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Cast CED Te 4 (Shaa , Hme) aM. ech ( fesearth) . te (SpateJ T= (Time) =» Lomped Heal- Prabiysis . Se ee ae ms a aa ” i Sam Intredudien + Basic Centabts Piphimtis ta Cates PT Ih ge # Thormedynawics deals veith tun amount OY heat transfer no Poferono as to hous loug tne Proan accurts . (We Reference usitntime). + The Rate of Heak transfor. dual Fonporaduxe yasaasion Leothy timo 74 dale th Aso tramifer. + Heat taudfer 14 an Sutension thermody nanica, 3+ dacs kt Jrclude fone asavauahle uokexcad hoak tarufer includes time as avariahfe. Apbeitadious of haat banster “et sat Tat I © Machouricas Eye '— Boilers , TC eupiees © Civid Cugge Design 4 epee oles © € bectri cad Guay ~ Maters, ramus for mors. ® Design g| homaces fe: |+ PUEELIII IID EE Sp contin s ® Convechen ue 8) faciation i Plow 1m StaQuarly # Consluction -—— Et ts a mics topic Premowmere ecco f Hom differena ina Statiovarty mM mod ivr: wl beak tonne Corda Hon Can a a otis, Uasuida aud ot ie due fo que: * Tn Solids , lovducton 14 due to 4 Lathes ylbvaliona j a: free fous 9 lackyoua * Ty fluids, tovoludten ta dunte molecular Colorsions. pre Flows a Vee jc Louductions in ™ ‘Solids 2 (evduch eui mee ae iy . Z wierd — yp fo Malet instids. (oleisions.. IP PAP AP APPP PPP HOOREHEEKRAAAAARARA!|] iF ava Temoat eat tess fer t's disuckty hopdroral fo Area. L” to tne heat Flows avel oe rvadia. heat oe Q KA. ar ge) 4 I Pyecl OU caer fs Fn reduced fo made Meat trauser defy hoot trawsfer suainded™ of Hous “ail este 1 quid 4: Convection tatoasesg OF rity saint 1 <=... Pluid Plow + Heat for = Convection ¥«) Pid How yhak-baus-fer)= ta tonvechion. 4t 1d OA ynoe7e Slopic plonomena. in waluch fluid Partitorr trom d20ves move and Cary hoa. + lonvachion 14 a QO Natural @ free Ti vethon @ Fovted (onvechon- x Nakuval tonvection Occ wa cas eat and Ferted (6rwech'on eccivs du fe Agency Holor awd fan . LIT rT CET TENET + We kort fo forced convection m mle 49 tne - Auat ais fey Rote. The governing ta. for lonwecton 14 given by Newtons Law - tag? PACD faa Sasyan (Gefheiou- fea “Ae pe a pa \* ‘ hiawsfer 14 Move As tue forted (omethon oat : feud ton vection heat tramdfey laopiewts hou sttdie cater tam fre tenvection heat or 4APPARPAARPA AP AP HRHAAESESEHAH HA HARK AA Ke: 1 # ane Zat) (Hea) (Head) (ld, feetrg ee ag hint aheve Okolvin 7 peat fadiatious axe tmited in “tna form Cleckra wagnohic Waves aval funy travel wotn Apeal al 2x10 mis) ham © Rackiative heat brouser 4 given by Ste fan- Batty man Laue wed = gee ewe i AbEVe Okey! i nal a os VUUUIV III (evstf 58 TES 6Fx10e Ww (: eit) ~~ hoe. LE vias ba Aig git ig thy tmp Ag is Low, Ractakive hear traced fer tile Heak from Sum to Carctr Loackas in Ruin a DLV iyvad, HP Combined Me Med of Heal bamafer Alone siab woven Supore to orf (3066) (200t) Corie) ha told (2) gosen