ACOI Surgical Site Infections Management Academy.3

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Il Giornale di Chirurgia

Surgical Perspectives Journal of the Italian Surgical Association


ACOI Surgical Site Infections Management

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Recommendations on the prevention of surgical site infections

Massimo Sartellia*, Francesco Corteseb, Marco Scatizzic, Francesco Maria Labricciosad, Stefano Bartolie,
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Francesco Nardacchionef, Gabriele Sgangag, Nicola Cillarah, Gianluigi Luridianai, Rita Murrij, Mario Camplik,

Marco Catarcil, Felice Borghim, Francesco Di Marzon, Walter Siquinia, Fausto Catenao, Federico Coccolinip,
Mariano Fortunato Armellinoq, Gianandrea Baldazzir, Massimo Bastis, Giovanni Ciacciot, Vincenzo Bottinou, Pierluigi Mariniv

Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common cause of healthcare-associated infections in surgical patients.
Many SSIs may be preventable if simple measures are respected. Despite evidence supporting the effectiveness of evidence-
based practices in Infection Prevention and Control, many surgeons fail to implement them.
Methods: To clarify the key issues in the prevention of SSIs, an expert panel designated by the board of directors of Associazione Chirurghi
Ospedalieri Italiani—Italian Surgical Association (ACOI) convened in Rome, Italy, on 16 December 2021, for a consensus conference.
Results: The expert panel approved 11 evidence-based statements regarding the prevention of SSIs. A article was drafted and
reviewed by the expert panel, finally obtaining this document that represents the executive summary of the consensus.
Conclusions: The document aims to disseminate best practices among Italian surgeons and summarizes the ACOI
recommendations for the prevention of SSIs.
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance; Healthcare-associated infections; Infection prevention and control; Surgical antibiotic
­prophylaxis; Surgical site infections

General and Emergency Surgery Unit, Macerata Hospital, Macerata, Italy; bEmergency Introduction
Surgery Unit, San Filippo Neri Hospital, Roma, Italy; cGeneral Surgery Unit, Santa Maria Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has recently emerged as one
Annunziata Hospital, Firenze, Italy; dGlobal Alliance for Infections in Surgery, General
of the most serious public health issues of the 21st century.
Secretary, Macerata, Italy; eVascular Surgery Unit, S. Eugenio Hospital, Roma, Italy;
ACOI, General Secretary, Roma, Italy; gDepartment of Medical and Surgical Sciences,
Despite the multifaceted nature of AMR affecting humans, ani-
Emergency Surgery & Trauma, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, mals and the environment, healthcare workers play a critical
Roma, Italy; hGeneral Surgery Unit, Santissima Trinità Hospital, Cagliari, Italy; iOncologic role in containing the spread of AMR.
and Breast Surgical Unit, Armando Businco Oncology Hospital, Cagliari, Italy; In a study published in 2019, Cassini et al1 examined the
Department of Laboratory and Infectious Diseases Sciences, Infectious Diseases Unit, weight of infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Roma, Italy; kACOI, Secretary, (MDRB) in invasive isolates in Europe. Processing the 2015 data
Roma, Italy; lGeneral Surgery Unit, Sandro Pertini Hospital, Roma, Italy; mOncologic of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network
Surgery Unit, Candiolo Cancer Institute FPO - IRCCS, Torino, Italy; nGeneral and (EARS-Net), the authors published the first estimate of the impact
Emergency Surgery Unit, New Apuan Hospital, Massa-Carrara, Italy; oEmergency
of AMR on the European population. They estimated 671,689
Surgery Unit, “Bufalini” Hospital, Cesena, Italy; pGeneral, Emergency and Trauma
Surgery Unit, Pisa University Hospital, Pisa, Italy; qGeneral and Emergency Surgery
infections with MDRB, of which 63.5% were healthcare-asso-
Unit, Salerno Hospital, Salerno, Italy; rGeneral Surgery Unit, ASST Nord Hospital, Sesto ciated infections (HAIs). The infections caused by MDRB had
San Giovanni, MI, Italy; sGeneral and Emergency Surgery Unit, St Spirito’s Hospital the potential to cause 33,110 attributable deaths each year in
of Pescara, Pescara, Italy; tGeneral and Emergency Surgery Unit. Sant’Elia Hospital, Europe (equal to the sum of deaths caused by influenza, AIDS,
Caltanissetta, Italy; uGeneral Surgery Unit, “Villa Betania” Hospital, Napoli, Italy; and and tuberculosis) and 874,541 disability-adjusted life-years. The
General and Emergency Surgery Unit, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Roma, Italy. study demonstrated that Italy and Greece had the most infections
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with regard to the caused by MDRB in Europe. Although the Italian population is
content of this report. of a medium-high age, it is notable that about a third of deaths
All author participated in the writing of the article. due to MDRB infections in Europe had been in Italy.
*Corresponding Author. Address: General and Emergency Unit, Macerata
To tackle the burden of AMR, the Italian Ministry of Health
Hospital, Macerata, Italy. E-mail: (M. Sartelli). in 2017 published the “National Antimicrobial Resistance
Contrast Plan (PNCAR) 2017–2020,”2 addressing the AMR
Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published on behalf of the Associazione Chirurghi
Ospedalieri Italiani and Wolters Kluwer. This is an open access article distributed
burden according to the general One Health strategy and
under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits identifying strategies and actions to be implemented at differ-
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the ent levels: national, regional, and local. In 2020, the program
original work is properly cited. was extended to 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and
Journal of the Italian Surgical Association (2022) 42:2 will be updated with a new plan that will be valid for the years
Received: 26 April 2022; Accepted 24 June 2022
During the elaboration of the PNCAR, the Ministry of
Published online 10 August 2022 Health invited the European Centre for Disease Prevention and
DOI: 10.1097/IA9.0000000000000002 Control (ECDC) to plan a visit to Italy with a team of experts.

