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My bunny house slippers brush the fresh and watery grass due to the morning dew as I

make my way to the greenery landscape leaving it with water marks. I carefully walk through the
perfectly shaped rectangular stones and find the place I am looking for. I sat down through the
grass as I reach my destination, and put my bag beside me. It’s one of the days of March, the
leaves of acacia trees in our front yard rained all over the place for the season of rebirth and
renewal is starting. The sun is about to set and the skies are tinted with the beautiful shade of
orange and red. It’s crazy to think that I could see this in our front yard which I could when I’m
outside and doing road trips. It was a rollercoaster ride ever since the pandemic era has begun.
Never have I thought that I will be isolated for I don’t know how long. However, during this
time, it is not just only the time of the pandemic but also the transition of my life to the new
milestone which is college. Being as an outgoing as I can be, it’s so peculiar to my usual routine
to not go outside and talk and bond to my peers. Though this situation I am currently in opens an
opportunity for me to observe my surroundings. Just like Rizal, it is my way of passing time. I
observed a couple of people while I was just walking around and sitting at different places but
three people really stuck out in my head. Two of the people were a couple, it’s Harvy and Ericka,
and the other one was a man, Kuya Ino. The reason I found the couple so interesting is because
while walking they would just stand close to each other but when another couple got next to
them they would start to act more lovey dovey locking arms together the girl leaning into the guy
more and looking at each other. They would also get increasingly louder during these times.
These interactions really piqued my interest since it was so out of the blue the first few times I’d
see it happen and then I started to see the pattern. It started me to think about what characteristics
could be used and I think I particularly liked the closeness that they had when they were trying to
show off. While this is happening, I saw Kuya Ino holding a newly bought GSM Blue which I
believed he bought from Ate Joy’s store. He is visibly happy as I see how he smirks and smiles
while he is walking from the right side of the road. I don’t know if he’s already drunk or if he’s
sober and just thinking about something funny, but nevertheless, I am sure that later tonight, he’ll
be doomed by his wife. I am certain that if he goes home drunk later, his wife will not be happy.
When Kuya Ino is out of my sight, another man is walking from the other direction where Kuya
Ino went to. Kuya Pidong is walking slowly as he puffs smokes from his vape and from what I
am smelling from my velvet chair, its mango flavor. I think he noticed that I am watching him
because I felt how self-conscious he become, thus he pretends that we did not make an eye
contact and did a series of puffs.

The three things that stood out to me most during the half hour were how people hold
themselves when talking to different people. For example, when my person was talking to
someone that it seems they might not know they were more reserved but when they came across
someone else their actions became more open and lively which lead me to believe they are
comfortable with this person. Two other things that stood out to me was how he acted when he
was by himself. I think this stood out because he was one of the only people in the road which
obviously made my attention draw straight to him, maybe because I was drawn by the smell of
the smoke coming from his vape. On top of that he seemed like a very expressive person which I
could tell from his facial expressions as well as how he reacted when he saw me creepily
watching him from our porch. I selected those specific attributes because I found it cool how I
could associate certain actions and expressions with emotions. I made the judgement that the guy
was feeling uncomfortable because he started to wiggle and fidget. He also seemed to be friendly
with this guy that came up and talked to him which I could tell by his hand motions. I might have
made an error about him pretending to not see me but I do not think so. Maybe he did actually
start to puff smokes but I believe it was because he got uncomfortable and needed something to
do to take my attention away from him. With my observations, I learned that every individual
who passed us by or simply walks by us has different situations, struggles, wins and losses, and
that we should not judge them by their mere appearance or how we know them according to
what we hear.

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