a Lonvethon) Stab (lenacton) + (evdution) + 6) Hab casting Removed from tnx Moutd aud Cupar to abnesbhens 5 DP ADRASS EEE BARE ELAS dhiou ¢ bediahon Corre wool Mode 4 Covdu aon, nu, townttion (fadlation, Comore 4PpPAP A Hot moked Boi tovducten + wl | Powud fabs Baty + fadiok ern |" P Ld [" r [ Pe anoles Conduch og 6 in Sebiowany : Pr T tonporation); (Cuma) a | Pour’ Laus 4 Conduction Aspen ater 0) Ste h etonp- nok chaopnaria twe 0 yh tle an . \ fax. ou 5 bimensioual hoab Wawsfor ftpatbcica dsc]. e Akeriad |'s homogenous ( (ew .dowity) ® Bowrele Awyfaces wu thotnwrmal. orein Ousinouk | OK | tompraien ‘ (ve) ‘ Aron 1 kotue Am. Gf hook fer: Hosa » 4 Thoxwad (ouduciivity (ty Be 14 munori Colley Payal 19 heat dawufer Haro Qn Que Im> “bavi lm twichnon , woo botn fac raintaived QF a temp. difowue of te or lle. FThavwat conductivity (k) actualay Refonauts tee ais af tue yudi te Conduct 6) btu fer heat Curmertus k t. greater is the ah Hy Ojos Main tot Mone k, > faster fatne heat 170 : ‘ 4 ‘ ' aia) UVITTIT VEN i a The Unit of Penna (oreluctivi ty i4 Wa Dr me mk CH Difjewaes bus thermal (ovelucty Vi 'f a Spe ad fic hoal- Thermal tovrdlu chyi Reprenouts tue Ab Li Y fue medium to ut B pamper heat 9 UMwre as Specific heat Poprencuts toe iMG Othe Medium 49 absorh @ Stove heat: Tyen loatey ke 90-6 nee he=0. 60g ante. ee o-as Tig = ME + fen, Above values, St Con he ton ebuded that , th tren 14a eed terductor @f haat At ya bad waciun te absorb 6) Stora hook Louexe os Waker 142 Poor vonductor of beak ae qoed medium to dtore heak. # Tuarmad lonductivity in Solids % Bn core of dalids , torduutrou fy dw lattice Viavahovs aud dust to fret HOE fret, Clechrens d “ tn cane of motels houca cme? levductivi’ 2 da, euuitn tne: tn temp. re Acoli Re ° aren tuts obchud- 3 fas een aes anc. IM Top. Mataderc Aolids | k= Ko 480) « x Tn cre Non en at a + o eae G o .G Ff 4, ¢ o oe a & oe Sf ‘e e oe & The Thon mak a OL HOUS oe cnoy bo ‘(attice eek & avd houw ov non CY alaig, ! : cvilg inc. atta inc: 74 ri ’ k= k, Citpr) < | be pee ‘aadepoud & | Bidaoiity as “Brent « bisoe < XW TEU UU UU UU aI IIT le: + tm Cawc Notes Conducoy tenductoy schol & Danes Ee ee aus f moraauic JOVIAL iA -va. aud in Ove 4 Nen- morass P ia tve- good tovductor oeochrics a “he SS aL Wer bar oe alse not ba a ined (aa bowser highast) Materiag |_ pramovd Si due Copper Crecal Agvnani Ur Bride. (nla woo! Afr. [Reo > Feo > i a ieee use Sia k(W)m-k) Ant Mate : The le diamoud } j to mere iA v wt ie nigidy Orgauine ciple Abus P more — ke ishighe: HThermas tovductivity In Biyuids isa pg ee ay si 4b ia found from enperimouts Joy Liqui ana palin tne in temp. tas Anus | dacs Pac Aone thoural covatichvity (ky of @ vigyvia toitn Tuc: in 2 he mee! tae alge ft, [itn ne Tonp —e Moar f | kee Bur tae FES ot dan 2S a g_ ot a yaloupy 04 isc ‘tuoxmad (ovductiv' wa obo tu a2) YP