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

In December 2017, the ECDC published a report on the preven- obstetrics, pediatrics, rehabilitation, neonatology, geriatrics,
tion and control of AMR in Italy.3 The report summarized visits psychiatry, long-term care).6 The prevalence of patients with at
and meetings that ECDC experts had in Italy to discuss and least one HAI was 8.03%.
specifically assess the situation regarding AMR in Italy. The visit The occurrence of HAIs such as surgical site infections
took place from 9 January 2017, to 13 January 2017, and, after (SSIs), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs),
visiting three different regions, and some hospitals, speaking central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs), ven-
with experts and representatives of the institutions, the ECDC tilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), hospital-acquired pneu-
delegates wrote their conclusions. The experts highlighted the monia (HAP), and Clostridioides difficile infection continues
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threat represented by the AMR, and the need for coordination to escalate at an alarming rate. These infections result in sig-
to address this phenomenon, so that the good practices already nificant patient illnesses and deaths, prolong the duration of
consolidated in some areas of the country could become a com- hospital stays, and often necessitate additional diagnostic and
mon heritage in the daily practice of all healthcare workers in therapeutic interventions, generating added costs to those
Italy. already incurred by the patient’s underlying disease.7 However,
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According to a report by the Organization for Economic the perception of the phenomenon is not yet sufficiently high
Co-operation and Development (OECD),4 in Italy, the propor- among healthcare workers, resulting in a low level of adequate
tion of antibiotic-resistant infections has grown from 17% in responses.
2005 to 30% in 2015, and will reach 32% in 2030, if antibiotic Many SSIs may be preventable if simple rules are respected.
consumption continues to follow the same trends. Both the World Health Organization (WHO),8–10 and the Centers
In Italy, since 2001, the Italian National Institute of Health5 for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)11 have published
has been coordinating the surveillance system of the sistema guidelines for the prevention of SSIs. In 2016, the American
nazionale di sorveglianza sentinella dell’antibiotico-resistenza College of Surgeons and the Surgical Infection Society updated
antibiotic resistance in the human sphere, consisting of a net- their surgical site infection guidelines.12 In 2019, the National
work of hospital laboratories recruited voluntarily, with the Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) updated its
primary aim of describing the frequency and trend of AMR in guidelines for the management of SSIs.13
a selected group of bacteria isolated from infections of clinical Despite all the published guidelines, knowledge and aware-
relevance (above all bacteremia), representing both commu- ness of IPC measures among surgeons are frequently insuffi-
nity-acquired infections and healthcare-associated infections cient, and there is a significant gap between the evidence-based
(Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis, practice and clinical practice regarding to the prevention of
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia SSIs.
coli, Acinetobacter baumannii). The WHO Global guidelines for the prevention of SSIs are
The percentage of E. coli resistant to third-generation ceph- evidence-based, addressing the global burden of SSIs on both
alosporins was decreasing in 2020 (26.4%) compared with patients and healthcare systems. They have been designed
2019 (30.8%), while a decreasing trend in the last 6 years to be suitable for any country and can be locally adapted,
(2015–2020) was observed for aminoglycosides (from 18.4% including 13 recommendations for preventing infections
in 2015 to 15.2% in 2020), and fluoroquinolones (from before surgery and 16 for preventing infections during and
44.4% in 2015 to 37.6% in 2020). For the second consecu- after surgery.10
tive year, there was an increase in the percentage of isolates
of K. pneumoniae resistant to carbapenems (29.5% in 2020
vs. 28.5% in 2019), after a slight decline observed in previous
Classification and definition
years. Resistance to carbapenems was confirmed to be very SSIs are the most common cause of HAIs in surgical patients.
low in E. coli (0.5%) but increased in P. aeruginosa (15.9%) SSIs are generally classified according to universal criteria.14 SSIs
and in Acinetobacter spp. (80.8%). Among Gram-negative are divided into incisional and organ/space infections. Incisional
bacteria, 33.1% of K. pneumoniae isolates and 10.0% of infections are further classified as superficial involving skin and
E. coli isolates were found to be multiresistant (resistant to subcutaneous tissue, and deep involving deep soft tissue muscle
third-generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and fluo- and fascia. Deep and organ/space infections represent the SSIs
roquinolones). In 2020, both of these values were decreas- causing the most morbidity.
ing compared with previous years. Regarding P. aeruginosa, To compare SSI rates between hospitals and avoid subjective
the percentage of resistance to three or more antibiotics interpretation, an accurate standardization of the case defini-
including piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, carbapenems, tions is crucial. To reduce subjectivity and ensure standardiza-
aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones was 12.5%, also in tion of definitions across Europe, in 2017, ECDC published the
decrease compared with previous years, while a percentage HAI-Net SSI protocol version 2.2.15
of multi-resistance (fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and Superficial incisional infections are classified as infections
carbapenems) was found very high (78.8%) and increasing occurring within 30 days after the surgical procedure involving
for Acinetobacter spp. Regarding S. aureus, the percentage of only skin and subcutaneous tissue of the incision and at least
methicillin-resistant isolates remained stable, around 34%, one of the following criteria:
while a worrying trend continued to increase in the percent-
• purulent drainage with or without laboratory confirmation,
age of E. faecium isolates resistant to vancomycin, which in
• organisms isolated by an aseptically obtained culture of
2020 was 23.6%.
fluid or tissue,
One of the crucial aspects of combating AMR is the imple-
• at least one of the following signs or symptoms of infection
mentation of infection prevention and control (IPC) programs.
including pain or tenderness, localized swelling, redness, or
HAIs are infections occurring while patients receive healthcare,
heat and the superficial incision is deliberately opened by a
and many of them are caused by MDRB. Patients with medi-
surgeon (unless culture of incision is negative),
cal devices (central lines, urinary catheters, ventilators) or who
• diagnosis of superficial incisional SSI made by a surgeon or
undergo surgical procedures are at risk of HAIs.
a physician.
In Italy, there is no systematic national surveillance system for
HAIs, but a point prevalence surveillance study was conducted Deep incisional infections are classified as infections occur-
during the period October 2016–November 2016: it included ring within 30 days after the surgical procedure if no implant
56 facilities and selected 14,773 patients distributed in various is left in place or within 90 days if implant is in place and the
departments (medicine, surgery, intensive care, gynecology and infection appears to be related to the operation and infection

