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Tuấn 31201029794 - Nguyễn Anh 

Nhà của tôi  Các khoá học của tôi  KTQT 2-KSV46-KN001-B1-804-NXH  Ngày 9  Bài kiểm tra trắc nghiệm tổng hợp các
chủ đề

Bắt đầu vào lúc Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 9:58 PM

Trạng thái Đã xong
Kết thúc lúc Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 10:51 PM
Thời gian thực hiện 52 phút 36 giây
Điểm 29,00 trên 40,00 (73%)

Câu Hỏi 1 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

How does IFRS 9 Financial Instruments require investments in equity instruments to be measured and
accounted for (in the absence of any election at initial recognition)?

Select one:
a. Fair value with changes going through profit or loss
b. Amortised cost with changes going through profit or loss
c. Fair value with changes going through other comprehensive income
d. Amortised cost with changes going through other comprehensive income

The correct answer is: Fair value with changes going through profit or loss
Câu Hỏi 2 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

IFRS 9 requires that on initial recognition financial liabilities must be measured at:

Select one:
a. discounted future net cash flows
b. fair value
c. fair value minus transaction costs
d. fair value plus transaction costs

The correct answer is: fair value minus transaction costs

Câu Hỏi 3 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

A share–based payment transaction in which the entity receives goods or services as consideration for
equity instruments of the entity is classified in IFRS 2 Share-based Payment as:

Select one:
a. a liability-settled share-based payment transaction
b. a cash-settled share-based payment transaction
c. an equity-settled share-based payment transaction
d. an “other” share-based payment transaction

The correct answer is: an equity-settled share-based payment transaction

Câu Hỏi 4 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Able Ltd has an asset in its books with a carrying amount of $120,000 and a tax base of $90,000. The income
tax rate has been 30% but in the current year it has been increased to 40%. Able Ltd should make the
following entry in its books:

Select one:
a. Dr Deferred Income Tax Expense $3000; Cr Deferred Tax Liability $3000
b. Dr Deferred Tax Asset $3,000; Cr Deferred Income Tax Liability $3,000
c. Dr Deferred Tax Liability $3,000; Cr Deferred Income Tax Expense $3,000
d. Dr Deferred Tax Asset $3,000; Cr Deferred Income Tax Expense $3000
e. All are incorrect

The correct answer is: Dr Deferred Income Tax Expense $3000; Cr Deferred Tax Liability $3000

Câu Hỏi 5 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

An 'interest rate swap' generally involves:

Select one:
a. a lender and a borrower agreeing to change a floating interest rate to a fixed interest rate or vice versa
b. two (or more) parties exchanging floating interest rates for fixed interest rates on loans
c. two (or more) parties agreeing to guarantee each others' loan obligations
d. two (or more) parties in different countries agreeing to deal at fixed currency exchange rates

The correct answer is: two (or more) parties exchanging floating interest rates for fixed interest rates on loans
Câu Hỏi 6 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

According to IAS 12, current tax for current and prior periods shall, to the extent unpaid, be recognised as a:

Select one:
a. Liability
b. Note to the financial statements
c. Contingent liability
d. Expense

The correct answer is: Liability

Câu Hỏi 7 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Which of the following items is classified as a financial asset?

Select one:
a. Inventory
b. Ordinary shares of the issuer
c. Loans payable (owed by the borrower)
d. Accounts receivable

The correct answer is: Accounts receivable

Câu Hỏi 8 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Bertrand issued $10 million convertible loan notes on 1 October 20X0 that carry a nominal interest (coupon)
rate of 5% per annum. They are redeemable on 30 September 20X3 at par for cash or can be exchanged for
equity shares in Bertrand on the basis of 20 shares for each $100 of loan. A similar loan note, without the
conversion option, would have required Bertrand to pay an interest rate of 8%. If Bertrand had incurred
transaction costs in issuing these loan notes, how should these have been accounted for?

Select one:
a. Amortised over the life of the loan notes
b. Deducted from the proceeds of the loan notes
c. Added to the proceeds of the loan notes
d. Charged to finance costs

The correct answer is: Deducted from the proceeds of the loan notes

Câu Hỏi 9 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

The purchase price of an option contract is typically recorded as:

Select one:
a. an expense
b. an amortized cost
c. a component of shareholders equity
d. an asset

The correct answer is: an asset

Câu Hỏi 10 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

In relation to equity instruments granted by an entity where the entity makes modifications to the terms
and conditions attaching to the grant,_______

Select one:
a. where the exercise price of options is modified, the fair value of the options changes
b. terms or conditions may not be modified in a manner that is not beneficial to the employee
c. if the modification occurs during the vesting period the incremental fair value is recognised immediately
d. the incremental fair value is measured as the difference between the fair value of the modified instrument,
estimated at the date of modification and that of the original equity instrument, estimated at the date of
original granting

The correct answer is: where the exercise price of options is modified, the fair value of the options changes

Câu Hỏi 11 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Which of the following is NOT an approach appropriate for hedge accounting?

