ion, harvesting, and transport of planted trees Registration existing tenure and in registered 1989-04 2021-26 forest lands, agrict ae lands, and ancestral lands. Estal 1 programs of the es Department of Agriculture are not covered. Gums, 2021-33 Applies to the tapping, extraction, co! |, and transportation of | , resins, oils, and Resins, ‘exudates (GROE) found within forest lands 7 Oils, and lands Is/ancestral domai ed areas. _Exudates ee mnwide ban on the cutting of Almaci; ‘Wood 032-05 Charcoal

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