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In this chapter, the researcher present the result and discussion in research
question one to answer to find out the errors types made by students of the second
grade of Mts Kafa El-Madani Majalengka in writing descriptive text. In taking the
data, the researcher used ata analysis and interview. The researcher did interview
from the English teacher. In this chapter, the researcher will describe the result of
the students‟ working in writing descriptive text.

2.1 Research Findings

There are 23 descriptive text that made by students of Mts Kafa El-
Madani Makalengka. The themes of descriptive are about family, and
friend. They made different descriptive text, it means that every students
made one text that different with the others. From the data, the reseacher
analyzed the errors in students‟ writing, and the reseacher found an errors
that usually made by students. The errors here focus on omission, addition,
misformation, and misordering.

2.1.1 Omission

First rate of errors is omission, Omission errors are

characterized by absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed
utterence. Omission can occur morphology. Learner often omit the
third person singular morpheme –s, the progressive –ing, the plural
marker –s and the past tense inflection –ed or they forgot to put the
subject or predicate in a sentence. The example of this errors are :

Student 1:

“My friend’s eyes big.” This sentence absolutely wrong. It should be

“My friend’s eyes are big”. They made this error because they are still
interfered by their mother tongue. In another word, we could say that
students were still influenced by their Indonesian language when they
write English paragraph. The errors also happened due to negative
intralingual transfer or overgeneralization

Student 2 :

“He is work in tangerang” this sentence also is less of the

proggressive-ing. It should be “ He is working in tangerang”. They
made this errors because they still confused when they should put verb
of proggressive-ing.

2.1.2 Addition

Addition are characterized by the presence of an item which

must not appear in a well formed utterence. Addition errors usually
occur in the late stage of L2 acquisition, when the learner has already
acquired some target language rules. The example of this error is:

Student 3:
“I study in the here.” Here is the addition of preposition “in” and
article “the”. The correct sentence is that preposition “in” and article
“the” must not appear here, it should be “I study here”. This error
occured because of mother tongue interference or interlingual
transfer. The students were interfered by Indonesian logical thinking
while they write a sentence in English. They also wrote word by
word directly from Indonesian language into English, so they added
a word incorrectly.
Beside that, the rsearcher also found some the errors types of
addition, that are :

33 Double markings
Double markings are two items rather than one that is marked
for the same feature. Dulay said that this error is the defined as the
failure to delete certain items which are required in some linguistic
constructions but not in others. In most English sentence, there is
only one rule that is used in a sentence. For example: the rule of
simple past tense in English is change the verb of a sentence to the
past form, but if the sentence is negative, the rule is not used. For
example: she did invited me in her birthday party yesterday.” in this
sentence, there are two markers for the past sentence, this error is
called double marking error. The true sentence is she did not invite
me in her birthday party yesterday”. Regularization
A rule typically applies to a class item, such as the class of
main verbs or the class of noun. There are both regular and irregular
forms and constructions in a language, learners apply the rules used
to produce the regular one to those that are irregular. For example:
Mans : Men, Childs : Children Simple addition
If an addition error is not a regularization and not a double
marking, it is called a simple addition. There is no significance
chracteristics of this error. The example of this error are: I am is a
student, you can to swim in the swimming pool anytime. In the
utterance above, the sentence of I am is a student is incorrect
sentence, because add with word is. So the correct one is I am a

2.1.3 Misformation
Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the
wrong form of the morpheme or structure. This error also could
affect the different interpretation and confusing meaning, like the

sentences below that has been founded by the writer in students‟
writing. The sentences are as follows:

Student 4 :

“I has a friend” The sentence above contains misformation error.

The student used an incorrect form because verb “has” that it is not
used in subject of I but it was used in subject of “She” and “He”.

Student 5 :

“She was very persistent” This is evidenced in the use of “was”

instead of “is”. Because “is” to be in the sentence as a simple
present tense in nominal sentence. As a result, the student had
committed the misformation error.

Student 6 :

“He have short hair” The sentence above contains misformation

errors. The student failed to make the agreement between subject and
verb. Instead of using “has” for third person singular subject, he/she
used “have”.

Student 7 :

“His saw sweet” This evidence in the used of “saw” instead of

“see”. Because “saw” to be in the sentence as simple past tense in
verbal sentence. “His” also incorrect form because that is not used in
subject, but it was used in pronoun of “He.” Regularization
Regularization errors occur when the learner apply the rules
of reguler to irregular form. For example: runed for run, speaked for
spoke, teached for tought, etc.

