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Project Seabird Phase IIA

Design and Supervision Consultancy for Dockyard and Fleet

Base Buildings (DC-02)

S-1 Structural Narrative

Doc. No. DC2-03-ZZ-ZZZ-RP-S-02001-D2-P01.0

Revision: P01.0
Date: 24.06.2019
Ref. No.: MEC/798T/01/11/R/ZZ/ZZZ/0301, REV-5
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Revision Record

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P01.0 24.06.2019 PGP/SS KG/ACS VSR/MSN KNR/MSN Detailed Design

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

1.  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1 
1.1.  Project Background ....................................................................................................................................... 1 
1.2.  DC‐02 Scope of services ................................................................................................................................ 1 
1.3.  Purpose of report .......................................................................................................................................... 1 
1.4.  Design Narrative for Structural Design ......................................................................................................... 2 
1.4.1.  General ................................................................................................................................................. 2 
1.4.2.  Starting Point for Design Narratives Structural Design ........................................................................ 2 
1.4.3.  Design Procedures Adopted ................................................................................................................. 2 
1.4.4.  Design Conclusion in 60% Design ......................................................................................................... 4 
2.  DESIGN BASIS & DESIGN APPROACH ............................................................................................................ 4 
2.1.  Design Basis ................................................................................................................................................... 4 
2.1.1.  General ................................................................................................................................................. 4 
2.1.2.  Codes and Standards ............................................................................................................................ 5 
2.1.3.  Design Life ............................................................................................................................................. 7 
2.2.  Design approach ............................................................................................................................................ 7 
2.2.1.  Foundation System ............................................................................................................................... 8 
2.2.2.  Seismic Design ...................................................................................................................................... 9 
2.2.3.  Wind Design .......................................................................................................................................... 9 
2.2.4.  Design for loads during construction .................................................................................................. 10 
2.2.5.  Design for Crane/Monorail Loads ....................................................................................................... 10 
2.2.6.  Design for blast loads.......................................................................................................................... 11 
2.2.7.  Flooding .............................................................................................................................................. 11 
2.2.8.  Fire ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 
2.2.9.  Temperature differences .................................................................................................................... 11 
2.2.10.  Equipment loading .............................................................................................................................. 12 
2.2.11.  Durability ............................................................................................................................................ 12 
2.2.12.  Sustainability ....................................................................................................................................... 15 
2.2.13.  Design of Liquid Storage Structures ................................................................................................... 15 
3.  Design limit states Reinforced concrete &Steel structures ........................................................................ 16 
3.1.  Limit state of Strength ................................................................................................................................. 16 
3.2.  Limit state of Serviceability ......................................................................................................................... 16 
3.2.1.  Control of Deflection for concrete elements ...................................................................................... 16 
3.2.2.  Control of Deflection for steel buildings ............................................................................................. 16 
3.2.3.  Story Drift Limitation .......................................................................................................................... 17 
3.2.4.  Separation between Adjacent Units ................................................................................................... 17 
3.2.5.  Control of Cracking in Concrete .......................................................................................................... 18 
3.3.  Limit state of Stability ................................................................................................................................. 18 
4.  LOADS AND LOADS COMBINATIONS ........................................................................................................... 18 
4.1.  General ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
4.2.  Dead Loads (DL) ........................................................................................................................................... 19 
4.3.  Live Loads (LL) ............................................................................................................................................. 19 
4.3.1.  Uniformly Distributed Load ................................................................................................................ 19 
4.3.2.  Live Loads on Roof .............................................................................................................................. 19 
4.3.3.  Light partition walls ............................................................................................................................ 20 
4.3.4.  Wind Loads ......................................................................................................................................... 20 
4.3.5.  Earthquake Load ................................................................................................................................. 20 
4.4.  Super Imposed Dead Loads (SIDL)............................................................................................................... 22 
4.5.  Earth Pressure against Reservoir Wall ........................................................................................................ 22 
4.5.1.  Static Earth Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 22 
4.5.2.  Dynamic Increment of Earth Pressure ................................................................................................ 23 
4.5.3.  Hydrostatic Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 23 
4.6.  Load combinations ...................................................................................................................................... 23 
4.6.1.  Load combinations for concrete structures ....................................................................................... 23 
4.6.2.  Load combinations for Structural steel structures ............................................................................. 25 
5.  METEOROLOGICAL/CLIMATE AND GEOTECHNICAL DATA .......................................................................... 25 
5.1.  METEOROLOGICAL/ CLIMATE DATA ........................................................................................................... 25 
5.2.  GEOTECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................................. 27 
5.2.1.  Currently available boreholes ............................................................................................................. 27 
5.2.2.  Additional boreholes .......................................................................................................................... 27 
5.2.3.  Settlements in land reclamation area ................................................................................................ 28 
6.  COMPUTATION METHODS – ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 28 
6.1.  General ........................................................................................................................................................ 28 
6.2.  Analysis Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 29 
6.3.  Static Analysis Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 29 
6.3.1.  Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 29 
6.3.2.  Considerations in the Static Analysis .................................................................................................. 29 
6.4.  Finite Element Model .................................................................................................................................. 29 
6.4.1.  Concrete Structures ............................................................................................................................ 29 
6.5.  Soil Structure Interaction ............................................................................................................................ 29 
6.6.  Data for Static Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 30 
6.7.  Seismic Dynamic Analysis Methodology ..................................................................................................... 30 
6.7.1.  Modelling of the Structure ................................................................................................................. 30 
6.7.2.  General requirements......................................................................................................................... 31 
6.7.3.  Horizontal and vertical Excitations ..................................................................................................... 31 
6.7.4.  Mesh considerations........................................................................................................................... 32 
6.8.  Modelling of Hydrodynamic Effects ............................................................................................................ 32 
6.9.  Assumptions in dynamic analysis ................................................................................................................ 32 
7.  PRESERVATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 33 
7.1.  Steel structures ........................................................................................................................................... 33 
7.2.  Underground Concrete structures .............................................................................................................. 33 
7.2.1.  Footings in aggressive soil .................................................................................................................. 33 
7.2.2.  Underground basement/ lift pit ......................................................................................................... 33 
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
7.3.  Water retaining structures‐ External coating .............................................................................................. 34 
APPENDIX‐ A ............................................................................................................................................................... 35 
APPENDIX‐B ................................................................................................................................................................ 39 
APPENDIX‐ C ............................................................................................................................................................... 42 

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
1.1. Project Background

In 1986, the Indian Navy (“Employer”) established a project code named “Project Seabird” to
plan and establish a new naval base at Karwar, Karnataka; approximately 120km south of
Goa on the west coast of India. The Employer’s ambition is that the naval base – which is
planned to be operational for at least 100 years – will be modern, world class and ready for
the future.
The Employer has set the following strong vision for Project Seabird:
“To build a modern environment friendly naval base at Karwar that would provide
comprehensive world class facilities for operation, maintenance, and support of ships,
submarines and aircraft, thus enhancing the strategic and operational effectiveness of the
Indian Navy”
Phase I of the project has been completed and Phase IIA is currently under development.
Once complete, Phase IIA of the project will increase the berthing capacity of the base to a
total of 32 ships/submarines and 23 support/yard craft.
The overall Scope of Works for Project Seabird Phase IIA comprises major infrastructure
works over five distinct geographical sites and multiple Works packages. The scope of
Design Consultant Package-02 (DC-02) covers the following major elements:
i. Upgrading of existing Naval Ship Repair Yard (NSRY) facilities into a fully-fledged
Naval Dockyard
ii. Construction of Fleet Base Buildings at Site A
iii. Associated external infrastructure, utilities, services, and equipment

1.2. DC-02 Scope of services

The consortium of Royal Haskoning DHV and MECON has been appointed by the Employer
as DC-02 Design Consultant to undertake the planning, design, costing, scheduling,
tendering, and monitoring/supervision during the construction and defect liability periods for
the Dockyard (DY) and Fleet Base Buildings (FBB) package.
The DY&FBB package comprises the augmentation of a number of existing facilities and the
establishment of a wide range of new facilities; workshops, warehouses, training facilities,
offices, etc. and associated external infrastructure, utilities, services, and equipment.
In addition to the vision for the project, the Employer has specifically stressed in the
appointment of DC-02 that the DY&FBB design should provide optimised, efficient work
flows in the functionality of the dockyard to maximise capability and capacity over the life of
the naval base, as well as incorporating measures to meet or exceed all applicable industry
standards in relation to sustainability and green technologies.

1.3. Purpose of report

This report presents the design process for the structural works (reinforced concrete and
steel structures) related to buildings in the 60% Design Stage. This DPR design was

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
challenged and structural design options have been narrowed down to the structural design
selections presented in the Design Narrative and described in more detail in the Basis of

1.4. Design Narrative for Structural Design

1.4.1. General

This Design Narrative describes, at high level, the adopted design process, summarizes the
starting points for the design and presents structural design selections made in the 60%
Design stage.
Further, design procedures and design details including material characteristics have been
selected and laid down in this Basis of Design. This Design Narrative Report will be updated
in the subsequent 100% design stage).

1.4.2. Starting Point for Design Narratives Structural Design

Starting point for Design Narrative structural design have been the Design Project Reports
(DPR 6 and 7) as prepared by M/s SKM & reviewed by PMC (M/s AECOM). Also the
Technical Appendix TA-3 has been used as starting point for this document.
All structural design outlines from these reports and further design recommendations made
by PMC were reviewed and have been put in the new design perspectives.
Predominantly, the structural options as described in the DPR designs were envisioned as
reinforced concrete structures for the shorter span multi-storey buildings and structural steel
for the larger span single and multi-storey buildings. Foundations and flooring systems for
the buildings have been addressed generic and proposed to be designed as piled
foundations, concrete floors and the possibility for shallow raft foundations for small

1.4.3. Design Procedures Adopted

From the point of view of functional master planning, DC-02 foresees a different approach for
both the Dockyard and Fleet Base Buildings.
Further, Sustainability & Green building Concepts (S&GC) and Base Exterior Architecture
Planning (BEAP) definitely impacted the DPR building planning such as building clustering,
building orientation, clustering of buildings and demands to the structure such as allowance
for green roof, solar panels etc. Combined functionalities in building design are introduced
and this is reflected in this report.
DC-02 envisions for the larger buildings (storages, workshops) a design approach with much
more composite steel/concrete buildings as present in the DPR as this may increase the
construction efficiency, reduce time of construction and reduce CAPEX.
The more common Fleet Base buildings will be designed as a mix of common concrete
structures and mainly structural steel structures for the warehouse.
For the concrete structures, we have assembled 4 main principles to base the design upon.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
The 4 assessed principles are:
- Slab-on-beam system;
- Flat floor with drop system;
- Pre-stressed hollow core slabs on (precast) concrete beams;
- Pre-stressed hollow core slabs on (integrated) steel beams.