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

involves deep soft tissue (e.g., fascia, muscle) of the incision and of the consensus. It summarizes the ACOI recommendations for
at least one of the following criteria: SSIs prevention.
The present recommendations were developed according
• purulent drainage from the deep incision, to the grading of recommendations assessment, development

• dehiscence or deliberate opening by the surgeon from and evaluation methodology.16,17 The quality of evidence was
the deep incision when the patient has at least one of the marked as high, moderate, low, or very low. The strength of
following signs or symptoms of clinical infection: fever the recommendation was qualified as weak or strong based on
(> 38 °C), localized pain or tenderness, unless incision is the agreement of the expert panel (>80%). The following set of
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culture-negative, recommendations aims to reinforce best practices among Italian

• an abscess or other evidence of infection involving the deep surgeons.
incision is found on direct examination, during reopera-
tion, or by histopathologic or radiologic examination,
• diagnosis of deep incisional SSI made by a surgeon or
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attending physician. Statement 1

Organ/space infections are classified as infections occurring As many HAIs may be preventable, each surgical department
within 30 days after a surgical procedure involving any part should have in place and implement measures aimed at reducing
of the anatomy other than the incision and at least one of the the risk of HAIs including SSIs, before, during, and after surgery.
following criteria: Multidisciplinary educational projects should be implemented
aiming to increase knowledge and raise awareness and account-
• purulent drainage from a drain that is placed through a ability (Moderate quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
stab wound into the organ/space, SSIs are the most common HAIs in surgical departments. The
• organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of prevention of SSIs should be a priority for all surgical depart-
fluid or tissue in the organ/space, ments worldwide. Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant
• an abscess or other evidence of infection involving the to antibiotics, making the prevention of SSIs more import-
organ/space that is found on direct examination, ant nowadays. SSIs are associated with longer postoperative
• during reoperation, or by histopathologic or radiologic hospital stays and result in higher attributable morbidity and
examination diagnosis of organ/space SSI made by a sur- mortality.12
geon or attending physician. Safe surgical care requires a range of precautions aimed at
reducing the risk of SSIs before, during, and after surgery. Many
SSIs may be preventable if simple rules are respected. In 2018,
a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies between 2005
Methods and 2016 evaluated the results of multifaceted interventions to
The Italian surgical societies are becoming more conscious of the prevent CAUTIs, CLABSIs, SSIs, and VAP/HAP in acute care or
importance of preventing HAIs across the surgical pathway. In long-term care settings. Published evidence suggests a poten-
particular, Associazione Chirurghi Ospedalieri Italiani—Italian tial reduction of HAI rates in the range of 35%–55% associ-
Surgical Association (ACOI) has included the prevention of SSIs ated with multifaceted interventions irrespective of a country’s
in its training program, setting up a multidisciplinary task force income level.18
and organizing a series of educational events (ACOI Surgical Another systematic review of the interventions to reduce
Site Infections Management Academy [ACOISSIMA]) through- HAIs demonstrated that 65%–70% of cases of CLABSIs and
out the whole national territory in order to increase knowledge CAUTIs and 55% of cases of VAP and SSIs could be prevent-
and awareness on the prevention of SSIs among Italian sur- able with evidence-based strategies. The authors concluded
geons. Following expert interventions, each event included the that 100% prevention of HAIs could not be attainable with
active participation of local surgeons to assess the state-of-the- evidence-based prevention strategies; however, comprehensive
art in the prevention of SSIs and AMR in various Italian regions. implementation of such strategies could prevent many HAIs and
In order to investigate the awareness of Italian surgeons save lives, reducing costs.19
about the prevention of SSIs, in June 2021, ACOI conducted Teamwork is crucial for achieving a comprehensive
an anonymous survey addressed to all members. An electronic approach to providing care that is adequate to optimize both
invitation with a link to the survey was sent to about 3,200 individual health outcomes and overall service delivery of
members of ACOI by the weekly newsletter. The survey was healthcare. Effective teamwork can have a positive impact
Internet-based. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. on patient safety. Healthcare teams that communicate effec-
No incentives were provided to the respondents. tively result in enhanced patient safety and improved clinical
The 15-item self-administered questionnaire collected infor- performance.
mation about the behavior of Italian surgeons in preventing and The IPC teams aim to prevent the acquisition and dissem-
treating infections across the surgical pathway. ination of HAIs within healthcare facilities. Many hospital
Among the 3,200 surgeons contacted by email, 371 (11.6%) professionals are typically involved in IPC teams, making col-
completed the survey. The overall participation was low, disclos- laboration essential.20 The multidisciplinary approach reinforces
ing poor awareness of the problem. the concept that professionals bring with them their particular
To clarify the key issues in the prevention of SSIs across expertise and are responsible for their respective contributions
the surgical pathway, an expert panel designated by the ACOI to patient care. In this context, the direct involvement of sur-
Board of Directors convened in Rome, Italy, on 16 December geons may be important.
2021, for a consensus conference. The panelists approved 11 All surgeons should have the necessary knowledge to
evidence-based statements developed for topic questions regard- respect effective IPC practices. Increasing knowledge may
ing the prevention of SSIs, aiming to define quality indicators influence their perceptions and motivate them to change
statements to be respected in every Italian surgical unit. To behavior.
design the statements, a literature search, using the PubMed In 2018, the WHO published a document to support the pre-
database, was performed without restriction of time or type of vention of SSIs around the world.21 The purpose of the doc-
article. The search was limited to English-language publications. ument is to present a range of approaches to achieve, in the
The expert panel drafted and reviewed a article, finally context of a broader surgical safety climate, successful imple-
obtaining this document that represents the executive summary mentation of SSIs prevention at a facility level.

