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1. WILHELM WUNDT-father of modern psychology

2.SIGMUND FREUD-father of psychoanalysis, and psychosexual theory
3.JOHANN HEINRICH-father of education and pedagogy
4. IVAN PAVLOV-classical conditioning
5.BURRHUS F. SKINNER-operant conditioning.
6.DAVID AUSUBEL-meaningful learning
7.JEROME BRUNER-discovery learning,spiral curriculum
8.ALBERT BANDURA-social cognitive learning theory.
9.EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE-law of readiness and exercises
10. KURT LEVIN-life space content.
11.KOHLER-problem solving by insight, insightful learning
12.URIE BROFENBRENNER-ecological theory
13.SANDRA BEM-gender schema theory
14.HOWARD GARDNER-theory of multiple intelligence
15.ELLIOT TURRIEL-Social domain theory
16.LAWRENCE KOHLBERG-moral development theory
17.ROBERT STERNBERG-triathlon theory intelligence
18.ERIK ERIKSON-psychosocial development theory
19.MA. MONTESSORI-transfer of learning, kindergarten preparation of children.
20.EDWARD PAUL TORRANCE-creative problem solving
21.CHOMSKY-linguistic acquisition theory
22.JEAN PIAGET-cognitive learning theory
23.JOHN WATSON-behavioral theory
24.EDWARD TOLMAN-purpose behaviorism
25.BERNARD WEINER-attribution theory
26.DANIEL GOLEMAN-emotional intelligence.
27.TITCHENER- structuralism psychology
28.ROBERT GAGNE -sequence of instruction
29.ABRAHAM MASLOW - hierarchy of needs , motivation theory
30.BENJAMIN BLOOM - bloom's cognitive taxonomy
31.DAVID KRATHWOHL - affective domain
32.LEV VYGOTSKY - socio-cultural theory of cognitive devt , linguistic theory, Scaffolding
33.JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa , empiricism
34.CHARLES COOLEY - looking glass self-theory
35.JOHN FLAVEL - metacognition
36.ARNOLD GESELL - maturation theory
37.JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing
38.DAVID FROEBEL - Father of kindergarten
39.AUGUSTE COMTE - Father of Sociology.
40.JOHN AMOS COMENCIUS - Fr. of modern education.


● Psychosexual Theory/Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
● Psychosocial Theory - Erik Erikson's Theory of Personality
● Ecological Theory - Eric Brofenbrenner's Theory of Development
● Sociohistoric Cognitive Linguistic Theory - Lev Semanovich Vygotsky
● Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget; John Dewey; Jerome Brunner
● Phenomenology - Abraham Maslow; Carl Rogers; Louis Raths
● Behaviorism - Edward Thorndike; Ivan Pavlov; Burrhus Frederick Skinner
● Moral Development - Lawrence Kohlberg
● Ivan Pavlov - classical conditioning
● Edward Thorndike - connectionism
● B.F. Skinner - operant conditioning & reinforcement
● Albert Bandura - "bobo doll" experiment; modelling; self eficacy
● David Ausubel - Meaningful Reception Theory
● Jerome Bruner - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry method
● Wolfgang Kohler's - Insight Learning Problem
● Richard Atkinson & Richard Shiffrin's - Information Processing Theory
● Robert Gagne's - Cumulative Learning Theory
● Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligence
● Kurt Lewin's - Field Theory/ his concept of life space
● Brofenbrenner's - Ecological System Theory
● Lev Vygotsky - Social Constructivism; Zond of Proximal Development (ZPD) * gap b/w actual
and potential development
● Hilda Taba - Grassroots Approach
● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology


1.The most reliable measure of central tendency when there are extreme scores
2. Iah's score from her LET are the following: 92, 88, 91. What is the median?
3. What can be inferred from a low standard deviation? ●Scores are homogenous
4. A high negative discrimination index means that: ●More from the bottom group answered the test
question correctly
5. When a student scored P80 on a single test, that means: ●He scored higher than 80 percent of the
6. Which of the following is an accurate depiction of an authentic assessment? ●Performing first-aid
measures to scald burns
7. Which of the following is a characteristics of a norm-referenced testing? ●The performance
depends on the scores of his batch mates
8. Which of the following is a correct statement about validity and reliability? ●A valid test is always
9. Which of the following is a characteristics of a norm-referenced testing? ●The performance
depends on the scores of his batch mates
10. A difficulty index of .92 means that the item is: ●Very easy
11. Which of the following is an accurate depiction of an authentic assessment? ●Performing first-aid
measures to scald burns
12.Which of the following is an example of a formative test? ●Quiz
13. Which of the following types of tests is most vulnerable to biases? ●Essays
14. A leptokurtic distribution signifies that: ●All scores are average
15. If a distribution is skewed to the right, this implies that: ●The scores are very low
16. Which of the following is the best method to imcrease the reliablity of a test material? ●Increase
the number of items
17. This thinking strategy refers to narrowing down ideas from big concept to smaller ones?
●Convergent Thinking
18. This refers to the collection of works, artifacts, and pieces of a student and may serve as a basis
for assessment: ●Portfolio
19. Which of the following does Not describe a holistic rubric in scoring ●It uses at least 3 or more
20. Which of the following types of tests is most vulnerable to biases? ●Essays
21. Withitness means: ●That the teacher knows everything that happens around the four corner of the
22. When a teacher jumps from one topic to another without assessing of the students are ready to
absorb the instructions, this practice depicts: ●Thrust
23. What can be inferred from a low standard deviation? ●Scores are homogenous
24. If a distribution is skewed to the right, this implies that: ●The scores are very low
25. When a teacher is able to perform multiple, different activities at the same, this shows:
26. Which is an incorrect practice in test construction? ●When using numbers as options, arrange
them in a descending order
27. Under the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy of conitive processes, which of the following
belongs to the top level? ●Generating
28. Which is the basic form of cognitive process according to Bloom's? ●Knowledge
29. Which of the following forms of punishment is least likely to affect students negatively?
●Surprise quiz
30. The following are examples of extrinsic motivation, except? ●Community service
31. This is also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 ●K-12
32. Subject matter, Activities, Evaluation, Assignment, Sequence of a lesson plan ●Determine the
33. A student makes the teachers and his classmates busy and asks everyone to give him special
attention. What is the student's hidden message? ●The students wants to feel connected
34. Which of the following serves as a pre-requisite to employment and will ensure that only
competent teachers will be granted privilege to teach to schools? ●Licensure and registration
35. Which of the following correctly describes inductive reasoning? ●Arriving to a main idea demo
smaller topics
36. Which of the following laws prescribed licensure examination for teachers and will strengthen
the regulation of the practice of teaching in the Philippines? ●RA 7836
37. Which of the following will disqualify a teacher to become a member of the board of professional
teachers? ●A naturalized Filipino citizen that has 15 years of continuous teaching experience
38. Which of the following shall receive the highest budgetary allocation according to the Philippine
Constitution? ●Education
39. According to the law, she can be referred to as a para-teacher. Which of the following is not
correct about para-teachers? ●These teacher failed to reach the minimum GWA of 75 but have
grades below 75
Kylie scored 74.80 from the recent LET.
40. Which of the following is most likely be related to existentialism? ●Free choice
41. Which of the following is NOT true about periodic merot examination for teachers according to
RA 7836? ●This shall encourage continuing personal growth and development
42. While teaching Mathematics, Teacher Janus noticed that his students show interests on dancing.
He then decides to change the topic and teaches concept about dancing and shows to them dance
perdormances from the internet. What philosophy of education is shown? ●Progressivism
43. If a teacher wishes to enjoy study leave, she will get how many percent of her salary while on
study leave? ●60%
44. What is the focus of education during the Commonwealth Period? ●Nationalism
45. Which of the following is the focus of Spartan Education? ●Military training
46. Teacher Vanessa receives a death threat because she gave her student a failing grade. She knows
that passing the student will make her less credible as a teacher but will save herself from being
harmed. She then decided to pass the student to avoid danger. Which of the following is observed by
Teacher Vanessa? ●Principle of Double Effect
47. Which of the following actions of a teacher violated the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers?●Having practice prejudice and eliminating discrimination against any learner
48. This type of conscience makes the person see that he sins but actually he/she does not.
49. K-12 curriculum is what type of subject-centered curriculum? ●Spiral
50. Which is the closest to the real thing? ●Performing real life task
51. Which of the following helps the learner to retain information best? ●Doing
52. A globe is an example of a ●Model
53. Which of the four pillars of learning focuses on the competencies of a certain individual on a
particular skill? ●Learning to do
54. Which of the following involves enactive representations according to Bruner? ●Action-based
55. Which does not show acculturation? ●Learning from your American parents their traditions
56. A Venn Diagram is most likely to be used when: ●Discussing the similarities and differences of
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
57. Teacher Iah wants to show her students the percentage of Math major, science major, social
science major, english major and tle major based on the whole population of BSED students in the
school where she teaches. Which of the following types of graph should she use? ●Circle graph
58. Which of the following traits of Filipino can be considered both a negative and a positive trait?
●Pakikisama mentality
59. he ability of a child to realize that 1 liter of bottled water has the same quantity even if the water
will be placed on a plastic pitcher or a pale is called: ●Conservation
60. Ana is a 13 year old high school student who thinks that death penalty should be implemented in
her own countries as she believes that there are other ways to punish oppressors and teach them to be
better citizens. She should be under what stage of Piaget's theory? ●Formal operational
61. Lawrence Kohlberg focuses more on which of the following aspects of child development?
62. Which does not show acculturation? ●Learning from your American parents their traditions
63. A toddler wishes to go the restroom alone and wishes to care for himself if not treated properly
will have develop or lead to which of the following psychosocial stages based on Erikson's model?
64. This is known as a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for the possession of her
father. ●Electra Complex
65. The parts of human personality in which instinct and primary processes manifest: ●Id
66. Which of the following shall receive the highest priority accordin to Abraham Maslow's model
on ●Warmth humanistic needs?
67. In Grace Goodell's Reading Skills Ladder, which of the following takes precedence? ●Basic sight
68. Which of the following is not true about Language Acquisition among children? ●Chomsky
explains in his model thay children acquired language solely through exposure.
