Lesson Plan Template

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LESSON PLAN (Fill out the parts on this first page in yellow before sending to the tutor)

Name: Date: Week: TP number:

Lesson focus: Level: Length of lesson: 45 mins Number of students:
Main aim:

Subsidiary aim:

Personal aim:


Trainer’s comments:

Good points in this lesson: Points to work on (action points):

● ●

Comment on lesson plan and language analysis:

Below standard □ To standard □

Tutor: Signature of Tutor:
I have read this feedback and I agree/disagree with it. Signature of Trainee:
Anticipated Problems with Technology, Task setting, classroom Solutions (To each of the anticipated problems)
management, instructions, groupings etc. (not language ) Note: Aim to have at least 3 problems + solutions.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Assumptions (Student’s previous knowledge)

Language Analysis
Marker sentence:
write your marker sentence here and underline what
you want to clarify.
Clarification of meaning:
 Include statements of meaning.
 Include how you will check to make sure Ss
know the meaning. This is often (but not
always) done with CCQs. Include answers if
you have CCQs.

Note: It is not normally acceptable to just write

“show a picture”.

For vocabulary: write the part of speech. Sometimes
collocations are included here.

For grammar or functional language: each part of the

sentence needs to be broken down or chunked

(these could include weak forms, stress, linking and
problem sounds using phonemics)

Note: Grammar must usually be analysed in


Anticipated problems with language and solutions:

aim to give an example of a problem that Ss may
have with any of the following: meaning, form,
pronunciation. Please note that “Ss may not
understand the word” is not an acceptable
anticipated problem as that is the reason why you
would teach it.
Provide potential solutions that you can use in case
Ss do in fact encounter the difficulties you’ve
anticipated. You need to be specific. For example, if
you say you will use a timeline, then you should
provide a timeline.

Note: Not all language will have “likely” anticipated

difficulties though.

In some cases, you may decide to include L1

translation. If you do, discuss why you want to
translate and include both L1 & L2.

Stage name patterns Time Procedure (and materials used in the procedures) Trainer’s comments
and aim (normally more
than one)

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