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

Knowledge is fundamental for effective IPC.22 Lack of knowl- laminectomy. The standardized follow-up period was 31 days
edge about the appropriateness, efficacy, and use of prevention except for deep or organ/space infections following orthopedic
measures determine poor compliance. To overcome these barri- operations with an implant in place. For these surgical proce-
ers, education and training are the cornerstones of improvement dures, the follow-up period was extended to 91 days. In 2017,
in prevention practices. 10,149 SSIs were reported. Of these, 4,739 (46.7%) were super-
Education of surgeons in preventing HAIs should begin at ficial, 3,088 (30.4%) deep, and 2,274 (22.4%) organ/space SSIs.
the undergraduate level and should be consolidated with further In 48 (0.5%) SSIs, the type of SSI was unknown. The percentage
training throughout the postgraduate years. Surgical societies of SSIs varied greatly, from 0.5% in knee prosthesis operations
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may have a crucial role in educating surgeons about IPC pro- to 10.1% in open colon surgery operations. Both in cholecys-
grams. Efforts to improve educational programs are required, tectomy and colon resections, the percentage of SSIs was lower
and it is necessary that in Italy, appropriate educational pro- in laparoscopic procedures than in open procedures. S. aureus
grams will be further reinforced to drive surgeons towards cor- (21.5%) and E. coli (13.9%) were the most isolated bacteria.
rect behaviors in the prevention of HAIs. For cholecystectomy and colon resections, the most frequently
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Finally, adequate IPC strategies depend on both healthcare reported bacteria were Enterobacterales. For all other types of
workers’ behaviors and the organizational characteristics of surgical procedures, Gram-positive cocci were the most isolated
acute healthcare facilities that can promote a behavioral change. bacteria.
Accountability is an essential aspect in preventing HAIs.23
Without accountability, evidence-based strategies cannot be
implemented, and are used in a fragmented way, decreasing their Statement 3
effectiveness. Accountability begins with the hospital executive An approved local protocol of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis
officer and other leaders supporting the imperative for a culture (SAP) according to the local microbiological epidemiology
of patient safety, making the prevention of HAIs an organiza- should be in place in each surgical unit. Its appropriate appli-
tional priority. cation should be periodically verified (Low quality of evidence,
strong recommendation).
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) is one of the most
Statement 2
important perioperative measures for preventing SSIs. SAP
Facility-based surveillance of HAIs, including SSIs, surveillance aims to achieve serum and tissue antibiotic levels exceeding the
should be performed to guide interventions with timely feed- antibiotic’s minimum inhibitory concentration for the duration
back of results to surgeons. of the surgical procedure. It allows to counteract the prolifer-
Every surgical unit should know the effectiveness of the ation of bacteria likely to be encountered during the surgical
adopted prevention strategies (Low quality of evidence, strong procedure.
recommendation). Approximately 15% of all antibiotics in hospitals are pre-
Surveillance includes monitoring of an event, collection and scribed for SAP.31,32 Inadequate SAP prescriptions can be a major
analysis of the data associated with the event, and timely feed- driver of “opportunistic” infections such as C. difficile, select
back to healthcare workers who can implement evidence-based MDRB and increase healthcare costs.33,34
strategies to improve patients’ outcomes by decreasing the inci- Although the principles of SAP are clearly established and
dence of the event.24 Surveillance allows hospitals and clinicians guidelines have been published, implementing these guide-
to measure the effectiveness of strategies that are implemented lines is problematic among surgeons. In 2013, the American
to decrease infection rates.25 Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), the Infectious
The surveillance of SSIs is one of the most important com- Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the Surgical Infection
ponents of an effective IPC program and has been shown to Society (SIS), and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
be crucial to reduce the risk of SSIs.26,27 Hospitals should per- America (SHEA) published a set of clinical practice guidelines
form surveillance for SSIs to identify trends in infection rates, for SAP.35
improve infection prevention practices and decrease the inci- Prolonged administration of antibiotics in the postoperative
dence and the burden of these costly and common hospital-ac- period is the most common reason for inappropriate SAP.36 An
quired infections. Italian study evaluating the appropriateness of the prescription
An ideal surveillance system should routinely audit and pro- of SAP demonstrated that only 18.1% of the patients received
vide confidential feedback on SSI rates and adherence to pre- appropriate SAP.37 A British study described how antibiotic
vention measures to individual surgeons, the surgical division prescription was considered by surgeons as a secondary task,38
and/or department chiefs, and hospital leadership.28 However, while other studies underlined the lack of motivation and time
systematic surveillance of SSIs is challenging and requires exper- to develop nonsurgical skills among surgeons.39
tise and resources because active surveillance is a resource- and To define the association of type and duration of SAP with
time-consuming activity. SSIs, acute kidney injury (AKI), and C. difficile infection, a mul-
In Italy, continuous surveillance of SSIs is routinely per- ticenter, national retrospective cohort study was published in
formed by only a few regions, and the real impact of SSIs 2019.40 Increasing duration of SAP was associated with a higher
in the country is not known, making impossible to assess risk of AKI and C. difficile infection; extended duration did not
the quality of healthcare in preventing and controlling SSIs. lead to additional reduction of SSIs.
Data on nonprosthetic surgery from an Italian surveillance One way to engage surgeons may be to adapt guidelines into
program of SSIs for the period 2009 to 201129 demonstrated a local protocol defining responsibilities for actions among a
that implementation of a national surveillance program was multidisciplinary team. Moreover, since the choice of SAP also
helpful in reducing SSI rates and should be prioritized in all depends on local epidemiology, a local adaptation of guidelines
healthcare systems. for SAP should be developed and implemented in each surgi-
Recently the ECDC published the Annual Epidemiological cal unit. Guidelines for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in
Report,30 sharing data collected in 2017 in hospitals participat- adults were updated in 2011 by the Italian Institute of Health.41
ing in national or regional surveillance of SSIs across Europe. Local protocols should integrate the statement of these guide-
The SSI surveillance protocol included the following nine lines into a local protocol. Several studies demonstrated that
surgical procedures: coronary artery bypass graft, open and implementation of a SAP program including the creation of a
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, open and laparoscopic colon local protocol, the organization of educational sessions, and
surgery, cesarean section, hip prosthesis, knee prosthesis, and planning periodic revision of prescriptions was effective in

