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Excellence is an attitude that the whole of human race is born with. It is the environment that
makes sure that whether the result of this attitude is visible or otherwise. The well planned,
properly executed and evaluated industrial training help a lot in including the good culture. It
provides linkage problem solving based on broad understanding of process and mode of an
organization. During this period, the student gets their real first hand experience on working
in the actual environment. Most of the theoretical knowledge that they have gained during the
course of their studies is to put to test here. Apart from this the student gets the opportunity to
learn the latest technology, which immensely help them in their career. This also benefits the
organization as many students doing their report perform very well and are here forth offered
job in same organization. I had the opportunity to have the real practical experience, which
has increased my sphere of knowledge to a great extent. Now I am better equipped to handle
the real thing than anyone else that has not undergone such training. During the training
period, I learned how an actual report progresses, what sort of problem actually occurs during
the development of such reports. And being in such a reputed organization, I had but the best





I express my gratitude to the AFCONS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED for providing
necessary facility to carry out my training successfully. It is my duty to record my sincere
thanks and gratitude towards the organisation members who helped me in bringing this
project to its present form. The valuable guidance and interest taken by them has been a
motivator and source of inspiration for me to carry out the necessary proceedings for the
project to be completed successfully. T humbly thank each and every personnel who explain
me the various task being carried out at AFCONS INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED which
really boost my practical knowledge and encouraged me to learn more.


ROLL NO.-195052

This is to certify that the report entitled "Training Report" being submitted by PRASHANT
KUMAR, ROLL NO.- 195052 in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology with specialization in Civil Engineering is a bonafide
record of the work carried out under my guidance and supervision at AFCONS
INFRASTUCTURE LIMITED from 16th January to 13th February (28 days). He is under
training of the project “Project mithapur to mahuli” carried out by AFCONS




Afcons infrastructure a company of the Shapoorji Pallonji Group (SP Group) was established
in 1865 in India. A diversified institution, the SP Group has a leading presence in
Engineering & Construction, Infrastructure, Real Estate, Water, Energy and Financial
Services sectors across the globe. It has a strong employee base of over 70,000, and, delivers
end-to-end solutions across 70-plus countries. The group companies build mega-structures,
develop iconic landmarks, drive innovative technologies in water management, renewable
energy, oil & gas and power, with a focus on good governance, and, sustainable
development, to engineer a better planet.

1. Preface
2. Acknowledgement
3. Certificate
4. About company
5. Project information
6. Location
7. Cement test
8. Sand test
9. Aggregate test
10. Soil test
11. Casting yard
12. Segment flyover
13. Curing yard
14. Batching Plant
15. Sand Blasting
16. Prestressing
17. Launching gantry

 Project name : Mithapur – Mahuli elevated road project
 Client: Bihar state road development corporation limited.
 Contractor: AFCONS infrastructure limited.
 Mithapur - Mahuli halt: 6.8KM
 Length of flyover : 5.7 KM
 Project cost : 668 crores
 Project starting date : 15.04.2021
 Project completion date : 15.03.2024

The proposed alignment of the project starts from mithapur flyover roundabout and ends at
mahui near proposed ROB of NH-83. The alignment mainly traverses through Mithapur,
bela, Purandarpur, Sipara , etwarpur,kurthaul,parsa bazar & mahuli.

1. Fineness Test:
The fineness of cement is responsible for the rate of hydration and rate of evolution of
heat and hence on the rate of gain of strength. The finer the grains the more is the
surface area and the faster the development of strength.
The fineness of cement can be determined by the following tests:

 Sieve Test or
 Air Permeability Test

 Sieve Test:
About 100 g of cement is weighed and sieved using a 90-micron IS sieve. Air-set
lumps are broken and the cement is sieved continuously in a circular and vertical
motion for a period of 15 minutes. A mechanical sieve shaker may also be used. The
residue left on the sieve is weighed. This weight shall not exceed 10% for ordinary
cement. This test is rarely used.
 Air Permeability Test:
The fineness of cement is represented by the specific surface, which is expressed as
the total surface area in sq. cm/g. of cement. Blaine’s Air Permeability Test is used to
find the specific surface.
The principle is based on the relationship between the rate of flow of air through a
cement bed. The cement bed is of a given porosity comprising the surface area of the
particles. The surface area is more for finer particles.
 Consistency test:
Consistency Test is conducted to find the setting times of cement, viz., initial setting
time and final setting time. The test is conducted using a standard consistency test

