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It’s the fifth-largest country in

Africa and the 25th-largest in
the world.

The median age in South Africa

is 25.9 years.
Estimated by the United Nations,
Department of Economic and Social
Affairs, Population Division

 How many people live in South Africa?______________.

 Is South Africa the largest country in the world?_______.
 Is South Africa growing in population?________.
 Do you think the median age of SA is similar to ours?


South Africa is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. In fact, it is
often called the “Rainbow Nation” because of the ethnic and cultural

About 80 percent of South Africans are indigenous black peoples of South

Africa colonialism, divided among a variety of ethnic groups. The rest of
population consists of Africa’s largest communities of European (white), Asian
(Indian) and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.

The various tribal cultures have rich oral traditions. Stories, poems and epics
were learnt by heart and recited out loud.
Nowadays, Zulu is one of the largest tribe
in South Africa, they even have a king.

The predominant religion in South Africa

is Christianity. The other major religions are
Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.


South Africa actually has three capital cities. Cape Town is the legislative
capital, Pretoria is the administrative capital, and Bloemfontein is the judicial
capital. However, Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa. However,
Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa.

Find South Africa on both maps and colour it in.

Then, colour the flag of South Africa.


The country has 11 official


Nine are native African, one is English and the last is Afrikaans, a language
developed by the region's early Dutch settlers.
In honor of South African lingo, this is a list of slang and sayings that are only
used within South African borders.

 Could you tell one of

these meanings?
 Tjaila:
 Shot bru:

-Where did you find the

information (web)?

 BIODIVERSITY (animals)

South Africa is rich and abundant in biodiversity, mainly in the wild animal
life. Its incredible biodiversity is due to its unique physical features. Most of the
country is situated on a high place of the mountain, between two very different
oceans that give it ideal atmospheric conditions to have different kinds of
There are many species of antelope such as kudu, springbok, wildebeest,
impalas, oryx and gemsbok. When you go on safari you can see many other South
African animals like lions, buffalo, zebras, rhinos, elephants, giraffes and
monkeys. In addition, South Africa is home to the African Penguins and the Great
White Sharks live in the ocean waters here too. Sometimes beaches are closed for
bathing due to the sharks in the bays.

Despite all of this, many animals were killed by hunters, and others had
their habitats destroyed. Today the country's large mammals live mainly in
national parks and wildlife reserves.
The largest is Kruger National Park.

Find and circle some South African

animals words. There are 10.


The most popular sports in South Africa are rugby, cricket

and soccer. However, the fan bases of each sport
are largely divided across racial lines. Most fans
of rugby and cricket are white, while black
South Africans are primarily fans of soccer.
-Soccer has long been the most popular sport
among black South Africans and their national
soccer team is nicknamed Bafana
Bafana (meaning the boys, the boys).
-Cricket has traditionally been enjoyed in South Africa by white South
Africans of British descent, as well as the Indian communities in South
Africa. The national cricket team is nicknamed The Proteas.
-Rugby is most popular in South Africa among people of Afrikaner descent.
Other popular sports include: boxing, hockey, tennis, golf, surfing,
netball, running and also obstacle course racing.
It is important to remember that South Africa was absent from
international sport for most of the apartheid era due to sanctions, but
started competing globally after the end of apartheid.
In 2010, South Africa successfully hosted the largest event ever
held on the African continent, the FIFA World Cup, an
international football (soccer) competition which was
embraced by the entire country. It was attended by over
three million people and drew over 300000 tourist. This
country defied many expectations during the event- six
new stadiums were finished on time, crime was low.
Americans bought more tickets to the event than any other
nationality. The games were a point of pride, not only to SAfricans, but to
many across Africa.


The South Africa climate is in general mild and comfortable, with usually hot
and sunny summers and mild winter temperatures during the days.

The main factors influencing conditions are altitude and the surrounding
oceans. In general, the east coast which is on the Indian Ocean, has a warm
current and the west coast which is on the Atlantic Ocean, has a colder current.
For these reasons, South Africa has various climatic regions.

On the other hand, South Africa does not really experience four distinct
seasons. Throughout South Africa the transitional seasons of Autumn and
Spring tend to be very short. Most analysis of climate is done using the
assumption that January is mid-summer and July min-winter.

- In your opinion… When is the best time to visit South Africa?



