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NAME: ___________________________________ RATING: ______________________

YEAR AND SECTION: ________________________ DATE PERFORMED: _____________

GROUP NO.: ______________________________ DATE FINISHED: ________________
TEACHER: ________________________________ ACTIVITY No.: __________________

MATERIALS: 1.5 V dry cell, switch, 1 cell holder, 1 2.2 V light bulb, 1 light bulb holder, 3
connecting wires with alligator clips.



1. Close the switch observe what happens to the light.

2. Open the switch, what do you observe?
3. Close the switch but loosen or disconnect the bulb. What happens?
4. Put back the bulb. Disconnect the dry cell. What do you observe?


1. What happened to the light bulb when the circuit is closed? Why is this so?
2. How do you explain what you observed when you open the switch?
3. In your own words, describe the electric circuit and discuss the role of the bulb.

GENERALIZATION: (State your answer at the back of this page.)

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