System 1 – slab-on beam

System 2 – Flat floor with drop system

System 3 – Pre-stressed hollow core slabs on (precast) concrete beams

System 4– Pre-stressed hollow core slabs on (integrated) steel beams.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
Further elaboration on the above design principles along with their advantages and
disadvantages and all the different factors for the selection of these into the building design,
has been narrated separately in the “Structural System Selection Analysis” report.
Further, DC-02 strives for a minimum of masonry infill planes, at least for all the interior walls
but preferably also for the outer walls. Although masonry infill is a common and widely used
method in India, there are major disadvantages when we look at structural behaviour:
- High weight of material, all has to be transferred to the foundation
- Contribution to building stiffness in an un-organized and unequal way:
asymmetrical placed walls will encourage torsional effects in a building
which has quite a negative impact on seismic behaviour
- Difficult to adapt in the (near) future, especially in facades.
DC-02 will design for suitable alternatives for masonry infills, keeping in mind the coastal
environment, possibilities in (local) building technology and CAPEX.
For the ground floor systems, DC-02 may adopt, where suitable, steel fibre reinforced (SFR)
systems. These floor systems are very cost effective because of optimized material use and
less time needed for construction (no time to be wasted to extensive rebar moulding). The
end quality of the system is comparable or better with current traditional concrete floor
systems. DC-02 will define where the geotechnical investigation appoints subsoil which is of
satisfying quality regarding load bearing capacity for this system. Since the SFR system
relies on a raft foundation principle, the system would not work in soft subsoil. However,
especially for the Dockyard area DC-02 foresees a big opportunity since this area has to be
reclaimed yet from the sea. We expect this area to consist of dense compacted sand which
is very suitable for a SFR floor system
Much emphasis is laid on reduced OPEX investment in structural building design.

1.4.4. Design Conclusion in 60% Design

Structural design conclusions made in the 60% Design stage are implemented on high level
in the architectural drawings. In this Basis of Design – Structural Works, relevant technical
and computational items are presented in the following chapters of this report.


2.1. Design Basis

2.1.1. General

The Design of all the Structural members will be as per the stipulations set out herein, with
due consideration given to all local and state regulations governing such works including
stipulations of Indian Standards and Codes of practice, as well as all codes and standard
specified in Technical Appendix 3 as part of the DBRs, with the exception of British
Standards which are superseded and replaced with Eurocodes.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
The method of design shall be based on limit state concept. The structure shall be designed
to safely withstand all loads liable to act on it. It shall also satisfy serviceability requirements
such as limitations on deflection and limitations on crack width.
All relevant limit states shall be considered in design to ensure adequate degree of safety &
serviceability. In general, the structure shall be designed on the basis of most critical limit
state and shall be checked for other limit states.
For the Design of special structures, such as shell structures, folded plates, arches, hydraulic
and liquid retaining structures, specific requirements as specified in the respective Codes
shall be adopted.

2.1.2. Codes and Standards

The following (Indian) Codes and Standards shall be in generally used for design of civil and
structural works. In all cases, the latest revisions with amendments, if any, shall be followed.
For work not covered by Indian standards, other International Standards, as applicable shall
be followed. These standard will be selected in close relation to the Standards as listed in
the current DPR 6 & 7 and TA-3. These Standards shall then be listed additionally in (a
revision of) this BoD, upon approval by the Client. In case where neither Indian nor
International standards are applicable, good engineering practice, as approved by the Client
shall be followed.

List of Codes & Standards

a) Concrete structures
1. IS: 456- 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
2. High strength deformed steel bars and wires for
IS: 1786- 2008
concrete reinforcement
Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the
3. IS: 3370 (Part 1)- 2009
Storage of Liquids – General Requirements
Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the
4. IS: 3370 (Part 2)- 2009 Storage of Liquids – Reinforced Concrete
Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the
5. IS: 3370 (Part 4)- 2009
Storage of Liquids – Design Tables
Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than EQ)
6. IS: 875 (Part 1)- 1987
for Buildings and Structures – Dead Loads
Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than EQ)
7. IS: 875 (Part 2)- 1987
for Buildings and Structures – Imposed Loads
Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than EQ)
8. IS: 875 (Part 3)- 2015
for Buildings and Structures –Wind Loads
Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
9. IS: 1893 (Part 1)- 2016
Structures –General Provisions and Buildings
Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
10. IS: 1893 (Part 2)- 2014
Structures –Liquid retaining Tanks
Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant Design
11. IS: 4326 - 1993
and Construction of Buildings
12. IS: 13920 2016 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
subjected to Seismic Forces – Code of Practice.
Code of practice for design and construction of pile
IS: 2911- (Part 1: Sec 1)-
13. foundations: Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 1 Driven
cast in-situ concrete piles
Code of practice for design and construction of pile
IS: 2911- (Part 1: Sec 2)-
14. foundations: Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 2 Bored
cast-in-situ piles
Code of Practice for Design and Construction of
15. IS: 2974- (Part 1)- 1982 Machine Foundations - Part 1 : Foundation for
Reciprocating Type Machines
Code of practice for design and construction of
16. IS: 2974- (Part 2)- 1980 machine foundations- Part 2 : Foundations for
impact type machine (hammer foundations)
Code of practice for design and construction of
17. IS: 2974- (Part 4)- 1979 machine foundations- Part 4 : Foundations for
rotary type machines of low frequency
Code of practice for design and construction of
machine: foundations- Part 5 : Foundations for
18. IS: 2974- (Part 5)- 1987 impact machines other than hammers (forging and
stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher and
b) Standard Publications & Hand books
Explanatory Handbook on Codes for Earthquake
19. SP: 22 - 1982
20. SP: 24 - 1983 Explanatory Handbook on IS 456 – 1978
Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456 –
21. SP: 16 - 1983
Hand book on Concrete Reinforcement and
22. SP: 34 - 1987
23. SP: 6 (Part 1 to 7)-1964 Hand book for Structural Engineers
24. SP: 7 National Building Code of India
c) Steel structures
25. IS: 800- 2007 General construction in steel – code of practice
Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general
26. IS 806:1968
building construction (first revision)
Dimension for hot Rolled steel beam, column,
27. IS: 808- 1989
channel and angle sections
Glossary of terms relating to cutting and welding of
28. IS: 812
29. IS: 813 Scheme of symbols for welding
Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of
30. IS: 814
carbon and carbon manganese steel specifications
Covered electrodes for metal arc welding in mild
31. IS: 815
steel and high strength low alloy steel
Use of metal arc welding for general construction in
32. IS: 816
mild steel
Specification For Steel Tubes for Structural
33. IS:1161-2014
Recommended practice for radiographic
34. IS:1182 : 1983
examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
Black Hexagonal Headed Bolts, Screws, Nuts &
35. IS:1363 Part 1 & 3 : 2002 Locknuts of Product Grade C- Hexagon Head Bolts
IS:1367 Part 1 to 3 & 5 to – Technical Supply Conditions for Threaded
7 : 2014 Steel Fasteners
Rolling and Cutting Tolerances for Hot Rolled Steel
37. IS:1852- 1985
38. IS : 822 Inspection of welds
Metal Arc welding of Carbon and Carbon
39. IS: 9595
Manganese steels – recommendations
Steel For General Structural Purposes-
40. IS: 2062- 2007
41. IS: 3502 Steel chequered plates
42. IS:3757- 1985 High Strength Friction Grip Structural Bolts
Code of practice for high strength bolts in steel
43. IS 4000- 1992
structures (first revision)
Code of Practice for Magnetic Flaw Detection of
44. IS: 5334- 2003
General Requirements for Plain Washers and Lock
45. IS: 5369- 1975
46. IS: 5372- 1975 Specification – Taper Washers for Channels.
47. IS: 6639- 2005 Specification for Hexagon Bolts for Steel Structures
48. IS: 7205- 1974 Safety Code for Erection of Structural Steel Work
49. IS: 7215- 1974 Tolerance of fabricated steel structures
50. IS: 7743 Magnetic flaw detection of welds
Recommended design practice for corrosion
51. IS: 9172
prevention of steel structures
52. IS: 12843- 1989 Tolerances for Erection Of Steel Structures.
Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake
53. EN 1998-1 resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions
and rules for buildings
Note: Latest editions of IS Codes shall be followed 

2.1.3. Design Life

The intended Design life of all the Structures including foundations considered shall be:
50 years.

2.2. Design approach

The fundamental principle of controlling the Design and Construction of the buildings will be
to ensure that functional performance is maintained at all times throughout the entire design
life of the structure.
It is recognized that for the following scenario’s the ‘functional performance criterion’ is not
the main design criterion:
 Severe earthquakes, for which the non-collapse criterion in the event of the Maximum
Considered Earthquake (MCE) is adopted;

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
 Severe fires, for which the non-collapse criterion for a specified duration, typically 1-
2hrs, of a standard fire is adopted;
 Accidental loads, such as blast loads, for which the non-collapse criterion is adopted.
This will be achieved through a combination of using the best quality control standards for
materials and workmanship during Construction and adequate detailing during design.

2.2.1. Foundation System

On study of the available Geotechnical Investigation data, it is understood that the available
boreholes are scattered and there is variation in the sub-soil strata. Thus, it is difficult to
conclude efficiently on the type of sub-strata and the exact foundation system to be adopted
for individual building in the scope of DC 02- DY & FBB. In addition to this, some of the
buildings/structures are located in areas proposed to be reclaimed using dredged sand.
For the lightly loaded structures located in no-fill areas, open foundations may be
considered, provided the net allowable bearing capacity (NABC) is adequate for
superstructure loading. As per available geotechnical data, NABC at 1.5m and 3.0m depths
may be considered in the tune of 10 T/m2 and 15 T/m2 respectively for maximum permissible
settlement of 50 mm.
Further, the improvement of loosely placed fill layer may also be done by appropriate vibro-
floatation method or any other ground improvement method (as per the proposed additional
ground investigation), so that lightly loaded structures may be placed on compacted fills.
For the buildings with proposed augmentation (Horizontal expansion), existing foundation
system of the building will be adopted. Whereas, the vertical expansion shall be carried out
as per the expansion provision kept in the existing building.
Correlating with the restricted available information of the depth at which the rock strata is
encountered in some of the boreholes, it can be assumed that piles of around 20 to 25 M
length would be adequate. However, the final length of piles shall be determined after
completion of the proposed additional ground investigation.
For most of the buildings, pile foundation may be considered and rock socketed bored cast-
in- situ piles may be provided. The expected capacities for the different diameter of bored-
cast-in-situ rock socketed piles are furnished in the Table below.