69. This model shows reading as an active process that depends on reader characteristics, the text,
and ●Interactive the reading situation
70. A child who has spatial intelligence will most likely enjoy which of the followong activities?
●Solving puzzles
71. It is the average, most commonly used and in greatly affected by extreme scores ●Mean
72. Who is the proponent of respondent conditioning? ●Ivan Pavlov
73. It is the middlemost of measures of central tendency and most reliable when there is extreme
scores ●Median
74. Which of the following teacher most likely demonstrates Bandura's work in teaching? ●She
shows the student how a dance should be performed.
75. It is the most frequently used measures of central tendency ●Mode
76. Which of the following refers to the law of effect by Thorndike? ●If the end result will be
beneficial to the student he/she will probably perdorm well
77. It is the highest score minus the lowest score and is the simplest of measures of variability
78. ZPD is concept popularized by: ●Vygotsky
79. It is how spread the scores are from the mean and most reliable measures of variability ●Standard
79. It is the square of standard deviation ●Variance
80. Very easy/reject ●0.81-1.00
81. Very difficult/reject ●0-0.20
82. Easiness ●Difficulty index
83. Differentiate Upper group to lower group ●Discrimination index
84. Difficult/revise ●0.21-0.40
85. More from upper group/retain ●Positive Discrimination index
86.Moderate/retain ●0.41-0.60
87. Easy/revise ●0.61-0.80
88. More from lower group/reject ●Negative discrimination index
89. Cannot determine/reject ●Zero discrimination index
90. Measures what it intends to measure ●Validity
91. Consistency ●Reliability
92. Standard, criteria, specific target ●Criterion referenced
91. Others, class, batch mates ●Norm referenced
92. Scattered, far from the mean, heterogenous ●High standard deviation
93. Pen and paper, multiple choice, cognitive ●Traditional assessment
94. Divide by 9. Median is S5 ●Stanines
95. Clustered, near from the mean, homogenous ●Low standard deviation
96. Real-life application, holistic ●Authentic Assessment
97. Peakedness ●Kurtosis
98. Before instruction, strengths and weaknesses ●Diagnostic
99. Divide by 100. Median is P50 ●Percentile
100. Normal curve, bell-shaped, most scores-average, few scores are high and low ●Mesokurtic
101. Taller, more peaked, almost if not all scores are average ●Leptokurtic
102. Divide by 10. Median is D5 ●Decile
103. During instruction progress, gaps, quizzes ●Formative
104. Flat curve, scores are heterogenous ●Platykurtic
105. Divide by 4. Median is Q2 ●Quartile
106. Afetr instruction, evaluative learning ●Summative
107. Not biased, multiple choice, matching type, wide level of objectives, guessing ●Objective
108. Guide for scoring ●Rubrics
109. Biased, essay, wide sampling of ideas, bluffing ●Subjective
110. Single basis ●Holistic
111. Memorization ●Knowledge
112. Multiple basis ●Analytical
113. Understanding ●Comprehension
114. Use ●Application
115. Classroom Management Model ●Kounin
116. Breaking down ●Analysis
117. Eyes at the back ●Withitness
118. Synthesis
●Putting together
119. Multi-tasking ●Overlapping
120. Jumping from previous topic to new topic and vice versa ●Flip-flop
121. Judgment ●Evaluation
122. Narrowing ●Convergent thinking
123. Not able to return ●Truncation
124. The students are not ready ●Thrust
125.Widening ●Divergent thinking
126. Increase a response ●Reinforcement
127.Weakens a response ●Punsihment
128. General to specific ●Deductive reasoning
129. Outside ●Acculturation
130. Specific to general ●Inductive reasoning
131. Inside ●Enculturation
132. External, shallow, money ●Extrinsic motivation
133. Cognitive development ●Piaget
134. Internal, noble, social work ●Intrinsic motivation
135. Senses and motor (0-2) ●Sensorimotor
136. Hidden message: notice me
Requires special treatment
Keeps others busy ●Attention seeking
137. Egocentric, children tend to see only their point of view(2-7) ●Pre-operational
138. Hidden message: i am hurting
Get even
Violent ●Revenge seeking
139. (7-12) ●Concrete operational
140. 12-above
Abstract reasoning ●Formal operational
141. Hidden message: i want to help
Gets bossy ●Power seeking
142. Classical conditioning or respondent conditioning ●Pavlov
143. Hidden message: show me how
Refuses to participate ●Isolation/Withdrawal
144. Operant conditioning ●Skinner
145.Back to basics ●Essentialism
146. Social learning theory
Imitation ●Albert Bandura
147.Traditional ●Perennialism
148. Trust vs. Mistrust ●Infant
149. Free choice ●Existentialism
150. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt ●Toddler
151. Change ●Progressivism
152. Initiative vs. Guilt ●Preschool
153. Social change ●Social Reconstructionism
154. Industry vs. Inferiority ●School age
155. Practical use ●Pragmatism
156. Identity vs. Role confusion ●Adolescence
157. Labor/vocational training ●Japanese
158. Values, beliefs, affective, attitude ●Idealism
159. 2 options but each has both positive and negative effect ●Double effect
160. Senses ●Empiricism
161. 2 negative options but the other one is less evil ●Lesser evil
162. Intimacy vs. Isolation ●Young adult
163. With knowledge and intention ●Formal cooperation
164. Without knowledge and intention ●Material cooperation
165. Create new knowledge ●Constructivism
166.Pleasure ●Hedonism
167. Generativity vs. Stagnation ●Middle adult
168. More people will benefit ●Utilitarianism
169. Environment ●Behaviorism
170. Sure ●Certain
171. Ego integrity vs. Despair ●Late adult
172. Unsure ●Doubtful
173. Survival ●Pre-spanish
174. Hypocrite ●Pharisaical
175.Mouth ●Oral
176. Religion ●Spanish
177. Insensitive ●Callous
178. Thinks shes right but shes not ●Lax
179.Anus ●Anal
180. Thinks shes wrong but shes not ●Scrupulous
181. Nationalism ●Commonwealth
182.Sex organs ●Phallic
183. 10% ●Read
184. 20% ●Hear
185. Free basic education ●American
186. None ●Latentcy
187. 30% ●See
188. 50% ●Hear and see
189. Sex organs through opposite sex ●Genital
190. Reader to book ●Top down
191. 70% ●Say and write
192. Book to reader ●Bottom up
193. 90% ●Do
194. Action ●Enactive
195. Active process ●Interactive
196. Images ●Iconic
197. Language ●Symbolic
198. Trend or progress ●Line graph
199. Comparison ●Bar graph
200.Percentage ●Circle or pie graph
201. A process by which a conditioned response is lost. ●Extinction
NCBTS -National Competency based -teacher standards

The first book written in the Philippines was DOCTRINA CRISTIANA.
The Father of Ilocano Literature is PEDRO BUKANEG.
The Father of Tagalog Poetry is FRANCISCO BALTAZAR.
Lola Basyang is the pen name of SEVERINO REYES.
The first and longest running komiks series in the Philippines is KENKOY(Liwayway
The Father of Pampango Literature who wrote There is no God is JUAN CRISOSTOMO SOTO.
The oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines since the 1900 is MANILA BULLETIN.
The Father of Modern Tagalog Poetry is ALEJANDRO ABADILLA.
The work of Bonifacio which tells the history of the Philippines ANG DAPAT MABATID NG
He wrote the popular fable The Monkey and the Turtle - JOSE RIZAL
This is known as Andres Bonifacio's Ten Commandments of the Katipunan - THE DECALOGUE.
Rizal's model for Pilosopong Tasyo was PACIANO RIZAL.
The following characters created by rizal reflect his own personality except SIMOUN (El
The line 'whoever knows not how to love his native tongue is worse than any beast or even smelly
Rizal's pen name - DIMASALANG, LAONG-LAAN
Taga-ilog is JUAN LUNA's Pen name.
The first filipino alphabet was called ALIBATA/BAYBAYIN
the first filipino alphabet consisted of 15 LETTERS
This is a song about love - TALINDAW, awit ng mga taong hindi naimbetahan sa kainan
He was known for his `Memoria Fotografica` - JOSE MA. PANGANIBAN
He is known as the `poet of the workers or laborers` - AMADO HERNANDEZ
Ilocano balagtasan is called BUKANEGAN
Visayan epic about good manners and right conduct - MARAGTAS
The father of Filipino newspaper is PASCUAL POBLETE
Lupang Tinubuan is considered to be the best story written during Japanese Period. The author is
The original title of Ibong Adarna was CORIDO AT BUHAY NA PINAGDAANAN NG
PANDEREGLA - first filipino bread
The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio
The Father of the Katipunan: Andres Bonifacio
Hero of the Tirad Pass Battle: Gregorio Del Pilar
President of the First Philippine Republic: General Emilio Aguinaldo
Brains of the Philippine Revolution: Apolinario Mabini
Martyred Priests in 1872: GOMBURZA
Brains of the Katipunan: Emilio Jacinto
Co-founder of La Independencia: General Antonio Luna
Mother of Balintawak: Melchora Aquino
Greatest Filipino Orator of the Propaganda Movement: Graciano Lopez- Jaena
First Filipino Cannon-maker: Pandar Pira
Managing Editor of La Solidaridad: Mariano Ponce
Lakambini of Katipunan: Gregoria de Jesus
Poet of the Revolution: Fernando Ma. Guerrero
Outstanding Diplomat of the First Philippine Republic: Felipe Agoncill
First University of the Philippines President: Rafael Palma
Greatest Filipino Painter: Juan Luna
Greatest Journalist of the Propaganda
Movement: Marcelo H. del Pilar
First Filipino Poetess: Leona Florentino
Peace of the Revolution: Pedro Paterno
Founder of Philippine Socialism: Isabelo
Delos Reyes Viborra: Artemio Ricarte
Author of the Spanish lyrics of the Philippine National Anthem: Jose Palma
Chief of Tondo: Lakandola
The Last Rajah of Manila: Rajah Soliman
Fiancée of Jose Rizal: Leonor Rivera
Maker of the
First Filipino Flag: Marcela Agoncillo
Co-founder of Katipunan: Galicano Apacible
Leader of the Ilocano Revolt: Diego Silang
First Filipino Hero: Lapu-lapu
Leader of the Longest Revolt in Bohol: Francisco Dagohoy
The Man of Many Talents: Epifanio Delos Santos
Prince of Tagalog Poets: Francisco Baltazar
Visayan Joan of Arc: Teresa Magbanua
Mother of Biak-na-Bato: Trinidad Tecson
Wife of Artemio Ricarte: Agueda
EstebanLeader of the Tarlac Revolt: Gen. Francisco Makabulos
Composer of the Philippine National Anthem: Julian Felipe
Spaniards born in the Philippines: Insulares
Leader of Magdalo: Baldomero Aguinaldo
Leader of Magdiwang: Mariano Alvarez
Founder of La Liga Filipina: Jose Rizal
Painter of the Spolarium: Juan Luna

PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers
PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing
RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works
of Jose Rizal
RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for
Public School Teacher”
RA 7722 – CHED
RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”
RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994
RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or
DepEd Law
RA 9293 – Teachers Professionaliza
tion Act
RA 10533 – K-12 Law
ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law”
“persons in authority”
PROKLAMA BLG 12 - Linggo ng Wika
PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng
Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19)
PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng
Wika (Ramos)
RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary
Educ. Act of 1988”
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government
Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law
(Amendment: RA 9231)
RA 7743 – establishment of public
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment
Act of 1995”
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access
to Education Act”
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
RA 8187 – Paternity Act
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO
(National Language)


Cell wall is the outermost rigid covering of the plant cell. It is a salient feature of plant cell.