Standard or normal consistency of cement paste is defined as that water content which will
permit a Vicat plunger of 10 mm diameter and 50 mm length to penetrate depths of 33–35
mm within 3–5 minutes of mixing. The test has to be repeated thrice. Each time the cement is
mixed with water varying from 24 to 27% of the weight of cement. It is required that the test
be conducted at a constant temperature of 27 ± 2°C and at a constant humidity of 20%.
 Soundness test:
The Soundness Test is performed to detect the presence of uncombined lime and
magnesia in cement. This test is conducted in Le Chatelier’s apparatus (below figure).
It consists of a small brass cylinder of 30 mm diameter, 30 mm height and 0.5 mm
thickness, which is split along its generation with the split not exceeding 0.5 mm. On
either side of the split, two indicators with pointed ends are provided.
The cement paste is prepared with water content at consistency. The cylinder is placed
over a glass plate and is filled with cement paste. It is covered with another glass plate
on the top. The whole assembly is immersed in water at 24–35°C for 24 hours. After
24 hours, the gap between the indicators is measured.
The mould with the specimen is immersed in the water again and boiled for 30
minutes. After boiling for 1 hour, the mould is taken out and cooled. Again the gap
between the indicators is measured after the end of cooling. The increase in the gap
represents the expansion of cement.

On the basis of particle size, fine aggregate is graded into four zones. Where the
grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone of sieves, other than 600
micron IS sieve, by a total amount not exceeding 5 percent, it shall be regarded as
falling within that grading zone.


1. Impact test:
Aggregate may be subjected to a sudden shock or impact during as well as after the
construction. These loads are different from the gradually applied compressive loads.
Due to such kind of loads, aggregate breaks down into smaller pieces. In order to
evaluate the resistance to impact of aggregate, the aggregate impact test is conducted.
Aggregate impact value gives the idea about how much impact load can be resisted by
aggregate. Actually, aggregate should be sufficiently tough to resist their
disintegration due to impact. This distinctive property is measured by impact value
 Impact test on aggregates indicates the toughness of aggregate. It shows the ability of
aggregate to resist the sudden shock or impact.
 Aggregate impact value is the same as the abrasion test result. Impact value of
aggregate should not exceed 30 percent for aggregate used for surface wearing course
and should not exceed 45 percent for surface other than wearing course.
 Take a sample of aggregate passing through a 12.5 mm sieve and retained on a 10 mm
sieve. Fill the sieved aggregates in a cylindrical cup. Place the mould in the aggregate
impact testing machine and administer 15 numbers of blows of a metal hammer. After
that, remove the crushed aggregate and sieve it through a 2.36 mm sieve. The
aggregate impact value is measured as % of aggregates passing through the 2.36mm
sieve (W2) to the total weight of the sample (W1).

 Coarse aggregate is the one retained on 4.75 mm IS Sieve. When the
aggregate contains sizes differently in suitable proportions, it is called graded
aggregate. The workability of concrete is also improved with well graded
aggregate. Single size aggregates make the concrete harsh and does not work
well with trowel and between the cables, strands or sheathing.
 The graded coarse aggregate is defined by its nominal size i.e., 40 mm, 20
mm, 16 mm, 12.5 mm, etc. For example, a graded aggregate of nominal size
12.5 mm means an aggregate most of which passes the 12.5 mm IS Sieve.
Because the aggregates are formed due to natural disintegration of rocks or by
the artificial crushing of rock or gravel, they derive their many of the
properties from the parent rocks. These properties are chemical, mineral
composition, petrographic description, hardness, strength, pore structure,
colour, etc. Other properties which are not possessed by parent rock or gravel
are shape, size, texture, absorption, etc. Furthermore, sub-classifications are
there like in shape, round, angular varieties are there, in unit weight
classification normal weight, lightweight is there and many more. All these
properties may have a considerable effect on the quality in fresh and hardened
 Within these limits, the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate may be as
large as possible for low to moderately high strength concrete. The bigger the
size of aggregate, lesser is the surface area and hence less amount of water is
required for wetting the surface and less matrix or paste is required that
lubricates the surface so as to reduce internal friction. For a given quantity of
water and paste, bigger size of aggregate will give higher workability.Coarse
aggregates are used in various tests like slump test, vee bee test, etc. in order
to ascertain the suitability of coarse aggregate in making better quality of