Termination Loading Pile Diameter (mm)

Depth Pattern 450 500 550 600
With a socket length of
Compressive 60 74 90 105
not less than 2.0 D within
weathered rock layer,
wherever it is Uplift 13 + w 17 + w 20 + w 24 + w

Where, D = Diameter of Pile,

w = Buoyant weight of pile shaft.
The foundation system will be optimised, after detailed geotechnical investigation to be taken
at specific locations, up to the required depth & after completion of the reclamation work.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

2.2.2. Seismic Design

The seismic design of the buildings shall be as per general provisions given in the IS: 1893-
2016. The design approach adopted in this code is to ensure that structures possess at least
a minimum strength to withstand minor earthquakes without damage; to resist moderate
earthquakes without significant structural damage though some non-structural damage may
occur; and aims that structures withstand a major earthquake without collapse. Irregularities in plan and elevation

Irregularities in the building lead to unfavourable structural behaviour and should be avoided
whenever possible. Examples of irregularities are:
 Storeys with significant lower lateral stiffness than adjacent storeys (soft storey);
 Storeys with significant higher or lower mass than adjacent storeys;
 Irregularities in plan, such as L-shaped plans.
Special arrangements have to be made to increase the lateral strength and stiffness of the
so called soft/open storey, as indicated in the clause no. 7.1 of IS: 1893 (Part 1) – 2016 (a
‘soft storey’ is a storey with abrupt decrease of overall lateral stiffness) Staircases and infills

It is acknowledged that elements such as brick infills and staircases can, because of their
lateral stiffness, significantly influence the overall behaviour of the structure during an
earthquake, by means of:
 Changing the lateral stiffness and Eigen frequency of the structure;
 Changing the centre-of-gravity of the structure and potentially introducing torsional
 Changing the distribution of shear in the structure.
These effects will be analysed in accordance with IS: 1893 / Eurocode 8. Soil-Structure Interaction

The soil structure interaction refers to the effects of the supporting foundation medium on
the motion of structure. As per CL 9.1.1 of IS: 1893 (Part-4) –2015, the soil structure
interaction is not considered for the buildings supported on pile foundations and rock like
materials. The Soil-Structure interaction for structures which are proposed to have raft
foundation (underground sump with pump house, static water tank etc.) shall be taken into
account by providing translational soil springs at each nodal point at raft level.

2.2.3. Wind Design

The Effect of Wind on the structure as a whole is determined by the combined action of
external and internal pressures and friction acting upon it. The design of the Buildings,

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
Structures and their Components related to wind loads, shall be as per provisions given in
the IS: 875 (Part-3) - 2015. Dynamic Effects of Wind

Wind induced Oscillations or Excitations along and across the wind in slender structures
shall be examined by the following:
a) Buildings and closed structures with a height to minimum lateral dimension ratio of more
than about 5.0 and
b) Buildings and closed structures whose natural frequency in the first mode is less than
Buildings or Structures which do not satisfy either of the above two criteria should be
examined for dynamics effects of wind. Considering the characteristics of the proposed
structures, we currently do not anticipate any such dynamic analysis for the Dockyard and
Fleetbase structures. Increase in Allowable Bearing Pressure

When Wind forces are included, the allowable Bearing pressure in soil shall be increased as
per Indian Standard.

2.2.4. Design for loads during construction

The structures will not be specifically designed for loads during construction, such as crane
loads and storage of masonry on building floors. It is the responsibility of the contractor to
ensure that the structure shall not be overloaded during construction, for example by using
temporary supports.

2.2.5. Design for Crane/Monorail Loads

Crane/Monorail load will be considered for the following structures of:

a) Workshops
b) Store Building
c) Repair Shops
d) Fabrication shop
e) Energy Building etc.
No horizontal surge will be considered for monorails.
In load combinations, Monorail load shall be considered as Live load.
Actual loads and deflection criteria from crane/ monorail system shall be calculated by the
suppliers and submitted in close relation to the design of the main load bearing structure
before the detail design of the both is undertaken.
Fatigue shall be taken into account.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
2.2.6. Design for blast loads

Naval Armament Depot buildings like, RCC 5T Magazine building (IGLOO) & Torpedo
storage, War head joining workshop shall be designed to resist external blast as per the
guidelines given in the STEC. The design concept assumes that the structures will resists
the external blast and thereby prevent initiation of its contents by secondary projections and
therefore, the stocks will remain serviceable.
The Naval Receiving Station and Naval Transmitting Station buildings also shall be designed
to resist external blast as per the guidelines given in the STEC.
However, the blast forces and its parameters shall be calculated as per IS: 4991-1968/
STEC (Storage and Transport of Explosive Committee).

2.2.7. Flooding

The Flood study for this entire project site is being undertaken. Plinth level of each
building/facility will be finalised based on the conclusions of the Flood study.
2.2.8. Fire

The general requirement for fire resistance of all structures shall be as per provisions given
in IS: 1642-2013.
The fire protection scheme for structural steel buildings will be as per Table 31 of IS: 800-
2007 which has served as a basis of the table in Appendix A.
A structure or any structural element required to have fire resistance, should be designed to
possess an appropriate degree of resistance to flame penetrations, heat transmission and
failure. The fire resistance of a reinforced concrete structural element is expressed in terms
of time in hours. It depends on the grade of concrete and the cover to the reinforcement.

2.2.9. Temperature differences Concrete structures

The buildings should withstand the ambient temperature and ambient temperature
fluctuations from night and day and between seasons, either by applying sufficient insulation
and/or expansion joints or by designing for temperature stresses.
Thermal load will not be considered for an insulated building with width/length less than 40m
for concrete buildings.
For buildings with width/length larger than 40m either expansion joints shall be used or the
structure shall be designed for temperature stresses. Adequate detailing will be furnished for
the locations where expansion joints are provided in the building, in order to take care of the
leakage/ dampness issues.
Effects of temperature changes in case of a fire are covered in paragraph 2.2.8.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works Steel structures

The buildings should withstand the ambient temperature and temperature fluctuations
between seasons either by applying sufficient insulation and/or expansion joints or by
designing for temperature stresses.
For unprotected steel members & connections, the exposed surface area to mass ratio shall
govern the period of structural adequacy.
The period of structural adequacy shall be greater than or equal to required fire resistance
level as per IS 800 2007 Section 16.
Limiting the variation of the yield stress & modulus of elasticity with respect to temperature
shall be as per Cl 16.4.1 & 16.4.2 respectively as per IS 800 2007.
Limiting steel temperature in degree Celsius shall be as per Cl 16.5 of IS 800 2007.
The steel structures can also be protected alternatively by fire protective materials such as:
a) Cementitious Type Sprays
b) Intumescent Coatings
The Spray systems shall be applied in number of layers. This shall be applied on the priming
as per the manufacturers recommendation.
Intumescent Coatings of 1mm to 2mm thick shall be provided. This will expand during the fire
thereby offering protection to steel work. 

2.2.10. Equipment loading

Equipment and other systems, which are supported at floor or at roof, shall be considered as
Equivalent Static point load and applied as lumped masses for earthquake conditions.
Foundations and fixing arrangements for Equipment which generates vibration, shall be
designed to prevent, or at least sufficiently limit, transfer of such vibrations to the adjoining
Structures supporting vibratory/reciprocating equipment’s shall be designed so as to obviate
occurrence of resonance. The ratio of applied frequency to natural frequency shall be
beyond the limits of 0.7 to 1.5.
2.2.11. Durability

For durability, a design life of 50 years has been considered. Project site is located in the
coastal area. The reinforced concrete and structural steel constructions in Karwar region
are exposed to coastal environmental conditions. Durability of concrete structures

The following factors affect the durability of Reinforced concrete structures.

a) Type of concrete
b) Grade of concrete
c) Surface finishing of concrete.
d) Cover to the reinforcement
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  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
e) Reinforcement detailing

To achieve the required durability, it is to be ensured that there is minimal cracking and that
the concrete has a very low permeability. The concrete should be dense and compact. To
reduce permeability and cracking, proper and adequate compacting and curing techniques
shall be adopted. The resulting crack width shall be checked with respect to the allowable
crack width and injected if necessary. Sharp edges are to be avoided; all edges of concrete
sections shall be preferably chamfered to avoid cracking. Durability of steel structures

The following factors affect the durability of steel structures.

a) Environment
b) Degree of exposure
c) Shape of the member and Structural detail
d) Protective measures
e) Ease of maintenance.

The structural durability factors mentioned above shall be dealt with in line with the
provisions of Section-15 of IS: 800-2007.