Cell membrane is the outer lining of the celL.
Cytosol or cytoplasm is the gel-like matrix inside the cell membrane which constitutes all other cell
Nucleus is the control center of the cell. It is a membrane bound structure which contains the
hereditary material of the cell - the DNA
Chloroplast is a plastid with green pigment chlorophyll. It traps light energy and converts it to
chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis.
Mitochondria carries out cellular respiration and provides energy to the cells.
Vacuoles are the temporary storage center of the cell.
Golgi body is the unit where proteins are sorted and packed.
Ribosomes are structures that assemble proteins.
Endoplasmic reticulum are membrane covered organelles that transport materials.
Cell membrane
• It is a semi-permeable barrier, allowing only a few molecules to move across it.
• Electron microscopic studies of cell membrane shows the lipid bi-layer model of the plasma
membrane, it also known as the fluid mosaic model.
• The cell membrane is made up of phospholipids which has polar(hydrophillic) heads and non-polar
(hydrophobic) tails.
• The fluid matrix that fills the cell is the cytoplasm.
• The cellular organelles are suspended in this matrix of the cytoplasm.
• This matrix maintains the pressure of the cell, ensures the cell doesn't shrink or burst.
• Nucleus is the house for most of the cells genetic material- the DNA and RNA.
• The nucleus is surrounded by a porous membrane known as the nuclear membrane.
• The RNA moves in/out of the nucleus through these pores.
• Proteins needed by the nucleus enter through the nuclear pores.
• The RNA helps in protein synthesis through transcription process.
• The nucleus controls the activity of the cell and is known as the control center.
• The nucleolus is the dark spot in the nucleus, and it is the location for ribosome formation.
• Ribosomes is the site for protein synthesis where the translation of the RNA takes place.
• As protein synthesis is very important to the cell, ribosomes are found in large number in all cells.
• Ribosomes are found freely suspended in the cytoplasm and also are attached to the endoplasmic
Endoplasmic reticulum
• ER is the transport system of the cell. It transports molecules that need certain changes and also
molecules to their destination.
• ER is of two types, rough and smooth.
• ER bound to the ribosomes appear rough and is the rough endoplasmic reticulum; while the smooth
ER do not have the ribosomes.
• It is the digestive system of the cell.
• They have digestive enzymes helps in breakdown the waste moelcules and also help in
detoxification of the cell.
• If the lysosomes were not membrane bound the cell could not have used the destructive enzymes.
• It is located near the nucleus of the cell and is known as the 'microtubule organizing center' of the
• Microtubules are made in the centrosome.
• During mitosis the centrosome aids in dividing of the cell and moving of the chromosome to the
opposite sides of the cell.
• They are bound by single membrane and small organelles.
• In many organisms vacuoles are storage organelles.
Vesicles are smaller vacuoles which function for transport in/out of the cell.
Golgi bodies
• Golgi bodies are the packaging center of the cell.
• The Golgi bodies modify the molecules from the rough ER by dividing them into smaller units with
membrane known as vesicles.
• They are flattened stacks of membrane-bound sacs.
• Mitochondria is the main energy source of the cell.
• They are called the power house of the cell because energy(ATP) is created here.
• Mitochondria consists of inner and outer membrane.
• It is spherical or rod shaped organelle.
• It is an organelle which is independent as it has its own hereditary material.
• Peroxisomes are single membrane bound organelle that contain oxidative enzymes that are
digestive in function.
• They help in digesting long chains of fatty acids and amino acids and help in synthesis of
• It is the network of microtubules and microfilament fibres.
• They give structural support and maintain the shape of the cell.
Cilia and Flagella
• Cilia and flagella are structurally identical structures.
• They are different based on the function they perform and their length.
• Cilia are short and are in large number per cell while flagella are longer and are fewer in number.
• They are organelles of movement.
• The flagellar motion is undulating and wave-like whereas the ciliary movement is power stroke and
recovery stroke.

1. THRUST – proceeding without assessing
2. DANGLING – hanging activity by giving another
3. TRUNCATION – leaves activity
4. FLIP-FLOP – returns to a left activity while currently
doing an activity
5. STIMULUS-BOUND – distracted
6. OVERDWELLING – overtime in one topic
7. OVERLAPPING – multitasking results negatively
IDEALISM – enough in mind PERRENIALISM – constant
PRAGMATISM - practice (T&E) PROGRESSIVISM – improve
REALISM – enough to see UTILITARIANISM - best
PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity
SPANISH – Christianity
AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life
COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency
JAPANESE – progress
B.F. SKINNER – Operant Conditioning
BANDURA – Modeling
BANDURA & WALLACE – Social Learning
CARL JUNG – Psychological
CARL JUNG – Psychological
CONFICIUS – Education for all, Golden Rule
EDWARD THORNDIKE – Connectionism
ERICK ERIKSON – Psychosocial
IVAN PAVLOV – Classical Conditioning
JEAN PIAGET – Cognitive FROEBEL - Father of Kndrgrtn
PEZTALLOZI – realia, Froebel’s protégé
JEROME BRUNER – Instrumental Conceptualism
JOHN DEWEY – learning by doing
JOHN LOCKE – Tabula Rasa (blank sheet)
KOHLERS – Insight Learning
LAURENCE KOHLBERG – Moral Development
LEV VGOTSKY – Social Cognitivist, Scaffolding
SIGMUND FREUD – Psychosexual
WILLIAM SHELDON – Physiological
HEDONISM – pleasure principle
DOUBLE EFFECT – sacrifice for the good or bad
FORMAL COOPERATION – cooperation with will
LESSER EVIL – choice of the less one from two bad things
MATERIAL COOPERATION – cooperation without will
1. ORAL (0-1 yrs. old) – Infant
2. ANAL (1-3 yrs. old) – Toddler
3. PHALLIC – Preschool
4. LATENCY – School Age
5. GENITAL – Adolescense
OEDIPUS – son to mom ELECTRA – daughter to dad

PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing Teachers
RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works of Jose Rizal
RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”
RA 7722 – CHED
RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”
RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or DepEd Law
RA 9293 – Teachers Professionalization Act
RA 10533 – K-12 Law
ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law”
COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 578 – “persons in authority”
PROKLAMA BLG 12 - Linggo ng Wika (Balagtas,Mr29-Ap4)
PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19)
PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng Wika (Ramos)
RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service eligibility
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary Educ. Act of 1988”
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private Education
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law (Amendment: RA 9231)
RA 7743 – establishment of public libraries
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act”
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
RA 8187 – Paternity Act
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO (National Language)
1. ENACTIVE (0-1 yrs. old) – action-based information
2. ICONIC (1-6 yrs. old) – image-based information
3. SYMBOLIC (7+) – code/symbols such as language
o Knowledge
o Comprehension
o Application
o Analysis
o Synthesis
o Evaluation o Remembering
o Understanding
o Applying
o Analyzing
o Evaluating
o Creating
o Receiving
o Responding
o Valuing
o Organizing
o Characterization
o Perception
o Set
o Guided Response
o Mechanism
o Complex Overt Response
o Adaptation
o Origination o Reflex movement
o Fundamental Movement
o Physical Movement
o Perceptual Abilities
o Skilled Movements
o Non-discursive communication


● IDEALISM Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/ what we want the
world to be
● REALISM Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke
(experience) fully mastery of knowledge
● BEHAVIORISM always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to modify the behavior
● EXISTENTIALISM Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives"
Focuses on self/individual
● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM William James; John Dewey - learn from experiences
through interaction to the environment
Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children
● PERENNIALISM Robert Hutchins
focuses on unchanging/universal truths
● ESSENTIALISM William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge
Focuses on basic skills and knowledge
● PROGRESSIVISM Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development)
focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality
Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w their experiences and
their ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an epistemological stance.
● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM George Counts - recognized that education was the means
of preparing people for creating his new social order
highlights social reform as the aim of education
ACCULTURATION - learning other culture; the passing of customs, beliefs and tradition through
interaction and reading.
ENCULTURATION - the passing of group's custom, beliefs and traditions from one generation to
the next generation
Convergent questions - are those that typically have one correct answer.
Divergent questions - also called open-ended questions are used to encourage many answers and
generate greater participation of students. Higher order thinking skills; to think more creatively.


● IDEALISM Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/ what we want the
world to be
● REALISM Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke
(experience) fully mastery of knowledge
● BEHAVIORISM always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to modify the
● EXISTENTIALISM Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives"
Focuses on self/individual
● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM William James; John Dewey - learn from
experiences through interaction to the environment
Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children
● PERENNIALISM Robert Hutchins
focuses on unchanging/universal truths
● ESSENTIALISM William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge
Focuses on basic skills and knowledge
● PROGRESSIVISM Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development)
focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality
Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w their experiences and
their ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an epistemological stance.
● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM George Counts - recognized that education was the
means of preparing people for creating his new social order
highlights social reform as the aim of education
ACCULTURATION - learning other culture; the passing of customs, beliefs and tradition
through interaction and reading.
ENCULTURATION - the passing of group's custom, beliefs and traditions from one
generation to the next generation
Convergent questions - are those that typically have one correct answer.