- South African cuisine is a unique fusion of many different external

cultural influences. These include Dutch, French, Indian and
Malaysian flavors and techniques that continue to make their way onto the
menus of restaurants and into the homes of locals all over the country.
- Today, Afrikaans cooking typically consists of
plenty of red meat (grilled, barbecued or roasted),
potatoes or rice, and vegetables that are
enhanced with butter and sugar.
- The braai (barbecue) is one of
the best known “cuisine” types
in South Africa. Red meat, like spiced sausages,
chops, kebabs, steaks and pork rashers are put over
hot coals, infusing them with an unrivalled smoky
flavor. This is a particularly social kind of
cooking, since it is typically enjoyed outside and is
most often undertaken by the men in the family.
-Side dishes include bread rolls and plenty of different
kinds of salads. Beetroot, carrots, cabbage and pumpkin are the vegetables
most commonly served.
- Of course, thanks to the enormous variety of wildlife in South Africa,
some rather unusual dishes are also available there. Visitors are
encouraged to sample crocodile, ostrich, kudu, sheep heads, mopane
worms, and warthog.
-Complete the table of national dishes of these places (you can write
more than one):














-South Africa’s currency is the Rand,

abbreviated as ZAR. There are 100 Cents in
1 Rand. Notes come in R10, R50, R100 and
R200 denominations.

-1 euro is approximately 14 rands.

-South Africa’s economy has traditionally

been rooted in the primary sectors
(farming, mining…), however, since the
early 1990s, economic growth has been
driven by the tertiary sector which
includes trade, tourism and
communications. Also, the automotive is
one of South Africa’s most important sectors
because they export a lot of vehicles.

 How many ZAR are approximately…?

a. 150 euros and 6 cents:______________.
b. 20 euros and 30 cents:______________.


Mr Mandela is the person South Africans so often talk about.

A leader of his people
Nelson Mandela was the first black President of South Africa. He spent 27 years
in prison for trying to overthrow the pro-apartheid government. After he left
prison, he worked to achieve human rights and a better future for everyone in
South Africa.

When did he live?

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. He was in prison from 1962 to 1990. He
became President of South Africa in 1994, and retired in 1999. Nelson Mandela
died on 5 December 2013 following a long illness.

Why is he famous?
Nelson Mandela became famous for his long fight against bad government
and racial prejudice. In fact, he became a lawyer and fought against injustice. So,
he became a hero to people all over the world, especially for black people. As
South Africa's President, he was respected for his courage and wisdom in bringing
people together to live in peace.

 Below, there are some of Mandela’s clear and inspiring words.

Complete the gaps with the correct word.

qualities, fall, courage, color, powerful, brave, religion, impossible

“It always seems ____________ until it’s done.”

“Education is the most ___________ weapon which you can use to change
the world.”

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we

“I learned that __________ was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over
it. The ________ man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers
that fear.”

“Honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, pure generosity, absence of vanity,

readiness to serve others –____________which are within easy reach of
every soul – are the foundation of one’s spiritual life.”

“No one is born hating another person because of the __________ of his skin,
or his background, or his ___________. People must learn to hate, and if they
can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to
the human heart than its opposite.”


Apartheid (1948-1991) was a system in place in

South Africa that separated people based on
their race and skin color. There were laws that
forced white people and black people to live and
work apart from each other.

Living under apartheid was not fair to black

people. They were forced to live in certain
areas and were not allowed to vote or travel in
"white" areas without papers. Black people and
white people were not allowed to marry each
other. Many blacks, Asians, and other people of
color were forced out of their homes and into
regulated areas called "homelands."

The government also took over the schools and forced the segregation of white
and black students. Signs were put up in many areas declaring these areas
for "white persons only." Black people who broke the laws were punished
or put into jail.

What was it like to live in South Africa during apartheid?


Until quite recently, there were two
totally different music scenes in South
Africa. One was the music of the whites,
which had its roots in European music.
The other was the music of the black
population, born of a long ethnic
tradition. This music has to be "lived"
through participation: singing, dancing,
clapping or banging a drum.

These days, the two groups are influenced

by each other and by music from all around the world. Now, music types include
traditional choral, jazz, dance, hip hop, pop and reggae. Many current artists mix
the styles of the country's musical heritage to produce new, hybrid forms. A
good example is Kwaito which is a mixture of house music, R&B, Jamaican
reggae and American hip-hop. Yet the language, lyrics and the style of dancing
and dressing are distinct to South African townships.

The very popular choral music and township jazz and blues have also adopted
sounds from other cultures. These unique mixtures have attracted international
attention. For example, the singer Miriam Makeba, the jazz pianist Abdullah
Ibrahim and the jazz trumpeter Hugh Masekela are internationally well-known.

- Then, below you have a very famous song in all the world which is called
“waka waka”. This is a song by Colombian singer Shakira, featuring South
Africa band Freshlyground. It was the official song for the 2010 FIFA world
cup and it combines a lot of afro-colombian rhythms and instrumentations.
The chorus is based on a chant from Cameroon called “Zangalewa”
that, in the past, was sung by soldiers, though it was also used by various youth
groups all around Africa. In fact, because it is so popular, the song is often
sung without knowing its meaning. However, here is what the lyrics of the
chorus mean in English.