Grade of Concrete
Minimum grade of concrete shall be M45 for main load bearing structures such as piles, pile
caps, pedestal footing column, beam, suspended slabs, equipment foundations etc. The
use of a higher grade (in relation to traditional mixtures) concrete will, especially for vertical
elements, create a material-efficient design with reduced environmental impact. This has
been adopted in the S&GC approach and will result in a positive addition to the IGBC
scoring table
Minimum cement content of 360 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.35 shall be
used as per Table 5 in IS: 456- 2000. Note: Paragraph 7.2.1 of TA-3 describes 350kg/m3
and 400 kg/m3 for splash zones. However, DC-02 feels that a slight reduction in cement
percentage results in beneficial behaviour for cracks (less chemical reaction so less
hydration warmth emission)
However, for grade slab, trenches inside the building, culvert, paving etc., M35 grade
concrete shall be used.
Maximum cement content, not including fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag, in
excess of 450 kg/m3 should not be used unless special consideration has been given in the
design to the increased risk of cracking due to drying shrinkage in the thin section or early
thermal cracking and the increased risk of damage due to alkali silica reactions.
Type of Cement

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The presence of sulphates in the soil causes deterioration of concrete. Portland slag
cement with slag content more than 50% shall be used as it exhibits better sulphate
resisting properties.
Portland Blast- furnace slag cement with slag content more than 20% shall be used for
concrete exposed to severe ground conditions or for low shrinkage conditions.
The reinforcing bars used in RC structures shall be Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT)
bars, as these have better corrosion resistance as compared to ordinary cold twisted bars
and have a longer life. Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) HYSD reinforcement of grade
Fe 500D/ Fe 550D conforming to IS: 1786- 2008, having an elongation more than 14.5%
shall be used.
For durability and fire resistance considerations, reinforcement in the concrete shall be
protected by adequate concrete cover as given in Table 16 and Table 16A, in IS: 456-
To meet the durability requirements, minimum nominal concrete cover to the reinforcement
as per Table-16, in reference code IS: 456- 2000 is 45 mm for severe exposure. The cover
shall not be less than diameter of the bar. The maximum diameter of bar adopted is 36 mm.
In the case of columns of minimum dimension of 200 mm or under, whose reinforcing bars
do not exceed 12 mm, a nominal cover of 25 mm may be used as per clause in IS:
456- 2000.
For footings minimum cover shall be 50mm as per clause in IS: 456- 2000.
For piles minimum cover shall be 75mm.
Summary of the clear cover to be adopted in the design for the maximum fire rating (2hrs)
and Durability is given below in Table 1. Note: Paragraph 7.2.1 from TA-3 prescribes
50mm as overall minimum cover. However, in this BoD, the requirements as
described in the IS have been adopted as we find no technical reason to increase
these numbers for structures above surface level.

Element Minimum cover 'mm' for Minimum concrete cover Design

2 hours fire resistance for severe exposure in Value in
'mm' 'mm'
As per Table 16A, in As per Table 16 & Cl.
reference code [1] 26.4, in reference code
Column 40 40 40
Beam 40 for simply supported (SS), 40 40
30 for continuous (C)
Slab 35 for simply supported SS), 40 40
25 for continuous (C)
Load bearing 40 40
wall -

Footing/ Raft - 50 50
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
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Element Minimum cover 'mm' for Minimum concrete cover Design
2 hours fire resistance for severe exposure in Value in
'mm' 'mm'
Pile Cap
Bottom - 60 100
Sides & Top - 50 50
Pile - 75 75
Table 1: Summary of Design Cover

2.2.12. Sustainability

In line with what is written in the report for Sustainability & Green Concept, the project
Seabird has a goal set for an IGBC rating. In short, for Structural Design several items are
applicable which will be developed in the further detail design stages:

- Economic design: to be achieved by using higher grades than traditional

for instance M45 instead of M35. See also paragraph
- Re-use of material
- Use of local material (local steel mills, local quarry etc.)
- Use of fast-regenerating material

In this design stage, the materials have been selected/ are being selected in order to obtain
the relevant credits for IGBC

2.2.13. Design of Liquid Storage Structures

Design and Construction of liquid storage structures shall comply with the requirements of
IS: 3370 (Part I) - 2009. All structures required to retain liquids shall be designed for both the
full and empty conditions, as well as for hydrostatic test (water filled) condition. The
assumptions regarding the arrangements of loading shall be such as to cause the most
critical effects. For Ultimate Limit state conditions.

For underground structures, internal water level shall be considered to the maximum level up
to underside of the roof slab assuming that overflow/outlets are blocked. For serviceability conditions,

Internal water level shall be considered to the maximum level up to overflow level, which will
be higher than groundwater level in normal situation and as a result will result in an outward
acting force.
In addition to the above, Effects of Earth pressures on the walls due to soil Compaction,
surcharge of the Soil and Condition of the structure during construction and in service shall
be considered.
All Water Retaining Structures shall be designed by Limit State Method as per requirements
given in Cl. 4.5 of IS: 3370 (Part 2) - 2009.

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3. Design limit states Reinforced concrete &Steel structures
The reinforced concrete and steel structures are designed by limit state method under the
following classification:
a) Limit state of strength;
b) Limit state of serviceability;
c) Limit state of stability.

3.1. Limit state of Strength

The Design for strength should be based on characteristic values of material strengths and
applied loads. The Design values are obtained by dividing the characteristic values by
appropriate partial safety factors.
The load factors for strength design shall be obtained from the Indian Standard.

3.2. Limit state of Serviceability

The Design for serviceability should be based on characteristic values of material strength
and applied loads.
The load factors for serviceability design shall be equal to 1.0.
Deflection is the main serviceability design criterion. The Indian Standard gives separate
deflection criteria for concrete and steel elements.

3.2.1. Control of Deflection for concrete elements

The structural members shall have adequate stiffness to limit deflections at service loads and
the maximum deflection will be limited to the following:
I. The final deflection due to all loads including effects of temperature, creep, and
shrinkage, measured from as cast level of the supports of floors, roofs & all other
horizontal members shall not normally exceed span/250.
II. The deflection including effects of temperature, creep & shrinkage occurring after
erection of partitions and the application of finishes should not normally exceed
span/350 or 20mm whichever is less.
III. The allowable (lateral) deflection for safe use of EOT cranes. Refer to the next
paragraph for values.

3.2.2. Control of Deflection for steel buildings

The deflection under serviceability loads of a building or a building component should not
impair the strength of the structure or components or cause damage to finishing. Deflections
are to be checked for the most adverse but realistic combinations of service loads by elastic
analysis. In general, the deflection of steel structural members shall be in line with Table 6 of
IS: 800- 2007.

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Figure 1

3.2.3. Story Drift Limitation

The story drift in any story due to the minimum specified design lateral force, with partial load
factor of 1.0 shall not exceed 0.004 times the story height as per Cl. 7.11.1 of IS:1893 (Part-
I)- 2016. This is applicable for both reinforced concrete and structural steel framing. There
shall be no drift limit considered for single storey buildings without adjacent units.

3.2.4. Separation between Adjacent Units

Separation joints between two adjacent buildings or two adjacent units shall be considered to
avoid damage due to deflection of units towards each other.
The distance between the two buildings/units shall be R times the sum of calculated storey
displacements. Where, R is Response reduction factor for Building system as per Table 7 of
IS: 1893 (Part-I) - 2016. When floor levels of two adjacent buildings/units are at the same
elevation, factor R shall be replaced by R/2 + 25mm.

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3.2.5. Control of Cracking in Concrete

In general, the acceptable limits of surface width of cracks in reinforced concrete shall be
considered as per Cl. 35.3.2 of IS: 456- 2000 which is as follows:

Crack Width
Exposure Type
1. Where cracking is not harmful and does not have any serious
adverse effects upon the preservation of reinforcing steel nor upon
the durability of the structure
2. Where cracking in the tensile zone is harmful either because they
are exposed to the effects of weather or continuously exposed to
moisture or in contact of soil or ground water.
3. For aggressive environment, severe category in Table 3 of IS 456
To limit the Designed crack width to a particular value, calculation may be done using
Formula given in Annex F of IS: 456- 2000. Crack width is not checked in compression
members, if design axial load is greater than 0.2fckAc, where fck is the characteristic strength
of concrete and Ac is the gross area of member.
Resistance to cracking for Water and other Liquids storage structures shall be ensured by
design based on un-cracked section as per Cl. 4.4.3 of IS: 3370 (Part 2)- 2009.
3.3. Limit state of Stability

Stability of the structures against overturning, sliding and floatation will be carried out for the
serviceability load combinations.
The factors of safety for reinforced concrete structures are as follows.
Stability against Factor of safety
1) Sliding (when DL,LL and earth pressure are considered 1.5
together with WL or EQ load)
2)Sliding (when DL,LL and earth pressure only are considered ) 1.75
3) Overturning 1.5
4) Uplift or to Prevent Floatation 1.2
Table 2 

For factor of safety for steel structures will be as per Table-4 of IS: 800- 2007.


4.1. General

All the values for loads and factors/assembly of load combinations that will be considered in
the structural design are as per requirements of IS: 875 & IS: 1893. These values to been
seen as a minimum, more stringent requirements might be applicable and will as a result be
specified herein.
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  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

4.2. Dead Loads (DL)

Dead loads shall include the self- weight of all structural, architectural components, weight of
floor/roof, including all other likely dead loads from equipment of a permanent or semi-
permanent nature including tanks, wall panels, partitions, roofing, piping, drains, bus-ducts
etc. Self-weight of materials are calculated on the basis of unit weights given in IS: 875 (Part-
1) -1987.


Sl. No. Material Unit Weight

1 Reinforced Concrete 25
2 Plain Cement Concrete 24
3 Structural steel 78.5*
4 Bulk Unit Weight of Wet Soil 18-20
5 IPS (40 mm thk.) 24
6 APP water proofing treatment with 40 mm thk. screed 12
7 Brick Work 20
8 Cement concrete block 22
9 Autoclaved Concrete 11
10 Brickbat/Coba / Coursed Broken Brick 9.9
11 Vitrified tiles with 20mm thk. base 24
12 Wood (Seasoned Hard wood) 6**
13 Chalkstone 20
(*): for design purposes, a value of 5% is added to this number to cover the additional weight due to detailing (bolts, welds, 
stiffeners etc) 
(**): to be verified with supplier 
Table 3

4.3. Live Loads (LL)

The Imposed loads, as listed out in Appendix B to be applied in the design shall not be less
than the equivalent minimum load specified in Table 1 of IS: 875 (Part 2) -1987. It shall be
applied as Static Uniformly Distributed Load over the entire floor area.
4.3.1. Uniformly Distributed Load

Static uniform live loads are unit loads, which are sufficient to provide for movable and
transitory loads, such as the weight of people, portable equipment and tools, equipment, or
parts, which may be moved over or placed on floors during maintenance operations. These
uniform live loads shall not be considered on floor area, which are permanently covered with
4.3.2. Live Loads on Roof

The Imposed loads, as listed out in Appendix C on various types of roof shall be as per Table
2 of IS: 875 (Part 2) -1987. It shall be applied as Static Uniformly Distributed Load over the
entire Roof area.