The particle shape of aggregates is determined by the percentages of flaky and
elongated particles contained in it. For base course and construction of bituminous
and cement concrete types, the presence of flaky and elongated particles are
considered undesirable as these cause inherent weakness with possibilities of breaking
down under heavy loads. Thus, evaluation of shape of the particles, particularly with
reference to flakiness and elongation is necessary. The Flakiness index of aggregates
is the percentage by weight of particles whose least dimension (thickness) is less than
three- fifths (0.6times) of their mean dimension. This test is not applicable to sizes
smaller than 6.3mm. The Elongation index of an aggregate is the percentage by
weight of particles whose greatest dimension (length) is greater than nine-fifths
(1.8times) their mean dimension. This test is not applicable for sizes smaller than

 Sieve the sample through the IS sieves (as specified in the table).

 Take a minimum of 200 pieces of each fraction to be tested and weigh them.

 To separate the flaky materials, gauge each fraction for thickness on a

thickness gauge. The width of the slot used should be of the dimensions
specified in column (4) of the table for the appropriate size of the material.

 Weigh the flaky material passing the gauge to an accuracy of at least 0.1 per
cent of the test sample.

 To separate the elongated materials, gauge each fraction for length on a length
gauge. The width of the slot used should be of the dimensions specified in
column (6) of the table for the appropriate size of the material.

 Weigh the elongated material retained on the gauge to an accuracy of at least

0.1 per cent of the test sample.

Elongation Gauge

Flakiness Gauge

This test is done to determine the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture
content of soil using heavy compaction as per IS: 2720 (Part 8 ) – 1983.The apparatus
used is
i) Cylindrical metal mould – it should be either of 100mm dia. and 1000cc
volume or 150mm dia. and 2250cc volume and should conform to IS: 10074 –
ii) Balances – one of 10kg capacity, sensitive to 1g and the other of 200g
capacity, sensitive to 0.01g
iii) Oven – thermostatically controlled with an interior of noncorroding
material to maintain temperature between 105 and 110oC
iv) Steel straightedge – 30cm long
v) IS Sieves of sizes – 4.75mm, 19mm and 37.5mm.


 Procedure To Determine The Maximum Dry Density And The

Optimum Moisture Content Of Soil:
1. A 5kg sample of air-dried soil passing through the 19mm IS Sieve should be
taken. The sample should be mixed thoroughly with a suitable amount of
water depending on the soil type (for sandy and gravelly soil – 3 to 5% and for
cohesive soil – 12 to 16% below the plastic limit). The soil sample should be
stored in a sealed container for a minimum period of 16hrs.
2. The mould of 1000cc capacity with base plate attached, should be weighed to
the nearest 1g (W1 ). The mould should be placed on a solid base, such as a
concrete floor or plinth and the moist soil should be compacted into the mould,
with the extension attached, in five layers of approximately equal mass, each
layer being given 25 blows from the 4.9kg rammer dropped from a height of
450mm above the soil. The blows should be distributed uniformly over the
surface of each layer. The amount of soil used should be sufficient to fill the
mould, leaving not more than about 6mm to be struck off when the extension
is removed.
The extension should be removed and the compacted soil should be levelled
off carefully to the top of the mould by means of the straight edge. The mould
and soil should then be weighed to the nearest gram (W2).
3. The compacted soil specimen should be removed from the mould and placed
onto the mixing tray. The water content (w) of a representative sample of the
sp The remaining soil specimen should be broken up, rubbed through 19mm
IS Sieve and then mixed with the remaining original sample. Suitable
increments of water should be added successively and mixed into the sample,
and the above operations i.e. ii) to iv) should be repeated for each increment of
water added. The total number of determinations made should be at least five
and the moisture contents should be such that the optimum moisture content at
which the maximum dry density occurs, lies within that range specimen
should be determined.