on Modo UOar_ & Ho, nie im el {SH That @ P 4tin depined a4 tee Pao apts ebilig I* ie a Badin taal tn Compania ou to [* tHe abidity 49 store @absorvb hak. Ste. vuitis [> mm? I$ c Ww Ks: Tk ne, | Po 4. x See bat Livowahie, viacenity 02) Represents aa Cama ds bei vewale | iy gt tenent te ancig e Pull ee Jo Restate Momentum oma posivi Signi fica oh + Crveatey tre valu YU XK, voaber 14 tevoluuhen in Lomparcson to storage Auiol haute, Tt lonws in Eq Libyiuim in a faster mamnver- foe motaderc Latids Lk ia very highs) qos (pia vary Lous) , pein a very oe Hig Is 3 Le p Plage om Io Role in Ik. 3 > —ek4 —e Malndyin Liquids. oy a branerabised Gof treluclion in differewta form in Caxtesian! Leordival: ae ® The watyvial js Aomogensens (pztousit.) . @ Villorm heat qeouorated QD vwif v » yy re ZL " f Qnedu dy 4 a da Lek (vy) be Cuovgy qeucrcted | onit volume: Q a v x von [Oy = Ay randy te from Crorgy tows. ee elm Om OHH AMA HC HAC HCO OK HH Ein P Q, +0 4+Q, Fou = Dred Opt Buta, Quran = Qyt B Wl dic OU : | Opeay . ay A 4) y Gerde : fas Glare LIT ITT. ies } Bad * mag? | Mme paenytas [Esra = pandyaz- e pdr Parris vatios in fay* © Orde Ont Oy tQ, + Ay: dudy dz Onedn O sy EA paucy el dt = yhof Fe ae oe ae - Mh - gisrare Pep dudyde at PRAM * ay dudy ae - 2CBuldie- gy dys 2G) Az é he dz at ¢ -pqancyt Bef One “in Br é Oy= “8 | . Oye hs vi 7 € Ay -clndy de — 3m Suet or ar) au -2 [“w phe a a -ley Andy: . dle fo amiga ae 4 nid + 2B (ley: ar). dnaytes 5 B (ly ee a 2 ( ke: ar) dudyde = pple 2 aT ¢ ony + Bleed) BU BACT ‘ apy aplknckyen =e | | fue Material 5 Yobropre plenty nk | yy 5 ke. OT +0 OL 3 4 > ZY mY a aC “Sf a d TP ke Caiagi ty Catt oe 150° je" eee T= fon ; 7 of Dates b Rie [° I> Assumption if [donut eY unity Fore! a 1 asin chtage vite ug Mo pf oe yee 4 Ft e la *9 ae or "OT +r . 2 oT On a9 % + fe OE 407 +OT it Me =< tne t Banh @ MmereriaLis hem ® woteial ta eobspic ®@ k doasit vary anit Te. THRE HAHAGHHHHARAK © ime > : Or ,9r , ar +f « Le Sart Bye By x On “4 0 / a ° Yr + oT 40T 20 | loplaa by" “| Dae oe FP im ww Ld due Temp. variation in a Slab 44 given by “* lw nis in moe. 120 ar bye fae ond Ae 0.3 ak the Hoe te tia tne. Tathomat ryt df 2 AUT Lonductivity & ia tA 45 walt 6 i = lGoo Malm’ . Dotermive wokn Cupar Tomb. at & O peak er fe Ue i Hea ta at pce on tos Stab if Sous, gt Topatiptfen Oe) ee ale Tengen ter 09) - 3m—4 PEED UE eee IETS Q- = & — T= |00 +200 -Sd0 ur Qe-Ka de en i Ot wot) —1 BD K dayjeu "4 [aco Sel veo = 200 Qa fu = -4EX| ¥L00 | “We hae -ve sign heros ak ~te ‘ Noa is movi np fovoareds U- i from the. @- ~ = Loo ~|e0DK Shitfece + . -kaA ar ar os = 260 -1er0(0-3) op & AOKI KE 120) Flees Our Tre 2 Tal ou to Ahovrs trate Fre 006 Tense Feovsaos ra tue hat i oe a c \S. {ootroon “Soou) ea aw « 200 -)00DK, 10D + Vy = (o) AG, +k 2 [00+ Toon- SOO ina Top, Sp a4 = Ot2e0-loven =0 ine 8 2 = € ge abide Fin = nse | [i = we | = — 1266 Tog) ce \oxi at et lee jn tue Sl aa f= 0-3m —A Tele ee an ® EY Teves (ret (0-2)-Sool 0-7) @® f—t— Crergy stored wait pecrage Top Cla en =n CT ) Poy am sy” o ee on a = pALc Tow [pda gt 2 (a 5 re Pre 3 ~ z ee & ei Taye USC >: Ne or e wo Bh 4 ‘QT - -l000 On 5 3 [ Rese tigt CORIO RD = TENE. Oa? xe & ~ So = A £4 = [600 x4000 \ a . * pois ese |: “at a AS Fxio [2 = pei Play s gh —, 3 3 3 = ¥ at AAAPAPPPPPPPPHITULITIVIVIV VG #S ida heat londuchion vat, ipa iat % rn, | Ma Plane Slab | Steady State - Diwousi evad hoor fener ) NO heat qprwrasion Maherrad 4 Aemo gonodus. COusH. therunad onductivity. Viva e + : betes 1 cop = ovo On, = Gn ee — “20; & TT [G -T Keb} @ TAT TEM I geet = [Ea] & e Te (ast T ies Q- —kn At joann. au Aa Layee « Q> -k ac Q: -kAGA) ol (t,-%2) MR fobc ob A Be ee op nr —o r v, VU ra kal -h) 1. 9 a ae Rew rs 9 kA(AD 1 S Ty Le y- en AT-z'-Q { i] = ae u ZARB PPAAPAP APP HPHOHMMRAHAHHAAHRARAK g Ole $ Thornimad Porsiatanto Cencapt must bo Wsod 4 “nar. 44 no haat genaration Ht Steady Sate |-b haat cevducHon ueltn Convection at Belindari es a ey T ete _ fatgasss (fa De Atta Th) = KAU) AAW) ts KL Qe Ra ACTa-h) ant) ‘2 a - ie hile Cd [* ar.= Q@-Kb cs Ry 2 (gavestire rs th fad puiciaule hs by) tL otttl oo 9 eel o Ta, 8 TT Ll Te Th QO hater f > Cet) = 0 a) tad Q: ka Cr-m) 2 Snes 1,7 Te) = O™L L big 6) ® O= AAT) 9 (GT) : re) ae CP EB EVs eg 2 PP PPAPPRPPAP RHA enqganrynaananagqgagangnan de (dn) =O bag overalt overall Py “| f =| ‘A Th Pg 3 (old Air Ce) + Corduction in toupsite Slabs feswmption: © Steady Slate hack banafer ®©® No kaa qenwalion ; Tron mal tovdluctivity lout vary tusitn : @ Aemogenaous Materiod n © The toutack blus Suoaces i4 P aud us temp. Propide 'd t nuaUs. Te Hore (A NO temp. drop ab tes Conbact 4p Stifa (os Ta. TUTE r| ® ae TQ tT, & ™% 4 4 cs es fia lof kA Gwe ofr ead] | s&s a a a @ aA a he ACEO yn Q eka La Q=, la Actin 1 Q= da (Ta To) Ly Qe! oe ACH) LL He pverser haat tomate togpice’ overatt Meat 7 Tt th Ty eh a 72 ABAAAAPAAAAP HP HHMRHRA MAA HAKAA 6 ¢ LIT 5 ; é BS ge £ & g )- of toebrl + tot kA eA WA AA a. thf be ghrp ley Me VA teA kA 4A kA Agt she te Se pl eyerale Bie Tey eile ey FB Qvens : how transfer loxfiteur duermine tee steady Slate heat transfer a doub te Plane Koindous 0.8 mi halt Qual 4. Cub aide (onsiutt of tus0 4 mmhice 0") Clos 0-78 Wink). saporated ny lomm-tuith Stagnous Layer @ Air (ke Se Inside tonp- &f Room 14 maivdnod at 22 Laity a tenvective housfor Coo: G (oon bamdfor (utcide Air top. Aud ths lonvettive ee ee ee a ee a a a a \ = <= Cia}fiet on tne oubicle 14 40%3)mte awa Ae clotermive tre bverase heat bansfer rauasfer (OGfi ~ Cay. qin” oe P —we=h& eo Ao-4y azlo Man 10 wm 4am Pr FHHKRQRaRS Avat © BX Une OT= OR 9 9 a 28 A 20 -(-10) = @ 4 4no* , lox 4 4x Fe | loxt-> O-Fex12 —0-D1EXD Ogpxre 40m} eo babe lng let - tee ee ay te tt 4x00? , loxio*, 4x10 9 De apApApApAppApAP, | GILT e— bmn —!