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4.3.3. Light partition walls

Light partition walls are being considered as an additional live load, on top of the uniformly
distributed live loads.
4.3.4. Wind Loads

The Maximum Basic Wind speed shall be 39 m/s. Basic wind speed is based on peak gust
velocity averaged over a short time interval of about 3 seconds and corresponds to mean
heights above ground level in an open terrain (Category 2), and has been worked out for 50
years return period. Terrain Category 2 shall be used for Design.
Design wind speed & Design wind pressure at any height above mean ground level shall be
obtained as per formulae given in Cl. 5.3 & Cl. 5.4 of IS: 875 (Part 3)-2015.
Calculating load along wind or drag load shall be done as per method given in Cl. 8.0 of IS:
875 (Part 3) -2015.

4.3.5. Earthquake Load

To determine the Seismic forces in the Structure, Seismic Zone-III shall be considered, as
the project site falls in Zone-III. The Zone factor (Z), which is considered a reasonable
estimate of the effective peak ground acceleration at any specific location, of 0.16 will be
The Response reduction factor (R), which is a measure for the amount of energy dissipated
by the structure during an earthquake and depends on the amount of ductility present in the
structure, will be considered as 5.0 for special moment resisting frame (with ductile detailing)
and 3.0 for ordinary RC moment resisting (non-ductile detailing).For ductile detailing,
references from IS: 13920- 2016 will be followed.
The Importance factor (I), which depends on the functional use of the structure and is
characterized by hazardous consequences of its failure, post-earthquake functional needs,
historical value or economic importance, shall be considered as 1.0 for administration-,
canteen-, gate and gate house-, laboratory- and workshop buildings. For all other buildings,
Importance factor value of 1.5 to 2.0 shall be considered. Design Horizontal Spectrum

For the purpose of calculating seismic forces, the design value for horizontal seismic co-
efficient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression as per Cl. 6.4.2
of IS: 1893 (Part-I) – 2016.
Ah= [z / 2*S a / g]
(R / I)
Where, Z, I, R and Sa/g are given below as per IS: 1893 (Part I) - 2016

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
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Z Zone factor given in Table 2, (Z=0.16 for zone III)

I Importance factor, I = 1 to 2, given in Table 6 of IS: 1893 (Part 1) &

Table 2 of IS: 1893 (Part 4).

R Response reduction factor given in Table 7.

R=3 for Ordinary RC moment resisting frame
R=5 for Special RC moment resisting frame
R=5 for Steel Structure moment resisting frame as per SP6
R=4 for steel frame with concentric bracings.

Sa/g Spectral acceleration coefficient for different soil types as per Fig.2.
Type I (Hard Soil) As most of the Buildings are considered to be on
Damping value = 0.05 for RC structures
Damping value = 0.02 for Steel structures

Table 4 

For structures and foundations placed between the ground level and 30m depth, the Ah value
shall be linearly interpolated between 1Ah and 0.5Ah. Increase in Allowable Bearing Pressure

When earthquake forces are included, the allowable bearing pressure in soil shall be
increased as per Table 1 of IS: 1893 (Part 1) - 2016, depending upon type of foundation of
the structure and the type of soil.
The design force will be considered in each of the three principal horizontal directions (2
horizontal + 1 vertical) of the structure Design Dead and Live Loads

The earthquake loads shall be calculated for the Full Dead load plus the Reduced
percentage of live loads given below as per Table 8 of IS: 1893 (Part I) - 2016.

Live load Classes Percentage of Live load

UDL of Above 3 kN/m2 50

UDL of up-to and including 3 kN/m2 25

UDL on Roof Not to be considered

Table 5 Design Lateral Force

The total lateral force or Design seismic base shear, VB along any principle direction shall be
determined below:
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
VB = Ah W
Ah = Design horizontal seismic co-efficient (refer Cl. of this document)
W = Seismic weight of the building calculated according to Cl. 7.4.2 of IS: 1893 (Part 1)
The masses considered in the structure, generating the loads are calculated from:
1. Self-weight of the structure and super imposed dead loads (Equipment load)
2. 50% of Live load and 0% of roof live load. Design Horizontal Earthquake Load

The structures shall be designed for the effects due to full Designed earthquake load in one
Design Vertical EQ Load, unless the IS provides a clause where this requirement can be
The effects due to vertical earthquake loads shall be calculated by considering two-thirds of
the Design Horizontal Acceleration Spectrum.

4.4. Super Imposed Dead Loads (SIDL)

Equipment loads are calculated loads based upon the actual weight and size of the
equipment. Loadings (both static and dynamic) of major equipment will be obtained from the
manufactures certified drawings of the specified equipment to be furnished. Loadings
imposed by equipment shall be specifically determined or estimated before detailed
structural design. Estimated loadings shall be noted as such in hand calculations or
computer input and verified before detail design.
Each member in the floor which carry these loads shall be designed for the heaviest unit or
units of equipment arranged in the most critical position. The impact factor for light weight
machinery shall not be less than 20 percent. Loading effect due to Impact and vibration of
Equipment shall be as per Cl. 6.0 of IS: 875 (Part 2) -1987.

4.5. Earth Pressure against Reservoir Wall

4.5.1. Static Earth Pressure

The walls of Underground Structures will be subjected to lateral earth pressure for the portion
where sides of the wall are backfilled. From consideration of earth pressure the loading will
be derived from the general formula:
P = K x wh
Where, P = Earth pressure on wall at a depth ‘h’ below ground level
K = As per soil report
w = Unit weight of backfill material (18 kN/m3) (Saturated)

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
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In addition, the following shall be considered in computation of lateral earth pressure on
basement wall:
i) The angle of internal friction of back filled soil,
ii) The angle of friction between the concrete wall surface and dry backfilled soil.
iii) Surcharge due to possible heavy traffic movements shall be calculated as per traffic data
sheets. However, minimum surcharge to be considered shall not be less than uniform
vertical loadings of 20 kN/m2 for the possible heavy traffic movements or other loads
during construction. The surcharge shall not be considered in combination with
earthquake loads.

4.5.2. Dynamic Increment of Earth Pressure

For dynamic condition Co-efficient of active earth pressure will be calculated as per as per
IS: 1893-198, CL 8.1.1. The total pressure computed as per CL 8.1.1 subtract the static
active pressure will give the Increment of earth Pressure due to dynamic condition. Also
dynamic increment due to vertical surcharge should be included as per the above-mentioned
4.5.3. Hydrostatic Pressure

The walls of Underground Structures shall be subjected to sub-surface water pressure rising
up to Ground Level El. 0.5m under normal environmental load combinations. Computations
shall be based on the buoyant unit weight of the soil plus full hydrostatic pressure. The full
upward pressure of water below basement raft shall be taken over the entire area.

4.6. Load combinations

4.6.1. Load combinations for concrete structures

The load combinations for which the buildings will be designed are classified as follows.
a) Load Combinations for serviceability
Load combinations under this category are unfactored (or with a factor of unity) and shall
be used to ensure the requirements of serviceability of the structure.
b) Load Combinations (Limit State of Collapse)
Load combinations under this category are factored.
c) Basis of Load Combination
All loads listed in Table 4a will be considered to act in the appropriate combinations
together with the corresponding load factor stated in Table 4b. The most unfavourable
effect on the structural element shall be considered for design.
Moving loads such as those of monorail hoists, crane together with the loads lifted are
considered only for normal load combinations. In other combinations, their static load effects
without the loads lifted are to be considered.

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1 STATIC 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 - - - -
2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 - - -
2 WIND 3 1.5 - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 - - -
4 0.9 - 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.5 - - -
5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 - 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.36 0.36
6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 - - - 0.36 1.2 0.36
7 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 - - 1.2 - 1.2 0.36 0.36 1.2
8 1.5 - 1.5 1.5 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 0.45 0.45
9 1.5 - 1.5 1.5 1.5 - - - - - 0.45 1.5 0.45
10 1.5 - 1.5 1.5 1.5 - - 1.5 - 1.5 0.45 0.45 1.5
11 0.9 - 0.9 0.9 0.9 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 0.45 0.45
12 0.9 - 0.9 0.9 0.9 - - - - - 0.45 1.5 0.45
13 0.9 - 0.9 0.9 0.9 - - - 1.5 0.45 0.45 1.5
1 STATIC 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - - - - - -
2 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 - - - - - - -
2 WIND 3 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - - - - -
4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - -
5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - - - - 1.0 -
6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - 1.0 - 1.0 - - 1.0
3 SEISMIC 7 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 - -
8 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - - - - 1.0 -
9 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.5 1.0

DL = Dead Load
LL = Live Load
Ep = Earth Pressure
Hp = Hydrostatic pressure internal Water of reservoir
EQ = Equipment loading
WL = Wind Load

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
HSLOSH = Sloshing effect for Water Retaining Structure
EPDYN = Dynamic Increment of Earth Pressure
ELX = Earthquake force in Horizontal direction
ELY = Earthquake force in Vertical direction
ELZ = Earthquake force in Horizontal direction Orthogonal to X

4.6.2. Load combinations for Structural steel structures

For structural steel structures the load combination shall be as per the Table 4 of IS: 800-
2007. The most unfavourable load combination arising from combined action of dead load,
live load, equipment load, wind load, Crane load, Earth quake loads and installation loads
will be considered for the design.

The critical load combination shall be those that produce maximum forces and effects and
consequently maximum stress and deformations.

Wind load and earthquake loads shall not be assumed to act simultaneously. The effect of
each shall be considered separately.

The effect of the cranes to be considered under imposed loads shall include the vertical
loads eccentricity effects induced by the vertical loads, impact factors, lateral surge and
longitudinal thrusts, not acting simultaneously, across and along the crane rail.

The crane load combinations shall be in accordance with the provisions in IS 875 (Part 2) or
as per clause no 3.5.4 of IS 800-2007.


