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PSBA – Manila

Final Exam 1st Term

AY 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: January 26, 2023

Questions and Answer: 100 points x 30% Final Score __________

1. Describe the following terms: 3 points each (15 points)

1.1 Production
1.2 Operations Management
1.3 Quality
1.4 System
1.5 Total Quality Management
1.6 ISO

2. In not less than 200 words explain in how the given terms above can secure the proper delivery
of business enterprise under Total Quality Management.

3. From your submitted ISO Company search, describe how the transformation into ISO
application made their products or services more competitive. If you were the operations
manager will you also encourage your company to transform into ISO, explain your answer in
not less than 300 words. 50 points

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