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Portfolio of Instagram Engagement Concepts for Campus Residences

In today's digital age, universities recognize the importance of connecting with their
audience through social media, and Instagram presents a unique opportunity for
them to visually showcase their offerings. As a Social Media Manager, I have
leveraged my expertise to devise five effective strategies that can be utilized by
Campus Residences to enhance engagement on their Instagram platform.

Concept 1- Social Media Campaigns with Prizes

Description: Campus Residences can host a series of Instagram campaigns that

encourage student engagement and participation. These campaigns can include
photo contests, Instagram challenges, and other interactive content.

How it can be used with the lens of Campus Residences: Instagram

campaigns can showcase the residential experience by highlighting the
buildings(Tabler, Roth, Keller, and other resident halls), events, and student life on
campus. They can also create a sense of community by encouraging students to
share their experiences and connect with each other through Instagram.

Resources/Tools needed: A content calendar to plan and schedule the

campaigns, a way to track and judge submissions, and prizes or incentives for

Why it will help boost engagement: Hosting Instagram campaigns can provide
students with a fun and interactive way to engage with Campus Residences. By
offering prizes or incentives, it can motivate students to participate and create a
buzz around the campaigns. It also encourages user-generated content and fosters
a sense of community by creating a platform for students to share and learn from
each other. Additionally, since Instagram is a visual platform, it can help promote
the residential experience by showcasing the buildings and events through photos
and videos.

Concept 2: Virtual Room Tours with "A Day in my Life" Reels

Description: Create virtual room tours on Instagram Reels where residents can
showcase their dorm room and living space. Additionally, residents can be given the
opportunity to voluntarily create short reels showcasing a day in their life as a
student living in that particular residence hall. This can give prospective residents
an inside look at what life is like on campus and provide insights into the daily
routine of a student living on campus.
How it can be used with the lens of Campus Residences: This concept can
help promote the residential experience by highlighting the different living spaces
and providing insights into what a typical day is like for students living on campus.
It can also showcase the various amenities and features of different residence halls
to help students make informed decisions about where to live. It creates a sense of
excitement amongst students to share their “a day in my life” videos on Instagram
which would attract their friends and family to engage on the posts and boost
engagement by sharing it.

Resources/Tools needed: A dedicated hashtag for the virtual tours, a way to

collect and share the resident reels, and the ability to create and edit Reels (e.g. a
smartphone with the Instagram app).

Why it will help boost engagement: This concept provides unique content that
can attract prospective residents and also encourages current residents to share
their experiences. By providing a glimpse into the daily lives of students, it can also
create a sense of community and belonging. To incentivize students to participate,
they can be given free t-shirts or food for creating a Reel showcasing their room or
a day in their life as a student living on campus. This can encourage more students
to participate and create a positive buzz around the residential experience.

Concept 3: Creating FOMO-Inducing Social Media Posts for Student Life


Description: Create FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out)-inducing posts to promote student

life events that Campus Residences organizes. The posts can be designed to
showcase the excitement and fun that attendees can expect, and create a sense of
urgency to attend the event. For example, a post for a "silent disco" event can
feature a student dancing with headphones on and a caption that reads "Don't miss
out on this! Join us for a silent disco and dance the night away! 🎧🕺💃
#CampusResLife #SilentDisco".

How it can be used with the lens of Campus Residences: This concept can
help promote the residential experience by showcasing the fun and engaging events
that Campus Residences organizes for students. By creating FOMO-inducing social
media posts, social media managers can generate buzz around these events and
encourage more students to attend.

Resources/Tools needed: Social media management tools such as Hootsuite or

Sprout Social, a creative team to design engaging visuals and captions, and a social
media budget for paid advertising on platforms like Instagram or Facebook.
Why it will help boost engagement: This concept can increase engagement by
creating excitement and anticipation around student life events. Social media
managers can use different techniques such as teaser posts, countdowns, and
influencer collaborations to generate interest and hype around these events. By
leveraging the power of social media, Campus Residences can reach a wider
audience and attract prospective residents by showcasing the vibrant student life on

Concept 4 - "Residential Life Hacks"

Description: This concept involves creating Instagram posts that share tips and
tricks for living on campus. These could be anything from how to get involved on
campus to how to make the most of a small dorm room. The posts will include a
photograph or illustration and a short caption with the tip or hack such as:
1. "Dorm Room Decor on a Budget": This post could feature creative ways to
decorate a dorm room without breaking the bank. For example, it could show
how to repurpose household items, like using a shower curtain as a tapestry,
or how to create DIY decorations.
2. "Healthy Eating on Campus": This post could feature tips for eating healthy
while living on campus. It could include suggestions for healthy snacks that
are easy to keep in a dorm room, as well as recommendations for healthy
meal options on campus.
3. "Staying Active on Campus": This post could feature ideas for staying active
on campus, especially during the colder months. It could include
recommendations for indoor exercise options, like using the campus gym or
taking fitness classes, as well as suggestions for outdoor activities like
snowshoeing or ice skating.
4. "Navigating Campus Resources": This post could feature tips for navigating
the many resources available on campus, like the library or academic
advising center. It could also highlight lesser-known resources, like the
writing center or career center.
5. "Surviving Finals Week": This post could feature tips and tricks for making it
through finals week. It could include study tips, stress management
techniques, and ideas for taking breaks and practicing self-care.

How it can be used with the lens of Campus Residences: These ideas can be
used with the lens of Campus Residences by highlighting the ways in which living on
campus can make it easier to access and utilize these resources. For example, a
post on healthy eating could highlight the healthy options available at campus
dining halls or the convenience of having a kitchenette in your dorm room.
Resources/Tools needed: To make these ideas come to life, a graphic designer could
create engaging visuals to accompany each post. Additionally, it may be helpful to
have a team member who is familiar with the topic of each post and can provide
helpful tips and insights.

Why it will help boost engagement: These posts will help boost engagement by
providing valuable information and advice to followers. They also encourage
followers to engage with the content by sharing their own tips and tricks or asking
questions in the comments. By providing practical advice and showcasing the
benefits of living on campus, these posts can help residents make the most of their

Concept 5 - "Humans of Campus Residences"

Description: This concept aims to share the stories of the people who make up the
Campus Residences community. This includes residents and staff members, who will
be featured in Instagram posts and stories. Each post will include a photograph/reel
of the person being featured, as well as a short caption about their experience
living or working on campus.

How it can be used with the lens of Campus Residences: This concept can be
used to showcase the diversity of the Campus Residences community. By sharing
the stories of residents and staff members, it highlights the unique experiences of
living and working on campus. It also provides an opportunity to showcase the
resources and support available to residents and staff, as well as the benefits of
being a part of the Campus Residences community.

Resources/Tools needed: To execute this concept, a camera will be needed to

take photographs of the people being featured. An interviewing process will also be
necessary to collect stories and quotes from residents and staff members.
Additionally, a graphic designer can be helpful in creating graphics and visual aids
to accompany the posts.

Why it will help boost engagement:

Sharing the stories of residents and staff members humanizes the Campus
Residences brand and helps foster a sense of community. By encouraging residents
to share their own stories and perspectives, it also increases engagement and
creates a space for dialogue and connection. The use of visuals, such as
photographs and graphics, can help capture the attention of viewers and increase
the likelihood of engagement.

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