Select one:
a. Fair Value Hedge Accounting
b. Hedge of Net Investment in Foreign Subsidiary
c. Critical Term Hedge Accounting
d. Cash Flow Hedge Accounting

The correct answer is: Critical Term Hedge Accounting

Câu Hỏi 12 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

A share–based payment transaction in which the entity acquires goods or services by incurring liabilities to
the supplier for amounts that are based on the value of the entity’s shares or other equity instruments of
the entity is classified in IFRS 2 as:

Select one:
a. an “other” share-based payment transaction
b. a cash-settled share-based payment transaction
c. a liability-settled share-based payment transaction
d. an equity-settled share-based payment transaction

The correct answer is: a cash-settled share-based payment transaction

Câu Hỏi 13 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

On 1 July 2013, Leo Limited granted 250 options to each of its 50 employees. The options are conditional on
the employees remaining with the company for the 2 year vesting period. The options have a fair value of
€10 at vesting date. In addition, the shares will vest as follows: On 30 June 2014 if the company’s earnings
have increased by more than 15%; On 30 June 2015 if the company’s earnings have increased by more than
12% averaged across the 2 year period. At 30 June 2014 Leo’s earnings have increased by 12% and 3
employees have left. The company expects that earnings will continue to increase at a similar rate during
the year to 30 June 2015 and that the shares will vest at that time. It also expects that a further 4 employees
will leave during the year. The remuneration expense for the year ended 30 June 2014 for Leo is:

Select one:
a. €35 833
b. €117 500
c. €58 750
d. €53 750

The correct answer is: €53 750

Câu Hỏi 14 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

On 1 July 2013 Pearl Pty Ltd granted 800 share options with an exercise price of €35 to the CFO, conditional
on the CFO remaining in employment with the company until 30 June 2016. The fair value of Pearl’s shares
at that time was assessed to be €40. The exercise price will drop to €30 if Pearl’s earnings increase by an
average of 8% per year over the three year period. On 1 July 2013 the estimated fair value of the share
options with an exercise price of €35 is €10 per option, and if the exercise price is €30, the estimated fair
value of the options is €12 per option. During the year ended 30 June 2014 Pearl’s earnings increased by
10% and they are expected to continue to increase at this rate over the next two years. During the year
ended 30 June 2015 Pearl’s earnings increased by 9% and Pearl management continued to expect that the
earnings target would be achieved. During the year ended 30 June 2016 Pearl’s earnings increased by only
2%. At 30 June 2016 the share price is €23. The remuneration expense to be recognised for the year ended
30 June 2014 is:

Select one:
a. €9600
b. €3200
c. €2667
d. €8000

The correct answer is: €3200

Câu Hỏi 15 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Shipley Corporation had net income for the year of £480,000 and a weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding during the period of 200,000 shares. The company has a convertible bond issue
outstanding. The bonds were issued four years ago at par (£2,000,000), carry a 7% interest rate, and are
convertible into 40,000 shares. The company has a 40% tax rate. Diluted earnings per share are:

Select one:
a. £1.65
b. None of these answers are correct
c. £2.58
d. £2.23
e. £2.35

The correct answer is: £2.35

Câu Hỏi 16 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Which of the following is a temporary difference classified as a revenue or gain that is taxable after it is
recognized in financial income?

Select one:
a. Prepaid royalty received in advance
b. Interest received on government obligations
c. Sales accounted for on the accrual basis for financial reporting purposes and on the installment (cash)
basis for tax purposes
d. Subscriptions received in advance

The correct answer is: Sales accounted for on the accrual basis for financial reporting purposes and on the
installment (cash) basis for tax purposes
Câu Hỏi 17 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

At December 31, 2018, Emley Company had 1,200,000 ordinary shares outstanding. On September 1, 2019,
an additional 400,000 ordinary shares were issueD. In addition, Emley had €12,000,000 of 6% convertible
bonds outstanding at December 31, 2018, which are convertible into 800,000 ordinary shares. No bonds
were converted in 2019. The net income for the year ended December 31, 2019, was €4,500,000. Assuming
the income tax rate was 30%, what should be the diluted earnings per share for the year ended December
31, 2019, rounded to the nearest cent?