Zamina mina éh éh (Come! Come! eh, eh)

Waka waka éh éh (You’re doing it. You’re doing. eh, eh)
Zamina mina zangalewa (Come! Come! Who has called you?!)
Anawam ah ah (It’s me! Yes it is.)
This is Africa
dJango éh éh (Wait! eh, eh)

Now, listen to the song and fill in the gaps:

raising Saddle watching soldier pressure Tsamina your day motto

You're a good ___________

Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and back in the __________
You're on the front line
Everyone's ________
You know it's serious we're getting closer, this isn't over

The ___________ is on
You feel it
But you've got it all
Believe it

When you fall get up oh oh

And if you fall get up oh oh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

'Cause this is Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh

_________mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Listen to your God

This is our _______
Your time to shine don't wait in line y vamos por todo

People are __________

Their expectations
Go on and feed them this is your moment no hesitations

Today's ________
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it

If you get down get up oh oh
When you get down get up eh eh

Tsamina mina…


1. South Africa is a…:

 Country
 Continent
 City

2. How many people live in South Africa approximately?

 100 million
 30-40 million
 50-60 million

3. How many official languages are used in South Africa?

 21 official languages.
 3 official languages.
 15 official languages.
 11 official languages.

4. What is the judicial capital city of South Africa?

 Cape Town
 Pretoria
 Bloemfontein
 Johannesburg

5. What is the largest city in South Africa?

 Cape Town
 Pretoria
 Bloemfontein
 Johannesburg

6. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

 Along with lions, elephants and giraffes, Africa is also home to penguins.
 About 20 percent of South Africans are indigenous black peoples.
 The main factors influencing conditions of weather are altitude and the
surrounding oceans.

7. Why is South Africa called the Rainbow Nation?

 The colors of tribal dress
 The animals and plants
 The different kind of weather.
 The ethnic and cultural diversity.

8. What is South Africa’s largest ethnic group?
 Ndebele
 Xhosa
 Zulu
 Crown

9. What is South Africa often called?

 Rainbow Nation
 Zimbabwe
 Kenya
 Melting Pot

10. What is apartheid?

 A political system of racial separation
 South Africa’s parliament
 One of South Africa’s political parties

11. What is the money called?

 Rand
 Wand
 Swag
 Zwar

12. Name one of the most famous exports from South Africa
 Vehicles
 Bananas
 Jewellery

13. The rules the British made that separated the whites from the
blacks in South Africa were called what?
 Bigotry
 Stupid
 Racism
 Apartheid

14. What are some of the animals you will find in South Africa?
 Zebras, tigers and lions.
 Zebras, aardvarks and cheetahs
 Aardvarks, rhinos and emus
 Hippopotami, wild dogs and rhinos

15. What did South Africa host in 2010?
 World Series
 World cup
 Olympics
 Tour de France

16. Who was elected president of South Africa in 1994?

 Ronald Reagan
 Indira Gandhi
 Nelson Mandela
 Mohamed Matura

17. South Africa’s coastline is on two oceans. What are they?

 Atlantic and Pacific
 Atlantic and Indian
 Indian and Arctic
 Indian and Pacific

18.What is the religion that most people follow in your country?

 Christianity
 Hinduism
 Islam
 Buddhism

19. What is the largest national park in South Africa?

 Springbok and rhinos National Park
 Kruger National Park
 Kenya National Park

20. What is the name of the South African national soccer

 Bafana Bafana
 The Proteas
 Cricket

21. Apartheid was a system in place in South Africa that separated

people based on their economy. That is…
 True
 False

22. What is one of the best known “cuisine” types in South Africa?
 Rice
 Braai
 Kwaito
 Sausages

23. What is Kwaito?

 A famous kind of music
 A famous kind of food
 A famous kind of dance.



What is the name of the South African Rugby team:

a. The Springboks
b. The Rainbow Nation
c. The Black majority

2. During the Apartheid years…

a. Blacks were the champions of Rugby football
b. The black majority ruled the country.
c. Blacks suffered a lot of pain and discrimination.

3. Mandela wanted a country…

a. Founded on reconciliation and forgiveness
b. Where everyone played rugby
c. With a black government

4. The captain of the Springboks was called…

a. Francois Springbok
b. Robben Island
c. Francois Piennar

5. In Rugby competitions Blacks cheered…

a. The Springboks
b. The team playing versus
the Sprinboks
c. The Rainbow Nation.

6. Both Pienaar and Mandela believed in …

a. Leadership by example
b. Leadership by sports
c. Leadership by hard work

7. The whole nation of South Africa…

a. Had to learn to forgive
b. Had to learn rugby rules
c. Had to show the world they were hardworking

8. “INVICTUS” was …
a. a poem Pienaar wrote to motivate his team
b. a poem Mandela wrote in Robben Island
c. a poem which helped Mandela in prison

9. The Rugby team…

a. Led the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
b. Was trained by Desmond Tutu.
c. Helped a divided nation coming


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