Writing Descriptive Paragraph

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Belen High School- Tenth Grade

Writing & Reading

Writing Descriptive Paragraphs1

Descriptive paragraphs are often used to describe what a person looks and acts like.
Read this example descriptive paragraph; notice how descriptive paragraphs are
arranged by putting together all the sentences about the same thing.

Here is an example of a descriptive paragraph:

I am forty years old, rather tall and I have blue eyes and short black hair. I wear casual
clothes as I teach students in a relaxed atmosphere. I enjoy my job because I get to
meet and help so many different people from all over the world. During my spare time,
I like playing tennis which I play at least three times a week. I also love listening to
classical music and I must admit that I spend a lot of money on buying new CDs! I live
in a pretty seaside town on the Italian coast. I enjoy eating great Italian food and
laughing with the likable people who live here.

Written Exercise I - Brainstorming

Answer these questions about yourself on a piece of paper.

• How old are you?

• What do you look like?
• What kind of clothes do you wear? Why?
• What kind of job do you do? Do you like it?
• What are your favorite hobbies? Why do you like them?
• Where do you live?
• Do you like living there? Why or why not?

Written Exercise II

Now that you have the information about yourself ready. Fill in the gaps in to complete
this descriptive paragraph about yourself. Read it aloud in front of the class.

I am _________ years old, I _________________ (your looks). I wear ________________ because

______________. I am a ______________. I like my life _____________________ because
_____________________. I enjoy ______________. I often _____________ (describe how often
you do your hobby). I also like ________________ (write about another hobby) because
________________. I live in ____________. People in ____________ are ________________ . I
enjoy / don't enjoy living in ______________ because ____________.


Ask your friends the same questions as in exercise I and write paragraphs about them.

Taken from About.com
Belen High School- Tenth Grade
Writing & Reading

Extraclass #2
Total points: 40- 10%
Due date: April 25, 26 0r 27th

Objective: To produce a descriptive paragraph.

Instructions: Choose one of the topics given below and use the brainstorming
technique applied in the classroom (attached the paper). After this, write three
descriptive paragraphs. Each paragraph has to have at minimum of 7 sentences each;
that will be 21 sentences in total.

• Length • Spelling
• Content • Clarity of ideas
• Capitalization • Grammar
• Punctuation • Presentation (name, group, date,
title, layout)

Scale: 1: needs improvement 2: regular 3: good 4: very good 5: excellent

Writing Suggestions for a Descriptive Text

Descriptive writing calls for close attention to details. Whether your subject is as small as a strawberry or as
large as a football stadium, you should begin by observing your subject closely and deciding which details
are most significant.

Forty Topic Suggestions: Description

1. Two important people in my life 22. a vase of flowers

2. My friends 23. a rest room in a service station
3. My future job 24. a street that leads to your home or school
4. My future major 25. your favorite food
5. a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis 26. the inside of a spaceship
racket 27. the scene at a concert or athletic event
6. a cell phone 28. an art exhibit
7. a treasured belonging 29. an ideal apartment
8. a laptop computer 30. your old neighborhood
9. a favorite restaurant 31. a small town cemetery
10. your dream house 32. a pizza
11. your ideal roommate 33. a pet
12. a closet 34. a photograph
13. your memory of a place that you visited 35. a hospital emergency room
as a child 36. a particular friend or family member
14. a locker 37. a painting
15. an accident scene 38. a storefront window
16. a city bus or subway train 39. an inspiring view
17. an unusual room 40. a work table
18. a child's secret hiding place 41. a character from a book, movie, or
19. a bowl of fruit television program
20. an item left too long in your refrigerator 42. a refrigerator or washing machine
21. backstage during a play or a concert 43. a Halloween costume

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