Aminath Maana Ibrahim Shakeeb (S070008) Nazma Ahmed (S072044)

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Aminath Maana Ibrahim Shakeeb (S070008)

Nazma Ahmed (S072044)

Identify the types of
difficult people reasons
for their behavior

Learn strategies to deal

with these behaviours
Difficult People
A challenging person is one who
frequently lacks empathy, compassion,
or care for others (Kristension, 2021).

A trait shared by difficult people. They

frequently treat people rudely and
aggressively (Gray, 2022).

People that are difficult frequently harbor a deep mistrust of

others. They have a lot of unjustified suspicions and unrealistic
beliefs about other people.
Types Of Difficult People
The Pessimist

"It'll never work "

Believe that everything will
fail (Wisner, 2019).
Their motto is "This won't

Goal: Proceed to problem-

Types Of Difficult People
The Clam

Their behaviour is silent and unresponsive

Goal: Encourage the person to talk

Types Of Difficult People
The Complainer

Their behavior is self-validating

Feels powerless
Identifies the issues but fails to
offer any solutions

Goal: create an alliance for

Types Of Difficult People
The Indecisive

Remit the decision making

until it's too late (Hire
Success, 2022).
Doesn't like confrontations

Goal: Helping to think

Types Of Difficult People

The know-It-All

One who is confident they

are more knowledgeable
than you.
Feel like your ideas are

Goal: Open to new ideas

Strategies To Deal With Difficult People
Change your attitudes and
behaviors so you can change
your relationship with the
difficult person.
Pay close attention
Be flexible
Know what you want
Communication skills
Listen Actively
Use "I"statements
Be confident, firm and persistant
Action Plan
Assess the situation
What kind of conduct is it, who exhibits
it, and how frequently?
What do you think the cause is?
Is it too much of a reaction?
Was there one particular trigger?
Will having an honest conversation be
Action Plan
2. Do not wish that "they" were different.
Deal with the situation
Blaming is not helpful

3. Put some distance between you and the

Pointing out the behavior in a good
way can be understanding
Action Plan
4. Make a strategy for halting the
Interaction that is either negative or
Modify your actions to disrupt the

5. Execute your plan

Timing and preparation are important
Action Plan
6. Asses and Modify
Try something else
if it's not working
Walk away
“Always remember that you
can explain things for
people, but you can't
comphrend for them.”

-Shannon L. Alder
Activity Time
Role playing
It is crucial to identify the strategies and
the methods to deal with difficult people
as they are different parts of our
community that should be given

By using the strategies and action plan it

will be easier to deal with difficult

We cannot change their attitude but we

can help them to improve it.

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