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

reducing antibiotic consumption, antibiotic prophylaxis cost, • • diagnosing and treating anemia (especially iron deficiency
and the incidence of SSIs.42,43 anemia),
However, other studies revealed that implementation of inter- • • minimizing blood loss, and
ventions led to improved quality of SAP administration as well • • avoiding unnecessary transfusions.50
as a reduction in antibiotic use and cost without a significant
reduction in SSIs.44,45 van Kasteren et al45 in a prospective study Several studies described the correlation between perioper-
of elective surgical procedures in 13 Dutch hospitals, evaluated ative blood transfusion and increased SSIs in both general sur-
the quality of SAP before and after an intervention consisting gery51,52 and colorectal surgery.53,54
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of performance feedback and implementation of national clini- A large population-based retrospective study in Western
cal practice guidelines. Antibiotic use decreased from 121 to 79 Australia clearly showed a 21% reduction of HAIs after PBM
DDD/100 procedures, and costs were reduced by 25% per pro- implementation.55
cedure. After the intervention, the antibiotic choice was inappro- A meta-analysis and systematic review about the impact of
priate in only 37.5% of the cases instead of 93.5% of expected ERAS and fast-track surgery for abdominal or pelvic surgery on
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cases in the absence of any intervention. Prolonged prophylaxis HAIs was published in 2017. The results suggested that ERAS
was observed in 31.4% instead of 46.8% of expected cases and protocols were powerful tools to prevent three of the major
inappropriate timing in 39.4% instead of the expected 51.8%. HAIs, including HAP, CAUTI, and SSIs.56 The role of ERAS in
Time series analysis showed that all improvements were statis- decreasing SSIs has been debated. With the expansion of laparo-
tically significant (P < 0.01). The overall SSI rates before and scopic interventions, ERAS has increasingly incorporated lapa-
after the intervention were 5.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] roscopic patients, especially in colorectal surgery. Laparoscopic
= 4.3%, 6.5%) and 4.6% (95% CI = 3.6%, 5.4%), respectively. colonic surgery was associated with a lower rate of SSIs in sev-
To evaluate the impact of an educational, participative and eral studies,57,58 and the combination of laparoscopy and ERAS
continuing antimicrobial stewardship program on prescription protocols might be even more beneficial.
adherence, a study was conducted between 2013 and 2019 on Some studies reported that ERAS in colorectal surgery was
an Italian University Hospital performing more than 40.000 associated with a reduction in the occurrence of SSIs.59,60 In
surgical interventions per year.46 Data about SAP were collected other studies, it was not possible to demonstrate a benefit of
from two separate surveys, one at baseline (April 2013) and ERAS compliance on SSIs incidence, while laparoscopic surgery
one after the long-term antimicrobial stewardship intervention was clearly protective.61
(post-intervention, April 2019). Overall, guidelines adherence The expert panel suggests that ERAS, PBM and IPC are
improved from 36.6% (n = 149) at baseline to 57.9% (n = important patient safety interventions that can improve patients’
221) post-intervention (P < 0.0001). A significant improvement response to infections.
(P < 0.001) was also detected for each category: indication
(from 58.5% to 93.2%), selection and dosing (from 58.5% to Statement 5
80.6%), timing (from 92.4% to 97.6%), duration (from 71%
to 80.1%). Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of IPC. When optimally per-
formed, hand hygiene reduces HAIs and the spread of anti-
microbial resistance. Correct hand hygiene should always be
Statement 4 performed during the surgical pathway. Its appropriateness and
the consumption of alcohol-based hand rub used by surgeons
Due to their demonstrated efficacy, optimizing patients’ physio- should be monitored periodically (Moderate quality of evi-
logic function by enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pro- dence, strong recommendation).
tocols and limiting perioperative blood transfusions by patient Hand hygiene is an important indicator of patients’ safety
blood management (PBM) protocols should be implemented to and quality of care delivered in all healthcare settings, includ-
improve the patient’s response to infections (Low quality of evi- ing surgical departments. The purpose of routine hand hygiene
dence, strong recommendation). in patient care is to remove dirt and organic material and
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs are evi- reduce microbial contamination from transient microbiolog-
dence-based pathways designed to optimize the perioperative ical flora.
care of surgical patients before, during, and after surgery.47 ERAS The objective of cleaning hands and forearms prior to surgery
Societyconsensus guidelines are powerful tools implemented is to reduce the bacteria on the skin. Surgical hand preparation
worldwide across hospitals in order to improve the quality of is crucial to maintain the lowest possible contamination of the
surgical care 47 and Italian surgical societies such as ACOI and surgical field, especially in the event of sterile glove puncture
PeriOperative Italian Society (POIS) have already reached a con- during the procedure.12
sensus for their implementation in colorectal surgery.48 The 2016 WHO guidelines for the prevention of SSIs recom-
The basic principles of ERAS include attention: mend to perform surgical hand preparation either by scrubbing
• to preoperative measures including preoperative counseling with a suitable antimicrobial soap and water or using a suitable
and nutritional strategies; alcohol-based hand rub solution before donning sterile gloves.
• to perioperative measures including regional anesthetic The statement is supported by moderate quality of evidence.
and nonopioid analgesic approaches, fluid balance, main- The meta-analysis conducted by WHO experts included 64
tenance of normothermia; and studies. However, among these studies, there were only six stud-
• to postoperative measures including postoperative recovery ies with SSIs as primary outcome, including three randomized
strategies, including early mobilization, early removal of control trials, three observational studies, and two comparative
the urinary catheter and appropriate thromboprophylaxis. cohorts.62
Surgical hand preparation should be performed either by
Patient blood management (PBM) is an evidence-based scrubbing with an adequate antimicrobial soap and water or
approach aiming to optimize patient outcomes by clinically an adequate alcohol-based hand rub solutions containing 60%–
managing and preserving a patient’s own blood.49 PBM aims 80% alcohol before donning sterile gown and gloves.63
to detect and treat anemia, minimize the risk of blood loss and Hand hygiene in healthcare can be monitored directly or indi-
the need for transfusions for each patient through a coordinated rectly. Direct methods to monitor hand hygiene in healthcare
multidisciplinary process of care. The three pillars of PBM are include direct observation, patient assessment, or healthcare
the following: workers’ self-reporting. Indirect methods include monitoring