Divergent questions - also called open-ended questions are used to encourage many answers
and generate greater participation of students. Higher order thinking skills; to think more

Complete Review Summary | General and Professional Education

HUMANISM – build
IDEALISM – enough in mind
PRAGMATISM - practice (T&E)
REALISM – enough to see
PRE-SPANISH – survival and conformity
SPANISH – Christianity
AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life
COMMONWEALTH – moral character, efficiency
JAPANESE – progress
B.F. SKINNER – Operant Conditioning
BANDURA – Modeling
BANDURA & WALLACE – Social Learning
CARL JUNG – Psychological
CONFICIUS – Education for all, Golden Rule
EDWARD THORNDIKE – Connectionism
ERICK ERIKSON – Psychosocial
IVAN PAVLOV – Classical Conditioning
JEAN PIAGET – Cognitive
FROEBEL - Father of Kndrgrtn
PEZTALLOZI – realia, Froebel’s protégé
JEROME BRUNER – Instrumental Conceptualism
JOHN DEWEY – learning by doing
JOHN LOCKE – Tabula Rasa (blank sheet)
KOHLERS – Insight Learning
LAURENCE KOHLBERG – Moral Development
LEV VGOTSKY – Social Cognitivist, Scaffolding
SIGMUND FREUD – Psychosexual
WILLIAM SHELDON – Physiological
HEDONISM – pleasure principle
DOUBLE EFFECT – sacrifice for the good or bad
FORMAL COOPERATION – cooperation with will
LESSER EVIL – choice of the less one from two bad things
MATERIAL COOPERATION – cooperation without will
1. ORAL (0-1 yrs. old) – Infant
2. ANAL (1-3 yrs. old) – Toddler
3. PHALLIC – Preschool
4. LATENCY – School Age
5. GENITAL – Adolescense
OEDIPUS – son to mom
ELECTRA – daughter to dad
PRC BR 435 – Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
PD 1006 – Decree Professionalizing Teachers
RA NO. 1425 – inclusion of the works of Jose Rizal
RA NO. 4670 – “Magna Carta for Public School Teacher”
RA 7722 – CHED
RA 7796 – “TESDA Act of 1994”
RA 7836 – Phil. Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
RA 9155 – BEGA (Basic Educ.) or DepEd Law
RA 9293 – Teachers Professionalization Act
RA 10533 – K-12 Law
ACT NO. 2706 – “Private School Law”
COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 578 – “persons in authority”
PROKLAMA BLG 12 - Linggo ng Wika (Balagtas,Mr29-Ap4)
PROKLAMA BLG. 186 – Linggo ng Wika (Quezon,Ag13-19)
PROKLAMA BLG. 1041 – Buwan ng Wika (Ramos)
RA 1079 – no limit of Civil Service eligibility
RA 6655 – “Free Public Secondary Educ. Act of 1988”
RA 6728 – “Act Providing Government Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private Education
RA 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD
RA 7610 – Anti-Child Abuse Law (Amendment: RA 9231)
RA 7743 – establishment of public libraries
RA 7877 – “Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”
RA 7880 – “Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act”
RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
RA 8187 – Paternity Act
RA 10627 – Anti-Bullying
SB 1987 ART. 14 SEK. 6-9 – FILIPINO (National Language)
1. ENACTIVE (0-1 yrs. old) – action-based information
2. ICONIC (1-6 yrs. old) – image-based information
3. SYMBOLIC (7+) – code/symbols such as language
o Knowledge
o Comprehension
o Application
o Analysis
o Synthesis
o Evaluation o Remembering
o Understanding
o Applying
o Analyzing
o Evaluating
o Creating
o Receiving
o Responding
o Valuing
o Organizing
o Characterization
o Perception
o Set
o Guided Response
o Mechanism
o Complex Overt Response
o Adaptation
o Origination o Reflex movement
o Fundamental Movement
o Physical Movement
o Perceptual Abilities
o Skilled Movements
o Non-discursive communication
Collaborative Work
Real thing
1. TRUST VS. MISTRUST (0-12 months)
2. AUTONOMY VS. SHAME/DOUBT (1-3 years old)
3. INITIATIVE VS. GUILT (3-6 years old)
4. INDUSTRY VS. INFERIORITY (6-12 years old)
5. INDENTITY VS. ROLE CONFUSION (12-18 years old)
6. INTIMACY VS. ISOLATION (early 20s-early 40s
8. INTEGRITY VS. DESPAIR (mid 60s-death)
1. SENSORY – senses
2. PRE-OPERATIONAL - imagination
1. VACUUM TUBES (1940-1956)
2. TRANSISTORS (1956-1963)
4. MICROPROCESSORS (1971-present)
1. ATTENTION SEEKER – “teacher, notice me”
2. REVENGE – “teacher, I am hurt”
3. POWER-SEEKING – “teacher, may I help?”
4. INADEQUACY – “teacher, don’t give up on me”
5. WITHDRAWAL – “teacher, please help me”
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships
Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights
Stage 6: Universal Principles
CENTRAL TENDENCY -Central (middle location) Tendency
MEAN – Average MODE – most occurring
RANGE – highest score minus lowest score
LOW SD–Homogenous, scores near to mean(almost same)
HIGH SD – Heterogenous, scores far to mean (scattered)
DECILE – 10 grps (D1…D10) QUARTILE – 4 grps (Q1…Q4)
SUSPENSION – time REVOKATION – condition
0.21-0.40 DIFFICULT
0.61-0.80 EASY
0.81-1.00 VERY EASY
- low scores, mean greater than mode
- high scores, mean is lower than mode
- overcoming other trait, either bad/good
1. BOW-WOW –kalikasan at hayop
2. DING-DONG – bagay
3. POOH-POOH – masidhing damdamin
4. YOHEHO – pwersang pisikal
BENVENIDO SANTOS – American Culture Writings
DANIEL DEFOE – “Robinson Crusoen” (novel)
EDILBERTO TIEMPO – made “Cry Slaughter” that has been
translated many times
JOSE GARCIA VILLA – “Comma Poet”, Dove G. Lion
“Don Quixote” that is most influential
NICK JOAQUIN – Quijano de Manila
– Spanish Culture Writing
PAZ MARQUEZ BENITEZ – made “Dead Stars” that is the 1st
modern English short story
- “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
- “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (best novel)
- sangay ng barirala na tumatalakay sa masistemang pagkaka-ayus-ayos ng mga salita sa pagbuo ng
mga parirala at pangungusap
ANDRES BONIFACIO – May Pag-asa, Agapito
EMILIO JACINTO – Di Masilaw, Tingkian
JOSE RIZAL – Dimas alang, Laon laan
MARCELO DEL PILAR – Plaridel, Dolores Manapat,
Piping Dilat
MARIANO PONCE – Tikbalang, Naning (Satanas),
1. EKSISTENSYAL – mayroong isa o higit pang tao
Halimbawa: Mayroon daw puno sa bakuran.
2. MODAL – nais/pwede/maari (Gusto ko matulog.)
3. PANLIPUNAN – pagbati, pagbigay galang atbp.
4. SAGOT LAMANG – “Talaga?”, “Oo”
5. SAMBITLA – masidhing damdamin (Aray!)
6. TEMPORAL – panandaliang kalagayan o panahon
1. PAYAK – iisang kaisipan
2. TAMBALAN – dalawang sugnay na ‘di makapag-iisa
3. HUGNAYAN – madalas nagsisimula sa kung, dahil sa
4. LANGKAPAN – mahabang pangungusap
1. PABULA (fable) – hayop
2. PARABULA (parable)– Bibliya
3. ANEKDOTA (anecdote) – tunay na buhay
4. MITOLOHIYA (myth) – diyos at diyosa (pinagmulan)
1. PERPEKTIBO – tumakbo
2. IMPERPEKTIBO – tumatakbo
3. KONTEMPLATIBO – tatakbo
1. LANTAY – walang pinaghahambingan
2. PAHAMBING ¬– inihahalintulad
3. PASUKDOL – nangingibabaw (H: pinakamataas)
1. PATULA (Moro-moro)
2. PASALAYSAY (Epiko, Awit, Korido)
1. DALIT/HIMNO – pagsamba sa anito o pang-relihiyon
2. DIONA – kasal
3. DUNG-AW – patay (pagdadalamhati)
4. KALUSAN – paggawa
5. KUMINTANG – tagumpay (pandigma)
6. KUNDIMAN – pag-ibig
7. OYAYI – pagpapatulog ng bata
8. SOLIRANIN – pagsasagwan
9. TALINDAW – pamamangka
1. ASIMILASYON – Parsyal (pangsukli), Ganap (panukli)
2. MAY ANGKOP – wikain mo – “kamo”
- muntik – muntikan, pagmuntikan, pagmuntikanan
4. METATESIS – linipad – nilipad
5. PAGKAKALTAS NG PONEMO – takipan – takpan
6. PAGLILIPAT-DIIN – laRUan (playground) - laruAN (toy)
7. PAGPAPALIT NG PONEMA – madapat – marapat
3. PANAKLAW/INDEFINITE P. - isa, all, anyone etc.
4. PATULAD – ganito, ganyan atbp.
5. PANANONG/INTERROGATIVE P. – sino, when etc.
6. PAMANGGIT/RELATIVE P. – daw, umano, which, who
AKLAT NG MGA ARAW – China (by Confucius)
AKLAT NG MGA PATAY – Egypt cults & myths (by Osiris)
AWIT NI ROLANDO-France (by Doce Pares, Roncesvalles)
BIBLIYA – Palestino at Greece
CANTEBURY TALES – Kingdom of England (by Geoffrey Chaucer) 14th century
DIVINE COMEDIA – Italy (by Dante)
EL CID COMPEADOR – katangian at history ng Spain
ILIAD o ODYSSEY – Myths of Greece made by Homer.
ISANG LIBO’T ISANG GABI – Ugali sa Arabia at Persia
KORAN – Arabia (Muslim Bible) MAHABRATA – India
UNCLE TOM’S CABIN – about slaves that becomes the basis of democracy. (by Harriet Beecher
Stowe of U.S.)
