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Name: Arrchea Pascubillo

Course and Level: BSIT 1-21

SUBJECT MATTER: Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language
Q2 Activity 5

PART I. Watch and Buzz. Use the Internet and view the video presentation titled ― Spoken vs Written
Language at Based on the
exposition in the video, complete the table with information that shows differences between spoken and
written language.

Distinction between Spoken and Written Language

Spoken Language Written Language
-Learning to speak is a natural developmental -Learning to write needs to be explicitly taught and
process that happens without being taught. practiced
-Quicker to produce -Greater social prestige
-Direct and interactive -Greater official recognition
-Non-linguistic clues -Standard for prestigious form of spoken language
-A social activity, integrates people into social -Allow communication over long distance
groups -Permanent and visible
-An everyday activity, not reserved for an educated -Can be processed and leisure, scanned re-read
elite -Preserves information beyond the memory of an
-Allows for creation of enduring of literature

PART II. We have learned about the Language Registers from the recent discussion. Now, answer and fill the
format below by providing the correct examples.
1. Frozen:
a. Preamble to the UC constitution
b. Laws
c. The Bible
2. Formal:
a. Presentation
b. Essays in School
c. Interviews
3. Consultative:
a. Talking with friends
b. Chats and emails
c. Personal blogs
4. Casual/Informal:
a. Family
b. Teammates
c. Friends and acquaintances
5. Intimate:
a. Private conversation
b. Inside jokes
c. Greetings

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