/ AT= @R 4 &xlo ie — Of ear" 2 afte mre 2 | 266 toa Note: bwrnorald dewhoo Plane windows axe | ec yok ondy’ Reduce heat _ a4 toy y ; PoAuce Wide Lh winder’, Doub 22 lh au Prope becaue shares Booikol, there TA Air tap Utaicn oye Posjstanw to fre fies of hol aol Hharahy Roduins ee | | Phitgeidd J Ouss A Comberite tall fourints [Oem fovger 4 Brith (k= 0-7 bof) aud Bem faite Plaster Ck=0.S10/me) aud Gpsutalion material q (k=0.0¢Wmle) iste be added to Keduw fee heat transfor Harracpn tox wall by For - Dee -yndve the -triteven ef Oraulating Layer Bunton, Care! (Que & PAPPWHHAOAMAAAeaeaeannanaaaaae ©, | Brive Plaster __, | eat | ket 1 TT toneebe ze I 4-1 te Aa Om —Ala =} es AT = O80] 21 +008, x” Ate [gt 2 ]}0 DK) DX! pp Re1 WK L =o Senoniy PCO pes aie =F | fe a2 aw; = a ——— » Lue Av tudn Sywara Plate healer ( Sau Riau) fi fa ae ind blue fuse slabs | Sab A 5 13 tur +r C kz 50 Whrie) Ad sab Bis Clam utc) (- =O) st ~ rc — eee Rat igs vo O Mau» fee eee: B. bubide 3 co ten 26fabs- OQ Draw eayilivalow circuit diggiom oo oe Lou —et flim 4 peter OY @, h - ase sora} e vai EG on Ge ° 5 (im? Q Q,+& —O este] H-25) « Q [oor 2 Sabha | _ $OXO-1EKO-AE ZOOKOIC KONE (Ty. 28) = * Of er tea ae 2D XOWKO Dyoirxo“ | -@ a. § (eee, ta a SOKO SNO-L ~~ wor} at LKO AE ‘wit V¥VKHRVAHHHA' y uae KKH O, = 246 0 fremD {- TO * Qe ~ love [eS rome Q, = G28. BFW ‘ (re ear ©. &. ‘(R-a= & Urs hd " aataine] a CLL LLLLLLAAP SPAR MNS a a eee eee Pe a i i ee ee a a ST RE Gir Maye [ao 7 Sr Tos ta : J, 2 23! ae} Aw (te-h) = O& 0.01 LD XD 1EAD WS rm Te Je An compare tt paste bat f . te alumtvsumn ivel fo. Cele spies Ay 20. The material (eusia tse 10 Lm fuich bride tot fy hot sucygace ak 200%,, 40m Thick wooed Join a toed “AwYace otk [0c , tae Heo Qe iwber posed situ a hue loser of Prsulahivp mrakria 250m Wik. Thermal looduchvity ne Kpree = 0-93 nk knspnd = DNS fmt Lirgutahion ~ O12 W]e © Kadavu = 2OF wate. Pe sume |-d beak transfer, Determine tox am heat trawsfey due te adume nium Bivet . ’ je 10 mea sane — Lom A O Domini %e pe). eed - ve O- oar O- Ai aT Orr. (2o0-10) = O[ ea + O28 + 0-01 | 0.43 Os : ¥0-1 wi © ae a Ae River eo [DUM 2 Stun He | OM} 6-926 Rat = L OARE fe. SS . [0-43¢ WA 20AxT x(0-03) e B45 0-436 . ly ot te OF jl. 2 fo-748 Rept Bag 6-436 ° al 2 Pep. [po -19) > Qu 0-948 o-2rt Latin AL River- Lt Cou chuaiey fowarles * Jig cu cu Zonatortals, ovr AL Lit 1A tucol fo hod ve wae ty bl Weed, fer becoy yg Har (AC “Tig. Suis forma walt 200077 ple 18 1380 ee favre (ondudr Gs Lolita |. 86° rink The an drausfer topo by Oudside sweace 'y@ fun mm et temp: oli fer snl ta given be b+ fame Foo A] Whyte tual ond Ar ts fomp. diff b]us Qubricle wall suspic Aureus! oe tus fate gf beak powager/ put Area 13 juvound vf tempi 4oe- pee ope Lage ’ Jun nade = walk 4T, 9.) 