Select one:
a. None of these answers are correct
b. $2.45
c. $3.38
d. $2.35
e. $2.11

The correct answer is: $2.35

Câu Hỏi 18 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

On January 2, 2019, Perez Co. issued at par €10,000 of 6% bonds convertible in total into 1,000 ordinary
shares of Perez's. No bonds were converted during 2019. Throughout 2019, Perez had 1,000 ordinary
shares outstanding. Perez's 2019 net income was €3,000, and its income tax rate is 30%. No potentially
dilutive securities other than the convertible bonds were outstanding during 2019. Perez's diluted earnings
per share for 2019 would be (rounded to the nearest cent):

Select one:
a. €3.42
b. €1.50
c. €1.80
d. None of these answers are correct
e. €1.71

The correct answer is: €1.71

Câu Hỏi 19 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

On 1 July 2013, Nelson Pty Ltd granted 250 options to each of its 50 employees. The options are conditional
on the employees remaining with the company for the 3 year vesting period. The options have a fair value
of €7.50 at vesting date. In addition, the shares will vest as follows: On 30 June 2014 if the company’s
earnings have increased by more than 12%; On 30 June 2015 if the company’s earnings have increased by
more than 10% averaged across the 2 year period; On 30 June 2016 if the company’s earnings have
increased by more than 8% averaged across the 3 year period. At 30 June 2014 Nelson’s earnings have
increased by 11% and 3 employees have left. The company expects that earnings will continue to increase at
a similar rate during the year to 30 June 2015 and that the shares will vest at that time. It also expects that a
further 4 employees will leave during the year. The remuneration expense for the year ended 30 June 2014
for Nelson is:

Select one:
a. €40 312.50
b. €29 375.00
c. €26 875.00
d. €88 125.00

The correct answer is: €40 312.50

Câu Hỏi 20 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Tax losses can be viewed as providing:

Select one:
a. taxable temporary differences, and therefore a current tax refund
b. deductible temporary differences, and therefore a deferred tax asset
c. taxable temporary differences, and therefore a current tax liability
d. deductible temporary differences, and therefore deferred tax liabilities

The correct answer is: deductible temporary differences, and therefore a deferred tax asset
Câu Hỏi 21 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Kasravi Co. had net income for 2019 of €300,000. The average number of shares outstanding for the period
was 200,000 shares. The average number of shares under outstanding options, at an option price of €30 per
share is 12,000 shares. The average market price of the ordinary shares during the year was €36. What
should Kasravi Co. report for diluted earnings per share for the year ended 2019?

Select one:
a. €1.49
b. €1.50
c. €1.43
d. €1.42
e. None of these answers are correct

The correct answer is: €1.49

Câu Hỏi 22 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

When a change in the tax rate is enacted into law, its effect on existing deferred income tax accounts should

Select one:
a. applied to all temporary or permanent differences that arise prior to the date of the enactment of the tax rate
change, but not subsequent to the date of the change
b. considered, but it should only be recorded in the accounts if it reduces a deferred tax liability or increases a
deferred tax asset
c. handled retroactively in accordance with the guidance related to changes in accounting standards
d. reported as an adjustment to tax expense in the period of change

The correct answer is: reported as an adjustment to tax expense in the period of change
Câu Hỏi 23 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Fultz Company had 300,000 ordinary shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2018. During 2019, no
additional ordinary shares were issueD. On January 1, 2019, Fultz issued 400,000 shares of nonconvertible
preference shares. During 2019, Fultz declared and paid €180,000 cash dividends on the ordinary shares
and €150,000 on the nonconvertible preference shares. Net income for the year ended December 31, 2019,
was €960,000. What should be Fultz's 2019 earnings per share, rounded to the nearest penny?