The Meteorological / Climate details of the site are indicated below:

Table 8 

1. Location : Karwar, Karnataka.

2.  Elevation : 4.0 m above MSL.
3.  Average annual rainfall : 3285.6 mm
4.  Avg. annual no. of rainy days : 102.2
5.  Summer season : March to May
6.  Heaviest rainfall in 24 hrs : 469.3 mm
7.  Wind speed (max.) : 61 Kmph
8.  Annual mean atm. Pressure : 1010.6 hPa
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
  9.  Avg. annual dry bulb temperature : 26°C

10.  Avg. annual wet bulb temperature : 23.5°C

Avg. annual daily mean : 32°C

max. temperature

Avg. annual daily mean : 23.2°C

Min. temperature
13.  Annual avg. highest temperature : 37.3°C
14.  Annual avg. lowest temperature : 15.6°C
15.  Highest temperature (March 2000) : 39.6° C
16.  Lowest temperature (Feb 1911) : 11.6°C
17.  Wind pattern at 8:30
  a) Calm period : 59%
  b) First Predominant wind direction : North East (15%)
  c) Second Predominant wind direction : South West (9%)
18.  Wind pattern at 17:30 :
  a) Calm period : 16%
  b) First Predominant wind direction : West (43%)
  c) Second Predominant wind direction : North West (18%)
19.  Relative humidity at 8:30 : 80%
20.  Relative humidity at 15:30 : `72%

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

5.2.1. Currently available boreholes

In order to understand the type of sub-strata and their characteristics up to the specified
depth and to assess the general suitability of the site and to enable adequate & economic
design as per the local conditions, the following available Geo-technical investigation reports
of the site were studied.
1. Geotechnical Investigation for Project Seabird, Naval Base at Karwar, Phase-I,
conducted by M/s AFCONS, vide Job. No. 3019. Total completed Boreholes- 43 Nos.

2. Marine Geotechnical Appraisal Report for proposed Shiplift and Pier facilities
(Development of Onshore facilities, Phase-I), at Karwar Naval Base in Karnataka state,
conducted by M/s DBM Geotechnics & Constructions Pvt. Ltd. Total completed
Boreholes- 12 Nos. 

3. Final Report on Land Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed “Project Seabird, Phase-II
A” at Karwar, Karnataka, conducted by M/s DBM Geotechnics & Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

4. Marine Geotech Investigation for Project Seabird, Phase- IIA at Naval Base, Karwar for
Indian Navy- Project Seabird, conducted by M/s Horizon Geosciences.
(i) Volume I of IV (Geotechnical Investigation results of 29 Boreholes in the Dredging
and Anchoring areas.
(ii) Volume II of IV (Geotechnical Investigation results of 23 Boreholes in the
Reclamation areas.
(iii) Volume III of IV (Geotechnical Investigation results of 32 Pier structure Boreholes.
(iv) Volume IV of IV (Geotechnical Investigation results of 41 Pier structure Boreholes.
The location of the available boreholes is superimposed on the available Site layout plan of
the RFP Document (Refer Drawing No. ACM-DC-02-C-DWG-0000-GN-001-00). The
available information is correlated with the proposed location of the facilities/ buildings
planned under the scope of DC-2, Dockyard and Fleet base Buildings.

5.2.2. Additional boreholes

The disposition and spacing of boreholes should be such as to reveal any major changes in
thickness, depth or properties of the strata over the base area of the structure and its
immediate surroundings. The number and spacing of boreholes will depend upon the extent
of the site and the nature of the structures being designed.
The Indian Standard suggests for a compact building site covering an area of about 0.4
hectare (ca. 65m x 65m), one borehole in each corner and one in the centre should be
As an alternative, for very large areas covering industrial and residential colonies, the
geological nature of the terrain could be examined first using Cone Penetration Tests (CPTs)
in a 50m x 50m grid and the variation in penetration curves should be examined, prior to
deciding on the amount of required boreholes.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
On study it is understood that the available number of boreholes is not sufficient to conclude
on the type of sub-strata and the exact foundation system to be adopted for individual
buildings. In view of this, additional boreholes are required. DC-2 suggests to place these
boreholes in a 65m x 65m grid.
In addition to the above, some of the buildings/structures are located in the areas to be
reclaimed. These areas will be reclaimed using the dredged sand and is installed conform
the technical specification for land reclamation as prepared by PMC. After completion of
these reclamation works, additionally boreholes are to be carried out in these areas, after
reclamation and substantial settlement may have taken place.DC-2 suggests to place these
boreholes in a 65m x 65m grid.
The details of the study on the available Geotechnical Investigation Reports and the
requirements for the additional Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed facilities/
buildings planned under the scope of DC-2 - DY & FBB are provided as Appendix D attached
to this report.

5.2.3. Settlements in land reclamation area

In advance of the Dockyard and Fleet base Buildings works, the land proposed for the new
dockyard complex itself shall be reclaimed, sloped, compacted and prepared by the Marine
Works Contractor under supervision of PMC.
Settlement in the reclamation area will be substantial after a couple of years. Based on long-
term settlement calculations potential issues related to settlements need to be identified,
such as
 Differential settlements between ground floor slabs and surrounding infrastructure;
 Negative impact on load bearing capacity of piles due to increased negative skin
For these effects, mitigating measures need to be taken. Which measures are most cost-
effective is greatly determined by the magnitude of the long term-settlement and the
settlement rate per year.
At this moment, no long-term settlement predictions or settlement rates per year have been
made available by PMC or the Marine Works Contractor.


6.1. General

The design of reinforced concrete and structural steel elements will be carried out after
detailed analysis of the overall structural system has been completed for various loadings
and their combinations. The detailed analysis may consist of Equivalent Static and Dynamic
analysis corresponding to loading conditions.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
6.2. Analysis Procedure

Three Dimensional Models will be prepared for all the buildings. For analysis of structure,
STAAD PRO V8i/ ETABS will be used.
For Design of some structural elements like foundations, slabs, structural members, etc., in-
house developed spreadsheets or STAAD Foundation- Advanced will be used, wherever

6.3. Static Analysis Methodology

6.3.1. Purpose

The purpose of static analysis is to obtain:

a) Static Displacements and Rotations at various nodes for the adopted member sizes from
Static Loads and their combinations to ascertain fulfilment of serviceability requirements.
b) Member forces like Bending Moments, Shear forces, Axial load and Torsional effects for the
various loads and their combinations for strength design requirement.

6.3.2. Considerations in the Static Analysis

The Basic considerations in the Static analysis methodology are as follows:

I) Behaviour of the structure is assumed to be perfectly linear and the deformations are small.
II) All joints are assumed rigid for the first analysis.
III) Members are subjected to Axial, Flexural, Torsional and Shear Deformations.
IV) Force-Deformation relationship (such as axial load-extension, Moment Rotation etc.) remains
linear during the entire load regime. This is unless structural behaviour depends on the
actual value of Young’s Modulus for concrete which includes creep, shrinkage, cracks.. In
that case, a bi-linear FD relationship will be determined.

6.4. Finite Element Model

6.4.1. Concrete Structures

Finite Element Models, or FEM, shall be considered the concrete buildings. The model shall
account for the torsional effects due to asymmetry in layout (including non-structural
elements such as masonry infills, staircases etc.), loading and stiffness that exist in the
structure including accidental torsion. Floor slabs and roof slabs are modelled as plane
stress elements subjected to in plane forces to simulate the rigid diaphragm action.
Openings for cable, piping in floor in the model smaller than 1 m2 are not considered in the
6.5. Soil Structure Interaction

To obtain the forces on pile cap/footing top, soil springs will be considered in the model. For
the Fire Water Reservoir, resting on raft the effect of soil structure interaction has been
taken into consideration by providing translational soil springs at each nodal point at raft
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
level. The equivalent soil springs shall be calculated from the modulus of sub-grade
reaction. Raft will consist of small elements. Spring stiffness for each nodal point will be
calculated by multiplying the contributory area (below each node) with the modulus of sub
grade reaction for horizontal and vertical both springs.

6.6. Data for Static Analysis

Concrete Buildings
a) Concrete grade (Ref. Table 3, 4 & 5 of IS 456 2000)
1.1. Lightly loaded structures, Grade slab, paving, culverts etc. =M35 (fck=35 N/
1.2. Super-structure, (columns, beam, walls above GL) = M45 (fck=45 N/
1.3. Pile and Pile cap = M45 (fck=45 N/
b) Unit weight of Reinforced concrete. = 25000 N/cu.m
c) Modulus of elasticity (uncracked) = 5000 fck N/
d) Poisson’s ratio = 0.17

Structural steel buildings

a) Steel grade: All structural steel shall be E250 quality A, BR & BO (Tensile strength 410 MPa)
and E350 Quality A, BR & BO (Tensile strength 490 MPa) conform to IS: 2062 – 2011.

b) Unit weight of steel = 7850 kg/cu.m

c) Modulus of elasticity = 2x10^6 kg/cm2

d) Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

6.7. Seismic Dynamic Analysis Methodology

Seismic Dynamic analysis shall be performed by the Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
using software STAAD Pro V8i/ ETABS.
The purpose of Seismic Dynamic Analysis is to obtain the response of the concrete and
steel structures under earthquake condition and check for compliance of serviceability and
strength requirements.

6.7.1. Modelling of the Structure

Model is the mathematical Idealisation of the structure for the purpose of analysis. It must
represent the distribution of mass and rigidity of all elements as accurately as possible. For
dynamic analysis the number and distribution of the elements in the model must be such
that an accurate representation of all the important modes of vibration likely to be influenced
by the Earthquake and applications of the other external forces are allowed. This includes
effects from infills and staircases, wherever applicable.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

6.7.2. General requirements

The Seismic response of a concrete or steel structure shall be determined by analysing a 3-

D mathematical model (by STAADProV8i) of the structure and calculating its response to the
prescribed seismic input. The model shall account for the three dimensional characteristics
of the structure properly and ensure that all the significant degrees of freedom are
The selection of element type in the model should be made such that major characteristics
of the structural system are represented properly.
Modal Response Spectrum Analysis shall be the preferred method to obtain seismic
response of the global model. Seismic analysis shall be performed for the two horizontal
components of earthquake motion and one vertical component of earthquake motion.
Horizontal seismic force will be calculated as per this Report and vertical force will be
calculated as per CL 6.4.5 of IS 1893 (Part 1).
The Design Base shear (VB) calculated from Response Spectra method of IS Code will be
compared with the Base shear (V’B) calculated using a fundamental period as per CL 7.6 of
IS 1893 (Part 1). If VB is less than V’B member forces, displacements, story shear and base
reactions shall be multiplied by V’B/VB and the correction factor is applied in the Staad model.
Effects due to eccentricity between the centre of mass and the centre of rigidity (including
non-structural elements such as masonry infills, staircases etc.), if present and torsional
effects that may be caused because of lack of symmetry in distribution of mass and stiffness
shall be taken into account. In an apparently symmetrical system, the possible coupling
between translation and torsional motion due to a slightly unsymmetrical distribution of mass
or stiffness or to non-vertically incident waves should be considered in the calculation of
member forces. This consideration may be taken into account by applying an additional
torsion force equal to product of mass at floor level and 5% of the structure dimension
perpendicular to the earthquake direction at the centre of mass of the floor.
For steel buildings, flooring system may be considered as flexible unless properly designed
floor bracings have been provided. Concrete flooring systems shall be considered as rigid,
unless large openings are present in the slab.