40 s 13Sd¢ 2 T= 40& re he [F 8S 40-08 at] ant bon). ha (it) ebb) ‘ez Cn TIO, (4. RG 0,08 (T.-%)] x(t De 8 aa eae] Mt C eR iti Os Or 13K 1 R Q- AT 2 138D- 293.62 Pr RR — oe ke a) XS» O=H3i wot, Ay. a) ss “pat re ( are & oul ale kat = ot eI = ae] rs As. a gop 4 Use Wsttn alr Lelicn yeu ign 1 tao bien ae Love thowral louduchiuty duly 13 bngon as Theraral lonkace Pu jsteuee. ee VELEGsEssyy Beau sf ren, us temp Be oe uaa loutuu ous awd frore 14 a ie tout temp. ' nop of oe (oubacHing Auye « \ ‘ d aa ‘ 4 + Qs, Comider a Plane ( emposite Wal) | — 2 makenials gf taermal piu 7 | - haz 0.1 COfmte : y= 8:08 mk \ “bale [om _ aud tanec Lye 20mm: The -thormat [oudecl- \ futsiante a tie ter fao b[us - water /als 4 ! 9.06°C |uy - 2 SS Materia Aly pwviouded hy I feidar at. fr y (2K Un f= rosea « Material badjeilg afiuid at— aie joa youor in toa fale Of hsot tans fos e yoall teak is 2m igh ad oe O Hip cadtulbke, overnde haasbansper torpor! gwd (nics He Tap Alo pibution- 7 CCE I LA 50" eh re Te Ay? lo 422, tae 200 6 2400 | - ; Note unit of | yum —>|*—Z0 eo Hyena ir p.06 a Ju a 40 se ts . Ros istactle | ee a ‘steuu(e XB [ew] Ate QR - Ao) = Tm hl sph Be ol (-» ? ieee OK O.oaxs — 2OKL | Q: vAAT Fe).a 2 Ux ry Lree- 40] U+ 0-4 £2 4 Watt, DT=OR j - tf tae 200-1, = él lycra : "te 6 0t weed cota Biles 2 Felt ee AB4.46-T4 OAS & “Te = 16a S* Sine ed cu 20 @) eqn Tad TEVA Lone DARpPppN~pApAPp?P PAHO MATAANAAAANAS Ay ra i ‘ # Stay 8 State I-D) (OvOue ny lacey fae m4 Agseue fino” m4” D coi nat material, i‘ homepneos Be No hink quevetion’ i) A tonat fooral ceveloshinty- PLtl Ale, Ls au ° (ter cu” [~ alk c ili ~ k(Nh) i CPL PPPPAPRPPR HRP R AMA agaaaeaaangnara i a -@& tt “4 | kon R, C7 ce samine! eg t+ 47 » kin] ay TTIITYA ETT TTT TTT rs ie ~ Oe hee fe k(n) (ho hija noe Qu, kl Wh) Rh 1 Qe kn biter) Low + rp song Sesion % cram “a intel sod ‘Qe - ka a ry toup -abomy Section Ibo T. ‘b » qud padi A towical a gts R$ h CR2a) fr as wo WA tue Tero Cd WE mu Td. CN7h)- Censichru'ng 1-0, Shree baat taster. durive oe "On dir —Tramsfer ta kr © >Sem Ry= 2-500 (xt ie ‘ a, 2 224 ! The 29 k= Gowfme —Thon find ® Steady Stake hoot-bavater ® twpuatwe at mid Plaro so Qe ka tate (T45) Se Qe 4OX HK 1 2SKIO™% 2X10" (299 -28 ner Ob [Q- 3q.26 salt | ——, »@9nheenpenneaoe@e@wneae7neaanga { \ ‘ x Om. 07 ydr er 4, So 8 “da. -k OTT) 6 a [- au 2 ~40 (7-223) 0 3Bd26 be a. Ate 4o(227-T] a (R409 é ® t (a a aa 20 Le aq! BE bi . 1 : L210 4 0-062EKO-| 2S KIO KYdO-O62E 240 (23-7) fete] fy du» A sraclurae a dbape , a4 shown ™ Nona, vend oitn as Az mn” [. Stuy al A as Gl _[ep-em 7 Ga = Ss > ka dT Q> -Kaae (ee : = kar a a LPPPPP PPP PPP PHRHRRRARAKAAAAHAARHRAQl we eS oats gf ax ju 6ar[Iy0-0010L08 7] AT 4 q 40 f-17*, - 14.6ag [7+ 0-c01om08 77 | = On 400 comet cih. at-tne Mid Plane Q-- ka dr * dy. - ("kar pet qn VUUVVUVUG UVTI Ieee eI IIIS II VT 2 & Va) oy = =|} x : a ' “| OL Fy, = 4 . é a i 