35 Archi-frorm
Archi-form is the selection of one member of a class of forms
to represent others in the class is a common characteristic of all
stages of second language acquisition. The forms selected by the
learner is called archi-form. The following example are dealing with
the use of demonstrative adjective, such as : this, these, that, those. Alternating form

As the learner„s vocabulary and grammar grow, the use of
archi-forms often gives way to the apparently fairly free alternation
of various members of a class with each other. It means that the
more grammar that the learners get, the high frequency of error that
the learner made. For example: I like he, This sentence is example of
errors in using pronoun.

2.1.4 Misordering

Misordering errors are characterized by the incorrect

placement of morpheme or group of morpheme in an utterance. For
instance :

Student 8 :

“Mother she now work in jakarta” it can be known that student

incorrectly order the words. The correct one is “Mother works in

Text 1

My Grand Mother

I have a grand mother, She is eyes are slinty eyes, He has tall body, She is
very beautiful and very fine because She always give me fruits. He skin is white
skin is smiling very sweet. Favorite food is meat balls and rice, favotite drink is
juice orange and avocado sweet. Is hobby is reading book, she very like book
breaking news. ( Regina Hertanti, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.1

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Grand Mother”

Categories Errors Correct Form

 She is eyes are  Her eyes are
slinty eyes slinty eyes
 He has tall body  She has tall body
 He skin is white  Her skin is white
Misformation in skin
alternating form  Favorite food is  Favorite food are
meet ball and rice meet ball and rice
 Favorite drink is  Favotite drink are
juice orange and juice orange and
avocado avocado
 Is smiling very  Her smile is so
sweet sweet
Omission  Is hobby is  Her hobby is
reading book reading book
 She very like book  She likes read
Omission and Addition in breaking news breaking news
double markings

Text 2

My Boyfriend

I have boyfriend, He is Imran. His eyes are wide eyes, He has tall body,
His hair is black hair and his black skin. He has hobby is volly ball. Every holiday
He always play volly ball with friend in field. I like he, because his good and
hyperactive. His very handsome, and if he smile his saw sweet. He is school in
Mambaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, and He live in Cimara village. ( Amelia
Nur Choeriah, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.2

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Boyfriend”

Categories Errors Correct Form

 His black skin  He has black skin

 His very  He is very

Misformation in
handsome handsome
alternating form
 Because his good  Because He is
and hyperactive good and
 He live in Cemara  He lives in
Omission village Cemara village
 His saw sweet  He looks sweet
Misformation in
 I like he  I like him
alternating form

 He is school in  He studies in
Mambaul Ulum Mambaul Ulum

Text 3

My girls sister

I have sister, my sister slinty eyes, She does a long hair, She does white
skin, She does face a beautiful, She does fat body, and She does hobby drawing
and playing. She does idola aliando, She does hair black color. ( Rudi, VIII, Mts
Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.3

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My girls Sister”

Categories Errors Correct Form

Omission  My sister slinty  My sister has
eyes slinty eyes
 My girls sister  My sister
Misformation in  She does a long  She has a long
alternating form hair hair
 She does fat body  She has fat body

 She does face a  She has beatiful

Misformation in beautiful face
alternating form and  She does hair
Misordering black color  she has black hair

 She does idola  Her idola is

alindo Aliando
Misformatian in  She does hobby  Her hobby are
alternating form and drawing and drawing and
Omission playing playing

Text 4

My Brother

I am have brother, He is long hair and blond hair. Slinty eyes, a little tall, a
little lazy, a little poinded nouse, but He is smart. He is work tanggerang go home
on 15 of juny, He have hobby sport. He is likes futsal sport. ( Rio Abdul Muis,
VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.4

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Brother”

Categories Errors Correct Form

 I am have brother  I have brother
Addition in simple
 He is likes futsal  He likes futsal
 Slinty eyes  He has slinty eyes

Omission  A little tall  He is a little tall

 A little lazy  He is lazy

 A little poinded  He has poinded

nose nose
Misformation in  He is work  He works in
alternating form tanggerang tanggerang
 He have hobby  His hobby is sport
 He is long hair  He has long hair
and blond and blond hair