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

the consumption of products, such as soap or hand rubs, and meta-analysis.70 The meta-analysis included two randomized
automated monitoring of the use of sinks and hand rub dispens- controlled trials and eight cohort studies, involving 9,470
ers. However, methods based on product consumption cannot patients. Although there was heterogeneity among administered
determine if hand hygiene actions are performed at the right antibiotics, intraoperative redosing of SAP reduced the inci-
moment during care or if the technique is correct. The advan- dence of SSIs compared with a single dose preoperative SAP in
tages, however, are that they are simple and can be continu- any type of surgery.
ous. The amount of alcohol-based hand rub used by healthcare There is no evidence to support the use of SAP for more than
workers has been selected as one of the indicators by the WHO 24 hours after the surgical procedure.35,71
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Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care.64 Increasing duration of SAP was associated with a higher risk
of AKI and C. difficile infection, leading to no additional reduc-
tion of SSIs in a multicenter, national retrospective cohort study
Statement 6 published in 2019.40
Optimal timing for SAP as well as avoiding the prolonga-
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Appropriate intravenous SAP (one-shot) should be administered

within 120 minutes considering the half-life of the antibiotic. tion of SAP are strong recommendations in the WHO guidelines
Additional intraoperative doses should be administered for pro- for the prevention of SSIs supported by a moderate quality of
cedures exceeding two half-lives of the antibiotic or with asso- evidence.12
ciated significant blood loss (more than 1.5 L). The duration of The role of oral antibiotic prophylaxis and mechanical
SAP should not exceed 24 hours. Any antibiotic administration bowel preparation (MBP) in colorectal surgery remains con-
24 hours after the intervention has to be defined as therapy. troversial. Although the use of oral antibiotics in combination
(Moderate quality of evidence, strong recommendation). with MBP is a strategy employed widely in North America,72
At the moment, the expert panel has no recommendations on it remains much less common across Europe. The reasons for
the use of oral antibiotic prophylaxis (No recommendations). avoidance of MBP in Europe are difficult to investigate, but the
Although SAP plays a pivotal role in reducing the rate of SSIs, increase in ERAS protocols excluding routine MBP may be a
other factors such as attention to basic infection prevention and reason.73 Evidence suggests that MBP use in addition to oral
control strategies may have a strong impact on the occurrence antibiotics as part of a bowel-cleansing protocol is beneficial
of SSIs.65 with respect to SSI.12 The impact of the use of oral antibiotics
Although clinical practice guidelines for SAP have been pub- in the absence of MBP with regard to SSIs has not been estab-
lished, high rates of SAP prescribing practices not compliant lished.69 Moreover, the value of employing different regimens of
with guidelines are common and may contribute to suboptimal oral antibiotics has also not been clearly established. Most tri-
patients’ outcomes, cause adverse effects, and be an important als have used the combination of an aminoglycoside (neomycin
driver of AMR.35 or kanamycin) with a macrolide such as erythromycin or with
SAP should be recommended for surgical procedures having metronidazole.74
a high risk of postoperative SSIs or when foreign material is At the moment, the expert panel has no recommendations on
implanted. Antibiotic agents prescribed for surgical prophylaxis the use of oral antibiotic prophylaxis.
should be nontoxic and inexpensive and should have in vitro The increasing frequency of patients’ colonization with
activity against the common organisms that can cause the post- extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) producers and
operative SSIs after a specific surgical procedure.66 Adequate other MDRB may threaten the efficacy of routine SAP and
concentrations of antibiotics should be present in the surgical perioperative patient pathways.75
site for the duration of the procedure. Intravenous SAP should Optimizing clinical practice is crucial to mitigate AMR and
be administered within 120 minutes considering the half-life of limit SSIs associated with MDRB. Future research is urgently
the antibiotic. required to establish effective and appropriate SAP in those
To value the correct timing of SAP and compare the differ- patients colonized with MDRB.
ent timing intervals, a systematic review and meta-analysis were
published in 2017.67 The meta-analysis demonstrated that the
administration of SAP more than 120 minutes before the inci- Statement 7
sion or after the incision was associated with a higher risk of Hair should not be removed from the surgical site unless it inter-
SSIs than the administration less than 120 minutes before the feres with the operation. If hair removal is necessary, it should
incision. be made by a clipper. Razors for hair removal should not be
Weber et al68 in 2017 published a randomized controlled trial used because they increase the risk of SSIs (Moderate quality of
to evaluate the optimal timing of SAP consisting of single-shot, evidence, strong recommendation).
intravenous infusion of 1.5 g of cefuroxime, a cephalosporin of Adherence to aseptic techniques is integral to the prevention
second-generation with a short half-life, associated with 500 mg of SSIs. One of the measures to prevent SSIs is the preopera-
metronidazole in colorectal surgery. A total of 5,580 patients tive preparation of the operative site, including not to remove
were randomly assigned to the early group, 30–75 minutes hair from the surgery site unless it interferes with the surgical
before the incision (2,798 patients), or the late group, 0–30 procedures. A Cochrane systematic review on preoperative hair
minutes before the incision (2,782 patients). Five-thousand removal to reduce SSIs was published in 2021.76 The review
one-hundred seventy-five patients were analyzed. The authors included 19 randomized and six quasi-randomized trials (8,919
did not find any significant differences between the two groups. participants). The authors concluded that there were probably
An observational cohort study conducted in a Dutch tertiary fewer SSIs when hair was not removed compared with shaving
medical center69 was published in 2021 to evaluate if the risk of with a razor (moderate-certainty evidence).
SSIs differed after administration of SAP within 60–30 or 30–0 Another meta-analysis of published randomized controlled
minutes before the surgical site incision. There was no conclu- trials about hair removal for the prevention of SSIs was pub-
sive evidence of a difference in risk of SISs after SAP administra- lished in 2017.77 This meta-analysis included 14 trials, 11 ran-
tion 60–30 minutes or 30–0 minutes before incision. domized controlled trials and three controlled clinical trials. The
From a pharmacokinetic point of view, additional intraop- authors concluded that hair removal should be avoided unless
erative doses should be administered for procedures exceeding necessary. When hair removal is necessary, the meta-analysis
two half-lives of the antibiotic or with associated significant suggests that clipping is more effective in preventing SSIs than
blood loss (more than 1.5 L). It was confirmed by a recent shaving or depilatory cream.