Select one:
a. €2.10
b. €1.16
c. €3.20
d. €2.70
e. None of these answers are correct

The correct answer is: €2.70

Câu Hỏi 24 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

The trader purchases 4 futures contracts with a total value of $100 when the price of the contracts (based
on the SPI 200 share price index) is 3026. When these contracts expire, the index itself is at 2950 points and
the price of the SPI 200 contract units is 2975. The trader has:

Select one:
a. made a loss of $2550
b. made a gain of $5100
c. made a gain of $2550
d. made a loss of $5100

The correct answer is: made a loss of $5100

Câu Hỏi 25 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Company A issues preference shares to Company B, the terms of which entitle party B to redeem the
preference shares for cash if Company A’s revenues fall below a specified level. From Company A’s
perspective the preference shares are:

Select one:
a. A financial asset
b. A compound financial instrument
c. An equity instrument
d. A financial liability

The correct answer is: A financial liability

Câu Hỏi 26 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Cirtus Corporation, a U.S. corporation, placed an order for inventory from a Mexican supplier on September
18 when the spot rate was $0.0840 = 1 peso. The invoice price will be denominated in pesos. Also on
September 18, they entered into a 30-day forward contract (designated as a fair value hedge of the firm
commitment to purchase) to purchase 860,000 pesos at a forward rate of $0.0810. On October 18 when the
inventory was received, the spot rate was $0.0890. At what amount should the inventory be carried on
Cirtus' books at the time of contract?

Select one:
a. $69,660
b. $76,540
c. $860,000
d. $72,240

The correct answer is: $69,660

Câu Hỏi 27 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Viola Ltd has granted each of its 10 senior executives a choice between receiving a cash payment equivalent
to 1000 shares or receiving 1200 share. The grant is conditional on the completion of three years’ service
with the company. If the share alternative is chosen, the shares must be held for two years after vesting
date. At grant date the company’s share price is £25 per share. At the end of years 1, 2 and 3 the share price
is £27, £28 and £30 respectively. The company does not expect to pay dividends in the next three years.
After taking into account the effect of post-vesting transfer restrictions the company estimates the grant-
date fair value of the share alternative is £24 per share. What is the liability component at the end of year 1?

Select one:
a. £83 333
b. £100 000
c. £90 000
d. £108 000

The correct answer is: £100 000

Câu Hỏi 28 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

If a financial instrument is classified as a cash flow hedge, then _______

Select one:
a. its gains or losses are reported in the income statement if a fiscal year-end occurs before the settlement date.
b. its gains or losses are reported in the balance sheet if a fiscal year-end occurs before the settlement date.
c. it is classified as a held-to-maturity asset.
d. it does not require a notional amount.

The correct answer is: its gains or losses are reported in the balance sheet if a fiscal year-end occurs before the
settlement date.
Câu Hỏi 29 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Futures exchange clearing house is mainly concerned with:

Select one:
a. calling in margins from traders as and when required
b. all of the above
c. calculating the gains and losses made by futures traders
d. establishing and collecting deposits from brokers trading on the exchange

The correct answer is: all of the above

Câu Hỏi 30 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Stephens Company has a deductible temporary difference of €2,000,000 at the end of its first year of
operations. Its tax rate is 40 percent. Stephens has €1,800,000 of income taxes payable. After a careful
review of all available evidence, Stephens determines that it is probable that it will not realize €200,000 of
this deferred tax asset. On Stephens Company’s statement of financial position at the end of its first year of
operations, what is the amount of deferred tax asset?

Select one:
a. €720,000
b. All are incorrect
c. €1,800,000
d. €2,000,000
e. €800,000

The correct answer is: €720,000

Câu Hỏi 31 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

When assessing the probability that a deferred tax asset from a tax loss can be recognised an entity should

Select one:
a. whether it is guaranteed that the entity will have future taxable profits before the tax losses expire
b. whether the unused tax losses result from identifiable causes which are likely to recur
c. whether tax planning opportunities are available to the entity that will create sufficient future taxable profits to
recover the tax losses
d. whether the entity has sufficient deductible temporary differences which will result in taxable amounts in
future so that the tax losses can be used

The correct answer is: whether tax planning opportunities are available to the entity that will create sufficient
future taxable profits to recover the tax losses

Câu Hỏi 32 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

The buyer of a put option on shares:

Select one:
a. obtains the right to sell the shares at an agreed future time at a price determined now
b. obtains the right to sell the shares at an agreed future time at their market price at that time
c. must sell the shares at an agreed future time at a price determined now
d. must sell the shares at an agreed future time at their market price at that time

The correct answer is: obtains the right to sell the shares at an agreed future time at a price determined now
Câu Hỏi 33 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Accounting Profit and Taxable Income can often differ because:

Select one:
a. general purpose financial reporting and the income tax system have differing objectives
b. a tax deduction is not allowed for bad debts
c. the Taxation Office does not recognise depreciation as a legitimate expense
d. revenue received in advance is not subject to tax

The correct answer is: general purpose financial reporting and the income tax system have differing objectives

Câu Hỏi 34 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Bertrand issued $10 million convertible loan notes on 1 October 20X0 that carry a nominal interest (coupon)
rate of 5% per annum. They are redeemable on 30 September 20X3 at par for cash or can be exchanged for
equity shares in Bertrand on the basis of 20 shares for each $100 of loan. A similar loan note, without the
conversion option, would have required Bertrand to pay an interest rate of 8%. What is the amount that
should be shown under liabilities at 30 September 20X1?