Text 5

My Uncle

I have uncle, his eyes are beautiful eyes, He has tall body, He has hobby
are swimming, eta, runny morning, reading book, etc. He is good, diligent, smart,
active, polite. His age twenty one years old, His work at hospital, He is verry kind
people, He hair is short and black. ( Vartiniva E.H. VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.5

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Uncle”

Categories Errors Correct Form

 I have uncle  I have an uncle
 His age twenty  His age is twenty
one years old one years old
 He has hobby are  His hobby are
swimming, eat, swimming, eating,
Misformation in runny morning, jogging, reading
alternating form reading book book
 his work at  He works at
hospital hospital
 He hair is short  His hair is short
and black and black

Text 6

My Aunt

I have aunt, this eyes slinty eyes, She has fat body, She‟s very kind people,
She hair is long and blcak. This skin is brown skin. She age fourty years old, She
has hobby is sleep, here work at market. ( Sri Indah Laela Sari, VIII, Mts Kafa El-
Madani )

Table 2.6

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Aunt”

Categories Errors Correct Form

Omission  I have aunt  I have an Aunt

 She hair is long  Her hair is long

and black and black
 This skin is brown  Her skin is brown
Misformation in  She age fourty  Her age is fourty
alternating form years old years old
 She has hobby is  Her hobby is
sleep sleep
 Here work at  She works in
market Market

Text 7

My Mother

I have a mother, She has short body. Her eyes are slinty eyes. She‟s very
beautiful and amazing. Her skin is white skin. Her hobbies is cooking. Her hair is

black color and her face is oval. Her age is fourty five. She live at home with my
father and two sisters and brother. ( Dian Agustriyani, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Teble 2.7

An analysis of Descriptive Text “My Mother “

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  Her hobbies is  Her hobby is
alternating form cooking cooking
 She live at home  She lives at home
with my father with my father
Omission and two sisters and two sisters
and brother and brother

Text 8

My Young Sister

I have a young sister, she is name Desi Nurhasanah. She is beautiful. She
eyes are wide eyes, white skin, and hair black. She has smile sweet. Dessy has tall
body and fat. Her ages five years. Her very active, She is kind,cute, and funny.
She like the doll little ponny and teddy bear. Her likes watching frozen the movie.
( Nida Hamidah, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.8

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Young Sister‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 She is name Desi  Her name is Desi
Misformation in Nurhasanah Nurhasanah
alternating form  She eyes are wide  Her eyes are wide

eyes eyes
Misformation in  She age five years  Her age is five
akternating form and old years old
omission  Her very active  She is very active
 She like the dool  She likes the doll
little ponny and littel ponny and
Omission teddy bear teddy bear
 White skin  She has white

Misformation in  Her likes  She likes

alternating form and watching frozen watching movie
misordering the movie of frozen
Omission and  And hair black  And she has black
Misordering hair
 She has smile  She has sweet
sweet smile
Misordering  Desy has tall body  Desy has tall and
and fat fat body

Text 9

My Father

I have a father, He has tall body, her hair is blcak color. His skin is brown
skin. His age is fourty nine. He‟s very amazing. Everyday he go to office for
working. ( Alya Cahya Ningrum, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.9

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Father‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  Her hair is black  His hair is blcak
alternating form color
 Everyday he go to  Everyday He goes
Omission office for working to office for

Text 10

My Grandfather

I have a grandfather, his very kind people. His 60 th yeras old. His eyes are
slinty eyes. His hair is black, and his very funny people. He has tall body and his
hobby is fishing. Everytime we always together in the weekend. Every morning
we always sport together, we very like sport because it healthy for body. And last
weekend we visit our garden. He is a great grandfather. In the old time He always
give me a blessing. I am so like her. He has like a hero in my life. Thank you my
grandfather. ( Ai Suci Laelly, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.10

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Grandfather‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  His very kind  He is very kind
alternating form and people
Omission  His 60th years old  He is 60 years old

 We very like sport  We are very like

Omission and because it healthy sport because it‟s
Misordering for body make body
Misformation in  I am so like her  I am so like him
alternating form

Text 11

My Young Sister

I have young sister. Name is Siti Rimdiah. Has are wide eyes, She has tall
and big body. She school in SDN Cimanggu 1, and she class 4 SD. She has hobby
is cooking and reading book. She has is brown skin. She has long hair and black
color. ( Kamilatus sa‟adah,VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.11