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

The 2016 WHO guidelines12 for the prevention of surgi- alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexidine or alcohol-based solu-
cal site infections strongly recommend not to remove the hair tions of povidone-iodine.
from the surgical site unless it interferes with the operation, Alcohol-based antiseptics are flammable. Alcohol-based anti-
and if removal is necessary, it should be made by a clipper. The septics should be allowed time to dry completely (about 3 min-
meta-analysis conducted by WHO experts included 15 random- utes, longer in areas with excess hair) to limit fire hazard.
ized or quasi-randomized trials comparing the effect of preoper-
ative hair removal versus no hair removal or different methods
of hair removal (shaving, clipping, and depilatory cream).12 A Statement 9
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moderate quality of evidence demonstrated that clipping or no Perioperative patient’s clinical condition, including maintain-
hair removal has a significant benefit in reducing the risk of SSI ing normal body temperature (normothermia), should be opti-
when compared with shaving. mized and monitored (Moderate quality of evidence, strong
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The WHO global guidelines suggest the use of warming

Statement 8 devices in the operating room and during the surgical pro-
Alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexidine for surgical site skin cedure for patient body warming with the purpose of reduc-
preparation should be used in patients undergoing surgical pro- ing SSIs.12 Even mild degrees of hypothermia can increase SSI
cedures. Alcohol-based solutions of povidone-iodine may be rates. Hypothermia may directly impair neutrophil function or
used as an alternative to alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexi- impair it indirectly by triggering subcutaneous vasoconstriction
dine. If the surgical site is next to a mucous membrane, aqueous and subsequent tissue hypoxia. In addition, hypothermia may
solutions should be used (Moderate quality of evidence, strong increase blood loss, leading to wound hematomas or a need for
recommendation). transfusion, both of which can increase rates of SSIs.88,89 Several
Another important point of SSI prevention during skin prepa- randomized controlled trials have shown the benefits of periop-
ration is the meticulous preoperative disinfection of the skin. It erative warming to reduce SSI rates.90–92
aims to reduce the microbial load on the patient’s skin as much The most frequently used technique to prevent perioperative
as possible before incising the skin. Skin commensals include hypothermia is active body surface warming systems, which
many bacteria with little pathogenicity but also potentially generate heat mechanically (heating of air, water, or gels) that
pathogenic bacteria such as S. aureus. The number of bacteria is transferred to the patient via skin contact. A Cochrane sys-
on the skin can be greatly reduced, limiting the risk of SSIs, by tematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of perioperative
appropriate skin disinfection. active body surface warming systems was published in 2016.
Current evidence demonstrates that alcohol-based prepara- The review demonstrated a beneficial effect of warming systems
tions are more effective than aqueous-based preparations, and in terms of a lower rate of SSIs and complications, at least in
should be used, if they are not contraindicated. However, which patients undergoing abdominal surgery. A beneficial effect was
is the most adequate alcohol-based solution is still a contro- also demonstrated on major cardiovascular complications in
versial issue.78,79 Many control trials80–84 compared the efficacy patients with substantial cardiovascular disease, although the
of aqueous-based povidone-iodine solutions with alcohol-based evidence was limited.93
chlorhexidine solutions for preventing SSIs and reported alco- The WHO global guidelines for the prevention of SSIs stated
hol-based chlorhexidine as more effective. that the evidence was insufficient to identify a target tempera-
A well-conducted randomized single-center study published ture to be reached and maintained.12
in 201685 demonstrated that the use of alcohol-based solution In 2014 a collaborative document led by the Society for
of chlorhexidine for preoperative skin antisepsis resulted in a Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the Infectious
significantly lower risk of SSIs after cesarean delivery compared Diseases Society of America (IDSA), the American Hospital
with the use of alcohol-based solution of povidone-iodine. On Association (AHA), the Association for Professionals in
the other hand, another single-center randomized study86 com- Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), and The Joint
pared alcohol-based solution of chlorhexidine, alcohol-based Commission,89 recommended a minimum temperature of 35.5
solution of povidone-iodine, and both applied sequentially, °C during the perioperative period.
demonstrating that the skin preparation techniques resulted in Considering that “hypothermia” is defined as a core tempera-
similar rates of SSIs after cesarean delivery. ture <36 °C, the accepted target may be core temperature >36 °C.
The 2016 WHO guidelines for the prevention of surgical
site infections recommend, with moderate quality of evidence,
alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexidine for surgical site skin Statement 10
preparation in patients undergoing surgical procedures.12 The Where available, triclosan-coated sutures should be used to pre-
meta-analysis conducted by the WHO experts included 17 vent SSIs (Moderate quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
randomized control trials.87 Six randomized controlled trials SSIs may arise when bacteria colonize the surgical sutures,
compared alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexidine with alco- creating a biofilm. The biofilm establishes immunity from both
hol-based solutions of povidone-iodine and found significantly antibiotic treatment and the host immune system.94 Once this
lower risk of SSIs with alcohol-based solutions of chlorhexi- biofilm develops, there is an increased chance of SSIs develop-
dine. However, four of the six randomized control trials did not ing. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown the effectiveness of
report SSIs in at least one study arm, and in most studies, the triclosan-coated sutures95 in inhibiting colonization of sutures.
main endpoint was the number of colony-forming units rather Triclosan-coated sutures were shown to be nontoxic, noncar-
than SSIs. cinogenic, and nonteratogenic.96
The NICE guidelines suggest alcohol-based solutions of chlor- A large number of randomized controlled trials and
hexidine as the first choice unless contraindicated or the surgical meta-analyses have been performed with contrasting results on
site is next to a mucous membrane.15 The 2017 CDC guidelines for the effectiveness of triclosan-coated sutures.
the prevention of SSIs recommend the use of alcohol-based anti- In 2014, the largest conducted randomized controlled trial
septic solutions without differentiating alcohol-based solutions on this topic was published by Diener et al.97 It was performed
of chlorhexidine or alcohol-based solutions of povidone-iodine.13 in 24 German hospitals and demonstrated that triclosan-coated
The Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC)24 suggests polydioxanone (PDS Plus) did not reduce the occurrence of SSIs
alcohol-based skin antiseptic preparations without differentiating after elective midline laparotomy.