1. TULUYAN – binubuo ng mga pangungusap
A. NOBELA – binubuo ng mga kabanata
B. DULA – pagtatanghal sa entablado
a. TIBAG – Sta. Elena
b. LAGAY – Pilarenos ng Sorsogon
c. PANUNULUYAN – pagtatanghal bago mag-alas dose (12PM) ng gabi ng kapaskuhan
d. PANUBOL – parangal sa may kaarawan
e. KARILYO – ala-puppet show
f. KURIDO – katapangan, kabayanihan, kababalaghan, pananampalataya
g. SARSUELA – musical tungkol sa pag-ibig, paghihiganti atbp. masisidhing damdamin
C. ALAMAT – pinagmulan
D. ANEKDOTA – ugali, may mabuting aral
2. PATULA - may sukat,pantig,tugma,taludtod,saknong
A. TULANG PASALAYSAY - mahahalagang tago o pangyayari sa buhay.
a. EPIKO – kabayanihan sa kababalaghan
o KUMINTANG – Tagalog
o DAGOY AT SUDSUD – Tagbanua
o TATUANG - Bagobo
b. AWIT o KORIDO - kaharian
c. TULA NG DAMDAMIN o LIRIKI – own feeling
o AWITING BAYAN – kalungkutan
o ELEHIYA – yumao
o DALIT – pagpupuri sa Diyos
o PASTORAL – buhay sa bukid
o ODA – papuri
b. MELODRAMA – musical
c. TRAHEDYA – death of main character
d. PARSA – mga pangyayaring nakakatawa
-karaniwang pag-uugali ng tao/ pook
a. KARAGATAN – alamat ng singsing ng prinsesa na naihulog niya sa dagat sa hangaring
mapangasawa ang kasintahang mahirap.
b. DUPLO – paligsahan ng husay sa pagtula
c. BALAGTASAN – pumalit sa Duplo
1. SIMILE/PAGTUTULAD – mayroong pangatnig
2. METAPHOR/PAGWAWANGIS – walang pangatnig
3. ALUSYON – iba’t ibang aspekto ng buhay ng tao
5. SYNECDOCHE/SINEKDOKE – pagbanggit ng isa upang tukuyin ang kabuuan
Hal: Dalawang bibig ang umaasa kay Romeo.
7. APOSTROPHE/PAGTAWAG – pakikipag-usap sa hindi buhay o malayong tao. Hal: Ulan,
tumigil ka na.
8. EXCLAMATION/PAGDARAMDAM – strong feeling.
9. PARADOX/PARADOKS -“malayo ma’y malapit pa rin”
10. OXYMORON/PAGTATAMBIS - paradox w/ extra words
12. ONOMATOPOEIA/PANGHIHIMIG – tunog ang paksa
13. ALLITERATION/PAG-UULIT – repetition of 1st letter in the 1st word. Ex: Dinggin mo ang
Diyos na Dinadakila
14. REPITASYON – repetition of phrase. Ex: Tama! Tama!...
ALITERASYON – unang titik o pantig ay pare-pareho
ANADIPLOSIS – paggamit ng salita sa unahan at hulihan
EPIPORA – pag-uulit ng salita sa hulihan
PAG-UYAM – sarcasm
LITOTES – pagtanggi o pagkukunwari.
TALUDTOD – linya sa tula
1. PREPOSITIONS-on, under, off, by, in near, for, to, since
- para/for, at/and, nor, or, pero/but, yet, so, ni, ngunit
3. INTERJECTION – with exclamation mark
1. ARTICLES – a, an, the 2. OPINION 3. SIZE
1. BALLAD – narrative, less folk tale/legend, to be sung
2. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme
3. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of speech for individual character.
4. ELEGY –death of individual
5. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure
6. EULOGY – message for the dead
7. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with rhyme
8. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3 lines and 17 syllables)
9. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene
10. LYRICS - thoughts and feelings
11. NARRATIVE – tells story
12. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of Lyric
13. PASTORAL –rural life in peaceful & romanticized way
14. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines
15. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables
BIAK NA BATO – pact, thought of 1st Republic.
- Spainards paid P200 000
1. MALOLOS CONSTITUTION – Apolinario Mabini
- rights of soldiers
- no Visayas yet in right of territories
2. 1935 CONSTITUTION – adapted from American Const.
3. 1943 CONSITUTION - Jose P. Laurel
- Japan invades but gave freedom for Phil. to rule.
4. 1973 CONSTITUTION – Ferdinand Marcos
- Martial Law – 60days max
- Nat’l Territory forced Kalayaan grp. of Islands & Saba
5. 1987 CONSTITUTION - 18 articles
- past chairwoman: Cecilla Muñoz Palma (Feb 2, 1987)
- Bill of Rights are for the criminals
JUS SANGUINI – blood JUS SOLI – place
1. COMMUNIST – classless society
- State plans and controls economy
2. PARLIAMENTARY – majority of people voted
3. REPUBLICAN – power comes from people
- Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam,
- fight global warming decreasing green house gases
- environment and sustainable development
- Bonifacio elected as Director Imperior
- recognition of U.S. to Philippine freedom
7. UNDERWORLD-SIMMONS ACT – full free foreign trade
8. PAYNE ALDRICH ACT – partial free foreign trade
1. AUGUSTINIAN – most intelligent
2. FRANCISCAN – sends medical aids
4. DOMINICANS – richest
5. RECOLECTS – most killed schools
1. BURGOS – youngest, mastermind of secularization
2. GOMEZ – Oldest, likes “sabong” and hid there
HOMO HABILIS – man of steel (bighead, uses muscle)
HOMO ERECTUS – man who discovered fire & clothes
HOMO SAPIENS – thinking man (can produce materials)
ANATOMY – inner organs ENTOMOLOGY – insects
BIOCHEMISTRY – chemical patterns of animals
ECOLOGY – living things bet. Each other in environment
EMBRYOLOGY – developmental patterns fr. zygote-birth
GENETICS – heredity MYCOLOGY – fungi
HERPETOLOGY – reptiles and amphibians
HISTOLOGY – plant and animal tissues
MORPHOLOGY – phenotype (appearance)
PALEONTOLOGY – fossils of animals and plants
PHYSIOLOGY – function of tissue, organ & system
TAXONOMY – classification of living organisms
CAROLUS LINNAEUS – Father of Taxonomy
ROBERT HOOKE – termed “cells” (cellulae)
ANTON VAN LEUWENHOEK – 1st person to observe microscopic organisms (animal cule)
ROBERT BROWN – discovered Nucleus
- found all plants consist of cells
RUDOLF VIRCHOW – proposed cells come fr. existing cells
ATMOSPHERE – gaseous sphere protection from meteors
Divided into five:
 Troposphere
 Stratosphere
 Mesosphere
 Thermosphere
 Exosphere
LITHOSPHERE – oceanic and continental crust
BIOSPHERE – all life forms in Earth
1. SUN – 99.86% of Solar System
- believed was formed 4.6 billion years ago
- Responsible for weather and climate
2. MERCURY – named after Roman God
- no satellite and atmosphere
- discovered by Mariner Ten
3. VENUS – Goddess of Love and Beauty (Mariner 2)
- Perfect sphere, sister planet of Earth
5. MARS – God of War, red planet (Mariner 9)
6. JUPITER -Gas Giant, fastest rotating planet (10hrs less)
- has Great Red Spot: huge storm for 350yrs
7. SATURN – God of Agriculture (chunks of rocks)
- made mostly of hydrogen
8. URANUS – Frederick William Herscel
- Sky & Ice Giant, 3rd largest planet


1. Multiplication
ⁿ√a × ⁿ√b = ⁿ√ab
You just have to multiply the numbers within the radical sign.
²√8 × ²√2 = ²√16 = 4
2. Division
ⁿ√a/b = ⁿ√a÷ⁿ√b
Ex. 1:
²√1/4 = ²√1 / ²√4 = 1/2
Ex. 2:
³√8/4 = ³√8 / ³√4 = 2 / ³√4
³√4 can no longer be simplified, since 4 has no perfect cube root.
3. Subtraction
Ex. 1:
2√3 - 6√3 = -4√3
In subtracting, consider the numbers in the radical sign as the SURNAME/APELYIDO of the
numbers. If their surnames are the same, then you can substract. Kung hindi magkadugo, magka-
apelyido, wag mong agawan/bawasan.
Ex. 2:
√3 - √5 - √6 - 5√3
=-4√3 - √5 - √6
That is the final answer since we can only subtract √3 and 5√3 since they have the same surnames,
√3. But, we can no longer simplify the problem after which, since √3, √5, and √6 are different
surnames already.
4. Addition
Ex. 1:
4√5 + 6√5 = 10√5
Again, in adding radicals, the rules with subtraction will also apply that you can only add when their
surnames are the same. If magkadugo, pwede mong dagdagan. Pwede mo ring agawan. Gaya ng
kapatid mo, minsan inagawan mo ng pagkain, minsan dinagdagan mo naman. Treat the numbers in
the radical signs as their surnames.
Ex. 2: Little Complicated
√2 + √8 = ?
In solving this, please observe the numbers inside the radicals if they are still factorable. √2 is no
longer factorable, but √8 can still be factored by √4×2, thus,
√2 + √8 = ?
=√2 + √4×2 or √2 + √4 √2
=√2 + 2√2
5. Multiply Messy Radicals
Ex. 1:
(7-√2) (5+√3)
In solving this, you can use the First, Outside, Inside, Last (FOIL) Method.
F: 7×5 = 35
O: 7×√3 = 7√3
I: -√2 × 5 = -5√2
L: -√2 × √3 = -√6
Then, add afterwards:
=35 + 7√3 + (-5√2) + (-√6)
This is the final answer since we can no longer simplify them since they have different surnames
already, √2, √3, √6, and 35 even has no surname.
6. Rationalizing the Denominator of Radicals
How can you rationalize or remove the radical sign in the denominator, for example:
Ex. 1:
This is the process.
Multiply a radical number in fraction which is still equal to 1 to the given number. In removing, the
radical sign in √2, I should multiply it with a number that will result to a number with a perfect
square, thus,
=3/√2 × (√2/√2)
=3√2 / √4
=3√2 / 2
Notice that we multiply √2/√2 to the number so that the denominator, √2, will become √4 which has
a perfect square which is 2. Multiplying the number with √2/√2 does not distort its value and
meaning since √2/√2 is still equal to 1. For example, 100 is the same with 100 * (2/2) since 2/2 is still
equal to 1.