8 g Steady Atate (ovduction tin on VODs inhi leat geuwahiQr fin ask re asain. O Steady siakehark Hae sivection) . _ oA a at @® Ne aut yorasion CD & ‘matt phot terduci uidy. mater ae 13 homage i0e IAA} du Q, + Ogen Oya 2 a (O45: - Ags pr Pred Bien 2-k. 2 AB) Alyn 2K) BL 3 te Eyuation | t@uoluchon jn aptivders VIidd ddI. | WE OV bat: in Raw , i haat Fewal Ay, Lae uni gen : In i" be iydstad nuclear Jpext sommn ouewia tn a egaves iamoter vvdor Aten Alate (ondiheud. Tha . dlishibubion 19 bn tr, form gf ayatone isin’ , [4 : Ths) Bao = 4,167 x10 2» | Aisin m- he pe ed properties ars k= 20 wi/mks peg 2 Seog , 4 ; nen late af haat devafer ox unit Rouge = of tus Rod ak Asrsmm - apibutron al BO) -ciaten tus Pempontwe dist ou ‘na Tone optv2. kod @ pnd oe Pog MEY 2 PEEVES ISIIIELIT SR Be a gov - 4-167 x105 A* -ka AT o™ ar 0-4, jeans (“0 Je e Z z « € Qe ~All £" =3 3 b me @. 2ox2K77 ¥ 2SKID [4-100 x2¥ 4 c Sign Pee 524% (Fan 80°C | esd goo - 4.167KI? ie pose wef 53056 CLLPAPRPRPRPPP ORR MH an Steady State hook trav fer [-p heat haw Ne heat qevorahon “1, Materiob is homegencours (orate desi) foe. Hered (ord vi (22 [2 6 PA fa@PAAAhAaAAaRagqgngagaeannannanann cy Ging = abel) Gis aR | wn Ie tenoes Q= ar’ 4 Be -k- LAALX J Doe A "(Jy ) 2 2yke(n-b) 9 errr rrr rrr rrr rereere ie fa ”(#) Herra meHiod for cofeutatiny haa tremsfer fo optivels 2 -kadt q dr i é. Qe- ke 2mhe- oa A, G itt a. fon. at Q) I» (2s) = -2mke (RN) Qe _2ret Cie) ante OB) ~ Tn By , off Thorwad (evductive Pesiaiabes pet AT=QR 5 4. AT= Qk... Ar + oO | 2nrleL oon Thorad fendu dive RosiMAnle - + Tonp nh na cishibution In — . ae ube ie Qivoleny Usted ral courdluch vity (4 ’ The Temperarur disvif hoat qu rahe vol (ed faut fhe oak Que’ 2*PPPPPRPPRPPPHHRT9AMTHRBTABMAHRHAAHRAD # conahe oy Lagani tome Meo Ar'2a a ana of Plaue alah wnnich i tyes tue Baume heat sramafer da ake fuera taluutity awol pr the 4Zame tuickuoy ‘woo - ot rE.) 4 fi satis) ag Q> k An (15) "A (A-%) QML KI 7H) med tn (day) Cafu on VUTVIVAVAAI aa t CEG shdddssdidi SS) Ay = 27 (Vata). 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Asscunptions o Steacly fete book bau 1d heat tau ter ( Lag dct) Cert, trermak conductivity H paogpven DUS, material Sie ® © — ote or Lait ool yerodion’ — ge pl hionen tte Ripenivg Boric log jc 6, +Q, it ( hp > > 2 (a) yn = 2 [ O)® Ay Xtne ar a “k Aa OT i on 2) Alyy “ke B (a at) OA, (ovduction In Spharas_usitnout bank qeussation Assuniph Ong | © Steady Atede haat ioe ® t-p “ur ® cewiant thwural covcluch vit © Materiag (4 shemnogie ew Cf covstt:) © No leat gowah ov" 5 he mt a 8 Paar) vo ~ . ae & ae ri aa 9 fxr-20\ "co | ab Fea BT , vt | ak rth, tet OA Zi cGale my Tr* - ace (eS Ferd ——— CL ee leledlese bUbSTTUAII Id ddd dd dd ETS ODES SCS QR Lene Reto aes | OP EE bb 2[1F- Fem a r Heak tramsfer in_2"4 Care At= OR Ye Ga aes wR) 2 i, A (orr%’) 21 FY ~T Bo op