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

Another study, published in 2015,98 did not demonstrate important role in their prevention. In hospitals, cultural, con-
the benefits of triclosan-coated sutures. However, the authors, textual, and behavioral determinants influence clinical prac-
despite good randomization methods, did not exclude baseline tice.113 Improving behavior in IPC remains a challenge. A range
imbalances that could have interfered with the primary outcome of factors such as diagnostic uncertainty, fear of clinical fail-
of the study. ure, time pressure, or organizational contexts can complicate
Many meta-analyses have demonstrated that triclosan-coated the surgeons’ approach toward infections. However, changing
sutures are effective,99–110 but in some meta-analyses, the effect behavior is challenging.
size differs substantially among subgroups.109 It has been proven Surgeons should have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abil-
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that triclosan-coated sutures are more effective in studies using ities to implement effective infection prevention and management
polyglactin 910 sutures than in those using polydioxanone.109 practices. Nonetheless, increasing knowledge alone may not be
These findings can explain the results of the study by Diener et sufficient and may not be effective in changing practice.114
al,97 as they investigated polydioxanone. A possible reason for Identifying a local opinion leader to serve as a champion may
the variation in effect between suture types may be found in be important because the “champion” may integrate best clinical
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the features of sutures. Polydioxanone is a monofilament suture practices and drive colleagues in changing behaviors, working
and bacterial adherence to polydioxanone may be lower than on a day-to-day basis, and promoting a culture in which IPC is
that to a braided suture such as polyglactin 910.111 Therefore, a of high importance.23 Surgeons with satisfactory knowledge of
polyglactin 910 suture may have more potential to be colonized surgical infections may provide feedback to the prescribers, inte-
than a monofilament suture, and thereby may benefit more grate the best practices among surgeons and implement change
from an active antibacterial suture. Moreover, polydioxanone within their own sphere of influence by interacting directly with
is generally used to close the fascia, whereas polyglactin 910 is the infection control committee. Such a champion model has
used to close the subcutaneous tissue. The majority of SSIs are been previously applied to surgical safety implementations in
described as superficial and in the study by Diener et al.,97 the general, such as surgical checklists, and plays a key role in suc-
most detected SSIs were superficial. It indicates that the majority cessful quality improvement at the hospital level.115
of described SSIs in this study occurred in a different anatomical
layer from that for which the intervention was performed.109
Antimicrobial sutures should be used for the closure of all Conclusions
incisional wound layers throughout the whole incision, mitigat- The following recommendations proposed in this document aim
ing the risk of wound contamination and the occurrence of SSIs. to disseminate best practices among Italian surgeons and sum-
Polydioxanone sutures should be used for closing the fascial marize the ACOI recommendations on the prevention of SSIs.
layer. Triclosan-coated polyglactin sutures should be used for
closing the subcutaneous layer.
The role of triclosan-coated sutures in reducing the incidence Statement 1
of SSIs compared with uncoated sutures has been demonstrated
As many HAIs may be preventable, each surgical department
by 12 meta-analyses.99–110
should have in place and implement measures aimed at reducing
Two recent and large systematic reviews found triclosan-coated
the risk of HAIs including SSIs, before, during, and after surgery.
sutures significantly reduced the incidence of SSIs.109,110 The first
Multidisciplinary educational projects should be implemented
meta-analysis, published in 2017 by de Jonge et al,109 included 21
aiming to increase knowledge and raise awareness and account-
randomized control trials and involved 6,462 patients. SSIs were
ability (Moderate quality of evidence, strong recommendation).
reduced significantly by the use of triclosan-coated sutures com-
pared with a comparable uncoated variant (a relative risk reduc-
tion of 15% for the use of triclosan-coated sutures). Statement 2
The second meta-analysis, published in 2019 by Ahmed
et al,110 included 25 randomized control trials and involved Facility-based surveillance of HAIs, including SSIs, surveillance
11,957 patients. The meta-analysis demonstrated that tri- should be performed to guide interventions with timely feed-
closan-coated sutures significantly reduced the risk of SSIs at back of results to surgeons. Every surgical unit should know the
30 days after the surgical procedure, both in clean and con- effectiveness of the adopted prevention strategies (Low quality
taminated surgery. of evidence, strong recommendation).
Finally, a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating
the efficacy of triclosan-coated sutures for preventing SSIs in the
specific field of digestive surgery was published in 2018.106 In the Statement 3
10 randomized control trials, the incidence rates of SSIs were An approved local protocol of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis
8.9% using coated sutures and 12.1% using noncoated sutures. (SAP) according to the local microbiological epidemiology
The use of triclosan-coated sutures is now suggested to should be in place in each surgical unit. Its appropriate appli-
reduce the risk of SSIs by WHO,12 CDC,13 the American College cation should be periodically verified (Low quality of evidence,
of Surgeons and Surgical Infection Society,14 NICE,15 and the strong recommendation).
World Society of Emergency Surgery.112
Statement 4
Due to their demonstrated efficacy, optimizing patients’ physio-
Statement 11 logic function by enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pro-
On an individual level, every surgeon should have the necessary tocols and limiting perioperative blood transfusions by patient
knowledge, skills, and abilities to implement effective IPC prac- blood management (PBM) protocols should be implemented to
tices. However, surgeons with special interest and knowledge improve the patient’s response to infections (Low quality of evi-
in surgical infections should be incorporated into the infection dence, strong recommendation).
control team and recognized as “champions” (Very low quality
of evidence, strong recommendation).
Surgeons are at the forefront in preventing infections across Statement 5
the surgical pathway. They are responsible for many of the pro- Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of IPC. When optimally
cesses of healthcare that impact the risk of SSIs and play an performed, hand hygiene reduces HAIs and the spread of

Sartelli et al. • Volume 42 • Number 2 • 2022

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4. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Antimicrobial
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