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1. Tell me about yourself !

Ok thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to come to this interview, I am so happy
to be here. So, my name is Arif Abdul Rohman. I am a graduate from Bandung Institute of
Technology with Major Mechanical Engineering. In my collage I learnt a lot of stuffs like
Mechanical Design, Mechanical Maintenance, and Energy Conversion. I also have an
internship experience in Mechanical Maintenance Division of a Power Plant. After I graduate
from ITB untill now, I prepared myself with skills that may be useful for me in the future
work, like participated in excel training, learn chinese and aslo english too. And now, I am
ready for a new challenge.
2. What Do you know about Merdeka Copper Gold
PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (Merdeka) is a holding company with operating subsidiaries
engaging in mining business activities, including the exploration and future production of
gold, silver, copper and other related minerals, and mining services. And Now, MCG is
owned by Public about a half which is 49,68% (for IDX Shares)

MCG has 5 company values, Greatness, which are Growth (For the past 10 years, MCG is fast
growing. Even in pandemic situation, merdeka was still growing), Respect, Accountability,
Excellence, and Safety (there is not ever fatality accident in MCG until now, so safety)

Merdeka Assets :
 Operation stage : Tujuh bukit gold, Wetar Copper
 Project stage : Tujuh Bukit Copper, Pani Gold, Wetar/morowali Acid Iron Metal
 Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves
 Why this job? Why not other?
There are 2 reason :
First. As my explanation, After I graduate from university, I prepared myself with skills. Lately
I've been quite fascinated with Mechanical engineering stuffs and Management Trainee
Programe, which is brought me to find this job opening here at your company. That's my
reason before I participated in MYTP zoom conference, but After Mr Deni explain all about
MYTP my interest is more now because it is beyond my expectation. Which is not only
focusing in specific job,
Second reason is to apply my knowledge and ability. I have learnt much either in College or
from external source like youtube, website, and lot more.
And I think it will be so interesting to apply my knowledge and ability in this company
4. What mechanical engineering do in Mining field? What's equipment?
Generally mechanical engineering used to be placed in Maintenance Department and energy
conversion(like process engineering). But sometimes, if he capable for example had taken
MYTP program. As Mr Deni said, he can be a leader in other division. (like Pa Ichsan is from
Industrial Engineering but now, he is in GM position of HR)
 Mechanical equipment needs
 In Morowali, there will be a Plant that process Wetar's Merdeka to reproduce a
beneficial waste acid(work together with China company Tsingtsan). In that process,
it will need a steam. So there must be a boiler to generate steam. That's mechanical
engineering-Energy conversion.

Loader , Hauler, Support

Scraper : membersihkan/menghilangkan kotoran, kerikil.
Wheel Loader : memindahkan hasil tambang menuju lokasi lain (dump truck, belt cnvyr,
feed hopper)
Ekskavator : tenaga diesel untuk menggali tanah/membuat lubang dan parit
Belt conveyor :
Dump truck : memindahkan material tambang yg jumlahnya sudah banyak
Bucket wheel excavator : menggali
Roller : (stum) meratakan jalan
BullDozer : menyeret material agar berpindah
motorGrader : meratakan tanah
 What Do you know about MYTP?
 MYTP is 2 years development program that focus on preparing graduate to
assume job responsibilities within MCG and subsidiaries.
 Also prepare the candidates to be a leader (minimum prepared to be
Superintendent position). There are 3 objectives of this program
 Has development struture adopts 70-20-10 (
70% experiential learning, 20% social learning, dan 10% formal learning)