7. Rationalizing Denominator (Complex)
Ex. 1:
=[5/(2-√3)] × (2+√3/2+√3)
=5(2+√3)/(2-√3) (2+√3)
=10+5√3/ (4+2√3-2√3-√9)
=10+5√3/ (4-3)
=10+5√3 / 1
If the problem will look like with this example, you have to multiply the number with a number still
equal to 1 but with DIFFERENT sign to the denominator. In our example, the denominator is 2-√3
but I multiplied it with 2+√3. That is the ruling.
8. √x² = x, only when x is equal or greater than 0
9. You can't find the square root of a negative number applying the rule in No. 3.
Ex. ²√-16 = undefined
10. You can find a cube root of a negative number.
Ex. 1:
Since, -2 × -2 × -2 = -8
11. ⁿ√a × ⁿ√b = a^(1/n) b^(1/n) = (ab)^1/n = ⁿ√ab
12. (ⁿ√a)^m = ⁿ√a^m = a^m/n
m can be inside or outside radical signs.
Cipriano Vasig Romeral
#ProfEd LET Reviewer
150 Items with Answer Key
1. At the end of periodical examination, Teacher R administered a summative test in Filipino. After
scoring the test papers she assigned grades to each test score such as 95, 90, 85, 80 etc. What process
did Teacher R use?
A. Ranking
B. Computation
C. Measurement
D. Evaluation
2. It is the study of man’s prehistory through the buried remains of ancient culture, skeletal remnants
of human beings.
A. Anthropology
B. Archeology
C. Ethnology
D. Ethnography
3. Teacher D claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the
response." Which theory supports Teacher D?
A. operant conditioning theory
B. social cognitive theory
C. cognitive theory
D. humanist theory
4. Visual imagery helps people store information in their memory more effectively. Which is one
teaching implication of this principle?
A. You will not object when your students daydream in class.
B. Instruct students to take notes while you lecture.
C. Encourage your students to imagine the characters and situations when reading a story.
D. Tell them to read more illustrated comics.
5. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?
A. independent thinking
B. social interaction
C. individual mental work
D. scientific thinking
6. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that the main
sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and the learner's
experience in their context. This shows that the BEC is _____ in orientation.
I. constructivist
II. behaviorist
III. essentialist
A. I and III
B. III only
C. I only
D. I, II, and III
7. Which assessment tool shows evidence of student’s writing skills?
A. project
B. portfolio
C. critiquing sessions
D. daily journal
8. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I
don't like it. I can't do it.) To which problem does the case of the student allude?
I. Unmotivated students
II. Uncaring teachers
III. Extremely difficult learning tasks
IV. incompetent teachers
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III
9. Teacher S wants to determine immediately the learning difficulties of her students. Which of the
following do you expect her to undertake?
A. Require her students to prepare a portfolio.
B. Administer an achievement test.
C. Administer a diagnostic test.
D. Interview her students directly.
10. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and
NEAT fall under __________.
A. intelligence test
B. aptitude test
C. criterion-referenced test
D. norm-referenced test
11. The result of the item analysis showed that item no. 4 has a discrimination index of 0.67. What
characteristic could be true about this item?
A. Difficult
B. Valid
C. Easy
D. Average
12. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance
given by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of
actual developmeny to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed _____.
A. competency technique
B. scaffolding
C. active participation
D. collaboration
13. Which of these activities is not appealing to the bodily-kinesthetic learners?
A. making math moves
B. doing simple calisthenics
C. sketching/illustrating events
D. joining extramural events
14. Institutions of learning are required to meet the minimum standards for state recognition but are
encouraged to set higher standards of quality over and above the minimum through _____ as
provided in Educational Act of 1982.
A. lifelong education
B. voluntary accreditation
C. formal education
D. academic freedom
15. You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes, and behavior. Which
of the following should you establish to ascertain the instrument's validity?
A. construct
B. content
C. criterion-related
D. face
16. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with
and relating to people?
A. conducting mock election
B. home visitation
C. organizing a community project
D. writing articles on working and relating to people
17. As an effective classroom manager, what should a teacher do?
I. She uses instructional time wisely.
II. She uses her power to punish students for the sake of discipline.
III. She puts to use the available and appropriate materials.
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students so she can meet her goals.
A. I and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and IV
18. Keeping track of assessment results from one periodic rating to the next is useful in contributing
to the development of a _____.
A. regional plan
B. annual implementation plan
C. school improvement plan
D. division plan
19. In the K W L technique K stands for what the pupil already knows, W for he wants to know and
L for what he _____.
A. failed to learn
B. he likes to learn
C. needs to learn
D. learned
20. Which is one characteristic of an effective classroom management?
A. It quickly and unobtrusively redirects misbehavior once it occurs.
B. It teaches dependence on others for self-control.
C. It respects cultural norms of a limited group students.
D. Strategies are simple enough to be used consistently.
21. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this means that the
curriculum is _____.
A. sequenced
B. balanced
C. integrated
D. continued
22. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and actions as indirect instruction is for _____.
A. hypotheses, verified data, and conclusions
B. concepts, patterns, and abstractions
C. concepts, processes, and generalizations
D. guesses, data, and conclusions
23. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. This means that the test is _____.
A. a quality item
B. very difficult
C. very easy
D. missed by everybody
24. The discrimination index of a test item is -0.35. What does this mean?
A. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
B. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
C. The test is quite reliable.
D. The test item is valid.
25. His aim of education is individual not a preparation for but participation in the life around the
A. Froebel
B. Spencer
C. Herbart
D. Pestalozzi
26. The following are characteristics of a child-friendly school except for _____.
A. exclusive
B. child-centered
C. gender-sensitive
D. nondiscriminating
27. To make the lesson meaningful, systematic and motivating, teachers’ example should be ______.
A. based on higher level skills
B. interesting aided with illustrations
C. easy, simple, and understandable
D. relevant to students’ experience and knowledge
28. Which are the most important concerns about the use of ICT in instruction?
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials that allow students to construct meaning and develop
knowledge throught the use of ICT
II. Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate technology into the curriculum
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using software applications
A. I and III
B. II and III
C. III and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
29. Which of these non-threatening means of assessing learning outcomes?
I. Portfolio
II. Self-evaluation
III. Peer evaluation
IV. Learning journals
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. II and III
30. Teacher A's lesson is about the parts of the gumamela. He asked his pupils per group to bring a
real flower to study the different parts. After the group work labeling each part, the teacher gave a
test. What would be the best type of test he can give?
A. essay type
B. matching type
C. diary
D. journal
31. Principal A wants her teachers to be constructivist in their teaching orientation. On which
assumption/s is the principal's action anchored?
I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught.
II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings based on experiences.
III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that teacher gives.
A. I and III
B. I only
C. I and II
D. II only
32. The norms in a school culture are centered on the _____.
A. learner
B. teacher
C. principal
D. supervisor
33. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What does this mean?
A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
B. The test item is very difficult.
C. The test item is extremely easy.
D. The test item is not valid.
34. Someone wrote: "Environment relates to the profound relationship between matter, nature, and
society, and in such a context, ICTs bring new ways of living in a more interconnected society, all of
which reduces our dependency on matter and affects our relationship with nature." What does this
A. Environment and ICT are poles apart.
B. ICT impacts on environment.
C. Environment affects ICT.
D. ICT brings us away from an interconnected society.
35. Educational institutions’ effort of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at _____.
A. developing moral character
B. inculcating love of country
C. teaching the duties of citizenship
D. developing vocational efficiency
36. Teacher B discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which
particular skills her pupils are weak which test should Teacher B give?
A. Aptitude Test
B. Placement Test
C. Diagnostic Test
D. Standardized Test
37. That the quality of Philippine education is declining was the result of a study by EDCOM which
recommended to _____ teachers and teaching.
A. regulate
B. progessionalize
C. strengthen
D. improve
38. As provided in the Republic Act #4670, every teacher shall enjoy equitable safeguards at each
stage of any disciplinary procedures and shall the following except:
A. the right to be informed in writing, of the charges
B. the right to full access to the evidence in the case
C. the right to appeal to clearly designated authorities.
D. All of these
39. The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allowed, resources available,
expertise of the teacher, and nature of learners. What criterion is addressed?
A. validity
B. significance
C. interest
D. feasibility
40. A child was shown an amount of water in a glass. The teacher poured the whole amount to a
much taller and narrower glass and marked this glass as
A. The same amount was poured in a shorter and wider glass, marked glass
B. When asked which has more water, the child's answer was "Glass A". In what stage of cognitive
development is the child and what is this ability called? A. concrete operational stage; conservation
B. formal operational stage; deductive reasoning
C. sensorimotor stage; symbolic functions
D. pre-operational stage; centration
41. In a multiple choice test item with four options and out of 50 examinees, which was the least
effective distracter?
A. the option that was chosen by 13 examinees
B. the option that was chosen by 2 examinees
C. the option that was chosen by 30 examinees
D. the correct answer that was chosen by 5 examinees
42. What is an alternative assessment tool for teaching and learning consisting of a collection of
work/artifacts finished or in-progress accomplished by the targeted clientele?
A. rubric
B. achievement test
C. evaluation instrument
D. portfolio
43. Societal change requires continually deep-seated questions about "good" living. Which of these
did Socrates recognize as the greatest of human virtues?
A. moral wisdom
B. fair justice
C. courage
D. piety
44. Among the following curriculum stakeholders, who has the most responsibility in curriculum
A. the learners
B. the school heads
C. the teachers
D. the parents
45. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the
In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform most poorly in relation to the group’s performance?
A. English
B. English and Math
C. Math
D. Physics
46. You like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the
entire solar system. What is the best instructional aid?
A. picture
B. model
C. realia
D. film
47. Which of the following techniques of curriculum implementation is fit to the objective of
developing cooperative learning and social interaction?
A. buzz session
B. graded recitation
C. individual reporting
D. lecture
48. To determine your pupil's entry knowledge and skills, which should you employ?
A. interview
B. focus group discussion
C. post-test
D. pre-test
49. We encounter people whose prayer goes like this: “O God, if there is a God; save my soul, if I
have a soul” From whom is this prayer?
A. Stoic
B. Empiricist
C. Agnostic
D. Skeptic
50. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how?
A. There is best method
B. Typical one will be good for any subject
C. These methods should be standardized for different subjects.
D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.
51. Which software can you predict changes in weather pattern and or trends in the population of
endangered species?