An analysis of Decriptive Text „„ My Young Sister‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 Name is Siti  Her name is Siti
Omission Rimdiah Rimdiah
 Has are wide eyes  She has wide eyes

 She school in  She studies in

Misformation in
SDN Cimanggu 1 SDN Cimanggu 1
alternating form
 She has hobby is  Her hobbies are
cooking and cooking and
reading book reading book
Addition in double  She has is brown  She has brown
marking skin skin

Text 12

My Girlfriend

I have my girlfriend. Her name is Aulia, She is very beautiful. She has
blond hair and blue eyes. She has white skin and smooth, and slim body.
Everyday she speak sundanese, because she living in Bandung. She age is 14

years old. She school at Junior High School Kafa El-Madani Majalengka. She
always go to school at 07.00 am. at class she is to be smart and very kind. She go
to home at 14.00 pm. At home she always cooked eat, and she has very delicious
eat. ( Rudha Herlangga, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.12

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Girlfriend‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Addition in simple  I have my  I have girlfriend
addition girlfriend
 Slim body  She has slim body
 Everyday she  Everydat she
Omission speak sundanese speaks sundanese
 Because she  Beacuse she is
living in Bandung living in Bandung
 She age 14 years  Her age is 14
old years old
Misformation in  She school at  She studies at
alternating form Junior High Junior High
School School
Misformation in  At class she is to  In the class she is
alternating form and be smart smart
Omission and addition in  She go to home at  She goes home at
simple addition 14.00 pm 14.00 pm
Misformation  At home she  At home she
always cooked eat always cook
Misfromation and  And she has very  And her cooking
Misordering delicious eat is vey delicious

Text 13

My Friend

I have a friend. Her name is Silfa. She is thin face beautiful and black hair.
She is 14 years old. She has bright blue eyes. She has white skin. She is a little
slim and long hair. I always playing together everyday. She is a little smart and
funny. She has poinded nose and she is very kind. ( Siti Latifah, VIII, Mts Kafa
El-Madani )

Table 2.13

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„My Friend‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Omission and  Face beautiful and  She has beautiful
Misordering black hair face and black
Misformation in  I always playing  I always play
alternating form together everyday together everyday

Text 14

My Idol

I have a idol. His name is Sule. He is comedian in Indonesia. His eyes are
slinty eyes. He has tall body, and has oval face. His hair is long and brown color.
His have is brown skin. He is very amazing and very funny. ( Zakaria Abdul
Jabbar, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.14

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Idol‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  I have a idol  I have an idol
alternating form
Misformation in  His have is brown  He has brown
alternating form and skin skin

Text 15


I have a sister, name is sister me Dwi Lianasari. He is very beautiful, his

eyes are wide eyes, she skin is white skin. I have favorite juice alpokado. Hoby is
sport. His birthday is 9 Oktober 1995. Favorite color is read, blue, pink. Favorite
banana, water melon, and durian. She has tall body. ( Nurul Ainun, VIII, Mts Kafa
El-Madani )

Table 2.15

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ Sister‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  Name is sister me  Her name is Dewi
alternating form and Dewi Lianasari Lianasari
 She skin is white  Her skin is white
Misformation in skin 
alternating form  His birthday is 9  Her birthday is 9
Oktober 1995 Oktober 1995

Misformation in  I have favorite  She likes avocado

alternating form and juice alpokado juice
 Hobby is sport  Her hobby is sport

Omission  Sister 
 My sister
 Favorite color is  Her favorite color
read, blue, pink, are red, blue, and
Omission and pink
Misformation in  Favorite banana,  Her favorite fruit
alternating form water melon, and are banana, water
durian melon, and durian

Text 16

My Young Brother

I have young brother. His eyes wide eyes. He has short body. He is very
handsome and funny. Hair is black color. He has face oval. He is 10th age. His
skin is white skin. Hobby he is swimming pool, He favorite food is fried chicken,
and drink favorite juice avocado. He is very clever. ( Fatmawati, VIII, Mts Kafa
El-Madani )

Table 2.16

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Young Brother‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 Hair is black color  His hair is black
Omission  Hobby he is  His hobby is
swimming pool swimming

Misoredering  He has face oval  He has oval face

 He is 10th age  He is 10 years old

Misfoermation in  He favorite food  His favorite food
alternating form is fried chicken is fried chicken
Misformation in  And drink  And his favorite
alternating form and favorite juice drink is avocado
Misordering avocado juice