Select one:
a. Nil
b. $9,690,000
c. $9,425,000
d. $9,925,000

The correct answer is: $9,425,000

Câu Hỏi 35 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Lerner Co. had 200,000 ordinary shares, 20,000 shares of convertible preference shares, and €1,000,000 of
10% convertible bonds outstanding during 2019. The preference shares are convertible into 40,000 ordinary
shares. During 2019, Lerner paid dividends of €.90 per ordinary share and €3.00 per preference share. Each
€1,000 bond is convertible into 45 ordinary shares. The net income for 2019 was €600,000 and the income
tax rate was 30%. Basic earnings per share for 2019 is (rounded to the nearest penny)

Select one:
a. €2.42
b. €2.21
c. €2.51
d. €2.70
e. None of these answers are correct

The correct answer is: €2.70

Câu Hỏi 36 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

On 1 July 2013 Poggio Ltd grants 300 options to each of its 100 employees conditional on the employee
remaining in service over the next three years. The fair value of each option is estimated to be $12. Poggio
estimates that 15 employees will leave over the three year vesting period. By 30 June 2014 four employees
have left and the entity estimates that a further ten employees will leave over the next two years. On 30
June 2014 Poggio decided to reprice its share options, due to a fall in its share price over the last 12 months.
The repriced share options will vest on 30 June 2016. At the date of repricing Poggio estimates that the fair
value of each original option is $3 and the fair value of each repriced option is $5. During the year ended 30
June 2015 a further 6 employees leave and Poggio estimates that another 3 employees will leave during the
year ended 30 June 2016. During the year ended 30 June 2016 four employees left. The entry at 30 June
2015 to account for the share based payment transaction is:

Select one:
a. Dr Wages expense and Cr Share capital
b. Dr Wages expense and Cr Liability to employee
c. Dr Wages expense and Cr Options issued (equity)
d. Dr Wages expense and Cr Cash

The correct answer is: Dr Wages expense and Cr Options issued (equity)

Câu Hỏi 37 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

Company A has convertible notes on issue. These notes are convertible to ordinary shares of the Company
after 3 years. The distributions made to the note holders by Company A are classified by Company A as

Select one:
a. dividends distributed
b. interest expense
c. indeterminable based on the information provided
d. a portion representing interest expense and a portion representing dividends distributed

The correct answer is: a portion representing interest expense and a portion representing dividends distributed
Câu Hỏi 38 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

At December 31, 2018 Pine Company had 200,000 ordinary shares and 10,000 shares of 4%, €100 par value
cumulative preference shares outstanding. No dividends were declared on either the preference or ordinary
shares in 2018 or 2019. On February 10, 2020, prior to the issuance of its financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 2019, Pine declared a 100% stock split on its ordinary shares. Net income for 2019 was
€720,000. In its 2019 financial statements, Pine’s 2019 earnings per share should be:

Select one:
a. €3.20
b. €1.00
c. €1.70
d. €3.40
e. None of these answers are correct

The correct answer is: €1.70

Câu Hỏi 39 Sai Đạt điểm 0,00 trên 1,00

On January 2, 2019, Worth Co. issued at par £2,000,000 of 7% convertible bonds. Each £1,000 bond is
convertible into 20 ordinary shares. No bonds were converted during 2019. Worth had 200,000 ordinary
shares outstanding during 2019. Worth’s 2019 net income was £600,000 and the income tax rate was 30%.
Worth’s diluted earnings per share for 2019 would be (rounded to the nearest penny):

Select one:
a. £2.91
b. £3.08
c. £3.00
d. None of these answers are correct
e. £3.49

The correct answer is: £3.00

Câu Hỏi 40 Đúng Đạt điểm 1,00 trên 1,00

Which of these is not a characteristic of the IFRS 9 impairment model?

Select one:
a. On initial recognition, 12-month expected credit losses are recognized in profit or loss
b. Historical, current and forecast information are inputs to the impairment calculation
c. Impairments are based on the incurred loss model
d. Credit losses are the present value of all cash shortfalls

The correct answer is: Impairments are based on the incurred loss model

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