The CBR test is performed by measuring the pressure required to penetrate a soil sample with
a plunger of standard area. The measured pressure is then divided by the pressure required to
achieve an equal penetration on a standard crushed rock material.

The harder the surface, the higher the CBR value. Typically, a value of 2% equates to clay,
while some sands may have a CBR value of 10%. High quality sub-base will have a value of
between 80-100% (maximum). The CBR test is carried out on soils with a maximum particle
size of 20mm. (Note: For material greater than 20mm please see Plate Bearing Tests). The
technique involves driving a small cylindrical plunger (approx 50mm) into the ground at a
uniform rate, using a four wheel drive vehicle as the reaction load to provide the force. Tests
are normally carried out at surface level or at depths of between 500-1000mm in 20-30m
intervals along the proposed construction centreline. A minimum of three tests are usually
carried out at each site. On a typical site, and assuming surfaces are prepared, up to 8-10 tests
can be carried out in a day, by a single operator, with provisional results available on site.
CBR Test Machine


A casting yard  is a confined place where all the concrete structures like segments, I-griders/
beams etc are casted. The casting yard brings factory- controlled production techniques,
efficiency, quality control, and time savings to bridge construction. Fabricating bridge
segments in a separate area also removes casting operations from the construction critical
path and reduces overall construction time.

 Regardless of the project location or size, a contractor's casting yard for bridge segments has
several essential features. These include:

 Delivery and storage areas, 

 A concrete batch plant,
 A rebar cage assembly area,
 One or more casting cells,
 Geometric control stations, and
 Segment storage and handling facilities

A segmental bridge of flyover is a bridge built in a short sections (called segments),i.e., one
piece at a time , as opposed to traditional methods that build a bridge in a very large sections .
The bridge made of concrete that is either cast-in-place (constructed fully in its final location)
or precast concrete (built at another location for placement in the full structure).


Segmental precasting of prestressed – concrete bridge is a well established construction

method that offers many benefits on suitable projects. The advantages include economies
from industrialized,repetitive construction procedures that reduce costs and construction time.
Factory production enhances quality and facilities quality control.Segmental bridge are easily
adaptable to curved alignments and may have pleasant aesthetics. The disadvantage include
the high cost of precasting facility and the special equipment necessary to handle , transport
and erect the segments , and the great number of structural joints in the structure.

SEGMENTS :- When the concrete grider is built in short sections that are tied together ,
then that sections are called segments.

Segmental bridge consists of two types of segments:-

ED SEGMENT – Through ED segment all the strands pass and hold the N segment and are
placed over pier. It is 17200mm in thickness in length , 2250mm in width , 200 mm in
thickness and 2656mm in height. It’s weight is 110 tonnes and requires 40m3 of concrete.


N SEGMENT – N segment is a part of span on which traffic will move and transfer the load
to substructure. It is 17200mm in length , 3000mm in width , 200mm in thickness and
2656mm in height . Its weight is 86 tonnes and requires 34 m of concrete.

A concrete plant is also known as a batch plant or batching plant or a concrete batching plant,
is equipment that combines various ingredients to form concrete. Some of these inputs
include water, air, admixtures, sand, aggregate (rocks, gravel, etc.), fly ash, silica fume, slag,
and cement.


Sandblasting, sometimes known as abrasive blasting, is the operation of forcibly propelling a
stream of abrasive material against a surface under high pressure to smooth a rough surface,
roughen a smooth surface, shape a surface or remove surface contaminants.


Prestressing is the process by which a concrete
element is compressed, generally by steel wires or
strands. Precast elements may be prestressed during
the construction process (pre – tensioning) or
structures may be stressed once completed (post –


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