Text 17


I have brother, name is Muhammad Nurhidayat. This eyes are wide eyes.
He has tall body. He is very handsome and amazing. He has hobies sport. He hair
is black color. His skin is brown. He has oval face. ( Neneng Nuraeni, VIII, Mts
Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.17

An anlysis of Descriptive Text „„ Brother‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 Name is  His is Muhammad
Muhammad Nurhidayat
Omission Nurhidayat
 Brother  My brother

 He has hobies  His hobby is sport

Misformation in sport
alternating form  He hair is black  His hair is black
color color

Text 18

My Uncle

I have uncle, His name is Wawan. His eyes are slinty eyes. His hobby is
fishing. His have black skin. His have long hair. He has tall body and fat. His has
job wiraswasta. ( Didis Maulana, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.18

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Uncle‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Omission  I have uncle  I have an uncle

 His have black  He has black skin

Misformation in skin
alternating form  His have long hair  He has long hair

Misformation in  His has job  His job is

alternating form and wiraswasta wiraswasta

Text 19

My Sister

I have my sister. Her name is Hasna. Her it‟s baby and age 2 th. Her my
favorite animal it‟s cat, because cat sweet and funny. Her has short body. Long
hair and color black. Slinty eyes, and face beautiful and sweet. Her skin white. (
M.Hilmi, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.19

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My sister‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Misformation in  I have my sister  I have a sister
alternating form
Misformation in
alternating form and  Her it‟s baby and  Her age is 2 th
addition in simple age 2 th
Addition in simple  Her my favorite  Her favorite
addition and Omission animal it‟s cat animal is cat
 because cat sweet  Because it‟s sweet
Misformation in and funny and funny
alternating form  Her has short  He has short body
 Long hair and  He has long and
Omission and color black. black hair
Misordering  face beautiful and  He has beautiful
sweet and sweet face
Omission  Slinty eyes  He has slinty eyes
 Her skin white  Her skin is white

Text 20

My Love Father

I have a father. His name Ilham. He five ten years old. He is teacher in
SMP. He lesson language English school. He is very smart. My father a bosy thin.

Tall is one hundred and seventeen. He has face around. Nose pointed, he has hair
curly and short. He has thick mustache. He is very handsome. I‟m very love his. (
Dwi Septia, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2. 20

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Love Father‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Omission  His name Ilham  His name is Ilham
Omission and  He five ten years  He is fifty years
Misformation old old
 He lesson  He teaches
Misordering and language English English language
Omission his school in his school
Misformation in  My father a body  My father has thin
alternating form and thin body
 Tall is one  His tall is one
Omission hundred and hundred and
seventeen cm seventeen cm
 He has gace  He has round face
Misordering round, nose and pointed nose
Misordering and
Misformation in  I am very love his  I love him very
alternating form much

Text 21


Mother very beautiful. She is no tall and short. She is have hair curly and
color brown. Eyes round. She have skin white. She has a beautiful smile. She is
good, friendly, patient, she help people. I very like help my mother. He is care
with family. He always cleaning home. He is always give a kiss to me. I love my
mother. ( Syahirul Alim, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.21

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ Mother‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 Mother  My Mother

 Mother very  My mother is very

beautiful beautiful
 She is no tall and  She is no tall and
short no short
 Eyes round  Her eyes is round

 She is good,  She is good,

friendly, patient, friendly, patient,
and she helps and she like to
people help people
Addition in simple  She is have hair  She has curly hair
addition, Misformation in curly and color and the color is
alternating forn and brown brown
Misformation in  She have skin  She has white
alternating form and white skin

 She have a  She has a
Misformation in beautiful smile beautiful smile
alternating form  He is always give  She is always give
a kiss to me a kiss to me
Misformation in  He always  She is always
alternating form and cleaning home cleaning home
Misformation in  He is care with  She cares with
alternating form and family family
Addition in simple

Text 22

My Old Brother

I have old brother. He name is Agus Mujib, you call his mujib. His face is
handsome. His eyes is standart. His long hair, he has tall body and slim body.
Because of that his hobby footbal., basket ball. He like is studey. His clever. He
favorite is film dragonbal. He now in Universitas Lebanon. ( M.Akhmad
Duzalillah, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.22

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Old Brother‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

 He name is Agus  His name is Agus
Misformation in Mujib Mujib
alternating form  You call his  You can call him
Mujib Mujib