sale) pal a, oA YDATGY | Ry 27x 21-4K0 ary Q = [4.0 Jon 0 14.2 = OQ. Quge 124A ¥ ye DIAS} es (as mn 4, inc: tn Q@= OQ = (4.2 -4-03 100 Q, 703 = 101-8 % Qe TR Qxtr t xlVe datas nannaaa [g(a eo Neal heath a Rese ora bra Ppp YA es > Dad On — . Bam (VR | aro (oD | eyue J Je) ° Gant 44-tue insctation 14 provided juste tux pipe, tartenudectve Roslgdonte uc. but tus oudsicle A Ce axeo ia dh aol tne 14 ne Chou im Outside Convective’ Residfauce of Laven Irsutation ts adcled inside tue pipe, hae trandter alusays otc. avol tence fore 1d 10 fouepr ef cubical Heiden of Puutaton Uthon sux Puutaion 14 Provided fusideter pipe. Soar cme a tat AE One-dimonsi oval torduchon Lith vardabde tan Conductivity ds nr é Plain Slabs Noe: PPO DERDEREATARLS Cha dae e eee jah. ree a6 ce ) nen J Q: ue ae i —_ L—_+4+ eA pbs ® dye -kAT J A ppp elo Timees* g- “bw C8 Cr-%) | ot : | fa * keep Ta] benere lon is tae than moL any “tharmat covductvit oF wou teh! Te = Tt Te Caleasated at Menu = Teep Te le, Q= - kagt 7 oan ay eee Th + a ° Mw @ = -(ke(tegt) AT gy di. « -(MaCtcFt) qT - ke) Cay + & OT Oe. Low + EO] pb Ox . kof G+ £ OAT] fee a at o's Tomporature profile Not Linear. cE Hue temps pies nile cp owt value oF: Fe ks hus eee eer eee rrr eee ere eee eee = \ HE Temporatine Prope k= le, Ct BD dk. "&, at ee toler FS] at dk . ke par We Cosel: if pl ie “ave? +V2 ak ar dn * Ls de “5 dk at ve 4 aw ) t Ane" As as “3 ee awe dc: ine tve adn. ke) oe +ve “ard, .- “har Q- au je -ar Je ka) 14 dic. 1M “tue? manen pp kk et 3G) aad at a ! noon" nt . ooo joe 1 a nn ff no a { alle van bt + Can he dhousy traf Veen piu ae aa h¥ shoun took tn tue tue? “« dxctn. ar ne K ce ih + i add ive bride © 20mm gee Yes Peeples of aa re on?h > sides. The trorwal louductiviig of 10 bridle ‘3 Ke 0-828 [1+0. OD0F TI hare Udon. T i4 in °c, Coluulate. late heat -bawafer Temp.ak tra nicl Pane | Skolt the tomp- duSiribut OM . Bhepecesc ser sdcesgs gs ssi sgsvsisisdsé Qowe \z Weknour Q= Kin ACTIR-R) ‘ ri r— 2G Lng ‘ mn k= 0.858 (140.0007 7, Tw: Tith . Fooe \ ss | | 1 . ( oo Uy = f.24862 { a ‘ ae Q- |. 24862 1x 13sp-so) i 0-010 ( Q= 64.92 kw i Se t 4 Jour tee teup. at Midl Plane : Qu. ko (G+ pir) A ‘ CA DIOX pols o-eae{(1se-1) # 0,00 [Q359)- ryl OLE { < a ‘ [30 Fat so 25m — x i ben QUE The thermal londuckvity ofa Plain wall varies with tomp. atcorcling fo. (on [k= kol 11) | Lone BS kee ne a D develope am ay": for beak raster. Huvouph stab © Dervuit arwq ‘ Aura ary a g K=L = — -malrkained ab Val fovm Temp a Th fospectiu leg Develop akalaHouship for tretuermad hesidtence o Vn wale if tua beak ANd fey 0500 id A. aliudate tre Mak poms fer lf Az0-1m% Tz 200% he ot a L=0-4m keoke (IPT) kgs 60 Wut Be 028 xiot eh sue Qe - kade 3 g = Sg dT [Raf DUUVVUUG SITs sb bbbbdddsdsssa O we: fhe (ingrtlar =e Wey \ \ 1 SoS 2 kena) +B ONT? 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