6.7.3. Horizontal and vertical Excitations

Since the analytical model is a 3-Dimensional model, the coupled responses are
automatically included as the dynamic degrees of freedom specified are displacements in all
of the three orthogonal directions.
The analysis will be done for the two horizontal excitation inputs and one vertical excitation
input. The modal responses shall be combined by Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC)
method. Sufficiently large number of modes should be used for analysis to include the
influence of at least 90% of the total seismic mass. Modes with relatively high effective
masses can be readily excited by base excitation. On the other hand, modes with low
effective masses cannot be readily excited in this manner.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

6.7.4. Mesh considerations

The type of finite element mesh required to model a structural system depends on the
response desired. The selection of element types (keeping in mind the analytical theory on
which the element is based) is made such that the major characteristics of the structural
system are represented properly. In the selection of discretisation parameters, the size,
shape and aspect ratio of the elements, the node points and the number of nodes required
to define the element are carefully considered. In the global analysis where the behaviour of
the total structure is of major interest, the element sizes may be larger but, must not be
excessively large to misrepresent the stiffness and mass distribution of the total structure.
i) Discretisation of mass
a) The distributed mass of the structures shall be idealized by assuming the same to be
lumped at the nodes. Since there are large number of nodes at each level, the
rotational inertia at the individual mass points are neglected as there global inertial
effects are represented by virtue of their relative disposition.
Note: lumped mass excludes the opportunity for out-of-plane checks of walls in
between nodes by automated FEM calculation. These checks will have to be
performed additionally, either by calculation or by simplified method when
provided/supported by code
b) In general all the six degrees of freedom shall be used at each node point, except
where zero displacement boundary conditions are to be specified or to eliminate
singularity e.g. at nodes where only plane stress elements are connected.
ii) Determination of nodal masses
The nodal mass shall include all tributary contributions expected to be present at the time of
the earthquake. This shall include the mass effect of the dead load, stationary equipment,
piping, and 50% of the floor live load. No live load on roof shall be considered during
earthquake as per Cl. 7.3.2 of IS 1893-2016(Part-1).
6.8. Modelling of Hydrodynamic Effects

The Effects of Hydrodynamic mass shall be considered in the analysis of water tanks. Fluid
contained in a basin within a structure shall be modelled to represent both impulsive and
convective (sloshing) effects. Horizontal components of the motion shall be considered as
per CL 5.2.7 of IS: 1893.

6.9. Assumptions in dynamic analysis

The structure is idealised as a 3-D space frame comprising of a finite number of discrete 1-D
or 2-D elements or members connected at a finite number of nodes or joints.
The distributed masses of all the elements along the directions of excitation are assumed to
be lumped at the nodes.
The structural load- response relationships, such as load-deflection, moment-rotation etc.,
are linear and remain constant during the entire load regime.
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
The formulation for the analysis is based on the “small deflection” theory and secondary
effects such as the “P-” effect are not considered provided this effect is <10%. (Refer Cl.
No 10.3 of IS: 1893- Part-4)
The hydrodynamic effects of water mass interacting with the structure shall be considered in
the modelling.
Analysis will be performed for the two horizontal earthquake motions and one vertical
earthquake motion and will be considered separately in the load combination.
Sufficiently large number of modes will be used for analysis to include the influence of at
least 90% of total seismic mass.

7.1. Steel structures

The recommended paint systems for general service requirement of internal and external
steel structures covering surface preparation, application of primer coats, intermediate coats
and final coats to develop the required minimum dry film thickness on steel surface is as
1. Surface preparation: Sa2½ according to Swedish Standard SIS055900. 
2. Primer paint: One coat of Zinc Ethyl Silicate (DFT 70-80 μ and average 75 μ)
3. Intermediate paint: One coat of two pack epoxy polyamide MIO (DFT 110 -120 μ).
4. Finishing paint: Two coats two pack aliphatic acrylic Poly Urethane (DFT 40 – 45 μ
For specific small items like walkway gratings and stair steps galvanization shall be

7.2. Underground Concrete structures

7.2.1. Footings in aggressive soil

The footings in aggressive soil shall be provided with two coats of Industrial grade hot
bitumen 85/25 conforming to IS: 702- 1988,
7.2.2. Underground basement/ lift pit

Walls or portions thereof that retain earth and enclose interior spaces, and floors below
grade shall be waterproofed and damp‐proofed, with the exception of those spaces where
such omission is not detrimental to the building or occupancy. The roof is also required to be
Two situations may apply:
1. Where no hydrostatic pressure occurs
Where hydrostatic pressure conditions do not exist, damp‐proofing and perimeter
drainage shall be provided.
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 

2. Where hydrostatic pressure occurs.

Where ground water investigation indicates that a hydrostatic pressure condition exists, or
is likely to occur, walls and floors shall be waterproofed to prevent direct intrusion of
abrasive minerals, chemicals et cetera. Floor Waterproofing

Floors required to be waterproofed shall be of concrete and shall be designed and

constructed to withstand the anticipated hydrostatic pressure.
Waterproofing of the floor shall be accomplished by placing under the slab a membrane of
rubberized asphalt, or butyl rubber, or polymer modified asphalt, or neoprene, or not less
than 0.15 mm polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene, or other approved materials, capable of
bridging non-structural cracks. Joints in the membrane shall be lapped not less than 150 mm
and sealed in an approved manner. Wall Waterproofing

Walls required to be waterproofed shall be of concrete or masonry designed to withstand the

anticipated hydrostatic pressure and other lateral loads. Prior to the application of
waterproofing materials on concrete walls, all holes and recesses resulting from the removal
of form ties shall be sealed with a bituminous material or other approved methods or

Waterproofing shall be applied from a point 300 mm above the maximum elevation of the
ground water table down to the top of the spread portion of the foundation. The remainder of
the wall up to a level not less than 150 mm above finished grade shall be damp‐proofed.

7.3. Water retaining structures- External coating

The external face of the water retaining structures shall be plastered with water- proofing
plaster in Cement: Mortar 1:4 (minimum), by adding water proofing compound. The thickness
of the plaster shall be about 16mm to 20mm and it shall be applied in two coats.
Care shall be taken particularly on the corners and base for avoiding shrinkage and to
achieve better strength.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 


Fire Resistance for Facilities

Facility New / RCC/ Fire

Sl.No. Facility Name
No. Augmented Composite Resistance

North Entrance Zone
1 Augmentation DAS DY-042 Augmentation RCC 2 Hrs.
2 Augmentation DAS Hostel DY-043 Augmentation RCC -
3 New DAS Hostel DY-138 New RCC 2 Hrs.
4 Security Building & North Entry Gate DY-110 New RCC 2 Hrs.
5 Multi Storey Car Park (North Entrance) DY-200 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Stores and Admin Zone
6 General Facility Building DY-109 New RCC 2 Hrs.
7 Central Store DY-116 New Composite -
Auditorium & DY Mess & Additional Admin
DY-119 New RCC 2 Hrs.
9 Weigh Bridge DY-129
10 Degutted Items Store DY-133 New Composite -
11 Reference set, PCB repair and laboratory DY-141 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Refit Piers & Workshops Zone
Workshop Complex-1
Workshop 1 Composite
12 Bay 1 - Weapons Mechanical
Bay 2 - Weapons Electrical
13 Offices & Amenities Block DY-100 New RCC -
Workshop 2 Composite
14 Bay 1 - Electrical
Bay 2 - Heavy Engineering
Workshop Complex-2
Workshop 3 Composite
15 Bay 1 - Light Engineering
Bay 2 - Propulsion Engineering
16 Offices & Amenities Block DY-102 New RCC -
Workshop-4 Composite
17 Bay 1 - Pipe, Boiler, Valve
Bay 2 - Riggers, Life raft, Woodworking
Utilities Area
Additional ship lift and hull preservation
DY-107 New RCC 2 Hrs.
19 ETP-4 DY-137
Lay Down Area