 His long hair  He has long hair
Misformation in
 His hobby  His hobbies are
alternating form and
footbal, basket footbal and basket
ball ball
Misformation in  His clever  He is clever
alternating form and
 He favorite is film  His favorite
Dragonbal movie is
Misformation in Dragonbal
alternating form and  He now in  Now he is
Misordering Universitas studying in
Lebanon Lebanon

Text 23

My Beloved Grandmother

I love grandmother, is name Eni Suhaeni. He is from Majalengka. Date

five july 1956. He is seventy years old. He is zodiac gemini. He life with me. He
has white skin. He has blcak eyes, flat nose. She has white hair. He has tall
160cm. ( Imam Ari, VIII, Mts Kafa El-Madani )

Table 2.23

An analysis of Descriptive Text „„ My Beloved Grandmother‟‟

Categories Errors Correct Form

Addition in simple  Is name Eni  Her name is Eni
addition and Omission Suhaeni Suhaeni
 He is from  She is from

Majalengka Majalengka
Misformation in  He life with me  She lives with me
alternating form
 He has white skin  She has white
 He has black  She has black
eyes, flat nose eyes, fla nose
Omission  Date five july  She was born on 5
1956 july 1956
Misformation in  He is zodiac  Her zodiac is
alternating form and gemini Gemini
Misformation in
alternating form and  He has tall 160cm  She is 160cm
addition in simple

2.2. Discussion

2.2.1 The Most Often Erros Made By Students

Based on the analysis above, there are 23 descriptive text that
written by student. The theme of descriptive text is about family and
friend, the student made this text differently. The researcher got the data
from the second grade of students Mts Kafa El-Madani. The reseacher
also has analyzed student‟s writing and the reseacher found the types of
errors in their writing. The categories of errors here are omission,
addition, misformation, and misordering.
After the reseacher analyzed the students‟ writing, the researcher
find the number of errors that made by students in every categories.
According to Dulay, Burt, Krashen (1982: 156), there are four
categories of errors, such us omission, addition, misformation, and

misordering. Omission here are the caragterized by absence of an item
that must appear in well-formed utterance. Addition are the opposite of
omission errors. They are characterized by the presence of an item,
which must not be present in a well-formed utterance. Dulay, Burt,
Krashen (1982: 156) devided addition errors into three types, that are
double marking, regulation, and simple addition. Misformation errors
are characterized by the use of wrong form of the morphome or
structure. It classified into three parts such us regulation, achi-form, and
alternating form. And the last was misordering, it‟s characterized by the
incorrect placement morpheme in an utterance.

From the explanation above, here are the result of the errors made
by students‟ writing descriptive text.


38% Misformation


From the resulted above, it could be visible that the number errors
in omission are 56. The number errors in addition, especially simple
addition are 13, doble marking are 3. The number errors in
misformation, especially misformation in alternating form are 86. And
the number errors in misordering are 38. So it can be conclude that the
most often error made by students in writing descriptive text was
misformation, especially misformation in alternating form.

Misformation in alternating here is the errors that the students can not
use the appropriate word in the sentences. They sometimes just
translated the sentences word by word and they also didn‟t understand
about how to change subject to the pronoun. Wee et al. (2010) claimed
that misformation occurs when wrong forms are used in the subject-
verb agreement process. For instance that written by one of student was
She has face beautiful, I like he. In this case, it can be seen that the
students still confused when they applied the pronoun, they also just
translated without the structure correctly. Dulay et al (1982: 151)
defined misformation as the use of the wrong form of structure or
morpheme. Most of the students didn‟t understand how to make a
correct form in their writing, so that their writing is difficult to
understand by the reader. Then the second position number of errors
that made by students in writing descriptive was misordering, here the
students often omit the auxiliary in every sentences, they just translted
directly without any auxiliry, they also sometimes didn‟t put the
pronoun when they tried to introduce their mother or father. For
instance that written by one of student was I have brother, name
Muhammad Ridho, this sentence consist of omission because they
didn‟t put the pronoun of his before word of name.
By knowing the errors, it can make easier for the teacher to choose
the method or strategy to teach writing to the students based on the
errors that made by students it self. As like Richards et al (1992: 128)
mentioned that the study of errors are used in order to identify strategies
which learners use in language teaching, to identify that causes of
learners‟ errors, and finally to obtain information on common
difficulties in language learning as an aid to teach or in development of
teaching materials.


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