A. word processing
B. spreadsheet
C. desktop publishing
D. database
52. You would like to assess students' ability to write a portfolio. What type of test will determine
their ability to organize ideas and think critically?
A. long test
B. essay test
C. formative test
D. summative test
53. Teacher F asks one student, "Rachel, can you summarize what we have just read? Remember, the
title of this section of the chapter." This is an example of a teacher's effort at _____.
A. scaffolding
B. inspiring
C. directing
D. giving feedback
54. Cooperative learning approach makes use of a classroom organization where students work in
teams to help each other learn. What mode of grouping can facilitate the skill and values desired?
A. large group
B. homogeneous
C. heterogeneous
D. Wear multicolored dress to catch the students' attention.
55. To solve moral ambiguity among us Filipinos, we must _____.
A. excuse ourselves whenever we do wrong
B. blame our government for not doing anything about it
C. be aware and responsible about the problem
D. be comfortable with the present state affairs
56. In their desire to make schools perform, the DepEd then published the ranking of schools in NAT
results nationwide. As an effect of this practice, what did schools tend to do?
I. Taught at the expense of NAT
II. Conducted review classes for NAT at the expense of teaching
III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test
A. II and III
B. II only
C. I and III
D. III only
57. Which one appropriately describes your lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
A. promotes "find out for yourself" approach
B. lecture-dominated
C. rote learning dominated
D. highly directed teaching
58. Which apply/applies to extrinsically motivated learners?
I. Tend to process information superficially
II. Tend to be content with meeting minimum requirements
III. Achieve at high level
A. I and II
B. II only
C. I and III
D. I only
59. To make our children become like "little scientists", which of the following methods should we
employ more often?
I. Inquiry
II. Problem-solving
III. Laboratory
A. II and III
B. I and II
C. I, II, and III
D. I and III
60. Teacher B is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-
blank sentences, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based
on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher is reinforcing learning by giving the same information in, a variety of methods.
B. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
C. The teacher wants to do less talk.
D. The teacher is emphasizing listening and speaking skills.
61. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the
boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory explains this?
A. operant conditioning
B. social learning theory
C. associative learning
D. Pavlovian conditioning
62. What is the primary fundamental question in examining a curriculum?
A. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
B. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
C. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
D. How can we determine whether these purposes are attained or not?
63. To elicit more student’s response, Teacher G made use of covert responses. Which one did she
NOT do?
A. She had the students write their response privately.
B. She showed the correct answers on the overhead after the students have written their responses.
C. She had the students write their responses privately then called each of them.
D. She refrained from judging on the student's responses.
64. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?
A. social contract
B. universal ethical principle
C. law and order
D. good boy/ good girl
65. There is a statement that says, "No amount of good instruction will come out without good
classroom management." Which of the following best explains this statement?
A. Classroom management is important to effect good instruction.
B. There must be classroom management for instruction to yield good outcomes/ results.
C. Classroom management means good instruction.
D. Good instruction is equal to effective classroom management.
66. What does a Table of Specification establish?
A. construct validity
B. content related validity and criterion reference
C. content validity and construct validity
D. content validity and content related validity
67. A person who had painful experiences at the dentist's office may become fearful at the mere sight
of the dentist's office. Which theory can explain this?
A. generalization
B. classical conditioning
C. operant conditioning
D. attribution theory
68. Which one can help student develop the habit of critical thinking?
A. Asking low level questions
B. A willingness to suspend judgment until sufficient evidence is represented
C. Asking convergent questions
D. Blind obedience to authority
69. Multiple intelligences can be used to explain children's reading performance. Which group tends
to be good readers?
A. linguistically intelligent group
B. spatially intelligent group
C. existentially intelligent group
D. kinesthetically intelligent group
70. Teachers should avoid _____ in assigning student performance-based ratings.
A. arbitrarines and bias
B. unnecessary deductions
C. partiality and calculation
D. unnecessary evaluation
71. Which of the following is NOT a guidance role of the classroom teacher?
A. Psychological Test Administrator
B. ListenerAdviser
C. Human Potential Discoverer
D. Total Development Facilitator
72. Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments and the results showed that behavior is
learned through stimulus-response associations, specifically the development of emotional responses
to certain stimuli. This helps is in _____.
A. interpreting reflexes as emotions
B. understanding fears, phobias, and love
C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus
D. understanding the role of overt behavior
73. Who claimed that children are natural learners and therefore, must be taught in natural settings?
A. Piaget
B. Froebel
C. Montessori
D. Kohlberg
74. the benefit of "reading aloud" is that children learn _____.
A. new vocabulary in meaningful contexts
B. to value the presence of their friends as they read together
C. to make predictions by examining pictures and listening for clues
D. to use their imaginations to explore new ideas as they listen to books
75. What does a negatively skewed score contribution imply?
A. The scores congregate on the left side of the normal contribution curve.
B. The scores are widespread.
C. The students must be academically poor.
D. The score congregate on the right side of the normal contribution curve.
76. A high school graduate was refused admission to a university on the grounds that he failed the
admission test. The student insisted that he had the right to be admitted and the act of the univeristy
was a violation of his right to education. Was the student correct?
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom.
B. Yes, education is everyone's right.
C. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous Peoples' group.
D. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.
77. Which of the following is a correct statement on service contracting scheme?
A. It increases access to education.
B. It works against quality education.
C. It discriminates against private schools.
D. it is not cost-effective.
78. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that _____.
A. he surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees
B. he got a score of 80
C. he surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
D. he answered 80 items correctly
79. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic
A. unrealistic performances
B. de-contextualized drills
C. real world application of lessons learned
D. answering high multiple choice test items
80. Global students learn with short bursts of energy. To maintain concentration they require ______.
A. frequent reminder that they need to concentrate
B. frequent and intermittent breaks
C. short and easy reading materials
D. music while studying
81. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span
of time, but this does not guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again. Based on Thorndike’s
theory on punishment and learning, this shows that _____.
A. punishment strengthens a response
B. punishment doesn’t remove a response
C. punishment removes response
D. punishment weakens a response
82. Faith, hope, and love are values now and forever whether they will be valued by people or not.
Upon what philosophy is this anchored?
A. Idealism
B. Existentialism
C. Realism
D. Pragmatism
83. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?
A. a large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high marks
B. a large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high
C. a large number of students with high grades and very few with low grades
D. all of the students have average grades
84. Lecturer C narrates: "I observe that when there is an English-speaking foreigner in class, more
often than not, his classmates perceive him to be superior." To which Filipino trait does this point?
A. hospitality
B. friendliness
C. colonial mentality
D. lack of confidence
85. Which violates this brain-based principle of teaching-learning: "Each child's brain is unique and
vastly different from one another."
A. giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore even if the class creates "noise"
B. making a left-handed pupil write with his right hand as it is better this way
C. allowing open dialogue among students
D. employing MI teaching approaches
86. The child fainted in your class because she has not eaten her breakfast. What is the best thing for
you to do in this situation?
A. Ignore the situation
B. Comfort the child
C. Give the child food
D. Call the parent
87. Which one should teacher AVOID to produce an environment conducive for learning?
A. Tests
B. Seat plan
C. Individual competition
D. Games
88. You are convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement
and soon the student learns to perform the behavior on her own. On which principle is your
conviction based?
A. cognitivism
B. behaviorism
C. constructivism
D. environmentalism
89. “Men are built not born.” This quotation by John Watson states that _____.
A. the ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development
B. the effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development
C. the absence of genetic influence on a person’s development
D. the effect of heredity
90. Which order follows the basic rule in framing interaction?
A. call on a student, pause, ask the question
B. ask the question, call on a student, pause
C. ask the question, pause, call on a student
D. call on a student, ask the question, pause
91. At the preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory, the child can see only his
point of view and assumes that everyone also has the same view as his. What is this tendency called?
A. transductive reasoning
B. animism
C. egocentrism
D. conservatism
92. "Vox Populi Est Supreme Lex" is a Latin expression that means what?
A. The Supreme Being is God
B. No one is above the law
C. The voice of the people is the supreme law
D. it is the popular choice
93. Which is not among the major targets of the Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)?
A. All school children are friendly.
B. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in elementary schools.
C. All children complete their elementary education within six years.
D. All Grade 6 students pass the division, regional, and national tests.
94. Thorndike's law of effect states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened
when the consequence is _____.
A. repeated
B. negative
C. pleasurable
D. positive
95. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the development in your pupils' ability to write?
A. portfolio asssessment
B. scoring rubric
C. interview of pupils
D. self-assessment
96. The Philippine constitution directs the teaching of religion in public schools on the following
conditions except for?
A. option is expressed in writing
B. without cost to the government
C. with cost shouldered by the parents or guardians
D. given only at the option of parents or guardians
97. These are also known as “combination classes” organized in barrios/barangays where the
required number of pupils of the same grade levels has not met the required number to make a
separate class thus the teacher apportions class time for instruction to every grade level within class.
These are ______.
A. extension classes
B. heterogeneous classes
C. multigrade classes
D. homogeneous classes
98. After reading and paraphrasing R. Frost's Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening, Teacher
M asked the class to share any insight derived from this poem. On which assumption about the
learner is Teacher M's act of asking the class to share their insight based?
A. Learners are producers of knowledge, not only passive recipients of information.
B. Learners are meant to interact with one another.
C. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be filled up.
D. Learners have multiple intelligence and varied learning styles.
99. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice
from within you. In the context of Freud's theory, which is at work
A. id alone
B. superego alone
C. ego alone
D. Id and ego interaction
100. Which of the following assessment tools would you recommend if one should adhere to
constructivist theory of learning?
I. Constructed response test
II. Performance test
III. Checklist of a motor screening test
IV. Observation test
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and IV
101. The test in English and Mathematics showed poor results in comprehension and problem-
solving questions. How may the data be used for better learners' performance?
A. Use context clues in vocabulary building.
B. Give more exercises/situations on comprehension questions.
C. Determine weakness in grammatical structures.
D. Involve parents in guiding learners' developing good study habits.
102. Which of the following may be the assumption/s of behaviorists?
I. The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate.
II. All behaviors are determined by environmental events.
III. The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his environment.
A. III only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II only
103. _____ supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be compromised. A. Open
admission B. School accreditation C. Deregulated tuition fee D. Selective retention
104. If you want your students to develop reading comprehension and learning strategies which one
should you employ?