6. The lowest level that I have through?how to handle it?
Everyone must have been in the lowest position in their life, including me. After I graduated
from high school, I had a great desire to become an ITB student. I took the college entrance
test without proper preparation. and you guessed the result, I didn't pass. it really made me
depressed and frustrated because if I didn't pass at that time, I had to wait 1 year later for
the retest.
How I handle it? About 1 week I was in a slump then I decided to get back up. I started to
analyze what made me not pass and I found that my English score was bad, very bad. then I
made a study program to prepare for the following year, specifically for English I took several
lessons and even took lessons to Pare Kediri.
Then, I passed ITB and now I am just graduate from there.
7. he highest level that I have through?why?
The highest level in my life is when I'am still student of ITB (in offline mode, you know that
last 2 years all academic activities are online). OK lets back, the highest level of me in my life
is when I can manage all organizaional activities and my daily life over my academic. I did it
because I used to make a daily scheddule for what I did. When I was in that level, you know
life is so easy. There is no stress, no pressure. And I could do everything I want without any
8. Have you ever involved in any project?
Yes, I have. It was in the sixth semester at my university. I had been assigned by my lecturer
to build a product with my team, actually the team consist of 4 people from 3 major. 2 of us
are from mechanical, one from mechatronic, and the other from industrial engineering. In
that project I was a team leader at that time based on our discussion. So, I am responsible
for the success of this group task. I started to make a plan, like determining of the
background, choosing what product we will make, why we made it, how to make the
product, and also make task division for each group member. I handle it. Moreover, I also
responsible to calculate maximum capacity of feeder (our product were automatic screw
feeder), power needed to operate feeder, and also assemble i
9. Strong point of you? (40)
My strong points are :
 I am eager to learn everything related to engineering
 I am a fast learner, maybe because of my first strong point
 I have a good managerial skill, strategic planning, and problem solve either
individually or as a team
 Never give up until situation force me to stop (Deadline, my body is no longer
possible [sick])
 Biggest Weakness? (40)
 I am easy to trust the other
 I am easy to say something to anybody (sometimes it's good, but
sometimes is bad when I say something bothering anybody, I can be
avoided by anyone just know me.
Have you ever disagreed with decision in the palce, what did you do?
Ok actually, I am kindda open minded person
Firstly, I will try to ask the positive of the decision, why the decision is made. Then, will list all
of the positive sides in that decision, and negative sides. Then I do the analysis of the
positive and negative sides of the decision. After that I compare them, if the negative side is
dominant, I will suggest to review the decision. Otherwise, if the positive side is dominant, I
think I will agree with the decision at the end without any complain. You know all of
decisions have their own risk. So, we have to choose the decision that give us a minimum
11. What do you do outside work?
As my explanation in the beginning, after I graduate from my university, I prepared myself
for work by joining some trainings (excel training, performance training, learn chinese and
english). Everything that may be useful for me. But I have a nonproductive activities too, like
every Sunday morning, I used to go fishing.
Maintenance is activities targetted to reduce equipment downtime and to maintain all the
equipment stay in good performance based on company desire.
Thank you for having me to this interview or presentation. I am so happy to be here and I
really appreciate it. Thank you.
So my name is Arif Abdul Rohman and I am a fresh graduate from Mechanical engineering
Here I wanna present 2 cases that I have chosen which are number 1 (Lighting Tower Case)
and number 2 (Preventive Maintenance)
So for case number 1, Lighting tower often die due to many factor such as out of fuel,
engine broke, lamps die, and so on. So, to overcome this problem, I tried to make some
analysis using RCA method. There are 2 kind of method we can use actually, fish bone and
Why reality charting. Here I use Why reality charting to find what is the cause of the lighting
tower problem.
For example, the light die due to out of gas/fuel. So we can develop "Why" this situation
happen, here I list 2 causes of fuel empty, no fuel reserve and leaking fuel tank. This analysis
is continuing until we find out the root cause of the problem, so that we can choose the
solution of each problem that we can apply.
For more practice, we can categorize the problem or solution to be 3 categories. Light
problem, moderate, and severe. For the light problem, we can use or apply Self-autonomous
maintenance which means, the operator have to be able to overcome some little problem.
Then, for moderate problem, I suggest there must be standby technician to overcome some
problem that cant be handle by operator.
Then here, about case number 2.
In case num 2, I have to make a preventive maintenance flowchart based on my experience.
So this is my flowchart in the left picture.

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