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
Dockyard Vehicle Parking and Maintenance Not
21 Cable Hawser Storage & Lay Down Area DY-130
Gas Storage Area
22 Oxygen Tanks Storage DY-120
23 Acetylene Tanks Storage DY-121
24 Gas Cylinder Storage DY-145
Ship lift and Dry Berth Zone
Workshop Complex 3 (Sl 25 & 26)
25 Workshop-5 Composite
DY-114 New -
26 Offices & Amenities Block
27 Open Block Storage Area DY-126
28 Waste & Scrap Area DY-131
29 Sub-contractor Container & Storage DY-139
RCC 2 Hrs.
30 Sub-contractor office & Amenity Building DY-140 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Existing Dockyard Zone
31 Hull & Outfitting Shop DY-004
32 Central Machining Workshop DY-003
MIS & Cost Accounting Section
DY-010 Augmented -
34 Covered Hard Stand for Parking of Boats DY-011
South Entrance Zone
35 Multi Storey Car Park (South Entrance) DY-202 New RCC 2 Hrs.
South entry complex (Security & Visitor
DY-xxx New RCC 2 Hrs.
Submarine Complex
1 Shore Office & Hospitality Block FB-100 New RCC 2 Hrs.
2 Parade Ground
FB-101 New -
3 Spectator Gallery Composite
4 SMU Complex & Ship Stores-4 FB-102 New RCC 2 Hrs.
5 Submarine Energy Block FB-103 New Composite -
MT Section (garages & maintenance
FB-104 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Fleet Support Unit Complex
7 Fleet Support Unit (FSU) Admin Building FB-105 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Captain of the Yard (C of Y) Complex
8 C of Y Admin Building FB-106 New RCC 2 Hrs.
9 C of Y Stores/Workshop/Amenities FB-107 New RCC 2 Hrs.
10 Hard Stand (Boat Pool) FB-108
11 Buoy Yard FB-109 New -
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
Fleet Medical Centre (FMC)
12 Augmentation of Fleet Medical Centre (FMC) FB-017 Augmented RCC 2 Hrs.
13 Covered Parking-FMC FB-201
Ship Stores
14 Ship Stores - 2 FB-117 New RCC 2 Hrs.
15 FSU Workshops & Ship Stores - 3 FB-118 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Mine Counter Measure (MCM) Complex
16 MCM Admin Block FB-119 New RCC 2 Hrs.
MCM Workshops cum Minimum Magnetic
FB-120 New RCC 2 Hrs.
18 Hard Stand FB-121 New -
Sports Facilities
Outdoor Courts
19 FB-173 New -
Sports Facility Building Composite
NAD and NAI Satellite Units
20 NAI, NAD, Wharf Office FB-110 New RCC 2 Hrs.
21 Torpedo Prep Shop - 1 & 2 FB-111 New Composite -
22 Torpedo Storage & IGLOO FB-113 New RCC 2 Hrs.
23 Afloat workshop FB-114 New Composite -
24 Warhead Joining Workshop FB-115 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Augmentation of Base Victualling Yard
25 Base Victualling Yard FB-122 New Composite -
26 Future CMS FB-129
27 Future FSS FB-130
28 Parking Areas FB-202 New -
Augmentation of Material Organisation (MO)
29 Store Building 1 & 2 FB-131 New Composite -
30 Store Building 3 & 4 FB-133 New Composite -
31 Store Building 5 FB-135 New Composite -
32 Store Building 6 (R&D) FB-136 New Composite -
33 Store Building (1 &2) at Site -C FB-137 New Composite -
34 Material Organisation AC store FB-139 New Composite -
Covered CTS Workshops, Office
35 FB-141 New Composite -
& Survey Yard building
36 Hard Stand FB-142 New -
37 Existing MO Admin Office - Augmentation FB-022 New RCC 2 Hrs.
38 Security Office 1 (at gate) FB-144 New RCC 2 Hrs.
39 Weigh Bridge (30 T) FB-145
40 Augmentation of Existing Canteen FB-021 Augmented RCC 2 Hrs.
Augmentation of Weapon Equipment Depot (WED)
41 Covered Survey Yard - WED FB-147 New Composite -
42 WED Complex-Heavy, Non-AC & AC Store FB-148 New Composite -
Augmentation of Command Transport Pool (CTP)

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
43 Parking Facilities FB-209 New -
44 Fuel Dispensing Area FB-169
45 Augmentation to CTP Lunch Hall FB-033 Augmented RCC 2 Hrs.
Augmentation of Command Naval Transport Workshop (CNTW)
46 CNTW Admin Building FB-170 Augmented RCC 2 Hrs.
47 Vehicle Maintenance Zone & CNTW FB-171 Augmented Composite -
Base Logistics Complex
Base Logistics Complex (BLOGO, BVY,
Station Clothing Centre)
FB-172 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Naval Meteorological Office
49 Surface Observatory (Open Area) FB-153 New -
COMCEN (FOK Building)
Naval Met office and Augmentation of
FB-152 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Augmentation of INS Kadamba/ Depot Ship Building
51 Augmentation Depot Ship Establishment FB-019 Augmented RCC 2 Hrs.
Naval Receiving Station
Naval Receiving Station Admin & Technical
Building & Dining Hall
FB-155 New RCC 2 Hrs.
53 Antenna Farm-Site Development FB-156 New -

Naval Transmitting Station

Naval Transmitting Station Admin &
Technical Building
FB-158 New RCC 2 Hrs.
55 Antenna Farm FB-159 New -
Clearance Diving Team Complex
56 CDTC Admin/Tech Office FB-160 New RCC 2 Hrs.
57 Explosive Disposal Dog Kennel FB-161 New RCC 2 Hrs.
58 Battle obstacle course FB-162
59 Diving Tank (2,000 L capacity) FB-163 New -
60 Parking FB-208 New -
Waterman ship Training Facility
61 WTF Admin Building FB-164 New RCC 2 Hrs.
62 Workshops/stores FB-165 New Composite -
63 Hard stand FB-166 New -
64 Boat launching/retrieval facility FB-167 New -
Naval Analysis Unit
65 Naval Analysis Unit FB-154 New RCC 2 Hrs.
Note: This list will be updated after the finalisation of the building layout and type of structure. 
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 


No. (UDL) KN/ M2
a Hotels, hostels, boarding houses, lodging houses,
dormitories, residential clubs
1 Living rooms, bed rooms and dormitories 2.0
2 Kitchens and laundries 3.0
3 Billiards room and public lounges 3.0
4 Store rooms 5.0
5 Dining rooms, cafeterias and
6 Office rooms 2.5
7 Rooms for indoor games 3.0
8 Baths and toilets 3.0
9 Corridors, passages, staircases including fire
escapes, lobbies - as per the floor serviced 3.0
(excluding stores and the like) but not less than
10 Balconies Same as rooms to which they give
access but with a minimum of 4.0

b Boiler rooms and plant rooms – to be calculated

but not less than
c Garages
1 Garage floors ( including parking area and repair
workshops) for passenger cars and vehicles not
exceeding 2’5 tonnes gross weight, including 2.5
access ways and ramps - to be calculated but not
less than
2 Garage floors for vehicles not exceeding 4.0
tonnes gross weight (including access ways and 5.0
ramps) -to be calculated but not less than

a Class rooms and lecture rooms (not used for
assembly purposes )
b Dining rooms, cafeterias and restaurants 3.0
c Offices, lounges and staff rooms 2.5
d Dormitories 2.0
e Projection rooms 5.0
f Kitchens 3.0
g Toilets and bathrooms 2.0
h Store rooms 5.0
i Libraries and archives:
1) Stack room/stack area 6.0 KN/ m2 for a minimum height of 2.2
m + 2.0 KN/ m2 per meter height
beyond 2.2 m
2) Reading rooms ( without separate storage ) 4.0
3) Reading rooms ( with separate storage 3.0
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
j Boiler rooms and plant rooms – to be calculated
but not less than
k Corridors, passages, lobbies, staircases including
fire escapes - as per the floor serviced ( without
for storage and projection rooms ) but not less than
l Balconies Same as rooms to which they give
access but with a minimum of 4.0

a Bed rooms, wards, dressing 2.0
b Kitchens, laundries and laboratories 3.0
c Dining rooms, cafeterias and restaurants 3.0
d Toilets and bathrooms 2.0
e X-ray rooms, operating rooms, general storage
areas -to be calculated but not less than
f Office rooms and OPD rooms 2.5
g Corridors, passages, lobbies and staircases
including fire escapes - as per the floor serviced 4.0
but not less than
h Boiler rooms and plant rooms – to be calculated
but not less than
i Balconies Same as the rooms to which they give
access but with a minimum of 4.0

a Assembly areas:
1) with fixed seats 4.0
2) without fixed seats 5.0
b Restaurants ( subject to assembly), museums and
art galleries and gymnasia
c Projection rooms 5.0
d Stages 5.0
e Office rooms, kitchens and laundries 3.0
f Dressing rooms 2.0
g Lounges and billiards rooms 2.0
h Toilets and bathrooms 2.0
i Corridors, passages, staircases
including fire escapes
j Balconies Same as rooms to which they give
access but with a minimum of 4.0
k Boiler rooms and plant rooms including weight of
l Corridors, passages subject to loads greater than
from crowds, such as wheeled vehicles, trolleys
and the like Corridors, staircases and passages in


a Rooms for general use with separate
b Rooms without separate storage 4.0
Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 
c Banking halls 3.0
d Business computing machine rooms (with fixed
computers or similar equipment)
e Records/files store rooms and storage space 5.0
f Vaults and strong room - to be calculated but not
less than
g Cafeterias and dining rooms 3.0
h Kitchens 3.0
i Corridors, passages, lobbies and staircases
including fire escapes – as per the floor serviced 4.0
(excluding stores) but not less than
j Bath and toilet rooms 2.0
k Balconies Same as rooms to which they give
access but with a minimum of 4.0
l Stationary stores 4.0 for each metre of storage height
m Boiler rooms and plant rooms – to be calculated
but not less than

a Work areas without machinery/ equipment 2.5
b Work areas with machinery/equipment
1) Light duty 5.0
2) Medium duty 7.0
3) Heavy duty 10.0
c Boiler rooms and plant rooms - to
be calculated but not less than
d Cafeterias and dining rooms 3.0
e Corridors, passages and staircases including fire
f Corridors, passages, staircases subject to machine
loads, wheeled vehicles - lo be calculated but not 5.0
less than
g Kitchens 3.0
h Toilets and bathrooms 2.0

a Storage rooms ( other than cold storage )
2.4 KN/ M2 per each metre of storage
warehouses - to be calculated based on the bulk
height with a minimum of 7.5 KN/ M2
density of materials stored but not less than
b Cold storage -- to be calculated but not less than 5.0 KN/ M2 per each metre of storage
height with a minimum of 15 KN/ M2
c Corridors, passages and staircases including fire
escapes -- as per the floor serviced but not less 4.0
d Corridors, passages subject to loads greater than
from crowds, such as wheeled vehicles, trolleys 5.0
and the like
e Boiler rooms and plant rooms 7.5
CONSTRUCTION LOADS (CL) - Loads on the structure during construction e.g. temporary storage of
materials on slab is considered under this category. Currently no heavier loads than mentioned in the tables
above are taken into account. All relevant (additional) loads during construction to be considered and
engineered by the Contractor.

Project Seabird Phase IIA 
  Design Narrative for Civil & Structural Works 


No.  (UDL)
KN/ M2
a Flat, sloping or curved roof with slopes up to and
including 10 degrees
1 Access provided 1.50
2 Access not provided except for maintenance 0.75
b Sloping roof with slope greater than 10 degrees For roof membrane sheets or purlins-
0.75 kN/m2 less 0.02 kN/m2 for every
degree increase in slope over 10
c Curved roof with slope of line obtained by joining 0.75 - 0.52 y2 ) kN/m2
springing point to the crown with the horizontal, Where
greater than 10 degrees y=h/l
h = the height of the highest point of the
structure measured from its springing;
I = chord width of the roof singly curved
and shorter of the two sides if doubly

- Water accumulation should be prevented at all times which means sufficient emergency overflows will be
- Some roofs are nominated for future expansion. In that case, a reference will be made to the relevant floor
type and loading. Further development in 60% Design Stage.
- Some roofs are nominated for PV/Solar panels. Further development in 60% Design Stage.


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