A. reciprocal teaching
B. cooperative learning
C. peer tutoring
D. mastery learning
105. What statement is FALSE with reference to Article VIII “The Teacher and the Learners” of the
Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
A. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents, or others in their behalf in
exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved,
B. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment or offending learners nor make deductions from
their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestation of poor
C. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher and the
learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip, and
preferential treatment of the learner.
D. A teacher shall maintain at all ties a dignified personality, which could serve as model worthy of
emulation by learners, peers and others.
106. In the light of the modern concept of teaching, which is a characteristic of effective teaching?
A. pouring information to the learners
B. allowing learners to learn on their own
C. developing abilities to address the future
D. removing the physical presence of the teacher
107. One facet of understanding, an evidence of learning is perspective. Which is an indicator of
A. A bright student refuses to consider that there is another correct solution to the problem apart from
B. A student explains the arguments for and against the acquittal of Hubert Webb and group.
C. A teacher cannot accept opinions different from hers.
D. A mother cannot understand why her child's performance is below par.
108. Which among the indicators could be most useful for assessing quality of schooling?
A. participation rate
B. cohort survival rate
C. net enrollment rate
D. drop-out rate
109. The discrimination index of a test item is +0.48. What does this mean?
A. An equal number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly.
B. More from the upper group got the item wrongly.
C. More from the lower group got the item correctly.
D. More from the upper group got the item correctly.
110. Which of the following is NOT an example of a teacher’s nonverbal communication?
A. eye contact
B. gestures
C. pauses
D. voice
111. Which is a valid assessment tool if you want to find out how well your students can speak
A. performance test in extemporaneous speaking
B. written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
C. display of speeches delivered
D. writing speeches
112. Professionalization of teachers and teaching as promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006,
defines teaching as profession concerned with classroom institution ______.
A. by teachers on fulltime basis
B. at the tertiary level in both public and private institutions
C. at the elementary and secondary levels in both public and private schools
D. by teachers of permanent status
113. Teacher U asked her pupils to create a story out of the given pictures. Which projective
technique did Teacher U use?
A. Rorschach test
B. narrative
C. thematic apperception test
D. reflective
114. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers stipulates that educational institutions shall offer
quality education for all Filipino citizens. How is quality education defined in R.A. 9155?
A. Relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an
individual and society.
B. All school-aged children should be provided free and compulsory education.
C. Children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public schools.
D. Public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education.
115. Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have helped
him discover his pupils’ strength?
A. Portfolio assessment
B. Performance test
C. Journal entry
D. Paper-and-pencil test
116. Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: The brain's
emotional center is tied into its ability to learn.
A. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feelings and ideas freely.
B. Come up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happy.
C. Tell students to participate in class activities or else won't receive plus points in class recitation. D.
To establish discipline, be judgmental in attitude.
117. Your percentile rank in class is 60%. What does this mean?
A. You got 40% of the test items wrongly.
B. You scored less than 60% of the class.
C. You got 60% of the test items correctly.
D. You scored better than 60% of the class.
118. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy of objectives?
A. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem.
B. Explain how trees receive nutrients.
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.
D. Write a paragraph that observes coherence, unity, and variety.
119. In qualitative social and behavioral studies, "the investigator is a part of the study." What are
implied in this statement?
I. The researcher processes and analyzes the data himself.
II Data interpretation depends on the orientation of the researcher.
III. The investigator is the only source of information.
IV. Data gathering may be done by others but the analysis is done by the researcher.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. I, II, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV
120. The observable manifestation of student's feelings, thoughts, or attitude are summed up as
behavior. Every high school teacher is expected to contribute to the assessment of the student's
behavior but the grade is reflected in _____.
A. Good Manners and Right Conduct
B. Values Education
C. co-curricular activities
D. curricular activities
121. Which must be present for self-evaluation to succeed?
A. consensus between teacher and student regarding evaluation results
B. teacher's approval of self-evaluation results
C. teacher's monitoring of self-evaluation process
D. student's intrinsic motivation to learn
122. The instructions for a test are made simple, clear and concise. This is part of which of the
following characteristics of a good test?
A. objectivity
B. economy
C. administrability
D. scorability
123. What is the mean of this score distribution: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?
A. 7
B. 6
C. 8.5
D. 7.5
124. The Early Childhood Care and Development Act provides for the promotion of the rights of
children for survival and development. Which of the following statements is not among its
A. Enhance the role of parents as the primary caregivers and educators of their children form birth
B. Facilitate a smooth transition from care and education provided at home to community or school-
based setting and primary schools.
C. Assist the LGUs in their endeavor to prepare the child for adulthood.
D. Enhance the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and language
development of young children.
125. Which of the following represents a minuscule curriculum?
A. textbook that learners use
B. lesson plan that teachers prepare
C. reference materials that supplement the text
D. lecture notes of the teacher
126. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at the sight of
a roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains Bernadette's behavior?
A. operant conditioning
B. attribution theory
C. Pavlovian conditioning
D. social learning theory
127. What objectives do effective leaders foster?
I. Attainable
IV. Specific
V. Time-bound
A. II, III, and IV
B. I, II, III, IV, and V
C. I, IV, and V
D. I, II, III, and IV
128. Thomasites are _____.
A. the soldiers who doubted the success of the public educational system to be set in the Philippines
B. the first American teacher recruits to help establish the public educational system in the
C. the first religious group who came to the Philippines on board the US transport named Thomas.
D. the devotees of St. Thomas Aquinas who came to evangelize
129. Which is an underlying assumption of the social cognitive theory?
A. People are social by nature.
B. People learn by observing others.
C. People learn by trial-and-error.
D. People learn by association.
130. Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience, a number of areas of
the brain are simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the teaching-learning
I. Make use of field trips, guest speakers
II. Do multicultural units of study
III. Stick to the "left brain and right brain" approach
A. II only
B. I only
C. I and III
D. I and II
131. Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15,
12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1. Which is the range?
A. 93
B. 85
C. 97
D. between 51 and 34
132. Which tool should a teacher use if she wants to locate areas which are adversely affecting the
performance of a significant number of students?
A. problem checklist
B. self-report technique
C. autobiography
D. cumulative record
133. Which activity works best with self-expressive people?
A. metaphors
B. kinesthetic activities
C. inquiry
D. independent study
134. centralization : Education Act of 1901 :: decentralization : _____
A. R.A. 9155
B. R.A. 9293
C. R.A. 7836
D. R.A. 7722
135. Piagetian tasks state that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the
formal operations stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?
A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners between 12 to 15 years of age.
B. Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for HOTS.
C. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive
D. Let children be children.
136. This embodies the teacher’s duties and responsibilities as well as proper behavior in performing
A. Code of Ethics for Teachers
B. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
C. Bill of Rights
D. Philippine Constitution of 1987
137. The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an
insight stems from the ability to _____.
A. comprehend the subject that is being studied
B. analyze the parts of a whole
C. evaluate the worthiness of a thing
D. relate and organize things and ideas
138. Which is not a characteristic of authentic assessment?
A. focused on lifelike, meaningful, relevant types of student learning
B. offers opportunities to study problem intensively
C. easy to complete
D. fruitful in terms of genuine learning
139. Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt to a changing world. This is
adhereance to the philosophy of _____.
A. essentialism
B. perennialism
C. progressivism
D. reconstructionism
140. The teacher’s first task in the selection of media in teaching is to determine the ______.
A. choice of the students
B. availability of the media
C. objectives of the lesson
D. technique to be used
141. With which goals of educational institutions as provided for by the Constitution is the
development of work skills aligned?
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency
142. Median is to point as standard deviation is to _____.
A. area
B. volume
C. distance
D. square
143. Who is the forerunner of the presence of the Language Acquisition Device?
A. Watson
B. Chomsky
C. Gardner
D. Piaget
144. Which of the following statements best describes metacognition as a strategy for curriculum
A. It is learning how to learn and thinking about how one thinks.
B. It is learning strategies for success.
C. It is learning through interaction with the environment.
D. It is learning through computer-aided instruction.
145. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that
contribute to the development of insight?
A. Piaget's psychology
B. Kohlberg's psychology
C. Gestalt psychology
D. Bruner's psychology
146. Which is not a characteristic of an analytic learner?
A. learns whole to part
B. enjoys memorizing
C. works on details
D. sequences objects in order
147. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most
closely related with the works of __________.
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung
148. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult.
I don't like it. I can't do it.) Is it possible to motivate this type of student?
A. Yes, he can do something with his ability.
B. Yes, he can change the nature of the job.
C. No, it is impossible to motivate a student who himself is not motivated.
D. No, motivation is totally dependent on the student. No person outside him can influence him.
149. As of the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers is with the _____.
A. Commission on Higher Education
B. Professional Regulation Commission
C. Department of Education
D. Civil Service Commission
150. Filipinization is violated if _____.
A. an educational institution is owned by a corporation of which 40% of the capital is owned by
Filipino Citizens
B. an educational institution owned by a religious order
C. an American serving as president of the educational institution
D. an educational institution owned by a charitable institution
Answer Key
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. C
24. B
25. A
26. A
27. D
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. C
34. B
35. D
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. D
40. A
41. B
42. D
43. A
44. C
45. A
46. B
47. A
48. D
49. D
50. D
51. B
52. B
53. A
54. C
55. C
56. A
57. A
58. A
59. C
60. A
61. A
62. B
63. B
64. B
65. B
66. C
67. B
68. B
69. A
70. A
71. A
72. B
73. C
74. B
75. D
76. A
77. A
78. A
79. C
80. B
81. B
82. A
83. B
84. C
85. B
86. C
87. C
88. B
89. B
90. C
91. C
92. C
93. D
94. D
95. A
96. B
97. C
98. A
99. B
100. A
101. B
102. B
103. A
104. A
105. D
106. B
107. B
108. B
109. D
110. D
111. A
112. C
113. C
114. A
115. B
116. A
117. D
118. D
119. A
120. B
121. D
122. C
123. A
124. C
125. B
126. C
127. B
128. C
129. B
130. D
131. C
132. A
133. B
134. A
135. A
136. A
137. D
138. C
139. D
140. C
141. D
142. B
143. D
144. A
145. C
146. A
147. A
148. A
149. B
150. C

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